Presentation of the project What's in My Name for You. Presentation - What's in my name for you.... Last slide of the presentation: “What’s in your name?”

Slide 2: Relevance

my work is obvious. A name is something that accompanies a person throughout his life. With a name he comes into this world, with a name he goes through life, encounters ups and downs. A huge role is played by the meaning and mystery of the name, what has been embedded in it for centuries. B. Khigir claims that a name is destiny. But how do the people of Teguldet approach the choice, essentially, of a destiny for their child? What are they guided by: the calendar, fashion or family traditions? I tried to answer these questions in my work. The purpose of this project: to trace the history of anthroponymy of S. Teguldet.

Slide 3: Anthroponymy

In Ushakov’s dictionary, the name is interpreted as “a distinctive name, a designation of a person given at birth.” Anthroponymy is a section of onomastics that studies the names of people, the so-called. “personal name” (in the Old Russian language also - reclo, nazvische, nickname, title, nickname, pronomination) - a special word that serves to designate an individual person and is given to him individually in order to be able to address him, as well as speak about him with others." V. Superanskaya

Slide 4: The name phenomenon was studied by:

V. A. Nikonov and G. Eis studied the names of literary heroes. S. R. Mintslov in the book “The Power of Names” draws conclusions about the similarity of characters of people with the same names: - Alexei are prudent people; Alexandras are funny people; Peters are quiet, quiet, but with a firm and stubborn character. P. Florensky, an outstanding Russian scientist and philosopher, dedicated a special work to the study of the connection between names and character - “Names.” Psychiatrists from the USA claim that people with funny and strange names are more predisposed than others to various kinds of mental complexes,

Slide 5: History of the name in Rus'

In Russia, until the 17th century, parents kept secret the name given to their child at baptism, thereby trying to deceive evil spirits. Personal names of people existed in Rus' before the adoption of Christianity. These were Old Russian names. These names reflected various properties and qualities of a person’s character. Here are some names: Zhdan, Nezhdan, Bolshoy, Menshoy, Pervoy, Tretyak, Buyan, Ryaboy, Crooked, Wolf, Cat, Bull, Sparrow, etc. Traces of such names can be seen in many modern Russian surnames: Nezhdanov, Tretyakov, Bolshakov, Vorobyov, Kotov and others. After the adoption of Christianity, Old Russian names begin to be replaced by new names - church names. Hundreds of ancient Slavic male and female names are completely falling out of use. All children in pre-revolutionary Russia received only church names - Greek, Roman, Jewish. In Russia, a personal name could often carry a certain social characteristic. As linguists have been able to establish, for example, in the 18th century, girls in peasant families were often called Vasilisa, Fekla, Fedosya, Mavra. A girl born into a noble family could not receive such a name. In noble families at that time there were such female names that were almost uncommon among peasant women: Olga, Ekaterina, Alexandra.

Slide 6: Fashion for names

Previously, there were no problems with a name for a child, because children in the Russian Empire were named exclusively by the calendar. And in troubled times, names taken from the church calendar remained the most common in our country. Children were and will be named after their grandparents, and no revolution can prevent this. And even today, judging by statistics, 95 percent of Russians bear traditional calendar Russian names.

Slide 7: Fashion for names

Old Russian calendars are rich in men's names; there are 900 of them recorded there, and only 250 of women's ones. In the cunningly arranged church calendar, some names appeared very often. For example, Ivan - 79 times, Anna - 18, Maria -12. Therefore, they are quite common even now. But the names Victor and Vitaly became popular for a completely opposite reason. Since ancient times, they were considered monastic, there were few of them in the world, and therefore in the 20th century these unworn “fresh” names were successful.

Slide 8: Fashion for names

The peak of popularity of the name Ivan occurred in the 40s. Parents called 92 babies out of 1000 newborns Ivan. The fleeting fashion for the name Timur was introduced by the Soviet commander Mikhail Frunze; in 1923 he named his son that way. Following him, the son of the writer Arkady Gaidar became Timur. After the release of the book “Timur and His Team,” many parents rushed to name their children Timur. Then this hobby was forgotten.

