The meaning of magic for life in the house. Everyday magic of everyday life. Household magic of a comb and comb: divination on hair

In November, the public was stirred up by a Blagoveshchensk schoolgirl: she was found at night in a cemetery with photographs of her peers, on whom she had committed certain acts. magical rituals.

“I spent 4 hours there to get what I wanted and those people didn’t want,” this is how the teenage girl herself explained her strange actions.

However, she is not alone: ​​as it turned out, the tendency to solve one’s problems in relationships with other people in a “sepulchral” way does not depend on age or status. And the fact that many people believe in these means is not so bad, but the real problem is cruelty and cynicism. Both consumers of magical advice and those who give it out.

The MK correspondent found out where such know-how comes from and who distributes it.

I smell it, it smells like the human spirit!

When photos of a grave from a churchyard in the city limits of Blagoveshchensk with pictures of the young obscurantist’s classmates scattered throughout it appeared on the Internet, the school teachers’ council began to deal with the girl.

The police also took note of her, but immediately made a reservation that it was unlikely that any specific charges could be brought against her.

It turned out that the girl went to the cemetery after a quarrel with her peers - in order to take revenge on them. But I received instructions for revenge, presumably, on the Internet.

Why the photos of the rituals ended up in the same place is still a mystery. Either the girl reported in this way to an unknown “magical instructor”, or she was trying to intimidate her opponents... Or the “instructor” himself taught the gullible avenger a lesson.

“Alas, this is a trend,” notes psychologist Alina Kolesova. “Before the crisis, people brought money to sorcerers for face-to-face consultations, and no revelations impressed them. Now many people don’t have the money for this, and even more so for teenagers. But all kinds of magicians have adapted to the economic situation: now they send advice on the Internet for a small (compared to the previous) bribe.

And also bookstores are full of all sorts of “witch reference books” and the like, replete with similar advice on amateur magic. Such literature can be equated to entertainment, it is impossible to ban it, and the horror is that not only teenagers, but also some adults do not know how and do not want to build relationships and resolve conflicts in a normal way, relying on otherworldly methods.

And if narrow-minded adults can be told that these are their own problems, then with schoolchildren there should be a psychologist working with this particular age group. It is his task not only to resolve conflicts, but also to prevent them and anticipate their occurrence...

Indeed, schoolchildren in many Russian regions are fascinated by burials: this summer, three Sakhalin teenagers posed on a grave, demonstrating obscene gestures on camera - and this, too, was a ritual with meaning.

And in the Saratov region, police officers detained two women at the moment when they were burying in a fresh grave dolls made of bread crumbs with needles stuck into them, a pentagram sculpted from wax, a photograph of a young man, burnt along the edges and also pockmarked with needles.

At the site of the ceremony, law enforcement officers also found a glass with blood residue, two empty cognac bottles... and two severed heads! True, lamb.

Severed heads stood on top of the grave, and nearby were bags with symbols of the local market, where, apparently, they were purchased...

It is curious that the ladies drove to the cemetery with their magical belongings in an expensive SUV - that is, they cannot be called dark tramps. Law enforcement officers had a conversation with the ladies on the spot, during which they stated that they were cleansing the body and bewitching one man to themselves. After which the would-be witches had to go home.

“Ladies can be punished for vandalism only if the relatives of the deceased on whose graves the action took place make a statement,” explains lawyer Anna Romanova.

But who will help the ladies themselves? If they believe that the severed head of a ram can attract love and family happiness, then next time they will choose a more secluded cemetery - that’s all.

You have to cheat wisely!

“The period from the Catholic All Saints Day (November 1, on the night of which the “horror holiday” Halloween is celebrated) until the Orthodox Epiphany on January 19 is considered the best time for all sorts of rituals,” the guru of the thematic “magic” forum on the Internet assures users.

She cannot explain why there is such a mixture of religious holidays: “Well, Christmas, both ours and the Catholic one. Christmas time - everyone is guessing, this is historically the case. And November and January are more suitable for reprisals. Only in November you have to do one thing, and in January something else.”

