Traffic priority signs and their meaning. Traffic rules traffic priority signs Road traffic priority signs with explanations

Priority signs are an important part of traffic rules. Using them, drivers navigate difficult places: areas under repair, various intersections, crossroads and narrowings. Who goes first and who waits - all this is regulated by the indicated group of signs. Let's take a closer look at the traffic priority signs, pictures with explanations.

2.1 “Main Road” sign

At intersections where there are no traffic lights, it regulates which part of the intersection is the main road. Vehicles moving along it travel first. Outside populated areas (villages, cities, etc.), parking within the radius of the “Main Road” is prohibited.

The radius covers the entire intersection, no matter how many intersections it contains, and sometimes ends at sign 2.2 (see below).

To increase the information content, it is supplemented with the sign 8.13. On it, the main one is marked with a black thick line indicating the trajectory of movement along it.

Installed at intersections:

  • immediately upon entry;
  • behind him; then it acts on a piece of the path, including the nearest intersection.

2.2 Sign “End of main road”

Informs that you need to let vehicles pass at the nearest road intersection, since the driver is already driving along a secondary road.

Sometimes 2.4 is added - “Give way”. Means: it is necessary to freely let through traffic traveling in the main direction. And only then move on and perform maneuvers.

When no such addition is observed, the intersection roads are equal. A car (or other traffic participant) driving on the right is allowed to pass.

Located near a road intersection.

Priority signs 2.3.1 to 2.3.7

They operate under the same placement rules, range and restrictions. They differ only in the angle formed by the secondary and main directions:

2.3.2, 2.3.4 and 2.3.6– right-hand junction of the secondary track;

2.3.3, 2.3.5 and 2.3.7– the same, but left-handed;

sign 2.3.1- they intersect.

They are placed before reaching the intersection:

  • 50–100 meters within a populated area (village, etc.);
  • in other versions - 150–300 meters.

The signs of the considered group are placed when the intersection or junction is difficult to see for those who are driving due to the relief features of the area.

2.4 “Give way” sign

It means that the traffic participant is ordered to slow down and let traffic traveling along the main road pass, and not interfere with it.

This sign is supplemented by several more:

  • sign 2.2 – end of the main one.
  • sign 8.13 – explains the trajectory of the main road.
  • sign 8.1.1 – informs about the distance to the intersection where the driver will need to give way. Then the complementary sign (2.4) will stand straight when entering the intersection.
  • sign 8.1.2– also reports the distance to the intersection, but with a note that driving through the intersection without stopping and looking around is prohibited. In this case, the traffic participant will see a second sign - 2.5, calling for a stop.

Sign 2.4 is placed as the main one before the intersection, or before it - as a backup sign.

2.5 Sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited”

Octagonal, different in shape from all other signs. Notifies the driver of the requirement to stop driving near the STOP line, and in cases where it is not provided, before crossing. If at the same time you come across a railway crossing that is not equipped with a barrier, and there is no line, you need to stop near the sign.


  • near the intersection;
  • near the railway crossing.

Signs 2.6 and 2.7

2.6 temporary 2.6

Indicate the presence of a tight space where vehicles traveling towards each other need to pass each other.

sign 2.6 "Advantage of oncoming traffic" says to let oncoming traffic pass;

sign 2.7 "Advantage over oncoming traffic" allows you to enter a tight space first.

They are installed when driving onto narrow bridges, in situations of road repair and on other narrowings (including on mountain serpentine roads).

  1. In most cases, a tram should be allowed to pass, even if its rails are a secondary road and it exits onto the main one.
  2. Priority signs cease to operate when there is a working traffic light, or if traffic is controlled by a traffic controller.

Compliance with priority signs is the key to preventing emergency situations.

Video: Traffic rules Traffic priority signs with explanations

The second group of road signs are priority signs. Perhaps the most important. Simply, priority signs are used to regulate the order of passage of vehicles at intersections of roadways (including intersections), as well as on narrow sections of the road (for example, in places where road repair work is being carried out).

