ZMZ 505 engine specifications. Review of ZMZ engines: technical characteristics, pros and cons. ZMZ engine series

The ZMZ engine is one of the most demanded domestic engineering products used in many old and new types of automotive equipment, both diesel and gasoline powered.

The enterprise of the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant began to function in the first half of the 20th century, but at the end of the 1950s it became clear that the motors produced by the plant did not meet the modern requirements of wheeled and tracked vehicles.

Therefore, the company's management decided to develop a new project of motors for the automotive industry. The new motor of OJSC ZMZ, which appeared in 1959, was a real breakthrough in mechanical engineering, since for the first time in the world it used the technology of V-shaped cylinders.

Motors of a similar structure in the west began to be widely used after only 10 years. This engine at that time had solid characteristics, such as 195 horsepower and a 3-speed automatic transmission, as well as the ability to use both diesel and gasoline fuels.

Therefore, the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant can be considered the founder of modern ZMZ v8 engines, an overview of the new models of which is given below.

513 series ZMZ engines

One of the most popular engines in conditions with increased cross-country vehicle requirements is the ZMZ 513 model.

This ZMZ engine is installed on cars, 66, 3307. It is intended for automotive vehicles with an average load capacity. This motor model is nothing more than a deep modernization of the Zavolzhsky plant.

The main design feature is the use of a non-tuned single-stage intake manifold. Subsequently, this became not the best engineering solution, since such a design led to flow pulsations that had a bad effect on the mixture formation process.

Another innovation was the presence of a special-shaped pallet. The shielding of the new ZMZ 513 was carried out using electrical equipment. Thanks to such changes, this type of engine has become well suited for equipment operating in difficult operating conditions.

Basically, the ZMZ engine was installed on military vehicles, agricultural equipment and equipment carrying cargo.

The 513 runs on gasoline and has V-shaped cylinders that are angled at 90 degrees.

Main technical characteristics:

This ZMZ engine is one of the last mass-produced in the Soviet Union. Despite its shortcomings, it is still widely used in many types of agricultural and industrial machinery.

505 engine series

ZMZ 505 is one of the most common engines in the post-Soviet space.

The main feature of this motor was that it was developed and released during the transition of the enterprise to the production of 14 series of engines with the more outdated 13. Therefore, in its structure, it is more like a symbiosis of these two generations.

In addition to the original ZMZ 505, some of its modifications were put into operation.

The modified versions were closer to the 14th generation of the products of the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant, which significantly affected their characteristics. But the usual ZMZ 505 had only 195 horsepower, which attributed it to older solutions.

The differences of the 505 model include:

  1. The absence of a hydraulic compensator used in the drive of the valve lifters.
  2. It is also necessary to mention the different location of the oil filter, which entailed some structural changes.

This ZMZ engine had a pallet made of iron. One carburetor was installed in it, model K-114, and having an intake manifold.

There are also engines using the ZMZ diesel. Some Gaz-14s have twin carburetor options, but they are quite rare.

ZMZ 505 is mainly used on gas-2434, 31013 and 31012 machines.
Since different modifications of this motor had a number of features, their characteristics can vary significantly. While the regular 505 had a maximum output of 195 horsepower, its improved versions, which differ in decimal values ​​after the model number, could have from 200 to 235 horsepower.

One of the advantages of the model is considered to be relatively low fuel consumption, equal to 210 g / hph, which is why this engine can be considered one of the best made back in Soviet times.

Detailed specifications:

523 engine series

The ZMZ model 523 engine developed by the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant became one of the mass-produced engines after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

It was mainly used in civil and industrial vehicles, for small-sized cargo transportation and in some types of industrial equipment.

It can also often be found in PAZ buses, which are still widely used to transport passengers over short distances.

This ZMZ 523 engine is an improved model. The main difference is the increase in volume in the cylinders. This improvement was made possible thanks to the installation of a crankshaft with an increased piston stroke of 8 mm.

Thanks to some design changes, this mechanism has become cheaper compared to its predecessors. In addition, ZMZ 523 has a minimum of requirements for its use, is easy to manufacture and easy to maintain, which allows you to avoid frequent trips to the car repair shop.

Despite all the positive aspects of the ZMZ 523, according to its principle of operation, it is already obsolete.

The main disadvantages include:

  1. high fuel consumption, relatively low power;
  2. little torque.

Such characteristics in our time are considered unsatisfactory, and also have a high rate of environmental pollution, which does not allow this equipment to meet at least the minimum environmental standards generally accepted throughout the world. Therefore, this motor has long been abandoned and it can be purchased exclusively in used form.

41 engine series

ZMZ 41 was used mainly for installation in military equipment, as well as in GAZ-66 cars. The main characteristics include a maximum power of 140 horsepower, as well as a cylinder capacity of 5.53 liters. This is one of the ZMZ V8s, mass-produced during the Soviet era.

