How to pick up a truck from an impound lot. The car was taken to the impound lot, what should I do? What to do if your car is towed to an impound lot

Every motorist can face forced evacuation. There are enough reasons in the law for this: an inattentive motorist can stand under a sign prohibiting stopping, drive onto the sidewalk, or park in a space for the disabled. If a violation is noticed, then the further fate of the car is known - it will go to the impound lot. Information on how to pick up a car from an impound lot is presented in this article.

To figure out how to pick up a car from a special parking lot, you need to understand why the car ends up in such a parking lot. The driver needs to know what regulations govern forced evacuation and his rights in this situation. The main legislative document regulating the process is the Code of Administrative Offenses (Federal Law No. 195 of December 30, 2001), as well as regional regulations (they indicate the cost and features of the stay of evacuated vehicles in city special parking lots). We will look at the general grounds for seizing a car. They are listed in Art. 27.13, their list is exhaustive:

If the car was sent to the parking lot for other reasons, then this is illegal.

The law allows the driver not to help in the evacuation of the car, to require documentary evidence of the legal status of the representative of the evacuation service, to keep the keys to the vehicle, to certify the seals with his signature and, if necessary, to sit in the passenger compartment of his car before the evacuation begins. Note that the last point belongs to the category of legal incidents: the seal cannot be removed from the car, but the driver, even if he is drunk or does not have documents with him, can get into his car at any time. But, of course, he will no longer be able to continue moving along the road.

At the same time, the owner of the vehicle must not interfere with tow trucks: if this happens, then Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes that such an act directed against the legal order, while causing harm (simple special equipment), is punishable by a large fine (up to 80 thousand rubles) or arrest for up to six months. Sometimes, if a car owner uses violence to try to prevent towing service employees from carrying out the necessary actions, he may be punished under articles of causing harm to health, which, depending on the severity of the act committed, is punishable by arrest, fine or imprisonment.

We also note that it is impossible to send a car to a special parking lot if there are people inside it, even if the evacuation is carried out at the request of the driver. If passengers do not want to get out and remain inside the car, evacuation can be avoided, which is fraught with charges of disobedience to police officers and, therefore, such behavior entails legal liability.

Illegal evacuation

Any Russian who owns a car may face not only the lawful forced evacuation of the car, but also scammers who make money from gullible citizens. In this case, the car may never reach the specialized parking lot. Let us describe several well-known ways to deceive gullible motorists:

  1. The pioneers of the first method were Moscow illegal taxi drivers. They are waiting for the driver at the place where he parked the previously evacuated car, offering him services for the speedy return of the vehicle. Such a quick rescue of a “car from captivity” is estimated at 4 to 6 thousand rubles, but in reality the services of swindlers will cost a much larger sum: the taxi driver will take the car owner to the traffic police reception office farthest from the impound lot or to the special parking lot itself (the further away the place, the more expensive the trip ). As a result, the owner of the towed car ends up in an impound lot, where he receives his vehicle, and at the same time receives a receipt with a fine and a fee for evacuation, but by this time the enterprising taxi driver is already leaving, having received money for the trip.
  2. Another fraudulent scheme also originated in Moscow after tow truck operators, under the pretext of obstructing a pedestrian or passage, began to take all cars indiscriminately to the impound lot. Two or three swindlers working together keep track of which motorists have parked their vehicles incorrectly on the street and report this to their trusted tow truck involved in the scheme. He, having arrived at the place, takes the car. Then, when the owner discovers his foreign car is missing, he is offered to return it for 3 thousand rubles. If the person agrees, the tow truck will leave the car nearby, for example, on a nearby avenue. The popularity of this scam is high, since the official return of the car from the impound lot costs twice as much.
  3. Sometimes scammers who disguise themselves as towing services may try to take the car away, but here it is necessary to remember that only the traffic police officer records the violation: without his permission it is impossible to take the car to the impound lot.

Rules for towing a car to an impound lot

Before the car goes to a special parking lot, a traffic inspector must record a violation and call a towing service. These are private companies that simply carry out the orders of the state; they do not have the right to take away anything without the permission of the traffic police inspector. In addition, the evacuation service employee cannot remove the car from the platform himself after it has been entered into the database of towed cars.

