Eating chicken meat udk. The benefits and harms of chicken. Effect on bones and teeth

The first chickens that appeared in tsarist Russia were called simple or Russian. The roosters had a well-developed red crest and the same earrings on the sides of the head, golden plumage on the neck, dark red or rusty red feathers, fiery coloring of the back with a metallic green tint of large sickle-shaped braids. The chicken had a small comb and had a modest partridge plumage of a brownish tone with an indistinct pattern on the back and a reddish pattern on the neck.

Like their wild ancestors, domestic chickens live on the ground. They spend the whole day on their feet, which corresponds to the structure of their limbs. Their whole life, except for lodging for the night, is connected with the surface of the earth. Strong legs save from pursuers. Not satisfied with the food that remains on the surface of the earth, chickens tear the soil with their strong legs, looking for food suitable for themselves - worms, larvae, germinating seeds. They also dig holes for themselves to bathe in order to get rid of annoying insects. Finally, the legs serve as a defense tool: the roosters have pointed horn spurs on the tarsus, with which they strike each other during fights.

Chickens rush in thickets of weeds, in a gap between stacked logs - in a word, in a very secluded place on earth. And only for an overnight stay, the chicken flies up to the perch: there it is less in danger (again, the habit of wild ancestors).

The useful qualities and valuable inclinations that wild chickens already had were improved in various directions during domestication. Many breeds were obtained, varied in appearance and unequal in economic significance. Currently, there are three areas of chicken productivity: egg, meat and meat-egg, or general use.

Chickens of egg breeds have the highest egg production, small weight, lively temperament. They feed well on the paddocks, they are distinguished by good precocity. The young start laying eggs at 4 months of age. A man changed a chicken beyond recognition: banking chickens produced 10-30 eggs a year, modern breeds - more than three hundred.

In the world there are many breeds of chickens, different in appearance, color, breeding characteristics and direction of use. In different breeds, eggs have a different color, for example: white, brown, green, blue, red (see Chicken egg). Currently, about 180 chicken breeds are listed in the European poultry standard. However, in general, there are many more of them on Earth.

From an economic point of view and according to the nature of the main product, the breeds can be divided into three main groups: egg breeds, meat and egg breeds and meat breeds.

The chicken must be chosen with the eyes and nose - this is the main advice of cooks of all times and peoples. As soon as you feel even a faint smell of rotten meat, refuse to buy. And carefully consider the appearance of the carcass - this is only possible in a completely transparent package, so do not pay attention to chickens wrapped in colored bags. A proper broiler chicken should have well-developed muscles, a rounded breast without a prominent keel bone, and pale pink meat. See that the skin is not grayish, but with a pinkish tinge of pale yellow.

chicken calories

Chicken is considered one of the types of dietary meat, its calorie content is 190 kcal per 100 g of product. 100 g of boiled chicken meat contains 137 kcal, and 100 g of fried chicken contains 210 kcal. Calorie stewed chicken - 164 kcal. Under the condition of moderate use, chicken meat will not harm the figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of chicken

Chicken meat is rich in proteins, linoleic acid, which stimulates the immune system, vitamins, B1, B2.

Salmonella has been found in chicken carcasses from 22 EU member states. On average, 15.7% of chicken meat was contaminated, although figures also vary. In 17 countries, 2 types of salmonella have been found in meat and are responsible for the majority of salmonellosis infections in humans.

Do not forget that kut is treated with chlorine, “fed” with antibiotics, stuffed with preservatives and injected, which negatively affects the human body, causing a number of diseases, so when choosing chicken, give preference to poultry.

Chicken meat is contraindicated for people with individual protein intolerance. It is also not recommended to eat smoked or fried chicken because of the high content of cholesterol in it, as this can lead to atherosclerosis and blockage of blood vessels.

Video recipe for delicious chicken baked in a sleeve with spices.

The benefits and harms of chicken are of interest to everyone, because of all the birds, it is she who most often appears on the dining table. It is interesting to study the properties of the bird in order to understand for whom it is especially recommended for use.

The chemical composition of chicken meat

Chicken is a real champion among birds in terms of the content of nutrients. The product is saturated with vitamins and valuable minerals, important acids, very nutritious and at the same time not dangerous for the figure.

Vitamins and minerals

The product contains the following vitamins:

  • A, C and E;
  • B1, B2 and B3;
  • B5, B6 and B9.

The elemental composition of the product is represented by iron, calcium and phosphorus. The product also contains potassium and sodium, magnesium and sulfur, zinc and chlorine.

Amino acids

The special benefit of chicken for the human body lies in the high content of amino acids. Specifically, meat contains:

  • valine - the main substance responsible for muscle growth and tissue repair, for the functioning of the liver and gallbladder;
  • isoleucine - the appetite and energy reserves of a person depend on this amino acid, with a lack of a substance, increased irritability and headaches are observed;
  • tryptophan - an amino acid that protects against the development of insomnia, depression, anxiety;
  • lysine - a substance responsible for immunity, strength of hair and nails, physical and mental activity;
  • taurine - an amino acid determines the rate of tissue repair, protects the organs of vision from diseases;
  • leucine - responsible for protein synthesis and muscle growth;
  • arginine is an amino acid, especially important for men, since the quality of genetic material and reproductive abilities depend on it;
  • purine - a substance that contributes to the supply of oxygen to cells and is responsible for the health of the joints.

The lack of any of the amino acids leads to a deterioration in well-being, so the chicken in terms of replenishing energy is a real treasure.

Nutritional value and calorie content of chicken meat

A characteristic feature of the product is that it does not contain carbohydrates at all. At the same time, the protein content is very high - about 16 g, and fat accounts for an average of 14 g.

The average calorie content of the product per 100 g is 190 kcal.

Benefits of chicken meat

Different parts of the carcass, processed in one way or another, can bring greater or lesser benefits to human health. But in any case, the product has the following useful properties:

  • helps to establish the work of digestion and normalizes metabolism;
  • strengthens joints, nails and teeth;
  • replenishes energy reserves and protects against depression and stress;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • prevents anemia - the benefits of chicken legs are especially evident here;
  • positively affects the reproductive system and protects eyesight from diseases;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes active muscle growth and rapid tissue regeneration;
  • protects against heart disease.

