How to properly drive a manual car. How to drive a manual car correctly: where and how to learn. Correct stopping of the car

When choosing a car for themselves, future drivers are faced with a choice: which car brand, color, body type to choose, as well as with a manual transmission or automatic transmission.

Everything will depend on personal preferences and financial capabilities. After all, cars with a manual transmission will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than an automatic. But not everyone knows how to drive a manual car correctly.

Why do you need the ability to drive a car with a manual transmission?

Some driving schools provide services such as driving lessons exclusively for automatic cars. This means that the corresponding rights will be issued. That is, then it will not be possible to drive a manual transmission without obtaining a new license.

Various situations arise in life, and sometimes there is an urgent need to drive a car with a manual transmission. Once you have the license to do this, you can always switch to an automatic car. On the contrary, it will not work.

Buying a car with a manual transmission is a more profitable purchase. In addition to the lower price of cars, their operation will also be more economical. As a rule, their fuel consumption is lower, and the repair of some parts will also be less expensive.

In a situation where the battery is low, you can get out of the situation. For example, transferring wires from another car for recharging. Or the car can start from the so-called pusher. These options are not suitable if the vehicle has an automatic transmission.

Only using a manual transmission can you feel full control over the car. When many manipulations are performed automatically, this does not happen.

Mechanical riding basics

Before you learn how to learn to drive a manual car, it is advisable to understand what you will have to deal with:

  1. Pedals. When driving a vehicle, three pedals are used: gas (far right), brake (in the center), clutch (located on the left). Unlike an automatic transmission, it uses both feet to drive. If the driver who gets behind the wheel of a manual transmission is new, at first it will be unusual to do this.
  2. Checkpoint. By shifting the gears in the transmission, gears are switched. On many cars, this selector is equipped with prompts, using which it is easier to figure out which gear is selected.
  3. Tachometer. It is located on the instrument panel and allows you to determine how many revolutions the engine crankshaft makes per minute. With its help, beginners control when to shift to the next gear.

Understanding manual transmission gears

A manual transmission differs from an automatic transmission in that it requires constant driver control, that is, independent gear shifting. Basically, vehicles have 4 or 5 speeds, and in addition to them, rear. To understand the location of each, you need to know their purpose.

Gearbox: Beginner's Guide

  • Every time the movement begins with squeezing the clutch pedal, thus it becomes possible to switch to another speed. It is permissible to enter the required gear when the clutch is fully depressed.
  • When neutral gear is selected, when squeezing the gas, the car will not move. When the selector is in this position, it is possible to select the desired speed, including reverse.
  • The second gear is considered to be the working gear. It is convenient to move on sloping terrain, as well as to drive in traffic jams. The first is usually used to start the journey, then, accelerating, they move to the second. Having gained even greater speed and revolutions, you can move to third.
  • It is more difficult for inexperienced drivers to learn how to drive a manual car in reverse gear. Using it, acceleration occurs faster than with the first one, but still, driving the car often is therefore very dangerous.

Before driving your car into the city, you need to have a good understanding of where each gear is located. Theory is good, but in this case, practical skills are required. After all, while driving, you cannot be distracted and look at the selector, choosing the desired gear, since this is unsafe. At first, you can train in a car, in a non-working state, and bring the gear shifting to automaticity.

Start of movement


  1. Before turning the key in the ignition, you must fully depress the clutch pedal with your left foot, and press the brake with your right, and only then start the engine. The engine is started, the clutch is depressed, you can engage first gear (before this, the selector is in the neutral position). To prevent the car from stalling, you must not release your left foot from the pedal. When the car is running, from the brake, the foot moves to the gas pedal and at the same time it is necessary to begin to remove the foot from the clutch, only smoothly.
  2. To change to the next speed, the tachometer needle must be equal to 3000 rpm. If you shift too early, the car may stall.

How the transition is performed:

  • The right foot is removed from the gas, and the clutch is fully depressed with the left, and at this time the selector is moved to the required position,
  • The clutch must be released and the gas pedal pressed,
  • Next, only the right leg participates in control until it moves to the next speed or stops.

More experienced drivers usually do not pay attention to the tachometer readings, but focus on the sound of the engine.