The design has a V-shaped arrangement, there is a ZMZ gasoline and diesel engine, a carburetor with an overhead valve arrangement is installed. The electrical part of this modification is protected by reliable shielding.

Due to its design, this model performs well in areas with poor traffic, which is why it was often used on military vehicles with heavy armor.

But despite the rather large age, this ZMZ engine shows low values ​​\u200b\u200bin terms of fuel consumption, which significantly saves fuel compared to older modifications. ZMZ 41 has pre-installed cylinder heads, as well as highly turbulent type combustion chambers and channels with a screw intake mechanism.

Detailed characteristics of ZMZ 41:

Description of other ZMZ engines can be found in the following articles:

ZMZ V8 nowadays have a more modern camshaft solution, which made it possible to reduce the mass of timing parts, which significantly reduced the maximum possible speed in the mechanism, and also allow the use of both gasoline and diesel ZMZ engines.

During the 70 years of production of machinery, the ZMZ diesel engine and gasoline versions of many engines were manufactured at the factory.

The main advantages that ZMZ engines had were the following indicators:

  1. Ease of maintenance and repair, clear arrangement of all elements;
  2. The ZMZ engine can withstand heavy loads and at the same time ensure reliability. Most of the analogues in the structure of this engine had significantly worse reliability indicators, often overheated when loads were increased above the nominal, which could not be said about the products of the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant;
  3. Another advantage that the ZMZ engine has is the possibility of overhaul in the field. You can also repair the motor in almost any workshop, the main thing is to adhere to the standards set by the manufacturer.

All these advantages distinguish the ZMZ engine from other engines of our time. Despite not the highest speed or power, the engine of the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant is still considered the most reliable option for most automotive vehicles.