The beneficial properties of chicken meat for some body systems should be considered in more detail.

For the digestive system

Chicken meat is a unique product that is approved for use even with severe gastric diseases. Chicken is easily digestible, does not irritate the stomach and other organs, and is not deposited in adipose tissue. The properties of the product protect against the development of constipation and diarrhea, help to cure gastritis, pancreatitis and ulcers.

For the cardiovascular system

Chicken is an effective prevention of atherosclerosis, ischemia and hypertension. Regular consumption of the product in food protects against early heart attacks and strokes, since the properties of the bird reduce bad cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels and regulate blood pressure.

For immunity

During a cold, for a speedy recovery, it is not just recommended to drink chicken. The healing properties of chicken meat are that the product enriches the human body with vitamins and minerals, helping to strengthen the immune system. Due to this, most viruses and bacteria cannot break through the protective barrier, and the manifested colds quickly recede.

Chicken meat and weak broth are products with very good restorative properties. They restore strength to the body after serious illnesses.

For the nervous system

A large supply of vitamins and amino acids in chicken helps to maintain an even emotional background. Regular consumption of chicken reduces the risk of developing neurosis and depression, helps to get rid of insomnia, irritability and stress.

For the brain

Healthy chicken parts are recommended for adults, children and the elderly due to their beneficial effects on the brain. The product supports mental activity and strengthens memory, and in old age it is useful as a prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

For bones and muscles

Chicken meat contains both phosphorus, calcium, and protein - components that are especially important for the healthy development of joints and muscles. The product serves as a prevention of bone diseases, strengthens teeth and nails, increases strength and endurance. Eating chicken regularly is a must for anyone interested in strong joints and healthy muscle mass, this bird remains the most affordable and inexpensive source of quality protein.

For visual acuity

The product contains a lot of vitamin A, which is responsible for good vision. The product prevents the development of cataracts, protects the lens and retina from destruction. Useful properties of chicken serve as prevention of farsightedness and myopia.

For skin health

Due to the high content of riboflavin in chicken, this product improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. The properties of chicken even out skin tone and help prevent irritation, protect against chapped lips and gum disease.

For reproductive functions

Chicken is one of the most beneficial foods for the human reproductive system. Vitamin B5 in the composition of the product improves the quality of female eggs and male spermatozoa. And folic acid, which is rich in chicken meat, has a positive effect throughout pregnancy - it strengthens the nervous system of the fetus, helps a woman cope with stress.

For the thyroid gland

Selenium in the composition of the product regulates the level of iodine in the body and protects the thyroid gland from diseases. Thus, a healthy hormonal background is maintained, metabolism is regulated, and the endocrine system functions smoothly.

For weight loss

The properties of the product are especially useful during the period of weight loss. There are no carbohydrates in it, but there is a lot of protein, so the meat is not deposited in fat, but it helps to preserve muscle tissue. Chicken regulates metabolism, and the body is cleared of toxins in a timely manner. Of all the varieties of meat, it is chicken that can be found in diets most often - its properties are very healthy and do not harm the figure.

Of course, eating chicken on a diet must be combined with other foods, especially vegetables, fruits and herbs. If you eat exclusively chicken protein, then constipation is not excluded.

Pregnant and lactating women

Protein, phosphorus, vitamin E and protein in chicken meat make it especially useful during the period of bearing a child. The product contributes to the healthy development of the fetus and significantly improves the condition of the expectant mother, eliminates metabolic problems, helps to avoid severe edema, and normalizes blood pressure.

During lactation, the properties of chicken are also very useful. Together with this product, through breast milk, the child receives the protein necessary for the development of muscles and bones. And the B vitamins in the composition of the product strengthen the nervous system of the baby.


Chicken meat is highly digestible, has a beneficial effect on all systems of the child's body. The product is the main source of protein for babies - it has been introduced into the diet since 8 months. For children, it is recommended to cook the breast as the most useful part. The meat must be thoroughly boiled, and then grind in a blender until completely softened, so that it resembles more like mashed potatoes.

Chicken meat strengthens children's joints and promotes muscle growth, helps the immune system and protects the intestines and stomach from ailments. The product is equally valuable for the diet of babies and adolescents.

Attention! The benefits and harms of chicken meat depend on the individual characteristics of the body. Before adding chicken meat to a child's diet, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

To old people

Vitamin B12 in the composition of the product helps to strengthen memory in old age. And the collagen present in chicken comprehensively slows down the aging process in the body. High-quality protein in the composition of poultry meat maintains the volume of muscle tissue in the elderly, and the reserves of calcium and phosphorus prevent the destruction of the joints.


With diabetes, chicken is one of the healthiest foods in the diet. Its glycemic index is zero, since there are no carbohydrates in poultry meat. The level of glucose in the blood when eating chicken does not increase, but the body receives a lot of benefits from protein, important trace elements and vitamins.

It is important to emphasize that boiled chicken will benefit in diabetes, and fried chicken will be strictly prohibited. It is also necessary to remove the skin from the chicken carcass, which contains fats.

Important! Chicken broth for diabetes should be taken with caution.

It should be low-calorie and with a minimum amount of fat, otherwise it will harm the body.


Chicken is an excellent source of natural protein. Protein in poultry meat contains almost as much as in seafood, so chicken is very useful for muscle growth.

In addition, iron and selenium, zinc and vitamin B6 are present in meat - these substances are responsible for saturating muscle tissue with oxygen, for metabolism and for hormonal levels. If an athlete wants to achieve good results and maintain good health, chicken must be present in his diet.

Why is homemade chicken healthier than store bought?

It is believed that poultry meat is, by definition, better than chicken meat purchased in a supermarket. There are several reasons for this.

  • Most often, chickens intended for delivery to stores are grown using hormonal drugs, and the latter can harm the human body.
  • Shop chickens are slaughtered early enough, their meat simply does not have time to accumulate useful substances in good volumes.
  • Store chickens cannot be fully tested for quality. Poultry meat is often re-frozen, sometimes the chicken is soaked in special solutions to give it a fresher look, and the expiration dates on the packaging are interrupted.

