Natural and artificial ecosystems. Artificial ecosystems are ecosystems created by man. Biological methods of pest control

“Aquarium ecosystem” - Elements of inanimate nature: Guppies Swordtails Catfish Gourami. Algae-producers Fish-consumers Snails, microbes-destroyers. Lesson topic: “Aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem.” How does a person care for the fields? What weeds do you know? Coil snail Ampularia Cancer Turtle. Destroyers. Lesson summary:

“Structure of ecosystems” - Created in 1964 the doctrine of forest biogeocenology. Lithosphere. Hydrosphere. A. Tansley. Topic: “Structure of ecosystems” Plan. Biocenosis. Biogeocenosis. Ecosystem structure. Biotope. II. Animals. Author of a number of textbooks and guides on dendrology, geobotany and works on Darwinism. I. Ecosystem, biogeocenosis, definition, properties.

“Ecosystem and biogeocenosis” - Organisms that specialize in obtaining strictly specific food are called monophages. Biogeocenoses are characterized by the following features: Polyphages are characterized by a wide range of nutrition, including primary, secondary and occasional food. Organisms that can feed on a variety of foods are called polyphages.

“Biocenosis biogeocenosis” - Biogeocenosis and biocenosis. Components of biogeocenosis. The name “biocenosis” was introduced into science by the German scientist Karl Moebius in 1877. Man-made biocenoses - aquarium, terrarium, greenhouse, greenhouse. Biocenosis “bios” - life, “cenos” - community. Inhabitants of a fallen tree trunk. Indicators of biocenosis. Biocenosis of moss hummock, stump, meadow, pond, swamp, forest.

“Community ecosystem biogeocenosis” - Biogeocenosis? Take home: § 66. Decomposers? Let's summarize: 1st order consumers? Living organisms of the biocenosis are connected in a food chain. Biocenosis? Characteristics of the biocenosis: Source of energy? Sources of energy for the existence of biogeocenosis? Biogeocenosis. Ecosystems".

“Organisms in an ecosystem” - Fig. 1. Main components of the ecosystem. Ecosystems of the Earth. Pond biocenosis. The chain of consumption and the chain of decomposition. Thermal energy. Ecosystem. Biogeocenosis. Metabolic heat. Ecosystem structure. The fundamental principle is autotrophic biosynthesis. Superspecific level of organization of biosystems. Mechanical energy.

There are a total of 34 presentations in the topic

summary of other presentations

“Biocenosis and its stability” - Centers for biotic stabilization. Carrying out certification. Nitrogen indicators. Properties of biogeocenosis. Morbidity. Poor quality water. Iron indicator. Indicators of water oxidation. Local biogeocenoses. Choosing the optimal location for a waste disposal site. Biosphere stability. Consequences of anthropogenic intervention. Biocenosis and its stability.

“Components of biogeocenosis” - Biocenosis of oak forest. Pond biocenosis. Ecological challenge. Characteristic features. Groups of organisms. Chain of eating. Terms. Product pyramid. Biogeocenoses. Necessary components of the ecosystem. Power network. Compare the network and the power circuit. Additional Information. Power circuit.

“Structure of biogeocenosis” - Biocenosis. Structure of biogeocenosis. Trophic structure of biocenosis. Biocenosis and biogeocenosis. Matryoshka ecosystems. Project assignment. Community. Producers. Homogeneous area. The concept of ecosystem and biogeocenosis. Consumers of II and more orders. Knowledge about natural communities. Consumers of the first order. Organic destroyers. Vernadsky. Decomposers. Biogeocenotic level.

“Connections in biogeocenosis” - Methods of obtaining food. Beneficial neutral relationships. Types of connections and dependencies in biogeocenosis. Beneficial relationships. Biotic connections. Predation. Trophic connections. Linden. Mutually beneficial relationships. Mutualism. Consider types of relationships. Competition. Eagle. Mutually harmful relationships. Tenancy. Method of nutrition. Symbiosis. Involving students in collective student-oriented activities.

“Preservation of the diversity of biogeocenoses” - These species have disappeared from the face of the Earth forever. Man is the king of nature. Human activity in agrocenoses. Preservation of the diversity of biogeocenoses. Transformation of landscapes. Feeling of anger. Tasmanian wolf. Forms of protection of BGC. A. Fet. The importance of biogeocenoses for humans. Human impact on nature.

“Characteristics of ecosystems” - The biosphere covers the entire surface of the Earth. Ecosystem concept. Ecosystem ranks. History of the term. Temporal boundaries of the ecosystem. An example of the stage of autotrophic succession - a forest grows in place of a fallow land. An example of heterotrophic succession. Ecosystems have many states. Biomes. Concepts. Spatial boundaries of the ecosystem. Scheme of system homeostasis according to Yu. Odum. Yu. Odum. Climate regime. The structure of an ecosystem (biogeocenosis) according to N. F. Reimers.

Ecosystems are one of the key concepts of ecology, which is a system that includes several components: a community of animals, plants and microorganisms, a characteristic habitat, a whole system of relationships through which the interchange of substances and energies occurs. In science, there are several classifications of ecosystems. One of them divides all known ecosystems into two large classes: natural, created by nature, and artificial, those created by man.

Natural ecosystems They are characterized by: A close relationship between organic and inorganic substances. A complete, closed circle of the cycle of substances: starting from the appearance of organic matter and ending with its decay and decomposition into inorganic components. Resilience and self-healing ability.

All natural ecosystems are determined by the following characteristics: 1. Species structure: the number of each species of animal or plant is regulated by natural conditions. 2. Spatial structure: all organisms are located in a strict horizontal or vertical hierarchy. 3. Biotic and abiotic substances. The organisms that make up the ecosystem are divided into inorganic (abiotic: light, air, soil, wind, humidity, pressure) and organic (biotic animals, plants). 4. In turn, the biotic component is divided into producers, consumers and destroyers.

Artificial ecosystems Artificial ecosystems are communities of animals and plants living in the conditions that humans have created for them. They are also called noobiogeocenoses or socioecosystems. Examples: field, pasture, city, society, spaceship, zoo, garden, artificial pond, reservoir.

Comparative characteristics of natural and artificial ecosystems Natural ecosystems Artificial ecosystems The main component is solar energy. Mainly, it receives energy from fuel and prepared food (heterotrophic) Forms fertile soil Depletes the soil All natural ecosystems absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen Most artificial ecosystems consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide Large species diversity Limited number of species of organisms High stability, ability for self-regulation and self-healing Weak stability, since such an ecosystem depends on human activity Closed metabolism Open metabolic chain Creates habitats for wild animals and plants Destroys wildlife habitats


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