Slide 9: Fashion for names

In 1937, Yakov Protazanov’s film “The Dowry” was released on the country’s screens, and for 15 years after the film appeared, parents called at least 22 girls per 1000 newborns Larisa every year. During the pre-war period of friendship with Germany, little Adolfs and Rudolfs appeared in the USSR. But these names are considered rare.


Slide 10: Fashion for names

60 years ago in the USSR, parents, as if by agreement, named half of the newborn boys Alexander, Aleksey, Andrey, Dmitry, Igor or Sergey; girls - Elena, Irin, Marin, Natalia, Olga or Svetlana. It was a fashion for simple Russian names. Having analyzed the situation, scientists became alarmed: the country’s population is growing, and the composition of personal names is becoming poorer. Since the 60s, manuals on personal names began to be published - reference books, popular science articles and articles on the history of Russian names. Either the efforts of scientists had an effect, or something else, but from 1966 to 1988 the number of commonly used names almost doubled.


Slide 11: 70s

In the 70s, it became fashionable to call children by foreign names: Eduard, Alex, Alfred, Artemy, Helius, Jean, Fernand; girls - Eva, Zhanetta, Isolde, Leonella, Magda, Renata and Zhanna. There is an assumption that people with a low intellectual level called children this way. And among the intelligentsia at that time, a fashion for everything deeply national began, and the ancient Russian names Dobrynya, Zhdan, Lyubava were revived from oblivion.


Slide 12: 80s

Alexander, Alexey, Dmitry, Sergey still remained names of mass distribution (more than 50 for every thousand people). The list of female names has expanded slightly: Anastasia, Anna, Ekaterina, Maria, Natalya, Olga and Yulia.


Slide 13: 90s

In the 90s, Andrei, Anton, Artem, Vitaly, Vladimir, Denis, Evgeniy, Ivan, Igor, Konstantin, Maxim, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Roman, Stanislav were considered widespread names for boys (20-50 per thousand people); for girls - Alexandra, Victoria, Daria, Elena, Irina, Ksenia, Olga, Svetlana. The fashion for Russian antiquity continued.


Slide 14: History of names p. Teguldet

What about the fashion for names in Teguldet? Do official data match our statistics? To investigate this issue, we contacted the registry office. Tatyana Dmitrievna Simentsova helped us collect information over the last 80 years, because metric data is available only from 1926. The breakpoints we selected for analysis were 1931, 1941, 1951, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 1001, and 2011. Here's what we got:


Slide 15: Birth rate chart in the village. Teguldet in 1941-2001


Slide 16: Birth rate in Teguldet district in 1931 and 2001


Slide 17: Comparative table of birth rates for boys and girls


Slide 18: Saints


Slide 19: History of names S. Teguldet

Alexander (Greek) – “protector” – is the most popular name at all times (from 4 to 12 babies per year). The exception is 1941: only two “defenders” were born.


Slide 20: History of names S. Teguldet

Vladimir (Slavic) – “to rule the world.” This name was very popular until the 70s. Then the “lords of the world” began to appear in single copies.


Slide 21: History of names S. Teguldet

Leader of 1931 – Ivan (Hebrew) – “God’s grace”. This name has practically sunk into oblivion. They stopped calling children that. Only in 1981 and 2001 did one Ivan appear.


Slide 22: History of names S. Teguldet

The name Dmitry was also popular 80 years ago. Interest in it returned in the 90s. This is now one of the most popular names in the country.


Slide 23: Popular names of old have sunk into oblivion:

Basil; Anatoly; Yuri; Valery; Gennady;


Slide 24: What male names are popular today?

Danila; Nikita; Ilya; Kirill


Slide 25: Women's names

80 years ago, Maria, Anna, Alexandra, Antonida, Valentina, and Evdokia were popular among girls. In the 40s they were replaced by Galina, Lyudmila, Nina. In the 50s - Lyubov, Tatyana, Olga, Nadezhda, Larisa.