The harm and benefits of store-bought chicken depend not only on the supplier, but also on the store - it is important under what conditions the chicken is stored in the supermarket

But the quality of homemade chicken can not be questioned. The poultry is grown according to all the rules, they are not fed with harmful additives, much attention is paid to the storage conditions of meat.

What part of the chicken is the healthiest?

Despite the fact that the same vitamins and elements are present in all parts of the carcass, the benefits of these parts are not the same.

The most useful, easily digestible and dietary is poultry breast, or fillet. The breast contains a maximum of protein with a small amount of calories. The benefits and harms of chicken wings depend on the growing conditions of the bird - usually it is in the wings that the bulk of harmful substances accumulate. At the same time, the main benefit of chicken wings is that they are less caloric than drumsticks, and are processed much faster.

The wings and thighs of the bird retain some useful properties, but their nutritional value is much higher than that of the fillet.

Harm of chicken meat and contraindications for use

High-quality chicken meat is allowed for use in almost any condition. Contraindications can only be an individual allergy to chicken protein or ailments, with the exacerbation of which a complete hunger is indicated, for example, pancreatitis.

However, the benefits and harms of chicken meat for the body depend on the quality of the bird. Potential hazards are:

  • chicken skin - it contains substances that are contraindicated in a diseased liver and obesity;
  • smoked poultry - it contains an increased content of potentially hazardous substances;
  • poor quality or expired chicken- both spoiled and hormone-stuffed meat will harm the body.

The dangers of fried chicken are widely known. Most people love chicken drumsticks fried in oil and spices, but such a product contains many harmful carcinogens formed from oil at high temperatures. In addition, fried chicken meat damages the figure - it is impossible to lose weight on it, but it is very easy to gain weight.

How to cook and serve chicken

You can process chicken in a variety of ways - boiling, stewing, baking or frying. The greatest benefit of boiled chicken is considered. It is very simple to prepare it - the meat is boiled for a quarter of an hour, then the water is changed and the product is cooked for another 40 minutes. With this method of processing, the product retains a maximum of useful properties.

The chicken in the oven benefits - it remains quite dietary. Fried chicken should be consumed only from time to time, compared to other processing methods, this cooking method is the least useful.

Main courses, soups and barbecue are made from chicken, poultry meat is added to many salads and snacks. Also chicken can be found:

  • in the cold;
  • in the filling of pies and pies;
  • in pizza.

Chicken is consumed along with cereals, vegetables and flour products, most sauces, seasonings and spices are perfect for it - in combination with any products, it is beneficial. Poultry meat is universal, as it is suitable for both daily and festive tables.

How to choose the right chicken meat

Since most people buy chicken from the store and not directly from farmers, it is very important to know the rules for choosing a product. The benefits and harms of chicken for the body are determined precisely by its quality - bird poisoning threatens with big health problems.

By smell

If the chicken is sold on the market or in a store without sealed packaging, then it is recommended to smell it before buying it. If even a faint rotten note is felt in the aroma, you cannot purchase the product - the chicken is clearly spoiled, even if this did not affect its appearance, and will be harmful.

You should not buy meat that emits a distinct smell of spices. It is customary to use hot spices to mask the unpleasant aroma of a spoiled product. It is highly likely that the seller is trying to pass off the expired bird as fresh.

by color

In a quality product, the skin color should be light pink, the color of the meat should be slightly reddish, and the color of the fat should be light yellow. If chicken meat is unnaturally red and bright, this indicates the addition of dyes - the product can be harmful to health.

In addition, the carcass of a good chicken should not have blood clots, feathers and smudges, their presence indicates careless processing of the product. Violation of technology at any stage can mean that in the end there will only be harm from meat.

To size

When purchasing chicken meat, you need to remember that chicken is a small bird. On average, the size of her breast does not exceed 20 cm, and the length of the legs is approximately 15 cm. If the carcass is too large, then you should not buy it, despite all its attractiveness. The huge size suggests that the chicken was fed with hormonal supplements, and their properties will harm the body.


The packaging in which the product is sold must first be checked for leaks. But other points are also important.

  1. The package must contain a mark that the meat is not treated with chlorine. Previously, this method of disinfection and preservation was actually used, but then it was recognized as dangerous and fell into disuse. Now responsible producers specifically report that chicken meat is processed according to modern safe technologies and does not harm.
  2. The shelf life of a natural bird carcass is a maximum of 6 days, individual parts retain their beneficial properties for 8 days. If the information on the package indicates that the chicken is intended for long-term storage, the product probably contains preservatives.

How to properly store chicken meat

Chicken meat belongs to the category of perishable products. After buying it, it is desirable to use it faster - it retains its beneficial properties in the refrigerator for only 5-6 days. You can’t categorically store chicken at room temperature - the meat will go bad in a few hours.

In order for the chicken not to absorb odors from other products, it must be placed in an airtight container or at least wrapped in cling film. It is not recommended to allow meat to come into contact with other products - with such contact, the chicken will begin to deteriorate faster.

You can save the benefits of the product for a long time if you put it in the freezer - at a temperature of -18 ° C, the chicken can lie up to a year. It must be remembered that before deep freezing, the carcass is not washed, but only wiped with paper towels. It is impossible to defrost and re-freeze meat - such a product will harm the body.


The benefits and harms of chicken depend solely on the quality of the product. Fresh and natural meat of this bird benefits everyone and helps to improve well-being even in the presence of severe ailments.

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In favor of poultry meat, considering it more useful and easier for the body. In some cases this is true, but much depends on the type of bird. The meat of chicken, duck, turkey, goose is very different from one another. As in the case of ordinary meat, when choosing poultry, ordinary people are guided by taste preferences, however, nutritionists' recommendations regarding the usefulness of poultry meat take into account, first of all, the fat content and calorie content of the product, its protein content, vitamins and microelements.