Priority signs determine the order of travel at intersections and narrow sections of roads

Failure to comply with the principles of priority is probably the most “popular” cause of accidents. That is why we will try to consider this group of road signs as efficiently as possible. Moreover, it is not so voluminous.

One important note. As a rule, all road signs (with the exception of priority signs) have a uniform shape or color scheme. And only the priority signs are not similar to each other.

"Main Road" (2.1)

The most popular place to install a sign is at the entrance to an intersection, and its coverage area most often extends to the intersection (or intersection of roadways). And in this regard, the “Main Road” sign indicates to the driver that he is entering an intersection where he will have priority when passing it.

It’s just important to remember that there are (at least!) two main “entrances” at the intersection. And two vehicles with priority must pass according to the “right hand” rule, that is, giving way to the obstacle on the right, or give way to the tram as - see the figure above.

Very often, the “Main Road” sign is installed together with one of the options for the “Main Road Direction” sign (8.13). This is done when the main road at the intersection changes its straight direction.

In this case, the rules for driving through the intersection do not change: drivers leaving the main directions have priority (correlating the order of their passage with the “right of hand” rule).

Thus, the “Main Road” sign indicates the right of way at an unregulated intersection.

"The End of the Main Road" (2.2)

The name of the sign speaks for itself: it is installed in front of an intersection and indicates to the driver that he will no longer have the advantage that he previously enjoyed when driving through previous intersections.

If the “End of the main road” sign is used independently (not in combination with other priority signs), then the driver must regard the upcoming intersection as equivalent. When passing, he must apply the “right hand” rule (give way to obstacles on the right).

However, most often this sign is displayed together with the signs “Give way” (2.4) or “Driving without stopping is prohibited” (2.5). In this case, the driver must regard the intersection as unequal, at which he no longer has the right of way, because he is entering it from a secondary direction.

The rules allow this sign to be placed previously (at some distance before the intersection), as well as again - immediately before the intersection.

"Intersection with a minor road" (2.3.1)

“Adjunction of a secondary road” (2.3.2 - 2.3.7)

A large family of “related” signs that are installed, as a rule, outside the populated area. All of these signs indicate to the driver that at the intersection they will drive in the “fat lane”, that is, take advantage of drivers moving on the intersecting (or adjacent) road.

The triangular shape of the signs with a red border makes them very similar to warning signs. This similarity is not accidental: the rules for installing both one and the other signs are the same - 150-300 meters before the corresponding intersection outside a populated area and 50-100 meters in a populated area.

"Make Way" (2.4)

This sign, unlike previous priority signs, indicates to the driver that at this intersection he will have to give priority to drivers driving on the main road.

If at an intersection the main road changes its direction, the “Give way” sign is installed together with the “Main Road Direction” sign (8.13).

The sign can also be installed before exits to the main road from adjacent areas. This is done in the case when drivers will not be able to clearly determine priority when passing such intersections.

“Moving without stopping is prohibited” (2.5)

This is the only sign with an octagonal shape. The original shape and color scheme will not allow it to be confused with any other sign.

Video - traffic priority signs with comments:

The sign instructs the driver to take the following actions: give way to drivers moving along the main road and make a mandatory short stop. And even if there are no vehicles on the main road that need to be given priority, it is all the same: making a short stop is the responsibility of the driver.

Thus, the principle of operation of the “No traffic without stopping” sign is similar to the “Give way” sign. But the sign we are interested in has an additional requirement - a mandatory short-term stop.

This sign is used in two main cases:

1) before intersections (intersections) where sufficient visibility of vehicles approaching the intersection along the main road is not ensured;

2) before unregulated railway crossings (without traffic lights, barriers and guards).

The requirement of a sign on the mandatory cessation of traffic in such areas will allow the driver to adequately assess the situation and take the necessary safety measures.

The fundamental question is where to stop a driver driving under this sign.

Before an intersection you should stop like this:

1) in front of the stop line;

2) in its absence - in front of the edge of the crossed roadway.

Before a railway crossing, the stopping rule is slightly different:

1) also in front of the stop line;

2) in its absence - in front of the sign.