Paragraph 1. Before towing a car, the duties of a traffic inspector include filling out a report on the detention of the vehicle (two copies). The protocol is signed by the traffic police inspector and the motorist who violated the rules. If the driver does not want to sign, a corresponding note is placed in the protocol. Please note that the document is drawn up in the presence of witnesses or using video recording of the evacuation process. A copy of the protocol must be given to the violator.

Point 2. The inspector records in the protocol the exact time of the violation, the date, place of action, and the basis for the forced evacuation of the car (this is one of the above articles of the Administrative Code). The road inspection employee indicates his position, surnames and initials, detailed information about the towing service, its representative and the special equipment used to detain the car: not all tow trucks have the right to pick up a car with an automatic transmission and low ground clearance. The document contains transport and technical information about the car and its owner. If a vehicle is detained in the presence of the owner, lawyers recommend requiring that information about the presence of valuables in the car be entered into the protocol.

It is worth insisting on entering information about the damage and malfunctions present in the car at the time of evacuation, since this will later make it possible to apply for compensation if damage is caused to the equipment during evacuation or while in the impound lot. The protocol must be read carefully, since not all traffic police inspectors fill it out in good faith. If the protocol is filled out incorrectly and the employee refuses to make changes, this must be indicated in the appropriate column of the protocol. Such a resolution may subsequently be recognized as having no legal force. And here, as you know, there is no protocol - no violation, no violation - no fine for violation and the cost of paying for the impound lot.

Point 3. After a violation is recorded, all access points to the vehicle are sealed with a seal. The period of detention of the car is counted from the moment the protocol is drawn up.

The nuances of moving cars to a special parking lot, organizing their storage, and paying for these actions are regulated by regional laws: today there are no identical standards in force throughout Russia.

If someone else's car is towed...

The automotive community advises not to be indifferent to this situation. It is worth approaching the car: perhaps, on a note under the glass, you will find the owner’s phone number, by which you can contact him and inform him that the car is being towed. Perhaps the owner will make it to the parking spot and pick up the car before he is sent to a specialized parking lot. This will save the car enthusiast several thousand rubles.

Representatives of the evacuation service, even if they have the specified telephone number, will not call the owner themselves: it is in their interests to quickly take the car to the impound lot, since the law obliges the violator to pay the costs of moving the car in accordance with clause 11 of Art. 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If the owner of the car managed to arrive before the tow truck started moving and the traffic police officer had not yet drawn up a report, then the towing service specialists are obliged to return the car.

Important! When you park your car and you are not sure that you did it correctly, write your phone number on any white paper, put a note under the windshield, and witnesses to the evacuation of your car will be able to warn you.

If the owner returned to the car before evacuation...

If the owner returned to the car before evacuation, then until the protocol, the act of handing over the car, is drawn up and signed, the driver has a chance to pick it up on the spot. If the deed is signed (even in the presence of the owner), no one will give the car to the owner - you will have to go to the impound lot to pick it up. The driver will also be able to pick up the car at a special parking lot even in a situation where the tow truck has already moved and has driven at least a few centimeters.

But while there is a chance to pick up the car on the spot, it’s worth taking advantage of it. To do this, you need to go to the traffic police inspector, show papers confirming the ownership of the vehicle, inform the police officer that you are ready to pay a fine for the violation and eliminate the reason for the detention of the car by moving the car in accordance with the rules. After checking the documents and the corresponding instructions from the inspector, the tow truck driver will put the car back on the road: this algorithm of actions is prescribed in clause 1.1. Art. 27.13 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Of course, the driver will be punished for an administrative offense (wrong parking, for example), but he will not have to spend money on evacuation and storage in a parking lot. At the same time, a fine for an administrative violation can be paid with a 50% discount if done in the first 20 days.

If the cause of a possible forced evacuation is a technical malfunction of the car, then the owner has two options to avoid a impound lot: until the inspector discovers the malfunction and starts drawing up documents, repair the car on the spot or call a tow truck himself so that the damaged car is taken to car service

It should be noted that the situation with forced evacuation, which developed in 2018 due to changes made in 2015 and 2016, became more complicated: penalties increased, new grounds for detaining cars appeared, legislators repealed some provisions previously adopted for the convenience of drivers. For example, government decree No. 759 of December 18, 2013, which stated that a car is evacuated to an impound lot only if it is not possible to eliminate the cause that served as the basis for evacuation on the spot: for example, the owner who left documents at home, was recently declared invalid. had the right to call his relatives and ask them to bring papers. Now this decree has been canceled, so the very possibility of eliminating violations on the spot may cause debate with state inspectors.

If the car is not there and the owner did not participate in the evacuation...

If the car is not there, and the owner did not participate in the evacuation, then you urgently need to find out what happened to the vehicle. The car could not only be towed, but also stolen. To clarify the circumstances, you need to call the duty department of the road inspection at a single number 112 or 02. Once the owner is convinced that the car was forcibly evacuated to the impound lot for some reason, you need to find out from the officer on duty who issued the detention and where the car was moved. The information received should be written down so as not to forget. Further actions depend on where the documents for the car are located - on hand or in the glove compartment.

In order to pick up a car from the impound lot, you will need documents for the car.

How to pick up a car from an impound lot if the owner has the documents

If the owner has the documents, then the car owner’s route is as follows: first go to the traffic police department for a decision on returning the car, then to the impound lot. You need to go to the department whose inspector issued the arrest. The inspection officer will require the vehicle owner to provide a driver’s license, title documents (vehicle registration certificate) and an insurance policy, but there is no need to present a vehicle passport. If the car belongs to another person or legal entity, then to receive it you will also need a power of attorney from the owner or a waybill. Based on the documents presented, the state inspector will draw up a resolution on an administrative offense, which will confirm the owner’s right to pick up the detained car. A receipt for payment of the fine for the offense committed is attached to the resolution.

All permitting documentation must be carefully studied to ensure that the specified data is correct and that all necessary signatures and seals are present, otherwise problems may arise when returning the car.

The next destination is the impound lot, where the car owner goes with a decree in hand. It is recommended that you first call the evacuation service at the impound lot to clarify in a particular city the various nuances and requirements for returning the car. The telephone number of the impound lot of a particular city can be found on the Internet, 2Gis, or by calling the help desk. At the impound lot, the recipient of the car must present the following documents to the employees to confirm the right to receive the car:

  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • certificate - permission from the traffic police to issue a car;
  • MTPL insurance policy;
  • if the recipient is not the owner of the car, but has the right to drive it or represents the interests of a legal entity, then a notarized power of attorney.

In a situation where the car was seized because the owner was driving while intoxicated and, accordingly, he was deprived of his license, a sober driver with permission to drive a car is also needed. However, you can also pick up your car using a tow truck (the law does not prevent this). After presenting the documents, the special parking lot employees will issue a receipt for payment for evacuation and storage and lead you to the car. When receiving the car, the owner must check whether the car was damaged during forced evacuation or being in the impound lot, then he signs the acceptance certificate and picks up the car.

According to clause 10. Art. 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, it is not necessary to pay the cost of evacuation and storage before receiving the car. But, if the decision is made to pay all expenses before returning the car, the owner will have a 25% discount.

Important! In order not to waste time pointlessly waiting at closed gates in the cold, heat or rain, it is recommended to go pick up your car in the first half of the day - before 14:00. The workload of the impound lot specialists issuing cars is minimal at this time.

How to pick up a car from an impound lot if the documents were left in the towed car

If the documents are left in the evacuated car, then the owner’s route is slightly longer: before going to the traffic police department, you will first have to go to a special parking lot, where the car owner will write a corresponding application for opening the car and access to the interior. Then the parking attendant will draw up a car opening report and remove the seal (usually on the driver’s side). When the owner takes the documents, the specialist draws up a certificate of resealing the car and seals the door again before returning for it. When the documents are in hand, the owner can go to the traffic police department, from where, having received permission to return the car according to the scheme described above, back to the special parking lot.

Please note that in large cities, the impound lot and the state inspection departments are usually located quite far from each other, so you should not be nervous when traveling long distances through a populated area.

If the reason for towing a car is a technical breakdown...

As mentioned earlier, the vehicle is towed until the cause of the detention is eliminated. To pick up a car from the impound lot, you need to confirm that the reason for the detention has been eliminated, and that in a situation where there is a technical malfunction of the brakes and steering, this cannot be done. It is unlikely that the owner will be allowed to repair the car in the parking lot, so he will have to send the car directly to a car service using the same tow truck, which is not only troublesome, but also expensive.

If your insurance has expired...

If your insurance has expired, there are two options. The first one works when the insurance policy has recently expired, then you can pick up the car according to the standard scheme without any problems, since according to current legislation the old policy is valid for another 30 days after its expiration, provided that the car owner continues to work with the same insurance company.

