Object and subject of management psychology. Object, subject, goals and objectives of management psychology. Modern theories of motivation

“By studying people, they govern better than by studying books.”

Francois Fenelon.

Management in society always involves the interaction of a certain number of people. A small organized group or a large social entity is a kind of universe, the life of which is influenced by an infinite number of factors, from the nuances of the work process to the most complex interweaving of human relationships. To be a leader means to be a “god”: he directs, organizes, controls, corrects the life of this “universe”. And psychology comes to his aid as one of the universal cosmic laws of human existence.

Management psychology gives the key to the heart of each member of a group or organization and helps to tap into the hidden potential of a person included in the system. Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of this science opens the door to the vast abyss of the human psyche, which manifests itself in the processes of management and production.

What is management

The term “management” has many interpretations. In essence, they, taken together, convey the most complete content of this concept.

For example, Joseph Massey, an 18th-century British political economist, believed: “Management is the process by which an organization, a group, directs actions towards the achievement of common goals.”

James L. Lundy, an American politician of the 20th century, meant by management the fundamental task of planning, coordinating, motivating and controlling efforts to achieve specific goals.

Father of the classical school of management Henri Fayol stated: “To manage means to predict, plan, organize, command, coordinate and control.”

American scientist Peter F. Drucker (1909-2005), one of the most influential management theorists, understood management as “a multi-purpose body that manages a business, managers, employees and work.”

Some scientists view management as the art of most effectively accumulating human efforts to achieve the goals of a large social group.

The concepts of “management” and “governance” are interpreted differently; the first is used in a narrow sense, the second in a broad sense.

Into the sphere management included theoretical foundation and practical work aimed at outlining and achieving the company’s goals by rationalizing the use of resources, incl. human.

Under the term " control" refers to a more general phenomenon, namely organizing work for other people, including planning, distribution of rights and responsibilities of elements of a given social system, motivation and control of processes to achieve common goals in an optimal way.

Subject and object of control

Subject of management- this is a person (individual or legal) performing a management function. In an organization, this definition includes both one manager and several managers, for example, a board of directors. Management psychology implies that the subject of such influence is, first of all, the personality of the leader with all its features.

It is necessary to distinguish the subject of management from subject of management activity, which can only be a person, an individual.

Personalized control object is the person (individual or legal) in relation to whom the management function is exercised. In an organization, the objects of management can be called employees of various fields of activity and lower or middle managers. Management psychology considers the following objects of influence:

  • employee identity;
  • formal and informal group;
  • social group, team, unit;
  • management level;
  • organization.

Phenomena-objects of control:

  • Management processes and other types of human activity;
  • Corporate microclimate;
  • Corporate morality;
  • Leadership style;
  • Systems of management, organization, control, regulation, motivation;
  • Regulations, rules, norms, plans established in the organization, etc.

Management psychology as scientific knowledge

This direction is a hybrid of two theoretical bases - psychology as a science about the properties of the human psyche and management as a science about all aspects of organizing a purposefully and optimally functioning social system. The search for the most successful relationship between psychological and non-psychological characteristics in the management process is considered the most pressing issue in management psychology.

This science operates with such important procedures for the formation of a methodology of knowledge as generalization and systematization of facts and phenomena, data obtained by experimental and statistical methods in the field of human measurements and management.

The field of knowledge in management psychology is defined by:

  • The degree of relevance of a particular problem of modern management;
  • The need to develop the most effective management methods;
  • The spread of the tendency to perceive the employee, first of all, as an individual with his own social rights and responsibilities; this approach requires management to use human resources, taking into account all the psychological characteristics of each group member, but in the most effective ways for the organization;
  • Requirements for organizing an optimized management system for a group, enterprise, etc. .

Therefore, we can say that management psychology is a branch of psychology that accumulates the achievements of other sciences to study the psychological side of management, its optimization and increasing the level of efficiency of management activities.

Related psychological disciplines

The border sciences for management psychology are the following.

Social Psychology. Explores the patterns of activity and behavior of people included in social groups, and the psychological characteristics of social groups. Each group has a formal and informal hierarchy, and the latter significantly influences the productivity of the entire team. In addition, it is known that a group can influence the opinions of its individual members and their perception of a particular situation.

Management psychology uses the data obtained by this science in order to identify patterns and factors that influence the successful management of a team.

Psychology of Personality. It studies psychological components, qualities, traits, personality traits, their influence on behavior, activity, communication and the individual’s perception of reality. This science has currently accumulated a sufficient amount of theoretical and empirical material. There are many personality theories that decipher and predict various aspects of human behavior in different situations.

Management psychology, based on data obtained in this scientific field, determines for itself a list of precisely those personality traits and qualities, methods of reward and punishment that make the organization’s management system and the professional activities of employees more effective.

Developmental psychology and acmeology. They study the course of development and formation of the human psyche at different stages of life (from newborns to old age).