Thus, the sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited”, installed before the intersection, requires not only to give way, but also to make a short stop (regardless of the presence or absence of a vehicle moving along the main road).

"Advantage of oncoming traffic" (2.6)

"Advantage over oncoming traffic" (2.7)

These are “related” signs with directly opposite principles of action: the first obliges to give way, and the second, on the contrary, notifies about the right of way in traffic.

Video lesson - traffic priority signs:

A logical question arises: “Why create another pair of signs indicating the priority of movement?” The fact is that this pair of signs is never posted at intersections and other intersections. They are designed specifically for narrow sections of the road where oncoming traffic is difficult to pass.

The first sign, “Give way to oncoming traffic,” is very similar in shape to prohibition signs. This is further evidence that the driver, when moving under this sign, is obliged to give way to oncoming vehicles.

The second sign, “Give way to oncoming traffic,” is reminiscent of information signs and, as the name suggests, gives the driver priority when driving through a narrow section of road.

When moving under this sign, the driver has the right to pass first.

Let's summarize

Priority signs are a very important means of regulating traffic. They determine the order of passage through intersections and narrow sections of the road.

And one more important and significant point: priority signs and traffic lights are canceled.

Priority signs regulate the order of passage through intersections and narrow sections of roads. Inform road users about which of them has priority right of way and who is obliged to yield. Often placed in conjunction with signs for additional information, such as when a main road changes direction.

Priority lapses in relation to transport with special signals. Remember that you are obliged to let ambulances, police, and fire departments pass if they are moving with the siren and flashing lights on.


  1. What is priority, signs or markings?
  2. signs or traffic lights?

If signs and markings contradict each other, the signs should be followed.

A working traffic light cancels priority signs.

Main road (2.1)

Gives the advantage of passing an uncontrolled intersection. Placed directly before the intersection, paired with an additional information sign 8.13. On the secondary road there must be a 2.4 “give way” sign. The coverage area extends to sign 2.2.

It is important to remember that even when on the main road, the driver is obliged to give way to cars with special signs. signals. Parking outside populated areas within its coverage area is prohibited.

End of the main road (2.2)

Informs about the end of the zone with the advantage of passing through uncontrolled intersections, canceling the effect of sign 2.1. It is installed shortly before the intersection, in front of which there will be sign 2.4.

Intersection with a minor road (2.3.1)

The proximity of the intersection of the main road with secondary roads. The advantage of passing through an uncontrolled intersection is given to the driver located on the main line (thick line). Installed 50-100 meters in populated areas, and 150-300 outside the city.

It is allowed to overtake vehicles on the main road.

Junction of secondary road on the right (2.3.2, 2.3.4, 2.3.6)

Warns the driver that he is moving along a main road and is approaching an uncontrolled intersection with a secondary one adjacent to the right. Overtaking is allowed on the main road.

Junction of secondary road on the left (2.3.3, 2.3.5, 2.3.7)

The driver has priority right of passage at the nearest intersection, which is adjacent to a secondary road on the left. Installed 50-100 (150-300) meters depending on the location (in the city, outside the city).

Give way (2.4)

The sign obliges the driver to give way. It is installed immediately before the intersection and determines the order of its passage. If there is an additional sign 8.13, you need to give way to cars moving on the main road, and after them creating an obstacle on the right.

It is required to stop at an intersection in such a way as not to force other road users by your actions to change the direction or speed of movement. In other words, do not create interference.

Driving without stopping is prohibited (2.5)

Prohibits the vehicle from moving without stopping. The driver is required to stop in front of the stop line, and if there is no line, in front of the edge of the roadway. If installed before a railway crossing or a quarantine post, you need to stop in front of the stop line, if there is none, before the sign. When the traffic light is working, you should follow the instructions of the traffic light and not the sign.

Advantage of oncoming traffic (2.6)

Prohibits the driver from entering a narrow section of the road if this will obstruct oncoming traffic. It is necessary to yield the right of way to oncoming vehicles in a narrow area or approaching it.