Slide 26: Women's names

In the 60s, the name Olga (Scandinavian) - “saint” - became extremely popular (every tenth girl), as well as Svetlana, Nadezhda, Natalya and Irina. In the 70s, the table of favorites did not change. In the 80s, Inna and Yulia appeared. In the 90s there was fashion for Anastasia and Oksana.


Slide 27: Women's names

In 2001, Veronica, Alina, Valeria, and Daria, who had not appeared before, were in fashion. This year Lilia, Christina and Elizabeth were born.


Slide 28: Rare names

31 g – Augusta, Rosa, Alampia, Azgofena, Afimya, Platonida, Stochius, Arseny; 41 - Tamara, Albina, Robert, Elya, Flora, Leocadia; 51 – Elvira, Stanislav, Rudolf; 61 – Alla, Vladislav, Igor, Marina; 71 – Margarita, Lilia, Anatoly, Fedor, Julia; 81 - Victoria, Vitaly, Gennady, Stepan, Denis, Zinaida, Ruslan; 91 - Arthur, Roman, Vasily, Fedor, Agatha, Diana, Agnia; 2001 – Marianna, Alisa, Elizaveta, Polina, Liya, Olesya, Snezhanna, Sofia. As you can see, it is now fashionable to be different from others. Parents try to give their baby the most unusual name.


Slide 32: Name creation

50s: Mirat - PEACEFUL ATOM Melor - Marx, Engels, Lenin, October Revolution Ninel - Lenin on the contrary Pridespar - Hello to the Delegates of the Party Congress


Slide 33: Name creation



Slide 34: Even 50-60 years ago, parents willingly gave all these names to their children

The author of popular poems and songs, Rimma Kazakova, was actually Remo (Revolution, Electrification, World October). Former Gazprom chairman Rem (World Revolution) Vyakhirev’s name never bothered him. The writer who invented the district police officer Aniskin, Vil (V.I. Lenin) Lipatov, was also not shy about his name. The famous historian Roy (Revolution, October, International) Medvedev, as well as the author of the famous films "Spring on Zarechnaya Street" and "Ilyich's Outpost" Marlene (MARKS, LENIN) Khutsiev, bore their names with pride. The name of the famous actress Elina (Electrification, Industrialization) Bystritskaya sounds quite modern nowadays. But actress Nonna Mordyukova preferred not to remember that in childhood her name was Noyabrina.


Slide 35: What would such names sound like today?

Based on current events in the country and the world, we can propose the following names: Interrogation - Let's hold the Sochi Olympics with dignity Zhislav - Zhiguli - The Best Car Upevorg - Ukraine, STOP STEALING Gas Veveput - Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN Putinianna - the name does not require decoding


Last slide of the presentation: “What’s in your name?”

We invited high school students to engage in name creation for the upcoming anniversary of Teguldet. What names can be given to newborns? Teguldina Omega

The mysterious, inexplicable power of names over a person’s fate was noticed by the ancients. In Russia, for example, until the 17th century, parents kept secret what they named their child, trying to deceive evil spirits. Or the child was given two names - one was false, the second real.

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“Presentation “What’s in your name””

“What’s in your name?...” social circle

MBOU-secondary school No. 2 r. Stepnoe village

Head: Ilyushova T. A.

Target: consider the meaning of the most common names in school


1. Find out what science studies names.

2. Find out the origin of the names of elementary school students.

3. Identify the most popular names among boys and girls.

Relevance :

I believe that this topic is relevant because any person is interested in knowing what his name means. Our name connects us with our family, with our friends and acquaintances. Our name connects us with our small and large homeland.

There is a special science involved in the study of names,

which is called onomastics

And her section anthroponymy

(Greek ἄνθρωπος - person and ὄνομα - name)

In a language, every sound has an impact

influence on a person.

