IZH-Planet Sport - a unique sports IZH! Design and production features

In the Soviet Union, motorcycles of their own production were especially in demand and popular, so some factories produced several models that later became legends. One of them is Izh Planet Sport.

The model was positioned as a sports Soviet motorcycle with excellent technical characteristics. While the USSR was conquering a motorcycle made in the Czech Republic, Izh Planet Sport was gaining momentum, becoming an excellent competitor to Java. This sports horse was produced from 1873 to 1984, and during this time the Izhmash plant produced more than one thousand models that have survived to this day.


  • one of the fastest Soviet motorcycles;
  • stylish appearance;
  • light weight;
  • comfortable stand;
  • versatile and comfortable fit.


  • not suitable as a first motorcycle;
  • has a lot of noise;
  • push-pull system
  • there are problems with the front brake.

Specifications Izh Planet Sport

For the entire time of release, the manufacturer tried to make the motorcycle as good as possible, so it was regularly upgraded. Thus, the characteristics of the Izh Planet Sport motorcycle are all different, but the main parts remain unchanged.

The main length of the motorcycle was 207 cm, the width, depending on the modification, from 79 to 81 cm, and the height is the same everywhere - 91 cm. The motorcycle received an excellent engine, which sometimes produces excellent dynamic data. With only 1 cylinder and operation in 2-stroke mode, Planet Sport will be able to give a maximum speed of up to 140 km per hour. Agree, the prefix "Sport" in the model is just the way, given this speed. If you drive on the highway. The average fuel consumption is 3.5 liters per 100 km, while driving in the city, the figure can increase to 7 liters. The motor has a purge through three channels, which is a very good feature for such a model. The main modifications of the motorcycle were equipped with a 350 cubic centimeter engine, but you could also see Izh planet sport 500 cubic meters.

With high-quality and at the same time simple brakes, as well as high-quality tires, the motorcycle has an excellent stopping distance. At a speed of 60 km / h, the planet will stop after 16 meters, while driving at a speed of 30 km / h, this distance will be reduced to 7 meters.

Overview and history of Izh Planet Sport

Already in the first years of production, Izh gained incredible popularity, the motorcycle was universal and could be used both on the city road and on long trips, not only on the highway, but also off-road. Even today, this model is considered one of the best among Izha, hundreds of copies are still in operation. Many will be interested in the history of the motorcycle, and it is worth noting that when the model was released, the compatriots had a slight shock, because if there were motorcycles at that time, this one was the fastest. It so happened that the external design of the planet sport was not the same as its brothers, the designers took samples from Japanese motorcycles of the 60s, such as the Yamaha 350R5 or the Kawasaki A1 Samurai.

tuning Izh Planet Sport

Soon, the great popularity of Izh Planet Sport forced the Izhmash plant to start exporting to other countries, and as a result, the motorcycle was used in the Netherlands, Finland and Great Britain. Even there, he was able to seriously compete with imported well-known brands. The initial price of a motorcycle in the Soviet Union started at 1,050 rubles, but soon the manufacturer rounded it up to 1,000. Of course, in those days it was a lot of money, but this did not stop people, they wanted this sports bike.

As for the more detailed technical characteristics of the model, the manufacturer made a real breakthrough in the production of motorcycles in the USSR. If you see the letter “M” in the Planet number, your iron horse has the function of separate motor lubrication, and this is a unique invention. But it is worth noting that such a function is present only in 1974 models.

Engine Izh Planet Sport

As you know, the Izhmash plant also produced other models of the planet, but at that time they all had weak characteristics. Planet Sport became the most powerful planet at that time, having received 349 cm3. volume and 32 horses. The only detail taken from foreigners was the Mikuni carburetor, which belonged to Japanese engineers. Soon they took more electrical equipment and optics from them. As a result, with such not weak characteristics and a weight of 135 kg, the planet received 237 hp. per 1 ton of weight. The result was excellent dynamic performance - the motorcycle developed 100 km / h in just 11 seconds. Soon, new modifications were significantly changed, the manufacturer decided to abandon imported elements, and installed a Soviet speedometer and electrical equipment. A modification with a K-62M carburetor of its own production also appeared, but with it the motorcycle produced only 28 hp.

Appearance Izh Planet Sport

In the photo you can see that in appearance the motorcycle was completely unique and had no basic similarities with other Izhmash models. Planet Sport was more similar to Japanese competitors, but still had a number of distinctive characteristics. For example, in the photo of Izh Planet Sport, you can see a huge 14-liter fuel tank with a special design. Like most models of those times, the planet received a large round headlight and a solid seat.