GAZ itself designed and produced engines of the pre-war period. These are heavy, low-speed, lower-valve GAZ-11, -20, -71, etc. After the war, a decision was made to build a specialized engine plant in the city of Zavolzhye in order to develop engines of new designs and increase their production volumes. Hence, all the movements on aluminum blocks Zavolzhsky (ZMZ) created jointly with GAZ. The V8 configuration makes it possible to spin the motor more in terms of speed than V6 and I6 of equal volume due to the smaller mass of the connecting rod and piston group, the inertia forces of reciprocating moving parts are reduced with greater crankshaft rigidity + compact design. All ZMZ V8 engines (4.25-4.68 and 5.53l), according to the American conditional size classification, belong to small-block and have a common design with them. It is possible that the Ford Y-block was taken as the basis for the ZMZ - the first OHV Cleveland V8 overhead valves produced since 54g in Cleveland, Ohio, which replaced the lower SV Flathead V8. The era of which immediately ended, because the upper valves of the Y-block greatly increased the filling of the cylinders with an equal geometric volume. However, since many V8s of the American school at that time were structurally similar to each other, these are more likely guesses and rumors, because now it is already difficult to find out objective information about this - there seems to be no official confirmation ... Yes, this is not necessary, because then the era of overhead valve V8s only began for America in PM, and for FoMoCo in particular, and for all others ... and ZMZ did not lag behind it, and this is the main thing! It is also important that, having released their OHV V8, the ZMZ designers, if they lagged behind America, are insignificant, both in time (59g) and in terms of characteristics, but in terms of design they turned out to be innovators in some way - the aluminum ZMZ block gave very high performance specific gravity of the internal combustion engine to power (1.23 kg / hp)! And since the birth of ZMZ-13, many new OHV (OverHead Valve) V8 models have appeared in the USA, and SV (Side-Valve) are becoming a thing of the past ... So, the history of the family of a rare Soviet engine in its success - powerful, light, hardy, on-road and economical… 1. The long history of the FAMILY of gas V8s (the same as on the famous GAZ-66 ...) begins with the ZMZ-13 - 195 strong 5.53 liter V8 (3.1416 * (50 * 50) * 88 / 1000 * 8cyl \u003d 5529.216ss ), which was designed for the GAZ-13 CHAYKA (59-81) at the end of the 50s and launched into the 59 series with a 4-chamber 113m carb. This design of the Zavolzhsky plant, with the participation of GAZ specialists, became progressive for the entire global automotive industry of those years of its so-called. "fully" aluminum construction - and the cylinder block, and heads, and pistons, and the intake manifold are made of aluminum alloy. The rarest technical solution for that time - even in America, the first aluminum eights appeared a little later, in the early 60s. After the release of 2 thousand motors (No. 2000), modernization was carried out: - a more rigid block; - other knee - carb K-114 (also 4-chamber) replaced K-113; - new fluid pump; - two-section oil pump with separate system; see; - exhaust toxicity has decreased and refueling with benzine with an octane rating of at least AI92 (AI95-98 is recommended) has previously been possible to pour leaded A-76. Soon, a derated 140-horsepower version of the 13th special-purpose engine for military vehicles (the most famous carrier of the BRDM-2), as well as GAZ dump trucks and other special equipment, appears soon. This upgraded version gets its own index 41. The engine weight is 270 kg, the main differences are: a reduced compression ratio from 8.5 to 6.7 for operation on low-octane fuels, cut-off of the "upper" thousand revolutions by a limiter and a crankcase for a full-fledged flywheel with a dry clutch instead of a torque converter machine, 2-chamber carb K-126M. note Subsequently, there are several options for catching up similar to the base 13th engine: ZMZ-23 for the Volga GAZ-23 (62-70g.v) ZMZ-2424 for the Volga GAZ-2424 (70-87g.v) and others similar ... And it's all episode 13. ZMZ-13 5529.2cc(100x88) SZh-8.5K-114(formerly K-113) 195hp/4400rpm 412Nm/2000-2500rpm ZMZ-41 5529.2cc(100x88) SZh-6.7K-126M 140hp/ 3400rpm 353Nm/2000-2500rpm 2. In order to mass-produce and reduce operating costs, fuel costs in the early 60s, based on the 13th series, ZMZ creates versions with a reduced displacement and power up to 4.25l (3.1416 * (46 * 46) * 80 / 1000 * 8cyl \u003d 4254.5 ss) and 115 hp, respectively. So the 53-series was born, which will immediately be merged with the 66th: ZMZ-53a, 53-11, 53-12, 66-00, 672-11, etc. ... The first such motor of the ZMZ 53-66 series was released in 64g. And they immediately begin to complete the GAZ-66 PP trucks, the first of which rolls off the assembly line in July 64, and also transfer the recently launched 53 model to these engines. Unlike the 13-series, the piston diameter has been reduced from 100 to 92mm, and its stroke from 88 to 80mm - which has led to a significant reduction in cylinder volume. In addition, the 53-series has 25mm piston pins, against the reinforced 28mm 13-series, and its original connecting rods (156mm). But despite the fact that the 13 and 53 series have different blocks, heads, CPGs, nevertheless, interchangeability and unification are quite high. In the mid-70s, the 53-series engine was upgraded for a pair installation (parallel operation) on the new BTR-70. This 120-horsepower special version receives the index 4905, has similar technical specifications and a weight of 272 kg. note 53-66-series are constantly upgraded during serial production up to a major upgrade that has become the 500-series. Say, in the 80s (for example, ZMZ-66-06 from 81-91gg), instead of a two-level manifold, a different intake system was used with a single-level manifold and heads with highly turbulent combustion chambers and screw intake channels - this increased the turbulence of the flow of the working mixture, which increased efficiency without significant loss of torque and power indicators. Due to the better mixing of the combustible mixture into the working one, it became possible to shift the detonation threshold on a fuel of a similar OC, achieving better fuel efficiency (ICE efficiency). The K-126 carb gave way to the K-135mu, and the compression ratio was raised by one, bringing the max power to 120 hp. becomes full-flow, the centrifuge leaves the inlet single-level manifold and a filter with a cartridge element appears. ZMZ-53a 4254.4ss(92x80) R/S-1.95 D/S-1.15 SZh-6.7 K-126B 115hp/3400rpm 284Nm/2000-2500rpm ZMZ-66-06 4254.4ss(92x80) R/S-1.95 D/S-1.15 SZh-7.6 K-135 120hp/3400rpm 294Nm/2000-2500rpm 3. Approximately at the time of the appearance of 4905 (mid-70s), the 13-series is being modernized in order to be installed on a new GAZ-14 car (77-89gg). Its engine of the 14-series ZMZ-14 remains basically the same, but with increased power up to 220 hp, reduced noise and vibration levels due to: - hydraulic valve clearance compensators; - knees with vibration damper; - another switchgear with changed phases; - new intake (for two 4-chamber K-114 carbs) and exhaust manifolds; - introduction of sys.pit. with two carbs; - electronic ignition system (with duplicate nodes); - simplified and - more modern full-flow with a single-section oil pump and a filter with a replaceable working element instead of a centrifuge. ZMZ-14 5529.2ss(100x88) SZh-8.5K-114(*2pcs) 220hp/4400rpm 451Nm/~2800rpm 4. After the restructuring, an updated 500-series appears, of which the 505th is allocated to a separate independent series, which is installed on the latest Volga catch-ups - for example, the Volga GAZ-2434 (87-93gg), GAZ-31013 (from-to 96gg). ZMZ-505 is a symbiosis of 13 and 14 series (moreover, in various designs and combinations) with minor modifications and innovations. For example, there were one and two carburetor versions of different capacities ... ZMZ-505, -503, -505.10 ... We can say that various variants of 505 are modifications of the 14th engine, and the -502nd derated version is like the 41st in the 13th series, and therefore the specifications of the 505x are close to them, and the single-carb 505 produced 195hp like the ZMZ-13. 5. The 500-series has survived to this day. Representatives of the ZMZ 500-series: 511 (513), 523 (5233, 5234) ... 511 - modernized 115-120 strong ZMZ-53a, 53-11 trucks GAZ-53, 3307; 513 - modernized 115-120 strong ZMZ-66-06 truck GAZ-66. Their differences are the first so-called "civilian" version, and the second "military" one for working in more difficult conditions, the engine used by the military, tested by the time of extreme operation, as well as for transporting goods in rural areas and in other difficult conditions. For example, 513 is a specially shaped pan for the drive axle, which helps prevent oil starvation on steep slopes, slopes, ascents and descents. Shielded execution of electrical equipment elements is possible. 523 - tn "pazovsky" version of increased power. For installation on GAZ-3307, 3308 (option ZMZ-5233.10) and for PAZs (ZMZ-5234.10), 511 and 513 differ in weight of 262 and 275 kg, respectively, the working characteristics of both are identical. 523 piston stroke increased by 8mm (92x88) due to the larger radius of the shaft crank, while the compression ratio was left the same by the designers (7.6). Consequently, the total displacement increased to 4.68l (3.1416 * (46 * 46) * 88 / 1000 * 8cyl \u003d 4679.928ss) and the power did not significantly increase at the same speed. Weight 265kg cargo 5233 and 257kg bus 5234. note Other special-purpose engines were also created ... For example, ZMZ-73 is a shielded motor for installation on GAZ tracked conveyors. Or ZMZ-53 series with a 4-chamber carb developing 160 forces from 4.25 liters ... ZMZ-511 4254.5 cc (92x80) R / S-1.95 D / S-1.15 SZh-7.6 K-135 125hp/3400rpm 294Nm/2000-2500rpm ZMZ-523 4679.9ss (92х88) R/S-1.773 D/S-1.045 СЖ-7.6 K-135 130hp/3400rpm 314Nm/2000-2500rpm Promising projects Early 80s ZMZ is changing the power supply system of a 5.53l engine to distributed injection and plans to start production of an injection engine in 82g. For that time, it was a very perfect unit with excellent weight -260 kg, strength: power - up to 250 hp, torque - up to 480 Nm and consumption - only 200 g / hp - h. The experimental ZMZ-504.10 turned out to be powerful, elastic, reliable, light and economical. Later, 4.68l injection engines were created and produced in a small series, which received the index 5232.10. But he didn’t go into the real series (((Until recently, ZMZ was engaged in the modernization of the 5.53 liter series, transferring it to distributed fuel injection in accordance with Euro-3 ... in the future, mass production of such an engine for installation by GAZ on PAZ buses. But it seems this design was now considered obsolete and work continued on a NEW generation V-8 running on gas fuel. It was continued, because this design was illuminated back in the 90s and was a kind of twin 405x in one V-shaped block crankcase. The goal is to compete with diesel for PAZ buses ... ZMZ already has experience in creating gas-fueled V8s: when ZMZ-53-18 (GAZ-53-07) at SZh = 8.5 (equivalent to AI-92) had a peak power of 120 hp. Whereas the first gasoline ZMZ-53 SG = 6.7 on the A-76 gave out 115hp at the same speed (with a rpm limiter). Given the octane number of liquid gas = 105, a huge unused efficiency potential remained ... But it looks like it will be a completely different story ... a completely different engine ...