Such specifics excite my curiosity, and I decide to spend time asking questions on various near-magic forums: how to eliminate my rival? And how to bewitch a man who doesn’t love me yet and doesn’t even want to know me?

Active communication in chats of “like-minded women” eventually leads me to meet three ladies, each of whom has their own story. Moreover, two of them are a 40-year-old mother and a 20-year-old daughter. And the third... if you take her word for it, a psychiatrist of pre-retirement age! They are all interested in afterlife rituals - and they are all absolutely sure that they are not attacking, but defending.

“My daughter was bullied by her mother-in-law,” says a 40-year-old mother named Natalya. - How did you find out? How can you not find out? As soon as I gave my daughter away in marriage, she began to gain weight, and this is a sign! And her weakness is constant. But I, as an intelligent person, did not get involved. I smile in her face, and slowly began to study the question.

I bought books, went to see one of the village grannies... You have to do it wisely! And they advised me what to do. At dawn after Epiphany, on Monday, you need to collect water from the river, take it to the cemetery, whisper certain words over it, and then pour it under the door of the spiteful critic. She will fall behind. Well, that's what I did.

- So what, you’re behind?

- Well, yes, God forgive me, she died in the spring...

I'm taken aback. And from the fact that I clearly see that Natalya herself has imagined all the atrocities of her daughter-in-law, because she does not have a single argument other than her own fantasies. And because the ritual took effect...

However, if, as an enlightened person, you do not believe that river water under the door can lead to someone’s death, in general, there is nothing to blame! If only that thought is material.

—What is your profession? — I carefully inquire from my interlocutor.

“A primary school teacher,” the woman answers.

Well then, what should we take from her charges?! And the worldview of her daughter, the same daughter-in-law who was allegedly poisoned by her evil mother-in-law, is no longer surprising.

“Of course, my husband’s mother didn’t want Yegor to marry me!” - Verochka says confidently. “But I was afraid to say a word against him; I knew that he did everything his own way.” And it’s not for nothing that he was our first guy in college, all the girls ran after him! Do you know how much it cost me to bewitch him?! Avoided churches and graveyards!

- What for? - I’m dumb.

- What do you mean why? - Verochka is amazed. - In order to kill your rivals, you need to get their photos, stick needles in their eyes, ears and all female organs, take them to the cemetery and bury them. Preferably in a fresh grave. Although this is possible, but fresh is more accurate.

So I was on guard when the fresh dead arrived, I joined the procession, our city is small. Then you need to go around seven churches in order to remove the sin of causing damage to your rivals...

“And you believe that you will cause damage like this, and then you will go around the churches and everything will be removed?!”

- Why not? - Verochka is surprised again.

And really, why? I don't have an answer to this question. Because its production itself is beyond my understanding.

But the psychiatrist has other methods. I enter into a correspondence with her, having already gained experience from Verochka and her mother, and confidently declare that I am determined to go to the end in relation to my hated homewrecker friend.

“The black blouse from the enemy’s body helped me in such a situation,” the psychiatrist answers. - But this is only if you can get a black jacket that she wore a couple of times and did not have time to wash.

- What to do with this jacket? - I ask.

“One initiate advised me, a granny in the village where my family is from, in the Altai Territory,” explains the doctor of human souls. “I asked a friend, whose husband and I were in love, for a black blouse - under the pretext that I had nothing to wear to the funeral of a deceased relative. Well, she did, only apologizing that the blouse wasn’t very fresh—she’d worn it a couple of times. Well, that's all I need...

And I went to the cemetery, where someone was being buried, and quietly buried the blouse in a fresh mound. That's what grandma ordered.

— What did they say to the owner of the blouse?

- Well, after 9 days I had to dig up the jacket, after another 9 days I could wash it, and then return it. For three weeks I hid from her, trying not to show myself so that she wouldn’t ask where the blouse was. And when the deadline expired, I returned it to her in its pure form.

- And what in the end? Everything worked out?

- Yes of course! She soon began to hurt, became swollen all over, swollen, just as the old woman had predicted. I started drinking like a cobbler, although I had no addiction before...

- And then? — I clarify in horror.