Some sounds make you happy, others make you sad,

still others are annoying. It is believed that the name

influences a person's character

On his actions, relationships

with people, choice of profession.

The mysterious, inexplicable power of names

over the fate of man was noticed by the ancients.

In Russia, for example, until the 17th century

parents kept it a secret what they named

child trying to deceive evil spirits.

Or the child was given two names -

one was false, the other real.

How names appeared in Rus'

By appearance,


and character



Time and place



Rottooth, Onchutka,

Zhdan, Lyubava

Saturday, Winter,

Lip, Noisy,

What is a name?

A name is a name, a title,

special word.

Names are familiar words,

and behind them a whole world opens up

and the unique destiny of man.

All people should have names.

A name means a lot to a person.

It reveals a person's character

may influence his fate.

  • What is your name?
  • Who called you that?
  • How did this happen?
  • What do you know about the meaning and origin of your name?
  • Your birthday.
  • Your name day.
  • What different names can you be called?

Research of names by origin.

  • Latin
  • Jewish
  • Greek
  • Slavic
  • Scandinavian
  • Germanic
  • ancient roman
  • eastern
  • French


























Anna - 9

Kirill -10

Anastasia -9

Nikita -10

Daria -6

Maxim -9

Elizabeth -5

Alina -5

Alexander - 7

Andrey 7

Polina -5

Sergey -5

Christina -4

Alexey -5

Julia -3

Artyom -5

Angelina -3

Vladislav -4

Lydia -3

Danila -4

Rare names of students from our school

Tatyana, Nadezhda, Natalya, Marina,

Ksenia, Dmitry, Konstantin, Yuri, Nikolay, Vladimir, Elsiyara,

Bezhan, Dementy, Dayana, Margarita, Yaroslav, Zhanna, Konstantin and others.

How can we find out

the meaning of our names?

Boy names

  • Vladimir - owner of the world
  • Alexey - defender
  • Denis – god of the vital forces of nature, god of winemaking
  • Kirill - lord, lord
  • Maxim is the greatest
  • Nikita is the winner
  • Nikolai - winner of nations
  • Stanislav - become famous

Girls names

  • Svetlana - light
  • Alexandra - protector
  • Alena – torch
  • Lyudmila - dear to people
  • Irina - peace, quiet
  • Allah - resurrection, another, next
  • Catherine - purity, decency, purity
  • Elena - sunshine
  • Jeanne - French version of the name John (God's gift)
  • Christina – dedicated to Christ

"Chamomile" forms of the name Christina









Tips for parents

  • the name should not be too long or difficult;
  • the name must sound beautiful and should go well with the patronymic and surname;
  • the name should not make it difficult to form endearing forms;
  • when choosing a name, you cannot take into account only your own taste, because it is not you who will bear the name, and it is not only you who will judge it;
  • When choosing a name, you must remember the saint's day, whose memory falls on the child's birthday.

1) the meaning of the name really influences the person himself;

2) in recent years, names of original Russian origin have become most widespread;

3) unfortunately, many students at our school do not even know the meaning of their name;

4) the science of onomastics is useful to study not only for scientists, but also for us, students.


  • 1. Name and destiny. Compiled by M. Chupryakova. Ekaterinburg: “Litur”, 2006.- 320 p.
  • 2. Mother and child. How to name a child correctly. Compiled by Orlova L. Minsk: “Harvest”, 2009.- 192 p.
  • 3. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. Compiled by Bulatov R.M.: “Soviet Encyclopedia”, 1988.-159 p.
  • 4. Timenchik R.D. Name of a literary character. – “Russian Speech”, 1992. No. 5.
  • 5. Higer B.Yu. Your child's name. M., "Tsentrpolygraf", 1997. - 471 p.
  • 6. Higer B.Yu. The secret of the influence of a name on the subconscious. M.: “Astrel”, 2007.-318 p.
  • 7. Internet sources: www . vi men i . ru
  • 8.
  • 9.

