Bodyflex with Anna Vanlee we make the waist. Bodyflex for the abdomen - breathing exercises for quick weight loss. Positive and negative sides, contraindications

How to get rid of belly fat with help? Who is now popular bodyflex? Does bodyflex work? Read all the answers in this article!

slim waist- one of the main problems of women, even those whose weight does not exceed the norm. Small fat deposits in the abdominal region spoil the whole aesthetics of the body, and with it the mood. In cold weather, this disadvantage can be hidden by clothing. But what to do in summer? Hide under an umbrella and in hoodies? There is only one way out - to fight body fat.

How to beat waist fat?

In fact, the problem of removing excess fat deposits in the waist area is more unpleasant than difficult. It's unusual to go to the gym or do aerobics three times a week, especially for someone who hasn't lifted anything heavier than a ballpoint pen.

Fitness or body flex classes will be extremely exhausting at the initial stage, but after two or three weeks you will say “thank you” to your perseverance and willpower.

If you, in addition to the desire to find a thin waist, want to increase physical strength, you better prefer fitness. And you don't have to go to the gym to do it. You only need dumbbells and two low stools. With this simple equipment, you can perform exercises for all muscle groups.

If you are only concerned with removing excess fat, there is nothing better for you than bodyflex. Running is also a very good body shaping tool, but most women do not like this tool because it is boring.

Bodyflex can be practiced at home. Of course, in a special room with an instructor - it's better. But nowadays you can find detailed instructions for classes on the Internet or in a bookstore.

Bodyflex classes are guaranteed to transform your body. This system is in no way inferior to fitness training in terms of its ability to burn fat. Some women consider bodyflex a useless job. Basically, such judgments are made by those who watched how girls in the gym performed similar exercises for a long time and did not achieve impressive results, their sides remained sagging, and in other places the fat was not removed.

Yes, it is very common to see obese women in the gym doing side bends, crunches, and other simple exercises. Their obesity is not eliminated - because they do these exercises without the necessary intensity and do not follow the diet.

In addition, most of the girls and women from among the gym visitors are engaged in an incorrectly constructed program. For example, they train the press after heavy exercises for the lower back, or they are simply lazy in these exercises and do not give all the best.

In the first case, the load from the abdominal muscles goes to the muscles of the iliopsoas region - the same muscles that are involved when raising straight legs in the hang, but do not play any role in the aesthetics of the abdominal region. Such workouts are absolutely useless, they only disappoint the fair sex.

The diet plays a secondary role, but if your figure is far from perfect, you better not neglect it! Proper diet, healthy sleep, combined with bodyflex are guaranteed to transform you.

If, when exercising with dumbbells and simulators, you can somehow deceive yourself, just tired of the number of repetitions, then in the case of bodyflex, this is simply excluded. In this case, you perform the exercise or not. In the case of fitness training, you can allow cheating (not quite the correct exercise) or work at half strength. The result is wasted time, money and dissatisfaction with yourself.

Where to begin?

  • Before you start correcting your waist, you need to know exactly the cause of its imperfection. It often happens that the cause of an enlarged abdomen is simply a large stomach. In this case, it is enough to simply switch to a different diet - eat more often, but reduce portions. If you have a lot of subcutaneous fat and at the same time the whole body is more or less symmetrical, do not bother training the abdominal area.
  • If you do not have excess body fat, constantly eat no more than five times a day and at the same time your portions are relatively small, but your waist is still large, you need to do an exercise to reduce waist size - seated torso twists.
  • Bodyflex is good in all cases - to get rid of abdominal fat, to correct the body and strengthen the body. The program as a whole favorably affects the endocrine system, strengthens the heart and lungs. In addition to getting rid of excess fat, it helps the joints to maintain flexibility, and the muscles - elasticity.

For a woman, this sport is simply irreplaceable. You can practice even while at home.

It is enough just to force yourself to do the exercises correctly and not to abuse junk food - such as sweets, lemonades, chips and other similar products. By the way, processed meat ages the skin no less than all of the above "unhealthy" foods.

Proper diet and regular bodyflex exercises are guaranteed to help you get rid of a sagging belly and adjust your figure. The correct diet is not some kind of overseas diet, but a regular daily diet that includes a certain amount of calories and the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, two-thirds of carbohydrates, fats and proteins should be from natural products.

Remember: there are two keys to a good figure: proper nutrition and sports! Bodyflex will help you to be slim if you put in due effort!

Yogis and doctors are sure that all health problems arise from insufficient saturation of body tissues with oxygen. The founder of bodyflex, American G. Childers, claims that by practicing according to her author's method, it is possible to tighten the body without much effort, adjust its proportions and improve overall health.

The founder herself, with the help of classes according to her technology, lost 6 sizes and lost the hated excess weight that she gained after the birth of three children.

Basics and concept

BodyFlex is a unique set of exercises based on breath holding combined with stretching. It uses a diaphragmatic type of breathing, more simply called belly breathing.

The algorithm for performing the exercise is as follows:

  • Relax. Make a smooth exhalation, then inhale and exhale strongly with a short breath hold, note that during the last exhalation, the stomach must be strongly drawn in;
  • Jump into a pose. Which corresponds to a certain exercise, it is necessary to freeze for 8-10 seconds, it will be enough for beginners to count up to 5.

The maximum result can be obtained only with the correct breathing technique, then with a power load the muscles are additionally saturated with oxygen, and when performing narrowly focused exercises, a more efficient process of burning fat cells occurs.

Proper breathing, combined with exercises, with regular performance and inclusion in the diet of “Monastic Tea”, which promotes weight loss, will give an incredibly fast result.

At its core, bodyflex is the same breathing exercises as yoga, only without an emphasis on meditation.

Using diaphragmatic breathing, hyperventilation of the lungs is achieved, their volume increases, a short oxygen starvation makes the body work more actively.

The technique consists of 12 exercises, consisting of three groups: exercises aimed at stretching and elasticity, one muscle group works and several muscle groups are tensed.

In order to get rid of extra pounds and in a FEW DAYS to remove fat deposits on the stomach and sides, Elena Malysheva recommends a real gift to everyone who is losing weight. A unique SAFE method based on B vitamins that contribute to the breakdown of FAT, 100% NATURAL ingredients, no chemicals and hormones!

Correct breathing technique

It is better to work out the breathing technique before the start of the classes themselves. Take a starting position, it resembles a volleyball player's stance: legs are slightly bent, the distance between them is no more than 40 cm, put your hands on your hips, focus on the object in front of you.

Proper technique is essential to achieve the effect of bodyflex exercises. It will take about a month to master all the stages of breathing, for this we recommend watching training videos or contacting an instructor.

Start exercising your breath in the morning, on an empty stomach. Exercising after meals can lead to vomiting and nausea.

A full-length mirror will allow you to see which step is being performed incorrectly. Practice in a well-ventilated area. Start the exercises of the main complex only after you learn how to breathe correctly. The first time training should not exceed 5 minutes.

Exercises for the lower abdomen, waist and sides

Often, after giving birth or gaining weight, women notice the appearance of ugly ridges on the sides and fat deposits in the abdomen. In bodyflex, special attention is paid to this problem and special exercises have been developed.

But first, we advise you to drink "Monastic tea", the recipe of which became known in the 19th century. The monks were sure that it would increase the tone of the body, cleanse it of toxins and get rid of extra pounds that interfere with active work.

Positive and negative sides, contraindications

Like all sports, bodyflex has its pros and cons.

Negative points:

The list of positives is much longer:


Bodyflex will allow you to quickly reduce weight, reduce body volume, cleanse the body and build a harmonious figure by combining simple exercises and saturating the body with oxygen. We recommend that you consult with your doctor before starting classes.

If you have contraindications, do not be discouraged, because for proper breathing and enrichment of body cells with oxygen, you can jog in nature or swim in the pool.

Do you still think that it is impossible to lose weight without diets and sports?

Have you ever tried to lose excess weight? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, the victory was not on your side.

And how much time and effort have you already "leaked" on ineffective diets and many hours of training? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new technique of Elena Malysheva, who found a simple way to WEIGHT LOSS without doing anything.

Welcome to the blog where you will find a collection of video tutorials on yoga, fitness, shaping and other types of physical education. This blog is designed specifically for those who want to lose extra pounds, clean their stomach, tighten their buttocks and just tighten their figure, but for various reasons do not have the opportunity to sign up for a gym and are ready to work out at home. On this blog, all video lessons are available for viewing online, which will allow you to start training without delay. Each video course comes with a description of what awaits you in the lesson and you can start your learning from the video that you like the most. We hasten to please beginners and inform that especially for them - we will select a collection of video lessons for beginners and you can start learning from the very basics. Regular online training with video tutorials on our blog will make your figure slim and fit! Have fun and productive work!