Weaknesses of the Nissan Patrol y61. Nissan Patrol y61 is a legendary SUV at the Land Cruiser level. What are the configurations of Nissan u61

At the end of 1997, you need to understand that in fact, this is not a completely new model, but another evolutionary round. Simply, two decades later, the body of the Patrol Y60 is so outdated (because, with the exception of some details, it migrated from the W160 / 260, originally from the time of the 80 Olympics), that it was impossible to live like this. Creativity, meanwhile, in the brain of Nissan has almost dried up, finances sang funeral romances, and the Japanese geisha had no choice but to lie on both shoulder blades under the French sponsor. Since then, since 1999, the Nissan brand has ceased to have at least something in common with the concept of "Japanese quality" and "indestructible cars". The only mammoth that was an eyesore for all subsequent years was Patrol, developed and put on the conveyor back in the pre-French era, an extremely unprofitable car for the plant ...

Throughout the 2000s, Patrol was fiercely hated by both the Japanese at the head plant of Nissan and in the Russian representative office. He did not fit into the "disposable" concept of Carlos Ghosn, the car is completely unprofitable due to excessive reliability. To my questions and exhortations that you would finally bring the Y61 with the legendary TD42 and sell it in wagons, and to the stories about the fragility of the ZD30, the PR people lazily yawned and waved their hands, saying that Qashqai, Almera and X-Trail are our everything, and Patrol - no one needs it, and the patrol turbodiesel is beautiful and very reliable. A conversation between the blind and the deaf. Thus, when we received the new formation Y62 Patrol in 2011, it was completely natural. The good old horse spoiled the furrow very much.

And so, we found out that for many components and assemblies Y61 is a twin brother with Y60, so it is also true for the next one. The same suspension is generally completely interchangeable. Common at first were motors. Until 1999, only a six-cylinder in-line turbodiesel RD28T was installed on the Y61 for Europe, which received some electronics, including an electronic accelerator pedal, and stopped moving. The car gained weight, and electricity became an invisible buffer between the driver and the engine. As a result, the old diesel engine was replaced by a new, four-cylinder (!) ZD30DDTI. Initially, the very idea of ​​​​putting a 4-cylinder engine on a large frame SUV looked like a utopia, and it turned out to be a utopia.

In the description of the injection system, I may not be accurate in the wording, but the meaning is approximately as follows: the engine was equipped with a primitive likeness of Common Rail injection with the sonorous name M-Fire. What do you call the yacht... the fourth cylinder burned out at first even before the end of the warranty period (hello, France!). The plant realized that they had slightly gone too far with the weakening of the structure, carried out an easy upgrade, and he began to nurse a little more than 100 thousand km. However, the resource is very dependent on the "rider". In "sportsmen" the engine usually dies quickly, while in "normal" it takes care of both 200 and 250 thousand km. But even these figures look very pale against the background of the resource of the old power units that were installed on the Y60. At the same time, the characteristics of the engine are very meager - a miserable 158 "horses" available only at high speeds, in the turbo zone, and a "fantastic" torque of 363 N / m, which is also available far from the "bottoms". As a result, on cars with manual transmission, the "lower classes" are frankly not enough, and even with automatic transmission it is somehow not rich.

And in order to remove this breathtaking power, it was necessary to install an intercooler, which sometimes leaks and costs like a warhead, so the craftsmen began to adapt this device from a turbodiesel Pajero. Turbines die, and all sorts of sensors there, the motor is rich in floating glitches, very sensitive to fuel quality, today it drives well, but tomorrow it doesn’t drive at all ... On my Y61, by 150 thousand kilometers, there are already the third (!) Motor, with the latter was changed by the dealer in the eighth year of the car's life. Why? He covered himself right at the dealer in the technical center during MOT. How so? This is the charm of ZD30DDTI - it dies, most often, without warning. At one of my acquaintances, he simply exploded on the go ...
The problem of a low resource largely lies in an unfavorable thermal regime, because it is not in vain that it is the 3rd and 4th cylinders that burn out. The bulkhead budget lies in the range of 120-170 thousand rubles (work + parts).
The resource, I emphasize once again, primarily depends on the driver. A heart attack can happen both at 80 thousand km and at 350-450 thousand km, such centenarians are also known.
The main recipe for ZD30 longevity is not to over-twist, not overheat, keep radiators clean, sometimes change antifreeze, change oils, filters, fill up with a good diesel engine, and do not drive in forced modes (long runs on highways at high speeds or towing heavy trailers) .
And this motor tortured the whistle of the drive belt. It is the same for the entire engine, it really does not like when water and dirt get on it, but they always get on it. If the whistle has become constant and daily, then it's time to change the belt, and not because it is worn out, but because the grains of sand "melted" into the composition of the rubber itself and it simply became slippery. Most often, when measuring the belt, it is necessary to change the not very reliable tensioner.