The second option applies when more than a month has passed since the expiration of the insurance policy. In this case, the car can be returned to the owner using a tow truck.

Video - Impound lots: how to pick up a car? Protection of rights in case of evacuation

How to calculate the cost of keeping a car in the impound lot

The cost of car evacuation in different Russian cities and regions is not the same. If the driver picks up the car three days after evacuation, then in Moscow for a category B passenger car with a power of over 80 and up to 250 hp. evacuation costs 5,000 rubles, and storage costs 1,000 rubles per day (only the full day the car is in the impound lot is subject to payment). The total amount in the receipt will be calculated as follows: 5000 + 3 × 1000 = 8000 RUR. If you pay before receiving the car, you will be able to save 25% - 2000 RUR.

There are also ambiguities here: from the updated Code of Administrative Offences, legislators removed the provision that keeping a car in an impound lot for the first 24 hours is free. But, for example, in the capital of Russia there is Law No. 42, which allows payment to be collected only for a full day. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the emergence of controversial situations and the possibility of resolving them only in court.

What to do if your car is damaged or scratched?

Upon receipt of the car, the owner signs the acceptance certificate. Before signing the papers, you must carefully inspect the vehicle. If the recipient notices new problems or malfunctions, this must be noted in the report. After this, the owner can assess the cost of repairs by submitting a claim for compensation for material damage to the company involved in towing and storing cars.

All evacuation services are usually insured, so problems with payment of money are unlikely to arise. If employees still refuse to pay for the damage, then after collecting all the documents confirming the amount of damage, you can go to court. In addition to the repair itself, the evacuation service will be required to pay other expenses: from repair assessments to hospitality expenses and state fees.

For some offenses committed by drivers when operating vehicles, according to the Administrative Code (COAP), punishment is provided for, such as detaining the car and placing the vehicle in a impound lot.

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On the basis of what law is the evacuation of vehicles carried out, and how to pick up a car from a impound lot, read on.

Reasons for evacuation

In accordance with this, a car may be impounded if law enforcement agencies detect the following violations:

  • driving vehicles without registration documents or documents provided for by current customs legislation (Article 12.3 Part 1 of the Administrative Code). According to the traffic rules approved, each driver, when driving a vehicle, is required to have with him and provide traffic police officers for verification with a driver’s license, a vehicle registration certificate (in some cases it is possible to provide a PTS), etc. The absence of a registration certificate or PTS entails, in addition to the imposition of fines, punishment in the form of detention of the car;
  • operation of a vehicle with the following malfunctions (Article 12.5 part 2):
    • braking system (with the exception of the parking brake);
    • steering;
    • coupling device if the vehicle is part of a road train.
  • operation of a car by a driver who does not have a driving license (the exception is training driving in a specially equipped car and with an instructor) - Article 12.7 part 1;
  • driving a vehicle by a driver who has previously been deprived of a driver’s license (Article 12.7 part 2);
  • driving a car by a driver under the influence of alcohol or by a driver while intoxicated and deprived of a driver’s license (Article 12.8, parts 1 and 3);
  • failure to comply with traffic regulations relating to stopping or parking vehicles (Article 12.16 part 4);
  • stopping and parking a car at a pedestrian crossing, in the area of ​​a stopping complex for route vehicles, on tram tracks, or a stop (parking) that causes a congestion on the roadway (Article 12.19);
  • improper transportation of heavy and large cargo (Article 12.21.1);
  • absence of any documents provided for by the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods (Article 12.21.2);
  • refusal to undergo a medical examination (Article 12.26);
  • consumption of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages after a traffic accident (Article 12.27);
  • the use of vehicles as an advertising structure, including the conversion of the body for any product (Article 14.38).

What law regulates the operation of impound lots?

There is no separate law regarding the evacuation of a car to an impound lot. The detention of the car and its further movement to a specialized parking lot are carried out on the basis of Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

This article provides:

  • an exact list of situations when it is necessary to use such a measure as detaining a vehicle;
  • the possibility of eliminating the cause of detention at the scene of the incident;
  • detention procedure;
  • procedure for returning a car from a parking lot.

The last revision of the article in question was made in 2020.

The changes made affected the following aspects:

  • rules for obtaining a vehicle from the parking lot. Currently, either the owner or any person acting under a notarized power of attorney can receive a car;

To receive a car, you need a full package of documents permitting driving and a permit issued by the traffic police department that detained the car.

