How to perform exercises on the autodrome using mechanics. Driving test at the racetrack. Entering the overpass. Starting a car standing on an incline

In this article I will tell you an algorithm by which any novice driver can perform the parallel parking exercise on a race track. I’ll immediately make a reservation that the described sequence of actions will lead to a positive result, if the dimensions of the exercise are the same as here, if different, then adjustments are necessary. Also, you should not stop at just memorizing the algorithm, you need to perform the exercise thoughtfully, remembering how the trajectory of the car changes with your actions .

In Vologda, during the traffic police exam, exercises are given for a car with L = 4.1 m, W = 1.8 m. I will tell you using the example of a Lada Largus car (L = 4.5 m), despite its slightly longer length, there are problems with this exercise does not occur. Other cars have similar guidelines.

Procedure for performing the exercise Parallel parking on a race track

1. We start the exercise from the START line, move at low speed parallel to the line of posts AB at a distance of about 0.5 m from it.

When the A-pillar is in the middle of the right rear side window, we stop.

2. Turn the steering wheel to the extreme right position, engage reverse gear, start driving at low speed, looking in the left mirror.

When the corner post C appears in the mirror, we stop.

3. Make the wheels straight, move straight back, install the A-pillar in the lower right corner of the car windshield, stop (once you achieve a certain skill, you don’t have to stop at intermediate stages) .

At this moment, the rear left wheel of the car should be on line AB.

4. Turn the steering wheel to the extreme left position, move back until the side line of the car is parallel to the line of the AB pillars.

After stopping, the car must be completely in the parking area, limited by racks and broken marking lines.
If you see that the car has not crossed the dotted line, then you need to get to the line of the aircraft pillars as close as possible, then turn the wheels to the right, engage first gear and drive to the right corner.
At the end of each exercise, be sure to put the vehicle in neutral and the handbrake and wait for the inspector to verify this.

Exam errors

Typical mistakes when performing the exercise “Parallel parking on a race track”

Gross errors - 5 penalty points

  • Knocked down elements of marking equipment or crossed the horizontal marking line of the site.
  • Did not cross the dotted line (according to the projection of the vehicle’s side marker).

Average errors - 3 penalty points

  • I was unable to enter the parking zone when the reverse gear was engaged once.
  • Did not engage neutral after stopping with the engine running.
  • Did not apply the parking brake after stopping in a parking zone.

Minor mistakes - 1 penalty point

  • While performing the exercise, the engine stalled.

An exercise is considered completed if the sum of penalty points is less than 5. If a driver candidate has not completed only one exercise out of all those provided for in the complex, then he is given the opportunity to perform this exercise again.

Penalty points from one exercise to another and to the city are not transferred.

Only candidates who have successfully passed the theory are allowed to the site (autodrome). The site is accepted immediately after completion of the theoretical part of the exam. Test takers are told what time they need to arrive at the race track.
There's no need to linger. It is better to arrive early, especially if the exam is taken at a “foreign” site, and not at the race track of your driving school. This way you can assess the conditions of the site and, perhaps, drive through the new territory with an instructor before the traffic police inspector appears.

While studying at a driving school, you practiced five exercises: a U-turn, an overpass, a snake, entering a box (garage) in reverse and parallel parking. During the exam, you will need to complete three exercises out of five at the examiner’s choice (including the obligatory flyover). For each mistake a certain number of penalty points is awarded. Points are counted separately for each exercise. If you score 5 or more points in one exercise, you will be given a “failed” rating.

Comfortable clothes - “Yes”, sedatives - “No”

When going to the exam, choose comfortable clothes and shoes. Equip yourself so that nothing gets in your way. You should not take sedatives - this slows down the reaction. If you are afraid that strong anxiety will prevent you from demonstrating your skills during the exam, learn a few relaxation exercises in advance. And there is no need to worry. The circuit is considered an easy stage. Most candidates pass this part on the first try.

General instructions

All exercises begin at the starting line.
The car should be parked so that its front bumper does not cross the stop line. At the start, you need to shift the gear lever to neutral and raise the parking brake. Then you need to engage the gear, remove the car from the handbrake and start driving.
The exercises are completed at the stop line after the vehicle is set to the parking brake.


