How to cook pancakes according to the Dukan recipe. Dukan pancakes: perfectly thin Dukan diet recipe for bran pancakes

The Dukan diet is now very popular. This is not surprising, because the effectiveness of its use is really high: many women and men were able to lose excess weight using this weight loss technique.

The diet is divided into 4 stages, the first of which is called “Attack”. During this short phase, only protein is allowed (fish in any form, meat, eggs, dairy products with 0% fat). Despite the fact that at first glance this stage may seem difficult, during these 1-10 days you are allowed to treat yourself to a delicious dish - pancakes. Thanks to Pierre Dukan and his thoughtful nutrition system, you have a large selection of food recipes. The main thing is that their ingredients fit the conditions of the “Attack”.

If you wish, you can cook just pancakes, but if you want to try something original, you can add filling to the pancake - the dish will acquire a new taste and significantly diversify your diet.

Recipe for Dukan oat bran pancakes

You will need:

  • 2 squirrels;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. oat bran;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese;
  • skim milk (if necessary)
  • seasonings or sweetener (optional).


  1. Beat the whites.
  2. Mix the protein mixture with oat bran and cottage cheese. Everything should be uniform.
  3. If necessary, add milk to make the dough less thick.
  4. Grease the pan with a few drops of oil and wipe it with a napkin.
  5. Pour some batter into the pan and wait for the pancake to brown.
  6. Turn it over and fry it the same way.

Delicious pancakes are ready! If there is any dough left over, you can freeze it. You can store it in the refrigerator for a week.

Meat pancake recipe

This version of pancakes is perfect for breakfast. You can take them with you to work.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. starch (corn);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 ml milk (0 percent fat);
  • 3 tbsp. l. boiling water;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soft cottage cheese;
  • soda and salt (a pinch);
  • 1 tablet of sugar substitute;
  • 300 g minced meat (beef or chicken);
  • 1 onion;
  • spices (optional).


  1. Beat milk, salt and eggs until fluffy.
  2. Add cottage cheese, soda and sugar substitute to the mixture.
  3. Gently stir cornstarch into the dough (there should be no lumps). Beat until everything is smooth.
  4. Add boiling water and stir.
  5. Drop a few drops of oil into the pan and spread with a napkin.
  6. Bake pancakes as usual in a hot frying pan.
  7. To prepare the filling, cut the onion into small cubes.
  8. Fry the minced meat and chopped onion in a frying pan until cooked (do not add vegetable oil).
  9. Salt and add spices.
  10. Place some of the filling on the pancake and wrap it in an envelope.
  11. Do the same with the rest of the pancakes.

In this recipe, you can replace the meat filling with any other that is suitable for this stage of the Dukan diet.

Banana pancakes recipe

The recipe for these pancakes is suitable for those who love fruits, but cannot yet afford to eat them. This dish will help set your teeth on edge.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. oat bran;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. l. wheat bran;
  • 4 tablets of sugar substitute (in powder form);
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir with zero fat content;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • 2 drops of aromica “banana”;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy isolate.


  1. In one container, use a fork to mix all the above ingredients. You should end up with a mass similar in thickness to semolina porridge.
  2. Grease the frying pan with a couple of drops of oil and place the dough on it using a tablespoon.
  3. Fry the pancakes on both sides.
  4. The recipe should yield about 10 small pancakes that emit a banana aroma when hot.

Recipe for Dukan Pancakes with Cottage Cheese

You will need for the test:

  • 10 tbsp. spoons of bran;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 ml skim milk;
  • soda and salt (a pinch).

You will need for the filling:

  • 400 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 20 sugar substitute tablets;
  • 100 ml low-fat milk;
  • 1 egg.