Trucks "GAZ-ZZ07" were created on the basis of "GA3-5Z" and adopted from this model many technical solutions, components and assemblies. Including engines, because the 3M3-511 engine is a modernized 3M3-5Z, a typical “cargo” power unit of that era, when medium-duty trucks still, for the most part, drove on gasoline.

The first serial engines of the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant of the 500th series appeared in the late 80s. Motors "3M3-511", for trucks of the GAZ-ZZ07 family, were developed on the basis of "3M3-5Z", and "3M3-51Z", for all-wheel drive trucks "GA3-66" and buses "PAZ", - on the basis of "3M3-66". The 511th and 513th engines, they have a fundamentally identical design and very similar technical characteristics.

"3M3-511" is a gasoline carbureted eight-cylinder V-shaped engine with cylinders installed at an angle of 90 degrees and overhead valves. The working volume of the power unit is 4.254 liters. Its power is 125 horsepower, or 92 kW (at 3.4 thousand rpm). The compression ratio is 7.6. According to modern classification, this motor has an environmental class "Euro-0".

The 3M3-51Z engine has the same characteristics, but it has a reinforced design for operation in more difficult conditions. The differences between the 3M3-51Z engines and the 3M3-511 engines are in a different configuration of the oil pan, as well as in the presence of shielding of the ignition system. The mass of the 3M3-511 motor is 262 kg, the 513th motor is 275 kilograms. Both of these power units are equipped with a clutch housing for the same unified GAZ gearbox.