Drive onto the overpass so that all the car’s wheels are on an inclined surface, but the car’s bumper does not cross the stop line. You stop. Raise the parking brake and place the lever in neutral. Then engage first gear, press the clutch and gas pedal.
When the tachometer needle reaches 3000 rpm, gradually begin to release the clutch pedal. The tachometer needle gradually drops. When it reaches 1200 rpm, you need to stop your foot by holding the pedal in the half-released position. Remove the car from the handbrake. After the car begins to move, smoothly release the pedal to the end.

Error Penalty points
1 5
2 Did not fix the vehicle in a stationary state on an inclined section 5
3 Allowed a rollback when starting on an inclined section of more than 0.3 meters 5
4 Crossed the "Stop" line according to the projection of the front clearance of the vehicle 5
5 3
6 Crossed the "Stop-l" line when stopping on an inclined section 3
7 3
8 Did not apply the parking brake after stopping before the Stop line 3

Entering the box in reverse

Take the car off the handbrake and start moving straight until the front wheel is level with the first corner pole of the “garage”. You stop. Turn the steering wheel all the way in the direction opposite to the garage. Move forward until the second nearest corner garage pole appears in the mirror. Return the steering wheel to the “straight” position.
Move in reverse until the second nearest pole is level with the rear door. You stop. Turn the steering wheel all the way towards the second pole. Continue moving backwards, monitoring the position of the car using the rearview mirrors. Stop when the vehicle is parallel to the side “walls” of the garage.
Set the steering wheel straight. Continue driving until the car enters the garage. When performing the exercise, make sure that no part of the vehicle, including side mirrors, protrudes beyond the box.

Error Penalty points
1 Knocked down elements of marking equipment or crossed the horizontal marking line of the site 5
2 5
3 3
4 Did not engage neutral gear after stopping with the engine running 3
5 3
6 The engine stalled while performing the exercise 1


It is required to perform a 180 degree turn on a limited square with a length and width equal to two vehicle lengths. Start the exercise from the starting line. Remove the car from the handbrake, move the car to the right side of the square as close as possible to the middle pole and stop without crossing the solid line.
Turn the steering wheel to the left as far as possible. Move forward towards the middle pole on the opposite side. Then you stop and start driving in reverse until there is enough space in front of you to move forward to the stop line.

Error Penalty points
1 Knocked down elements of marking equipment or crossed the horizontal marking line of the site 5
2 Crossed the "Stop" line (according to the projection of the front clearance of the vehicle) 5
3 Could not turn around when engaging reverse gear once 3
4 Did not engage neutral gear after stopping with the engine running 3
5 Did not apply the parking brake after stopping in a parking zone 3
6 The engine stalled while performing the exercise 1


It is necessary to go around all the poles without hitting them and without crossing the solid side lines. Remove the parking brake, engage the gear and start moving along the snake to the stop line. The best option is to release the clutch pedal, but do not press the gas pedal while driving. This will ensure a smooth ride and make the exercise easier.

Parallel parking

Move straight until the rear wheel of the car is at the level of the corner pole that limits the pocket. You stop. Turn the steering wheel all the way towards the pocket. Then move in reverse until the corner marker appears in the mirror in the far corner of the pocket. You stop again. Turn the steering wheel so that the vehicle moves straight.
Start reversing again until the car wheel crosses the broken line. Turn the steering wheel all the way in the direction opposite to the pocket. Continue to drive in reverse until the car is in your pocket. Stop driving when the vehicle is parallel to the imaginary direction of travel on the main road.

Error Penalty points
1 Knocked down elements of marking equipment or crossed the horizontal marking line of the site 5
2 Did not cross the dotted line (according to the projection of the side marker of the vehicle) 5
3 Could not enter the parking zone when reverse gear was engaged once 3
4 Did not engage neutral gear after stopping with the engine running 3
5 Did not apply the parking brake after stopping in a parking zone 3
6 The engine stalled while performing the exercise 1

After listening to lectures, mastering the theory and before leaving for the city, any driver applicant needs to consolidate his practical skills on the race track. Moreover, the student is obliged to study and perfect the necessary elements to submit them to the traffic police officer.

