Truckers 3 technical characteristics of vehicles. “You are not alone”, group DDT

Probably, many seasoned gamers well remember the great game “Truckers 3. Conquest of America”. The passage of this toy, which combines strategy and driving simulator, can captivate even the most experienced player. And if you consider that it came out almost ten years ago, it becomes clear that the game has become a hit and a true classic, which is worth knowing more about.


Before talking about the walkthrough of the game "Truckers 3. Conquest of America", it is worth illuminating a little the background with which it begins.

The main character of the game was Nick - in his homeland his name was Nikolai Perepelov. By the will of fate, he was abandoned in the USA. There is nothing to do - you will have to settle here. Fortunately, Nick has a certain amount on hand. This is quite enough to buy your own truck - not the best, but you have to start somewhere. You will also have to organize your own company, and if there is money left, hire several drivers and provide them with inexpensive cars so that they can fulfill orders, bringing a certain profit.

When you manage to organize some passive income, you can get behind the wheel of the truck yourself, remember the good old days, and at the same time plunge headlong into exciting adventures.

Difficulty levels

After entering the key to “Truckers 3. Conquest of America” and starting to play for the first time, you need to select the appropriate difficulty level. There are three options to choose from: “Kettle”, “Trucker” and “Expert”. In general, they differ little. The only difference is in the starting conditions - the more difficult the level, the less money is given. For example, at the “Kettle” level the starting capital is 200 thousand dollars. In the “Trucker” mode, the amount is reduced to 150 thousand. Well, lovers of serious tests who chose “Expert” will have to be content with 100 thousand. Based on this, you need to buy your first car - this will seriously speed up or slow down the progress of the game.

Types of tasks

In general, when playing through the game “Truckers 3. Conquest of America,” you encounter several types of tasks. The simplest ones are informative. Here, as a rule, you just need to arrive at the specified place and talk to the person, receiving valuable information.

In other cases, you need to deliver important cargo to a designated point within the allotted time.

Quite a lot of missions are truck races - you need to overtake the enemy on a certain track.

Finally, there are quite a few random tasks - delivering goods, giving a ride to a travel companion, and others. Of course, this makes the passage of “Truckers 3. Conquest of America” more interesting and varied. You can find out more about additional tasks below.


So, you have completed activation in “Truckers 3. Conquest of America” with the key. And are ready to immerse yourself in a wonderful gaming atmosphere. Let's get started and prepare for the fact that the passage will take quite a lot of time.

The passage of “Truckers 3. Conquest of America” begins on March 6, 2014.

  1. Meeting with Koch on the track. You need to drive one mile in any direction from Oxnard. He will ask for a spray bottle, and a short conversation will take place.
  2. On March 8, Matthew will call with a request to help out his friend Dorothy. You can skip the task - it will not have any consequences. By accepting a task, you automatically fail the already active ones.
  3. At 12 noon on March 8, Koch will call, saying that Matthew is missing.
  4. On the night of March 9, Nick will be called to the Oxnard police station. You need to arrive here two hours in advance and find out that Matthew’s car was burned, and what happened to him is unknown.
  5. At noon on March 10, an anonymous person will call saying that he has information about Matthew. We arrive at the Oxnard bar at 4:00 pm or a little later. You need to bring one and a half thousand dollars with you - you will have to pay for the information.
  6. When meeting, the anonymous person will advise you to meet Peter in a bar in Santa Barbara - you need to arrive here in the evening of any day.
  7. Arriving at the bar, we find out that Peter is not here - his assistants will tell him to arrive a day later.
  8. Having met Peter, we talk and offer a bet - a race. It is necessary to overtake the enemy at any cost - even if you have to crash the truck. It is advisable to have a fast car. Having overtaken him, you need to rush between the lanes - otherwise you won’t be able to win. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to obtain valuable information.
  9. Returning to Oxnard, we go to the Topokinaka office in the west of the city. We complete the task in two hours.
  10. We receive an illegal task. We are going fast, so we need a fairly fast tractor. If we fail to complete the task, we fail the game. And when we win, we get a good payment. Moreover, Matthew receives the cargo - he is alive.
  11. Call the police again - we arrive in two hours. They say that Peter was killed by a gunman who belonged to Nick. They almost go to jail.
  12. In the evening, a call will ring and an unknown person will invite you to meet in Oxnard. Time is limited - you can’t be late, so as not to lose.
  13. Dakota will call at night and set up a meeting in Oxnard. We arrive at the place and talk with him.
  14. Matthew will call in the morning and arrange a meeting. There is quite a lot of time, but it is still not recommended to be late.
  15. When Nick approaches the fork near Lone Pine, Koch will call and advise you not to go further. If you go, all accepted tasks will be canceled, and Matthew will be killed when he defends the main character, but his rank will increase sharply. If you don’t go, Matthew will still die, but the quests will remain and you can earn decent money.
  16. Dakota will call at night and share the sad news - let's listen to them.
  17. In the evening, the bandits will call so that the player listens to their ultimatum.
  18. In the afternoon Monica will ring. She will tell you about the location of the criminal base.
  19. Dakota will call in the evening and make an appointment. Let's go there quickly - if we don't make it in time, Nick will be killed and the game will end.
  20. We quickly drive to the secret base - towards Mi Vuk Village. After finishing the serpentine, we turn right along a secret forest road. We drive along it and turn in the following sequence: right, and then left. We drive carefully so as not to crash into boulders.
  21. We jump over the rocks - the most difficult place in the game. We hold down the gas and accelerator, accelerating to 70 miles per hour. On the springboard we slow down. Having jumped over the rocks, we press the brake. Then we go right
  22. We watch the video and go after Koch. It is advisable to have a fast tractor. Let's catch up with him.
  23. We watch the final video and receive a prize. The story is over - you can play in free mode.