In those days, the motorcycle had several unofficial names, including "Dog" and "Sportak". If you see a similar model in excellent condition today, you should know that this is a rarity and the price of the planet today can reach $1,000.

Video Izh Planet Sport

Experiences "Behind the wheel" "IZH-Planet-sport". This promising name promised in advance a meeting with a motorcycle that combines the reliability and simplicity of the road "Planet" with completely new qualities - the agility and lightness inherent in purely sports motorcycles. The study of the technical characteristics confirmed these expectations: the power of a single-cylinder engine is higher by as much as 14 forces, and the weight is 23 kilograms less. The acquaintance, which was so expected, took place under somewhat unusual circumstances. A program was being prepared on Central Television, and it was necessary to show the latest models of motor vehicles in it. For this program, a motorcycle was sent from Izhevsk (as well as from other cities). We saw him and fell in love at first sight. Why wait for spring and then go to Izhevsk, drive the car from there, if it is already here? This idea seemed reasonable to everyone. With the consent of the plant's management, the editors of "Behind the Wheel" received it immediately after the TV show. It is clear that he was not specially prepared for us. The motorcycle was in the most "ordinary" version, moreover, without a separate lubrication system. But just this made it possible to compare it later with a machine equipped with such a system. The first meeting took place on January 13. The day was frosty, fifteen degrees, with wind. Released from packaging and conservation, the motorcycle stood in the snow and seemed like a Christmas tree toy, only very large. Its slender and strict outlines, skillfully chosen proportions, the bright yellow color of the gas tank and the lids of the side boxes, combined with chrome-plated rims, mudguards, and polished engine surfaces, left an impression of harmony and unity of composition. But this pleasant impression was not the main thing. We were really worried about starting the engine - after all, the motorcycle spent the whole night on the street. And we knew from the letters: many complained about the difficult launch. And at first, the fear seemed to be confirmed. The motorcycle "sneezed" once or twice and fell silent. The inside-out candle (A7.5US) turned out to be wet. Then we decided to put a more "hot" candle - A8U. After that, the engine started on the first try. With this candle, one of us drove about 600 kilometers in the winter. She never refused, the motorcycle started up equally willingly in any weather (of course, there was a copper gasket under the head, which reduces the compression ratio for the break-in period). The motorcycle vigorously accelerated, leaving JAVA behind. The maximum speed allowed by the plant for the first break-in period - 90 km / h - was achieved and maintained painlessly with this spark plug. I must say that on other candles - Czechoslovak PAL 14-7 and 14-8, German BOSCH-225, the engine started up just as confidently and easily. But on the more “cold” (that is, with a large incandescent number) - BOSCH-265 and the English candle “Champion-5”, with which we experimented, misfires occurred - they were sometimes “thrown”. On a warm engine, these candles worked perfectly in all ranges. Winter driving is not the greatest pleasure. But it sometimes allows you to make interesting observations. Once - it was at the end of February - in the afternoon a heavy sleet began to fall. And by the end of the day it started to freeze. Ice appeared on the Moscow streets. And I had to drive about 20 kilometers. More than once or twice during this road, when cornering and when braking at traffic lights, it seemed that the motorcycle was about to be “turned into powder-powder. And yet, the suspension, loaded by the driver, the passage of iromi with 20 kilograms of luggage, “did not leak”, “did not break through” even once. But the muffler got pretty good. However, his troubles started earlier. Although it is suspended from the frame in the rear on rubber bushings, the vibrations did not spare him: in the second thousand kilometers, the nut turned off, the bolt was lost. I had to replace them. At the fourth thousand, this story repeated itself. , At the fifth thousand, it was decided to clean the acoustic filter of the muffler. But it was not so easy to take it out - it burned firmly. I had to unscrew the nuts, remove the shank cover and drive along the shaky road "izhPLANETASPORT" The crew part will slip. But he was confident on the road. When the time came for clean, dry roads, the stability of the motorcycle ceased to amaze. We are accustomed to the fact that it can be "laid" on the pavement as you like - it is always manageable and stable. This can be explained not only by the sufficient rigidity of the frame and the wide swingarm, but also by the good suspension. The front fork travel is quite large, and it never “punched” all the way. The same can be said for the rear shock absorbers. However, passengers amend their overall assessment: they could be softer. The design of the shock absorbers is successful, they are easy to disassemble, they are quite simple and effective, they are easily adjusted for the desired load - you just need to turn the lever to one of three fixed positions. The operation of the entire suspension as a whole was tested in a variety of conditions: on good asphalt, on cobblestones, and on a country road. She passed the difficult test when the mileage of the motorcycle approached eight thousand. It so happened that we drove about 350 kilometers along a broken dirt road, in some places covered with large gravel (almost boulders), in some places - The appearance of a new motorcycle model always arouses interest. And if, moreover, this model means a milestone in the domestic motorcycle industry, then such interest is all the more understandable and justified. And we were not at all surprised when, immediately after the release of the IZH-Planetysport roads (it was described in the magazine No. 1 for 1974 and No. 9 for 1975), numerous letters began to come to the editorial office. In order to respond to such letters, we carry out tests for which the factories provide us with machines. Let's make a reservation right away: editorial tests do not duplicate the factory ones, but are intended to evaluate the motorcycle from the point of view of an ordinary consumer, whose requests emerge from readers' letters. Here we will tell you how the new Izhevsk motorcycle was tested with us. A few kilometers - the insert separated from the muffler, we managed to remove it. Factory instructions advise cleaning after 9 thousand kilometers. We think that this figure should be reduced, at least for the convenience of the operation. The huge silencer cigar, as already mentioned, got the most on the Kazan-Izhevsk road. She touched the large stones, caught the end of the