Boxes, both manual transmission and automatic transmission, are very tenacious, although I had just a rare copy, the previous owner of which managed to finish the "automatic" for 120 thousand runs. But this is a unique case. Otherwise, on bridges, cardans, suspension - everything is insanely condo and reliable.
From time to time I hear criticism of patrol bridges for their non-removable swivel balls, that, they say, if they died, it is necessary to change the entire stocking assembly. They never died and never changed ... But the gearboxes are ready to live in the most monstrous conditions and work on water, this is a fact. And even the bridge flowing like a piglet will take you home from anywhere - the construction is very strong.

In an attempt to save money, the French changed the grade and thickness of steel used in the manufacture of frames. It didn’t become less durable because of this, and it didn’t start to rot faster for sure, however, for the “racers”, the upper, supporting cups of the rear springs are torn off the frame at a time ... it’s better to strengthen it right away.

As a result, having played enough with diesels, I switched to gasoline Patrols. The TB48 engine is made exclusively for the Arabs, but our representative office decided to make the Russians happy with this fiery heart. Ride on it once during the presentation in 2005, I realized - mine! The car, especially on regular wheels, flies very quickly. The dynamics are monstrous for a bridge mastodon, and a five-speed automatic transmission with a type-tronic is much more perfect than a four-speed one and diesel engines. Petrol Patrol with TB48, in my opinion, is the pinnacle of the evolution of the Y60 and Y61 series. But the appetite ... 30 liters per hundred - be so kind.

The minimum fuel consumption I registered on a highway in Finland, on good bourgeois gasoline, is 16.8, but as soon as you enter Russia, when driving calmly along the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway, the figure immediately jumps to 24 liters. And if you don't be modest and "trample" the accelerator, then all 26-27 ... This is on the highway! A tank of 95 liters is enough for 300 km ...

Why such an expense? Arab! The automatic transmission is set up in such a way that it keeps the speed in the working zone all the time, at least 2000 rpm, and if you start from a traffic light with enthusiasm, then the arrow often travels beyond the 4000 mark ... This is on an almost five-liter engine! Here's your cost...

I ended up driving on gas. Gas consumption - about 35 liters per hundred, a cylinder right in the cabin for 140 liters. Wonderful. But there is a case when a similar motor "burned out" from gas - either the piston group or the valves burned out. So I would not recommend gas for this engine.

To the question of the safety of installing a gas cylinder in the cabin, I will say this. It was on this handsome gasoline that I rolled over at a speed of 120 km / h in the Volgograd region. The balloon, filled to capacity, did not even budge. So if you put it correctly and in the right installation center, then there are no complaints about security.

By the way, after such a crash test, the crew remained alive and even almost healthy. The driver's concussion and cervical spine injury are easy payback for landing from an embankment onto a roof at that speed. Naturally, everyone was fastened. After this accident, the car remained on the move, vanishingly few whole body parts remained, the frame survived, and we restored the car, as a token of gratitude for the saved lives. How? This is a topic for a separate post...

How can you roll over on a straight stretch in the middle of the steppe? Easily! Do not forget, the Y61 is devoid of any stabilization systems, and is very demanding on the driver's qualifications. Especially if it is a powerful, gasoline version. The car is tall, the suspensions are long-stroke, the bridges weigh 150 kilograms each, the unsprung masses are monstrous, and only a person who has pretty much ridden on such a technique can feel the fifth point of such a hearse. If you have just moved from a passenger car ... it is very difficult to feel the beginning of a skid, and if the moment is missed, then it is almost impossible to catch the “pendulum” on a three-ton semi-truck.
Also, it is worth noting that the petrol Patrol has more powerful brakes and a softer standard suspension. In stock, it has a softer tread than a diesel. I put the hardest version of Tough Dog Ralph and the car on this suspension swallowed any holes, jumped over jumps, and was generally close to ideal. But there was also the other side of the coin - due to the increased speeds (such indicators are generally not available for a kerosene stove, because the maximum speed of the "lighter" is 190 km / h), the hubs became consumables and on Voloka 2011 I changed them twice for 7000 km! But, I emphasize, I "bludgeoned" with all the money ... I even had to borrow, as I remember now :)