“And then her husband and I quarreled, I no longer needed him, I returned to mine. And I don’t know what they had next. In general, I am not interested in other people's affairs if they do not concern me.

Baba Yaga is not very strict towards the Russian spirit...

When communicating online about a given topic, I feel myself getting involved. After a couple of days, I’m already completely in the know and know for sure that the most reliable methods of love spells, damage and other influences on others are spread not through advertisements, but through word of mouth.

Although advertisements from the “I’ll kill my rival” series on the Internet are also a dime a dozen, and more advanced witches put the same thing into a scientific form and conduct paid seminars online, referring to some complex esoteric disciplines and other occult literature (which, as later it turns out, everyone has their own). And you won’t find the truth, just as you won’t prove it.

From my new friends I receive the treasured phone number of “the most powerful black witch who solves any issues.” The algorithm for receiving help is as follows: you deposit 3 thousand rubles on the designated number, then wait a week. If after a week the witch does not call back herself, it means that your case is too complicated - and you need to put in another 3 thousand rubles. As my new friends told me, the sorceress calls back some lucky ones after 6 thousand rubles, but does not call back some unlucky ones even after 30.

- Why do they continue to pay? - I’m perplexed.

- Well, they have to do something! - they answer me in bewilderment.

I allocate 3 thousand hard-earned rubles for a good cause to recognize the enemy in person, promising myself, if the witch does not call back herself, not to go into a frenzy and not to increase the stakes. I’m lucky, and she calls back at around 3 thousand. Either she senses that my case is not worth a damn, since it’s fictitious, or she simply has urgent expenses.

In response to my questions (about casting a love spell on someone who doesn’t even look in my direction, and about spoiling a rival), I get quite specific answers from the witch recommendations. They are complex in execution - that is, they require concentration on the goal. But generally doable:

- To eliminate a rival from the road, the first thing you do is get a photo of her, in which her face is clearly visible, but it is desirable that all female parts - the chest and the area of ​​​​the female organs - are also visible. You need to prepare the needles - put them in a saucer and fill them with rainwater or melted snow so that they rust.

This may take about a month. Then at midnight, I’ll tell you the date separately, when you know in what month everything will be ready, you pierce her eyes in the picture so that she doesn’t see, her ears so that she doesn’t hear, her mouth so that she doesn’t speak, if you want, you can also pierce her face and hair so that the beauty goes away.

Then you pierce both her breasts, so you will take away her attractiveness to men. And the genital area - then she will not be able to give birth, and give pleasure to a man, and receive it herself. A worthless woman, in general, will be an empty woman. And if you want more than just to deprive her of her attractiveness, you need to try to place a larger rusty needle somewhere above the level of her head - in the lintel of the door, where she passes every day.

Well, in general, she should have this needle over her head every day. If I go into her house, everything is simple. At night, she needs to discreetly unscrew the doorknob, which she touches with her hand every day. Take it to the cemetery, bury it in the graveyard and whisper it - I’ll tell you the spell separately. And then screw the handle into place. And to get a man back, you buy 40 larger nails. And for 40 nights in a row you will fry them for 40 minutes in a cast iron frying pan...

Once you have everything ready, give me 3 thousand and call me. I would help you anyway, but without payment, my advice could turn against you. And when you do everything, I will teach you how to atone for your sins. Otherwise, higher powers will punish you for harming your neighbor!

Against the backdrop of all the above, concern about the sinlessness of my soul sounds very touching! And if you consider how much time and organizational moments it takes not only the rituals themselves, but also the preparation for them, you can imagine to what extent the unfortunate love spellcaster concentrates on her otherworldly task!

Probably he doesn’t go to work or school, concentrating on the proximity of his cherished goal! And even without any magic, it is known that if you want something very badly, achieve it by any means, think about it all the time and suffer for a long time, sooner or later something will work out...

Unless, of course, you go crazy before that. And if adults and educated people fall for it, what can we take from foolish teenagers?