If the car does not accelerate and the speed is too low, then you need to switch to a lower speed. And if the speed is too high, then it is necessary to switch on the next speed so as not to overload the engine.

Stopping and parking

To silence vehicles, you can use two options:

  1. Switching to lower gears, you must then depress the brake pedal.
  2. Press the clutch and move the selector to the neutral position, then remove your foot from the clutch and apply the brake, if necessary.

To reduce wear on the gearbox, it is better to use the second method, and do not forget to depress the clutch in addition to the brake.

When parking your car, you should always use the handbrake, especially if the surface is sloped. It is also always worth remembering the position of the wheels when parking. They need to be turned in such a way that in case of sudden movement, the car does not end up on the roadway.

If you've made up your mind to get behind the wheel, learning to drive can be a real challenge if you don't approach it thoroughly. We have prepared a review covering the main pitfalls in this matter.

The theory is not as scary as it seems

There will be no problems with the theoretical part. A sufficient amount of educational material is freely available, and in order to speed up the memorization process as much as possible, you should always have a paper brochure at hand. It all depends on perseverance and the desire to learn the rules as quickly as possible. And modern computer programs will allow you to practice passing traffic rules exams; they will also point out mistakes and help you remember the correct options. One of the most popular driving training programs is 3D Instructor; there are also online simulators, for example,,,

With practice, everything is much more complicated, but there are ways to make this part the least painful and time-consuming.

Secrets of the first steps

The speed of learning to drive depends on several factors. Firstly, from innate abilities, speed of learning new skills and flexibility of thinking. Secondly, from the talent of the mentor. Therefore, you need to choose it wisely. It is important that he is a calm, patient person who can clearly explain the basics of driving to a beginner.

A nervous mentor who screams over and over again when commenting on a student’s actions can forever discourage students from learning. A good private instructor or an experienced driver from a driving school, and it is better to look for them through the recommendations of friends and acquaintances, and not through an advertisement, will relieve unnecessary stress during training. And, as you know, what a person does with joy, he does better.

Another secret to quickly learning to drive is practice, or rather, a lot of practice. The folklore about “how I sat down and immediately drove off” has not been confirmed by statistics. Everyone was a dummies for some time; everyone, without exception, needed time to feel confident behind the wheel.

Driving school - fast?

As practice shows, students after an express course with a private instructor either take a long time to pass, or already on the way they suddenly find out that they missed something very important. Therefore, despite the fact that a driving school cannot be cheap, a driving school is more reliable! When choosing it, it is worth checking whether the driving school provides discounts.

The biggest mistake most potential drivers make is choosing a driving school closer to home. The best way to choose the right driving school is to use the recommendations of friends who are convinced of the professionalism of the mentors and the organization of all processes. The second option is to clarify a few nuances with the driving school. How many years has it been in existence? Is there a license? What is the pass rate for traffic police exams? What is the professional experience of the instructors? Draw the right conclusions based on the answers. Driving schools are not a cheap pleasure, so you should monitor sites with discount coupons and choose the best option for yourself.

Learning means teaching yourself

No matter how talented the mentor is, you need the right attitude to learn quickly. For a while, you need to forget about doubts, fears, and awkwardness. Don’t be embarrassed to ask what is not clear during the learning process; you should repeat failed actions until you win.

Throughout the learning process, it is important to maintain a positive attitude towards the process, and for this you need to notice the slightest victories. I managed to move the car the first time, and not the fifth time - great, I managed to park in a small space easily and smoothly - a great reason to praise myself. In this case, the entire learning process will consist of small successes, and self-confidence will grow with each lesson.

Little tricks for those who value time

  • You need to get into the car with the feeling that you can do everything. Such self-confidence will save not only nerve cells, but several activities.
  • Purpose is what helps create miracles! Without clear motivation, learning can take years, so it’s a good idea to make a list of why you need to learn to drive and why it’s urgent. And also determine the desired dates for passing the exams.
  • In any car, especially someone else’s, and even if you only have to drive for a few minutes, you need to adjust the driver’s seat “to suit you.”
  • There should be no distractions while driving! The phone must be set to vibrate mode or turned off. Choose comfortable shoes and clothes. And “throw all homework out of your head” before the start of the lesson.