The 3M3-511 (-51Z) engine runs on A-76 low-octane gasoline (A-80 marking is currently in use). These engines are suitable for their adaptation to work on gas, when installing a set of gas-balloon equipment.

In the 511th (and 51Zth too) engines, in the 3M3-511.10 modification, the following technical changes were implemented:

  • installed cylinder heads with highly turbulent combustion chambers and screw intake channels;
  • an exhaust gas recirculation system was used to reduce harmful emissions into the atmospheric air;
  • the phases and arrangement of the camshaft cams were changed;
  • the clutch disc has been reinforced;
  • the upper compression piston rings began to be made from a more durable and high-quality cast iron of a different brand.

"3M3-511": creativity of craftsmen

Due to its inexpensive price, simple design and good potential for forcing, enthusiastic motorists-Kulibins often took it as a basis for revision and installation on Volga cars, old passenger cars and off-road foreign cars, boats and other vehicles.

With the help of a complete regrinding of the engine, the use of lightweight pistons and a crankshaft, as well as the installation of a turbine on it, enthusiast minders raise the speed of the 3M3-511, increase its power to a level of 200 horsepower. Practice has demonstrated the success of home-grown attempts to install injectors on the 3M3-511, with the transformation of this typical carburetor engine into an injection one. This solution allows you to optimize fuel consumption, improve engine performance at low speeds.

Structurally, the power unit of this brand is arranged quite simply, which has a positive effect on its reliability and durability. The basis of the 3M3-511 engine is an aluminum alloy block, on which two cylinder heads are installed with a camber angle of 90 degrees. At the base of this V, formed by two cylinder heads, there is one camshaft. The force from its cams to the valves, which are installed at the top of the heads, is transmitted through the rods.

Between the heads there is an inlet gas pipeline (manifold), on which a carburetor, an oil filter and several auxiliary components are mounted (in particular, a crankcase ventilation system, an exhaust gas recirculation system). Exhaust manifolds are installed on the outside of the heads.

A distributor is located on top of the power unit, which has a common drive from the camshaft with the oil pump. An oil pump is mounted on the back of the 3M3-511 engine (two-section - on engines until 2005, one-section - in the later years of production). On the front of the motor is a water pump, which is integrated with a fan, as well as a generator. The pump and generator are driven by a V-belt drive from the crankshaft. The camshaft is driven by a gear from the crankshaft.

The block is cast from the 3M3-511 engine, it is cast from the AL-4 aluminum alloy, has undergone special processing and is covered with resin, which ensures its tightness. This block has three stiffening ribs in which the crankshaft bed is equipped (main bearings (inserts) are located here. Also, the liners are installed in the front and rear walls of the block. All 5 points of support of the crankshaft are covered with covers on 2 bolts. Additionally, in the rear at the end there is a stuffing box holder closed with a separate cover through gaskets.

A "water jacket" is made in the engine block, which encircles the cylinders. The cylinder liners themselves are of the “wet” type. They are made of special wear-resistant alloyed cast iron, and their lower part (where the shoulder is located) is inserted into the block. The height of the sleeves is 153 mm. Landing diameter - 100 mm. Sealing is provided by the use of a copper gasket. Such a design solution makes it easy to change the sleeves and ensure efficient heat removal from them.

On engines "3M3-511" there are sleeves with lower fixation. From above they are pressed with a head, and from below they are sealed with copper rings. To strengthen the rigidity of the block, its lower part is located 75 mm below the axis of the crankshaft.

At the rear, the clutch housing is connected to the cylinder block. Moreover, the mating surfaces of these parts are processed individually, and therefore the installation of the crankcase from another block is impossible without special modification. Mounting the clutch housing and heads on the block is carried out with studs. The oil pan is also mounted using studs of a smaller diameter. They are screwed into the lugs provided on the bottom of the block (on the flange).

Cylinder valve seats are plug-in, cast iron. Valve bushings - metal-ceramic. In the upper part of the heads there are valve springs and rocker arms, on top of the cylinder heads are closed with covers.
There are 2 main types of blocks "3M3-511" - until 2005 of release - for the installation of a two-section oil pump; and after, in the last years of production - for the installation of a single-section oil pump. In terms of design features and characteristics, these cylinder blocks are identical. The difference is only in the configuration of the place for installing the oil pump.

The weight of the cylinder block is 44 kg. Cylinder diameter - 92 mm. Intercylinder distance (distance between the axes of adjacent cylinders of the block) - 123 mm. The bore diameter of the crankshaft bearings (under the main liners) is 67 mm.

The crankshaft on "3M3-511" is cast, with counterweights. It is made from high-strength cast iron "VCh-50", alloyed with magnesium, on motors of the 90s of production - with hardened necks, on later ones - without hardening them. The diameter of the main journals is 70 mm, the connecting rod journals are 60 mm. Oil seals are mounted in the front and rear of the crankshaft, while in front it is self-clamping rubber, and in the back it is based on an asbestos cord. In the rear part, a flywheel is attached to the shaft with four bolts, in the front part there is a camshaft drive gear (on a key), as well as a flange for the generator drive pulley and water pump.