“An attempt to involve some conditioned forces from the outside in solving one’s own problems,” explains psychologist Alina Kolesova, “is akin to the desire to drown the problem with alcohol or other mind-altering substances. These are weakness, dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, suppressed aggression and inability to communicate in a team.

Of course, for example, a quiet, downtrodden girl, an outsider and an outcast, will behave timidly at school, suppressing her true emotions, and then, alone with the instructions of an online charlatan, she will feel like an all-powerful witch.

This is a kind of self-therapy for her, a way to believe in her strength, in the fact that she is capable of winning her place in the sun... But the very “infernal” presentation of solutions to pressing issues for any teenager cripples the consciousness and psyche. Today, all sorts of occult hobbies are also classified as Internet addiction, since children get their basic information from there.

It is much more effective and correct to communicate more with a teenager, delve into his problems and not let them take their course. This is a matter for both school psychologists and parents. First love, friendship, betrayal, boycott and other teenage squabbles at this age are more important than world cataclysms and sometimes lead not to childish, but to the most serious consequences, including mental disorders and suicide.

Parents and teenage psychologists must explain that winning the love, friendship and trust of another person is possible only with the help of one’s own merits and actions, and not with the help of the power of thought and afterlife surroundings. Likewise, it is not only impossible to artificially turn one person away from another, but it is also wrong to want this from a moral point of view.

I would recommend that parents and psychologists introduce special extracurricular reading lessons (I know that some schools have them as part of the study of the history of religions) for teenagers, in which they study thematic literature - from mystical medieval and historical novels to Gogol and Edgar Poe - and explain using the example of history and classics, where humanity’s mystical prejudices came from and how they were overcome in more enlightened eras.

And how shameful it is in our age to remain dark and superstitious, like an illiterate nomad in the desert.

Zhanna Golubitskaya, "Moskovsky Komsomolets"

Fate gave me neighbors with problems. For a long time now, based on some phrases, it dawned on me that my neighbor was practicing magic, or simply household witchcraft.

I was prompted to this guess by phrases accidentally dropped in a conversation. And I thought. that you need to be more careful with your neighbor. I thought and thought, but since we are initially suckers in life, you can’t always protect yourself.

There was such a case once. A neighbor's daughter comes to me and asks for scissors. Why not give it, she did. And only after I gave the scissors away did the thought come to me, why does she need my scissors? She has a huge nail driven into her bathroom door and a bunch of different scissors of all sizes are hanging on it. Which is not surprising, since the neighbor worked all her life as a foreman in a garment factory.

There's something wrong here. I went online and read it. And armed with new knowledge, I decided to protect myself from witchcraft. The fact that she took the scissors is not yet dangerous, but danger awaits me at the moment when she gives them back.

How can I take them back safely? Under no circumstances should I take them over the threshold, either I must go out to her or she must come to me. And you need to take the thing with your right hand and give it back with your left. Or vice versa, I already forgot. I'll have to look it up on the internet again. And when you take something borrowed from someone, well, in my case, scissors, you have to say to yourself: “I’m taking the scissors, but there’s no lining!” This is how I was well prepared for a possible attack.

She didn’t bring the scissors right away, two days later. I heard the doorbell ring, so I went to open it. As soon as I opened the door, she put the scissors in my hand and I involuntarily grabbed them, just automatically, without thinking. She says: “Here.” I didn’t even have time to say anything, well, I can’t give them back.

I closed the door and scolded myself, what a fool I am! Well, now, nothing can be done.

But I kept communication with these neighbors to a minimum.

And then two days ago, she invited me to her husband’s wake. Then I remembered all this and I think she will definitely ask for something. And I remember how to give and how to take, well, why do I need these troubles, here I have problems with my husband and I can barely move, my back hurts so much that it’s simply unbearable, I have no time for it. Maybe I made it all up, they don’t need anything from me and it’s just a figment of my sick imagination.

And then the doorbell rang. I open it, a neighbor and her daughter are in front of the door, asking for a knife, supposedly the door has slammed shut and you can somehow pry it open with a knife, then it will open.

Honestly, if I weren’t so irritated because of the pain in my back, I would have given them a knife. But then I just burst. I won’t give you anything, I’m telling you, I’ve had misfortune after misfortune for a long time and I think it’s you who are casting a spell. I will never give you anything. And the door slammed.