  1. Grind bran into flour.
  2. Pour milk and eggs over it.
  3. While stirring, add soda and salt. Leave the dough for 20 minutes.
  4. Drop oil into the pan and wipe with a napkin. To warm.
  5. Fry the pancakes until half cooked so that they do not become dry.
  6. To prepare the filling, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve.
  7. Add the ingredients from the list to it (it should be as thick as thick sour cream).
  8. Place about a heaping spoonful of cottage cheese on each pancake. Wrap it in an envelope.
  9. Lightly dry the filled pancakes in a frying pan over low heat (5 minutes on each side).

Fish fritters

Tasty, healthy and simple - these pancakes will become a favorite dish for all family members (even if there is no need to go on a diet).

You will need:

  • 400 g pollock (fillet);
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of oat bran;
  • greens (parsley, onion, dill);
  • salt;
  • pepper (optional).


  1. Grind the pollock fillet and peeled onion in a meat grinder.
  2. Add bran, egg, black pepper, and salt to the minced meat. Mix.
  3. Finely chop the greens and add to the minced fish.
  4. Heat a frying pan without adding oil. Fry the pancakes on both sides.

If you wish, you can constantly experiment with permitted products and prepare many different options for pancakes. If the “Attack” period seems difficult, then delicious Dukan pancakes will perfectly diversify these 10 days of the diet (the maximum that lasts the first phase), and it will pass very quickly!

Pierre Dukan made a revolution in the world of beauty, namely in the nutrition system of many people, giving them both a well-fed life and a beautiful figure. Of course, some foods, especially in the initial stages of the diet, are not available. But you can make the same pancakes according to Dukan. Moreover, this will not harm your figure and will allow you to enjoy your favorite product.

Attack: pancakes

The Dukan diet is divided into specific stages. And the first of them is Attack, which is quite tough. But even there you can treat yourself to delicious pancakes. The attack is characterized by rapid weight loss, and all this in tandem with pancakes. Well, isn't it great?

Grocery list:

  • a pair of chicken eggs;
  • a couple of tablespoons of low-fat curd or cottage cheese;
  • double rate of skim milk;
  • 20 gram shot of boiling water;
  • a tablespoon of bran, which needs to be ground into flour;
  • sweetener to taste;
  • half a teaspoon of ripper.

How to do:

  1. Using a mixer, beat the eggs into a fluffy foam.
  2. Pour milk and liquid sweetener into them in a thin stream, whisking continuously.
  3. Now it’s time to add cottage cheese. Beat until lumps disappear.
  4. Mix the bran with the cultivator and add it to the main mass.
  5. Without stopping whisking, pour in boiling water.
  6. Let it stand for a quarter of an hour and you can start baking in a dry Teflon pan.

With bran and more...

Those losing weight according to Dukan know exactly their daily intake of certain foods. For this recipe, three such products are used: corn starch, skim milk powder, and oat bran. Therefore, you need to be careful not to go too far according to your norm.

Grocery list:

  • a couple of tablespoons of oat bran;
  • half a tablespoon of corn starch;
  • a tablespoon of skim milk powder;
  • egg;
  • one and a half 50-gram shots of kefir;
  • water;
  • sweetener and flavoring to taste;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a little ripper.

How to do:

  1. Using a fork, beat the chicken egg with salt and sweetener until smooth.
  2. Due to the fact that the pancakes are made with kefir, they turn out tender. Add it and mix. We introduce the ripper.
  3. Add bran and mix again, let it swell a little. A quarter of an hour will be enough.
  4. Mix starch and milk powder. Add them to the main mixture. If it turns out to be thick, add a little water to give it the desired consistency.
  5. Bake in a hot Teflon pan without using any fat. Do not make them too large, otherwise there is a risk of tearing them when turning them over.

Recipe for pancakes with starch, cinnamon and cottage cheese

Pancakes according to this recipe turn out to be very tender and simply melt in your mouth. It is also important that they are prepared with cinnamon, which is not only aromatic, but also helps with weight loss. If cinnamon isn't one of your favorite spices, just leave it out. And if you don’t use a sugar substitute, these pancakes will be an excellent base for filling with minced meat and onions. Even those who are not on a diet will appreciate this dish.