Rules for taking the exam at the race track

The rules for taking the exam at the race track are the same for everyone. Immediately after getting into the car, the driver must fasten his seat belt. After completing each element, the vehicle is placed in neutral using the parking brake. As a rule, the inspector allows the test taker to make no more than two mistakes, while assigning penalty points; after the third mistake, the exam is considered failed, and the student will have to come back for a retake on another day.

If the exam is taken on the same car in which the instructor trained, there should be no problems and the exam will be passed the first time. If for some reason the vehicle had to be replaced just before the exam, nuances may arise related to the handling and dimensions of the car that the student is not used to.

The main exercises required to pass the traffic police include:

  • turn;
  • snake;
  • overpass;
  • parallel parking;
  • reversing entry.

The principle of completing tasks in the exam may differ from the one on which the instructor taught. This is explained by a possible change in the arrangement of the figures on the examination field. Among other things, it is necessary to pay special attention to the peculiarities of passing the exam at the race track.

These include:

  • time restrictions (no more than 10 minutes are allotted for completion);
  • all exercises are performed in one trip, and not in separate elements;
  • there is no possibility to re-execute an element after making an error;
  • The cones used as limiters are very low and difficult to notice while driving.

Correct execution of exercises on the racetrack is the key to a positive result and the ability to pass the exam the first time.

Technique for performing tasks

Passing the exam at the race track involves completing certain tasks. The technique of performing the exercises is clearly stated in the traffic rules and has detailed instructions.

1. U-turn.

The difficulty and inconvenience of this exercise is the limited space. The dealer’s task is to turn the car 180 degrees without hitting the limiters or hitting the median strips.

The beginning of the exercise on the race track is to approach the stop line and stop in front of it, which should not exceed 30 seconds. After starting to move, it is necessary to position the car so that its front wheels are located as close to the border as possible. Next, we change the direction of the wheels towards the opposite border by twisting the steering wheel. Having reached the opposite side, you need to turn the steering wheel to the right and drive in reverse gear until there is enough space in front of the vehicle to complete the maneuver. The end of the exercise is the approach to the finish line from which it began.

2. Snake.

This exercise requires great concentration, attentiveness and accuracy. It consists of maneuvering the car between cones placed at a certain distance from each other. If you hit or knock down one of them, you risk receiving a penalty point.

The exercise begins from the start line on the race track. The exercise is performed in first gear. The necessary elements for orientation are cones, wheels and car mirrors. It is necessary to rotate the steering wheel to the right until the left wheel intersects the imaginary line on which the flags are located. Then the steering wheel rotates in the opposite direction until the car is aligned parallel to the marks. After the left mirror is aligned with the cone, the steering wheel is twisted to the left and the car takes a new turn. The movement continues until the right wheel crosses the imaginary line. When the right mirror reaches the cone, the steering wheel turns to the right. Further passage of the element follows the same principles and ends at the finish line.

3. Overpass.

The main objective of this exercise is to determine whether the student has the skills to move up an inclined plane. The exercise itself is not difficult, but it requires a lot of concentration and smooth movements.

The exercise begins by squeezing the clutch and establishing first gear. Next, you need to smoothly increase the engine speed by pressing on the gas pedal without releasing the clutch pedal. We wait for the tachometer needle to reach the three thousand mark and only after that we slowly release the clutch. We reduce the speed to one thousand and fix the clutch pedal. Then we remove the vehicle from the handbrake and start moving, adjusting it with the gas pedal. The ideal performance of this element is considered to be smooth movement of the vehicle, without sudden movements or stops.

4. Parallel parking.

Parallel parking is one of the most important elements when passing the exam, although it usually does not cause any particular difficulties for future drivers. The goal of the exercise is to drive in reverse into an imaginary limited area.

The exercise begins with moving forward and then stopping the vehicle when the rear wheel reaches the pocket stop on the right. Then set the gear lever to the reverse mark and twist the steering wheel to the right. We continue to drive in reverse until the far corner flag is visible in the mirror. After this, you need to stop and fix the wheels in the forward direction. We continue driving in a straight direction until the wheels cross the limit line, after which we level the car and drive into the “pocket”.

5. Entering in reverse.

The essence of this exercise is to develop the skills of reversing in confined spaces, as well as the ability to use rear-view mirrors and correctly determine the distance to objects. When taking the exam for this element, great concentration, attentiveness and concentration are required.