But even if you follow all these rules and have talent, you won’t be able to learn to drive in a couple of lessons. We need to be patient. And also, no matter how quickly you need to get behind the wheel, you should remember that driving a car is associated with risk for yourself and others. Therefore, until you gain confidence in your abilities, even if you have a driving license, a novice driver needs to be doubly attentive and careful.

Learning to drive a manual transmission seems impossible for many novice drivers. However, the ability to cope with the “mechanics” is the basis of the fundamentals of driving skills. Let's look at the most popular misconceptions and mistakes that prevent you from learning how to drive a car competently.


  1. It's difficult to get started with a manual transmission
    It’s difficult to start just because you don’t feel the car well yet. The beginning of a movement is a combination of several actions that must be performed sequentially. The legs cannot yet work synchronously to push/pull the pedals. Hence the constant jerking at the start. Don't ignore the tachometer readings. Correctly dialed speed will allow you to start and drive smoothly.
  2. I don't know how to change gears
    While driving, you need to change gears to increase speed. Many people do not know at what point it is necessary to switch to increased or decreased speed. Each gear corresponds to a speed segment. The first speed is needed to start moving or to move very slowly, for example, in a traffic jam. After starting to move, you need to accelerate a little and immediately switch to second. Then watch the instrument panel. When the needle starts to approach 30-40 km/h, switch to third. After 50 km/h, engage fourth gear. Engaging fifth gear on different cars can vary from 80 to 100 km/h.
  3. It's easier to drive with an automatic
    It's really easier to drive a car with an automatic transmission. The period of learning and adaptation on the road is noticeably reduced. It’s safer to drive in traffic jams with an automatic, because your legs rest. But winter driving in such a car can be greatly complicated by weather conditions. It is easier to get a car with a manual transmission out of an uncontrolled skid or drift. Because you can operate the clutch and brake with the engine. And if you get stuck in a snowdrift, it is much more difficult to rock a car with an automatic transmission.
  4. Manual transmission provides more opportunities for confident control
    Fans of manual transmission consider its most important advantage to be the maximum opportunity to drive the car independently. You can choose the required speed for acceleration yourself, without waiting for the system to switch itself. Manual transmission provides more opportunities for fast, dynamic driving. It’s not just that all racing cars are equipped with “mechanics”. And most importantly, if you understand the manual transmission, you will no longer be afraid of any problems. Life is different, and sometimes you have to, contrary to your wishes or in the current situation, get behind the wheel with a manual transmission. And if a person has never done this, then he will have a very, very difficult time on the road.


In this regard, most people strive to obtain a driver's license as early as possible and learn to drive a car. That is why you should immediately pay attention to the fact that during practical driving it is important to learn how to drive a car with a manual transmission, because this way you can become a more professional driver and truly feel your iron horse.

Learning to drive a car with a manual transmission is more difficult than learning to drive a car with an automatic transmission. But, if you practice long enough, this science is given to everyone. You can master mechanics either with the help of a qualified instructor or on your own.


  1. Sit comfortably in the seat and adjust it to suit you. Adjust the rear view mirrors. If possible, lower the windows to better hear the sound of the engine. Look at the pedals. In all cars, the left pedal is the clutch, the middle pedal is the brake, and the right pedal is the gas. Fully depress the clutch. Adjusting your seat should allow you to do this without difficulty.
  2. The manual transmission lever is located in the center of the cabin between the front seats. On the knob there is a diagram of the gears. Remember it. Make sure the gearbox lever is in neutral. To do this, pull the lever left and right. If it walks freely, it means the speed is in neutral.
  3. Depress the clutch and start the engine. Remember this and get into the habit of starting the engine with the clutch depressed. Then engage first gear according to the diagram. Most often, to do this, you need to move the lever to the left and up. Then begin to smoothly and slowly release the clutch until the engine runs noticeably quieter.
  4. As soon as the engine speed drops, remember this moment for yourself. It is very important in order to learn how to get started on the mechanics. In order for the car to move at this very moment, you should begin to smoothly press the gas while continuing to release the clutch. If you release the clutch too quickly or too slowly, the car may stall.
  5. After you learn how to start, learn to change gears while moving. At approximately 3000-4000 engine rpm, release the gas pedal and simultaneously press the clutch. While the car is coasting, engage second gear and smoothly release the clutch. Then apply gas. Do not keep your foot on the clutch pedal all the time. Place it on the special platform to the left of the pedal.
  6. If you need to stop, take your foot off the gas pedal and press the brake. As soon as the speed drops to 10-20 km/h, depress the clutch and shift to neutral. Subsequently, train yourself to brake with the clutch depressed or in neutral.