By the way, a few words about patency. If you "roll into the Patrol", he rides off-road wonderfully. It has nothing to tear off and bend, no components and assemblies require, in my opinion, any protection or modifications, sit down and go, this is not the LR Defender for you. But there is one "but": in the standard configuration, this is not an LR Defender for you, Patrol is long, low and heavy, and does not go anywhere. To conquer space, you need at least 33 wheels, and real cross-country ability starts at 35 inches. But the whole power kit only spoils the off-road qualities, and if you remove all these armor (or better not put it on), then the difference is very noticeable. Thus, I insist on not using power body kits on the Y60 / Y61, only with maximum lightening this car will give you its innate excellent cross-country ability and reliability, otherwise, it will sink and crumble everywhere ... So choose, you show off or ride?

What to do if there is no desire to take a 3.0 diesel, and the gluttonous 4.8 scares you with extravagance? There remains the good old TD42, which has not gone anywhere, just thanks to our Nissan dealership, this modification went to the Arab countries and Africa.
Nowadays, gray dealers bring brand new Y61s from the UAE with TD42s on the "mechanics". As I understand it, all the cars are "from the storerooms", produced in 2011, although I still don’t have reliable data on whether the Japanese have removed the Y61 from production, different sources say different data. In general, it is still possible to buy a real idiot's dream, for only 1.8 - 2.2 million rubles, and if I could afford to buy a new car for this money, I would not even hesitate ...

Thanks to my colleague and good friend Alexander Evdokimov, who knows how to use search engines much better than I do, the following very useful information was obtained, further quote:

"Wikipedia will assure that the Y61 Patrol is still being produced in such urban settlements as: Karachi (Pakistan), Rosslyn (South Africa) and Tangier (Morocco). I climbed to look for those who sell these cars, and even found a few. So the smoking room is alive !!

In general, Patrol Y61 is alive and well, standing on the assembly line and not blowing in the mustache. But we are not supposed to…”

P.S. There is an option to replace the ZD30DDTI with a "contract" TD42, and even with a turbocharged TD42T, but only a few decide on this desperate step ...
P.P.S Very soon, expect posts about the restoration of the Y61 TB48 after the "ears", as well as the Concentrate of Thoughts on the Patrol Y62
P.P.P.S. I'm waiting for additions, clarifications and stories about personal experience in the comments! The Concentrate of Thoughts should really be a concentrate of experience on such a well-deserved car!

Cars are different. Some model can be safely called ordinary, the other is considered worthy. But there are cars that are considered legendary. Nissan Patrol is one of them. Initially created for the needs of the army, the Patrol U61 SUV won the hearts of off-road lovers around the world. Patrol is the official vehicle of the UN, it is used to travel to the most dangerous and difficult places.

Patrol U61 is the name of the fifth generation, which is no longer in production, in 2010 it was replaced by the sixth generation. But finding a car is not so difficult, and the price of a supported version is much lower than the sixth generation Patrol. The article will consider the features of all-wheel drive, power plants and operation in difficult conditions.

The main dimensions of the car
Length 5045 mm
Height 1855 mm
Width 1940 mm
Clearance (ground clearance) 220 mm
Wheelbase 2970 mm
rear track 1625 mm
front track 1605 mm
Luggage compartment volume from 183 to 2287 liters
Basic tires 275/65R17
Full mass from 2920 to 3200 kg, depending on the configuration

Appearance and interior

Photos will tell more about the appearance of the car. The body does not differ in brutal appearance, but at the same time it looks reliable and unshakable. And this is true - the body is made of a thick layer of metal, which is why the mass of the car reaches 3 tons. On the one hand, this makes it stable, and on the other hand, it negatively affects fuel economy.

Inside, everything is also simple and practical. There are no bells and whistles here, but the driver feels confident behind the wheel. And passengers usually do not complain. The only minus of the car interior (except for the decoration that is simple by modern standards) is the interior mirror.

Body features

Nissan has tried to make the car as "indestructible" as possible. The body practically does not rust. After examining a car with ten years of experience, the experts found corrosion only in places of deep chips. But if the driver decides to buy a car from an off-road fan, then the bodywork should be carefully examined, since the time spent in the swamps is bad for the thresholds and wheel arches.