After starting to move, when the right mirror reaches the right limiter of the garage, we stop the car and turn the steering wheel to the left. We resume movement until the left limiter appears in the mirror. We stop and set the wheels straight. We set the reverse gear and move until the right rear door reaches the left limiter. We stop by turning the steering wheel to the right and continue driving very slowly. Using mirrors, we align the car until it is parallel to the side walls of the box. We stop, level the car straight and drive into the garage.

Only a responsible and attentive student can pass the exam without errors. You must also follow the guidelines for taking the test at the race track. First of all, you need to take care of your shoes. It should be comfortable, with flat soles. Heels and platforms significantly complicate the situation and reduce sensitivity when pressing the pedals. You can come in your usual shoes and change your shoes directly at the race track.

The exam is always taken in the instructor’s car and it is necessary to clarify in advance what kind of car it will be. If it is the same as during training and training, there will be no problems. If another car is provided for the exam, unpleasant moments may arise due to ignorance of the structure and behavior of the proposed car.

Before driving on the race track, the driver must first fasten his seat belt to ensure personal safety and compliance with traffic rules. Having anxiety or lack of self-confidence can negatively affect the outcome of the exam. That is why before giving up you need to calm down and come to your senses. In no case should you show your skills and abilities during the exam if they are not stated to perform the elements.

Required documents

To undergo training at a driving school and then pass exams, the applicant must submit a full package of documents for consideration and prove his suitability to drive a vehicle.

It is impossible to obtain a license for the first time or when opening a new category of license without passing a practical exam. The traffic police station is one of the three mandatory stages for obtaining a driver’s license.

As practice shows, many people have no problems passing the theory test. But when it comes to the site, a significant portion of those who want to get their license go home. Sad but true. The most interesting thing is that problems arise not because of the inability to perform the necessary elements, but simply because of anxiety. Driving schools now pay great attention to driving practice, and students come to the exam with the necessary skills, but cannot implement them in the exam. Excitement, the feeling of a crowd gets in the way, another car came across - not the one we learned on. There are many factors. You need to be able to cope with these factors and complete all the exercises on the site at the traffic police.

Let’s take a closer look at what exercises need to be completed during the traffic police exam from September 1, 2016.

Time frame

The fastest road users will be subject to strict test time limits. For motorcycle categories “A”, “M” and subcategory A1, parking and leaving the parking lot must be done in 2 minutes (exercise 3), it is not difficult. But boarding and disembarking passengers in 15 seconds (exercise 3). And exercise 1 includes super-speed elements:

  • figure eight in 35 seconds;
  • snake in 20 seconds;
  • high-speed maneuvering in 35 seconds;
  • clearance corridor in 15 seconds.

You will need to complete all 3 exercises.

On the court for categories "BE", "CE" and "DE" and subcategories "C1E" and "D1E" each exercise must be completed within 3 minutes. The regulations allow 10 minutes for the most difficult exercise 9, “Coupling and uncoupling or uncoupling and re-coupling a trailer with a tractor.” Even someone else’s help at the request of a driver candidate when performing this exercise on the site is allowed. It will be possible to ask someone from those waiting their turn at the exam to guide when the tractor is approaching the trailer in reverse, to assist in the coupling (clause 23.1 of Appendix 7 to the regulations).

Let's take a closer look at the exercises for categories B, C and subcategories B1, C1.

Stopping and starting on an incline

The examinee must stop the car in front of the “STOP 1” line so that all wheels are on the ascent section (see diagram), then the vehicle must be secured in a stationary state.

After this, the candidate driver must continue driving in a forward direction, not allowing the car to roll back more than 0.3 m, and stop in front of the “STOP-2” line at a distance of no more than 1 m, engage neutral gear (when performing the exercise in a vehicle vehicle with manual transmission). Fixes the vehicle again in a stationary state and only after this can you leave the exercise area, i.e. cross the "STOP-2" line.

This exercise is popularly called the flyover. It seems that everything is simple at first glance, but it was not so. This exercise gives a complete picture of how well the driver feels the pedals. The skill of performing uphill starts is developed over time, but every driver, regardless of experience, must know how to do it correctly.