How to choose poultry meat

The choice of a bird carcass, just like the individual parts of a chicken, duck or turkey, would seem to depend on the characteristics of the dish that the person wants to cook. In many ways, this is true, but the choice of a quality product is much easier to make for a whole carcass, and not for a bird cut into pieces. Needless to say, it is preferable to buy chilled poultry meat rather than ice cream, it will be tastier, healthier and more tender after cooking. When choosing a chilled bird carcass, pay attention to the fact that the skin is of the same color, does not have spots, damage and bruising. There should be no dents on the carcass, it should be moist and elastic, when pressed with a finger, the depression should quickly disappear.

Fresh meat does not emit foreign odors, and the color of the skin and fat of a quality young bird usually turns out to be light. The great age of the bird is indicated not only by the dark shade of fat and skin, but also by the strength of the bones, the absence of cartilage tissue. Also, when choosing a bird, you need to look so that there are no areas uncleaned from feathers on it, this may indicate an insufficiently high-quality initial processing.

When choosing frozen meat, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date and color of the product. If there is damage on the packaging or the presence of frozen liquid, blood, a large amount of frost in it, it is better to refuse to purchase such a product. But when determining which part of the carcass is better to buy, you need to understand that the least fat in a bird is found in its breast, and most of all vitamins and minerals are in the legs.

Which bird meat is the healthiest?

For many years, hunting was the main source of poultry meat on the human table, but then people realized that it is much easier to grow a bird than to chase it through fields, forests and swamps. From the moment of birth, the chicks quickly gain weight, usually turn out to be unpretentious in care and feeding, and therefore their meat is not so expensive. Currently, a variety of poultry species from quails to geese are grown on farms and in subsidiary plots.


The most common and easily digestible poultry meat by the human body. It contains a lot of protein and amino acids necessary for life, useful microelements and vitamins. Chicken meat contains substances that stimulate the heart and central nervous system. Lean chicken meat is recommended for dietary nutrition. For these purposes, it is better to use the breast or any part of the carcass without the skin. Steamed or boiled chicken is healthier than fried.

The advantages of chicken meat include the low price of the product. It is explained by the huge volumes of chicken production on the scale of the entire poultry industry. But there are negative aspects to this as well. The high popularity of this type of meat and large production volumes force producers to resort to the use of antibiotics and hormones to protect the livestock and faster weight gain for birds. It is believed that getting rid of these harmful substances in chicken meat is possible only with the help of long heat treatment.


The duck carcass contains quite a lot of fat, but some of its parts may well be recognized as dietary. The meat of this bird is usually dark, tough and specific in taste. For this reason, duck is often stewed or baked using vegetables and sauces. In this case, the choice should be made in favor of a young bird.

The main advantage of duck in comparison with the meat of other types of poultry is the high content of fatty acids necessary for a person for proper metabolism in the body. Also in duck meat there is calcium, which is necessary for muscles and bones, and vitamin D, which allows calcium to be better absorbed, a lot of vitamin E and B vitamins, useful for skin, hair and nails, as well as selenium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium.


The goose carcass contains the most fat among other types of birds. For this reason, goose dishes are more suitable for occasional consumption on holidays and special occasions. In this sense, the stuffed goose can become the central element of the festive table, which, thanks to its fat content, makes the filling, and it can be cereals, vegetables or fruits, juicy and tasty.

Goose meat contains a lot of B vitamins, calcium, zinc and iron. It is believed that the use of this meat has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, removes toxins from the body, stimulates the brain.


The most dietary meat of all bird representatives on our table. In addition, the turkey is considered a hypoallergenic product, and therefore is even more appreciated by nutritionists. Turkey has the least fat, which makes the meat low-calorie, more healthy and at the same time drier when cooked. For this reason, cutlets are made from turkey, cooked with sauce, baked.

The beneficial properties of turkey meat include a high content of phosphorus, sodium, iron and calcium. In terms of the level of these world elements, turkey can compete with beef and pork. Also in the composition of the turkey found polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants.


In terms of taste and nutritional value, quails are often compared not only with chicken meat, but even with rabbit meat! Quail meat is a balanced product in terms of fat and amino acid composition, but it has a high calorie content. This, however, does not stop nutritionists from recommending this type of meat to children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Of course, quails are traditionally not perceived as everyday food and have long been considered a decoration of the festive table. At one time, this led to the almost complete disappearance of this bird. Now quite a lot of quails are grown in poultry farming, but the prices for their meat are still very high.

The choice of poultry meat in most cases depends on the taste preferences of the person and the price category of the product. Of course, it would be great not to pay attention to the cost, but to start when deciding which bird will appear on the dinner table, from the rating of the usefulness of poultry meat, but this does not always work out. A duck, a quail or even a turkey is sometimes simply too expensive. On the other hand, even from the most ordinary chicken, subject to certain rules, you can cook a very tasty and healthy dish.

What did you eat for dinner the other day? There is a good chance it was a chicken. The meat of this bird is the most consumed in many countries of the world. At the same time, the popularity of chicken continues to grow at a tremendous pace. What are the benefits of chicken meat? Can it be harmful?

and how did it become a staple?

The chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) that hits your table today has roots going back to 2000 BC. when a bird from the red jungles of Southeast Asia was domesticated in India. Today there is a huge mass of chicken breeds.

A chicken raised to be sold as meat rather than for egg production is called a broiler. This variety has emerged relatively recently. In 1923, in the United States, a woman farmer won a major victory in this area: she raised a flock of 500 chickens for sale for meat, which was considered the first commercial success of broiler chicken.

What is the chemical composition of this product?

The nutritional value of chicken meat will vary depending on what you eat. For example, dark meat (thigh, drumstick) contains more calories per serving than white meat (breast). Retaining the skin will also add more fat to the food, including saturated fat. For the nutrition to be healthy, it is best to eat skinless breasts. A 100-gram serving of such meat has the following chemical composition:

  • Calories: 165 (approximately 8% of the daily value).
  • Protein: 31 grams (62%).
  • Fat: 3.6 grams (6%).
  • Saturated fat: 1 gram (5%).
  • Carbohydrates: 0 grams.
  • Fiber: 0 grams.
  • Sugar: 0 grams.

Is she helpful?