Grocery list:

  • a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese of soft consistency;
  • a couple of tablespoons of corn starch;
  • 100 gram shot of skim milk;
  • an incomplete 50-gram shot of boiling water;
  • a pair of chicken eggs;
  • a teaspoon of liquid sweetener;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a pinch of soda.

How to do:

  1. Add eggs to the curd and mix.
  2. Add salt, soda, cinnamon and sugar substitute. Mix.
  3. Provide half the normal amount of milk. Mix.
  4. Add all the starch. Mix. The dough will be quite thick, as it should be. This will avoid the appearance of unwanted lumps in it, which spoil the whole taste of the pancakes.
  5. Dilute with the remaining milk and pour in boiling water, quickly stirring the dough.
  6. Bake pancakes in a dry frying pan.

You should get about 7 pieces of the most delicate pancakes.

Starch: pancakes with and without it

Traditional pancakes contain flour, which is not allowed on the Dukan diet. And most often it is replaced with starch in order to give the dough the necessary consistency. But sometimes you can do without it, you just need to add a mixture of bran to the recipe. These pancakes are perfect for filling with meat with or without vegetables.

To prepare them, you need to mix the following products into a homogeneous mass and bake them in a dry frying pan:

  • a couple of tablespoons of oat bran;
  • a tablespoon of wheat bran;
  • half a teaspoon of ripper;
  • egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a couple of tablespoons of kefir;
  • a tablespoon of soy isolate;
  • a tablespoon of bran flour;
  • water is needed to give consistency.

The recipe with starch is simpler. And most often, the products listed below are available at home in almost everyone losing weight according to Dukan.

For it, mix the following products and bake:

  • egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sweetener for sweet pancakes;
  • a couple of tablespoons of cornstarch;
  • ripper on the tip of the knife;
  • one and a half 100 gram shots of kefir;
  • a third of a 100-gram shot of boiling water.

Pancakes with milk

These pancakes are very tender and are an excellent solution for a quick snack or breakfast. And with them your figure will not suffer one bit. The main thing is not to go over the daily allowance of acceptable but limited foods. And if this rule is followed, then your favorite delicacy will become available even for daily consumption.

Grocery list:

  • a couple of teaspoons of skim milk;
  • six teaspoons of skim milk powder;
  • two large chicken eggs;
  • a third of a sachet of ripper;
  • one and a half teaspoons of corn starch;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sweetener optional.

How to do:

  1. Mix dry ingredients.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat milk and eggs.
  3. Combine both mixtures. Stir and leave to swell for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Fry in a hot and dry frying pan.

It turns out very tasty if you fill them with curd or meat filling.

Kefir pancakes

Also a very simple but delicious pancake recipe. You can eat them at least every day, because all food standards are met.

Grocery list:

  • a couple of tablespoons of oat bran;
  • a tablespoon of wheat bran;
  • 100 gram shot of low-fat kefir;
  • a tablespoon of starch;
  • a pair of chicken eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sugar substitute as desired and to taste;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • a little boiling water.

How to do:

  1. Mix the bran and pour kefir over it. Leave for a quarter of an hour for them to swell.
  2. Beat eggs with salt and sugar substitute.
  3. Add starch to them. Mix.
  4. Add the mixture to the bran component.
  5. Dissolve soda in a small amount of boiling water and add to the main dough.
  6. Cover with cling film and leave for another quarter of an hour.
  7. Mix. Then you can start baking pancakes.

Gorgeous pancakes for the Alternation stage (video)

To lose weight, you don't have to go hungry. And even everyone’s favorite Maslenitsa will not pass hungry and empty. After all, you can make pancakes according to your own recipes without breaking your diet. This means your body will continue to become beautiful and slim, while you will eat delicious pancakes. Dukan has developed a wonderful method of losing weight, and most importantly, it is very tasty.