The connecting rods made of steel are mounted on the shaft through liners (with special holes for oil leakage). The connecting rod caps are mounted with bolts, which are additionally fixed with sealant.

The pistons are cast, made of aluminum alloy. They are made in a simple flat bottom configuration. The standard piston diameter is 92 mm (there are also 5 repair sizes for bored liners). The compression height of the piston is 51 mm. Weight - 565 gr. The piston has 3 grooves for 2 compression rings and one oil scraper ring. The piston is installed on the connecting rod using a steel pin with a diameter of 25 mm. The piston pin has an outer diameter of 25 mm, an inner diameter of 16 mm. The outer surface of the new pistons is tin plated to optimize running-in.

Connecting rods on engines "3M3-511" ("-513") - forged, to reduce weight. Length - 156 mm. Upper head hole diameter – 25 mm. Weight - 860 gr.

Fuel system "ZMZ-511"

The fuel system is based on a 2-chamber K-135 carburetor (previously, K-126 carburetors were also used on 3M3-511 (-513) engines). The carburetor is installed at the top of the intake manifold. Each of the chambers of the carburetor supplies the fuel-air mixture to one of the two rows of cylinders. A gasoline fine filter is mounted close to the carburetor. A vacuum is removed from the carburetor for the operation of the distributor and the crankshaft speed limiter. Under the carburetor, in the intake gas pipeline, a vacuum outlet is also provided for the functioning of the crankcase ventilation system.

The lubrication system uses a single or 2-section gear oil pump mounted on a block. The pump is driven by a camshaft. Oil is taken from the sump by an oil receiver. Oil cleaning is carried out by a full-flow oil filter installed in front of the intake manifold, in front of the carburetor. Initially, a centrifugal filter was used here, and in the last years of the model's release, it was replaced by a filter with a replaceable filter element.

Oil is supplied to the engine components through internal channels, and to the filter, or from the filter - through metal tubes. An oil cooler can be installed on the engine. The 3M3-511 engines provide protection against "oil starvation" if the oil pump is jammed. In the event of a pump stop, the pin in its drive is cut off, and the entire motor also stops its operation.

At the heart of the gas distribution mechanism "3M3-511" is one camshaft, which is located at the base of the collapse of the business center. The camshaft drive is geared from the crankshaft, the gears are located on the front wall of the block and are covered with a cover. Rods are pulled from the camshaft to the heads, which provide the drive of the rocker arms and valves.

The supply of the gasoline-air mixture from the carburetor to the cylinders is carried out through individual channels in the intake gas pipeline. The gas pipeline itself is directly attached to the head with the help of studs, through gaskets. The gas pipeline has an elementary design, it is not tuned and leads to a pulsation in the flow of the fuel-air mixture. The reduction of this effect is achieved by the special shape of the combustion chambers and inlet channels of the cylinder head. Exhaust gases are removed by a common exhaust manifold for the cylinders of each row. The collector is also mounted with studs, through a gasket.

Ignition system

The basis of the 3M3-511 ignition system is a distributor (distributor) driven by a camshaft (common axle with an oil pump). Eight high-voltage wires depart from the distributor to the spark plugs located in the cylinder head. The distributor is located at the rear of the intake manifold, next to the carburetor.

  • Number and arrangement of cylinders: 8, V-shaped.
  • Working volume: 4.254 liters.
  • Bore: 92 mm, Stroke: 80 mm.
  • Compression ratio: 7.6.
  • Number of valves per cylinder: 2 (1 inlet; 1 outlet).
  • Cylinder firing order: 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8.
  • Rated engine power: 92 kW or 125 hp - at 3400 rpm.
  • Maximum torque: 294 N.m, or 30 kgf.m, at a speed of 2-2.5 thousand rpm.
  • Minimum specific fuel consumption: 286 g/kWh, or 210 g/l S.h.
  • Oil consumption for waste: 0.4% of gasoline consumption.

The cost of the 3M3-511 engine in 2018

Engines "3M3-511" Zavolzhsky Motor Plant has not been producing for a long time. However, due to their wide distribution in the past, you can find a used motor of this brand after a major overhaul, or removed from conservation storage. They ask for engines of this model from 90 to 170 thousand rubles. Spare parts are also offered for sale in a wide range.