Slide 1

* Lesson of the elective course “Preservation of Russian customs in the family” 9th grade. Topic of the lesson: “What’s in your name!” Names, names, names - It is not by chance that they sound in our speech: How mysterious this country is - So the name is a riddle and a secret. In this life, and maybe in that life, Under the earth's heavenly star, every saint is protected, Not known to everyone, however. A. Bobrov. "Names"

Slide 2

* Topic: “What’s in your name!” Plan: Opening remarks. What are the names? So it was - so it became. Full and abbreviated forms of names. Official and unofficial. New names. Choosing a name for a newborn. The usual vain considerations when choosing a name. Imaginary "beauty"

Slide 3

* What's in a name! Epigraph And the skin can be torn off again, But the name is so tightly sealed to us, That there is no strength to rename, Even though each one is erased and captured. A. Tarkovsky

Slide 4

* What's in a name! Each of us, of course, knows for certain what his name is - the name of his relatives and friends. There are no living people, And there cannot be nameless ones: At the very first moment of birth, Everyone, poor and noble, receives a name like a sweet gift from their parents...

Slide 5

Slide 6

* What types of names are there NAMES Individual Group The shortest names: (Zoya, Kai, Iya, Lev, Eva, Gleb) The longest and most difficult to pronounce: Thessaloniki, Niktopolios

Slide 7

* What are the names? There is a known case when, in the 1920s, children in one family were named: son Rev, and daughter Lucia (part of the word “revolution”). Many boys then received the name Kommunar, from the girl Kommunar. The names October, Maya, Oktyabrina, Dekabrina appeared. They tried to comprehend the new names, to give them a meaning consonant with the new revolutionary era (May Day, etc.) And there are also purely family meanings: a girl born in September was called Sentyabrina, Snezhanna. Or from the names of the father and mother they made up a name for the newborn: Leo + Anna = Levana Anton + Nina = Antonina

Slide 8

* So it was - so it became There are three stages in the history of Russian personal names. 1. Pre-Christian - in which original names were confessed, created on East Slavic soil by means of the Old Russian language. 2. The period after the baptism of Russia - the church began to implant, along with Christian religious rites, foreign names borrowed by the Byzantine church from various peoples of antiquity. 3. A new stage that began after the Great October Socialist Revolution and was marked by the penetration of a large number of borrowed names into the Russian name book and active name creation

Slide 9

* So it was - so it became Old Russian names and nicknames are of great interest. They reveal the richness of the Russian folk language. Old Russian names and nicknames were varied. For example: Pervak ​​- First, Second, Second, Tretyak (this name was one of the most common), Third, etc. We meet direct descendants of these names and surnames: Pervov, Tretyak or Tretyakov, etc. Or, for example, such names as Chernysh, Belyak, Belaya, etc. - data based on hair and skin color. Names were also assigned based on other external characteristics - height, physique, character, and time of birth.

Slide 10

* So it was - so it became Saints - a list of Christian holidays and saints, arranged in calendar order. Let us remember the poem by M. Vladimov: In the old days there was such a custom: They carried babies to church. There, poking his finger into the pages of the calendar, the priest gave names by day. Since you were born on the day of Efim, You are named by this name. But if on the day of Jerome, whether you like it or not, Jerome.

Slide 11

* So it was - so it became And I will continue the poem by M. Vladimov “Saints” The era of new lexicons Burst into the speech of workshops and villages. The Amphilochies went to the revolutionary committees, the Adelandas to the Komsomol. They named their Octobers in consonance with their era: Zarya, Idea, Pioneer, Revmir, Revput and Diamat.

Slide 12

* Full and abbreviated forms of names Abbreviated forms are used in a variety of situations, with the exception of official ones, in affectionate forms - Maria (Marya) - Maryushka, Mashenka; Love - Lyubonka, Lyubasha, Lyubochka. Abbreviated names are so short that they often turn out to be consonant with several full names, and vice versa, one full name can correspond to several abbreviated ones. For example: Agrafena - Agasha - Gasha - Granya - Grunya - Grusha - Fenya Alexander (a) - Ara, Arya, Alya, Alik, Ksana, Ksanya, Alexanya, Alexa, Alexasha, Sasha, Sashura, Shura, Sanya, Sanyura, Nyura, Sanyusha, Nyusha.

