What is a galvanized car body. Galvanized car body. Car plating - what is it?

The body of the car is made mainly of steel. And steel is a thing that rusts pretty quickly. To slow down this process, the body is painted and varnished. But paint is an unreliable thing: a minor accident, dry branches of bushes or a chip, and now there is no paint, and the body is not protected by anything. Therefore, they came up with galvanization.

Panacea in a thin layer

Galvanizing is when steel is coated with a thin layer of zinc. You can do this in different ways. Some ways are better, others are worse - more on that in a couple of paragraphs.

The fact is that when the body is left without paint and varnish (for example, at the place of a chip), corrosion begins to destroy zinc, and not steel, rust does not appear. But this is only for the time being, because when zinc is destroyed - and sooner or later it will be destroyed - corrosion begins to destroy the steel.

How long a chip will remain rust-free depends on many factors, not just the quality and thickness of the zinc layer. For example, humidity and temperature. On average, the rate of destruction of the active zinc layer is from 1 to 6 microns per year, and the thickness of the zinc coating on different machines ranges from 2 to 15 microns. Corrosion occurs faster where it is wet. Or, for example, under the adhering dirt.

hot dip galvanized

Now about the types of anti-corrosion treatment. The best galvanizing is hot-dip galvanizing. With this method, the body is lowered into a bath with hot (from 500 to 4000 degrees Celsius) zinc. The zinc layer usually turns out to be about 10-15 microns. Mostly expensive cars are galvanized in this way, and not all of them, because this is a rather complicated and expensive process. The warranty for bodies galvanized in this way is usually from 15 years. And since only such a guarantee, the body can be considered almost eternal. Examples of hot-dip galvanized cars: Most current models of Porsche, Audi, Ford, Volvo.

Galvanized zinc

The second method of galvanizing is galvanized galvanizing. It is cheaper and more common. Most galvanized machines are galvanized in this way. The body is lowered into a zinc-containing electrolyte, through which a current is passed. The result is a very uniform galvanization with a layer of 2 to 10 µm. The corrosion guarantee for such a body is usually around 10-12 years. Almost all manufacturers of non-budget cars use this method of galvanizing: Opel, Toyota, Mazda, Volkswagen, Mitsubishi, Chevrolet, Nissan *

Cold galvanized

This type of galvanization has become widespread not so long ago. Around the same period, when not engineers, but marketers began to rule the ball.

The technology consists in mixing highly dispersed zinc powder into the soil. In this case, the body can be considered galvanized only formally, because zinc, in fact, is not on the body, but in the ground. No primer (if the scratch is to the metal) - no protection. The anti-corrosion protection of such a "galvanization" is very small. In this case, the manufacturer does not give a big guarantee for the body, it is usually limited to the general guarantee of the paintwork. For the most part, budget cars are galvanized in this way: Renault Logan, Lifan, Chery, Great Wall, Hyundai, Renault Logan, UAZ, VAZ.


This type of galvanization is rare and only among a small number of inexpensive models. The essence of the method lies in the fact that steel is covered with zinc primer at the rolling stage. The protective properties of this galvanizing method cannot be called outstanding. Particularly poor protection will be in places where it is damp and after accidents and damage. In this way, mainly cars of the brand Kia, Renault are galvanized.

It is also important what kind of processing the body had: full, partial or only nodal connections. Naturally, it is best when the entire body is galvanized. But for a manufacturer of budget cars and models, this is expensive, so they are often partially zinc-plated. For example, only wings, thresholds.

Absolutely economical automakers, who cut every penny, galvanize only nodal joints (weldings and fasteners, for example).

As you can see, galvanizing is different for galvanizing, and for each specific model it needs to be clarified. On the Internet, you can find information about how and in what years of production one or another model was galvanized (and whether it was galvanized at all). Sometimes, for example, in the case of Logan, in the early years, galvanization was partial, and then complete.

