Notification of an accident European protocol. Registration of road accidents according to the European protocol. Is an emergency commissioner required when registering the Europrotocol?

You have been involved in an accident. The accident is minor (someone slightly scraped or scratched someone), both parties do not want to call state traffic inspectors to the scene. It is for such drivers that there is a new way to legally file an accident case and receive insurance compensation.

The essence of the concept of “Euro protocol” (EP)

The Europrotocol is a document that allows you to resolve a traffic accident, without the intervention of the traffic police, by the participants in the accident, using a Euro-unified form.

The EP allows victims not only to understand the collision situation, but also to compensate for losses.

The EP form is issued to the driver free of charge by the insurance agent. If you have lost the form, it is possible to receive it again based on a corresponding written application from the owner of the vehicle.

  1. Who and when can use the Europrotocol service?
  2. Both drivers agree to resolve the conflict without involving inspectors, in an indisputable way.
  3. The accident occurred without a fatal outcome - there were no dead or injured at the scene of the accident.
  4. Only in a situation where the participants in the accident were not under the influence of any drugs, alcohol or other chemicals.

If both vehicles are covered by the MTPL insurance policy.

Based on a document prepared by the Central Bank on October 1, 2014, owners of CASCO policies also have the right to file a minor accident without calling an inspector. Previously, in order to receive payment under the European protocol, the owner of CASCO required a certificate of an accident from the traffic police.

The amount of payment under the European protocol after an accident does not exceed 50,000 rubles for the regions, and 400,000 rubles for Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region (registered from 08/02/2014). Otherwise, your insurance company has the right not to pay for this damage.

What advantages does the European protocol bring?

Saving driver's personal time.

You do not have to call the traffic police, thereby you do not risk losing your driver's documentation. You will get rid of unnecessary fuss, fines and other nuances.

What and how to do when filling out the European protocol

Rules and steps

Make sure the owners' and their vehicles' documents are in order (correct insurance, driver's license, title or power of attorney).

If neither you nor the other driver was injured in the accident, proceed to the agreement. One of the drivers must take the blame for the incident. If one of the car owners is aggressive, you need to resort to the help of traffic police officers.

Carefully examine the document form, and only then proceed to fill it out. You have the right to contact the insurance company and ask for help from an insurance agent. In turn, the latter is obliged to appear at the scene of the accident, help fill out the document correctly, explain the procedure for filling it out or show an example, if necessary, find witnesses, explain all the nuances and results of filling out the European protocol.

Direct preparation of a protocol and drawing of a collision diagram. Be attentive to each item; drivers must fill out the form together. The accident diagram should display not only a description of the collision, but also determine the presence of road signs, markings and other details of the accident site.

Direct contact to the insurance company.

Waiting for compensation.

How to correctly fill out a European protocol in case of an accident

It is important to remember, one accident – ​​one form. In the chapter “Notification of an accident,” indicate the date, time, and location of the incident, points (1 and 2). Paragraphs 3, 4, 5 should display the general situation of the traffic accident (damage to the car), information about witnesses. The document consists of a front side and a back side.

Both sides must be completed by two owners. This is why there is zone “A” and zone “B”. In the protocol form, indicate the following information:

  • about the owner (contacts);
  • transport (brand, insurance, registration);
  • insurance company;
  • general information about the driver (driving license).

Victims must also indicate the features of the initial collision, the circumstances of the accident, visible damage to vehicles (scratches, dents, cracks, etc.). Pay special attention to paragraph 14.

In the chapter “My remarks”, one of the parties to the accident is obliged to admit his guilt, while the other must write information about who is at fault for the accident. Also, when drawing up a protocol, drivers must draw a diagram of the collision as accurately as possible, adhering to special rules and signs. It is important to ensure that the drivers’ signatures are in both zones “A” and “B” (the front side of the document).

After filling out the form, drivers have the right to divide the European protocol. The reverse side of the accident notice is filled out by everyone independently.

What is important

  1. Signatures of those involved in the accident are required.
  2. Corrections and errors in the form are unacceptable.
  3. Easy accident, no casualties.
  4. The protocol is certified only by the insurance company.

No later than 3 working days, you must contact the insurance company and submit the EP document. Remember - the company not only has the right, it must assess the condition of the vehicle in order to accurately determine the damage and assign an insurance payment. Owners must retain damaged property until it is inspected.