Slide 13

* Full and abbreviated forms of names The name Anastasia formed the folk form Nastasya and the abbreviated forms Nastya, Asya, Stasya, Tasya. This is well said in Irina Snegova’s poem “Anastasia”. What is bad in the eyes, The slanting rains, Asya, Stasya, Nastenka, Daughter Anastasia? Life is simply fantastic Three matrekhs were included: Asya, Stasya, Nastenka. That's it - Anastasia.

Slide 14


Slide 15


Slide 16


Slide 17


Slide 18


Slide 19


Slide 20


Slide 21


Slide 22

* New names Sergei, Andrey, Ivan, Irin, Marin, Tatyana Now they are trying to name children. And there was a time when their father and mother gave them strange names. Now Energia, Vanzetti, Volodar, And Voenmor - in honor of the Red Army, And Trudomir - in honor of peace and labor have become adults, or even old. Born in the Arctic, a man born in the Arctic was christened Rodvark. Having realized that this century is unique, both the paint and workers' departments tried to hand it over to their heirs.

Slide 23

* New names And in new names they saw immortality. Their hobby was not a game. There is no need to be offended by your parents, who sometimes became too wise early. The fates of those children turned out differently, But the name also illuminated the path, Burn when you are called Energy, And Volodar - like Volodarsky! You, called Nins, Marins, Andreys, Peters in our days, Do not be burdened by long patronymics, Which were established in life by the Octobers - they glorified their era." "Octobrins" poet Evgeniy Dolmatovsky

Slide 24

* Choosing a name for a newborn “Choosing a name” by Yuri Blagov: Grandfather, trying for his grandson, Picked up from different places A number of names that sound loud: Tobius... Mucius... Aries... Orestes... The son-in-law decided during the debate to turn the question around edgewise: - Let's call it more modern - Helium... Atom... Cosmodrome... The daughter, caught up in a dispute, Noisily gets into trouble

Slide 25

* Choosing a name for a newborn With a whole imported set: Edwin... Melvin... Selvin... John... Grandma doesn’t want to know the infidels herself Doesn’t want to contribute, looking at the calendar: Dog... Sysoy... Kuzma. .. Thomas... The four of us were engaged in wise writing, They argued at night, and in the morning the Boy was named Peter.

Slide 26

* Choosing a name for the newborn “Daria” by Viktor Bokov: The girl was named Daria. Grandfather asked for this, Grandmother wanted it, The young mother beamed: - Give it to Dasha as soon as possible! - The young father was angry, he was out of sorts all day: - Daria! What it is? Daria! What kind of name is this? - The mother-in-law shamed her son-in-law: - That's enough! Why are you displeased? Daria is a gift from nature.

Slide 27

* Choosing a name for a newborn It’s better than Svetlana, Simpler, firmer and more serious, Let’s raise our girl, We’ll marry her to an astronaut, She’ll take the name Daria to interplanetary heights! - Is it just in the heights... - Slowly the son-in-law gave up, He hid his smile in a ficus tree, Because his father-in-law noticed that Dasha had her dad’s nose.