When starting off and while driving, never look at the pedals. Always look forward.

Helpful advice

If you have an assistant, let him support you in the first stages of training. In case of any danger, he must quickly brake the car with the handbrake, and before that he must constantly be on alert.

Studying at a driving school is the basics, and perfection comes with kilometers behind the wheel. At a driving school you will only be given a theoretical and practical knowledge base, which will be very difficult for you during your first days on the road. Improving your skills should be done with an experienced person who can point out mistakes and teach you how to perform elements and technical nuances.


  1. Get on the road every day. Until you have muscle memory, you need to rack up as many driving hours as possible. It could even be circling around a deserted parking lot or leisurely driving along a country road. Your goal is to get used to the car, to bring acceleration and braking to automaticity, a straight trajectory, and to get used to the dimensions of the car.
  2. Get rid of psychological pressures and fears. Your uncertainty gives rise to mistakes and dissatisfaction of other participants in the movement. Place a “Student Driving” sign (exclamation mark in a yellow square) on your rear window. For other drivers, this will be a sign that there is no need to make sudden maneuvers and lane changes in front of you, or to honk in response to your slowness. If at any point you feel like you are losing control of the situation, turn on your hazard lights and pull to the side of the road. Take a break, think and hit the road with renewed vigor.
  3. Learn to predict the actions of traffic participants. You should always be in control of everything that happens around your vehicle. You must calculate the cars ahead two ahead. If a truck is driving in front of you and is blocking your view, overtake it or change lanes. Otherwise, a situation is possible when the car in front suddenly changes lanes in front of an obstacle that has arisen, and you will not have time to do this.
  4. Students say that the most difficult thing is working with a manual transmission and changing lanes in heavy traffic. Mastering the “mechanics” takes more time, but you will also get more pleasure from driving. Plus, manual transmission is more convenient and safer in winter. Changing lanes in heavy traffic requires the driver to have a sense of speed and distance. You need to learn how to accelerate to the speed of the flow, maintain it and change lanes at a safe distance.

Getting started is the most difficult part of learning to drive a car. But it’s rarely possible to achieve a smooth ride the first time. If you understand the principle and learn to feel the operation of the engine, then it turns out there is nothing complicated about it.Instructions

  1. Getting moving in a car with a manual transmission is the very first element that students begin to perform in a driving school. And really, there is no other way. But this is where the first problems begin - the car jerks, hums and stalls. But if you do everything correctly and consistently, you yourself will stop noticing how you got on.
  2. On a car with a manual transmission, to start driving, you need to depress the clutch, engage first gear, and, while depressing the clutch pedal, press the gas pedal. It doesn't seem complicated. Now let’s look at all the errors in detail.
  3. When you start pressing the gas pedal, the clutch pedal must be released smoothly. What happens is that the clutch pedal continues to be held, accelerating and increasing the speed, or it is abruptly released without starting to move and the engine stalls.
  4. Monitor the tachometer operation. You can start by accelerating a little, keeping an eye on the needle. You need to understand at what tachometer value there is enough revolutions for the car to move.
  5. The clutch and gas pedals must be depressed simultaneously, with the same force. If you suddenly feel that the clutch has been depressed too much, press the pedal again. Your main task is to move off smoothly and not stall. You don't need to gas it a lot. If you give a lot of gas, then the clutch pedal should be released very quickly. And you will start slipping.
  6. You need to not miss the moment when the required speed is reached, the car will begin to make a jerk. Lower the clutch almost all the way. But hold it a little until the car moves a couple of meters. And only then can you release the clutch completely.
  7. A simple exercise will help you understand where you can loosen the clutch pedal. Turn on first speed. Do not press the gas pedal. Begin to slowly release the clutch pedal. At a certain moment, the car will move smoothly and slowly. And you need to remember at what point in the clutch pedal position the car starts moving.

