Replacing the rubber band of the wiper blades. Replacing rubber bands in frameless wipers with your own hands How to change the rubber band on frameless wipers

In every car, something breaks or wears out from time to time. This also applies to wiper blades. Safety on the road depends on the performance of the wipers. When weather conditions worsen, they are simply irreplaceable. In some cases, the wear of the rubber bands of the wipers makes further movement impossible. Some motorists are used to changing brushes, but it is much more profitable to buy rubber bands for wipers separately and replace them with your own hands.

How do you know when it's time to change your rubber bands?

It is necessary to resort to replacement in the following cases:

  • the appearance of extraneous sounds during the operation of the wiper (usually the wipers begin to creak);
  • the appearance of scratches on the windshield as a result of wear of rubber bands;
  • insufficient cleaning of the windshield in rainy weather.

If at least one of the above signs appears, the wipers or the rubber bands themselves should be changed immediately. Otherwise, more serious problems will appear.

Types of wiper blades

To date, cars are equipped with wipers of the following types:

  1. Frame.
  2. Frameless.
  3. Hybrid.

Frame brushes

Frame wipers in our time are the most popular. All structural elements of such brushes are made of plastic.

The main components of frame wipers:

  • supports;
  • rubber;
  • pressure plate;
  • rocker arms;
  • adapter;
  • hinges.

Frameless brushes

These wipers are made up of metal and plastic components with a rubber band in between. Frameless brushes are more expensive and are produced for each car separately, they are not universal.

Hybrid brushes

In wipers of this type, the rocker arms and supports are the same as for frame wipers, but the body is used from frameless brushes. Their main advantage is a long service life, but the cost of such products cannot be called affordable.

Step by step replacement procedure for different types of wipers

Before you change the rubber bands on the wipers, you need to buy them. Autopub recommends choosing products from well-known manufacturers with a good reputation (be guided by reviews of real buyers on the Internet). It often happens that the gum wipers of non-promoted brands are much cheaper than their counterparts from famous companies, but the quality is sometimes even higher.

The first step is to remove the wiper itself. After that, slowly separate the holder with a brush from the windshield of the car.

Now you need to detach the brushes themselves from the metal holders. Dismantling is carried out depending on which type of fastening is used in your car. Below are diagrams for different options:

After dismantling the brushes, you can proceed directly to replacing the gum on the wipers. We will consider performing this procedure with frameless and framed wiper blades.

Replacing rubber bands on frame wipers

We need to disconnect the plugs located on the sides of the wiper, remove the rubber pads and pull out the worn rubber.

Next, you need to install a new element. Difficulties usually arise at this stage, since the new rubber does not want to easily fit into the place of the old part. You can solve the problem with soap to improve slip. Particularly impatient, we recommend disassembling the wiper to replace the gum.

To do this, you have to remove one of the metal guides. Next, we put a new element on the guide located in the janitor. Perform the procedure carefully so as not to tear the gum. Install the guide back and straighten the gum. Remember to assemble the brush in reverse order.

Important! All fasteners should be carefully checked, as the wipers experience significant stress during operation.

Replacing rubber bands on frameless wipers

First, remove the longer wiper. On the edges of the brush are plastic plugs. One of them is responsible for fixing the gum. In order to understand what kind of plug we need, we move the old rubber band left and right. It is necessary to remove the plug that does not move. We pry it with a flat screwdriver, but so as not to damage it, the plastic can be quite fragile. Under the cap should be hidden metal retainer gum.

It must be bent up a few millimeters, otherwise it will not work to pull out the worn rubber band (see the video at the end of the article for all the details). After that, we throw out the old gum and install a new one. Sometimes it is inserted easily, sometimes it is better to use soap. Very often, the rubber band is slightly longer than the wiper itself. In this case, it must be cut to the required size. After that, we clamp the metal latch so that the elastic band does not fall out. The final stage is the installation of the plug in its rightful place. We carry out similar work with a short brush.