edges of the pits, scratched the road when cornering. And there is nothing to say about the hook of the central stand, pressed against the muffler from below - in the end it was simply bent back. Of course, such an ingenuous case is convenient in production. But it's not for nothing that the car has the word "sport" in its name. And this low-lying, straight and thick muffler limits its capabilities. Even just a country road becomes undesirable for a car. And there is nothing to say about real rough terrain. Probably, in the new versions of IZH-PS, it is worth raising the rear of the muffler. Technology is technology, but there is also a need (by the way, as far as we know, the designers are already developing a new muffler).:. "; We started the story about the editorial IZH-PS with the chassis. To finish this topic, it remains to say a few words about the brakes, wheels and the rear chain. The brakes always aroused our admiration. The rear brake is soft, elastic. The front one is very strong and sharper. You have to get used to it, the wheels as a whole did not cause any remarks. We tightened the spokes no more often than on other motorcycles. But an open chain is already a serious issue. On this occasion, almost everyone who wrote to the editors of Planetesport.” Most often, the statements boiled down to one thing: an open chain is bad, it’s a step back. This is, in general, a high mileage for motorcycles of this type, and it would suit the owners of IZH-PS if chains could always be bought in a store. But that is another topic. When at first we said that IZH-Planeta-Sport marks a milestone in its field, we had in mind two main innovations: this serial motorcycle uses a 12-volt electrical system (instead of 6-volt) and a separate lubrication system. We will talk about separate lubrication next time. In the meantime, about electrical equipment. The transition to 12 volts has been brewing for a long time, We are not inclined to be so categorical. Of course, a closed circuit is more durable. Of course, it requires less maintenance. But that's basically where its benefits end. Getting rid of bulky casings, rubber covers and their nozzles on the engine, the designers significantly gain in weight, which is very important on machines of this type. In addition, a more powerful engine wears out the chain incomparably faster, and you need to constantly and very carefully monitor its tension. And it is easier to do this if the circuit is open. The instructions say that you need to control the tension every 500 kilometers. We can confirm from ourselves that this is not an exaggeration. One of us only missed once and immediately paid the price: the chain came off. It's good that the speed was low, everything ended well. iK word, the same instruction advises to boil the chain in graphite grease after 3000 kilometers. This, too, should be heeded. With proper care and operation on good roads, the chain lasts about 10,000 kilometers. In our case, very dynamic driving in the city, winter operation has now become simply necessary. With increased speeds and traffic intensity, the lighting technology of road motorcycles has lagged far behind the requirements of the day. But even their weak headlights and dim-witted rear lights “pumped out” the battery after 2-3 hours at night, and the generator power was so low that it could not “feed” even one headlight ... Planet-sport was equipped with a 12-volt 100 watt alternator. Through the rectifier, it feeds the battery. And together they more than supply energy to a 45-watt high beam lamp, and a powerful taillight, and direction indicators, and an ignition, and a few more lamps. Only a motorcyclist can appreciate what a relief it is to ride on a well-lit road at night, and not sneak around in the dark. I remember that a long steep descent began, we were driving with low beams. A clearly defined beam illuminated the roadside well. When we turned on the high beam, a bright white spot fell on the opposite slope and outlined the road to the smallest detail. It was not just pleasant, it reduced the danger many times over when driving at night. Over 8 thousand kilometers, only one defect was found in the electrical equipment: the screen installed in front of the lamp fell off. He fell on the reflector and pretty much ruined it, while we figured out why the light was different and what was rattling in the headlight. We note one design flaw: the new, central switch (ignition switch) is even more accessible for dashing people than even the old Izhevsk one. This is serious, because the motorcycle is not equipped with any anti-theft devices, and even if the prudent owner of the car would take it into his head to disconnect the battery, remove the fuse, then nothing would change anyway. After all, the battery compartment is closed with a lid, which is pressed by the most ordinary lamb. We have one of the lambs lost on the go from vibration. I had to replace it with a regular screw. And since we are talking about this, we recall: the fasteners on the machine must be monitored in both. Among the letters that we had to get acquainted with, there were quite a few of those whose authors claimed: the motorcycle is not at all suitable for long-distance tourist trips: it is impossible to install a trunk on it (the rear light interferes), a windshield. Well, reasonable remarks. A motorcycle is a companion of youth, a “synonymous” for long-distance roads. And on a long journey you can not do without luggage. We tried to equip our bike with both a shield and a rack. Both are done in haste, before the road. But a practical test showed that the trunk performs its functions. By the way, on the roads we also met “sport planets” with purchased, slightly altered trunks. The wind shield protects well from wind, dust and rain. Already the first trips have shown: this dramatically reduces fatigue - because now the oncoming air flow does not press on the driver. Yes, and for the engine, this is good - you can judge by its noise (they were not heard before) how it works. In conclusion, I would like to answer one more question that is often found in letters: why can't a sidecar be used with such a powerful motorcycle? One of us had a chance to visit the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant and walk through the shops where Planetusport is made. He saw how the frame was welded from individual elements, how it was straightened in special conductors. But most importantly, he saw how this frame, rigidly fixed in the device, is sent to the furnace and subjected to heat treatment, hardened. If before that it was obvious that the very design of the frame, as light as possible, was not designed for operation with a side trailer, then after visiting the factory it became clear that, as the instructions say, no brackets could be welded on it. The last, most serious question remains - about the engine. But this is the topic of the next article. B. DEMCHENKO, master of sports, E. KONP, engineer, L. OVSIEVICH, engineer Photo by L. Ovsievch