When you are on a diet, you need to give up many goodies, including flour. Sugar and wheat flour contain a large amount of calories, although their composition is depleted. They are completely lacking in vitamins and other beneficial substances. But when losing weight according to the system of the famous nutritionist Dukan, such problems do not arise. The technique is based on a well-chosen food diet, with special recipes. So, Dukan pancakes can be eaten at any stage of the diet, but in reasonable quantities.

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    Cooking features

    Briefly about the diet itself, which consists of the following stages:

    1. 1. “Attack” - lasts from 5 to 10 days, when the most intense weight loss occurs.
    2. 2. “Cruise” (“Alternating”) - can last as long as you like, depending on how you feel and the desired final result. Alternate the consumption of protein and carbohydrate foods.
    3. 3. "Consolidation".
    4. 4. "Stabilization".

    Throughout the journey, a person does not experience a painful feeling of hunger, since the diet is varied and satisfying.

    To prepare delicious and aromatic pancakes and not break your diet, you should follow a number of rules:

    • The Dukan diet includes four main stages, the most severe of which is considered “Attack”. There is a fairly limited range of permitted products here. The emphasis is on protein foods with low fat content. This includes eggs and oat bran. With each subsequent stage, the product list gradually expands and at the third level (“Stabilization”) the use of corn starch is acceptable. When choosing a pancake recipe, you need to check the permitted food list.
    • Wheat flour and sugar are prohibited throughout the weight loss process. Pancakes are made with bran or starch. The sweetener is a sweetener, preferably stevia. The bran is first ground in a coffee grinder until it becomes floury. The sweetener is also crushed or dissolved in warm water.
    • It is recommended to use a Teflon-coated frying pan, since vegetable oil can be used in minimal quantities. Therefore, a pastry brush is used to grease the pan.
    • To make the pancakes thin, the dough is made thinner. If necessary, dilute it with low-fat kefir or milk.
    • Only diet-approved products are used as filling. Meat and cottage cheese (0% fat) are acceptable at any stage, as are onions and garlic.

    Serve ready-made pancakes with sour cream or low-calorie yogurt.

    The list of permitted products is presented in the table:

    Diet stage Products
    • Meat and fish;
    • offal;
    • seafood;
    • ham;
    • bird;
    • low-fat fermented milk products;
    • eggs;
    • oat bran;
    • seasonings: parsley, dill, basil, onion, garlic;
    • a little salt
    AlternationOn protein days, the same foods as on the attack. Additionally, vegetables are introduced, with the exception of potatoes, corn, beans, lentils, peas and beans


    • fruits (except cherries, grapes, bananas and dried fruits);
    • starchy foods (lentils, white beans, chickpeas, pasta, brown rice, baked or boiled potatoes)
    • Lean meat (veal, rabbit, horse meat);
    • sea ​​fish;
    • seafood;
    • salt;
    • eggs and low-fat dairy products

    Pancake recipes

    Since the first stage of the diet is considered the most strict, pancake recipes at this time should be selected especially carefully. Despite significant restrictions, pancakes turn out no less tasty and fluffy. Many ingredients have to be replaced with healthier ones. The entire selection includes calorie content, so it’s easy to stick to acceptable limits.


    A classic recipe for pancakes, which should not be included in the diet at any stage of the Dukan diet.

    For preparation you will need the following components:

    • oat bran - 65 g;
    • skim milk - 140–150 ml;
    • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
    • sugar substitute - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - for lubrication;
    • a little salt.


    1. 1. First, grind the bran to flour using any available method.
    2. 2. The sweetener is also ground into powder.
    3. 3. Beat the egg and salt in a separate plate.
    4. 4. Pour milk into it and stir until smooth.
    5. 5. Combine egg-milk and bran mixtures.
    6. 6. Knead into a homogeneous dough, without lumps.
    7. 7. Heat the frying pan, drip oil and spread it with a brush over the entire bottom area.
    8. 8. Pour in the dough and cover the dish with a lid for a minute.
    9. 9. Cook for less than a minute on each side.