It is necessary to carefully examine the frame, especially its rear part, since corrosion appears first of all there. The body is made of a thick layer of metal, so the resource is quite large. But it will be great if, after the purchase, the owner will process the “weak” points of the design.


It is worth talking about iron separately, but for now we suggest studying the engines. For all the time, many options have been released, but we are considering those engines that can be easily found in the CIS countries. It is worth saying that in the Russian market of used cars, the right-hand drive Patrol is a frequent guest.

And if possible, it is better to choose just such a version of the "Japanese". The right-hand drive SUV will have a Safari badge, which is appreciated among off-road enthusiasts. In general, such versions have a richer finish and content. The electronics settings are slightly different from the European versions of the Nissan Patrol. For example, in the root model you can find a 4.2-liter diesel unit that produces 160 horses.

Base diesel engine 2.8 TD

The 2.8-liter engine, like other fifth-generation Nissan diesel options, is turbocharged. The design includes six cylinders, which have an in-line arrangement. The power of the turbodiesel is 129 horsepower, bursting out from under the hood at 2000 rpm. Torque peaks at 252 H*m at 4000 rpm. The motor works only with 5-speed mechanics. The engine has the following dynamics and economy indicators:

  • The power plant accelerates Patrol from 0 km/h to 100 km/h in 18.4 seconds.
  • The speed limit is 155 km/h.
  • In the city, the base engine eats up about 15 liters, on the highway - 9.5. Mixed mode - 11 liters.

Diesel 3.0TD

The volume is 2953 cm3. The location here is also in-line, only there are already 4 cylinders, not 6. When choosing a medium diesel engine, it can be equipped with either a 4-speed automatic or a 5-speed manual. Power is 158 horses at 2000 rpm. The maximum torque is 380 H * m, which appears at 2000 rpm. The performance of a 3-liter diesel engine is as follows:

  • Acceleration from 0 km / h to 100 km / h takes 15.4 seconds with a manual or 16.9 with a gun.
  • Maximum speed - 160 km / h.
  • Consumption in the city is 14.3 liters with mechanics, the machine will reduce the figure to 13.9. On the highway, the car consumes 8.8 liters with a manual transmission or 8.6 with an automatic transmission. Mixed mode for both options requires about 10 liters.

Diesel flagship 3.0 TD

The top diesel has become the "favorite" of Russian offroaders.

The most expensive turbodiesel has an in-line arrangement of four cylinders. The choice of boxes is exactly the same as in the previous motor: 5MKP or 4AKP. The maximum power is 160 horsepower, which becomes available at 3600. Torque peaks at 380 H * m. The flagship received the following indicators:

  • Acceleration 0-100 km / h takes 15.2 seconds with a manual transmission or 16.3 with an automatic transmission.
  • The speed limit is 160 km/h.
  • Fuel consumption in the city should not exceed 14.3 liters with mechanics and 13.9 liters. with an automatic. On the highway, the car consumes 8.8 liters with manual transmission and 9 with automatic transmission. The average consumption is 12 liters.

4.8 petrol engine

The only gasoline engine has an in-line arrangement of six cylinders. Only a 5-speed automatic is available for it. Power is 245 horsepower at 3600 rpm. Peak torque is 400 N*m at 3600 rpm. The engine "feeds" on the 95th gasoline. The most powerful option boasts the following indicators:

  • Acceleration time to hundreds lasts 11.7 s.
  • The speed limit is 180 km/h.
  • In the city, a car equipped with a gasoline engine needs 19.6 liters per hundred. On the highway, fuel consumption drops only per liter - 18.1.

Nissan Patrol features - testers notes

Now we know what can be inside the SUV. The final puzzle is the car's ability on the road. Feedback from ordinary motorists and serious testers helps to see the big picture. If the SUV “rolls” on asphalt, then only rear-wheel drive is involved in the work. And this is convenient, because fuel consumption drops, the ride becomes more comfortable, and driving a rear-wheel drive car is much easier. But if the driver gets off-road, then in his arsenal appear: a rear differential lock, low gears and all-wheel drive.

Once in an extreme situation, the owner of the car can even turn off the rear stabilizer. This element looks like a shock absorber. In normal mode, the rear stabilizer is locked. In this position, the wheels are hung out earlier, as a result, there is less roll. But on a real offroad, the element becomes redundant, so the driver can disable it with a single button on the dashboard. After that, the electromagnet will release the stem. As a result, each Nissan Patrol wheel will receive 70 millimeters of free play. The symbiosis of these functions and a reliable body provide excellent cross-country ability to the car.