IZH Planet Sport- a middle-class road motorcycle designed for tourist and sports trips on roads with different surfaces alone or with a passenger. Produced by the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant from 1974 to 1985.

The motorcycle was very different from the brothers both externally and in design. Outwardly, Izh-PS was very similar to Japanese motorcycles of the mid-60s (for example, Suzuki T250 Super Six of 1966, Yamaha 350R5 of 1970, Kawasaki A1 Samurai of 1966). Thanks to the high technical level of design and manufacturing quality, Izh Planet Sport was exported to many socialist countries, where they successfully competed with Java and MZ motorcycles. Although the serial production of the motorcycle began in 1974, in the USSR the first 500 motorcycles were sold from June to September 1975, at the time of the start of production, the motorcycle cost about 1200 rubles. The motorcycle lasted on the assembly line until 1985, after which it was discontinued. Among Soviet motorcyclists, the Izh-PS of the first years of production were most highly valued, which were expensive even at the age of ten.

The technical “stuffing” (with the exception of small things) was completely original and differed significantly from other IZH models. For the first time in the USSR, a separate engine lubrication system was used. The engine with a working volume of 340 cm³ (piston diameter - 76 mm) was equipped with a Japanese Mikuni carburetor, which allowed it to develop 32 hp. at 6700 rpm. Thus, a “loner” with a dry weight of 135 kg had a specific power of 237 hp / ton (the insanely popular Jawa-350/634 in the USSR had a specific power of 141 hp / ton). Thanks to this, the motorcycle had high dynamic qualities - the acceleration time to 100 km / h did not exceed 11 seconds. The engine was fixed in the frame with rubber pads, a technical innovation of the period. The first batches of Planet Sport were equipped with Japanese Denso electrical equipment, thanks to which, for the first time, the UNECE lighting requirements were met on a Soviet motorcycle. The front wheel differed in size 3.0x19.

Later releases of Planet Sport were equipped with a domestic K-62M carburetor with a smaller diffuser diameter, due to which the maximum power decreased to 28 hp. You can distinguish them from the early "Japanese" by a longer rear wing and a slightly curved exhaust pipe, which was originally straight. By 1979, Planets Sport gradually got rid of imported components, degrading the quality of the main parts.
On the basis of "Planeta-Sport" in April 1975, the production of sports motorcycles for the multi-day enduro "Izh M-15" and the cross modification "Izh-K-15" began.
Soviet motorcyclists gave the motorcycle "IZH Planet Sport" the nicknames "Dog" (from the abbreviated IZH PS), "Sportak". Because of the unusually high quality, it was rumored that Planet-Sport was intended for export to the United States.
It was on this motorcycle that many were engaged in the most real motor “tuning” - they bored the cylinder for the M-412 piston or for the piston group of the cross-country 500 cc “chezetta”. The power increased one and a half times, but the resource was reduced to one season (the standard IZH-Planet Sport withstood 50-60 thousand kilometers without noticeable wear of the main components).