As you can see, the passage of “Truckers 3. Conquest of America” will more than once delight you with interesting twists and turns.

date of release

The game was released in Russia in November 2009. In the Czech Republic and Germany - in the spring of 2010. And a few months later - in the summer of 2010 - the release took place in the USA, Canada, Poland and the UK.

The version available for purchase online even appeared a little earlier than the discs - by several weeks or months.

To make the passage of “Truckers 3. Conquest of America” a little easier, it’s worth giving a few simple tips.

For example, you can select travel companions in the game - this will allow you to get additional profit, increasing the efficiency of your trips. But at the same time, be careful - among them there may well be robbers who are waiting for a naive and benevolent trucker. Listen to the radio carefully - sometimes DJs warn of such dangers.

It would also be a good idea to look through newspapers – trends are often mentioned in them. This information can significantly increase your earnings.

Racing is a good thing. Especially if you manage to combine them with the delivery of goods, you won’t have to burn fuel in vain, and there will be an extra incentive to deliver the cargo to the appointed place as quickly as possible.

The most successful mods

Not all fans of the game know that mods exist for Truckers 3: Conquest of America. And there are quite a lot of them - some significantly change the game, while others remain almost unnoticed. Below is a little about them.

Weather Mod – as the name implies, makes changes to the weather. Makes the game much more interesting, since you have to get used to the fact that the car's handling changes noticeably.

RPS is a mod for replacing a police siren, which doesn’t sound too believable, with a real one.

BqPlus is a fairly serious mod that eliminates some shortcomings, improves gameplay and simply adds some interesting innovations to the game.

Main advantages of the game

Perhaps the main advantage of the game is the atmosphere. Especially at night. Driving along a long highway, listening to country music - the favorite music of American truck drivers - and watching the raindrops running down the windshield... It's really something! You can forget about any problems and just relax, feel all the romance of the roads. Perhaps hardly any other toy can boast of such a deep atmosphere. Yes, during the day she gets lost. But even a few hours of the night will become simply unforgettable.

The large map is also an important advantage. The developers managed to put almost the entire state of California into the game! True, it had to be reduced tenfold, but still the accuracy of the tracks, the location of cities - all this deserves to be taken off before the game.

A serious advantage of the game “Truckers 3. Conquest of America” is its mechanics. It is designed simply superbly, especially if you remember when it was released. It can be described in a lot of detail, but it’s better to just play the game and evaluate the quality yourself.

The total length of highways available for the player to drive is 2 thousand kilometers - very impressive! Especially when you consider that in fact there are about 20 thousand kilometers of trails in California.

There are 40 cities scattered across the map, ranging from huge cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco to tiny towns. Of course, you can visit them all!

The fleet can become quite extensive - 16 tractors are available for purchase. Moreover, they can be modified over time to make passing the game “Truckers 3. Conquest of America” without a key or with a key even more fun.

Does the game have any disadvantages?

Unfortunately, there are very few large, large-scale games in which the developers took everything into account and managed to get rid of any shortcomings.

Of course, this trucker life simulator was no exception. The main complaint that ordinary gamers and picky critics made against it was the graphics. Needless to say, even for a game that was released ten years ago, the graphics are quite weak. This is especially noticeable when looking at the faces and figures of the characters. For some reason, having worked perfectly on the design of the cars, the creators of the game seemed to have forgotten about the appearance of people. And this immediately caused a storm of indignation.

The rest of the quibbles turned out to be either minor or subjective. But weak graphics are an important drawback, the presence of which even the most dedicated fans of the game, who steadfastly endure other attacks, are forced to agree with.


This concludes the article. Now you know more about an old but really good game. Perhaps, putting everything aside, you will decide to familiarize yourself with it. Or, remembering the good old days, install it from disk to go through it for the fifth time.

Good day to all! I want to bring to your attention a comparison of the games Euro truck Simulator 2 and Truckers 3. I know that there are people who believe that these games cannot be compared, but since there is nothing else to compare with, this material will still be published. And before I begin, I will ask all radicals on both sides to breathe deeper and not throw stones at the author; or whatever you have on hand? But I still hope that there won’t be any.

Let's start, perhaps, with what is the face of the game - graphics.

D-3, as you know, was released in 2009 and at that time the graphics were very, very weak. In fact, the game had graphics at the level of 2005-2007. The resolution of many textures is low. The models of cars you can drive are even more or less acceptable, but only until the first accident. The damage model is limited only to dangling parts, nothing falls off, and something completely disappears without a trace. There are no dents, scratches, cracks, etc. either. If you dig deeper and look at the models in Splinter, you will see that the truck models are made with a huge number of extra polygons (that’s the answer to the question about poor optimization).

But it is not all that bad. Dynamic lighting is implemented well. I won’t say anything about sunsets and sunrises at all, because they are simply beautiful and natural. By the way, the sky in general is probably one of the best, and coupled with 3D clouds it is pure realism. In rainy weather, you can see car lights reflected in puddles on the asphalt. From the cockpit it looks just as good, but there is a fly in the ointment. Drops are visible only on the windshield, with the exception of some tracks.