Then I tell my son, and he says that you can’t be so straightforward. I wonder what I should have said, how to refuse, say that I don’t have a knife in the house?

Let them know that I see their tricks.



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Good luck to you too, Vitaly!

Well, she did the right thing by not giving anything and slamming the door in her face.
I'll tell you my story. That was a long time ago. When my husband and I were young, we had many friends. All holidays were celebrated with a large group in our apartment. Everyone constantly came to us to borrow money, because... We've always had them. No one was ever denied anything, everyone was welcomed, hearts wide open, nothing was spared.
Then somehow our life began to change, we began to quarrel over trifles, and our daughter began to get sick often. Someone advised my husband to take her to a white magician for treatment. We went and got treatment. But the matter did not end there.
The magician said that there are pads in our apartment that need to be found and destroyed. We brought him to our home. Without entering the apartment, he began to move his hands around the door, found and pulled out several sewing needles. He said that this was done to our death. I also found several needles in the house.
Of course, we were very surprised and bombarded this magician with questions:
- who did it, why, why? After all, it seems like we never wished harm on anyone; on the contrary, we always helped everyone.
He said that this was done out of envy by our good friends, whom we constantly host, feed and feed, and whom we would never think badly of. He said that the person who did this would feel that he had been exposed, he would feel very bad, he would get sick and the next day he would come to us and ask for something. I ordered him not to give anything. And their witchcraft will boomerang back to them.
As he said, that’s how it all turned out. The next day a friend came, all upset and looking sick. She said that she and her husband had quarreled and asked me for a nail file. Of course I didn't give it. She said that the file was lost somewhere. About half an hour later her husband came. I also asked my husband for something. I don’t even remember what exactly I asked for. And he was refused.
My husband and I could not believe that these people could wish us harm. After all, outwardly this did not manifest itself in any way. We did not treat them worse or shower them with curses, we simply began to behave more carefully.
I don’t know whether the boomerang law really worked, but further events in the lives of our “friends” began to develop according to a tragic scenario. First, the eldest 18-year-old daughter died, she was raped and killed. Some time later, at the age of 47, this friend died at night in her sleep from cardiac arrest. And about three years ago, this friend’s husband also died. Their youngest daughter is alive, married, but life has not turned out well.

Our ancestors knew how to bring prosperity into their home and avoid trouble. Every housewife, keeper of the hearth, resorted to simple, proven means that attracted good luck to the family nest.

You can attract good luck to your home with your own mood, so exclude any manifestations of negativity. Use amulets and good luck talismans that will complement your interior. Hang bells in front of the entrance. With their ringing, they will show the way to luck at your doors and will become an excellent protection from evil and evil spirits.

When cooking, transfer your energy to the food so that it is filled with your love and care. Salt food clockwise, saying:

“I lure luck into a hearty, salted lunch. I treat you to food that is not foreign, not delicacies. I serve homemade food, prepared with my own efforts, created with love, imbued with care.”

Fill any action you perform in the house with positive energy. Do not undertake your duties in a bad mood, so as not to frighten off capricious luck. Do not forget that she will only be in a house that is filled with smiles and laughter, in which there is no place for disorder and dirt. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

16.08.2017 02:03

It is not enough for the house to be full, for luck and good mood to never leave its walls...

Ritual for getting rid of sorrows and grievances:
If your life is filled with grievances and sorrows, then go into a deep forest and find a lonely place there. Dig a small hole in the ground (30 centimeters in diameter), bend over it and shout out all your fears, despairs and grievances into it. Scream about them until tears flow from your eyes and you feel exhausted and empty. Then bury this hole and immediately go home without looking back. Remember that you should never, under any circumstances, return here.
It is also useful to talk all your pains and sorrows into water. Only it must be running water: a stream, a river. If you don’t have this opportunity, then open the tap and say all this to the water flowing from it.