General data (in brackets - data for versions since 1979)
Motorcycle base 1350 (1390) mm
Length 2050 (2070) mm
Width 730 (810) mm
Height 1100 (1150) mm
Ground clearance 145 (135) mm
Dry weight 135 (145) kg
Maximum speed 140 (130) km/h
Fuel consumption:
at a speed of 60 km/h 3.5 l/100 km
at a speed of 100 km/h 6.5 l/100 km
Acceleration time to 100 km/h 11 sec
Braking distance from a speed of 60 km / h 12 m
Power reserve of about 400 km

Engine type two-stroke, with three-channel purge
Number of cylinders 1
Bore 76 mm
Stroke 75 mm
Displacement 340 cc
Compression ratio 9.5-10.5 (8.7-9.2)
Rated engine power at 5600-6700 rpm 32 (28) hp
Engine torque at 5200-5800 rpm
Separate lubrication system (together with fuel 1:25)
Counter air cooling system
Supply system
Air filter dry, with paper element
Mikuni carburetor (K-62M)
Cone diameter 32 mm
Main jet output 190 cc/min

Primary gear with helical gears
Multi-plate clutch in oil bath
Gearbox four-speed
Gear shift foot
Reverse gear open, roller chain
Primary gear ratio 2.18
Reverse gear ratio 2.47
Gearbox ratios:
1st gear 3.17
2nd gear 1.81
3rd gear 1.26
IV gear 1.0

The frame is tubular, welded, closed, heat-treated (!)
Front suspension rodless telescopic fork
Suspension travel 155 mm
Rear suspension pendulum
Suspension travel 90 mm
Tire sizes:
front wheel 3.00-19″
rear wheel 3.50-18″
Shoe brakes
Brake drum diameter:
front wheel 190 mm
rear wheel 170 mm

Electrical equipment:
On-board network voltage 12 V
Generator IZH GP-1, three-phase, alternating current
Alternator voltage 14V
Generator power 100 W
Battery 6MTS-9
Voltage regulator IZH RN-1 (BPV 14-10)
Spark plug A-23

Refueling tanks and fuels and lubricants:
Fuel tank 14 l, gasoline AI-93
Oil tank 1.5 l, MS-20 oil

The appearance in 1974 on the domestic market of the Izh Planet Sport motorcycle became a sensation. Fans of motorcycles got the opportunity to purchase a Soviet motorcycle, in terms of its characteristics comparable to imported cars of this class. At that time, it could well be put on a par with models such as the Yamaha 350 R5 or Kawasaki A1 Samurai.

The high technical characteristics of the Izh Planet Sport 350 allowed it to successfully compete with the products of Czech motorcycle specialists, various modifications of Jawa and CZ. But the domestic industry turned out to be poorly prepared for the production of products that require a high technological culture.

Despite all the efforts of the staff of the Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant, their offspring retained many childhood illnesses, and in 1984 it was removed from the assembly line under the pretext of low profitability.

The history of Izh Planet Sport is a clear example of the fact that the creation of any technically complex product is inextricably linked with the technological capabilities of the industry and the level of training of production personnel. But, despite a number of existing design flaws, the model produced in the amount of 215210 pieces left a deep mark in the hearts of those who like to rush along good asphalt on two wheels.

Specifications Izh Planet Sport

For 1974, the bike looked very modern. Painted in a bright orange color, which has become a trademark for cars of this family, it stood out in the stream and was the envy of many Soviet citizens who had a category “A” driver's license. But it was not only a beautiful style. To match the design, the technical characteristics declared for Izh Planet Sport were also. In 1974 they looked like this:

  • Dimensions (length / width / height) mm - 2070/790/1150.
  • Wheelbase - 1390 mm.
  • Operating ground clearance- 135 mm.
  • Weight (dry) - 135 kg.
  • The engine is single-cylinder, two-stroke, with three channels and five purge windows.
  • Engine displacement- 340 cu. cm.
  • Cylinder diameter and piston stroke - 76 × 75 mm.
  • Rated power- 32 l. With. at 6700 rpm min and a compression ratio of 10.5:1.
  • Lubrication supply - separate.
  • Cooling - air.
  • Combustible mixture formation system- carburetor, with an inlet diameter of 32 mm.
  • Onboard network - 12 V.
  • Brakes - drum, with a front drum diameter of 190 mm and a rear drum of 170 mm.
  • Gearbox - four-speed, with foot switch. There is a reverse gear.
  • Maximum advertised speed- 140 km / h.