  • the cost of payment for car evacuation, storage and other services provided to the car owner in the parking lot of the penalty area is regulated by regional legislative acts. So, for example, in Moscow one should rely on, and, which approves the amount of fees for certain services;
  • all significant aspects of the offense committed and the responsibilities of the culprit must be clearly reflected in the report on the seizure of the car.

This document is drawn up in two copies (for the traffic police and the owner of the car) and is given to the driver after signing it.

Rules for stay and issue of vehicles

So, after an offense has been committed, the car is placed in a impound lot. What to do? What is the law regarding the return of a car from an impound lot?

What documents do employees of the organization need to present? How much do I need to pay for removal and storage? More details about everything.

The procedure for returning a car is also regulated by Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and the legislative acts of a particular region of the Russian Federation (in terms of payment).

In order to apply such a measure as detaining a vehicle and moving it to a specialized parking lot, the traffic police inspector must draw up a protocol indicating:

  • date, place and time of drawing up the document;
  • reason for detention (in accordance with the Administrative Code);
  • Full name and position of the person who compiled the protocol;
  • information about the owner of the vehicle (if the evacuation is carried out in his presence) and details of the detained vehicle;
  • information about the traffic police department in which the employee works;
  • information about the impound lot where the car will be placed (address, contact numbers, work schedule, etc.);
  • the amount of penalties imposed on the offender (in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offences).

The protocol must be signed by the responsible person who drew up the document and by the offender (if the document is drawn up in his presence).

The driver also has the right to refuse to sign the document, for example, if he does not agree with the information specified in it. In such a situation, a refusal note is placed in the protocol.

If the document is drawn up in the presence of the driver, then a copy of the protocol is given to him immediately after signing.

If the document was drawn up without the presence of the driver, for example, due to improper parking, then a copy of the protocol can be obtained from the traffic police department that detained the vehicle.

After all the documents have been drawn up, the car is sealed (this measure is necessary to guarantee the safety of the car owner’s personal property in the car) and is moved by tow truck to the parking lot specified in the protocol for storage.

To obtain a vehicle you must:

  • independently and completely eliminate the reason for the detention. For example, if you park incorrectly, the reason for imposing a penalty in the form of towing the car is automatically eliminated;

If you do not have documents for the vehicle (registration certificate), you must pick up the document from your home (office, etc.) and present it to the traffic police.

  • After eliminating the reason for the detention, you must visit the traffic police department that drew up the protocol in order to obtain permission to return the car. To obtain a document, you must confirm that there is no reason for the detention (for example, present documents confirming the ownership of the vehicle);
  • with the received permit, vehicle registration certificate, driver’s license and compulsory motor liability insurance policy, you must drive to the impound lot and receive receipts for payment for the services provided by the organization;

The cost of impound parking services varies depending on the region of the Russian Federation and is established by local legislation. Payment can be made through online banking systems, directly at any bank branch, through ATMs or at the cash desk of an organization servicing a parking lot.

  • After presenting all documents, including the payment receipt, the car can be picked up. When returning the car, an act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle is drawn up.

Most motorists have found themselves in a situation where the car was towed to. As a rule, the driver is to blame for the incident himself.

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This may be poor knowledge of road rules, disregard for road signs, or deliberate failure to comply with these established rules.

It is a well-known fact that in Russian cities there is a large shortage of parking spaces, and no one is eager to pay for paid parking spaces. This is the reason why car towing is so widespread.

But what should you do to return the vehicle? Where and how to obtain permission to return a car? What documents are needed for this? What do you need to pay?

Who issues

A written permit is issued at the traffic police department. As a rule, the permit is issued by the traffic police inspector who is responsible for the evacuation.

The driver can purchase it only after paying a fine for illegal parking or other non-compliance.

You can obtain permission only after the grounds for detaining the car, which are indicated in the traffic police report, have been completely eliminated.

For example, if the vehicle was towed for non-compliance with parking rules, then the basis for the detention was eliminated from the moment the car was loaded onto the tow truck.

What is needed to obtain a permit to release a car from an impound lot?

Before visiting the traffic police department, you must collect all the required documents.

The motorist must provide the following list of documents:

  • insurance sheet, which contains information about the driver;
  • power of attorney, if the car is not picked up by the owner of the car;
  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the fine;

In accordance with the law, any citizen who has the right to drive it can pick up a car.

If the owner of the vehicle cannot pick it up, then he should issue a power of attorney for a loved one, since parking is paid and the car should be returned as quickly as possible.