Protective circle.
Quite often in the rituals of Slavic and other peoples there is such a concept as a “Magic protective circle”. It is designed to protect people from dangerous external influences. A magical protective circle can be made of simple stones. The distance between each of them should not exceed 15 centimeters. The diameter of this circle can be 1.5 meters. It must be laid out in the direction of movement of the sun, which means clockwise.

Shamanic ritual of the “four winds”.
To perform this ritual, you need to lay out a protective circle, indicating the cardinal directions in it. This can be done with large stones or piles of small stones.

Enter the center of this circle. Sit in it and calm down. Get into a meditative mood. You need to start the ritual from the east, so stand up and face the east. Approach the point (stone), which in the magical protective circle indicates exactly this direction. Direct your gaze and your consciousness into the distance, beyond the horizon. Feel unity with Nature...

Say the following words: “Gods of the east, grant me a grain of your strength, your wisdom and your sacred knowledge.” Exactly the same actions must be carried out with the other three cardinal directions in the following order: north, south, west. After this, sit in the center of the protective circle, light a small fire in it and throw dry sage leaves into it. Mentally thank the Gods for the gift that they give you, namely, for strength and harmony. You can also mentally communicate with Them - tell them about your problems, ask for help.

If possible, it is better to mark the southern point of the protective circle with a lit candle. Western - a sprig of lavender; eastern - rose petals; the northern one - a handful of earth or its protective gem.

You should prepare for the ritual several days in advance. At the same time, you should not burden yourself with various excesses, but it is better to fast altogether. Ideally, these days you will not communicate with people at all, but will be alone with nature.

Solar ritual of vigor.
The sun has a huge reserve of strength and energy. You can get a boost of energy from it. To do this, go outside on a sunny day (it is better to choose a deserted place). Raise your face to the sun, close your eyes for a couple of minutes, feel its warmth and say the following words three times:
“Red sun, clear sun, give me your strength, give me goodness, give me warmth, give me vigor.”
Imagine that everything you desire comes to you with its rays.

Today we will do magic at home.
Do you think that only people endowed with certain abilities can cast magic?! You are wrong. You have real magical objects in your home. It would seem that these are the most ordinary things used in everyday life. But they can be of great benefit when performing rituals.

The power of a broom.
A broom will save you from uninvited guests. Walk around your house (apartment) waving it. After that, place it with the handle down at the front door.

Household utensils are also used for magical rituals. In Slovakia and the Czech Republic, pots filled with food are buried in the foundation of a house as a symbol of prosperity. Bulgarians believe that if you put a strand of hair from a man who left the family in a new pot and put it in the oven, he will definitely return.
Pottery is associated with the human body. She has a throat, a nose, a handle... It is believed that if you heat water for bathing a newborn girl in a jug, she will have a thin waist. For a newborn boy, water should be heated in a vat and then the child will grow up to be a hero.
When moving to a new home, the brownie is invited to climb into the pot and thus move to a new place of residence together with the owners.

In the old days in Russia, the matchmaker hid an unlocked lock under the bride's threshold. As soon as the groom entered the bride’s house, the matchmaker immediately turned the key and threw it into the river, thus sealing the future union.
In order to protect your home from thieves, you need to buy a brand new lock and cast a spell over it: “I lock the castle, I take away the minds of the thieves. The key is with me, the house is good.” Then you need to lock this lock and take the key with you on your trip.
Remember, if you cannot leave your house because the lock is broken, then in this way your guardians are protecting you from troubles.

Horseshoe for luck
In Europe, Latin America and the East, it is believed that a horseshoe brings happiness and grace to all household members. In Ireland and England, she promises harmony and peace in the family. In China it brings good luck and gives joy. In Russia there is a belief that the person who finds a horseshoe will be very lucky.
If you fasten a horseshoe over the front door with the horn down, it will protect the house from various misfortunes. Horn up - will bring prosperity to this house. In a car, a horseshoe will protect you from accidents and other accidents on the road.
Remember that the horseshoe talisman cannot be washed. After all, in this case, all its magical properties will be washed away.

Our ordinary dining table is a kind of magical altar, with many signs and rituals associated with it.