Speaking about the history of the creation of the bike, it should be noted that the chief designer of the project, Vasily Ivanovich Panov, when developing the new Izh Sport 350, used technical solutions that have proven themselves well on sports motorcycles created together with MAMI specialists:

  • Engine with separate lubrication system, thanks to which the components of the power unit withstood high loads, and fuel consumption in economy mode was reduced to 4.5 liters per 100 km.
  • Closed frame from a tubular profile that has undergone heat treatment after applying welds.
  • shock absorbing rubber pads, on which the power unit was attached to the frame. This reduces vibration and increases operating comfort.
  • Suspension modern design. The front wheel has a telescopic fork. Rear wheel suspension - pendulum type.

The technical characteristics obtained on the Izh Planet Sport 350 were achieved, not least, thanks to the careful fitting of parts. Due to the lack of necessary technology, this adjustment sometimes had to be done manually.

Design and production features

The domestic industry was not able to provide the manufacturer with components of the required quality, and their supplies from abroad went with great difficulty. For several batches of cars from the early years of production, it was possible to break through the purchase of foreign-made components. The lucky ones who purchased Izh Planet Sport in 1974 - 1976 received at their disposal cars equipped with:

  • Japanese electronic and electrical components.
  • Headlight optics from Pannonia or Hella, and for countries with left-hand traffic - Lucas.
  • Spark plugs PAL or Magneti-Marelli.
  • Batteries of foreign production.

All this made it possible not only to improve the parameters of the machine, but also to ensure a high culture of weight. As already noted, in the early modifications of Izh Planet Sport, the weight was only 135 kg, and the power-to-weight ratio was 237 liters. With. for 1 ton. For comparison, the same indicator JAWA 350/634 reached only 141 liters. With.

As a result, the model of the Izhevsk plant accelerated to hundreds in less than 11 seconds, and the real maximum speed of Izh Planet Sport was significantly higher than the 140 km / h indicated in the passport. Despite the impressive dynamic qualities and the prefix "sport" in the name, the new generation Izh Planet was a road motorcycle.

Its landing made it possible to travel long distances, withstanding the hardships of Russian off-road. True, there was an unpleasant drawback. When the rider was too light, the front forks began to flutter when accelerating at high speeds. With a sufficient mass of the rider or if there was a passenger behind him, this effect was not observed.

Differences by year

Changes were constantly made to the design of the motorcycle. Some were associated with the desire to improve technology. Others were caused by the requirements of the industry management to reduce the cost of production. Raising the price of Izh Planet Sport 350 above 1000 rubles was not allowed by the prices set for competitors' products.

For example, JAWA 350/634 cost 1080 rubles, and CZ-350 - 980 rubles. For the sake of clarity, we will indicate the main changes, dividing them by year:

  • 1975 The front fork was lengthened by 2.5 mm, changing the size of the corrugations installed on it by the upper crosshead. Instead of a cylinder head with fan-shaped fins, the Izh Planet Sport engine gets a HZ with more familiar, linearly arranged cooling fins. Switches and a number of electrical components, although they remained imported, were from a different manufacturer. The Mikuni AEX carburetor was gradually replaced by the Mikuni VM32-89 carburetor. Increased the thickness of the spokes (from 3.5 to 4 mm) and the thickness of the walls of the front brake drum.
  • 1976 Instead of foreign-made headlights, they use domestic, FG137. The situation is similar with the speedometer. If earlier the motorcycle was equipped with a part from Pannonia T5, now it is being replaced by the domestic modification SP-102. Upper covers are no longer installed on shock absorbers. The end of the muffler pipe is bent up. Several change the design and finning of the cylinder.
  • 1977 The motorcycle is fully equipped with domestic outdoor lighting devices. The shape of the rear wing is changing. The design of the engine crankcase is being changed. Specifically, the attachment points, since the power unit begins to be rigidly attached to the frame, abandoning the shock-absorbing rubber bushings. The new air filter now occupies the entire seatpost space, which is why the voltage regulator relay is moved under the fuel tank. The main characteristics of Izh Sport remain at the same level.
  • 1978 The Mikuni carburetor gives way to the domestic model K62M. Of the imported electrics, only Japanese turn signals remain. An anti-theft lock appears.
  • 1979 Replacement of the SP102 speedometer with SP102A and Japanese turn signals with domestic ones (only for the domestic market). The pendulum is extended by 480 mm. Accordingly, the base of the motorcycle (up to 1440 mm) and its overall length (up to 2150 mm) increase. Izh Sport also increases in weight, reaching 155 kg in this modification.
  • 1980 The cable and the speedometer gearbox are not made under the shoulder blade, as before, but under the square. Several change the design of the intake. The lids of the tool boxes no longer have stickers, but aluminum nameplates.