    Pancakes are served in combination with sour cream or yogurt. You can make any dietary sauce. The calorie content of the dish is not higher than 75 kcal.



    • low fat milk - 200 ml;
    • cottage cheese (0%) - 70–80 g;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • oat bran - 30–45 g;
    • sweetener - 1–2 tablets;
    • salt;
    • baking powder - 2–3 g.

    Baking method:

    1. 1. Make an egg-salt mash.
    2. 2. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or use a blender.
    3. 3. The bran is ground into flour.
    4. 4. All components are mixed until a homogeneous mass of medium liquid is obtained.
    5. 5. Bake in a pre-heated frying pan greased with olive oil.

    The calorie content of a 100-gram serving is 70 kcal.

    Without bran

    In this recipe, a substitute for wheat flour is corn starch, which can be used from the second stage of weight loss. Composition without bran.


    • milk 0–1.5% - 450 ml;
    • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • corn starch - 2-2.5 tbsp. l.;
    • low-fat cottage cheese - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
    • sweetener - 1 tablet;
    • table salt and baking powder - 1 pinch each;
    • water - 4 tbsp. l.


    1. 1. Beat eggs with salt and milk until a stable foam forms.
    2. 2. Coarse-grained cottage cheese is ground or crushed with a blender.
    3. 3. Mix all the ingredients, add starch at the end and bring the dough until smooth.
    4. 4. Pour in boiling water, stirring the mixture.
    5. 5. Bake in a hot frying pan with a minimum amount of oil.

    There are only 74 kcal per 100 g of ready-made pancakes.


    Due to the inclusion of kefir, the pancakes come out very fluffy, and due to the soda, they are porous.


    • kefir - 1 glass;
    • oat bran - 40 g;
    • wheat bran - 25 g;
    • egg - 2 pcs.;
    • corn starch - 1 tbsp. l. ;
    • sugar substitute - 1 tablet;
    • salt and soda - on the tip of a knife;
    • water - 500 ml.


    1. 1. The bran is ground and combined.
    2. 2. Pour in kefir and wait until the mass swells (15-20 minutes).
    3. 3. Make a scrambled egg with salt and combine with the swollen mixture.
    4. 4. Add starch and stir thoroughly.
    5. 5. Finally, add boiling water.
    6. 6. After half an hour, you can start baking.

    The calorie content of the dish per 100 g is 95.5 kcal.


    An option ideal for a hearty and tasty breakfast.


    • starch (corn) - 2–3 tbsp. l.;
    • eggs (chicken) - 2 pcs.;
    • milk (0% fat) - 150 ml;
    • boiling water - 50 ml;
    • soft cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • salt, soda - a pinch;
    • sucrose substitute - 1 tablet;
    • minced meat (chicken, beef) - 350 g;
    • onion - 1 head;
    • spices.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. 1. Make scrambled eggs with added salt.
    2. 2. Add cottage cheese, sweetener and soda.
    3. 3. Carefully stir in the starch so that lumps do not form.
    4. 4. Pour in boiling water.
    5. 5. Grease a hot frying pan with oil and begin to bake pancakes.
    6. 6. For the filling, finely chop the onion and fry it together with the minced meat in a dry frying pan.
    7. 7. Add salt and pepper to taste.
    8. 8. Place the resulting mass inside the pancake and roll it into a tube or envelope.

    It is allowed to change the filling, but only for those products that are allowed at a specific stage of the diet. Calorie content - 207 kcal.


    Even gourmets will like this delicacy, despite the fact that you don’t have to worry about your figure. The calorie content of such pancakes is insignificant, only 78 kcal.


    • oatmeal - 1 tbsp.;
    • banana - 1 pc.;
    • almonds - 50–70 g;
    • vanilla - 1 tsp;
    • skim milk (soy) - 0.5 l.;
    • baking powder - 1/2 tsp;
    • cinnamon - 2–3 g;
    • nutmeg - 3 g.