It would be better if the accident was additionally recorded using a camera or video, linked to the location, with all details filmed in the form of braking distances, car wrecks, license plates and everything that may be useful in the future.

The amount of certain damage should not exceed the established figure (50 tr. for regions and 400 tr. for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions).

Mutual agreement of the parties.

Otherwise, you risk being denied insurance benefits. If there is the slightest doubt that any of the points of the incident do not fall under the European protocol, it is better not to take risks and resolve the issues regarding the current accident with the help of traffic police officers.

In practice, neither drivers nor insurers like to fill out a European protocol in case of an accident. Drivers are afraid that they may do it incorrectly and, as a result, be left without payments.

Insurance companies are afraid that they will have to pay for fraudulent schemes.

Below is a sample of the European protocol and the procedure for filling it out.

This article is strictly for informational purposes and is not a guide to action. The site is not responsible for the driver filling out the form incorrectly after reading this material. Remember that incorrect filling out entails the refusal of the insurance company to pay compensation, and it does not matter how your car is insured - under CASCO or OSAGO.

Updated 05/21/19 08/30/16 151,462 0

They drove into the back of your car at a traffic light.

There is little damage: a dent on the bumper, a bent license plate and a broken fog light. The second driver does not deny his guilt.

Evgeniy Popkov


If the police are called, it will take half a day to register the accident. And this is not counting the need to go to the department for a certificate of an accident, without which you will not receive payment under compulsory motor liability insurance.

But you can do it in one hour and not have to go to the authorities for information. To do this, it is enough to register an accident according to the European protocol.

Briefly: how to apply for a European protocol

  1. Carry the accident notification form with you. It is issued free of charge by any insurance company.
  2. Install the “Road Accident Euro Protocol” application via Epstore or Google Play.
  3. Make sure that your accident complies with the requirements of the European protocol.
  4. Fill out and sign the notification of an accident - this is a paper version of the European protocol.
  5. Take photographs of the damage, the circumstances of the accident and documents.
  6. Determine the address and coordinates of the accident.
  7. Send everything to a single system through the application and wait for confirmation. If both participants in an accident use the application, they do not need to go anywhere else.
  8. Bring the completed paper notice to the insurance company where you purchased the MTPL policy.
  9. At the company's office, write a statement of loss according to the sample accepted by the company.
  10. If you are the culprit of an accident and have completed everything according to the European protocol, be sure to notify your insurance company of the fact of the accident within five days.

What to do after an accident

The actions of participants in an accident after an accident are prescribed in the traffic rules. Regardless of who is at fault for the incident, follow these steps:

  1. Stop. If you go out onto the roadway, take precautions and wear a reflective vest.
  2. Turn on your hazard lights and display a warning triangle.
  3. Don't move objects related to the incident.
  4. Find out how many participants were in the accident and whether there were any casualties. If there were none and only two cars were involved, they draw up a European protocol without calling the traffic police. If there are more than two cars involved in an accident or there are victims, you must call the police and an ambulance for the victims.
  5. Take first aid measures if there are casualties. If the case is urgent, take the victim to the hospital in a passing car or in your own car. At the medical institution, you will need to provide your details, the license plate number of the car and the details of its registration documents, and present a driver’s license or passport. After this, return to the scene.
  6. Take all measures to preserve traces of the accident and organize a detour to the scene. You can clear the roadway. In this case, record the position of the vehicles in relation to each other, traces and objects related to the incident. It is allowed to use photo and video recording equipment. When shooting, try to include in the frame not only the damaged cars themselves, but also the place where the accident occurred: signs with house numbers, road signs, sidewalks, road markings. When you make a video recording, talk through everything that happens. For example, like this: “Today, November 11, 2019, at the intersection of Novaya and Tsvetnaya streets, an accident occurred - a collision of two cars: a blue VAZ-2109 belonging to me, and a green Toyota belonging to a man who did not give his details, from the car refused to come out." Next, list all damage to the vehicles.
  7. Write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses.
  8. Wait for the police to arrive, if called.
  9. If the accident can be registered without the police, proceed to the preparation of a European protocol.

If these requirements are not met, the insurance company may refuse to pay. Sometimes more severe consequences are possible. For example, leaving the scene of an accident is punishable by deprivation of your license.