During the production process, the Izh Planet Sport motorcycle has undergone such a significant number of changes that this could not but affect its performance. The installation of a domestic-made carburetor led to a noticeable deterioration in the technical characteristics of the engine. Power decreased from 32 to 28 hp. With.

With the adjustments made to the design, there are also discrepancies in the sources answering the question of how much Izh Planet Sport weighs. Dry weight indicators range from 135 to 155 kg. There is nothing surprising in the fact that fans of two-wheeled vehicles especially appreciate the cars of the first years of production.

They are better made and equipped, have higher dynamic characteristics. Towards the end of production, in the passport of Izh Planet Sport, the speed was indicated not 140, but only 135 km / h. Increased fuel consumption.

Engine Izh Planet Sport

The design of the power unit was very progressive for its time and made it possible to obtain high power (32 hp) from a working volume of 340 cubic meters. see. Its main features include:

  • Cylinder, with sleeve made of special cast iron and an aluminum alloy jacket. It was attached to the crankcase with four studs.
  • Cylinder head with chamber hemispherical combustion. A candle and a decompressor were screwed into the HC, which simplifies the launch process.
  • Three-channel purge system, which improved the filling of the cylinder with the working mixture.
  • Non-separable crankshaft, based on two roller (No. 2505) and one ball (No. 304) bearings.
  • Needle bearings in the upper head of the connecting rod.
  • Separate feed engine oil, which entered the intake tract from a separate tank. A pump driven by the crankshaft is responsible for the pressure in the lubrication system.

Obviously, the developers of Izh Planet Sport paid special attention to the design of the engine and its maintainability, realizing how important the technical characteristics of the power unit are for a car of this class. However, more than thirty years after the end of production, the owners of motorcycles of this model have certain problems.

Repair dimensions of the piston Izh Planet Sport

If today the legendary motorcycle gets to a new owner in an unsatisfactory condition, it will not be easy to repair it. The greatest number of questions is caused by Izh Planet Sport engine repair. Initially, the resource of the power unit was small and amounted to about 30 thousand km. run.

True, the manufacturer provided for the possibility of boring the cylinder. Initially, the motor was equipped with pistons with three marking options and some difference in size.

Taking into account the boring of cylinders for the repair size, repair pistons were produced:

Today, it is extremely difficult to purchase a piston of repair sizes. Even new piston rings are in short supply. A possible way out of the situation is the installation of compression rings of the VAZ-2101 motor. We have to adjust them to the size of the piston and cut semicircular recesses at the junction of the lock for the locking pin.

Tuning Izh Planet Sport

Modifications to the design of the motorcycle are impractical for a number of reasons:

  1. Resource of many nodes and units are small. For this reason, it is almost impossible to improve their characteristics without causing damage.
  2. Refurbished to original conditions Izh Planet Sport 350 is valued much higher than its tuned versions.

However, if there is a desire, something can be done. Many athletes participating in cross-country or circuit racing have modified the Izh Planet Sport engine, making various changes to its design. A frequently asked question is how many cubes you can increase the volume of the engine.

Tuning (forcing) of the engine

By forcing the engine, the masters of sports teams reworked a lot, starting with the connecting rod and piston group and ending with the exhaust system. The maximum that could be obtained by pressing the sleeve from the CZ 500 and using the piston that came with it in pairs was four hundred and a few cubic centimeters of working volume.

But such a forcing of the Izh Planet Sport engine requires serious professional skills and sophisticated equipment. The thin walls of a standard cast-iron sleeve pressed into an aluminum cylinder do not allow the engine to be bored up to 500 cubic meters.

The exhaust system cannot cope with the removal of the increased volume of exhaust gases, and the thrust bearings cannot cope with the increased loads. All the talk that there was a factory version of Izh Planet Sport 500 cubes is nothing more than a fairy tale. But reboring a cylinder is not the only way to increase power and add agility to a motorcycle.

DIY tuning

Installing a new carburetor is a proven way to improve the performance of Izh Sport without making significant changes to the design. Over the years, Mikuni has released many new, more and more advanced models with a cone diameter of 32 mm.