Now let's look at ETS 2. The graphics in the new product are not surprising, but they can't be called bad either. The truck models are made very clearly, and unlike D3 they are of higher quality in terms of the location of the polygons. The models do not use bump mapping, everything is carefully rendered by hand, but this in no way affects performance, although because of this the game loses some visual advantages. There is no damage model. The world around the player has become richer in landscapes, although it does not have much variety. Like in D3, ETS 2 has dynamic lighting, shadows are cast not only by objects in the outside world, but also in the interior. Rain has also been improved. Now on the glass, instead of something unclear, you can see drops, which, by the way, are on all glasses. One of the negative aspects is the blurriness of the image, especially closer to the horizon line. Well, about the painful thing: no matter how sophisticated the developers were with HDR, Bloom and other effects, the picture as a whole is pale and unnatural, and if you turn off some, then the first ETS appears in front of us in all its glory. There’s probably nothing more to complain about.


I think the winner here is already known. ETS 2 has a physics engine that makes car control realistic. There is nothing like that in D3. The physical model, if not completely absent, is very primitive.


In any game, in addition to some main task, in our case cargo transportation, there are others that make up the overall impression.

Truckers 3 provides an opportunity to earn a living beyond hauling cargo. You can participate in races, and use the money you earn to upgrade your truck. At the service station, by the way, sometimes you have to look for the necessary upgrade all over the map. On the roads there are often “voting” people who ask for a ride somewhere or a parcel, which undoubtedly makes the gameplay more varied. It also happens that job offers come directly from the walkie-talkie or even from the news on the radio. Bars in the game also exist for a reason. Even there you can find a job or just read a newspaper.

The company at the player's disposal is expandable. Branches can be opened in several cities. The vehicle fleet, by today's standards, is quite meager - 14 trucks. Although it could be more diverse. All machines are purchased through the main office or branch.

There are noticeably fewer features in ETS 2. As in D3, you can completely tune the truck. Cargo transportation is carried out in two ways:

Agencies that provide, in addition to the order itself, a car to carry it out, but the cars are far from the best. This is very important if you don’t yet have the money to buy a personal car. But even if you have your own tractor, you can take a profitable order, fortunately they come across quite often. By the way, the starting point can be in any part of the map. You will be teleported there automatically, and upon completion You will find yourself in the place where you took the order.

Direct transportation. Performed in a personal truck. You will have to get to the cargo yourself, so it is better to analyze everything in advance so as not to waste time and money. These cargoes usually pay more, but the fuel costs fall on you.

Cargo, in turn, is divided into categories: ordinary, dangerous, urgent, oversized, fragile, overweight. Each has its own characteristics. An alternative to this in D3 is a tender.

Cars are bought at car dealerships, which are not available in all cities. Upgrades are opening gradually. Instead of branches, ETS 2 provides garages that need to be purchased to expand your vehicle fleet. Unlike D3, where in order to deliver cargo from a certain area of ​​the map you need to have a branch there, in ETS 2 you can move freely across the entire map. For hired drivers, you need to buy cars, just like in D3. Among other “goodies” I would like to note the driver’s fatigue. Your character is gradually getting tired and you need to look for a resting place for him. And where you can’t drive a truck, another transport comes into play, a ferry or a train, which will transport both you and your tractor. Speaking of trains, there are also railway crossings in the game and from time to time there is a need to miss a train. In D3, moving trains are not implemented, although there are also crossings.

Traffic rules

Both games have some rules of the road. Violation of them will naturally result in a fine. What can you get a fine for in Truckers 3:

For an accident
-Dangerous driving

-Collision with a pedestrian (if there is a mod that adds these pedestrians)
-Assault on the police
-Driving in the oncoming lane

This list could be much longer... If you know what I mean.

ETS 2:
-Traffic accident
-Running a red light
-Over speed
-Driving in the dark without headlights on.
-Driving in the oncoming lane

Although there are pedestrians in ETS 2, they are carefully fenced off from the player. In D3 they even try to cross the road, and in some places (SUDDENLY) they enter houses. Proof: . They can also sit on benches and break stops.


If we put aside all the bugs and shortcomings of Truckers 3, then the game turns out no worse, and in some cases, maybe better than ETS 2. Do you know why? Because the world of D3 is filled with characters, each of them has their own little story. Why go far? Our main character Nick is not a silent anonymous person, but a completely alive person who can not only turn the steering wheel but also talk. He has his own character, his own view of things. He keeps a journal in which he writes various notes as he progresses through the story or quests. Remember when I said that the overall impression is made up of little things like this? In the end, there is a feeling that you are not alone. Yes, D3 is a very crude game, I don’t dare argue with that. But in return we get a great atmosphere, which ETS 2 is so lacking. Yes, ETS 2 is better technically, but it remains as dull as it was. There may be more realism there, but you need to know where the border is so as not to make games soulless simulator! That's the point...

Thank you for your attention! If I missed something, please fill me in.

Good day everyone, friends!

Not long ago, we discussed interviews about our game, and today I would like to discuss some of the cars available in it. I hope you enjoy the material...

For a professional driver, a car is practically a second home. And especially for a truck driver, since he spends most of his life on the road. If you think about this figure, it becomes clear why so much attention is paid to the choice of car, its external style, ease of use, layout and interior decoration of the cabin.

Naturally, in Truckers 3 we tried to convey the possibilities of choosing and tuning a truck as accurately as possible, so in this material we will talk about three licensed brands of truck tractors presented in the game: Freightliner, Western Star and Sterling.

First, let's define the terms:

A truck tractor is a self-propelled transport vehicle designed for towing semi-trailers attached to the vehicle using a special coupling mechanism - a saddle.

Semitrailer is a vehicle without an engine, designed for the transport of goods and equipped to couple with a tractor in such a way that a significant part of the load is transferred to the rear wheels of the tractor.

Trunk truck tractor

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

(namely, truckers work for them) is designed for transporting goods along roads with artificial turf.