What is the Europrotocol

The European protocol is a procedure for registering an accident without calling the police. Drivers fill out documents on the spot to receive payment under compulsory motor liability insurance and calmly drive away.

This practice has been successfully used abroad for a long time. Hence the name.

The European protocol is valid throughout Russia. Even if your car is registered in Moscow, and you drove into it in Vladivostok, you can still use it.

According to the European protocol, you can receive no more than 100 thousand rubles for a damaged car.

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The main provisions of the European Protocol are defined in the law “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners”. All insurance companies that have a valid MTPL license are required to pay compensation for accidents registered without the participation of authorized police officers.

Moreover, the European protocol also works for voluntary motor insurance policies - comprehensive insurance. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has obliged insurance companies operating under comprehensive insurance to include in their insurance rules a clause on registering an accident without calling the police. If the accident complies with the requirements of the European protocol, the insurance client can claim a loss under comprehensive insurance without certificates.

From October 1, 2019, data on road accidents is additionally recorded and transferred to an automated system using electronic services. The insurer must receive uncorrected photographs and satellite coordinates.

When can you file an accident without the traffic police?

Before filling out documents without the police, make sure that your accident complies with the requirements of the European protocol:

  1. Two cars were involved in the accident.
  2. The place of the accident is Russia. Many foreign countries have their own European protocol, but the Russian OSAGO policy does not apply there.
  3. Only the cars were damaged, there were no injuries or fatalities. Other property - personal belongings of passengers, lamp posts and road barriers - were not damaged.
  4. Future repairs to the injured party’s car will not exceed 400 thousand rubles.
  5. Both drivers have MTPL policies. If the second participant is a foreign citizen, then he must have a Green Card liability insurance policy. If this condition is met, then you can draw up documents under the European protocol, even if the participants in the accident have disagreements regarding the circumstances of the accident and damage to the cars.

Make sure that the accident fits all five points and proceed with the paperwork.

What needs to be filled out on paper

To file an accident under the European protocol, drivers need to fill out a single document - an accident notification. It is issued by insurance companies when purchasing an MTPL policy. Notice forms can also be printed on a regular printer in at least two copies. The template can be downloaded from the official RSA website.

There are one or two notice forms in the glove compartment of almost every car. It doesn’t matter whose form will be filled out: the notification form is standard for all insurance companies. If neither you nor the other driver has the form, borrow one from any driver passing by.

Check if you have an accident notification form in your car. Didn't find it? Contact the office of any insurance company - they will give you one free of charge.

In addition to the notification form, you will also need a ballpoint pen and a flat, hard surface - a book, tablet or car hood. The notice is made of self-copying paper; when filling it out, you need to press harder on the pen to make the copy readable. A gel pen, felt-tip pen or pencil will not work.

It is not necessary to photograph the accident scene and damaged vehicles. But it is still recommended to take a few pictures with your smartphone just in case.

How to fill out the Europrotocol form

You and the other driver must fill out one accident notification form.

On the front side

Enter information about your car in the left column “Vehicle “A””, and let the culprit fill out the right column “Vehicle “B””.

Vehicle damage. In paragraph 14, describe the damage to your car in as much detail as possible. The more specific the wording, the better:

Damaged bumper, license plate, fog light

Rear bumper - a dent in the central part measuring 10x10 cm and 3 cm deep. License plate - dented over the entire area. Fog light - outer glass broken

Side door dented

Front left door - a dent in the lower part measuring 50x10 cm and 1 cm deep

Scratches on the fender and bumper

Front bumper - deep scratches on the paint on the right side. Front right fender - scratches down to metal on the arch 10 cm long

If there is not enough room on the front side to accommodate all the damage, use the back side. If this is the case, please note “Detailed Damage on Verso.”

You can use a credit card instead of a ruler to determine the size of the damage. Its standard size is 54×86 mm.

Often a car in an accident receives hidden damage that is not immediately visible. At the slightest suspicion of such damage, call the traffic police.

Notes. In paragraph 15, the driver responsible for the accident must write the phrase “I admit my guilt in the accident. I have no complaints." If this phrase is not included in the notice, the insurance company will refuse to accept documents and pay you under the European protocol.

Circumstances of the accident. In paragraph 16, check the boxes next to those items that relate to your accident. It is possible to indicate several positions at once and indicate their exact number at the end.