Management psychology looks at a person as an employee of a certain field of activity and therefore has its own view on the problem of personal development, the formation of professionally significant qualities and the level of competence of a manager.

Subject of study of management psychology

This area of ​​psychology studies the psychological characteristics manifested in organizational management and professional communication.

In a narrow understanding of the subject of study, it is worth highlighting the following objects and phenomena:

Psychological features of management activities:

  • Psychological problems of a manager’s work in general, its distinctive features in certain areas of activity;
  • Psychological analysis of the role and personality of the leader, requirements for them;
  • Psychological subtleties of making management decisions;
  • Leadership style and ways to adjust it.

Psychological features of the functioning of the organization:

  • Possibility of using psychological techniques in management;
  • Rules for the formation of a favorable and sustainable internal corporate microclimate;
  • Factors in creating optimal interpersonal connections in a team, problems of psychological compatibility;
  • Features of the coexistence of formal and informal structures in an organization;
  • Application of motivational techniques in the work of an organization;
  • Values ​​in the team, creating your own corporate culture.

Psychological features of the relationship between a manager and subordinates:

  • Factors in the creation and functioning of an organization’s communication system;
  • Subtleties of management communication;
  • Choosing the best system for interaction between the manager and subordinates;
  • Raising awareness as an indicator of management effectiveness.

Goals and objectives of management psychology

Management psychology faces main goals:

  • Increasing the psychological literacy of managers in the field of management;
  • Creation of the necessary theoretical basis for understanding psychological processes in the field of management, in particular, the characteristics of employee behavior, the development of interpersonal relationships and the patterns that determine the creation of a work team and its internal changes;
  • Formation of practical guidance for bosses with the aim of applying it in the psychological sphere of organization management.

This psychological direction is designed to solve the following problems:

  • analysis and display of the psychological environment and its characteristics in a particular management system;
  • systematization of psychological aspects of management;
  • identifying patterns and causal relationships between psychological aspects;
  • development of practical methods for use in managing an organization.

Psychological patterns of management activities

Knowledge of the following patterns in management psychology allows us to understand the nuances of many processes in an organization:

Law of Response Uncertainty states: at the same time different people or one person (at different periods of time) can act differently in response to the same influence depending on differences in psychological structure of personality.

The law of the inadequacy of the reflection of man by man implies: one person is unable to fully know another in order to make an objective decision regarding him.

The Law of Inadequate Self-Esteem: Most people have either low or high self-esteem.

The law of splitting the meaning of management information. There is a tendency to change the context of directives, orders, regulations, etc. as they move through the levels of the management vertical.

Law of self-preservation means the following statement: maintaining one’s own social status, independence in the manifestation of personal qualities, and self-esteem is the dominant motive for the behavior of the subject of management activities.

Law of Compensation. If a person finds himself in a social environment in which the requirements for him are either too high or the level of incentives is high enough, then he compensates for his lack of skills and knowledge for this status with other skills or abilities. However, this principle does not work if the position held has too high a level of management complexity.

Psychological aspects of basic management functions

To see how all sectors and levels of management are imbued with psychology, it is necessary to consider the following psychological aspects, manifested in such management functions as:

Planning function predicts the perception and behavior of specific people and, thus, makes their joint activities successful and the goals and objectives of the organization achievable.

Psychological aspects of planning can be divided into 3 groups of factors:

Group I - tasks of various types, solved during the preparation and implementation of plans;

Group II - features of mechanisms that identify the reasons for the processes of developing plans;

Group III - the process of formalizing meanings in the activities of a leader, the formation of a personal context depending on his interests.

Psychological problems of implementing this function include:

  • decision-making problems (problems of managerial thinking);
  • motivation problems;
  • problems of volitional regulation of activity.
  • The organization function creates and maintains a system of roles in the enterprise; Such a system was created under the condition of division of labor and cooperation of actions.

There are three groups of psychological aspects, which are a set of problems, taking into account which the function of the organization is realized:

Group I is the abuse of the established order in the organization, the so-called “petty regulation”, when a higher level of management unreasonably interferes in the affairs of a lower one, when the contours of responsibility are blurred. As a result, the effect of the impact decreases, the staff experiences a lack of motivation and overload.

Group II - excessive rigidity of the organizational structures of most organizations, which runs counter to the needs of work groups and individual workers, hinders the realization of their own present and future goals.

To solve this set of problems of the organization’s function, the following measures have been developed:

  • The goals set must be verifiable;
  • The contours of responsibilities or areas of activity should be clearly delineated;
  • There must be a certain degree of freedom of authority and action; this requirement is especially necessary to correct the second group of psychological problems (excessive rigidity of the organizational structure).
  • Information must be complete.