In general, two conclusions should be drawn from all this. First, even galvanized cars rust. Moreover, they rust at different rates depending on the weather, the care of the owner, temperature, external influences such as reagents and dirt, and so on.

The second conclusion - do not believe the statement of marketers that the body is galvanized. It can be galvanized purely formally, and one must look at the facts - the method of galvanizing and the manufacturer's warranty on the body. The greater the warranty, the better, probably, the body is galvanized.

*Information collected from open sources and may contain inaccuracies. The method of galvanizing may vary from year to year, plant to plant, model to model. For accurate information, you need to look for information on a specific model, year of manufacture and plant.

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The car body is one of the most expensive of all its components, and therefore the closest attention is paid to its safety. The most terrible enemy of the body is corrosion, the appearance of which leads to gradual destruction. Today, many car manufacturers mention in their advertising brochures that their body is galvanized and this allegedly serves as a reliable protection against corrosion. However, in reality, everything is not so simple, and the very concept of “galvanized” is not always associated with the processing of the body iron itself.

In most cases, zinc or its components are added to the paint, which to some extent serves as additional protection for the body, but cannot replace metal galvanizing.

Any metal must be protected from rust, corrosion and other external influences by some kind of protective coating. To date, galvanized body is considered one of the most reliable protective coatings. There are several ways of galvanizing metal:

  • hotter
  • Cold
  • Galvanic
  • Thermal diffusion
  • Gas-thermal

The layer of zinc applied by any of the above methods is strong enough, but is not able to “resist” mechanical stress, therefore, in emergency situations, the zinc layer is broken.

hot dip galvanizing

This type of galvanizing is considered one of the most durable. The surface of the metal before galvanizing is degreased, pickled, washed, flux is applied and the metal is dried. Then the body prepared in this way is lowered into a bath of hot zinc, due to which an Fe-Zn alloy is formed on the metal, which resists corrosion.

Cold galvanizing

It is carried out by painting body elements with a primer with a high content of zinc powder, which in the finished coating will be about 89-93% zinc. Cold-dip galvanizing is carried out like conventional painting, which is much cheaper than hot-dip galvanizing. This method is most often used by the automaker and.

Separately, it is worth mentioning cars of the Kia brand, where zinc metal is used in the manufacture of the body.

The remaining methods are practically not used in the automotive industry and are indicated for general familiarization with metal galvanizing methods.

At the same time, it is worth considering such a fact as the total area of ​​galvanizing during the cold method of applying zinc, since many manufacturers, in order to save money, perform this procedure only for the bottom and thresholds. Therefore, the word “full” galvanizing of the body is not always added to the price lists or technical specifications, which is always worth paying attention to and clarifying the details with the dealership managers.

It is visually impossible to determine whether the body is actually galvanized and if so, what is the area of ​​zinc coating. To determine, you need to perform complex expensive metal testing procedures using special equipment.

Alternatively, you can "punch" your car by, where the manufacturer must lay down the galvanizing code. And the easiest way to determine is to look at the place of chips, if only a dark spot appears, but there is no rust, then zinc protection is most likely present.

Those who understand at least a little about cars know that one of the most expensive elements in a car (and maybe the most ...) is the body. In most cases, when buying a car, we pay attention to the body, and only then to everything else (, interior, etc.).

It is the appearance of the car that plays the most important role, because if the appearance is spoiled by some kind of flaw, for example, a dent or rust, then it doesn’t matter how many “horses” this car has under the hood and what equipment it has. Often, under a layer of paint, which, at first glance, looks perfect, there is a layer of putty or, even worse, a center of corrosion, which some time after the purchase will cause a lot of inconvenience and pull a lot of money out of your pocket.