In the event of a rear-end collision at a traffic light, you should choose:

10 - Collided with a vehicle moving in the same direction in the same lane

Signatures of the parties. Before signing paragraph 18, separate copies of the notice. Sign each form yourself and ask the second driver to do this.

After you have signed copies of the notice on the front side, proceed to fill out the back side.

On the reverse side

Each driver fills out his own copy of the reverse side. Before doing this, you must separate the notice, otherwise the front side will become unreadable.

On your copy of the notice you indicate the circumstances of the accident. Describe the accident as you see fit, but do not save paper and write in more detail.

If there is not enough space on the form for your version of the circumstances, attach a blank sheet of paper and describe all the details on it. At the top of the sheet, make a note “Attachment to the notification of an accident” and put the date of the accident. On the form itself, make a note “Detailed circumstances of the accident in the Appendix.”


Both drivers must sign the application.

How to apply for a European protocol through the application

After filling out the accident notification form, you need to transfer information about the accident, participants and damage to the unified compulsory insurance system. So far, one service has appeared for this - a special mobile application “Road accident Europrotocol”.

Here's what you need to do to record an accident using the app:

  1. Take photographs of the damage, the circumstances of the accident and documents. Take a photo of the accident site from three angles, and photograph each damaged part separately. Take a photo of the accident notice, but keep the paper version.
  2. Determine the address and coordinates of the accident. To do this, the machine must have a monitoring system.
  3. Send everything to one system
  4. Wait for confirmation.

Where to submit documents for payment

If both drivers have filled out and signed the accident notification form, you can drive away.

To pay under the European protocol, bring the completed notice to the insurance company where you purchased the MTPL policy. There is no need to contact the company responsible for the accident. This procedure is called direct compensation for losses and has been in effect since 2007.

At the company’s office, you will be asked to write a statement of loss in the form and sample accepted by the company, and they will take copies of documents for the car: vehicle passport or registration certificate, compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

Important advice for those who are at fault: if you are the culprit of the accident and have completed everything according to the European protocol, be sure to notify your insurance company of the fact of the accident within five days. Otherwise, the company may require you to compensate the victim.

Payment documents can be submitted remotely, for example, by uploading copies through your personal account. Original documents are handed over during vehicle inspection.

Amount of payments under the European protocol

Payments depend on the damage caused. The maximum amounts are determined by the state. If there were victims in the accident, they can pay up to 500 thousand to each victim, but in this case the accident is registered only through the traffic police. The maximum amount of payments under the European protocol in 2019 is 400 thousand rubles.

This does not mean that every victim will automatically receive 400 thousand for a dent on the fender. The insurance company will make an assessment and pay the actual damage accordingly. If the amount of damage is more than 400 thousand rubles, you can demand the difference from the culprit in court.


  1. For small accidents with two participants, you don’t have to call the traffic police and arrange everything yourself within the framework of the European protocol.
  2. According to the European protocol, one document is filled out - a notification of an accident, and the documents are immediately sent to the automated system along with photographs of the damage and the coordinates of the accident site.
  3. If you are in doubt about the extent of the damage, do not take risks. It’s better to call the traffic police and demand that they register the accident.
  4. Documents under the European protocol must be submitted to the insurance company where you purchased the MTPL policy.

You can file a minor traffic accident in a simplified manner - Europrotocol (European protocol) is the preparation of documents regarding an accident without the participation of authorized police officers. In other words, this is an opportunity to independently record the fact of a road traffic accident (RTA) in order to subsequently contact the insurance company for compensation, and promptly leave without creating congestion on the road.

">according to the European protocol, if the conditions are met:
  • there are no victims in the accident;
  • only two vehicles are involved in an accident;
  • Only the vehicles involved in the accident were damaged;
  • both you and the second driver are included in the current OSAGO policies or an international policy An analogue of OSAGO, valid in 48 countries of the world.">"Green Card" issued for vehicles involved in accidents;
  • according to a preliminary assessment, the damage caused to the vehicle does not exceed the maximum amount of insurance payment;
  • you and the second driver agree to file an accident without calling the traffic police and sign a European protocol.

If you are not sure about the circumstances of the accident, the assessment of the damage caused, or the constructive attitude of the second party to the accident, then file the accident in the usual manner.

