Is it possible to travel without buying and selling? How many days can you drive a car under a sales contract without registration and insurance? How long can you drive without registering a vehicle?

  • During this time, the new owner can choose the most profitable insurance option and the most suitable insurance organization.
  • Participation in an accident in this case will not entail an increase in the cost of insurance the next time you take out it (although the cost of damage compensation may be significantly higher).

Although there is only one disadvantage of such a ride, it can cancel out all the advantageous points. It consists in the fact that in the event of a traffic accident, all expenses incurred by the other party will be recovered directly from this person (if he is the culprit). Return to content ○ Is it possible to drive without insurance when buying a new car? The legislator, regarding the registration of compulsory motor liability insurance, does not stipulate any differences between whether a given car was purchased used from a private person or new in a showroom or from a manufacturer.

How long can you drive without compulsory insurance under a purchase and sale agreement?

How to legally drive without a compulsory insurance policy? Many enterprising vehicle owners, after this ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which was issued at the beginning of 2014, began to use a legal method to avoid buying a compulsory motor liability insurance policy and drive without the risk of being fined for more than ten days. To do this, those who do not want to purchase an insurance policy register their car in the name of their closest relatives, who allegedly transfer the car to the previous owner for free use or under a sales contract. Thus, the previous owner (only from the legal side the driver is the previous owner, but in fact still continues to fully use the car) acquires the legal right to drive a car without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for 10 days.

Is it possible to drive without insurance under a sales contract?

Consequently, before the expiration of the ten-day period allotted to the owner of the vehicle for concluding a civil liability insurance contract, the driver of such a vehicle has the right to drive it without an appropriate insurance policy, which directly follows from the contested norm of the Rules, which provides for the driver’s obligation to carry this insurance policy with him only in cases established by federal law."Return to contents ○ Advantages and disadvantages of driving without insurance under PrEP. The ability to operate a vehicle freely and without the risk of administrative punishment provides the car owner with a number of advantages:

  • This 10-day period entails some financial savings, because...

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How to protect yourself Many drivers are interested in how many days you can drive under a sales contract without insurance and how you can protect yourself from various negative factors. Despite the fact that you can drive a car without an MTPL policy for 10 days, it is better to take additional measures:

  1. Always have your identification and purchase contract with you.
  2. Avoid conflicts with authorities, regardless of whose side the law is on.
  3. Print out and carry with you the necessary articles of the law on compulsory motor liability insurance -, in order to demonstrate to the inspector if necessary.
  4. If it is not possible to purchase a policy in a short time, you can take out a temporary policy. It will be more reliable this way.

Thus, without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, you can legally drive only 10 days from the date of obtaining the right to own a vehicle.

How long can you drive under a car purchase agreement?

Thus, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation canceled a fine of 300 rubles issued to the car owner for driving a car after taking possession of it without an insurance policy. The fine was issued despite the fact that the ten-day mandatory period during which the driver had to purchase an OSAGO policy in his own name or enter his data into the old policy had not expired. The reason for considering this case was a claim by the owner of the car, who believed that he had been fined illegally.

The owner of the vehicle acquired the right to use the car in February 2013, which at the time the offense was recorded had a valid MTPL policy, but the driver driving the car was not included in it. For this violation, the traffic police patrol drew up an administrative violation report and imposed a fine of 300 rubles.

How long can you drive a car under a sales contract?

What risks does a driver bear for driving a car without an insurance policy in the first days after acquiring ownership of the vehicle? Despite the fact that the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation officially confirmed the possibility of legally driving a car without an insurance policy, nevertheless, there are huge risks for those who drive a car without an insurance policy. The whole point is that the compulsory motor insurance policy protects us from spending money if we are at fault in an accident in which harm is caused to the injured party. As a rule, in this case, all damage from an accident is covered by the insurance company.
But in the case of driving a car without an insurance policy (despite the fact that this is legal for 10 days), the driver, if he is at fault in the accident, will be (obliged) to pay the damage from his own funds.

How can you drive without insurance?

If the culprit of the accident does not pay the injured party for the damage caused, then the injured party has the right to file a claim in court to recover the damage caused in the accident. As a rule, such lawsuits do not end with damage alone. Often, to this amount the court adds the plaintiff’s expenses for a lawyer, examination, state duty and other expenses.
Therefore, we advise you, despite the possibility of driving a car for ten days without an insurance policy, after obtaining the right to drive a car, purchase an insurance policy or enter your data into the current policy, since in the event of an accident due to your fault, you risk paying for the damage from your own funds.

Is it possible to drive under a car purchase and sale agreement without insurance?

It is noteworthy that before the driver was able to defend his civil rights, all lower authorities recognized the legality of imposing administrative liability on the driver under Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, leaving the decision of the trial court in legal force. On what grounds do vehicle owners have the right to drive a car without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy within 10 days from the date of purchasing a car under a sales contract? According to the decision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the State Traffic Inspectorate does not have the right to fine a driver for driving a car without an insurance policy within 10 days after purchase, as this is provided for in Part 2 of Article 4, Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ “On Compulsory Civil Insurance liability of vehicle owners" (only in a new edition based on the new Federal Legislation of July 1, 2011 No. 170-FZ).

Who can drive under a car purchase agreement without insurance?


This may be due to a change in the owner of the car or the complete absence of a policy. It is important to consider that the validity period of the insurance and the period of use of the vehicle under it are different concepts. The MTPL policy is valid for 1 year, which is indicated in the first column of the policy. But sometimes the driver does not plan to use the car for a whole year.

Then you can pay only for the period when the car will be driven. This is indicated in the second column of the form. For driving without insurance, the fine is collected as many times as the number of times driving without insurance was detected. For example, if documents were checked 5 times over 10 kilometers, then you will have to pay the same amount all 5 times in accordance with the law.
In addition to the fines listed above, other sanctions for traveling without an insurance policy do not apply.
The inspector does not have the right to prohibit driving under the sales contract within the permitted limits, but will require an explanation.
  • In case of any accident, you will have to call the safety inspection, since without compulsory motor liability insurance it is impossible to register the incident according to the Euro protocol.
  • Even if driving without insurance is allowed, traffic police officers do not welcome it without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.
  • Modern photo recording cameras allow you to automatically identify drivers without insurance. The technology does not distinguish the nuances of the legislation, so the driver will receive a fine by mail. He will have to find time and go to the authorities to write a statement.

    In the end, everything will work out without a fine, but you need to pay attention to this situation.

  • Thus, postponing insurance for a long time is unlawful and unprofitable. Without it, the driver dooms himself to enormous risks.

Every car enthusiast and car driver thinks about how long they can drive without compulsory motor insurance. Of course, ideally it is better to do all the necessary documents right away so that you can have peace of mind. But everyone faces their own problems. Some people lack finances, while others have a clear lack of time. Is it possible to drive without taking out insurance? Let's try to answer this question.

How long can you drive without insurance under a sales contract according to Russian law?

The answer to this question will be given easily not only by a traffic police officer, but even by an ordinary car user. The MTPL law states that every car owner must insure his car. And if necessary, present the document to the inspectors.

If the vehicle has already been in your use for some time, then you must purchase an insurance policy. If you don't have it, you will be forced to pay a fine.

So, what are these cases when you can do without insurance, or when you won’t be fined for missing it? Federal Law No. 40, clause 2, art. 4 for April 25, 2002 states that it is possible to drive without a policy.

There is even a case when the right to a car is acquired. In this case, there is also no need for a policy. What does this right mean:

  • Registration of the purchase and sale of a car eliminates the need to take out an insurance policy;
  • If you have inherited a car and have already taken ownership of it;
  • If you received a car under other rights, for example, for economic management, or for operational management.

Purchase and registration of a car

Registration of a new car takes place at the traffic police. If it is new, or you just bought it, the cost of the procedure will be higher than subsequent times. And all because you also need to buy registration numbers, which are issued separately in each country.

If the car is in your possession, then you have no more than 10 days to obtain insurance. The days are counted from the moment the personal data of the car owner has been changed.

How long can I go without renewing my insurance?

The question of how long you can drive with expired insurance is always relevant for drivers. So, now that we have already found out that it is possible to drive with expired insurance or without it, it remains to find out for how long. As mentioned above, the owner must register the car no later than 10 days from the date of transfer of ownership.

Please note that you have 10 calendar days, not working days. So, this period is given to citizens so that they have time to undergo a vehicle inspection, and also be able to register with the traffic police. You must also complete your MTPL policy within this time frame.

If you want to drive with expired insurance, you must understand that all responsibility for fines falls on your shoulders. You will pay the losses out of your own pocket.

How long does it take to get insurance?

Yes, it is established by law period of 10 days, when everyone can have time to complete all the necessary documents. But if you decide for yourself that you do not want to obey these laws, then responsibility for the accident you get into falls on you. You will not be able to take advantage of any insurance or benefits. The end result is that you will end up spending more than you otherwise would have. So, is it possible to drive without insurance? Yes, but it's not worth it.

The main regulatory document regulating the legislative, economic and organizational foundations of compulsory insurance of general civil liability of vehicle owners is Federal Law No. 40 . The possibility and conditions of driving without insurance are established by paragraph 2 of Article 4.

This law provides for one possible solution to this problem - acquiring ownership of a car. The moment of purchase of a vehicle can be considered:

  • conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement;
  • receiving a car by inheritance;
  • obtaining a car with other rights, for example: business management, operational management, etc.

How long can you drive a car without insurance?

When the right to own a vehicle arises, a purchase and sale agreement is concluded between the buyer and seller. Failure by the owner of a car to comply with the obligation established by Federal Law to insure his civil liability, as well as driving a vehicle if there is obviously no appropriate insurance, entails the imposition of an administrative fine.

In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 2, driving without insurance under a sales contract is permitted within 10 days from the date of acquisition of ownership. You should know that this period is the number of calendar days, not working days. Within ten days, before registering the vehicle with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the car owner must undergo a technical inspection of the car, receive a diagnostic card and, on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement, issue a policy of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance.

Important! Despite the fact that the law provides for such a period, you should know that until the purchase of the appropriate policy, all property liability in the event of a traffic accident falls on the shoulders of the new owner of the car. Even if a purchase and sale agreement is provided at the scene of the incident, all losses will have to be compensated from personal funds.

If you purchased a used car

When purchasing a used car, the procedure for obtaining an insurance policy remains the same as if the vehicle was purchased at a dealership. To obtain civil liability insurance, the new owner must provide the following documents to the OSAGO department:

  • driver's license;
  • a photocopy of the purchase and sale agreement;
  • citizen's passport;
  • technical passport of the car;
  • an identification number.

The main thing when buying a used car is to indicate the correct date for the execution of the purchase and sale agreement for the car. Since this document confirms that the 10 days required by law have not yet expired, which the traffic police officer can clearly verify.

If the car has no mileage

Regarding driving without insurance under a sales contract when purchasing a new car, the legislator does not establish any special conditions. The owner of a new car can leave the dealership without taking out insurance and should not be afraid of being subject to penalties from the traffic police. You also have 10 calendar days to register a car without mileage.

Practice shows that in most cases, when purchasing a vehicle in a specialized dealership, sellers oblige motorists to take out insurance there. This is a prerequisite when signing a purchase and sale agreement. However, you should be aware that this action is contrary to the provisions Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” No. 2300-1 dated February 7, 1992.

The regulatory document states: “It is strictly prohibited to condition the purchase of some goods (services) on the mandatory purchase of other goods, works or services. Damage caused to the consumer as a result of violation of his rights to freely choose goods or services is compensated by the seller in full.”

How long can you drive a car under a sales contract without registering it?

As noted above, from the date of purchase the new owner of the car has 10 legal calendar days to register it. The corresponding condition is mandatory for all car lovers, regardless of what kind of car was purchased: without mileage or used.

Advantages of driving without insurance under a purchase and sale agreement:

  • The 10-day period brings some financial savings, since when a purchase and sale agreement is provided, the policy will be issued for a year from the date of expiration of the allowable period;
  • the new owner has time to choose the most profitable and suitable insurance option;
  • Participation in an accident will not entail a mandatory increase in the cost of insurance the next time it is issued.

Legal acts establish a list of citizens who can legally drive without MTPL insurance. The relevant categories include accomplices in hostilities, disabled people of group 1 and drivers of disabled people, and the driver must be the owner of the car. These citizens do not need to take out a policy, since in the event of a traffic accident, the damage will be paid by a special insurance bureau.

Download a sample purchase and sale agreement link.

Fines for failure to meet deadlines

The government of the Russian Federation provides two types of punishment for driving without insurance: a warning or a fine. The minimum fine is five hundred rubles. However, it should be taken into account that if the driver is stopped by several traffic police officers, each has the right to issue a similar fine, since in this case the number of fines is unlimited. As a result, the total amount of the monetary penalty can be quite significant.

For failure to comply with deadlines, the violator may be subject to the following sanctions:

  • 800 rubles for the absence of an OSAGO/CASCO insurance policy or for an expired one;
  • 500 rubles for driving without insurance in those months that are not specified in the policy;
  • from 1,500 to 2,000 thousand rubles for untimely registration of civil liability, having ownership rights to the vehicle under a sales contract.

Important! Since the beginning of 2018, if the insurance is overdue, license plates will not be removed, and the car will not be towed to the impound lot.

Federal Law on Civil Liability Insurance regulates the possibility of concluding temporary insurance (transit). With its help, a driver who has recently become the owner of a car can protect himself from possible risks until he issues a permanent policy. This document is drawn up in institutions that provide insurance services. The maximum validity period of temporary insurance is 20 calendar days, which is 10 days more than when driving under a purchase and sale agreement.

Drivers are wondering how long they can drive under a purchase and sale agreement without insurance or when the policy has expired? What regulations regulate this, are there any contradictions in the law, what loopholes exist?

Is car insurance required?

Insurance companies today offer two products for motorists:

  • CASCO - is considered voluntary insurance in case of damage, theft and other cases specifically specified in the contract, issued at your own request or upon approval of a car loan;
  • OSAGO – purchase is required if the owner of the car intends to use the vehicle in the Russian Federation.

All actions and responsibilities of drivers are prescribed in Federal Law No. 40 “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”. The text of the law is supplemented and clarified as necessary, as was the case, for example, in 2015 with the introduction of electronic insurance.

According to the law, everyone who drives a vehicle must have compulsory motor liability insurance (be registered) and insure their liability to other road users. But it is with compulsory motor liability insurance that some problems and ambiguities arise, what to do, for example, if the validity period of the document is expiring or has already expired? Is it possible to go for a policy with a car that has already been purchased? Paragraphs of Federal Law No. 40 say that there is a period of 10 days after the date of entry into ownership to formalize civil liability and explain what to do in difficult situations.

Often a law-abiding citizen would like to issue compulsory motor liability insurance for a car, but various circumstances force him to postpone this matter:

  • the transaction was concluded on a weekend or holiday;
  • in the office of the insurance company the program was stuck or the employees refused to issue a policy, nodding towards the electronic one;
  • the completed online application for insurance has not yet been verified by the RSA - the reasons may be different and quite justified.

The law explains that there are 10 days from the date of purchase of the car (calendar days excluding hours and minutes) to purchase an MTPL policy. It is believed that this time is enough to resolve all organizational issues and not violate traffic rules.

There are problems with registration of civil liability of a different nature:

  • Insurance without numbers. A person bought a new car in a dealership or one that was deregistered without a state license and does not know what to do: without insurance, the MREO will not register the car, but he cannot get a policy because there are no license plates for the car yet. Insurance managers say that you can apply without specifying numbers, just enter them later.
  • Imposing SC in the salon. Often, when purchasing a new car, unscrupulous dealership employees force the owner to take out a policy from a certain company, telling them that it is prohibited to drive the car without it. The Supreme Court provided clarification on this matter: the driver can drive a vehicle within 10 days from the date of purchase without insurance.

Some people cheat when trying to save money on insurance, for example:

  • driving with no date entered on the DCP;
  • rewrite the contract every 10 days;
  • governed by proxy.

The traffic police reminds that the driver must be indicated in the policy even by proxy, and a correctly executed DCP is in the interests of both the new owner and the previous one.

How to deal with expired compulsory motor liability insurance

Sometimes drivers intentionally or accidentally forget that the validity period of the document has expired, and they are surprised when, during an inspection, the inspector issues a fine. The law does not provide for a “free” period when you can drive without insurance after it expires. The Code of Administrative Offenses considers this violation as driving without any insurance at all and imposes a fine of 800 rubles – part 2 of article 12.37.

The driver is required to issue a new policy either in advance or on the last day. The exact duration of the insurance is indicated in the policy.

Everyone should understand that of all insurances, compulsory motor liability insurance is mandatory and serves in favor of the driver. So, if you get into an accident without compulsory motor insurance and are innocent, all responsibility for repairs and payments to the second party will fall on his shoulders. And the amount for this will not be comparable to the cost of the policy. The car insurance policy is designed for the benefit of drivers.