Slide 28

* USUAL VANITY CONSIDERATIONS WHEN CHOOSING A NAME. THE imaginary “BEAUTY” OF NAMES One of the readers of the magazine “Russian Speech” E.M. Antonov, a representative of the older generation, speaks with bitterness and annoyance about his name, which was undeservedly defamed by his acquaintances: “I was baptized on the day of St. Ephraim the Syrian (January 28 of the old style), that’s why they appropriated the name of this saint... Until I was fifteen, I didn’t feel embarrassed about my name, because no one reminded me that it was ugly. In my soul, I still don’t consider my name ugly. If I still lived in the village, in my native peasant environment, I would never have felt any trouble because of my name. But life circumstances brought me to the city early. Here, even from people of the same “lower” rank as me, I heard that my name was so ugly. When I met new people, I became embarrassed because of this.”* USUAL VANITY CONSIDERATIONS WHEN CHOOSING A NAME. THE imaginary “BEAUTY” OF NAMES If only you are smart, You will not give the guys such intricate names as Proton and Atom. The mother wanted to make friends with her blond daughter, so she decided to call her daughter Dictatorship. Although her family called her Dita for short, the girl was angry with her parents. For the other, the father looked for a more cunning name, And he finally named his daughter Idea. * USUAL VANITY CONSIDERATIONS WHEN CHOOSING A NAME. THE imaginary “BEAUTY” OF NAMES Despite this, and later such names as Fevralin, Martius, Englen, Vilor, Octomir, etc. continue to be invented. The Russian girl, born on board the Il-18 aircraft, was named Ilina, repeating the particle silt in her name designations of his brand.

Slide 33

* USUAL VANITY CONSIDERATIONS WHEN CHOOSING A NAME. THE imaginary “BEAUTY” OF NAMES However, one interesting fact should be noted: all these formal approaches (very dubious, however) cease to play any role if the name is given in honor or in memory of people worthy of imitation. A name begins to seem beautiful if it resembles a handsome, intelligent, kind, sympathetic person - known personally or from literature. Is this why personal names that belonged to remarkable ancestors and contemporaries sound so pleasant? Is this why some are seduced by the names of literary characters? The fate of a person can transform for us both the sound and the meaning of his name. Consequently, the so-called “beauty of the name” is secondary, it stems from the beauty of the person himself.

WHAT'S IN A NAME? In the explanatory dictionary, a name is defined as a person’s personal name given to him at birth. In folk tradition, it is a personal sign of a person, determining his place in the universe and society; a mythological substitute, double, or integral part of a person.

The most popular male and female names in school 30, Kostroma. ClassYear of birthFemale namesMale names Ekaterina, Maria.Daniil, Nikita Anna, Anastasia.Ivan, Andrei Anastasia.Nikita, Maxim Ekaterina.Nikita, Dmitry Anastasia.Maxim Anastasia.Ilya, Dmitry Ekaterina, Elizaveta.Alexander, Nikita Ekaterina.Maxim Anna, Ekaterina. Artem Natalya, Ekaterina.Maxim, Dmitry Daria, Ekaterina.Dmitry.

WHAT'S IN A NAME? At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in Russia there were about 250 Ivans for every thousand people, and in the 20th century there were only 2-3 Ivans per thousand. In the last century, the names most often chosen for girls were Anna, Valentina, Galina, Maria, Tamara, Nina. In the 70s, there were more Elenas, Irins and Natashas. In the late 80s, the most popular male names were Alexander, Alexey, Dmitry, Sergey.

WHAT'S IN A NAME? What shapes the fashion for names? Mostly social and economic factors. With the development and growth of cities, settlers from villages began to abandon ancient names such as Frol, Ustinya, Euphrosyne. They began to be considered outdated and ugly. Girls were more often called Svetlana, Marina, boys Andrey, Valery, Anatoly.

WHAT'S IN A NAME? Completely unexpected names began to appear. For example, Kim (Communist Youth International), Stalin (in honor of I.V. Stalin), Ninel (Lenin, if read backwards). In honor of the ideologists of communist teaching, the child could be named Marx or Engels. What do you think of the name Akadem? Parents called their daughters this way in connection with the memorable date of the formation of the Military Medical Academy in Leningrad.

WHAT'S IN A NAME? And when the country embarked on the path of industrialization, the male names of Energies and Industry became popular. In the 1930s, the process of name creation reached its climax. Ideology in him so prevailed over common sense that the names were simply difficult to pronounce. Masterpieces of that time were Vosmart (“March 8”), Edil (“a girl named after Lenin”), Oyushminalda (“Otto Yurievich Schmidt on the ice”), Vilorik (“V.I. Lenin the liberator of workers and peasants”).