How to extend the life of your windshield wipers

A few useful tips will help you change rubber bands much less often:

  • In winter, try to avoid freezing the brushes to the glass. If this has already happened, do not tear them off with great effort, let them thaw gradually.
  • Before using the wiper on very dirty glass (leaves, large particles of dirt and sand), remove the dirt and wipe the wiper blades with a rag. Otherwise, scratches will appear on the glass, and the rubber will wear out faster.
  • Don't buy cheap Chinese products. Savings very quickly "come out sideways."

Video about replacing rubber bands (on frame and frameless wipers)

Wiper blades are the fastest to wear out because they have to constantly interact with different climatic conditions, as well as dirt and moisture. But when the first signs of a malfunction appear, it is not rational to change the entire mechanism, since it will be more practical to simply replace the rubber bands on the wiper blades. This is not at all difficult to do, and we will talk about this in the article below. However, we want to put a deeper emphasis on how to protect the brushes from wear in order to change them as little as possible.

The main function of the windshield wiper is to clean the windshield of the car from dirt and moisture that gets on it. On some models, auto wipers are even installed on the rear window and on the headlights. Wiper blades are very important for the safety of the driver and his passengers, which is why this mechanism must always be in good condition.

The process of cleaning glass with wiper blades occurs due to the rocking movements that the brushes themselves perform. Removal of dirt and moisture occurs thanks to the special rubber bands that are worn on these brushes. They are the main part of the windshield wiper, but it most often wears out and needs to be replaced. If you're buying a new car, you need to take very good care of your windshield wipers, which will greatly extend their lifespan. After all, replacing brushes every six months is a flawed business both morally and financially. In this regard, experienced motorists are advised to follow a number of recommendations for the proper operation of this mechanism, which help to extend its service life:

1. If you are going to clean the windshield of a car from dirt, then before that it must be moistened with water using a sprayer. If the tank runs out of water, you can pour the glass from the bottle or throw some snow on it. Thanks to the water, the movements of the rubber bands on the glass will be smooth, and this will not cause damage to them. If this is not done, the sand and dust that are on the glass can leave noticeable scratches on the rubber, from which deep cracks can later form. Of course, if you forget to pour water on the glass once, this will not cause wear on the wiper rubbers, but if they are constantly misused, the need for replacement may arise very soon.

3. So that in winter, under the influence of severe frosts, the rubber bands of the wipers do not freeze to the glass, they must be removed from the glass. And if this has already happened, then in no case should the wipers be activated, since this will most likely cause damage to them. And even the wiper motor can fail. But it's best for the wiper blades to leave the car in a heated garage in the winter.

4. Particular attention during frosts must be paid to the fluid that is used in the washer. So that it does not freeze, instead of it, it is recommended to pour anti-freeze into the tank. Thus, after the winter, both the rubber bands of the wipers and their fluid reservoir will remain in working order.

5. Not only frost is harmful to windshield wipers, but also very high temperatures, including exposure to direct sunlight on the rubber bands. According to experts, under the influence of the sun, the service life of these elements is reduced by about half. For this reason, the rubber bands must be constantly removed from the brushes so that after the summer they do not have to be changed. This procedure will not take much time, and we will introduce you to it a little lower.

6. To ease the load on the wipers, you can make a very simple habit: wipe the windows while refueling the car or before driving it out of the garage.

7. If your car is equipped with frame wipers, then you need to know that hinges most often fail in such a mechanism. It is very important not to allow dust to get on them. The hinges must be constantly lubricated with a special agent, otherwise they will wear out quickly, which will lead to the need to replace the entire mechanism.

8. Windshield wipers must not be used to shovel snow. It must be removed with your hands or a scraper, and you can already clean the glass with janitors.

9. The same applies to the situation when an ice crust forms on the glass. If the rubber bands of the windshield wipers come into contact with ice, very serious damage can occur on them. As a result, they will no longer be able to clean glass properly.