Control function

Psychological aspects that interfere with the optimal implementation of the control function are:

  • Inadequate motivation for control is a distortion of the direction of control when narrow group or individual goals are chosen. Here we can give an example of the manifestation of this group of aspects: when control becomes a method of psychological pressure on a subordinate.
  • Psychological disagreements of subjects of activity regarding control criteria in a certain situation;
  • A combination of an excessive focus on control with low professional self-esteem of primary and middle management levels;
  • Insufficient systematicity and depth of control measures and corrective procedures carried out;
  • Violation of the effective balance of distribution of control powers between management and control units;
  • Assigning responsibility to the manager for a specific situation, assigning the function of monitoring the situation in general, provided that the delegation of authority to make decisions and implement corrections is incomplete. In this case, the manager experiences a feeling of powerlessness and has other negative consequences of this management model.

G. Schröder, a German management specialist, highlighted the negative aspects of control:

  • Having an employee under surveillance forces him to exercise self-control, he begins to think about his automatic actions and therefore loses self-confidence;
  • Control indicates a difference in status and interferes with the fulfillment of the human need for self-actualization and recognition;
  • Control is most often unpleasant when the employee does not know what exactly is being controlled;
  • Legitimizing control does not allow one to somehow protect oneself from it, and this negative feeling can “spill over” in other situations;
  • Control is often perceived by the observed as unreasonable nagging;
  • Control can be perceived as a manifestation of management’s distrust of the employee, which prevents the establishment of good and constructive relationships between them.

The regulation function ensures the direction of controlled processes in accordance with the specified regulations, program, plan; this is achieved by following a number of impact principles: minimization, complexity, consistency and internal consistency:

  • Minimizing the impact requires the timeliness and optimal dosage of intervention, since its redundancy interferes with the normal flow of processes in the organization;
  • Systematic influence considers the regulated course of affairs within the system;
  • The complexity of the impact is observed provided that in the process of regulating the employee’s activities, the manager uses incentives that are most consistent with the employee’s motivational structure;
  • Internal consistency of influence exists when the use of a set of stimuli does not cause mutually exclusive effects.

It is worth noting that there are other control functions:

  • Goal setting
  • Forecasting
  • Decision making
  • Motivation
  • Communications
  • Work with personnel
  • Production and technological
  • Derivatives (complex).

Scientific approaches in management psychology

Since the 50s last century, thanks to the development of cybernetics, systems theory, computerization of management and other innovations, several approaches in the field of management psychology emerged. These are:

Systems approach. Its supporters consider the focus on only one side of management to be a flaw in previous theories. The use of this approach allows management to see the entire organization in the unity and interdependence of all its elements. It is understood that any organization or other controlled social group is a system that, like a living organism, functions only under the condition of the interdependence of all its “organs.” This means that each such “organ” makes a necessary contribution to the life of the entire “organism”. An organization is an open system that interacts with the external environment, which greatly influences the survival of an enterprise (division, etc. of a social group).

The situational approach (since the early 70s of the 20th century) put forward the theory of the equal use of all management systems - from strictly regulated to those based on relative internal freedom. The choice of system depends on the circumstances that affect the operation of the organization in a given period of time. The essence of the approach comes down to two theses:

  • lack of a universal recipe for effective management in all cases;
  • a direct relationship between the level of management efficiency, mobility and adaptability to the environment or situation in which the organization is located.

Empirical or pragmatic approach, which was based on the study of the sphere of management of firms and military institutions, began to actively disseminate the acquired knowledge. Proponents of the approach understood that management theory was important and necessary, but they argued that practical management skills were of greater benefit. After analyzing management experience, they developed special management training methodologies based on certain situations. Representatives of this approach, who particularly influenced the dissemination of the concepts of “manager” and “management”, promoted the idea of ​​mandatory professionalization of management, i.e. turning it into a separate profession.

Quantitative approach developed management techniques based on mathematical, cybernetic, statistical knowledge obtained as a result of the latest achievements of science and technology, thanks to the development of computerization, which largely freed management work from routine technical procedures.

This approach has made a significant contribution to the development of the following concepts:

  • the concept of operational management (about the requirements for a manager not only as a holder of knowledge of management theory, but also as an expert in mathematics, sociology, psychology, economics, systems theory, etc.);
  • the concept of management decisions (states that a manager, first of all, must be able to make informed, most effective decisions; management training should be reduced to acquiring this quality);
  • the concept of scientific or mathematical management (believes that the current state of affairs in the world suggests that management should be supported by the achievements of science; this is achieved by using mathematical models and theories).

The most common approaches became quantitative and statistical.

Throughout the 20th century, management psychology increasingly acquired the features of complex scientific knowledge, and today it has been able to take shape in the form of a rich theoretical base that has included in its arsenal of knowledge the experience of a wide range of other sciences. This direction, like psychology in general, is characterized by such a feature as pluralism of views on the subject being studied, which is clearly seen in the example of the diversity of scientific approaches. However, it is difficult to argue with the statement that the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

  1. Evtikhov O. V. Psychology of personnel management: theory and practice [electronic edition]. St. Petersburg: Rech, 2010.
  2. Karpov A. V. Psychology of management. