How esp works What is the difference between ESP and ESC automotive stabilization systems. The principle of operation of the ESP BOSCH system

Only a couple of decades have passed since the appearance of the first electronic stabilization system, and the ninth generation ESP has already proven itself on the market.


ESP-Evolution für Pressebild 10"2014_dt und

First, let's go back to 1978. Then, for the first time, an ABS system (anti-lock braking system) was serially installed on a car, which did not allow the wheel to completely block during braking. Thus, the driver was able to control the trajectory of movement. It is difficult to assess the importance and necessity of this system, but those who at least once in their lives, braking “to the floor”, crossed four lanes diagonally, unable to correct the direction of movement, fully realize the benefits of ABS.

Another 8 years passed, and the TCS (Traction Control System) system, an anti-slip braking system, began to be installed on cars. It prevents the wheels from spinning when starting. These systems, ABS and TCS, use the same sensors and actuators, the only difference is in the software. And finally, in 1995, the first ESP stabilization program appears. Electronics began to control not only the blocking and slipping of the wheels, but also the rotation of the car around a vertical axis - the engineers were able to curb the skidding of the car. Moreover, if the first ESP consisted of 11 elements, then in the modern stabilization system there are only four of them.

The main task of this system is that the car must go where the steering wheel is turned, while skidding and yaw are excluded. It works like this: the driver uses the steering wheel to set the trajectory of movement, the angle sensor transmits data to the control unit, along with them information from the ABS sensors, acceleration and angular rotation of the body. The last two are now combined into one housing and are placed directly on the valve body. It's easier, cheaper and more reliable.

As soon as the data from one or more sensors exceeds the critical values ​​recorded in the database of the control unit, the program, according to the specified algorithm of actions, will begin to straighten the vehicle's trajectory. Now this can only be done with short braking pulses, braking the wheel around which the car should turn and change the trajectory of its movement. If this is not enough and corner entry speed is high, the system can choke the engine a little, thereby reducing traction on the wheels. Many active "drivers" will not like this, but for the average driver this is a good help.

2. Should I pay extra for ESP when buying a new car?

Starting in mid-2014, all new vehicles produced in Europe must have ESP as standard. Everything is not so strict with us yet: new cars that receive homologation for the first time must be equipped with this system, and if they only renew the certificate, its presence is not necessary. It should be borne in mind that if you need various assistants, such as a hill start assist system, imitation differential lock, parking assistant, etc., then electronic stabilization is indispensable. Those who do not want to drive with an "electronic collar" can be advised to choose the good old classics (before 1995), but finding such a car in good condition is now very problematic. It is even better to buy a new one, but with a switchable ESP system. An example is the Alfa Romeo MiTo model. Depending on your mood and driving conditions, you can select one of three basic settings. Dynamic - the most aggressive, the security system works at the last moment, allowing you to get complete driving pleasure. The All Weather mode is sharpened for safety, all electronic assistants work quickly and to the maximum. Natural is an intermediate setting designed for everyday driving.

3. Can an ABS-equipped vehicle be retrofitted with an ESP system?

It is very tempting to buy the missing sensors, install them on a car with ABS and get a car equipped with ESP! Is it possible? After reviewing several forums, we were convinced that the “Kulibins” had not yet died out. Owners of the second and third generation Ford Focus are actively discussing the topic and sharing instructions on how to remake a car. From an economic point of view, this is a rather costly undertaking, you need to buy a new hydraulic unit, the missing sensors and tubes, and most importantly, have access to the control unit programs and install them correctly.

Bosch specialists do not recommend doing such experiments: even if the wiring matches, the valve bodies and control units will still be different. Moreover, even ABS versions may differ and, accordingly, different software will be loaded in control units. In addition, other components of the brake system may differ. Reworking an active safety system in a garage can have dangerous consequences. Still, complex systems should be dealt with by specialists, not amateurs.

4. Are there any differences between ESP systems that are installed on cars of different classes?

Of course, there is, and this applies not only to mechanics, but also to software. For example, the difference between ESP 9 Plus and Premium valve bodies is in the number of pistons that create pressure: the more expensive Premium has six of them instead of two for the ESP 9 Plus. A budget car doesn't need much of what a business car can't do without. Additional options greatly affect the cost of the entire system. It's easy to imagine Renault Logan without brake drying, but the absence of this option in the Mercedes-Benz E-Class equipment list is unacceptable.

5. How will security systems evolve in the near future?

The main goal for the next decade is to create a car with a fully autonomous control system and launch it into a series.

For this, there are practically all the necessary prerequisites and developments. Prototypes have already been created that can, without the participation of the driver, move in the usual flow of cars, perform various maneuvers and take passengers to their final destination. But such cars, firstly, are very expensive, and secondly, they are not yet completely reliable. At first, the autopilot will work on highways, then gradually it will be used on ordinary roads in cities. True, for this it is necessary to solve a number of problems.

Sensors providing 360 degree analysis of the environment

In fact, it is required to create a system that will analyze the environment and issue the correct solution. The first step has already been taken: active cruise control uses radar and video sensors to monitor the traffic ahead of the vehicle.

Redundant system architecture

The car will soon become much safer, it, like modern aircraft, will have various duplicating systems. This, first of all, is necessary so that the sudden failure of one of the systems does not lead to an accident.

Bosch specialists have already developed the technology of a redundant braking system. The electromechanical brake booster iBooster and ESP (Electronic Stability Program) allow you to stop the car independently of each other.

Highly accurate map data

Now the positioning accuracy of modern navigation systems lies within one meter. For a safe autopilot, the accuracy must be increased at least ten times. In addition, the actualization of maps should occur more often. Our habit of installing new signs while the road is being repaired and then forgetting to remove them can drive the car's cybernetic brain crazy. For example, when the video camera fixes the “brick”, and the navigation defines the road as one-way. Where to move then? After all, the prohibition to violate the rules of the road will be the main one for artificial intelligence.

We have listed only three problems, while there are dozens of them on the way to creating an autopilot! And yet there is hope that in ten years we will be able to leave early in the morning to the country house in a “smart” car, and on the way to sleep peacefully in the driver’s seat.

This year marks exactly 20 years since the introduction of the first Electronic Vehicle Stability Program (ESP). We asked Bosch experts to help sort out what has been done over the years and answer five of the most common questions regarding the present and future of the system.

Active safety systems in the car today have become the most important section of the car configuration. When buying a vehicle, the potential owner immediately examines the comfort and safety zone in the equipment in order to make a choice in favor of a more reliable car. One of the active safety systems - ESP - is the most important addition to a modern car, which helps to improve directional stability.

The system of exchange rate stability can fully work only with the presence of ABS, and preferably also EBD. Virtually all functions of the car are in the control of course stability, so that in the event of a critical situation with skidding, this module allows you to avoid an uncontrolled trip of the car.

The nature of the ESP - what functions are under the control of the system?

Most modern cars in their advanced trim levels have this active safety feature. If earlier buyers were embarrassed by the presence of many abbreviations of three Latin letters, today each name arouses genuine interest in the driver. After all, this is such an important safety issue.

But in the case of the stability control system, not every driver knows the nature of the operation of this module. When ESP is included in the car configuration, the question arises, what are they? So, the ESP module is responsible for controlling the control of the car during skidding, controlling the following functions of the car:

  • steering, or rather, the inadmissibility of sharp jerks by the steering wheel when skidding;
  • distribution of braking forces on each wheel to the required degree;
  • decrease or increase engine speed to obtain the desired control;
  • monitoring of angular velocity and lateral acceleration to understand the beginning of a skid.

Sensors for this function are located on virtually all vehicle controls, resulting in a quick response to any skid. As soon as the car starts to get out of the driver's control, ESP assistance is activated and the distribution of the correct brake forces, steering adjustment and other functions begin. It is almost always possible to avoid uncontrolled skidding.

Do not think that you can recklessly drive on slippery roads on cars with the ESP system, because the module will save you in any situation. ESP is far from magic, it is a technology that will not help to reverse the laws of physics. So if you enter a skid at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour, you will not feel the operation of the function.

Statistics on the use of ESP on cars

When all modern motorists already know what ESP is, whether it is worth taking a package with this function and overpaying for a car upon purchase, it's time to talk about the real benefits of this system. The main task of any active or passive machine safety function is to prevent possible accidents, which often occur when control is lost.

It was this task that the creators of the ESP system for cars set for their developments. With incredibly sensitive sensors, the module responds in 20 milliseconds and activates all necessary anti-skid devices. This is confirmed by many statistics:

  • the number of accidents in winter on cars with ESP has almost halved;
  • insurance companies in the US and Europe have begun the practice of reducing the cost of insurance for cars with such a system;
  • manufacturers are investing more and more money to improve this function;
  • not so long ago, the ESP system successfully migrated to sports cars, although its features are contrary to sport.

Of course, the most visible benefits from using this technology will be for novice drivers who do not yet have enough experience and practice to get out of difficult traffic situations. Previously, the ABS function was considered exclusively the prerogative of novice drivers, but today in some countries, without the use of this braking assistant, the sale of new cars is prohibited.

Summing up

Among the many new developments with cryptic acronym names, the ESP system is of great importance and is one of the important additions to your car. With a variety of sensors and instant response to the start of a skid, this module will not allow the driver to lose control.

If you are wondering if it is worth paying extra for this active safety feature, be sure to decide in favor of having it in the car. Such additions do not require additional costs, maintenance and other processes. They will only always serve for the benefit of your safety.

Electronic Stability Program is a dynamic vehicle stabilization system that prevents the development of a skid or minimizes it. Even if the car cannot be left on the road, it will hit the obstacle with the front bumper, and thus save the lives of passengers.

The ESP system almost constantly interacts with the anti-slip control system (ABS) and the electronic control unit of the power plant, thereby forming a single system that consists of an electronic controller and a set of sensors: wheel speed sensor, brake fluid pressure sensor, steering position sensor. This "alliance" provides counter-emergency measures. Lateral acceleration and angular velocity sensors transmit basic data to the system, based on which the side slip indicators are calculated. The system continuously monitors the speed of the vehicle, what is the current engine speed, as well as the angle of the steering wheel.

The electronic unit, having processed the sensor signals, compares the behavior of the machine with the program. If it differs significantly from the programmed one, then the controller perceives this fact as a dangerous situation and takes measures to correct it. The system returns the car to the desired course, using selective braking of one of the wheels or several, according to the situation. The main function in this process is performed by the ABS hydraulic modulator, which creates the necessary pressure in one or another branch of the brake system, which, in turn, causes the car to brake.

ESP is always in working order, the algorithm of its actions is determined by the characteristics of a particular situation and the design of the car's transmission. For example, when cornering, the angular acceleration sensor determined the moment when the rear axle began to skid. It instructs the powertrain control unit to reduce the amount of fuel mixture supplied. If these measures are not enough, the ABS, in accordance with a given program, slows down the outer front wheel. Let's say more, ESP on cars with automatic transmission can also correct the operation of the gearbox - for example, shift into a lower gear, or activate a "winter" mode, if it is provided. On slippery roads, drivers are taught to use intermittent braking and search steering to get a feel for front-wheel steering and successfully clear obstacles. With the ESP system, it is enough to press the brake and clutch pedals all the way with both feet and turn the steering wheel in the direction we want to go, the electronics will do the rest for us. With such actions, cars without ESP hit obstacles, and automated cars, successfully maneuvering, cope with their task. Even among professional drivers, there are few people who are able to drive the car the way ESP does.

ESP plays a huge role in terms of vehicle safety. But do not forget that the possibilities of ESP are not unlimited - you cannot bypass the laws of physics, and it is impossible to foresee all possible situations on the road. Every driver must remember that ESP does not release him from the obligation to drive carefully and comply with traffic rules.

The stability control system in your car can play a key role in saving your life in the event of an emergency. System of exchange rate stability or as it is also called dynamic stabilization system maintains the controllability and stability of the machine, calculating in advance the possibility of a critical situation and eliminating it.

History of ESP creation

1995 could be considered the year of creation of the ESP system, even if only two years later it declared itself more loudly, at the time of the debut of the first compact microvan from the company mercedes benz called A-class. During the design of this model, a number of very serious mistakes were made, which greatly affected the car's tendency to roll over when performing maneuvers, even at low speed.

In Europe, where the pedantic people have long been "turned" (in a good way) to security, a serious scandal broke out. The production of Mercedes-Benz A-class cars was temporarily suspended, and cars that had already been sold were recalled for troubleshooting. - withdrawn to correct deficiencies. Engineers Daimler-Benz seriously "grabbed their heads" and began to solve this difficult task.

How, in this car, beloved by the consumer, to solve the problem with its stability, and at the same time without redesigning it. And, voila! The beginning of 1998 was marked by the solution of this problem. A-class cars from the company -Benz equipped with a suitably tuned ESP system.

In addition to A-class models, Mercedes S-class, E-class and others are equipped with the ESP system as standard. These vehicles use ESP and exclusively from the undisputed leader and favorite in this area - Bosch. ESP systems from Bosch are also installed on such giants as Porsche, Volkswagen and many others.

Operating principle

The main task of the electronic stabilization system ESP lies in the alignment of the vehicle in the direction of the direction of the front wheels. A car equipped with ESP contains:

Sensors that determine its position in space;

Wheel rotation sensors;

The sensor that determines the angle of rotation of the steering wheel;

The pump that controls the brake lines of the wheels;

ECU - electronic control unit. It polls each of the wheel sensors at an astounding rate of up to 30 times per second. The ECU also accesses the steering wheel and axle turn sensors - Yaw Sensor.

The ECU processes data from all control sensors. If they do not converge, ESP forcibly takes control of the fuel supply and the braking system, aligning the car in the direction of the front wheels. What matters is that electronics are not that smart to know where the safest part of the road is next, so you have to steer the wheels yourself, thereby helping the ESP do the rest of the work.

At first glance, it may seem that experienced drivers do not need to use the help of this system, because in an emergency they can rely on their skills, confidence and experience. But this is a big misconception! In an emergency, ESP correctly regulates the fuel supply and selects the right wheels to brake, which are needed to stabilize the car.

If there is a situation that the front wheels are drifting because corner entry has determined the car to be oversteered, the ESP system will apply the rear brakes by braking the wheel that lies on the inside radius of the turn. This action will align the "front" of the car, leaving for demolition.

The opposite case may also occur, when the car is poorly controlled and slip occurs in a turn with the rear of the car skidding. In this situation, the ESP system applies the front brakes, braking the wheel on the outside of the turn.

Some drivers find that ESP interferes with driving. We want to refute this and prove that it is 100% wrong. Firstly, in any case, a person with all his controlled physical abilities (now we are talking about ordinary people without any phenomenal abilities: radiation, radioactive spider bite, etc.) cannot act the way ESP electronics do. Secondly, an elementary test of one's strength on an ice training ground You will immediately be convinced otherwise.

At high speeds, the chances of not flying off the track are much greater for cars equipped with ESP than without it. Thirdly, people who believe that the stabilization system is superfluous in a car simply violate elementary physical laws, not knowing the principle of ESP operation. Just enough to understand the main principle of ESP, in practice to change your mind to the opposite.

The developers claim that there can be no such situations on the road where ESP can harm, only hopeless ones can happen.

ESP device

Structurally, ESP consists of a system of sensors located on the axles and steering gear that control the position of the vehicle on the road. In addition to sensors, ESP consists of:

Accelerometer, which determines the position of the car in motion;

The main controller, consisting of a pair of microprocessors with 56 KB of memory each.

The effectiveness of ESP lies in its use together with ABS, EBR and ASR systems that provide active vehicle safety.

Bosch- the world market leader in the production of ESP, added new useful properties to it, which are designed to increase the safety and comfort of the car. So ESP, at her request, can be equipped with the following subsequent functions:

1. Electric filling of the hydraulic system. In the event of a sharp removal of the foot from the accelerator, the system will conclude that an emergency situation is possible. In this case, in order to reduce the brake response time, the electro-hydraulic system itself decides to bring the pads to the discs.

2. "Self-cleaning" brake discs. In rainy weather, the working surface of the discs may be covered with a thin layer of water. So that this does not become a hindrance at the moment of emergency braking, pads will lean against the disc, removing a layer of water, in a certain period of time.

3. "Soft" stop. This feature is designed to make stopping smoother. This is achieved by systematically reducing the fluid pressure in the hydraulic circuits as the car stops.

4. Traffic control on uneven road surfaces. Prevents the vehicle from rolling on slopes when reversing.

5. "Stop-forward." This feature enhances cruise control by adjusting the distance to the vehicle in front. Guided by the information received from the sensors, the system can stop the car in traffic jams and analyze its further movement without the participation of the driver.

6. Braking automatically while parking. This is an electronic analogue of the "handbrake", which does not use separate wheel brakes. To activate it, it is enough to squeeze the brake to the floor by pressing the corresponding button of the electro-hydraulic module. This will give an action, give some command to keep the desired pressure in the circuits until a new order is received from the driver.

It is difficult to imagine what else craftsmen-engineers who create automotive systems can offer in the future, one can only guess and dutifully expect new "improvers" of safety and comfort.


Electronic stability control systems are produced by such large manufacturers:

Robert Bosch GmbH is the largest manufacturer of ESP systems. Their release is established under the ESP brand of the same name.

Bendix Corporation

Continental Automotive Systems

Mando Corporation

Other names

The ESP electronic stability control system has a different name for different car manufacturers. Here are some examples:

ASC (Active Stability Control) and ASTC (Active Skid and Traction Control MULTIMODE) - Mitsubishi.

ESC (Electronic Stability Control) - Chevrolet, Kia, Hyundai.

ESP (Elektronisches Stability Program) - Chery, Chrysler, Fiat, Dodge, Mercedes-Benz, Opel, Daimler, Peugeot, Renault, Citroën, Volkswagen, Audi.

VSA (Vehicle Stability Assist) - Acura, Honda.

DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) - BMW, Jaguar, MINI, Mazda, Land Rover.

DSTC (Dynamic Stability and Traction Control) - Volvo.

Despite the fact that the electronic stability control system has been installed on cars for more than 15 years, most drivers still do not understand how it works. At the same time, there are two extremes: some rely completely on electronics without taking into account the laws of physics, while others are firmly convinced that electronics only interfere with them.

Let's try to figure this out together.

The mass introduction of stability control systems began in the late 90s of the last century. At the same time, one of the most scandalous cases in the history of Mercedes took place, when the new A-Class (without a stabilization system) introduced in the fall of 1997 shamefully turned over during the “elk test”. It was this case that to some extent became the impetus for the mass equipping of cars with electronic stabilization systems.

At first, the system was offered as an option on executive and business class cars. Then it became more affordable for more compact budget cars. Electronic Stability Control is now mandatory (in Europe, USA, Canada and Australia) for all new passenger cars as of autumn 2011. And since 2014, absolutely all cars sold must be equipped with an ESP system.

How ESP works

The task of the stabilization system is to help the car move in the direction in which the front wheels are turned. In its simplest form, the system consists of several sensors that control the position of the car in space, an electronic control unit and a pump with separate control of the brake lines for each wheel (it is also used to operate the anti-lock braking system ABS).

Four sensors on each wheel with a frequency of 25 times per second track the speed of rotation of the wheels, the sensor on the steering column determines the angle of rotation of the steering wheel, and another sensor is located as close as possible to the axial center of the car - Yaw sensor, which fixes rotation around the vertical axis (usually a gyroscope , but modern systems use accelerometers).

The electronic unit compares the data on the speed of rotation of the wheels and lateral accelerations with the angle of rotation of the steering wheel, and if these data do not match, then there is an intervention in the fuel supply system and brake lines. It is important to understand that the stabilization system does not and cannot know the correct trajectory of movement, all she does is try to steer the car in the direction the driver turned the steering wheel. At the same time, the stabilization system is able to do what no driver is physically able to do - selective braking of individual wheels of the car. And the restriction of fuel supply is used in order to stop the acceleration of the car and stabilize it as quickly as possible.

There are two main cases of vehicle deviation from the intended trajectory: drift (loss of traction and side slip of the front wheels of the car) and skidding (loss of traction and side slip of the rear wheels of the car). Demolition occurs when the driver tries to maneuver at high speed and the front wheels lose traction, the vehicle stops responding to the steering wheel and continues to move straight ahead. In this case, the stabilization system brakes the rear inner wheel to turn, thereby keeping the car from drifting. Skid usually occurs already at the exit of the turn and mainly on rear-wheel drive cars when you sharply press the gas pedal, when the rear axle slips and begins to move out of the turn. In this case, the stabilization system brakes the outer front wheel, thereby extinguishing the incipient skid.

In fact, for the dynamic stabilization of the car, selective braking with different intensity of not only one wheel is used. In some cases, braking of two wheels of one side at the same time or even three (except for the outer front one) is used.

Some drivers believe that the stabilization system prevents them from driving, but the simplest experiment on an ice track with an average driver behind the wheel shows that without a stabilization system, he is much more likely to fly off the track, not to mention that he is only able to show the best time with the help of the electronics.

If you do not have the title of master of sports in rallying and at the same time are sure that the stabilization system is preventing you from driving, then you simply do not know how to drive correctly and are completely unfamiliar with the laws of physics, car balance and car driving techniques. And on public roads, there are no situations where the lack of a stabilization system can help avoid an accident. Drivers who do not understand the simple truth have the most complaints about the stabilization system: The electronics tries to steer the car in the direction the front wheels are facing.

Different automakers have different settings for the sensitivity and response speed of the stabilization system. This is also due to the weight and dimensions of the car. Some systems have extremely high sensitivity, this is done because drift and skidding are easiest to extinguish at the very beginning, without waiting for the critical angles of the car's deviation from the trajectory.

The stabilization system will be superfluous only in two cases - either you want to effectively spin around, or you are a master of sports and on the race track you have the task of driving as fast as possible. In this case, the stabilization system will prevent the use of a controlled skid to turn the car (especially when using the technique of changing the slide from one side to the other), and the fuel supply restriction will not allow accelerating in side slips.

At the same time, even the included stabilization system within reasonable limits allows you to slide sideways in a controlled skid. All that is needed for this is not to turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid, because. this will lead to instant electronic intervention (the car slides in one direction, and turning the steering wheel you direct it in the other direction). If at the exit of the turn you need to accelerate, and the stabilization system has limited the fuel supply, then just put the steering wheel straight, the actual direction of the car will match the required one and the stabilization system will stop interfering. That is, you just need to drive correctly so that the front wheels are always directed where the car is actually going.

But you need to learn how to drive a car correctly with the stabilization system turned off., otherwise you will not have the skills to determine the beginning of a drift or skid, and accordingly correctly calculate the speed when performing maneuvers. The only possibility, if the automaker has not provided for the possibility of turning off the electronics by standard means, is to turn off one of the speed sensors from any wheel or the ABS pump fuse. In this case, it should be borne in mind that you will also lose the anti-lock braking system and the brake force distribution system along the axles.

The stabilization system is not able to change the laws of physics and it is effective until the limit of tire grip is reached. In all other cases, it is the main element of the active safety of any modern car.