10. Be very careful with new wiper rubber bands and be sure to buy quality products. This will also affect their service life.

When does it become necessary to replace the wipers and how to determine this?

The first sign by which drivers determine the need to replace the brushes is the quality of their work. However, it will not always indicate the wear of the rubber bands: sometimes the glass remains dirty due to the fact that an oil film forms on it, which the wipers simply theoretically cannot cope with. Also, the reason may be hidden in the incorrect fixation of the wiper mechanism. But let's take a look at a number of the most common signs in order, which will indicate a malfunction of the wipers and the need to replace them (or replace the rubber bands):

After cleaning the glass with wipers, streaks remain on it. Most likely, the rubber bands were scratched or torn. As a result of wear and interaction with dirt, the elastic band can lose its desired shape. In this case, it must be replaced.

If poorly wiped places remain on the glass, the reason may be hidden in the deformation of the rubber or the wiper support. Often this happens due to the loss of rubber elasticity. To test how flexible it is, simply peel it away from the glass and release it. If everything is normal, it should easily return to its original state. If this does not happen, it must be soaked in gasoline, washed in soapy water and returned to its place.

If you hear extraneous sounds, such as grinding, when you turn on the wipers, most likely cracks have appeared on the rubber bands of the wipers. You can try to repair such a "malfunction" with silicone grease. If this does not help, the rubber bands must be replaced.

If “radial” stripes remain on the glass after using the wipers, it means that dirt or corrosion has accumulated on the rubber bands. Again, gasoline procedures and soaking in warm water will help restore them to a normal state.

In general, it is impossible to determine the specific service life of car wiper rubber bands. After all, different cars use different rubber bands, which are made from different types of rubber. If the rubber is natural, it wears out the fastest, and you have to change it every six months. If it is artificial, its service life can reach up to a year.

2. What is needed to replace the rubber bands on the wiper blades?

All you need to replace rubber bands on your wipers is:

- pliers;


New rubber bands for wiper blades.

If it’s definitely not difficult for you to prepare the first three tools, then many people have problems with buying new rubber bands. It is really not easy to do this, because for each car model it is necessary to select its own type of windshield wipers. In addition, brushes must be chosen so that they can combine completely incompatible qualities: flexibility and rigidity, hardness and softness. All this mainly concerns the rubber bands that are worn on the wiper blades and which most often need to be replaced.

When choosing new rubber bands, it is very important that they are suitable for your windshield wiper type of attachment. If the length does not match, it's okay, if necessary, it can be very easily corrected. But in any case, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of rubber:

- make sure that the product is painted in one color along its entire length;

There should be no bends or distortions on the rubber bands, their shape must fully correspond to the shape of the wiper blade support;

The cleaning side of the rubber bands should be perfectly flat, without any mechanical damage;

A distinctive feature of high-quality rubber is its softness and elasticity (due to these qualities it will not break from frost and be less damaged when interacting with sand, dust and ice).

Also, don't forget that quality products are not cheap. But, as you know, the miser pays twice. So it’s better to leave a large amount in the auto shop once and not return there for a whole year than to buy new rubber bands every month. Often in stores you can find standard rubber bands made of natural or artificial rubber. But recently, quite interesting variations have begun to appear that allow you to decorate a car:

- graphite rubber bands, presented only in black;

Silicone, which are available in different colors (white is more common);

Teflon-coated, which are distinguished by the presence of yellow stripes (considered more wear-resistant);

Rubber-granite mix.

As you can see, you can choose any option for any car. The main thing is that the product is of high quality, and also installed correctly. Otherwise, a second replacement may be needed in a couple of days.

3. What is the process of replacing the rubber on car wiper blades?

The replacement process is a task even less complicated than choosing new rubber bands. Each car owner can perform it at home, spending no more than half an hour on the whole procedure:

1. We raise the levers of the car wipers, that is, we take them away from the windshield.

2. We remove the old rubber bands from the supports, which have already become unusable. Using pliers, it is necessary to remove their fastening on the guide levers of the window lifter brushes. To do this, simply bend the clamps by two or three millimeters and take out the elastic band. The main thing is not to overdo it with the clamps, as they are very fragile and can break easily.