As you can see from the nutritional and energy data of chicken meat, a skinless dish is an excellent source of lean protein. Chicken breast is an excellent protein product that is low in calories and low in fat. More importantly, this meat is especially low in saturated fat (the type linked to high cholesterol and heart disease). Plus, chicken is more than just protein. It contains B vitamins such as thiamine (B 1), pyridoxine (B 6) and pantothenic acid (B 5), as well as minerals (iron, zinc and copper).

What are the benefits and harms of chicken meat? Along with vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, many health professionals say people should prefer lean proteins, such as chicken and fish, over red meats (beef, pork, and lamb). But this does not mean that chicken can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Otherwise, the burden on the kidneys increases. It is recommended that you limit your lean protein intake to 200 grams or less per day. Try to calculate your portion so that it is the size of a deck of cards (about one hundred grams).

Nutritional value of different parts of chicken

Even though chicken is a lean meat with lots of protein, it can be high in cholesterol. However, the effect of chicken on the body is mostly positive. It is a source of selenium, which contains antioxidants. They help control free radicals and improve your immune system.

100 grams of boiled chicken usually contains 239 calories. Of these 100 grams, 27 grams will be pure protein, which is important for the growth and development of various organs in the body.

Different parts of a chicken have different levels of cholesterol and fat. This suggests that the benefits and harms of chicken meat can vary greatly. This difference looks like this:

  • Breast (with skin) - 7.8 g, (without skin) - 3.6 g.
  • Leg (with skin) - 11.2 g, (without skin) - 10.9 g.
  • Thigh (with and without skin) - 25 g.
  • Wing (with skin) - 27 g, (without skin) - 30 g.

Will chicken help you lose weight?

Chicken is not a panacea for weight loss, but eating it is associated with a lower chance of being overweight or obese. Research shows that a high-protein diet can help you lose weight, and chicken can certainly play a central role in this. Experts suspect that high-protein diets may help you feel fuller, which will help you eat fewer calories and carbs at your next meal. Ideally, eating 25 to 30 grams of protein per meal can reduce appetite, help you maintain a healthy weight, and improve cardiometabolic risk factors (such as triglycerides, blood pressure, and waist circumference).

The benefits and harms of chicken meat for men in this context look like this. On the one hand, this product helps to control weight and lower cholesterol. On the other hand, men often consider chicken too light and not very satisfying, and as a result, they consume it in large quantities. The main thing is to control the size of your own portion, as well as the right approach to choosing a culinary recipe.

How the chicken is cooked matters. The benefits and harms of chicken meat for the body depend on this directly. Methods such as baking, boiling or grilling will give you far fewer calories and will help you lose weight compared to deep frying or eating highly processed chicken products (such as nuggets).

Effect on bones and teeth

The protein content in chicken helps reduce bone loss. This is a major problem for women (age 30 and over) and the elderly. Consuming 100 grams of chicken breast would be enough to meet half of your daily protein requirement. In addition, the phosphorus in chicken helps maintain healthy teeth, bones, and ensures proper functioning of the kidneys, liver, and central nervous system. Therefore, the benefits of chicken meat for the spine and joints are obvious.

Effect on metabolism

Since selenium is present in considerable amounts in chicken meat, eating it will mean an increase in metabolic rate, especially thyroid hormone. In addition, this bird is able to improve the antioxidant defense system and immune function of the body. Thus, the effect of chicken on hormones has been scientifically proven. By eating this lean meat, you improve the hormonal metabolism in your body.

Cancer protection

Oddly enough, but it is. The benefits of chicken meat are proven here. Chicken is rich in niacin, a special type of B vitamin that protects the body from cancer and other genetic problems.

Benefits for the child's body

Chicken is a good source of protein, which is the main building block of the body. The effect of chicken meat on the children's body is very positive, because it has a small amount of fat. But before you add chicken to your child's plate, you need to understand if he is ready for it and if his body can digest it.

A baby can start eating chicken after he is six months old if he can chew solid food. The introduction of meat into the diet should be a gradual process. You can mash boiled chicken and give no more than two tablespoons each day.

Best Ways to Cook Chicken for Kids

If you want to start giving your baby chicken, you need to know how to do it. Below are a few recommended ways to introduce meat into a child's diet. In such cases, the benefits of chicken meat will be maximum.

Bake the fillets at 190 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. You will need to cut it into small, even pieces before baking. Once baked, you can puree or puree it in a food processor for babies over 12 months old.

Cut the chicken into thin slices and cover with water. Cook until the pieces are fully cooked. You can strain the broth and use it for another dish, or you can puree the chicken along with the liquid it was cooked in.

Braise small fillet pieces in a skillet with just enough water to cover each slice along with the juices that come out. You will need to cook it for 30 minutes or more and then puree it. This is the best way to cook chicken, as it kills pathogens and tenderizes the meat as much as possible.

Can children experience allergic reactions to chicken?

When introducing any new foods to your child's menu, you must be careful. Allergic reactions are always possible. Always give one new food at a time. If you notice any adverse reactions, contact your doctor immediately.

Children with sensitive digestive and immune systems are at risk of developing a reaction to chicken. While cooking can reduce a child's allergens, you should always keep an eye on their condition. Allergy symptoms may include:

  • Edema: swollen face, neck, eyelids, throat and nose. Your child may also have difficulty opening their eyes or breathing.
  • Abdominal pain: Abdominal cramps or pain along with diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Rash or hives on the skin: itchy red bumps on the body.
  • Fatigue: Weakness and passivity in the child.

Can you add salt to baby chicken broth?

Do not add salt when making chicken soup for children. It's also best not to salt any food you give your baby when they're under a year old. This will allow him to feel and taste the natural taste of the products without any additives.

Is it good for diabetic patients?

What are the benefits and harms of chicken meat for the body of diabetics? Of course, the benefits of this bird are much greater than the harm. This is a great source of protein for any diabetic meal plan, but with some caveats. Chicken should be cooked without adding a lot of fat, sugar or salt.

First of all, you should choose the least fatty parts of the carcass. Chicken breast is the leanest cut (even with skin), while thighs and drumsticks can be high in fat.

Buy organic farm products if you can. More likely, they will not contain antibiotics. In addition, such chicken is usually completely lean, because without chemical additives, chickens grow and gain weight more slowly.