That same year, Consolidated Freight Lines engineers decided to independently undertake the reconstruction of the trucks at their disposal. It was these experiments that led to a number of innovations, such as the use of aluminum in brake pads and van upholstery. In general, the company’s employees brought many innovations to the industry, one of which is familiar to every person interested in trucks. We are, of course, talking about COE (cab over engine) - the cabin above the engine. The fact is that in the USA such characteristics of a cargo vehicle as weight and total length of the train were regulated by law. Thus, thanks to the shortened cabin, it became possible to attach longer trailers to the tractors and, accordingly, transport a larger volume of cargo.

Until 1940, James never decided to take on the commercial production of his tractors, but teamed up with five other transport companies to mass-produce vehicles for personal use. Leland renames the company Consolidated Freightways, and the newly formed union takes the proud name Freightways Company Inc.

Closer to World War II, the formation of Consolidated Freightways as an automaker began. This happened when the company first supplied its production units to another concern for the rapid assembly of tractors. A little later, Vice President Tom Taylor announced that Consolidated Freightways intends to engage in commercial production itself, since it is able to do it more quickly, and most importantly, with high quality.

By 1942, the company received its final name – Freightliner Corporation. By this time, several trucks with the new emblem on the radiators had already been produced. The last war years became a difficult time for the company, since, unlike many competitors, it was not easy for it to rebuild its factories for the needs of the front. However, over the next few years, the corporation rises sharply thanks to the competent commercial policies of Vice President Lester Kassebaum. Later, Freightliner Corporation will receive an order for tracks with a sleeping compartment (slipper). The very idea of ​​a slipper belongs to another major manufacturer, but its introduction into trucks under the Freightliner brand helped the new solution to establish itself in the market and survive to this day.

The company was doing excellently, truck sales were growing, new models were being released... however, something was missing for larger-scale development. The opportunity for the long-awaited expansion appeared in the early 1980s, when a European player, Daimler-Benz, entered the American market, promoting Mercedes-Benz tractors. The concern buys the Freightliner division from Consolidated Freightways and supplies it with all the necessary resources, receiving in return a name well-known in the American market.

In 1997, Freightliner bought the entire long-haul tractor division from Ford and renamed it Sterling. And in 2000, the deal to acquire another well-known manufacturer, Western Star, was completed.

Classic XL

The classic series of Freightliner tractors combines strict design and modern technology. For many years, the Freightliner Classic XL has been one of the winners at The Truck Show. The original and strict design of the cars in this series still evokes the admiration of not only professional drivers, but also ordinary visitors to the exhibition. The Classic XL is a unique vehicle, the longest of its classic brethren, measuring 132 inches (3,330 mm) from bumper to rear wall on a standard cab.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The cabin is made of aluminum alloy, which provides greater load capacity and fuel economy. The basic concepts of such tractors were developed by the company during difficult times for the American automotive industry, when oil prices rose sharply, as a result of which many market participants lost ground, unable to meet new customer requirements.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The interior decoration of the cabin also earned the most flattering reviews from many drivers. It's easy to explain. Freightliner Classic is available in two versions - day-cab (day cab, without sleeping bag) and sleeper box (sleeping compartment with a height of 48 to 84 inches *). Thus, everyone can choose the version of the tractor that suits them, taking into account the desired amount of available space. "Truckers 3" introduces a "slipper" option, since trucking takes place all over the state and can take several days. Of course, in the game you will have to spend the night in motels, because this is what truck drivers in the USA do now, but still the trucks must meet the requirements of transport companies.

Among other things, the sleeping compartment has an air conditioning system and even a TV stand. The interior walls are lined with vinyl panels.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The Freightliner Classic XL has a very spacious and ergonomic driver's seat. Especially for convenience, the right side of the dashboard is slightly curved towards the driver, which creates the feeling of a more compact workplace, where everything is at hand. The factory version of the panel is made to look like wood and resembles expensive furniture.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

Despite its large dimensions and slightly angular shape, the Classic XL creates a feeling of luxury and comfort, which is sometimes so lacking in the trucks of competitors who have forgotten how important the car is for its owner.

Century Class

The first Freightliner truck produced after the transition to the control of the Daimler-Benz concern. Its very name Century – translated into Russian as “century”, “century” – already speaks volumes. This is a kind of challenge not only to competitors, but also to time, because this model was born in 1995 and personified the achievements with which Freightliner was going to enter the 21st century. Engineers were constantly improving the design of the tractor, as a result of which they created such a convenient and fault-tolerant vehicle that in 1999 the Freightliner Century received a special designation “S/T” (Safety/Technology), symbolizing safety and manufacturability.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The main features of the Century are the self-adjusting clutch and the special aerodynamics of the hood. The second allows you to significantly reduce fuel consumption due to a decrease in the level of resistance. For the same purpose, a special radiator grille has been developed, which increases air flow and promotes more efficient cooling.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The cabin is made of lightweight and wear-resistant materials, and the vibration control system, isolating the driver from extraneous noise, makes driving in the Freightliner Century Class S/T quiet and calm.

Among the high-tech “stuffing” of the tractor, one can highlight the Driver Message Center driver information system, which is an on-board computer that promptly warns the driver about fluid levels, equipment malfunctions and much more.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The Freightliner Century Class has a number of other features. For example, a bumper consists of two parts: a central steel one and plastic side ones. Thanks to this approach, in the event of a collision, the amount of overall damage to the car is reduced, and subsequent repairs will cost much less.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The steering angle of the front wheels is 50 degrees, which allows for more precise maneuvering when reversing and has a positive effect on the controllability of the truck as a whole.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The curved windshield consists of two parts. This technique, similar to a bumper, is designed to reduce costs in case of damage.