Returning to the stabilizer, it is worth warning that it should be turned off only in serious situations, since the wear of the part occurs quite quickly. Replacement will cost almost a thousand dollars. The rest of the parts that form the four-wheel drive are of high strength. True, the hub couplings of the front wheelset may be an exception. Here the situation is the same as with the stabilizer - they work in automatic and manual mode. So that the couplings do not cause trouble, they need to be monitored and serviced in time. This implies disassembly and lubrication of the hubs and steering knuckles. These procedures are performed every 40-60 thousand kilometers. In general, the car has no problems with off-road: an excellent all-wheel drive system, a strong body and a powerful power plant.

Patrol can be called unique because of the suspension, which is dependent on both front and rear. But this highlight has a positive effect on the reliability of the “running” both on a flat surface and offroad. The car turned out to be quite economical when compared with other SUVs. For example, bushings and stabilizer struts change only after 50-60 thousand km. With the steering of the car, too, everything is fine - with increasing speed, the effort on the "steering wheel" also increases. As the experience of Russian owners of Nissan Patron shows, steering parts are no less durable than the body.


The brakes may seem a little too hard for some, but for an SUV, this is a plus, not a minus. With frequent use of the car on the road, replacement of the pads may be needed after 20 thousand mileage. If only the disc is worn out, you can grind it yourself and return it to operation.

You can buy a car for 1.5-2 million rubles, depending on the configuration and power stop.

Nissan Patrol Y61– Honorary member of the UN updated: August 22, 2015 by: dimajp

Its predecessor earned the fame of a real SUV. Due to their high cross-country ability and reliability, these cars are very popular among fans of various rally raids and off-road rides. But our car is rarely seen in the chronicles of off-road competitions.

Nissan Patrol III generation 1979-1988
01.88 Start
Nissan Patrol V generation (Y61) since 1997
since 2010

NISSAN PATROL - a real long-liver on the market - has been known since 1951. During the change of generations, it was constantly modernized, but up to the sixth generation it did not change its basic principles: the Part-Time all-wheel drive system with a plug-in front end and reduction gear, frame and axles. And only Y62 has changed dramatically


The first sign of Patrol (Y61) is represented by two modifications: a 3-door with a "short" wheelbase (2400 mm) and a 5-door with a long wheelbase (2970 mm). Officially, we sell “5-doors”, “3-doors” are extremely rare. During production, the model was restyled several times, and according to the years of production, the car can be divided into three periods: 1997–2003, 2003–2006. and from 2006 until now.

The body is mounted on a powerful frame that can withstand heavy loads when driving off-road. Well, we found the first sign of a real off-road. The bodies are galvanized and are not afraid of corrosion.


The interior of this model is very spacious and roomy: most versions are 7-seater. On the sides of the trunk are suspended 2 folding seats. True, over time, their fastenings become loose, and when driving over bumps, the “seats” rattle unpleasantly. In addition, the driver's airbag can also knock. Although in general the interior is made of quality materials, and there are no comments on them.

We also note the good equipment of this SUV. Even the basic version has front and side airbags, ABS and Break Assist systems, central locking, immobilizer, climate control, heated front seats, front wiper “parking” zones, power windows, a proprietary audio system with a 6-disc CD changer, alloy 17 -inch wheels, power steering, adjustable steering column.


An old friend will not let you down Patrol (Y61) was equipped with gasoline and diesel power units. The most widespread among us are more economical versions that run on diesel fuel.

The 2.8-liter TDI is a modernized engine inherited from its predecessor. The mechanics of the branded service station could not remember any of its characteristic shortcomings. The only thing to consider is that its timing is driven by a belt, which during operation requires replacement every 80 thousand km. All other engines use a metal chain, which, as a rule, is cared for before overhaul. The gas distribution mechanism of most units is equipped with shims, although, according to operating experience, valve clearances had to be adjusted only when repairing the cylinder head.

There are no special complaints about gasoline engines, which are much less common. The only remark is a significant fuel consumption (about 25 liters per "hundred" in the urban cycle).