If possible, take chicken without vacuum packaging. Most poultry is treated with water (sometimes with added chemicals) prior to packaging, which results in the water being retained in the meat. Naturally chilled chicken does not go through this process.

However, even the standard no-farm chicken from any grocery store is still a great source of healthy protein, so it's definitely not worth ignoring. This bird can become harmful only if it is cooked in sauces containing sugar and many spices or fried in fat.

How to cook chicken on a diabetic diet?

Since the benefits of chicken meat for the human body are not disputed, you should include it in your diet. To lower blood sugar levels. When consuming this bird, follow the tips below.

Remove skin before cooking. Use boneless, skinless chicken breasts whenever possible. They contain less fat than other chicken parts. In most recipes, chicken breasts can substitute for other parts of the carcass. If you're cooking chicken on the stovetop, use cooking spray, low-salt broth, or olive oil instead of oil.

Shredded fillet is ideal for making healthy chicken sandwiches, rolls and salads. Some recipes call for chopping freshly cooked chicken with two forks. Instead, use a stand mixer or food processor set to low speed. These devices will do the job for you in seconds.

Boiled chicken breasts are great for warm or cold chicken salads and casseroles. To cook chicken, add boneless, skinless breasts to a saucepan and cover them with water or broth and seasonings of your choice. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, then reduce it to a minimum. Cover the pot and simmer until tender. With this processing, the benefits of chicken meat for the body are maximum.

Cooking the chicken in the oven helps keep it juicy. To prepare a roasted bird, lightly rub a raw bird with olive oil and season with your favorite spices. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and roast the chicken until its internal temperature reaches 73 degrees (about 30 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces).

Avoid chicken cutlet recipes that use concentrated soups, high-sodium sauces and broths, full-fat cheeses, and prepared dressings with added sugar. Choose meals that contain vegetables, spices, brown rice, legumes, Greek yogurt, fruits, and unsalted broths.

How to choose and store chicken?

Since the benefits of chicken meat for the body are great, it should be consumed not only by children and dieters, but by everyone. The following tips are suitable for everyone without exception. When you go to the grocery store, make a plan. Buy items like cereals, dry pasta, canned beans, and other packaged long-term foods first. Then move on to fruits and vegetables. Finally, stop at dairy and meat or fish dishes. Buying the meat last ensures that it stays at room temperature for a minimum amount of time. When buying packaged poultry, pay attention to packaging and expiration dates. Do not buy chicken after this time.

Sometimes the packaging contains an indication of the category of the bird. This determines the quality of the product. Category 1 means the chicken is thick, fleshy, has clear skin, and no damage or discoloration.

It is also necessary to read what ingredients are added to the meat. Some manufacturers add salt or marinade to the chicken to improve juiciness. If you have high blood pressure, you should stay away from this type of meat. You'd be better off marinating the chicken by hand so you can control the amount of sodium.

Regardless of the category, any chicken you buy must be well wrapped and undamaged (the packaging must not be torn or leaking). As soon as you bring the purchases home, place the carcass in the refrigerator or freezer. To make defrosting easier, wrap the pieces in smaller packages (freeze-proof foil or plastic bags).

To keep your food quality, use the whole chicken within one year of freezing (individual pieces should be consumed within nine months). To make sure you keep deadlines in mind, label each individual package with the date it was frozen.

How to cook chicken properly?

Good cooking starts with safe food. Only in this way will you get the maximum benefit from chicken meat. After buying a chicken, make sure you refrigerate it for two hours. Your refrigerator should be set to 4 degrees or lower. Only after that, start cooking it.

Plan your meals so that you cook chicken breast or other parts within two days of purchase. Otherwise, wrap the package in safe cling film and freeze. This will allow you to save the chicken for later safe consumption. During thawing, it is important to keep the meat at a temperature of +4 degrees or lower. If you place it in warmer conditions, bacteria can begin to multiply very quickly.

When thawing chicken, do not do the following:

  • Do not defrost in the sink or hot water.
  • Do not leave frozen food at room temperature for more than two hours.
  • Remove the carcass from the freezer and thaw in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Cook meals from it for a day or two. You can freeze it back at this time if your plans change, but this may result in loss of product quality.
  • Defrost in cold water when you need to defrost quickly. Immerse the carcass in cold tap water and change it every 30 minutes. How long this takes depends on the weight of the chicken. On average, a pound of product is defrosted in an hour. Microwave safe for this too, but in this case you should cook the chicken immediately.

Alternatively, you can cook frozen chicken. Put it in the oven and set the time to 50 percent more.

How to cook chicken?

Since the benefits of white chicken meat are much greater, try to buy only breasts. It's best to bake them. If you are using boneless chicken breasts, you should calculate approximately 123-130 grams per person (serving will decrease in volume to approximately one hundred grams). Bake at 180 0 C for 20-30 minutes such pieces. If you took the bone-in breasts, they will take 30 to 40 minutes of time in the oven at the same temperature to cook.

Please note that breast size may vary. Therefore, instead of paying attention to the exact cooking time, measuring the internal temperature is the most important indicator. The chicken must reach a temperature of at least 73 degrees. Insert a food thermometer into the thickest part of the piece, being careful not to let it touch the bones.

Can chicken be harmful?

Having found out what are the benefits and harms of chicken meat for the body, it is worth noting the following. Chicken is a popular meat. If you are a lover of this type of product, you should enjoy it to the fullest. However, this can lead to diseases of the alimentary tract. Raw poultry can be contaminated with bacteria such as Salmonella, Campylobacter and Clostridium perfringens. If cooked, stored incorrectly, or cross-contaminated with raw chicken juices, you can be poisoned. Unfortunately, when it comes to complications from food poisoning, it is poultry that is most often the culprit in human death.

To reduce the risk of infection, put all raw chicken packages in a disposable bag, wash your hands before and after handling chicken, and do not wash raw chicken (this can splatter chicken juices on kitchen surfaces). Be sure to use a separate cutting board for raw poultry.

If you get sick, be sure to consult a doctor, especially if your temperature has risen above 38 degrees, diarrhea for more than three days, bloody stools, or severe vomiting continues for a long time.