2. What will the insurance company reimburse if an accident is registered under the European protocol?

In case of registration of an accident according to the European protocol, the insurance company compensates for damage in the amount of:

  • up to 100 thousand rubles - this is the standard limit of payments when registering an accident under the European protocol, if the accident is not recorded using technical means* or is recorded, but the participants in the accident have disagreements;
  • up to 400 thousand rubles is the maximum limit of payments when registering an accident according to the European protocol, if the participants in the accident have no disagreements about the circumstances of the incident, and the accident was recorded using technical means*.

The limits and conditions of insurance compensation established by law apply both under MTPL and comprehensive insurance agreements.

Losses are compensated regardless of the number of accidents during the validity period of the insurance policy.

3. How to register an accident according to the European protocol?

1. Be sure to follow the traffic rules immediately after a collision - turn on the emergency lights and put up an emergency stop sign to warn other road users about the danger. The sign is installed at a distance of at least 15 meters from road accidents in populated areas and at least 30 meters outside them. Failure to comply with these requirements entails administrative punishment: a warning or a fine in the amount of 1000 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). If an accident occurs outside the city, in the dark or in conditions of limited visibility, you need to be on the roadway or side of the road wearing a jacket, vest or cape vest with stripes of reflective material.

2. Talk to the second participant in the accident and show him your compulsory insurance policy, check the validity of his compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

3. Together with the other participant in the accident, notify your insurance companies about the accident in one of the following ways:

  • online, through integrated with the portal of government services of the Russian Federation Since November 1, 2019, the mobile application “OSAGO Assistant” has been operating in test mode (available for and iOS Android). With its help, it is possible to register an accident only if it occurred in the territory of Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, the Leningrad region or the Republic of Tatarstan. ">mobile applications(authorization of both participants in the accident on the portal will be required) - within 60 minutes after the accident;
  • through the ERA-GLONASS emergency call device (if equipped in the car) - by pressing the SOS button within 10 minutes after the accident.

Note! These methods are suitable if the victim expects compensation for damage in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles, but you and the second participant in the accident have disagreements about the circumstances of the accident, or if there are no disagreements and the victim expects insurance compensation of up to 400 thousand rubles.

If there is no disagreement, but it is impossible to report the accident using the above methods, the injured party has the right to count on compensation for damages in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles. In this case, you can notify the insurance company about the accident by phone. Make sure the other person involved in the accident does the same.

4. If vehicles involved in an accident create obstacles to the movement of other vehicles, clear the roadway. Otherwise, you and the second participant in the accident face administrative punishment for violating traffic rules (clause 2.6 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations) - a fine of 1000 rubles (Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

5. Together with the second participant in the accident, fill out the notification of the accident (Euro protocol) in a mobile application or in paper form. In the first case, enter the details of the accident in an electronic form, in the second - in a paper form.

4. How to fill out a paper European protocol?

Rules for filling out a European protocol (notification of an accident):

  • In the event of an accident involving two vehicles, one accident notice is issued. Who it will belong to - you or the second driver - does not matter;
  • an accident notification consists of two sheets, each of which must be filled out
  • Filling example
">on both sides. The front side is self-copying. Data (circumstances of the incident, information about the vehicle, insurance companies, road accident diagram, etc.) must be entered into it together with the second participant in the accident;
  • It is necessary to fill in all the columns and fields on the front side. After filling out the sheets, you need to separate them and put down signatures confirming, among other things, that there are no disagreements between the drivers;
  • The reverse side of the accident notice is filled out by each driver independently. The original and the self-copy have the same legal force;
  • fill out the accident notice using a ballpoint pen with enough pressure to ensure a good copy quality. Notes made with a gel pen or pencil may become smeared or erased;
  • If you do not have enough space for notes on the accident notice, you can additionally fill out the application using a blank sheet of paper. On the notification of an accident, make a note “With attachment”, on an additional sheet - mark “Attachment”, indicate what this attachment is for and who made it. Applications must be signed by both drivers. The application is prepared in two copies;
  • if the accident notice is torn, damaged or difficult to read, you need to fill out a new one;
  • Please note that if, after signing and disconnecting the notification of an accident, it is necessary to make adjustments or additions to the document, they must be certified by the signatures of both participants in the accident;
  • Insurers are required to issue notifications about road accidents. If for some reason you don't have them, you can contact your insurance company for them. You can also download the notice from the page of the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development (but in this case, the second sheet will not be self-copying, it will have to be filled out separately);
  • In new notifications about road accidents there is a field in which you need to mark the presence or absence of disagreements regarding the circumstances of the accident. If you have an older form, add this information in the notes box.
  • The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of registering an accident without calling the police using the so-called “European protocol”, when both participants fill out a notice of a traffic accident and sign it. We will now tell you how to do this correctly in order to get insurance.