But the 3.0-liter turbodiesel has proven to be the least reliable. So, on versions before 2006, the air mass meter failed (symptoms - “thrust” disappears). Later, the node was upgraded, and it stopped bothering me. Breakdowns of the oil pressure sensor in the pressure line and the intercooler were also noted. The last problem is extremely dangerous - after a long drive along the highway with a faulty intercooler, one of the pistons often burns out. In this case, the fuel mixture is too rich, which leads to an increase in the temperature regime of the engine. In addition, over time (due to wear of the injection pump), problems arise in the operation of the fuel injection angle advance mechanism. Oil leaks from under the sealing rings of the brake booster vacuum pump were also noted (it is being repaired).

The attachment belt tensioner in all engines serves an average of 60 thousand km.

A sign of a real off-road is all-wheel drive, however, here it is plug-in. Since there is no center differential, it is recommended to use all-wheel drive only on slippery surfaces, dirt roads or off-road. Otherwise, it threatens with accelerated wear of tires and transmission. Although mechanics believe that the transmission is very strong, and even with improper operation, it is not so easy to “kill” it. The off-road arsenal of the model is complemented by a reduction gear and a forced locking of the rear cross-axle differential. The owners of Patrol (Y61) claim that the car has a high cross-country ability and confidently copes even with serious off-road conditions.


Transmission Patrol (Y61), like all previous generations of the model, with a plug-in limber.

After off-road rides, it is definitely recommended to clean the ball steering knuckles of the front axle, otherwise dirt can damage the oil seals. Regular (every 15,000 km) lubrication requires propeller shaft crosses.

Patrol (Y61) were equipped with manual and automatic gearboxes. According to the mechanics, both units are quite reliable. Only the clutch in turbo-diesel versions, due to the insufficient performance of the hydraulic vacuum booster, works specifically - the pedal is depressed with a noticeable effort, which creates inconvenience when driving in the city. But this is not a malfunction.


Looking under the car, you are even more convinced of its off-road orientation - the front and rear suspensions of Patrol (Y61) are dependent - solid axles, together with springs, are suspended on powerful levers. Their replaceable silent blocks take care of more than 100 thousand km, Panhard rods are supplied with rubber bands. Long serve and native shock absorbers.

The only weak point of the rear suspension is the actuator for changing the stiffness and stroke of the stabilizer. Over time, it fails, which manifests itself in an unpleasant knock while driving. This node costs about 20 thousand UAH. To save money, mechanics recommend installing a regular one-piece rack instead.


Nissan Patrol) - a full-fledged SUV with a frame body structure. One of the biggest advantages of this model is that it, over time, does not go out of fashion and does not lose its relevance. Also, a large margin of safety can be attributed to the advantages of this car, which allows the car to remain in good technical condition even after 10 years of operation. But, as often happens, such machines are forgotten correctly and, most importantly, to service it on time, as a result, specimens that are not in the best condition enter the secondary market. Therefore, today we will talk about what surprises a used fifth-generation Nissan Patrol can bring, and what to look for when inspecting this car.

A bit of history:

Like many full-fledged SUVs, the Nissan Patrol was created as an army vehicle. The first generation of the car was introduced in 1951, visually, the car resembled one of the first American army vehicles Willys Jeep. A little later, a civilian version of the car was released. The second generation of the model appeared on the market in 1959 and differed from its predecessor by the presence of a soft roof. Starting with this model, the car was assembled with a short, medium and long base. In 1980, the third generation of the car was presented to the public. Starting from this generation, all versions began to be equipped with leaf spring suspension. Also, various trim options became available, and on luxury models they began to install air conditioning and power steering. In 1983, a restyled version of the car appeared, which is better known as the "MK Patrol". The fourth generation debuted on the market in 1987. The novelty was very different from its predecessors, not only in appearance, but also technically.

Starting with this version, the car is equipped with a spring suspension, stability stabilizers appeared, drum brakes were replaced with disc brakes, and a reverse gear synchronizer was installed in the transmission. Nissan Patrol 5 (Y61) was presented at the Frankfurt Auto Show in 1997. Starting from this generation, the manufacturer abandoned strict lines in design, but despite this, the appearance of the car still corresponds to the image of a hardy and severe SUV. Overall length is 510 mm, width 193 mm, height 185 mm. In addition to the extended five-door version, you can also find cars with a short base (three-door) on the market. The car is presented in four body types - station wagon, pickup truck, cargo-passenger van and hardtop. In 2004, a small restyling was carried out: new optics, bumpers and a 4.8 petrol engine appeared. In 2010, a completely updated sixth generation of the model (Y62) appeared on the market.