    1. 1. Nuts and flakes are ground. Add spices and baking powder.
    2. 2. Crush the banana pulp with a fork, add milk, beat in eggs and add vanilla powder.
    3. 3. Combine the two mixtures and knead the dough. The consistency of it resembles semolina porridge.
    4. 4. After this, they begin to bake fluffy pancakes, reminiscent of American pancakes.

    The pancakes turn out to be thick, but very tender in taste and with an unforgettable banana aroma.

    With cottage cheese

    For 6-7 pancakes you will need:

    • corn starch - 20 g;
    • low-fat milk - 7 tbsp. l.;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • vanilla flavoring - 2–4 drops;
    • salt;
    • sweetener - 2 tablets.

    For filling:

    • low-fat cottage cheese - 190 g;
    • natural yogurt - 80 g.


    1. 1. Beat eggs with salt with a mixer.
    2. 2. Pour in the entire volume of milk and gradually add starch, without ceasing to beat.
    3. 3. The sweetener is crushed in a mortar and added to the overall composition along with the flavoring.
    4. 4. Pour the dough in a thin layer onto a heated frying pan and fry on both sides.

    The number of calories in this dessert is 102–105 kcal per 100 grams

    Bran with cottage cheese

    Unusual but very tasty pancakes. True, baking time will take a little longer than usual, but the result is worth it. The dessert is higher in calories, but this is not critical, since it is consumed at the final stage of Consolidation.

    Test components:

    • bran - 10–12 tbsp. l.;
    • eggs - 4 pcs.;
    • low-fat milk - 170 ml;
    • soda;
    • salt.

    Filling ingredients:

    • low-fat cottage cheese - 420 g;
    • sugar substitute - 18 tablets;
    • milk - 130 ml;
    • egg.

    Step-by-step cooking process:

    1. 1. Grind the bran into flour.
    2. 2. Pour in milk and pre-beaten eggs.
    3. 3. The dough is made using a mixer or blender. Then it turns out homogeneous.
    4. 4. After mixing, add salt and soda. Leave for 20 minutes to infuse.
    5. 5. Fry the pancakes until half cooked, otherwise they will be dry.
    6. 6. For the filling, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve and add the remaining ingredients.
    7. 7. Fill the pancakes with the resulting sweet mixture and cook in a hot frying pan until cooked (three minutes on each side).

    A decoration made from fresh berries and fruits will look impressive.

    To make Dukan pancakes appetizing and rosy, you should follow a number of recommendations:

    • To strengthen the gluten of the starch, only hot water is used when making the dough.
    • After kneading, give the mixture time to brew. Usually 10–15 minutes are enough.
    • Starch is diluted in salted water, which prevents the formation of lumps.
    • Bran tends to settle, even after thorough grinding, so the dough is periodically stirred while baking pancakes.
    • Salt is kept to a minimum, as it interferes with fermentation and the pancakes come out pale.
    • It is recommended to use a cast iron pancake pan, as it has a thick bottom and does not heat up too much.
    • If you are not planning on filling, then take a small-diameter frying pan. This makes it easier to flip the pancakes.
    • Preheat the frying pan.

    If desired, you can change the standard recipes using ingredients from the approved list.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Dukan pancakes made with kefir, oat bran and corn starch are suitable for both the second and third stages of the diet. However, we still recommend leaving them on “Pinning”. Don’t be surprised, diet pancakes look no different from regular high-calorie pancakes made with milk, flour and sugar. These products are not included in our test! Don't believe me? Read and watch.

We take oat bran, a natural sweetener, a chicken egg or two whites, low-fat kefir and a pinch of baking soda. You only need a gram of olive oil to grease the pan once.

So, in a bowl you need to dilute kefir with an egg.

Mix thoroughly and preferably in a steam bath, but no more than 5 minutes. The kefir-egg mixture should become slightly warm.

Then a natural sugar substitute is added. The tablets will dissolve when stirred.