    In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 11, paragraph 1, art. 11.1 Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”; Clause 2.6.1 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, independent registration of an accident in 2019 is possible only if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

    • damage caused as a result of an accident only for vehicles those involved in an accident (no harm to life or health was caused);
    • The accident occurred as a result of a collision two vehicles (including vehicles with trailers), the civil liability of whose owners is insured under the MTPL policy;
    • circumstances of harm in connection with damage to property as a result of an accident and (or) the nature and list of visible damage to cars do not cause controversy in road accident participants.

    According to paragraph 4 of Art. 11.1 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Liability Insurance”, when preparing documents for an accident without the participation of traffic police officers, the amount of insurance compensation due to the victim for compensation for damage caused to his car cannot exceed 50,000 rub. The victim must understand that the insurance company will only pay this amount, even if the actual damage is greater.

    In case of registration of documents about an accident that occurred in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, insurance compensation to the victim is carried out within the limits of 400,000 rubles. subject to the provision to the insurer of data on the circumstances of damage to the vehicle as a result of an accident, which are recorded using technical means of control that ensure uncorrected recording of information (photo or video recording of vehicles and their damage at the scene of the accident, as well as data recorded using navigation aids operating using GLONASS or GLONASS system technologies in conjunction with other global satellite navigation systems) (clause 5 of article 11.1, clause “b” of article 7 of Law No. 40-FZ).

    In accordance with clause 2.6.1 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, participants in an accident has the right not to formalize documents about the incident, if the accident damaged the vehicles or other property of only these participants and each of them does not need to complete the specified documents.

    The procedure for registering an accident according to the European protocol

    Pull yourself together and follow these steps sequentially:

    1. Inspect the scene of the accident together with the second participant in the accident (the driver of the second car). Find out if you disagree about who is the perpetrator and who is the victim. If there is no disagreement, then proceed to step 2. Otherwise, call the traffic police.
    2. Inspect vehicle damage. If the damage to the victim’s car, according to a rough estimate, does not exceed 50,000 rubles, we follow the instructions further. If the damage is more than the specified amount, it is worth filing an accident only with the participation of the police.
    3. Carefully check your documents – driver’s license, car documents. Both drivers must have valid MTPL policies and be included in them (if the number of drivers allowed to drive a vehicle is limited). Problems with documents - without hesitation, we call and wait for inspectors. Yes, according to the “MTPL rules”, communication of insurance policy data to other participants in an accident at their request is the responsibility of the driver. We strongly recommend checking the policy of the culprit on the RSA website -
    4. Record all the circumstances of the accident - the location of the cars, damage, markings, road signs, etc. This can be very useful when controversial situations arise. Recording of harm can be carried out using photography or video recording or using navigation tools. A smartphone with geolocation mode enabled is suitable. In your phone's camera settings, enable adding coordinates to photos and/or videos.
      In accordance with clause 3 of the Rules for submitting information about a traffic accident to the insurer, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2014 N 1002, photo or video shooting must be performed within no more than 60 minutes after the accident and include images:
      state registration plates of vehicles of participants in an accident or identification numbers (VIN) (in the absence of state registration plates of vehicles);
      places of damage to the vehicle;
      relative position of vehicles involved in road accidents with reference to transport infrastructure objects or other non-movable objects;
      state registration plate of the vehicle of the accident witness (if available).
    5. Remove vehicles from the roadway. According to clause 2.6.1 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, a driver involved in an accident is obliged to clear the roadway if an obstacle is created to the movement of other vehicles. Failure to fulfill this obligation may result in a fine (1000 rubles).
    6. Fill out the European accident report form together. Read detailed instructions below.
    7. Exchange phone numbers, shake hands and you can leave the scene of the accident.
    8. Notify the insurance company of the incident as soon as possible. This can be done by phone or through the insurer's website.