The exception is when the car does not interfere with an oncoming vehicle, for example, a motorcycle without a sidecar.

The sign made on a yellow background is temporary and takes precedence over regular ones. If a temporary conflicts with a permanent one, it automatically cancels their effect.

Advantage over oncoming traffic (2.7)

Gives the driver priority when passing through a narrow section; oncoming traffic is required to give way. Installed only in conjunction with 2.6.


Traffic priority signs are designed to help motorists navigate narrowed sections of highways, dangerous highway areas, and intersections as safely as possible.

Main road (MR) – key priority indicators

The latest edition of the traffic rules provides for the presence of 13 such road signs. The two most important of them - 2.1 and 2.2 determine the beginning and end of the main road (main road). At most intersections of city transport arteries there is a sign 2.1. It gives the right of way to any motorist traveling on the main road towards the intersection.

In populated areas, priority signs are placed at each road intersection.

Traffic regulations make it possible to install such signs outside settlements, because outside the city traffic safety is no less important. Outside the city, the described priority indicator is placed:

  • at the beginning of the entrance to the State Duma;
  • in sections of the main engine turn (change of direction);
  • before heavy traffic intersections;
  • at the end of the GD.

Traffic regulations require that before complex intersections the 2.1 sign should be placed 150–300 meters away. This allows road users to prepare for the turn in advance. When the highway changes direction at any of the intersections, a table “Direction of the highway” (8.13) is mounted under the sign. It shows where the main road turns after crossing the highways.

The fact that the traffic mode has ended is indicated by the traffic rules indicator 2.2. Sometimes a warning is placed underneath it - “Give way” (2.4), if the end of the main road occurs in a place before the intersection, where other drivers have the right of priority.

These traffic rules include seven road signs:

  • “Intersection with a route of secondary importance”;
  • “Adjacent to the secondary road on the right” – three signs;
  • “Abutment on the left” – also three signs.

These are traffic priority signs, although in form they are warning signs. They determine the order of crossing intersections and point out to drivers the features of difficult places where several roads converge (intersection configuration), and also draw the attention of drivers to potentially unsafe areas of the road.

In cities, such road signs are placed 80–100 m from complex intersections, outside the city – 150–300 m. They are very important for drivers, as they warn of places where they may be in danger of getting into an accident.

Other traffic priority indicators

There are four more signs in the traffic rules related to this group:

  • 2.4 – requires letting other vehicles pass;
  • 2.5 – eliminates the possibility of non-stop driving in front of a problem spot on the road;
  • 2.6 – determines the priority of oncoming traffic;
  • 2.7 – indicates an advantage over driving in the oncoming lane.

Sign 2.4 tells the person driving to give way to cars driving on the road being crossed. If there is table 8.13 below it, cars traveling along the main road have the right of way.

Outside cities, sign 2.4 is placed 150–300 m before the intersection of highways (at the same time it is equipped with an additional sign indicating the exact distance to the dangerous place), then before a complex junction on the road.

When the visibility of cars driving towards the intersection along the intersecting road is low, instead of the “Give way” sign (2.5) is placed. According to traffic rules, this sign forces the driver to stop before crossing roads and at the same time reminds him that he is moving on a secondary highway. Further movement is allowed only after the motorist has fully assessed the situation on the road. Signpost 2.5 is also mounted in front. Road users must stop directly in front of it.

Signs 2.6 and 2.7 are placed before narrow sections of the routes. The first of them is prohibitive in form and priority in purpose. It is important to understand that it requires that you give way to another car on a problem section of the road. That is, if you are sure that you will not create an emergency situation, it is not necessary to stop in front of such a sign.

Traffic regulations describe two types of sign 2.6:

  • on a yellow background – a temporary sign; warns of road works causing a narrowing of the roadway;
  • on a white background - a permanent pointer.

Sign number 2.7 belongs to the priority category, being informational in its form. This sign gives an advantage to vehicles when passing through a dangerous road zone (for example, a bridge).

Be sure to remember the priority signs. They will help you avoid many dangerous situations on the roads.