In addition to drawing up a power of attorney, you will also have to make changes to the MTPL policy. After this, not only the owner, but also the person entrusted with such a right will be able to pick up the vehicle.

Sometimes incidents occur when the driver does not have the documents for the car with him. If they are forgotten at home, then picking them up will not be difficult.

But in most cases, the documents remain in the glove compartment of the car that is taken to the impound lot. In such a situation, the first thing you need to do is find out the parking lot where the car was transported. This can be done by calling the city evacuation service.

Then you should go to the address provided and write an application for an autopsy, citing the fact that the documents were left in the vehicle.

The parking lot staff will open the car in the presence of the applicant, record the procedure in the protocol, and then reseal all entrances to the salon.

If the owner of the found documents is the applicant, then the papers will be handed over to him. Only after completing the procedure can you go to the traffic police in order to return to the parking lot again, but with the goal of picking up the vehicle.

If the car was taken away by a tow truck without the presence of the owner, then you should call the traffic police helpline and find out the department that is considering the case, as well as the working hours.

To whom is it presented?

The received permit must be presented to the employees of the special parking lot. In the absence of such an act, employees do not have the right to issue a vehicle.

You can pick up transport at any time of the day. If all the documents are present on hand, but the parking lot employees do not want to give up the car, then you can safely submit a statement to the local department of internal affairs about illegal retention of the vehicle.

In addition to the traffic police permit, you must present the following documents:

  • title documents for the car;
  • driver's license;
  • passport;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • power of attorney, if it is not the owner who takes it;
  • checks confirming payment of all fines.

At a special parking lot they are required to issue a receipt that confirms the fact of payment made. This receipt must be kept to avoid misunderstandings.

You need to write an application for the issuance of transport and receive it in accordance with the acceptance certificate.

The motorist needs to carefully inspect the vehicle during collection at the impound lot. If damage is found, the driver will have to carry out an examination at his own expense.

Based on the results of the examination, a cost estimate of the damage will be given. The motorist will then be able to bring a claim against the tow truck operator or the owner of the parking lot, depending on when exactly the damage occurred.

The claim contains not only a claim for damages, but also a claim for reimbursement of costs for paid expert work. In court proceedings, evidence of guilt will have to be presented.

You need to remember the following nuances:

  • The traffic police officer must record the appearance of the car before loading it onto the tow truck;
  • Through research, experts can determine the age of scratches and other defects.

As practice shows, tow truck workers and parking lot owners do not voluntarily compensate for the damage caused. But you can achieve justice through the courts with the help of experienced automobile lawyers.

Is it possible to pick up a car without a document?

It is impossible to take a vehicle without permission in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses. Having a traffic police permit is an essential condition for obtaining a car from a parking lot.

There are owners who do not want to obtain permission and, accordingly, do not want to take the car. In such a situation, the owner will be sent a notification letter about the location of the car or informed through a telephone call.

If the owner of the vehicle continues to ignore the situation, he will be sued, according to which he will have to compensate the parking lot for the expenses it incurred as a result of long-term storage of the car.

If the amount for storing a car in a impound lot reaches the cost of the car, then the car will be sold to pay off the debt.
Issuing a permit to a legal entity

The procedure for obtaining a traffic police permit for a legal entity is not much different from the procedure that is provided for citizens.

The only difference is that a legal entity needs to provide more documents to the traffic police to issue a permit.

Full list of documents for acquiring a permit by a legal entity:

  • documents for the vehicle;
  • driver license;
  • OSAGO;
  • waybill;
  • power of attorney from the owner of the vehicle.

If the car does end up in a parking lot, then you need to remember the following legal subtleties regarding obtaining a traffic police permit:

  1. You can only get permission from the traffic police department. Other institutions are not authorized to issue permits.
  2. To purchase a permit, you will need to provide a specified list of documentation.
  3. Not only the owner of the vehicle, but also any other person can pick up the car and obtain permission if a power of attorney and the corresponding compulsory motor liability insurance have been issued to him.
  4. If the documents are left in the car, then first of all you will have to visit the parking lot, write an application for an autopsy, get the documents, and only then go to the State Traffic Inspectorate.
  5. Without permission, a car will not be handed over to the owner in the impound lot.
  6. To receive a car, you need to write an application and then issue a transfer and acceptance certificate.
  7. You must keep the receipt confirming payment for parking services!
  8. When returning the car, you must inspect it carefully. If there is damage, an examination will be required. If the perpetrators refuse to voluntarily compensate for the damage, it is worth filing a claim with a judicial authority.
  9. A legal entity receives permission to return a car in the same manner as an individual. The only difference: you need to provide two more documents. These documents are a waybill and a power of attorney from the owner of the vehicle.