WHAT'S IN A NAME? And the optimistic name Pyavchet contained a whole motto: “Five-year plan in four years!” Melor (Marx, Engels, Lenin, October Revolution) and Karm (Red Army) turned out to be more euphonious.

WHAT'S IN A NAME? The parents' imagination knew no bounds: Atheist, Lawyer, Tractor, Frunze, Grenade, Rocket, Antenna, Barricade, Star and even Seventh of November (!) appeared. With the development of electronics, boys began to be called Electrons. In Leningrad the striking name of the Artillery Academy was noted.

WHAT'S IN A NAME? The name Dmitry entered the top ten popular male names in Russia for the first time last year and is now in fifth place. It is quite possible that this is due to the fact that our president is named Dmitry. The famous commander Dmitry Donskoy also bore this name.

WHAT'S IN A NAME? The choice of the name Anastasia is probably due to the fact that we associate a woman with tenderness and softness, the name Ekaterina has been a royal name for many centuries, and Maria (Masha, Mashenka) is often found in Russian folklore

Female names And now we will talk about the meanings of the most common names in our school: female names Ekaterina Ekaterina From the Greek “katarios”: pure, immaculate. In the minds of most people, it is a “royal” name. It seems that even his sound contains a certain majesty and authority. Anastasia Anastasia Feminine form of the male name Anastas. Ancient Greek origin and means: resurrection (returned to life). Anna Anna Hebrew origin, meaning: grace. Daria Daria The female version of the name of the Persian king Darius. Translated from ancient Persian: winner. Maria Maria The name is of Hebrew origin and has three different interpretations: desired, sad, adamant.

Male names Nikita Nikita Ancient Greek origin: winner. Maxim Maxim Derived from the Latin word "maximus": greatest. Dmitry Dmitry Comes from the ancient Greek word "demetris" - belonging to Demeter. (In ancient mythology, Demtra is the goddess of earth and fertility). Artem Artem Literal translation from Greek: unharmed, impeccable health. Ilya Ilya Male ancient Hebrew - "Yahweh - my god" Ilya is an extremely economic person. Alexander Alexander Comes from the ancient Greek words "alex" - to protect and "andros" - husband, man, that is, "protector of people."

WHAT'S IN A NAME? Of course, the assumption that the name influences fate is highly controversial. It is easy to refute it, if only by the fact that great people do not fit into any schemes at all. In the end, the old proverb is right: it is not the name that makes the man, but the man’s name. A person himself determines his own destiny, and even the fashion of his name.

WHAT'S IN A NAME? For example, after Gagarin’s space flight, boys in our country began to be called Yuri. But, as the dictionary interprets it, fashion is the short-term dominance of a certain taste in any area of ​​life or culture. Time passed, and the name Yuri began to lose ground. Now parents are increasingly remembering the ancient names Emelyan, Stepan, Innokenty, Akulina, Ulyana, Fyokla.

WHAT'S IN A NAME? In the next 5-7 years, the name Olympiada may become the most popular female name. The fashion for the Olympics (abbreviated as Lipa, Lipochka) has already appeared in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East, where young parents name their daughters with this name, already half-forgotten since the Moscow Olympics-80. “In the coming years, the trend will continue - parents will call their son Vladimir (in honor of the main hero of the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games), and their daughter Olympiada,” experts say.

CONCLUSIONS 1. The most popular names at school among students are Ekaterina, Anastasia and Maria, among students Nikita, Ilya and Maxim, which coincides with the all-Russian trend. 2. Among the teachers, the names Natalya, Elena, Tatyana, Olga and Lyubov predominate, which was also typical for the fashion for names, but in the 50s-80s

CONCLUSIONS 3. Naming depends to varying degrees on socio-economic factors, such as the political situation in the country, the degree of urbanization, and the holding of major global events. 4. Also, the choice of parents is greatly influenced by the fashion for certain names.