The majority of Russian car enthusiasts are owners of cars with a manual gearbox (MT). Most driving schools teach driving on just such vehicles. Therefore, the problem arises of how to learn to drive a car with a manual transmission.


  1. The first step is to understand the box system. In a manual transmission, as a rule, there are 5 steps, which are numbered. Gear changes occur while pressing the clutch pedal. Therefore, first you need to learn how to change gears correctly and on time. Without starting the car, you need to get behind the wheel and for one hour methodically change gears according to the following scheme: “clutch - gear - clutch - next gear” and so on until the last step. We must not forget that while changing gears you must keep the clutch pedal depressed, otherwise you will not be able to shift.
  2. The next step is to learn to understand when to change gear while driving. The signal for switching is engine speed. Either by sound or by the tachometer it is necessary to monitor the engine speed. Experienced drivers determine the moment of switching from a lower to a higher gear only by sound. The smaller the engine displacement, the faster the switching point occurs. If the speed needs to be reduced, then at the right moment, when the speed is below the tachometer readings, you need to switch the box to a lower gear. Otherwise, the gearbox will experience increased wear.
  3. Once a novice driver understands the basics of shifting gears, he needs to make the gear shifting process automatic. The best time for this is on weekends, when the roads are clearer and while driving it is possible to both slow down and accelerate using a manual gearbox. Traffic jams can also be useful for this, when the driver needs to quickly change the lowest gears.

Helpful advice

All manual transmissions have a neutral position. Unlike other gears, driving on it is impossible. But if you put the engine in neutral and release the clutch pedal, the engine will not stall. This is very useful when driving in urban conditions, when you have to stand at traffic lights and in traffic jams, relieving stress from your legs.

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After graduating from a driving school, in America the test for manual and automatic transmissions is taken separately. That is, you have the opportunity to get a license to drive a car with an automatic or manual transmission of your choice. Gradually, this innovation is entering our driving schools. However, this is still the exception rather than the rule. Therefore, many people learn the old fashioned way in cars with manual transmissions. And let it count, but the skills of driving a vehicle with a manual transmission have never hurt anyone.

What is a manual transmission

To begin with, it is worth noting that there are two main methods of transmitting torque from the engine to the wheels. This process can occur through manual or manual transmission) and automatic (automatic transmission, automatic transmission or automatic transmission).

In order for the vehicle to serve faithfully for many years, every self-respecting driver must know the rules of driving a car with a manual transmission. After all, this will not only increase the life of your car, but also in the event of a breakdown, you will have an idea of ​​what happened to the car and will be able to correctly explain the situation to a specialist.

A manual transmission is a type in which the driver independently makes step changes. In a standard manual transmission, there is a shift lever to select the speed. Using it, the driver has the opportunity to engage the required gear at any second (the exception is reverse, since it can only be used after removing a special fuse). Depending on the make and model of the vehicle, the location of the lever and drive system varies.

Depending on the number of times the torque changes, the manual transmission is divided into:

  • four-stage;
  • five-speed;
  • six-speed;
  • seven, eight, and so on.

Three-shaft and two-shaft are also distinguished. The latter manual transmission is used in front-wheel drive cars, and the former in rear-wheel drive cars. The gear lever is usually marked with a gear layout. This is a great tip for a novice driver. When changing gears, the main thing to remember is that they must be changed sequentially, otherwise nothing will work.

The theory of driving a car with a manual transmission

While studying at a driving school, every student learns This knowledge is a must have for any driver. The lessons also cover the theory of driving a car with a manual transmission. Some driving schools already have the option of choosing training - automatic or manual transmission. As practice shows, today it is better to choose the study of mechanics. Undoubtedly, it is more complex than a machine gun. However, having learned the mechanics, you can handle the automatic transmission in one or two seconds. After all, you can change to an automatic machine at any time, and it won’t be difficult. But switching from an automatic transmission to a manual transmission is more difficult, because, in fact, you will be learning to drive the car all over again.

The student learns the basics of driving a car with a manual transmission during practical classes at a driving school. They practice all kinds of maneuvers, and also learn the order of gear shifting in real conditions on the road. The main parts that the driver must remember about in the box are the clutch and a set of gears. And for the car to move, they must be turned on correctly. To make it easier for a beginner to understand, we schematically represent the clutch as two discs pressed tightly against each other. In order to select the required gear, you need to separate them. This is done using the clutch pedal. And in the disengaged state, the required gear is activated by the gear shift knob.