It is for these reasons that the galvanized body, as well as the all-aluminum car body, is so valued among buyers and is the standard for resistance to damage and corrosion. The problem lies elsewhere, it is quite difficult to find out which cars have this very galvanized or aluminum body. At the market or somewhere on the Internet, they can “hang” you and convince you that a protective coating is really applied to the body and in the future you will never have the question of what to do with a rotten threshold or arch. Today I want to talk about cars that really deserve attention, because they really have a galvanized body that has all the advantages of this type of protection, and I will also briefly touch on the topic of this coating technology.

How is a galvanized body made?

Cars with a galvanized body have a phenomenal length of "body life". The manufacturer gives a very impressive warranty period - from 5-6 to 30 years.

There are several methods for applying a protective coating:

  • Galvanic;
  • Hot dipped galvanized;
  • Cold galvanized.

Galvanic galvanizing - video

The most stable during operation is considered to be the thermal method of galvanizing. Anti-corrosion protection lasts for 15-20 years, and with careful operation even longer. The coating is up to three times more resistant compared to the galvanized galvanization method. Even under mechanical stress, the body is not subject to corrosion.

If you have wondered about galvanizing and want to know for sure which cars have a galvanized body you need to know a few tricks. The fact is that some automakers, in order to improve the ratings of their cars and improve sales, indicate that the body is galvanized, although in reality this is not the case. More precisely, not quite so, the body was really galvanized, just not entirely, but only partially, that is, some parts of the body (wings, sills, bottom) most susceptible to decay during operation were covered with a protective zinc layer.

Car with galvanized body (hot method)

This method, as I have already said, is highly stable and durable, but at the same time, this technology is very expensive, so it is usually used by famous brands on expensive flagship models. For example, hot-dip galvanizing processes such car brands as:

  • Volkswagen;

Note! If anyone is not aware, all of the above brands belong to Volkswagen, or rather the Volkswagen Group Corporation.

All of the listed brands of cars demonstrate excellent resistance to corrosion, both during tests in the salt chamber, and over the years of many years of operation.

It is no coincidence that Audi was in the first place in the ranking. The fact is that it was this company that was the first to take care of the protection of the bodies of their cars; it has a lot of developments and research on its account, including double-sided zinc protection of welded joints, and not just body parts. The first mass-produced Audi car with a galvanized body, which rolled off the assembly line in 1986, was the Audi 80. Without exception, all body surfaces of this model were covered with an anti-corrosion layer.

Among the model range of the Swedish auto giant there are also models that can boast body protection in the form of galvanization, and by the “hot” method. In addition to the fact that Volvo cars are recognized as the safest in the world, they are also resistant to corrosion, partial or full galvanization paired with aluminum body elements make these cars resistant to moisture and corrosion.

In addition to Volvo, the following cars have hot-dip galvanized bodies:

  • Opel Vectra, ;
  • Sierra, Ford Escort;
  • Chevrolet Epica, ;

Cars with a galvanized body (galvanized method)

This technique works well only in combination with protective methods. German auto giants, eternal competitors: Mercedes and BMW, have succeeded in this technique. The latter has created his own formula for success, which is not inferior in efficiency to the technologies of the pioneer Audi.

The Bavarians' recipe for success was as follows:

  • For the production of body parts, high-alloy steel was selected, purified from harmful inclusions and impurities;
  • Then the metal was subjected to the procedure of galvanic galvanizing, by applying a layer of zinc (~9-15 microns);
  • Next, a perfectly flat surface was covered with a thick layer of paint.

Such a sandwich gives an answer to the question why the old "Germans" still have not lost their former beauty and are still popular among buyers. Moreover, there are often cases when cars half the age of these German cars with a galvanized body simply crumbled along the road, unable to withstand the harsh Russian climate and aggressive reagents that are generously sprinkled on our roads in winter.

What about Japanese cars?

The "Japanese", although they can compete with the "Germans" in terms of speed, popularity and beauty, rarely occupy the first positions in the matter of protecting the body. Among all Japanese automakers, Honda can be distinguished, whose cars since 2005 have become more resistant to corrosion. If you want to buy a Honda with a galvanized body, you should pay attention to the following models:

  • , Legend, CR-V, as well as .