This element of the site does not represent an entry onto the overpass for repairs, but a traffic jam on the hill. Imagine: the entire stream of cars is standing on a hill and waiting for a green traffic light, while the car is on the pedal or hand brake. When the traffic light turns green, everyone releases the brakes and starts to climb. The car should start correctly and not roll into the car behind.

During the test on a race track, starting uphill is done with the hand brake. As soon as the next stage of the exercise begins - driving uphill, do not rush to take the car off the brake, because... this will lead to a rollback. First, you need to slightly release the clutch pedal to feel that the car is being pulled forward a little, and only after that, simultaneously remove the handbrake and press the gas pedal. With this algorithm, there will either be no rollback, or it will be completely minimal (allowable up to 30 cm).

Maneuvering in confined spaces

The “Maneuvering in Confined Space” exercise consists of 3 elements. At the site, the examiner, at his discretion, will assign you to perform two of the three following:

  • Rotates 90 degrees.
  • Turning around in a confined space.
  • Snake.

For execution turns 90 degrees The driver candidate must alternately turn the car left and right along a given trajectory on the race track:

Turning around in confined spaces

In another way, this element is called “Turn in three steps.” It is considered a simple element of the site. This element is performed in three steps: turning left, moving in reverse with the steering wheel turned to the right, moving forward with the car in the opposite position to the original one.


The description of this element is quite simple, but it is not so easy to implement: the driver candidate alternately makes left and right turns along a given trajectory.

When performing the “snake” element, the candidate driver is prohibited from crossing the solid horizontal lines marking the boundaries of the “snake” element. At the same time, it is forbidden to knock down the cones that indicate the trajectory of the car. The element execution speed should be reduced.

At the end of the “snake”, put the gear in neutral and stop. You can receive 5 points for an error if the cadet deviates from the specified trajectory or knocks down elements of marking equipment. 5 points will be given if you crossed the horizontal marking line of the site or crossed the “STOP” line (according to the projection of the front clearance of the vehicle).

3 points are given if you did not engage neutral gear after stopping, did not apply the parking brake after stopping in the parking zone. It is forbidden for the engine to stall while performing any exercise - 1 point will be deducted for this. Read more about penalty points for the traffic police exam.

Driving and maneuvering in reverse, entering the pit in reverse

The following exercise makes it clear how well the driver has mastered the skills of reversing. People simply call it “Entry to Boxing”.

The driver candidate must, having entered the exercise area, maneuver in reverse to place the vehicle in the simulated box so that the projection of the vehicle's front dimensions crosses the control line of the exercise.

Having entered the box, you must engage neutral gear and secure the vehicle in a stationary state with the parking brake. Then you leave the box and cross the end line of the exercise.

The element of entering the box is carried out by car from the starting position; it can be done both on the right and on the left side of the conditional box. You can enter the box only by engaging reverse gear once. Gross errors - 5 points for each - are: failure of elements of marking equipment, driving beyond the horizontal marking line of the site, crossing the “STOP” line (along the front marker of the vehicle).

You can get 3 points for an error if you do not apply the parking brake after stopping in front of the line, do not enter the box when engaging reverse gear once, or do not engage neutral gear after stopping with the engine running.

Parking a vehicle and leaving a parking space, parking for loading (unloading) on ​​a loading ramp (platform), stopping for safe boarding or disembarking of passengers

To carry out the “Parallel Parking” exercise, you need to place the car in a parking space using reverse gear. The left edge of the car should not cross the control line for the exercise. After putting the car into “parking”, it is necessary to engage neutral gear and fix the vehicle in a stationary state. Only after securing the car can you leave the parking space.

Driving through a controlled intersection" (for automated racing tracks)

For automated racing tracks, the regulations provide for one more exercise: driving through an intersection.

The examinee drives through a controlled intersection in accordance with the traffic management scheme of the automated circuit, observing the requirements of the traffic lights.

Accordingly, when the prohibitory traffic light is on, the vehicle must be stopped in front of the "STOP" line, and after the green traffic light is turned on, drive through the intersection in the given direction.

To perform the exercise “Passing a controlled intersection” on a race track, a T-shaped intersection can be used.

Good luck on your exam!