Gear shift diagram

Many already experienced drivers, when they sat behind the wheel for the first time, wondered how to change gears in a car with a manual transmission. This idea will seem funny after a few practice sessions. Each car has its own individual limit, after which the speed should be changed. There is no universal scheme. However, for simplicity, there is an average speed switching order:

  • 1st gear - no more than 20 km/h.
  • 2nd gear - within 40 km/h.
  • 3rd gear - no more than 60 km/h.
  • 4th gear - within 90 km/h.
  • 5th gear - over 90 km/h.

We remind you once again that the given order of switching speeds is classic. It cannot be used universally on all vehicles. Each vehicle has its own shift speed. Engine speed requires attention. It is impossible for movement to occur on small or too large ones. The next speed needs to be turned on at 2500-3500 rpm.

Movement in a straight line

The studied theory of driving a car with a manual transmission distinguishes driving in a straight line, on a descent, ascent and in reverse. Each type of movement should be considered separately.

Once in the car, the first thing to do is to carefully inspect the dashboard, handbrake and gearbox. The gear shift lever must be in the neutral position. And the handbrake is removed. The pedals are located as follows: from left to right - clutch, gas, brake. After all the above steps have been completed, you can insert the key into the ignition. Carefully turn it to the side. Then count to three. In this short period of time, the starter is activated and the engine starts running. After a couple of minutes, which are necessary to warm up the car, you can start driving. And here the main thing is not to stall (“not to act like a goat”). Therefore, at first, do not rush anywhere and do everything measuredly.

Since left-hand drive cars predominate in our country, we will consider the sequence of actions according to this design. Press the clutch with your left foot. The movement should be fast, and you need to press the pedal until it sinks into the floor. Using your right hand, move the gear lever to first (that is, to the left and up). Now the left foot smoothly releases the clutch, and the right foot presses the gas. Mental visualization will help you perform these movements at the same time. Imagine how the clutch discs connect, the engine begins to slowly spin the wheels, and the car starts moving. An inexperienced driver should learn to feel the moment when the car starts moving, and should gradually add gas. Not everyone can do this right away, but with experience this skill will appear.

In first gear, of course, you won’t be moving forever, so you need to master switching them. Experienced motorists determine by sound when it is necessary to raise or lower them, but since beginners do not have this skill, at first the tachometer will serve as an assistant. As soon as the revolutions have reached three thousand (the value is averaged, the number is individual for each car model), you need to switch to the next gear. To do this, you gradually release the gas pedal and simultaneously depress the clutch. While the car continues to move, you should shift the lever to second gear. It is worth paying attention here that it can only be moved after the clutch is fully depressed. After changing the gear, the pedal is gently released. Now add gas. Perhaps the first time you will not be able to complete all the actions simultaneously, and you will stall. There is no need to worry about this. Since not everyone was able to change gear correctly even the tenth time. Don't worry, calm down and try again.

After changing gear, remove your foot completely from the clutch. There is a platform specifically on the left side of the pedal. It's comfortable to put your foot on it. After all, if you leave it on the pedal, firstly, it will go numb, and secondly, it will lead to breakage of the clutch.

Driving downhill

Once you have learned to move away smoothly and move in a straight line, you can move on to the next issue - moving downhill. It would seem that there is nothing easier than rolling down a hill and lightly pressing the brake pedal. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Braking must be done by the engine. The theory behind driving a car with a manual transmission is that to do this, you need to shift to a gear lower than the one you were driving in before. And also this speed should not be higher than the one at which you will go uphill. This condition must be met so that the car does not accelerate too much and you have the opportunity to control it.

Movement on the rise

The theory of driving being studied for beginners when driving uphill raises no questions for almost everyone. However, everyone, faced with this situation in practice, has difficulties. After all, an incorrectly selected speed will cause the engine to stall. And special attention should be paid to information about the start of movement from a place uphill. When climbing in a car with a manual transmission, it is very important that it does not go backwards. Therefore, you should press the clutch all the way with your left foot. Synchronously with this action, you need to engage the gear, then press the gas and smoothly release the clutch pedal. What gear should you use when going uphill? The answer to this question depends on the road conditions. If the lift distance is significant, it is necessary to select second or third gear. And if the climb has turns, give preference to first speed, since it is better to slow down on such a section of the road.