1. For example, if you climb under it, taking six knives with you, this will help get rid of the evil eye.

2.And if the knives accidentally cross when you are setting the table, this portends you a long journey.

3. You should not sit or put money on the dining table - this can lead to misfortune.

4.Salt can protect food and the people who eat it from negativity. Therefore, when setting the table, it should be placed first, and at the end of the meal it should be removed last.

5.If you don't want to live in poverty, always leave some food on your plate.


7.When making a wish, before starting a meal, take silver cutlery in your left hand. After eating, wrap them in linen cloth and say over them three times:

“ADJNA YAMSEN SI LAG KHOLTY.” Your wish will come true.

8. Tea leaves floating in a glass, as well as bubbles in your morning coffee, symbolize money “floating” towards you. If the bubbles (tea leaves) are closer to the side from which you drink, then the money will appear very soon, but if they are on the opposite side, you will have to wait.

1.White curtains on the windows will protect you from all negative influences. To ward off evil forces, a ball of green glass is hung in front of the window.

2. On an odd Friday at dawn, place seashells, small white pebbles, pieces of glass or a large red tomato on the windowsill - this way you will attract prosperity and prosperity to your home.

At the same time, read the following conspiracy once to yourself, and once out loud:

“How ardently dear to every living thing

So for me, the servant of God (name), luck would shine like a bright sun,

warmed my soul, preserved it with love.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

3. When getting ready to sleep for the first time in a new apartment or going to bed in a new place, count the number of glasses in the windows of your room. After that, make a wish and fall asleep.

4.Windows with stained glass drive away evil spirits and protect from damage and curses, since stained glass and glass of different colors, according to the laws of magic, have special energy vibrations. This wonderful property of stained glass was known back in the Middle Ages.

5. If a spider or bee entered your house through a window, wait for news. Don't kill spiders - it's bad luck. A bird flying into a house through a window is a sign of wealth and good luck for the owner of the house, unlike other magical signs associated with birds flying into a home.

6.According to ancient beliefs, if you wipe your windows with vinegar or ammonia, you are inviting the wind to bless your home.

1.Each tree has its own energy, which endows an object made from it with magical properties. When buying furniture, you should take into account the properties of the wood from which it is made.

2. Thus, black or ebony wood bestows protection and magical abilities; oak brings strength, luck and health.

Furniture made from pine will attract money to its owner’s house, drive out evil spirits from the home, and help one recover.

Evergreen sequoia helps to achieve longevity,

cherry - love,

teak and jute wood - wealth,

cedar - longevity, purification and protection.

Mahogany will protect the house from misfortunes and lightning strikes; the nut will help you gain health.

3. It is better to rearrange furniture before the new moon - it brings good luck. Please note that it is best to place the bed in the eastern part of the bedroom. When rearranging furniture, say:


This conspiracy makes it possible to attract wealth, as well as change your life for the better: all negativity will go away, you will receive only good news.

4. “Kitchen” magic

1. So that the family never suffers from want, you can use a special “kitchen” spell.

Fill a small jug with water and place it in the supply cupboard, after saying over the water:


As long as the jug is in the closet, the family will not know the need.

2.A hanging braid of garlic, onion or pepper can serve as a talisman in the kitchen.

3.Soft cooked rice forming rings around the edges of the pan indicates that the cook will become rich.

4.If you accidentally mix up salt and sugar while cooking, this is good news.

5. If things are not going well in your kitchen - you drop pots or your food burns - you need to cleanse it energetically.

6.Tie two dirty dish towels in the middle, place them in a saucepan with water and three bay leaves and boil it all for two minutes. Then let it cool, remove the towels and leaves, and pour the water into the sink or outside. The steam that will be released during boiling will cleanse the energy of the kitchen.

7. If you put three needles, three pins and three nails in a jug, and then fill it with salt, seal it tightly, shake it vigorously nine times and drip red candle wax on the lid, and then put it in a secluded place in the cupboard, you can attract family prosperity and prosperity.

8. There is another magical secret. When preparing soup or porridge, add unpeeled oat grains to your food. A few times is enough for your husband or loved one to always be with you.