Many still remember well Bush's legs - unusually huge chicken legs that flooded store shelves in the hungry nineties. Then the import of chicken became the right decision, which helped to feed people with cheap meat. True, the quality of the product left much to be desired: in the United States, there is quite liberal legislation in everything related to the production of chicken meat supplied to third world countries.

Today, on the shelves there is mainly a broiler of domestic production. Intensive meat production implies merciless stimulation of all metabolic processes of the animal. What is the situation with antibiotics and other chemicals added to the diet of chickens raised in our poultry farms? What do manufacturers add to feed to get extra weight gain? How dangerous are such products for the health of the consumer?

What is contained in the usual store carcasses. Read more in the investigation site

Let's find out why a broiler grows, what can be found in chicken meat in a laboratory analysis, and what harmful substances can enter the human body along with poultry products.

USSR poultry farms

To begin with, let's go back to the past, to the origins of domestic industrial poultry farming. What did they feed those bluish laying hens that could be difficult to get in a Soviet store?

In those days, the broiler meat production was not very developed, especially in our country. In poultry farms, they were kept with obviously low productivity: the chicken grew for about 60 days and barely reached 1.5 kg of live weight. Yes, and those kilograms were lost somewhere in the vast bins of the homeland, and the meat of laying hens slaughtered after the end of the productivity period was more often delivered to stores.

What did they feed this bird? Previously, each poultry farm had its own feed shop. Before the era of compound feed, various additives were introduced into crushed grain, but there were no special chemistry: vitamins, amino acids, feed ingredients (for example, meat and bone or fish meal, grass meal, etc.). Often, grass cuttings, waste from fish, dairy and flour milling were added to the feeders by hand - what was at hand. Thus, the feed was natural, without expensive feed additives.

As for veterinary treatments, practically no one vaccinated broilers, and laying hens were vaccinated against one or two diseases. Farms were small, 200-300 thousand broilers was considered a huge production (now it is rare where they contain a population of less than a million).

Representatives of the older generation remember these carcasses with paws and heads, often not gutted, for which long queues lined up in the era of the USSR.

How harmful substances get into meat

Today, all industrial poultry is fed with ready-made feed. The veterinary pharmaceutical industry is highly developed. Companies producing other feed additives are also flourishing. What could be the danger here?

All substances polluting meat can be divided into two categories: those that are fed to chickens with water directly at the poultry farm and that which comes with ready-made feed from a feed mill.

What is given to broilers at a poultry farm

  • antibiotics and other antibacterial agents (such as furazolidone);
  • coccidiostatics;
  • vaccines;

List of additives contained in compound feed

  • feed antibiotics;
  • coccidiostatics;
  • vitamins;
  • antioxidants;
  • mineral supplements;
  • amino acids;
  • enzymes and other chemicals.

Even now, scientists are talking about mycotoxins, the waste product of mold fungi. They get into compound feed with grain and accumulate in the meat of animals.

Even with grain, broilers get pesticides into their food. According to the relevant laboratories, soil and water pollution in Russia is quite high.

As for the notorious growth stimulants of a hormonal nature, their use in large poultry farms is impractical. There, a high growth rate is achieved by growing modern broiler crosses, creating optimal microclimate conditions, and a balanced feed composition.

Hormones are very expensive, and the cost of feed is up to 90% of the cost of meat. And even more so, no one will prick every chicken. On modern complexes, 1-2 million broilers are grown at a time, and only 50-100 people serve them.

So, let's trace the entire chain of growing chickens for meat, starting with eggs.


Chemical exposure begins even before the birth of a broiler chicken. First of all, these are various disinfectants that are treated before laying, during technological work and immediately before withdrawal.

For example, in many hatcheries, hatching chicks are still exposed to formalin, a dangerous chemical that has long been banned from use in the EU.

The second risk factor in an industrial incubator is various vaccines that are administered to young animals at the age of one day or even before hatching - by special injectors directly into the egg. We will talk more about vaccines and their potential danger to humans below.

Hundreds of thousands of eggs are laid simultaneously in industrial incubators.

Broiler farming

After the chicks are born, they are transported to the rearing shop. Here, the bird is exposed to massive exposure to the entire arsenal of the modern pharmaceutical industry - from simple disinfectants to the most powerful antibiotics and genetically engineered vaccines. What dangers for a person are fraught with various groups of drugs and other "pharmacology"?

Vaccines: live viruses

In most modern broiler farms, chickens are vaccinated against three diseases: Newcastle, Gumboro,. In some regions, vaccines are additionally administered against Marek's disease, infectious tenosynovitis and pneumovirus infection. Vaccination is carried out by a group method - using an aerosol or drinking drugs with water.

Theoretically, all vaccines have appropriate safety certificates, their quality and safety for birds and humans have been confirmed by numerous tests. But not everything is so simple.

Cons of vaccination

  • improper use of vaccines;
  • low-quality batches of drugs;
  • bird unprepared for immunization.

In the warehouse of the poultry farm, you will not see bags of compound feed with labels, the real composition is classified in most cases and is a trade secret.

Antibiotics in the poultry industry

A separate topic is feed antibiotics and coccidiostatics (the same antibiotics, only specifically for chicken disease -). They are introduced without fail, otherwise the chickens will grow poorly and die.

Feed antibiotics are different from conventional ones. They are used in the form of crude preparations, which are a dried mass of producer fungi containing, in addition to antibiotics, amino acids, enzymes, B vitamins and other active substances. They have a growth-stimulating effect and are added to the feed throughout the entire fattening period. More than 70 types of feed antibiotics are used in Russia. Here are the most common ones:

  • zincbacitracin
  • biovit (chlortetracycline);
  • virginiomycin;
  • avilamycin;
  • flavomycin;
  • carbadox;
  • olaquindox.

Coccidiostats inhibit the reproduction of coccidia in the intestines of chickens. They are able to be absorbed into the body and deposited in the liver and muscles. Many of them are poisonous to chickens in high doses. The following names of coccidiostats are used:

  • salinomycin;
  • monensin;
  • maduramycin;
  • robenidine;
  • amprolium;
  • toltrazuril.