Weaknesses of a used Nissan Patrol 5

Looking ahead, I would like to note that one of the most vulnerable places of this model is the body. Despite the fact that the paintwork is not of poor quality, corrosion on the body of this car is a common occurrence. Most often, rust appears at the joints of doors, sills and wheel arches. And, if there is no rust in these places, then the car was thoroughly prepared for sale, in this case, the main thing is that the place affected by corrosion should be cleaned and treated with anti-corrosion material, and not just filled with paint.


The fifth generation Nissan Patrol was equipped with gasoline engines - 4.5 (200 hp) and 4.8 (245 hp) and diesel engines - turbocharged 2.8 (125 and 136 hp), 3.0 (158 and 170 hp). ) and atmospheric 4.2 (125 hp). The best option for buying is considered to be a 3.0-liter diesel power unit, since gasoline engines have unreasonably high fuel consumption, and there is frankly not enough less powerful diesel. The 3.0 motor of the first years of production had a significant drawback (the pistons burned out), but in 2004 the manufacturer upgraded and eliminated this defect. Otherwise, this power unit is very reliable and, with timely maintenance, can last more than 500,000 km without major repairs. However, minor troubles may appear after 200,000 km. So, in particular, problems were noted with the air flow meter sensor (traction disappears) and oil pressure in the line and intercooler (if not eliminated in time, there is a high probability of burnout of the pistons).

At each maintenance, it is recommended to check the condition of the high-pressure fuel pump, since if it malfunctions, malfunctions of the injection system occur. Also, over time, oil leaks appear from under the rings of the vacuum pump. A 2.8 engine is not much inferior in reliability to a more powerful engine and practically does not cause problems, but only if overheating is not allowed (in most cases, the cylinder head cracks, replacement will cost about 1500 USD . ). In order not to run into an overheated engine, be sure to diagnose the engine in the service. Unlike other power units, this motor is equipped with a timing belt drive, which requires attention during operation (the replacement interval is 60-80 thousand kilometers).

It is also worth noting that all diesel engines are sensitive to fuel quality. The resource of the turbine, on average, is 200-250 thousand km, and its replacement is not a cheap pleasure (about 1000 USD). To check the condition of the turbine, it is necessary to remove the hose that leads from the turbine to the intake manifold, if there is oil in it, the turbine will soon have to be changed. Also, on cars with a mileage of more than 200,000 km, hydraulic lifters begin to knock (replacement 200-300 USD). There are no special comments on the reliability of gasoline engines, their biggest drawbacks are: high fuel consumption (up to 25 liters per 100 km), a small power reserve and a small resource of the attachment belt tensioner pulley (up to 60,000 km).


The fifth generation Nissan Patrol was equipped with two types of gearboxes - mechanics and automatic transmission. Both transmissions are quite reliable and do not cause much trouble for 400-500 thousand km. The clutch life of a mechanical transmission directly depends on the operating conditions, but it is worth noting that even in a hard “off-road” mode, it will last at least 60 thousand km, and with careful operation it can please with a mileage of 200,000 km. The car is equipped with a plug-in all-wheel drive (regularly rear-wheel drive), but since it does not have a center differential, it can only be used on slippery, snowy or sandy roads, as well as off-road. Otherwise, premature wear of transmission parts (transfer case chain, bearings, etc.) and tires is inevitable. When inspecting the transmission of a car, you need to pay attention to the condition: transfer cases and bridges, as well as check the level and condition of the oil in these mechanisms. In addition, “harbs” (couplings), anthers of steering knuckles, crosses and spline joints of the cardan require special attention.

Suspension reliability Nissan Patrol 5

There is no need to talk about the level of comfort in the car, since the front and rear suspensions of the Nissan Patrol are dependent (solid axles with springs are suspended on powerful levers) and very rigid. If we talk about its reliability, then it all depends on the operating conditions, but it is worth noting that even under conditions of tough operation, the suspension does not cause any special problems. On average, consumables such as stabilizer struts and bushings live up to 80,000 km. Silent blocks, thrust bearings, tie rod ends, thrust bearings and seals will have to be changed about once every 100-150 thousand km. One of the weakest points in the suspension is the mechanism for changing the stiffness of the stabilizer stroke. With a constant off-road assault, it quickly fails (appears with a knock in the suspension) and needs to be replaced, and this is not a cheap pleasure (about 1000 USD). Therefore, in order to save money, many owners install an all-metal rack. The steering is reliable, but, with frequent off-road trips, there may be problems with the steering damper.