Video: Car evacuation, impound lot. How to pick up a car from an impound lot.

All drivers are wary of tow trucks and continue to park in the wrong places at their own peril and risk. If the car is taken to a special parking lot, then picking it up will not be easy; according to rumors, it will be long and expensive. But many people don’t really know how to pick up a car from the impound lot and what is needed to do it.

Reasons for detention

You have the right to evacuate a car only if traffic rules are violated.

The most common violations:

  • parking in the wrong place (read also about);
  • problems with the functioning of the brakes or steering wheel;
  • transportation of dangerous goods without permits and special signs;
  • detection of driving without a license.

In the first case, if the driver returns to the car and sees that it is about to be taken away, the tow truck cannot continue the procedure. The driver will be issued a fine for the violation and will be allowed to park the car in accordance with traffic regulations.

Once the tow truck starts moving, it can no longer be stopped.

In other cases, the outcome depends on the decision of the traffic police officers - they may allow you to call friends for a tow, etc., or they may detain the car and send it to an impound lot.


It is impossible to single out a single tariff for storing a vehicle in a parking lot throughout Russia, because each region has its own regulations.

However, there is a single rule - you do not need to pay for the first day. Further, tariffs differ in different territories.

How much does it cost to pick up a car from an impound lot in the capital:

  • for evacuation of a passenger car - 5,000 - 7,000 rubles;
  • for towing a truck - 27,000 rubles;
  • for every day of storage of a passenger car - 1,000 rubles;
  • per day of storage of a truck - 2,000 rubles.

You can pay off fines within 2 months, but if you do it immediately - even before returning the car, then a 25% discount applies, as established in Moscow Law No. 42 of 2012.

The payment notice for payment will be issued by the attendant directly at the specialized parking lot. You can either pick up your car from the impound lot without paying, or cancel the fines at any bank and then present the receipts.

During the same period (1 month), you can appeal the decision of the traffic police to higher authorities. If, as a result, the decision on traffic violation is declared cancelled, within 8 days the driver will be returned all the money he paid for the evacuation and storage of the car.

Car return procedure

How to find out where the car is

If a citizen comes and sees that his car is not in the place where he parked it, he will have 2 guesses: theft or evacuation.

To dispel doubts, you can:

  • call the traffic police department on duty at 112 or 02;
  • call the parking space hotline for Muscovites at 3210;
  • enter your car number on one of the sites: “Autocode”, “Moscow Transport” and

For website users there is a service of mobile notifications about the detention of a vehicle, which will be sent to the phone.

If the car was taken to a specialized parking lot, it is necessary to clarify which one and which police department is responsible for the detention.

Now you need to visit the traffic police department that issued the arrest order.

Before visiting the unit, you should prepare the following documents:

  • passport;
  • license, registration certificate, PTS;
  • OSAGO policy.

How can you pick up a car from an impound lot without insurance or other papers if they are left in the car? You will have to go to the impound lot and inform the duty officer about the need to get them. In this case, an autopsy report will be written, the seal will be removed in the presence of the owner and an inventory of the property located in the car will be drawn up.

After collecting the documents, you need to visit the traffic police department and present them.

The department employee will mark the copy of the vehicle detention report and give it to the driver. The policeman will also issue him an administrative violation report containing a fine.

The fine must be paid within 2 months. After this period, the fine doubles.

If you pay it within the first 20 days, then the amount, on the contrary, is halved.

Payment Methods:

  • through the personal account of the bank to which the user’s mobile bank is connected;
  • through the portal “State Services”;
  • through various applications like “Traffic Fines”;
  • through an electronic wallet;
  • through a single platform - via SMS message;

At the same time, the statute of limitations for traffic police fines is 2 years, and then they are written off.

The issued copy of the protocol will indicate the date on which the car can be picked up.

How to pay via SMS:

  • send the text “servicereg” to number 7377; This is the command for logging into the system;
  • Next, you need to send a message with the license or car number in the “fine number” format to the same short number;
  • in response, you will receive a notification with existing debts and an offer to pay them off.