    Instructions for filling out an accident report

    The notification form is filled out in two copies - one for each driver. It is highly advisable to use a ballpoint pen, since when filling out the information is copied onto the sheet below. The ink color can be any - blue or black.

    Filling out the front side

    This side must be identical on both copies of the notice. Let's start from points 1 - 8:

    p.1 Location of the accident - indicate the locality, street and number of the nearest house. If the collision occurred at an intersection, the intersection of streets is noted on the form. In the event of an accident on the highway, you must indicate its number and name, direction of travel and approximate kilometer.

    clause 2 Date of accident - fill in the date and time of the incident. If there is a video recorder, the exact time of the collision can be viewed there. If there is no record, we write the approximate time.

    clause 3 Number of damaged vehicles = 2. Registration of a European protocol is possible only in the event of a collision between two vehicles.

    clause 4 Number of wounded = 0. The European protocol cannot be drawn up if there are wounded or dead. If there are victims, you must call traffic police inspectors.

    p.5 Was the participants in the accident examined for intoxication - “No”. Only police officers can send you for a medical examination.

    clause 6 Material damage caused to other vehicles (except “A” and “B”) - “No”. This will be further evidence that only two vehicles were involved in the accident. If items being transported in the car (for example, a laptop) were damaged, be sure to check the “other property” box.

    clause 7 Witnesses of an accident - enter the names and addresses of the witnesses. It is advisable to indicate the contacts of one or two witnesses to the accident; this will help in case of disputes with the insurance company.

    Clause 8 Was the registration carried out by a traffic police officer - “No”. Independent registration of an incident is the essence of the European protocol.

    Having filled out the “header” of the notice, we proceed to filling out information about the cars:

    p.9 Make, model, VIN and state registration. We take the number for vehicles “A” and “B” from the corresponding registration certificates (plastic card).

    clauses 10-11 We indicate the details of car owners and drivers. You need to understand that the driver of the vehicle does not have to be its owner. The insurance company will compensate for damage not only to the owner, but also to the person who has a power of attorney with the right to receive insurance compensation.

    clause 12 We take data from MTPL insurance policies. We check the box next to “The vehicle is insured against damage” only if the vehicle is insured under CASCO.

    item 13 We mark the place of the initial impact with an arrow.

    p.14 We write down visible damage. For example: the rear bumper burst, the rear left fender, the rear door are deformed, the rear lights are broken, etc.

    clause 15 Notes. At this point the culprit of the accident NECESSARILY must write: “I admit guilt in the accident,” and the victim “is not guilty in the accident.”

    Having filled out paragraphs 9 - 15, we move on to the central part of the notification form. Here you need to check the boxes next to the circumstances of the accident (each car has its own) and draw a diagram:

    Try to reflect on the diagram the profile of the road, markings, signs, the position of the cars before and after the accident, and the direction of movement. There are no special requirements for the drawing, the diagram just needs to be clear.

    Don't forget to put signatures in the appropriate fields at the bottom of the document.

    Filling the reverse side

    First, separate the original and the copy of the notice (a copy is created automatically on the second sheet of the notice). The victim usually takes the original, since everything is more clearly visible on it.

    If the front side must be identical on both copies, then on the back side each participant fills out the information regarding their vehicle by marking “A” or “B”. As you noticed, there are fewer points here.

    As you can see, the rules for filling out the European protocol are quite simple.

    What to do after filling out the European protocol?

    So, the document is completely filled out and signed by both drivers - there are no mutual claims, which means you can continue driving. But the rights and obligations associated with an accident do not stop there. According to current legislation, both the victim and the perpetrator must submit notices to their insurance companies within 5 days. The culprit must also be ready to show his car to the insurer, otherwise the insurer has the right to make recourse claims. We wrote more about this, as well as about the risks that arise when drawing up a European protocol. We strongly recommend reading it!

    In addition to a copy of the accident notification form filled out by the drivers, the victim, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 11 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” and clause 2 of the compulsory motor liability insurance rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2014 N 1002, within five working days from the date of the accident, the following documents and materials must be submitted to the insurer that insured its civil liability:
    application for direct damages;
    electronic media with information containing photo or video filming of vehicles and their damage at the scene of an accident, the date and time of photo or video filming, as well as the coordinates of the location of the technical control device;
    a statement that the information containing photographs or videos is uncorrected.