The special level of security deserves special mention. For example, the Roll Stability Control system helps control steering during a skid by braking and reducing power, and the Roll Stability Advisor warns the driver of a possible skid.

In fact, the Freightliner Century Class S/T is the first American Class 8 truck to meet (if not exceed) Swedish and European ECE R-29 crash tests. We can say that this is one of the most reliable long-haul tractors in the world.


The Coronado is the most powerful Class 8 tractor in Freightliner's lineup, combining the best features of the Classic XL and FLD 120SD. Thanks to the large radiator and long hood, the Coronado can accommodate any Class 8 diesel engine from 425 to 600 hp. with Jake Brake function (engine braking).

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The cabin and some internal components are made of aluminum to reduce the weight of the tractor and increase its payload.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The instrument panel is reminiscent of the Classic XL model: its right side is also curved, which allows you to keep all the main controls and indicators in sight. Once again, the designers have designed the interior of the cabin with a certain amount of luxury: the dashboard is decorated with Oregon Burl wood elements, the steering wheel is designed in a VIP style, it has chrome spokes with leather and wood trim.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

Freightliner Coronado's front wheels swivel 50 degrees for excellent maneuverability in tight spaces and heavy traffic.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

Thanks to the chrome bumper on the outside, the cab is well protected from damage. The design is aimed at reducing costs in the event of an accident or other incident, so the wings of the machine can be replaced individually.

Argosy is named after the ancient Greek pioneer ship Argo. The “youngest” tractor from Freightliner, born in 1998. More than $70 million was spent on development, but by all accounts it was worth it. Argosy has not only a unique design, but also excellent technical characteristics. For example, its stability and controllability are not affected by an increase in the total load. In addition, Freightliner engineers did not forget about driver comfort by solving the problem of getting into the cabin: steps are installed on the driver and passenger sides that extend when the doors are opened and retract when closed.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The Freightliner Argosy features many improvements that were planned for other models but were not implemented for various reasons. These include, for example, a thermally insulating partition between the engine and the driver’s cabin, which was designed for the Century Class. Of course, the most noticeable thing about the “Large Merchant Ship” (and this is exactly how Argosy is translated) is the absence of a long hood, which is inherent in many mainline tractors, and indeed in the “freightliners” themselves. In this model, the engine is located where it belongs - behind the radiator grille under the driver's seat. Thanks to this solution, the cabin design became more reliable (SAE standards** were exceeded).

The Argosy also stands out for its maneuvering capabilities. Thanks to the steering angle (50 degrees) and the distance between the center of the front axle and the bumper (40 inches), improved weight transfer is ensured.

The interior of the cabin has also undergone a number of changes, although the dashboard, according to tradition, is curved. The elements located on the panel have become larger and are all highlighted. The Driver Information System now works in conjunction with the Data Logging Unit (DLU) to receive and record fault messages. Then this data can be easily transferred to a regular computer and the cause of the problem can be determined.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The history of the Sterling brand is not as rich as that of Freightliner. The most interesting fact is probably the presence of five different enterprises called Sterling. Moreover, they were created at different times, by different people, but all in the automotive sector. However, at the moment there is one manufacturer in the world called Sterling, which, as mentioned above, is the former freight division of Ford, bought out by Freightliner in 1999.

Heavy mainline tractors are represented by several modifications of vehicles with the A9500 index, which differ in many technical parameters (engine brand and power, gearbox type, suspension design, dimensions and type of sleeping compartment). The undisputed flagship of the A9500 series is the Silver Star model. The “Silver Star” – a powerful, reliable, easy-to-use, comfortable and truly beautiful car – contains all the best developments of Sterling. This is a quintessentially American long-distance truck, designed and equipped to make the driver feel right at home. True, the basic configuration of the tractor does not pamper the buyer. Standard equipment includes only roof-mounted marker lights and an air purifier. But for an additional fee, the Sterling 9500 acquires many additional devices, such as an improved aerodynamic package and others.

How to conquer America

Western Star

Unlike most other North American truck manufacturers, Western Star is a relatively young company - it was founded in 1967 and quickly managed to gain a foothold in the market, producing a range of models of heavy trucks for various purposes (highway and special). Initially, the cars were assembled at a plant in the Canadian province of British Columbia, and at the beginning of this century - after the company became part of the Freightliner concern - production moved to Portland (Oregon).

4900EX LowMax

The star flagship is rightfully considered the EX 4900 long-haul tractor, which is mainly intended for individual truckers who prefer classic cars. Beginning in 2002, the Western Star EX 4900 was available in the LowMax version, which has a sleeper cab height nearly a full foot lower than standard models.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The LowMax hugs the road like a racing car, but at the same time retains all the charm of a classic American truck.

How to conquer America

How to conquer America

The center of gravity of this machine is very low, which gives it greater stability and controllability and makes it ideal for towing trailers with a high center of gravity - car transporters, grain hoppers, livestock carriers - as well as for transporting sea yachts.

**Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE)

A long time ago, in the capital of Siberia - Novosibirsk, the IT company SoftLab-NSK developed an interesting and outlandish product for its time - a cargo transportation simulator called “Truckers”. It would seem that this is not an entertaining topic at all, but users all over the world thought differently.

Good gameplay, a cozy atmosphere and a large assortment of available trucks have made Truckers a real brand. A little later, the developers refined the ideas of the original and presented the world with the second part, where for the first time in a project of this kind freedom of action was realized, adorned with an economic system and fierce competition in the field of transport transportation. And now, a few years later, the third part of the game has slowly but surely come to us - “Truckers 3: Conquest of America” (or Rig’n’Roll). Already from the name it is clear that we are talking about the expanses of the USA, which means you will have to drive brutal American tractors. Our material today is dedicated to some of them.

For a professional driver, a car is practically a second home. And especially for a truck driver, since he spends most of his life on the road. If you think about this figure, it becomes clear why so much attention is paid to the choice of car, its external style, ease of use, layout and interior decoration of the cabin. Naturally, in Truckers 3 we tried to convey the possibilities of choosing and tuning a truck as accurately as possible, so in this material we will talk about three licensed brands of truck tractors presented in the game: Freightliner, Western Star and Sterling.

First, let's define the terms:

Truck tractor(truck tractor) is a self-propelled transport vehicle designed for towing semi-trailers attached to the vehicle using a special coupling mechanism - a saddle.

Semitrailer is a vehicle without an engine, designed for the transport of goods and equipped to couple with a tractor in such a way that a significant part of the load is transferred to the rear wheels of the tractor.

Trunk A truck tractor (which is what truckers work on) is designed to transport goods along roads with artificial turf.


That same year, Consolidated Freight Lines engineers decided to independently undertake the reconstruction of the trucks at their disposal. It was these experiments that led to a number of innovations, such as the use of aluminum in brake pads and van upholstery. In general, the company’s employees brought many innovations to the industry, one of which is familiar to every person interested in trucks. We are, of course, talking about COE (cab over engine) - the cabin above the engine. The fact is that in the USA such characteristics of a cargo vehicle as weight and total length of the train were regulated by law. Thus, thanks to the shortened cabin, it became possible to attach longer trailers to the tractors and, accordingly, transport a larger volume of cargo.

Until 1940, James never decided to take on the commercial production of his tractors, but teamed up with five other transport companies to mass-produce vehicles for personal use. Leland renames the company Consolidated Freightways, and the newly formed union takes the proud name Freightways Company Inc. Closer to World War II, the formation of Consolidated Freightways as an automaker began. This happened when the company first supplied its production units to another concern for the rapid assembly of tractors. A little later, Vice President Tom Taylor announced that Consolidated Freightways intends to engage in commercial production itself, since it is able to do it more quickly, and most importantly, with high quality.

By 1942, the company received its final name – Freightliner Corporation. By this time, several trucks with the new emblem on the radiators had already been produced. The last war years became a difficult time for the company, since, unlike many competitors, it was not easy for it to rebuild its factories for the needs of the front. However, over the next few years, the corporation rises sharply thanks to the competent commercial policies of Vice President Lester Kassebaum. Later, Freightliner Corporation will receive an order for tracks with a sleeping compartment (slipper). The very idea of ​​a slipper belongs to another major manufacturer, but its introduction into trucks under the Freightliner brand helped the new solution to establish itself in the market and survive to this day.

The company was doing excellently, truck sales were growing, new models were being released... however, something was missing for larger-scale development. The opportunity for the long-awaited expansion appeared in the early 1980s, when a European player, Daimler-Benz, entered the American market, promoting Mercedes-Benz tractors. The concern buys the Freightliner division from Consolidated Freightways and supplies it with all the necessary resources, receiving in return a name well-known in the American market.

In 1997, Freightliner bought the entire long-haul tractor division from Ford and renamed it Sterling. And in 2000, the deal to acquire another well-known manufacturer, Western Star, was completed.

Classic XL

The classic series of Freightliner tractors combines strict design and modern technology. For many years, the Freightliner Classic XL has been one of the winners at The Truck Show. The original and strict design of the cars in this series still evokes the admiration of not only professional drivers, but also ordinary visitors to the exhibition. The Classic XL is a unique vehicle, the longest of its classic brethren, measuring 132 inches (3,330 mm) from bumper to rear wall on a standard cab.

The cabin is made of aluminum alloy, which provides greater load capacity and fuel economy. The basic concepts of such tractors were developed by the company during difficult times for the American automotive industry, when oil prices rose sharply, as a result of which many market participants lost ground, unable to meet new customer requirements.

The interior decoration of the cabin also earned the most flattering reviews from many drivers. It's easy to explain. Freightliner Classic is available in two versions - day-cab (day cab, without sleeping bag) and sleeper box (sleeping compartment with a height of 48 to 84 inches *). Thus, everyone can choose the version of the tractor that suits them, taking into account the desired amount of available space. "Truckers 3" introduces a "slipper" option, since trucking takes place all over the state and can take several days. Of course, in the game you will have to spend the night in motels, because this is what truck drivers in the USA do now, but still the trucks must meet the requirements of transport companies.

Among other things, the sleeping compartment has an air conditioning system and even a TV stand. The interior walls are lined with vinyl panels. The Freightliner Classic XL has a very spacious and ergonomic driver's seat. Especially for convenience, the right side of the dashboard is slightly curved towards the driver, which creates the feeling of a more compact workplace, where everything is at hand. The factory version of the panel is made to look like wood and resembles expensive furniture.

Despite its large dimensions and slightly angular shape, the Classic XL creates a feeling of luxury and comfort, which is sometimes so lacking in the trucks of competitors who have forgotten how important the car is for its owner.

Century Class

The first Freightliner truck produced after the transition to the control of the Daimler-Benz concern. Its very name Century – translated into Russian as “century”, “century” – already speaks volumes. This is a kind of challenge not only to competitors, but also to time, because this model was born in 1995 and personified the achievements with which Freightliner was going to enter the 21st century.