He was the only supplier of engines for various cars of the GAZ plant. Based on the standard eight-cylinder engine from ZMZ-53, many different versions of engines were produced, differing in displacement, power and type of attachments. The photo shows a typical "eight" GAZ.

common data

The ZMZ-505 engine is a V-shaped eight-cylinder engine equipped with a carburetor fuel preparation and supply system. Initially, the motor was created for installation on cars of a large class manufactured by the GAZ plant. One of the most famous of these machines is the GAZ-14 Chaika. As part of the fight against privileges, the production of this car was stopped and all body equipment was destroyed. But the GAZ-14 engine remained in production and was supplied to equip small-scale Volga vehicles in a special configuration for the needs of the KGB.


In the early 90s, the plant upgraded the engine, which resulted in the appearance of a new designation - ZMZ-505. With a cylinder displacement of 5.53 liters, the power unit developed power up to 220 hp. forces. An increase in the compression ratio to 8.5 units contributed to the increase in the characteristics of the ZMZ-505 engine. But because of such a high compression, the engine needed high-octane gasoline of the Extra brand AI-95 (according to modern terminology - A-95) or AI-98.

Such an engine was produced for the latest versions of the GAZ-24-34 catch-ups (produced until the beginning of 1993). In the photo below you can see the ZMZ-505 engine under the hood of the Volga.

Design features

The engine has an overhead valve arrangement driven by a camshaft located in the collapse of the blocks. The profiles of the shaft cams had their own curvature, which contributed to an increase in the power of the ZMZ-505. There were no hydraulic gap compensators in the valve drive, unlike the previous version of the motor. Since the work required a larger volume of the working mixture, the section of the inlet channels in the heads was changed. The channels themselves are oval in shape.

The crankshaft was equipped with a vibration damper, which significantly reduced vibration during engine operation. To purify the oil, instead of a centrifuge, a conventional filter with a replaceable paper element was used. To ensure the operation of such a cleaning system, the ZMZ-505 engines were equipped with a more modern single-section oil pump.

For fuel supply, one or two four-chamber K-114 carburetors could be used. At the same time, the power of the ZMZ-505 with one carburetor was lower and amounted to about 195 hp. forces. The ignition system was duplicated and controlled by a microcontroller.

A note about engine power (instead of a preface)

It should be noted that, speaking of the American classics, it must be borne in mind that until 1972, the power of American engines was indicated by manufacturers without attachments (Brake HP; the designation for such horsepower is bhp); while in the rest of the world, power was measured on the engine flywheel with attachments installed, standard intake and exhaust systems (European DIN standard, sometimes horsepower according to this standard is referred to as PS). In the USA, they began to measure power this way only since 1972 (SAE hp standard, close to European).

Since there was no strict control from the state before, there was a certain inconsistency, and it is impossible to derive a single practical conversion factor from bhp to SAE hp; but in general, the declared figures for the power ratings of those years usually exceed the real values ​​in the modern sense by 40-150 hp. depending on the degree of honesty of the manufacturer.

It was not until 1972 that the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) brought order to this area, and to the surprise of buyers, the declared power of many engines was significantly reduced, for example, the Chrysler 426 HEMI engine in 1971 had a declared power of 425 hp. s., and in 1972 the power of the same engine was already indicated at 350 hp. according to SAE.

This article gives the power values ​​declared by the manufacturer.

Comparing the power of American classic engines produced before 1972, measured in bhp, with similar figures for European and domestic engines of those years, as well as modern ones, is the same as directly comparing speed in miles and kilometers per hour.

History of GAZon's eights V8

After the war, a decision was made to build a specialized motor plant in the city of Zavolzhye in order to develop new designs of motors and increase their production volumes. Hence all engines on aluminum blocks Zavolzhsky (ZMZ) created jointly with GAZ. The V8 scheme makes it possible to spin the motor more in terms of speed than V6 and P6 of equal volume due to the smaller mass of the connecting rod and piston group, the inertial forces of reciprocating moving parts are reduced.

The long history of the Gazovsky V8 family (the most famous and famous carrier of which is the legendary GAZ-66) begins with ZMZ-13- 195 strong 5.53 liter V8, which was designed for the GAZ-13 Chaika in the late 50s and launched into the 59g series. This design of the Zavolzhsky plant, with the participation of GAZ specialists, became progressive for the entire global automotive industry of those years with its “fully” aluminum construction - the cylinder block, heads, pistons, and intake manifold were made of aluminum alloy. The rarest technical solution for that time - in America, the first aluminum motors appeared a little later - in the early 60s. After the release of 2 thousand motors (No. 2000), modernization was carried out:
- another more rigid block;
- other knee
- K-114 carburetor instead of K-113;
— new liquid pump;
— two-section oil pump with separate lubrication system;
- exhaust toxicity has decreased and refueling with gasoline with an octane rating of at least 92 (95-98 is recommended) has become possible; previously it was possible to pour leaded 76.
Soon a derated 140-horsepower version of the 13th special engine appears. purpose for combat vehicles (the most famous carrier BRDM-2), as well as GAZ dump trucks and other special equipment. This upgraded version gets its own index 41. Motor weight 271kg, main differences:
reduced compression ratio from 8.5 to 6.7 for operation on low-octane fuels, cut-off of the "upper" thousand revolutions by a limiter and a crankcase for a full-fledged flywheel with a dry clutch instead of an automatic torque converter, a 2-chamber K-126M carburetor.
Note: Subsequently, there are several options for catching up similar to the base 13th engine: ZMZ-23 for the Volga GAZ-23 (62-70g.v) ZMZ-2424 for the Volga GAZ-2424 (70-87g.v) and others like that ... And that's all this is episode 13.