Baking soda and stir again.

The final ingredient is cornstarch. By the time it is added, the mass has already cooled well after the steam bath, and the starch will easily dissolve in the dough.

Dukan pancake dough is ready! It's time to cook diet pancakes.

The frying process is classic. We preheated the frying pan, greased it with oil, poured a portion of the pancake mixture into a ladle, and spread it in a thin layer over the frying surface.

The bottom was browned - we turned it over with a silicone spatula. Like real milk pancakes with flour, right?

Dukan pancakes with bran and kefir were a success! We eat no more than two per serving. Remember: “We are on a diet!”))

How to enjoy your favorite delicacy since childhood, but without sacrificing your figure - it’s very simple! Today we will tell you how to make pancakes with bran so that they turn out not only not dangerous for the waist and hips, but also incredibly tasty - and your guests will be delighted! We have selected several of the most common and proven recipes, one of which is suitable even for the Dukan diet - shall we try to cook it?

Bran pancakes: preparing the ingredients

But before you start baking pancakes according to any of the above recipes, let’s first remember how best to prepare the bran.

  • If they are large enough, be sure to let the dough sit for at least 20 minutes so that the particles swell and become softer during baking.
  • We do the same with oatmeal if we make it ourselves from cereal.
  • The dough, which contains fine bran, can be used immediately, and to speed up the preparation process, raw materials of any grinding can be additionally crushed in a coffee grinder.
  • People with digestive problems and anyone who wants bran pancakes to be similar to the usual ones should definitely add wheat or rye flour to the dough.
  • You can reduce the overall calorie content of baked goods using a sweetener, the absence of egg yolks and skim milk.

Now you can start cooking! First, let's make some baked goods that are not too different in composition from classic pancakes with milk.

Bran milk pancakes


  • Small bran - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - 1.5 tbsp. + -
  • Rye flour - 2.5 tbsp. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • — 150 ml + -
  • — 100 ml + -
  • - taste + -
  • - pinch + -
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife + -
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp. + -

Making bran pancakes with your own hands

  1. Beat the heated milk with the egg, sugar and salt.
  2. Add bran, baking powder, vanillin and both types of flour, mix the thick dough.
  3. Pour in warm water in such an amount that the dough turns out like liquid sour cream.
  4. Immediately bake the pancakes in a non-stick frying pan, and then grease or leave it as desired.

Serve with fresh berries and fruits.

If you don’t have milk on hand, you can use kefir - with it, pancakes will be no worse than milk ones.

  1. Combine 200 ml of kefir with 3 egg whites, beat until smooth, then gradually add 120 g of low-fat soft cottage cheese and mix so that there are no lumps.
  2. Take 70 g of oat or wheat bran and add it to the dough.
  3. Add vanillin, 1-2 tsp. honey, a pinch of salt and ½ tsp. baking powder. Mix with a mixer until smooth and bake as usual.
  4. Since the dough contains cottage cheese, it is better to use a non-stick frying pan.

Serve ready-made kefir pancakes with bran with honey or maple syrup.

Well, those who want to try baking with milk, but without flour, will like the following recipe.

Baking according to this recipe is suitable even for those who are currently on a diet.

How to cook Dukan bran pancakes

  • Add 2 tbsp to 250 ml of low-fat kefir. oatmeal and 1 tbsp. wheat bran. Stir and leave for an hour to swell - this will make the pancakes more tender.
  • After time, add 3 chicken proteins, 2 tbsp. cornstarch and beat well. If necessary, add a little water - approximately 80 - 100 ml.
  • To make the dough more airy and elastic, be sure to add baking soda (1/3 tsp) or baking powder (1 tsp).
  • If desired, add cinnamon and vanilla for flavor.
  • We bake pancakes as usual - with or without butter.

Now you know how easy it is to prepare pancakes with bran, and you can easily make them. As you can see, enjoying yourself without harming your figure is easy! You just need to use any of our recipes to keep your waist thin and graceful.