Engine tuning can be done in other ways, without affecting its mechanical components. The launch and stable operation of single-cylinder engines have always presented certain problems that can be solved by installing electronic ignition on Izh Planet Sport. Such kits are produced by several manufacturers at once, and their installation does not take much time.

Using BKSZ from power units of other modifications, you should be very careful. When mounting the ignition from the Minsk motorcycle to Izh Planet Sport, it must be remembered that the crankshafts of the engines of these machines rotate in opposite directions. The wires going from the coil to ground and the switch will have to be swapped. Such a modification of the engine is fully justified.

How to set up the ignition Izh Planet Sport

High-quality sparking improves the combustion of the combustible mixture, increasing power and reducing fuel consumption. That is why the ignition adjustment must be carried out with great care. If the Izh Planet Sport engine has not been modified, you can be guided by the data indicated in the instruction manual:

  • The distance between open breaker contacts - 0.35 - 0.55 mm.
  • The contact gap on the spark plug is 0.6 - 0.8 mm.
  • The piston is not brought up to TDC by 2.5 - 4.2 mm. Optimal for a new or recently moved motor is 2.8 mm.

By installing ignition on Izh Planet Sport in accordance with the specified parameters, you will achieve stable operation of the engine in all main modes.

Other design changes should be made with extreme caution. Within the framework of the technologies used in the development and production of Izh Sport, the technical characteristics of the car have almost reached their limit, and it is so easy to upset the delicate balance.

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Since Soviet times, the Izh Planet Sport motorcycle has been deservedly considered one of the most unique not only in the country, but also in the world. Let's take a closer look at some of its features.

The history of the motorcycle IZH Planet Sport

In the period from 1974 to 1985, the Izhevsk plant produced a model " Planet Sport 350"Both in its structure and design, it was very different from previous motorcycle models, being a middle-class vehicle. The main category of people that the creators of the Sport 350 focused on were tourists and just lovers of relaxation, since the high cross-country ability of the motorcycle allowed him Easily navigate a variety of road surfaces.

The exterior design of the motorcycle was also quite unusual. It is impossible not to note its clear resemblance to Japanese-made motorcycles. times of the sixties. Thanks to all its obvious advantages and technical component, in certain years new IZH motorcycles were supplied to a number of socialist countries, where it was able to compete with such well-known manufacturers as Java and MZ.

From June to September 1975, the first five hundred experimental models were produced, which were then sold at a price of 1200 rubles. After their success in the automotive market, mass production was established and until the end of 1985, the Izh Planet motorcycle was tightly held on the conveyor assembly. The Izh Planet Sport motorcycle fell in love with most of the population of our country, but the very first models were most valued. After many years of operation, their cost could increase significantly.

As for the main technical components, the Izh Planet motorcycle excelled here as well. Its details were practically unique, since other models of Izh motorcycles had completely different spare parts. The Sport model was the first to use a separate lubrication system for the engine. The engine was equipped with a Japanese Mikuni carburetor, thanks to which such high power was achieved.

Technical characteristics of the motorcycle Izh

  • Engine size: 340 cm3
  • Piston diameter: 76mm
  • Power: 6700 rpm (32 hp)
  • Dry weight of motorcycle: 135 kg
  • Specific power: 237 hp/ton
  • Acceleration to 100 km/h in 11 seconds

As you can see, the characteristics of the Izh Sport motorcycle, especially for their time, were incredibly high. For the first released batch was used Japanese electrical equipment brand Denso. It was in view of the installation of such equipment that requirements of a completely different level began to be presented to the Soviet mechanical engineering.

In addition, the first batch had a 3.0 x 19 front wheel. The power of subsequent models was reduced to 28 horsepower, as Soviet-made carburetors had a smaller diameter diffuser.

Recent changes in the history of Izh Planet Sport

1979 brought some, not the best, changes in the creation of motorcycles. Manufacturers sought to completely get rid of foreign parts and parts that were of better quality than domestically produced parts. The price of spare parts for motorcycles was reduced accordingly.

Already in April 1975, on the basis of the Planet Sport, so popular and beloved by people, the production of new models was launched:

  • sports Izh M-15
  • cross Izh-K-15

"Dog" - this is the nickname Soviet motorcyclists awarded Planet Sport. It was popular and in demand for many years, due to which it was repeatedly subjected to motor tuning. The Psa cylinder was sharpened, as a rule, under the CheZet or M-412 Moskvich piston.

This was the way the Planet Sport 500 was born. It can be called a truly great work of art by Soviet tuning artists.

Video: Motorcycle review Izh Planet Sport

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