The principle of driving a car with a manual transmission in reverse is simple. Once you figure it out once, you will be able to drive without any problems in the future. Let's start with the most common mistake - engage reverse gear, give gas, release the clutch. And as a result, the driver ends up with a car moving backwards at high speed. Driving a vehicle this way is extremely difficult. The secret to driving backwards correctly is extremely simple - refusing to use the gas pedal.

First you need to depress the clutch pedal, and then engage reverse gear. Some car models require you to lift up the ring under the gear shift knob. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Therefore, if this is the case in your car, carefully lift the ring with your fingers under the knob of the lever. Then, using the mirrors, you determine where you need to turn the steering wheel and estimate the path. Smoothly release the clutch until the car starts to move. Under no circumstances should you completely release the pedal. So, with the clutch not fully released, you will slowly but surely move in reverse and be able to carefully perform any other maneuver. Sometimes you need to slow down the car's reverse. It's much simpler than it seems at first glance. This is done by pressing the clutch firmly. This will stop your vehicle from moving backwards.


The algorithm for driving a car with a manual transmission when braking is as follows:

  • Move your right foot from the gas pedal to the brake.
  • Press it with the force that is necessary (for example, during emergency braking, it should be sharp and strong).
  • When reaching a speed of ten kilometers per hour, the car will begin to vibrate and shake a little. This means it's time to press the clutch with your left foot.
  • Move the gear lever to neutral speed.
  • Release all pedals.
  • The car stops.


After finishing classes at a driving school, the student will take a driving test. Theory and practice are taken separately. Most students can easily cope with the first one. But many people have problems with practice. The reason for this is most likely a lack of training, which you can make up for from your instructor at the driving school by asking for additional classes.

The theoretical part of the exam is taken in the form of a test on computers. Each question has several possible answers, one (in exceptional cases - several) is correct. The practical part is divided into two - the race track and the city. With the latter everything is very clear. You drive a car, move around the city in real traffic conditions and follow the examiner's instructions. And the autodrome means completing several tasks. Having completed training at a driving school, the future driver passes the following exercises in the exam: parallel parking, entering a garage, climbing an overpass, snake and U-turn. To correctly complete all tasks, as you can see, you will definitely need knowledge about driving a car with a manual transmission in different road conditions.

Inexperienced drivers should remember some of the intricacies of driving a car with a manual transmission.

In order not to stall and to understand how to change gears, you must practice. A car is not required for this. Sit on a chair, stretch your legs forward as if you were in a car, and with emphasis on your heels, alternately lift one and lower the other, and vice versa. Your legs should move at the same time. The workout should look like this: starting position - the left one is completely on the floor, and the right one is raised, but rests on the heel. Your legs should now start moving at the same time. The right one gradually goes down, and the left one goes up. The legs should take the opposite position relative to the original one. Then you raise the right one and lower the left one. At the end of the exercise, the legs should return to their starting position. Repeat the movements several times. After such training, you are unlikely to stall when you get behind the wheel of a car.

It is necessary to pay attention to several nuances, namely the inclusion of low and high gears. The latter turns on after passing the intersection and completing overtaking. And it makes sense to engage a lower gear before turns, road intersections and when overtaking. These actions will allow the driver to have power in reserve for unexpected maneuvers.

Now let's look at neutral speed and descent. Any instructor will tell you that when driving a car down a mountain, you should never use this speed. But many people are itching to use it when descending. They motivate these actions by saving money. But there is no trace of her here. This is a relic of Soviet times. And these actions are also unacceptable on wet or slippery road surfaces. After all, this threatens the safety of you and other road users.

A nuance that experienced drivers know about when driving uphill is the correct choice of gear. Motorists, approaching a rise, change speed to one gear lower. Then they move uphill at acceleration. When the car does not pull, do not start accelerating, but switch to a lower gear. An excellently learned driving theory for beginners is the basis that any future motorist needs. All other skills are acquired only through practice.