Engineers were constantly improving the design of the tractor, as a result of which they created such a convenient and fault-tolerant transport that in 1999 the Freightliner Century received a special designation S/T" (Safety/Technology), symbolizing safety and manufacturability. The main features of the Century are a self-adjusting clutch and special aerodynamics of the hood. The second allows you to significantly reduce fuel consumption, due to a decrease in the level of resistance. For the same purpose, a special radiator grille has been developed, which increases air flow and promotes more efficient cooling.

The cabin is made of lightweight and wear-resistant materials, and the vibration control system, isolating the driver from extraneous noise, makes driving in the Freightliner Century Class S/T quiet and calm.

Among the high-tech “stuffing” of the tractor, one can highlight the Driver Message Center driver information system, which is an on-board computer that promptly warns the driver about fluid levels, equipment malfunctions and much more.

The Freightliner Century Class has a number of other features. For example, a bumper consists of two parts: a central steel one and plastic side ones. Thanks to this approach, in the event of a collision, the amount of overall damage to the car is reduced, and subsequent repairs will cost much less.

The steering angle of the front wheels is 50 degrees, which allows for more precise maneuvering when reversing and has a positive effect on the controllability of the truck as a whole.

The curved windshield consists of two parts. This technique, similar to a bumper, is designed to reduce costs in case of damage.

The special level of security deserves special mention. For example, the Roll Stability Control system helps control steering during a skid by braking and reducing power, and the Roll Stability Advisor warns the driver of a possible skid.

In fact, the Freightliner Century Class S/T is the first American Class 8 truck to meet (if not exceed) Swedish and European ECE R-29 crash tests. We can say that this is one of the most reliable long-haul tractors in the world.


The Coronado is the most powerful Class 8 tractor in Freightliner's lineup, combining the best features of the Classic XL and FLD 120SD. Thanks to the large radiator and long hood, the Coronado can accommodate any Class 8 diesel engine from 425 to 600 hp. with Jake Brake function (engine braking).

The cabin and some internal components are made of aluminum to reduce the weight of the tractor and increase its payload.

The instrument panel is reminiscent of the Classic XL model: its right side is also curved, which allows you to keep all the main controls and indicators in sight. Once again, the designers have designed the interior of the cabin with a certain amount of luxury: the dashboard is decorated with Oregon Burl wood elements, the steering wheel is designed in a VIP style, it has chrome spokes with leather and wood trim.

Freightliner Coronado's front wheels swivel 50 degrees for excellent maneuverability in tight spaces and heavy traffic.

Thanks to the chrome bumper on the outside, the cab is well protected from damage. The design is aimed at reducing costs in the event of an accident or other incident, so the wings of the machine can be replaced individually.

Argosy is named after the ancient Greek pioneer ship Argo. The “youngest” tractor from Freightliner, born in 1998. More than $70 million was spent on development, but by all accounts it was worth it. Argosy has not only a unique design, but also excellent technical characteristics. For example, its stability and controllability are not affected by an increase in the total load. In addition, Freightliner engineers did not forget about driver comfort by solving the problem of getting into the cabin: steps are installed on the driver and passenger sides that extend when the doors are opened and retract when closed.

The Freightliner Argosy features many improvements that were planned for other models but were not implemented for various reasons. These include, for example, a thermally insulating partition between the engine and the driver’s cabin, which was designed for the Century Class. Of course, the most noticeable thing about the “Large Merchant Ship” (and this is exactly how Argosy is translated) is the absence of a long hood, which is inherent in many mainline tractors, and indeed in the “freightliners” themselves. In this model, the engine is located where it belongs - behind the radiator grille under the driver's seat. Thanks to this solution, the cabin design became more reliable.

The Argosy also stands out for its maneuvering capabilities. Thanks to the steering angle (50 degrees) and the distance between the center of the front axle and the bumper (40 inches), improved weight transfer is ensured.

The interior of the cabin has also undergone a number of changes, although the dashboard, according to tradition, is curved. The elements located on the panel have become larger and are all highlighted. The Driver Information System now works in conjunction with the Data Logging Unit (DLU) to receive and record fault messages. Then this data can be easily transferred to a regular computer and the cause of the problem can be determined.


The history of the Sterling brand is not as rich as that of Freightliner. The most interesting fact is probably the presence of five different enterprises called Sterling. Moreover, they were created at different times, by different people, but all in the automotive sector. However, at the moment there is one manufacturer in the world called Sterling, which, as mentioned above, is the former freight division of Ford, bought out by Freightliner in 1999.

Heavy mainline tractors are represented by several modifications of vehicles with the A9500 index, which differ in many technical parameters (engine brand and power, gearbox type, suspension design, dimensions and type of sleeping compartment). The undisputed flagship of the A9500 series is the Silver Star model.

The “Silver Star” – a powerful, reliable, easy-to-use, comfortable and truly beautiful car – contains all the best developments of Sterling. This is a quintessentially American long-distance truck, designed and equipped to make the driver feel right at home. True, the basic configuration of the tractor does not pamper the buyer. Standard equipment includes only roof-mounted marker lights and an air purifier. But for an additional fee, the Sterling 9500 acquires many additional devices, such as an improved aerodynamic package and others.

Sterling 9500 is available in two wheel arrangements - 4x2 and 6x4. The game presents the second option. Its weight is 30 tons.

Western Star

Unlike most other North American truck manufacturers, Western Star is a relatively young company - it was founded in 1967 and quickly managed to gain a foothold in the market, producing a range of models of heavy trucks for various purposes (highway and special). Initially, the cars were assembled at a plant in the Canadian province of British Columbia, and at the beginning of this century - after the company became part of the Freightliner concern - production moved to Portland (Oregon).