In recent years, no less popular brand Toyota has increasingly begun to pay attention to the protective coating of the body. Cars began to receive a zinc-containing layer on the parts most susceptible to corrosion. However, the hidden cavities remain vulnerable as before, and still rust after a few years.

How about other automakers

Koreans and Chinese in most cases create only the illusion of protection, as a rule, it all comes down to simple marketing and the desire to compete with famous brands. Even if such a car is indeed galvanized, then be sure that it will be nothing more than ordinary cathodic primer with some zinc impurity.

As for the domestic manufacturer, unfortunately, as a rule, there can be no question of any protection. Cars at the age of 5 years can already "boast" of the presence of various "chiryaks", foci of corrosion and through holes. Bodies not only do not contain minimal protection, they are also made of thin metal, which rots very quickly from a large amount of moisture and reagents.

Well, like everything. Now you know which cars have a galvanized body and in case of purchase, you are unlikely to be misled. That's all for me, give your examples of protected bodies worthy of attention. If I missed something or there is a typo somewhere, I apologize. Thank you for your attention and see you at . Bye.

Finally, I recommend watching a video on how the galvanization and zinc coating procedure is performed.

Many car manufacturers use the phrase "galvanized body" in describing the characteristics of their products. What does this mean, and is the body of each such car really galvanized? Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Often, only some parts of the car are twitched with zinc treatment (for example, the bottom, as on the latest VAZ models), and this allows car factories to talk about galvanization, without saying that it is far from complete.

In fact, only a few vehicles are completely processed with this material, which allows the car body to serve you for many years. What exactly are cars with galvanized body? List they can be broken by cars that are zinc-plated by heat treatment and those that are used in the production of cold galvanized galvanization.

Cars with bodies galvanized by heat treatment

Thermal or "hot" galvanizing is used for some of their models by such automobile concerns as:

- Porsche. The first fully galvanized car of this brand was the Porsche 911;
- Volvo. This plant produces cars with galvanized bodies, starting from the 240th model, that is, since 1975;
- Ford. Processing is not carried out for all models. For example, Ford Escort and Ford Sierra have galvanized bodies. But already "Ford-Mondeo" - not always (only Belgian assembly);
- General Motors. Most parts of some Chevrolet models (Lacetti, Epica), Fiats (Albea and Marea), Opel (Astra and Vectra), Cadillacs and " Buicks."

Car with galvanized galvanization

Most other manufacturers use "cold" processing, releasing cars with galvanized body. List them like this:

- "Alfa Romeo" (galvanized models have been produced since 1993);
- "Audi", models 80, 100, as well as A4, A6 and all produced after 2000;
- "Chrysler" (model 300M);
- "Honda" ("Legend");
- "Mercedes" (W124 and W201);
- "Mitsubishi" ("Lancer 9");
- "Peugeot" (most models produced since 1995);
- "Renault" ("Logan" and "Espace 3");
- "Skoda" (A4, "Octavia", "Fabia");
- "Volkswagen" ("Golf 3" and all models since 2000);
- Toyota (Corolla E10 since 1991, Karina since 1988).

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Reliably protecting the car body from corrosion is a priority for the manufacturer. But today, in the face of fierce competition and the financial crisis, many concerns are choosing a cheap option - churning out cars with a weak body. And only a few, rightfully called the giants of the automotive industry, really care about the durability of the metal frame, releasing galvanized cars.

Full or partial processing

Corrosion is the main and very dangerous enemy of metal. First, a barely noticeable yellow coating on the parts, then swelling of the paintwork and, finally, obvious rotting of the body panels, all this happens due to the aggressive and constant exposure to water, dirt, sand. Temperature changes, mechanical damage and chemical reagents that are sprinkled on public roads make their negative contribution.

To prevent this problem, the body is specially protected from rust even at the production stage by coating it with a layer of zinc. But the vast majority of modern cars are only moderately or minimally processed. From such partial protection, although successfully protecting the part at first, nothing remains after 2-3 years of operation. Dealers themselves recommend additional processing of panels against rusting on such machines, especially hidden cavities, niches, seams, and bottoms.

Fully galvanized car body is not subject to corrosion for a long time - almost 30 years. It all depends on the type of galvanizing (this will be discussed in detail below) and the operating conditions of the car.

Car body galvanizing methods

In mechanical engineering, there are several types of galvanized car body. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Hot (thermal) method

The classic and best type of treatment, which involves lowering the dry body into a bath of molten zinc. The temperature in the tank can vary between 500-4000 degrees Celsius. For car bodies processed in this way, the manufacturer gives a guarantee of 15 years or more.

Full immersion in hot zinc makes metal panels incredibly resistant to corrosion, eternal. Even damaged areas of the body, chips and cracks, self-heal over time - they are covered with a thin layer of zinc deposits. And in general, this thermal method, although more expensive, provides a protective layer thickness of 2-15 microns.

Initially, this type of galvanizing was used at the German Audi factories. The first galvanized car was the Audi A80. Further, this method was adopted by Volvo, Porsche and other automakers. Today, despite the high cost of the technology, hot-dip galvanizing is carried out not only on the bodies of luxury cars. He puts foreign cars Chevrolet (Corvette model) and Ford (Explorer, Focus, Fiesta and Mustang) in a hot zinc bath.

Of course, this method is widely used by the giants of the automotive industry:

  1. Audi is a pioneer in body heat treatment and a world leader in this field. Cars of the German brand rarely get into repairs due to external damage, except perhaps after serious accidents. The Ingolstadt manufacturer makes full use of hot-dip galvanizing technology - it performs partial, full or combined processing. For example, on A4 models, individual parts of the body are placed in a zinc melt. And the bodies of models such as the Q5 are completely immersed in the bath.
  2. This Stuttgart brand always strives to keep up with the best. Full and partial zinc treatment of the body is one of the ways to stand out from the competition. The first car manufacturer to receive a fully galvanized body was the Porsche 911. This happened in 1989. The body modification of the 911 Carrera was partially subjected to one-sided hot-dip galvanization. The same version since 1999 is completely processed in stainless steel.
  3. Swedish Volvo. Like Audi, it galvanizes almost all of its models. A popular method is double-sided hot working or immersion of the core in the melt.

Of course, such galvanized cars are an order of magnitude higher than their counterparts. However, given the cost of body restoration, their price fully pays off during operation. Isn't it true that if the car lasts more than 15 years without repair, no money is needed to buy it?

Audi 100 body condition after 23 years of operation!

Galvanic processing method

This is already bathing in a bath with a zinc-containing electrolyte. Stainless steel is deposited on the metal surface due to the action of electricity, not high temperature. The method, which was adopted in order to save money, is now actively used by most automakers.

The galvanizing procedure looks something like this:

  • the body itself or its panels are immersed in a container filled with an acidic solution of zinc;
  • a negative terminal from 220 V is also connected here;
  • the capacity is connected to the plus - electrolysis begins.

The electroplating method makes the car less resistant to rust, but provides an almost perfect uniformity of the protective coating. It turns out incredibly beautiful, smooth and shiny body. The thickness of the protective layer during galvanic treatment is 5-20 microns. The manufacturer's warranty does not exceed 10 years.

Since galvanizing provides relatively poor corrosion protection, some manufacturers thicken the layer to 9-25 microns, use high-alloy steel and add a strong primer coat.

Well-known brands that use electroplating:

  • Chevrolet;
  • Skoda;
  • Toyota - almost all models;
  • Mitsubishi.

Famous German giants are also fans of the galvanic method: BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen. They use special steel and apply an impressive layer of expensive paintwork, thereby protecting the bodywork almost as well as Audi with its heat treatment.

Cold galvanized

The cheapest way to protect iron from corrosion. In recent years, it has become widespread among budget car brands. Processing in this case is nothing more than spraying or painting metal panels with primer containing highly dispersed zinc powder. In the finished protective coating, the zinc content does not exceed 90-93%.

This method of body processing has been adopted by Chinese and some Korean manufacturers. Often they use stripped galvanizing, when the back side of the body panel is simply primed and painted. This allows you to save a lot, and the cars remain fresh for a long time. The process of decay remains invisible, as it occurs on the reverse sides of the parts.

Body parts that rot the fastest

Cars with a galvanized body: a complete list

See the table below for a list of cars with a galvanized body.

Russian-made cars undergoing galvanizing

The bodies of AvtoVAZ models are subjected to partial cold galvanization or cold galvanization of nodal joints. "Lada Priora" of the latest modifications is covered with zinc best of all - by 80-90%. On the Lada Vesta, only the thresholds are left unprocessed, on the Xray - the roof. The second generation of the Lada Kalina is painted with stainless steel everywhere except for the hood, roof and spars. "Lada Granta" is galvanized to a minimum - only wings and doors.

UAZ Hunter, Pickup, Patriot, 23602-cargo until 2014 were partially cold-galvanized, like Vases. But since 2014, they began to use full galvanic double-sided galvanization with a protective layer of 9-15 microns.

UAZ Patriot weak points

Since 2009, vehicles manufactured by GAZ (Gazel, Sobol, Siber) have been processed using the partial cold galvanizing method. The bodies of all Gazel Next modifications are protected in the same way. The rest of the models on the market today are subjected to cold galvanizing of nodal joints.

How to know if a car has undergone an anti-corrosion zinc treatment

Information about this can be found in the technical documentation for the car. If it was not possible to find the word “zinc” in the papers, the body is hardly protected from corrosion.

To determine the presence of galvanized car body without papers, you will have to spend a lot of money. In particular, apply for a service to a specialized center or trust the information provided on the Internet.

Partial protection or its complete absence can also be judged by the cost of the car. Budget models are rarely galvanized, especially in one of the high-quality ways. They are simply treated with inexpensive paints and materials. These cars include Asian economy class cars.