In the early 60s, based on the 13th series, ZMZ creates versions with a reduced displacement and power up to 4.25 liters and 115 hp. respectively. So the 53rd series was born, which will be combined with the 66th: ZMZ-53a, 53-11, 53-12, 66xxx, etc. ... The first motor ZMZ 53-66 series released in 64g. And they immediately begin to complete the GAZ-66 trucks, the first of which rolls off the assembly line in July 64, and also transfer the already produced 53 model to these engines. Unlike the 13-series, the piston diameter has been reduced from 100 to 92mm, and the stroke from 88 to 80mm - which has led to a significant reduction in cylinder volume. In addition, the 53-series has 25mm piston pins, against the reinforced 28mm 13-series, and its original connecting rods. But despite the fact that the 13 and 53 series have different blocks, heads, CPGs, interchangeability and unification are nevertheless quite high.
In the mid-70s, the 53-series engine was upgraded for twin installation on the new BTR-70. This 120-horsepower special version receives the index 4905, has similar technical characteristics and a weight of 272 kg.
Note: The 53-66-series are constantly upgraded during serial production up to a major upgrade that has become the 500-series. For example, in the 80s, instead of a two-level manifold, a different intake system was used with a single-level manifold and heads with highly turbulent combustion chambers and screw intake channels - this increased the turbulence of the flow of the working mixture, which increased efficiency without loss of torque and power indicators. Due to the better mixing of the combustible mixture into the working one, it became possible to shift the detonation threshold on the fuel of a similar OC, achieving better fuel efficiency. Later, the lubrication system becomes full-flow, the centrifuge leaves the single-level intake manifold and a filter with a replaceable element appears.

Approximately when 4905 appears (mid-70s), the 13-series is being modernized in order to be installed on a new GAZ-14 car (77-89gg). Its 14-series engine ZMZ-14 remains basically the same, but with increased power up to 220 hp, reduced operating noise and vibration level due to:
- hydraulic valve clearance compensators;
- crankshaft with vibration damper;
- changes in valve timing;
- new intake (for two 4-chamber K-114 carburetors) and exhaust manifolds;
— the introduction of a power system with two carburetors;
— electronic ignition system;
- the lubrication system was also simplified - a more modern full-flow one with a single-section oil pump and a filter with a replaceable working element instead of a centrifuge.

After the restructuring, an updated 500-series appears, of which 505ya stands out as a separate one, which was installed on the latest Volga catch-ups - for example, the Volga GAZ-2434 (87-93gg), GAZ-31013 (from to 96gg).
ZMZ-505 is a symbiosis of 13 and 14 series (moreover, in various designs and combinations) with various modifications and innovations. For example, there were one and two carburetor versions of various capacities ... ZMZ-503, 505, 505.10 ... We can say that various versions of 505 are modifications of the 14th engine.

Representatives ZMZ 500-series: 511(513), 523(5233, 5234)…
511 - modernized 115 strong ZMZ-53a, 53-11 cargo GAZ-53;
513 - modernized 115 strong ZMZ-66xxx cargo GAZ-66.
Their differences are the first so-called "civilian" version, and the second "military" one for working in more difficult conditions, the engine used by the military, tested by the time of extreme operation, as well as for transporting goods in the countryside and in other difficult conditions. For example, 513 is a specially shaped pan so that oil starvation does not occur on steep slopes, slopes, ascents and descents. Shielded execution of electrical equipment elements is possible.
523 - so-called. "Pazovsky" version of increased power. For installation on GAZ-3307, 3308 (option ZMZ-5233.10) and for PAZs (ZMZ-5234.10)
511 and 513 differ in weight at 262 and 275kg respectively, the performance of both is identical:
4.25 displacement / 7.6 compression / 125 hp / 294 Newton / 92 x 80 piston.
523 piston stroke increased by 8mm (92x88) due to the larger radius of the shaft crank, while the compression ratio was left the same by the designers (7.6). Consequently, the total displacement increased to 4.67 liters and not significantly the power to 130 forces and 314 Newtons, respectively, at the same speed. Weight 265kg truck 5233 and 257kg bus 5234.

Other special-purpose engines were also created, for example, the ZMZ-73, a shielded motor for installation on GAZ tracked carriers. Or ZMZ-53 with a 4-chamber carburetor developing 160 forces from 4.25 liters ...