3. The rubber bands are removed along with the ribs, on which they are attached during operation. By the way, when buying rubber bands with them, these ribs can also be included in the kit. In this case, the old ones can be thrown away, but if there are no new ones in the kit, you will have to use them.

4. Compare new and old gum. They must match each other in size. If the new one is slightly larger, it must be leveled with scissors or a knife.

5. In the same grooves in which the old rubber band was attached, we insert a new one and fix it with clamps. Install the windshield wiper blades in their original place. This completes the replacement. It remains only to rinse the wipers and lubricate the entire mechanism of the device. Thanks to this, the updated wipers will work smoothly and without interruptions, ensuring the maximum return from the new rubber bands and their proper operation.

As a rule, domestic drivers begin to appreciate the work of janitors in bad weather. Especially at such a time, car owners appreciate the quality of the brushes, because the safety of the driver depends on it. You can learn more about how a windshield wiper tape is selected and how to replace it on a car from this material.

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Rules for choosing rubber bands for wiper blades

If you are faced with a need, then first of all you need to understand what should be considered when choosing. When buying rubber bands for brushes, first of all, you need to pay attention to their quality. If the product is of high quality, then it should have an even color over the entire surface, and bends or distortions of the structure are not allowed. Also, make sure that the wiper blades are free of torn parts, damage, cracks, or burrs on the wiper side.

A quality windshield wiper belt should be soft and flexible so that it can withstand low temperatures, while cleaning the glass efficiently and without scratching. In addition, if the rubber band is installed on the frame wiper, it should move without problems when bent. Of course, when buying, you can pay attention to the selection of the size - the dimensions of the elastic bands can be different, but usually they are available in sizes of 500 and 650 mm. Buying a longer elastic band by 650 mm with a shorter wiper length, you can cut it without problems, and many of our compatriots do this.

If you prefer cheaper options, you should understand that their not very high quality can be noticed immediately after installation. Cheap cleaners can squeak in the first days after installation, and after some time they will begin to smear dirt on the glass, contributing to the appearance of streaks. If you give preference to more expensive options, then their blade will fit better on the glass surface, respectively, the quality of cleaning will also be higher.

In addition to traditional rubber blades, many other options can be found on sale today:

  1. Graphite. These items are available in black only.
  2. Silicone blades. Usually painted white, but in principle, it can be anything.
  3. Teflon coated blades. Such elements are characterized by yellow stripes.
  4. Rubber graphite blades.

Rating of the best rubber bands

In order for the replacement rubber bands on the wipers to work for a long time, you need to buy only high-quality products.

Below are some popular product models:

  1. Heynell. Such products are characterized by quiet operation, usually even after long months of operation they work without noise and extraneous sounds. According to the manufacturer, this effect is achieved as a result of the correct calculation of the edge angle. But for winter, this option is not particularly suitable.
  2. Denso NDDS. Despite the high quality of windshield cleaning, as well as a relatively long service life, these products cannot be classified as durable. Usually the first troubles in their work appear after the first winter.
  3. Sparco. Quite a practical option - the products of this brand have shown themselves to be durable and of high quality. Even during cold weather they work fine. Due to the tight fit to the glass, the maximum cleaning effect is achieved.
  4. Alca. This German-made version is considered one of the cheapest, usually available in 600 mm sizes. Of course, a low price cannot be due to high quality, however, in this case, the ratio of quality and cost is the most optimal.
  5. Sheron. Czech-made products, produced in the size of 650 mm. The high cost is due to the good quality.
  6. Voin. Such products are available in sizes 500, 600 and 700 mm. Their cost is also affordable, they are characterized by a normal ratio of price and quality. But if your budget allows, then it is better to give preference to a more expensive option.