Some chicken meat producers use special dyes: Lucantin, Oro-glo to give the carcass a pleasant yellowish tint. These substances are fed to the bird for the last 7-10 days before slaughter, they accumulate in the skin and give the carcass a marketable appearance. And it seems that officially there is nothing dangerous in them, but again, this is chemistry.

How many consumers would be willing to pay extra for the beautiful color of store-bought chicken if they knew what was behind it?

Other chemistry

In addition to specially introduced additives, groups of hazardous substances of various origins may be present in mixed fodders. They arrive there with contaminated fodder raw materials, mainly with grain. The first is pesticides. The problem of environmental pollution is a common problem. According to Roshydromet, the soils of our country are most heavily polluted with the following pesticides:

  • hexachlorocyclohexane;
  • metaphos;
  • treflant;
  • sodium trichloroacetate.

Also, mycotoxins, the waste products of microscopic fungi, can accumulate in animal meat. They cause chronic poisoning, accompanied by damage to the liver, kidneys, reproductive organs. True, they are contained in chicken less than in other types of meat (beef, pork), which is associated with a short life span of a broiler chicken. In total, more than 200 mycotoxins have been isolated, of which the most studied are:

  • aflatoxin;
  • ochratoxin;
  • zearalenone;
  • T-2 toxin.

So, for example, aflatoxin fed to chickens at a dose of 0.1 mg is detected after five hours in the muscles in the amount of 31%, in the liver - 10% of the original figure.

Growth hormones: fact or fiction?

As mentioned above, the rapid growth of a broiler is ensured primarily through genetics and the creation of optimal conditions for keeping and feeding. This can be confirmed by anyone who is engaged in growing a broiler in a personal household.

It is doubtful that large chicken producers will spend expensive hormonal preparations on what is achieved by simply following the technology. However, since this topic is being heavily discussed on the Internet, we will provide information on similar drugs in animal husbandry.

For several decades, industrial poultry farming has essentially turned into a chemical industry.

Animal meat can contain several types of hormones. As a rule, they come with feed, intramuscular administration is less often used (for example, in small herds of cows, pigs). Some hormonal compounds are natural, that is, they are produced by the animal itself. These include:

  • female and male sex hormones;
  • thyreostatics (disrupt the functioning of the thyroid gland).

By the way, plants also contain compounds that are structurally similar to the female sex hormone estrogen. They are called phytoestrogens.


But back to growth stimulants. Many feed factors influence the rate of live weight gain. The same amino acids or feed antibiotics can be called growth promoters. Growth hormone (GH) itself is not used in animal husbandry.

There is information about the use of steroid hormones with anabolic effect (similar to those used by athletes to build muscle). Also, in the production of beef, the introduction of female sex hormones to bulls and male hormones to heifers is practiced. Hormonal drugs include:

  • metrondrostenolone;
  • stilbene derivatives;
  • ethinylestradiol;
  • terbutaline;
  • salbutamol;
  • trenbolone;
  • clenbuterol;
  • diethylstilbestrol;
  • dienestrol;
  • 19-nortestosterone;
  • 7-methyltestosterone;
  • ß-agonists.

Regular consumption of meat with hormones leads to a violation of the production of its own hormones, skin problems, allergic reactions, obesity, decreased immunity; possible provocation of tumor growth of tissues. Particularly affected by hormonal supplements are children whose sexual development is disturbed and the reproductive function of the body is further suppressed.

Good food for pigs of all ages is produced by Purina, the assortment can be found.

What is the waiting period

All medicines and additives used in are approved for use by the Russian Veterinary Department, they have certificates and instructions. According to the instructions, each drug has a so-called waiting period - the number of days before slaughter, when the medicine can no longer be given. For example, the antibiotic enrofloxacin has a waiting period of 10 days, and gentamicin - 21 days.

It is believed that during this time the drug and its metabolites are completely removed from the bird's body. But often these deadlines are not met, and it is unrealistic to check each batch of meat for the content of drugs. So all this once again remains on the conscience of meat producers.

Miracles in the slaughterhouse

In addition to the drugs that are fed to the birds during the growing period, each broiler receives its dose of chemicals during meat processing in the slaughterhouse. So, when cooling broiler carcasses in water baths, various disinfectants are added to the water, otherwise bacteria will multiply there. Until recently, chlorine solutions were widely used. Then chlorine was on the list of prohibited substances, and now various weak acids (peracetic) or aldehydes are used. On the most modern poultry processing lines, water baths have been replaced with drip irrigation chambers.

Another permitted operation is the injection of a carcass, or the introduction of special saline solutions into the thickness of the muscles. Such solutions are designed to retain moisture in the meat during its preparation. In addition, they increase the weight of each carcass by 80-100 grams, and this is a lot on the scale of production.

But how the injection of chickens affects the health of consumers is unknown. Such products must be appropriately marked, because it is impossible to inject poultry produced in accordance with GOST, but this rule is always violated. And as a result, the buyer acquires meat with a set of chemical impurities that he does not need.

In the photo - a professional injector for processing "Ingect Star", used by poultry farmers. Productivity - 4 tons per hour.

What will be checked in the laboratory

All food products must undergo state laboratory control, and chicken meat is no exception in this regard. But, alas, it is simply impossible to test for all existing chemicals. What do the veterinary and sanitary authorities control and how effective is this control?

Once a year, the manufacturer takes a product sample for certification, for compliance with sanitary standards and state standards. It is clear that no one will be lucky with a substandard or inflated product. According to the current GOST, during certification, chicken carcasses are examined for such harmful substances:

  • mercury;
  • arsenic;
  • lead;
  • cadmium;
  • antibiotics;
  • pesticides;
  • dioxins.

Further, once every 10 days and once a quarter, the meat is examined by veterinary laboratories. But at the same time, they only check microbiological characteristics - is the chicken infected with dangerous bacteria? Chemical pollutants are monitored only once a year.

So, chickens in poultry farms are stuffed with the products of pharmacological firms, starting from the moment they are born. The slaughterhouse also makes its contribution, where broiler carcasses are processed. But no one will examine each batch of meat in full. Therefore, the main quality criteria for consumers are still the brand reputation, appearance and taste characteristics of the chicken. Buyers beware!