The star flagship is rightfully considered the EX 4900 long-haul tractor, which is mainly intended for individual truckers who prefer classic cars. Beginning in 2002, the Western Star EX 4900 was available in the LowMax version, which has a sleeper cab height nearly a full foot lower than standard models.

The LowMax hugs the road like a racing car, but at the same time retains all the charm of a classic American truck.

The center of gravity of this machine is very low, which gives it greater stability and controllability and makes it ideal for towing trailers with a high center of gravity - car transporters, grain hoppers, livestock carriers - as well as for transporting sea yachts.

If you read this article to the end, you have not only expanded your horizons and knowledge in the field of American tractors, but also expanded your army of Truckers fans in absentia. Of course, screenshots from the game cause a lot of criticism and internal contradiction in emotions. The game definitely won’t be able to please the gamer spoiled by gaming blockbusters with modern graphics. Time will tell whether the new “Truckers” will be able to “come out” due to attention to detail, a well-developed game world, and a focus on the atmosphere and romance of being a truck driver. There's not long to wait. Until November.

* 121–212 cm
** Society of Automobile Engineers, SAE

The project is an arcade game about truckers. At the start, the player is given the choice of the main character. It could be a blonde, a black man, a stupid guy, or an inveterate drinker. A special feature of the game is the earnings system: the main income comes from delivering cargo within a certain period of time. The more difficult the path, the greater the reward, and if you are late, the driver will not receive anything. In addition to the usual routine of a truck driver, there are various tasks, for example, destroying stalls, gas stations, escaping from the police.
The cheerful atmosphere and interesting characters do not let you get bored.

Hard Truck Apocalypse (2005)

The world after the end of the world still continues to live. The Apocalypse has driven people to the brink, and they are forced to create a civilization almost from scratch. Truckers are not just drivers of large cars, but warriors who have to overcome not only obstacles, but also rivals on their way. The player will have to transport cargo, study the culture of the past, and also equip his iron behemoth with various weapons. Among other things, there is a plot in which you need to take a direct part. And some decisions will affect the future fate of the main character, which puts the game in 9th place.

Transportando o Brasil (2009)

An interesting simulator that takes place in South America. The main feature of the game is the ability to get out of the truck as a character. The character walks the roads on his own two feet with absolute ease. In terms of the trucker’s work, everything remains the same – the main task is to deliver the necessary cargo from one point to another. The game is not fully developed, so bugs often occur when a character passes through textures or gets stuck in them.

Extreme Roads USA (2014)

The name fully justifies the gameplay. Extreme roads are located all over the map and you will have to navigate them at your own peril and risk. Cargo delivery becomes a complex process that requires attentiveness and accuracy from the driver. Each of the five trucks has its own unique characteristics that affect your driving style. No other features of the gameplay that differed from its competitors were noticed, so the simulator takes 7th place.

Trucker 2 (2009)

The game is a racing simulator of a truck driver. There are a large number of different trucks to choose from, and to achieve perfection in driving large vehicles, you will have to complete as many as 60 missions. The order in which each is completed depends entirely on the player. The main feature of Trucker is the realistic physics of not only driving, but also the process of destruction. Various weather conditions, as well as the change of day, pleasantly please the eyes of users. For its love of speed, the project takes 6th place.

Truckers 3: Conquering America (2009)

The adventures of a Russian truck driver in California is the main idea of ​​the game. The developers tried to thoroughly transfer the real expanses of the American state into virtual reality. Notable cities: Los Angeles and San Francisco; a decent set of trucks, which includes about 20 models, plus color variations. The game will not only put users in the shoes of a Russian truck driver in the USA, but will also try to find friends and enemies for the main character who will influence the plot.

The gameplay allows you to repair not the entire car at once, but only specific parts that the player can choose.

18 Steel Wheels: Extreme Trucker 2 (2011)

A worthy successor to its series of games, Extreme Trucker 2 moves to America and Australia. It is in these countries that truck drivers will have to work. Multi-ton giants will have to make their way through off-road terrain to deliver the necessary cargo. You should forget about the beautiful and smooth asphalt, because it will appear here extremely rarely. The developers decided to add random situations that are extreme in nature. Players will have to get out of them, relying not only on the properties of the car, but also on dexterity and a creative approach to passing.

Spintires (2014)

Overcoming off-road conditions is what this project can be called. Truck drivers will have to master Soviet trucks, which will begin their journey through the remote taiga with all its adventures. There is no smell of any good roads here, much less asphalt. You will have to knead the dirt, constantly leaving behind a huge rut, which the player will remember everything on the next trip. The main feature of the project is the deformation of the road. Depending on how the route is covered, the surface will change following the player’s actions. Drowning a truck in the mud is a piece of cake for beginners.

Truckers 2 (2001)

A legend of Russian gaming industry. Truckers 2 is one of the best heavy truck simulators. Despite the fact that the game is quite old, it boasts a free world, each of the characters of which goes about their own business: drivers transport goods or participate in races on the highway, police officers issue tickets and look out for bandits, and road robbers prowl in search of their next prey. Truckers 2 has a special atmosphere. Traveling along the road can be quite interesting, with random events happening all the time. Just look at the bandits in black jeeps. For all these memories and songs of the Aria group, a well-deserved second place.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 (2012)

The game is the ideal truck driver simulator. Everything, from cars to graphic design, is done at a high level. Realistic controls and physics of driving a cargo vehicle while transporting goods throughout Europe makes you feel like a real seasoned truck driver. The developers even took care of such an issue as driver fatigue. The player will have to give his virtual alter ego a rest so that he does not start closing his eyes right on the road. Thanks to a thoroughly developed world, the project deservedly takes first place in the top.