The Nissan Patrol 5 interior is made of fairly high-quality materials, thanks to which, even on cars with a mileage of more than 300,000 km, it does not look pretty shabby, and does not irritate with squeaks and knocks while driving. As for the reliability of electronics, failures occur in it, but, as a rule, they are minor and are eliminated by restarting the system.


In the city, it will be inconvenient to constantly use the Nissan Patrol 5, since it is not agile, and fuel consumption is very high, but on the roads it has practically no equal.

If you are the owner of this car model, please describe the problems that you had to face during the operation of the car. Perhaps it is your review that will help readers of our site when choosing a car.

Sincerely, editorial Autoavenue

The automobile company Nissan Motor Company Ltd has many wonderful cars in its model line. One of them, of course, is "Patrol", which stands out not only among its "namesake", but also among fellow classmates.

The best feature for the "Patrol" is the fact that in all the "hot" and "roadless" spots of the globe, UN employees carry out their mission using this particular car. Many auto reviewers see it as an "icon" of its class. He deserves it, and, of course, his long pedigree has helped him in this.

The first generation of this model appeared back in 1951, was created for the needs of the army and resembled the legendary Willys military jeep in appearance. Updates and restyling of this car took place and were presented to the buyers with enviable regularity: in 1960, 1980, 1987 and, finally, in 1997, the fifth generation Nissan Patrol was introduced (in 2004 it was restyled).

So "Patrol" with the index "Y61" is truly a real SUV with a masculine character and brutal appearance, which characterizes both its exterior and interior. With all his appearance, he demonstrates conservatism and indifference to automotive fashion, because he is designed to work in remote areas and extra "show-offs", at least until recently, he was useless. And the child can accurately describe its appearance: large, square, and at the same time simple. Simplicity is generally the key word for Patrol.

Inside, it also lacks "bells and whistles", especially in comparison with the updated versions of "classmates" - none: wood, soft leather, chrome and super-V8 engines under the hood. Most likely, therefore, he is inferior in sales to all of them. But on the other hand, it is clear that people who buy such a car are happy, because they are free from their own ego and the desire to pay one and a half times more for a few more comfortable interior details, smoother body lines and a couple of fashionable headlights. In the cabin, everything is quite trivial, but everything is in its place, and at the same time with a solid interior design. The visibility of the interior mirror suffers a little, but this inconvenience is more than offset by large side mirrors. However, the restyling of 2004 still added a little gloss to the interior design: the color scheme became more interesting, the plastic was of better quality.

About the appearance of the Patrol Y61, not because of "ugliness", but because of simplicity, there is nothing more to say ... it is much more interesting to consider the technical, operational and driving characteristics of this machine.

The 5th generation Nissan Patrol is based on a classic, corrosion-resistant frame structure, to which continuous axles and dependent suspensions are attached. This base is ideal for heavy off-road use. The plug-in all-wheel drive, blocking the rear cross-axle differential, with relative structural simplicity, makes the car reliable in operation. "Patrol" is able to inspire confidence, respect and a sense of security. One feels the indestructibility of his "cargo" arsenal, and the sensations from the car are similar. If the road meets with serious irregularities, the suspension reacts with undisguised rigidity. A large radius is required to turn, due to the large base. "Patrol" is very good on a straight line, but shows a reluctance to change the direction of its movement, a little late to the steering commands. The car has a mass of 2.5 tons, with a length of 5010 mm (and a seven-seat interior), a trunk volume of 810 liters.

In terms of power units, the fifth generation machine is equipped with:

  • 4.8 liter R6 petrol engine with 245 hp. with., 5-speed automatic transmission and is capable of speeds up to 190 km / h.
  • or diesel is a 3.0 liter turbodiesel with 160 hp. with 5-speed manual transmission or 4-speed "automatic".

Fuel consumption is truly immodest: on the highway 15, and in the city 25 liters per 100 km for the gasoline version, the diesel is much more economical - 14 ~ 9 liters per 100 km, respectively.
Among the operational advantages of the “fifth Patrol”, it is worth highlighting high reliability, a roomy and comfortable interior, and the cross-country ability of a classic SUV.
By the "cons" - only sensitivity to high-quality and regular maintenance.

In 2010, this real male car could be bought in two trim levels. Patrol Luxury was offered at a price of ~2 million 67 thousand rubles, and an SUV in the Elegance configuration was sold at a price of 2 million 146 thousand rubles.