Instructions for replacing rubber bands

How to replace wiper blades:

  1. Raise the wiper arms.
  2. Remove worn rubberized blades. To do this, first find a place to fix them to the guides, then disconnect them with pliers. Be careful with the clips not to damage them.
  3. Each of the rubber bands must be disconnected along with the so-called rib on which it is installed. The rib can be included with the product.
  4. As mentioned above, the new product must match the old one in size, so if necessary, it can be cut.
  5. Install the product on the wiper instead of the old one, then fix it. Rinse the mechanism after installation.

Things to consider in order to extend the life of the brushes:

  1. Keep in mind that running the wipers "dry" will significantly reduce the life of the wipers. Therefore, before you start the windshield wipers, the glass should always be moistened at home.
  2. Periodically, the gum can be treated with lubricant or water.
  3. During the period of cold weather, leaving the car on the street, you need to take the brushes away from the windshield, since at low negative temperatures it is likely that the rubber will simply freeze. And if you decide to turn on a frozen wiper, this will either wear out the washer motor or the brush itself.
  4. Before winter, anti-freeze is poured into the washer tank.
  5. The glass should be wiped with a cloth from time to time to prevent the brushes from working on a dirty surface, which may contain small particles that will damage it.
  6. Make sure that there is no corrosion and dirt on the wiper joints, because of this they wear out faster. Also, the hinges should be lubricated from time to time.
  7. If there is a layer of ice on the windshield, do not turn on the wipers.

Video "The nuances of replacing rubber bands in the Mercedes Vito wipers"

How the rubber bands of the wipers are replaced in a Mercered Vito car and what nuances should be taken into account in this case - detailed instructions are presented below (the author of the video is Roman Romanov).

24 Jul

Car wipers have a great influence on driving comfort, especially in rainy weather. Their work provides good visibility of the roadway due to the constant cleaning of the glass, which allows the driver to maintain the suspension of the car, avoiding bumps in the road. And the better the quality of the wipers, the safer the car and the nerves of the driver. If the operation of the wipers is unsatisfactory, they must be replaced.

All rubber parts, and it is from this material that the main working element of the windshield cleaning equipment of a car is made, under the constant influence of external factors (temperature changes, ultraviolet of the sun) quickly lose their working properties. Therefore, wiper blades or products in general must be replaced at least once a year, regardless of how much work they had to do during this period.

When should you change your windshield wipers?

Understanding that the wiper blades need to be changed is pretty easy. To do this, carefully inspect them for damage. Under the influence of external factors and various mechanical damage, the rubber of the wipers loses its integrity very quickly. If during the operation of the car you notice that the brushes do not clean the glass well, then it's time to think about replacing old parts.

Types of windshield wipers for cars

  • Frame based
  • Frameless
  • Mixed type - hybrid

Frame windshield wipers

Frame glass cleaners are more bulky in appearance, as they consist of a fairly large set of structural elements:

  • Pressure plates
  • Rocker arms
  • Adapter
  • supports
  • hinges
  • Blades - gum

The photo below shows it well and clearly

In such wipers, which are gradually becoming a thing of the past, not only the rubber bands are subject to wear, but also the hinges, which fail relatively quickly. Therefore, after 2-3 replacements of a worn blade, you have to change the entire frame windshield wiper structure. This is their shortcoming. However, there are also advantages:

  • low cost
  • Simplicity of design
  • Versatility - Interchangeability

The device frameless wiper blades

Frameless wipers have only an elastic metal plate with fasteners that holds the rubber cleaning the glass. Devices of this type do not have universality, that is, they are designed for a specific model of car, the shape of the viewing glass of which they ideally repeat when driving.

The plastic case holds the pressure plate in such glass cleaners, which transmits the force from the drive mechanism. Such wipers are more expensive than frame ones, both in general and in terms of the cost of replacement rubber.

Hybrid car windshield wipers are the most durable, but also the most expensive. Structurally, they are supplemented, in comparison with frameless wipers, supports and rocker arms, like those of frame devices.

How to replace rubber bands on windshield wipers in a car

So the replacement is done like this:

  1. The wiper arms must be raised (away from the windshield).
  2. Next, you need to stick out the old worn rubber bands. To do this, we find their place of attachment to the guide levers and disconnect them with pliers. It is important not to overdo the clamps. They need to be bent a few millimeters. Otherwise, they may be damaged.
  3. Each elastic band detaches along with the rib on which it is located. Some sets include not only elastic bands, but also these ribs. If they are, of course, use them. If not, use the old ones.
  4. The new gum should match the size of the old one. Therefore, if necessary, cut it to size.
  5. The new part is inserted into the place of the old one (into the grooves), after which the mount is fixed. The ribs are installed in their original place.

As they say in words, it’s not clear to explain here, therefore we highly recommend watching this video on how to replace the rubber bands on the wipers

How to choose rubber bands for windshield wipers

  • First of all, it should be straight, without bends and distortions.
  • The cleaning side of the elastic should be free of burrs and torn spots.
  • Should be soft and elastic, which most likely indicates that they will not tan much in the cold.

Ideally, you should purchase two pairs of windshield wipers or rubber bands for them, one for winter driving - frost-resistant, others for the warm season.

Types of mounts for wiper blades

Wiper Blade Attachment - Hook or Hook

This is the oldest and most versatile mount. Usually it is denoted by the letter "U". The sizes of the “hook” may vary, the most common are 9x3 and 9x4. Although there are others: for example, some Audi models have very small hooks, and the American Subaru Tribeca B9 has a “cargo” class 12 * 4 hook on the driver's brush. On the Honda Civic 4D / 5D of the first years of production, the hook is supplemented with a special profile on a leash, the fastening element is additionally closed with a decorative cap.

The names “Pin in Arm” are also found. This mount is found on cars since 2005: BMW 3, Volvo S40, VW Jetta and Passat, as well as on some models of Mercedes-Benz and Peugeot.

This mount is very widespread and is used in Volvo, Renault, Ford, Citroen, VW cars.

Pin lock is used in Audi, Mercedes-Benz and Seat vehicles.

This type of attachment is not very common and is used in a number of Renault cars. Previously, this mount was also used in American-made cars.

This type of fastening is very common among European manufacturers and is used in modern Audi, Fiat, Saab cars, as well as in some Mercedes-Benz and Opel models.

Attachment Bayonet or Bayonet arm

The “bayonet lock” mount is used mainly in Renault cars after 2004 and Saab. There are modifications of this mount with two holes for fastening with screws, they are used for freight transport.

Top lock

This type of mounting is not very common and is used in a number of BMW 5 and 6 series cars.

This type of fastening is not very common and is used in Audi A6 cars.

The Universal Multi-Clip adapter was developed by BOSCH engineers in 2009. This adapter fits mounts:

  • side pin
  • push button
  • top lock
  • pinch tab

Please note that this adapter is NOT SUITABLE for hook mounting.

How to keep windshield wipers from wearing out quickly

  • Before you turn on the windshield cleaning, you must first moisten it with water from a sprayer. If the barrel is empty, you can use a plastic eggplant or snow. Moving rubber bands on dry glass can cause them to break. There is a lot of dust and sand on the windshield, especially on the rear window. When dry gum passes over them, scuffs and cracks can form on its surface. Of course, this does not happen after one time, but it is a fact.
  • From time to time the wiper needs to be lubricated or rinsed with water. And this applies not only to the mechanism, but also the gum must sometimes receive a share of the lubricant.
  • In winter, special care is required. If you leave the car indefinitely in the open air (not in a warm garage), then you need to move the wipers away from the windshield. In severe frosts, rubber bands freeze to glass. And if at this time you need to use the car, then do not try to turn on the glass cleaning. This can lead to premature wear of the motor and brushes.
  • With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to replace the washer fluid with an anti-freeze. This will not only save the wipers for a few more seasons, but also save you a fluid reservoir. Since ordinary liquid freezes and leads to cracking of the tank.
  • High air temperature and direct sunlight on the brushes reduces their service life by half. If you do not want to buy new brushes after the summer, do not be too lazy to remove them from the car. The withdrawal procedure will take you a couple of minutes and save you several hundred rubles.
  • You can get into the habit of wiping the glass while refueling the car or every time you use it.
  • The most vulnerable part of the wipers (frame) are the hinges. They are worth watching. If dust gets on them, their corrosion and premature wear occur. The hinges must be lubricated with any means. Otherwise, the windshield wiper will have to be changed.
  • It is not recommended to use the wiper when there is a layer of snow on the windshield. It is better to sweep it away with your hand or with a scraper. And only after that, turn on the wiper to clean the wet glass.
  • Do not turn on the wiper when the glass is covered with a layer of ice. Rubbing rubber bands on people will cause cracks and cuts, and this, in turn, will lead to poor cleaning of the front or rear windows.
  • Before buying new items, pay attention to their condition. Carefully check their surface for damage. Remember, the cheaper the wipers, the worse their quality of work. It is better to pay once, but drive with normal wipers for more than one year.

If your windshield wipers suddenly stop working at all, that is, they don’t even turn on, perhaps this is the reason.

On this, our post on how to replace the rubber bands on the car wipers independently approached the end, write your comments and comments below under this article.


There is an opinion among car owners that if the janitor is frameless, then the rubber band on it cannot be changed. All you can do with this wiper is throw it away and get a new one. Actually, it is not. Rubber bands on this type of wipers can be changed, and in this article we will tell readers how the replacement is done.

  • The wipers began to make an unpleasant creak during operation.
  • The rubber was so worn out that the wiper began to scratch the windshield.
  • The wipers don't do their job, and drops of water remain on the glass even after several passes.

All these points indicate one thing: the wiper rubber, due to wear, has ceased to fit snugly against the glass, which means that it should be replaced as soon as possible.

Tools to remove and replace

  1. Screwdriver with a flat sting (medium size).
  2. Screwdriver with a flat sting (the smallest).
  3. Dishwashing liquid.
  4. Set of new rubber bands for wipers.
  5. A container of hot (but not boiling) water.

How to change: sequence on the example of Bosch

  1. First, remove the plastic plug at the end of the wiper. To do this, the end with a plug is placed in a container of hot water for 1-2 minutes. After that, the tip of a flat screwdriver is carefully inserted under the plug, the plastic is slightly bent, and the part is shifted along the wiper.

    Removing the plug from the wiper with a flat screwdriver

  2. Access to a metal latch with which the elastic is held is opened. This part has a thin antennae, under which the thinnest screwdriver is inserted. The tendril is folded up, and the elastic is removed. A similar procedure is performed with the other end of the wiper.

    The fastening antennae is bent with the thinnest screwdriver

  3. Before installing new rubber bands, their ends are generously lubricated with liquid dishwashing detergent, thanks to which the new rubber starts up under the fastening antennae previously raised with a screwdriver without any problems. After installing the rubber bands, the dishwashing detergent is thoroughly washed off with warm water.
  4. After that, the plastic wiper plugs are installed in place.

    Plug from frameless wiper Bosch

Video on replacing the gum on the windshield wiper

Important Points

  • It is strongly not recommended to remove the wiper plugs without first warming them up. The plastic from which they are made is very fragile, and breaks even with little effort.
  • When bending the fastening antennae with a screwdriver, do not apply too much force. The steel from which these antennae are made is quite plastic, and if you bend the antennae up too much, it may not return to its original position, which means it will not hold the new elastic firmly.

As you can see from this article, you can also replace the rubber bands on a frameless wiper. The most important thing is to preheat its plugs and use only the thinnest screwdriver to bend the mounting antennae.