Table: cars with galvanized body

Audi 100 C3 1986, 1987, 1988
Audi 100 C4 1988-1994 (all modifications)Partial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi A1 8x 2010-2019Full hot dip galvanized
Audi A5 8t 2007-2016 and 2 2016-2019Full hot dip galvanized
Audi Allroad C5 2000Partial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi Allroad C5 2001-2005Full hot dip galvanized
Audi Q3 8u 2011-2019Full hot dip galvanized
Audi R8 (all modifications)Full hot dip galvanized
Audi Rs-6 (all modifications)Full hot dip galvanized
Audi S2Partial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi S6 C4 and C5Partial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi S6 C6 and C7Full hot dip galvanized
Audi Tt 8nPartial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi Tt 8j and 8sFull hot dip galvanized
Audi A2 8z 1999-2000Partial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi A2 8z 2001-2005Full hot dip galvanized
Audi A6 (all modifications)Full hot dip galvanized
Audi Cabriolet B4Partial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi Q5Full hot dip galvanized
Audi Rs-3Full hot dip galvanized
Audi Rs-7Full hot dip galvanized
Audi S3 8lPartial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi S3 8vFull hot dip galvanized
Audi S7Full hot dip galvanized
Audi 80 B3 and B4Partial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi A3 8lPartial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi A3 8p, 8pa, 8vFull hot dip galvanized
Audi A7Full hot dip galvanized
Audi Coupé 89Partial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi Q7Full hot dip galvanized
Audi Rs-4, Rs-5Full hot dip galvanized
Audi Rs-q3Full hot dip galvanized
Audi S4 C4 and B5Partial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi S4 B6, B7 and B8Full hot dip galvanized
Audi S8 D2Partial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi S8 D3, D4Full hot dip galvanized
Audi 90Partial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi A4Full hot dip galvanized
Audi A8Full hot dip galvanized
Audi Q8Full hot dip galvanized
Audi Quattro after 1986Partial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Audi S1, S5, Sq5Full hot dip galvanized
BMW 1, 2, 3 E90 and F30, 4, 5 E60 and G30, 6 after 2003, 7 after 1998, M3 after 2000, M4, M5 after 1998, M6 after 2004, X1, X3, X5, X6 , Z3 after 1998, Z4, M2, X2, X4
BMW 8, Z1, Z8
Chevrolet Astro after 1989, Cruze 1, Impala 7 and 8, Niva 2002-2008, Suburban Gmt400 and 800, Avalanche dorestylingPartial galvanized
Chevrolet Captiva, Cruze J300 and 3, Impala 9 and 10, Niva 2009-2019, Suburban Gmt900, Avalanche after restylingFull galvanized
Chevrolet Aveo, Epica, Lacetti, Orlando, Blazer 5, Cobalt, Evanda, Lanos, Camaro 5 and 6, Spark, Trail-blazerFull galvanized
Chevrolet Blazer 4, Camaro 4Partial galvanized
Chevrolet Corvette C4 and C5Partial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Chevrolet Corvette C6 and C7Full hot dip galvanized
Fiat 500, 600, Doblo, Ducato, Scudo, Siena after 2000, StiloPartial galvanized
Fiat Brava and Bravo before 1999, Tipo 1995
Ford Explorer, Focus, Fiesta, Mustang, Transit after 2001, Fusion, KugaFull hot dip galvanized
Ford Escort, Scorpio, SierraPartial hot-dip galvanized (one-sided)
Honda Accord, Civic, Cr-v, Fit, Stepwgn, Odyssey after 2005Full galvanized
Hyundai Accent, Elantra, Getz, Grandeur, Santa-fe, Solaris, Sonata, Terracan, Tucson after 2005
Hyundai GalloperCold galvanized nodal joints
Infiniti Qx30, Q30, Q40Full galvanized
Infiniti M-series until 2006Partial cold galvanized
Jaguar F-type Coupé, RoadsterFull hot dip galvanized
Jaguar S-type after 2007, Xe, E-paceFull galvanized
Land Rover Defender, Freelander, Range-rover after 2007Full galvanized
Mazda 5, 6, Cx-7 after 2006, Cx-5, Cx-8Full galvanized
Mercedes-Benz A-class, C-class, E-class, Vito, Sprinter minibus after 1998, B-class, M-class, X-class, Gls-classFull galvanized
Mitsubishi Galant, L200, Lancer, Montero, Pajero since 2000, Asx, OutlanderFull galvanized
Nissan Almera since 2012, March, Navara, X-trail since 2007, JukeFull galvanized
Opel Astra, Corsa, Vectra, Zafira since 2008Full galvanized
Porsche 911 since 1999, Cayenne, 918, Carrera-gtFull hot dip galvanized
Porsche 959Partial galvanized
Renault Megane, Scenic, Duster, KangooPartial Zinc Metal
Renault LoganFull galvanized
Seat Altea, Alhambra, Leon, MiiFull galvanized
Skoda Octavia since 1999, Fabia, Yeti, RapidFull galvanized
Toyota Camry since 2001, Corolla since 1991, Hilux and Land-cruiser since 2000Full galvanized
Volkswagen Amarok, Golf, Jetta, Tiguan, Polo, TouaregFull galvanized
Volvo C30, V40, V60, V70, V90, S90, Xc60Full hot dip galvanized
Lada Kalina, Priora, VAZ-2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 2115 since 2009, Granta, LargusPartial cold galvanized
Vaz-Oka, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107, 2108, 2109, 2110 since 1999Cold galvanized nodal joints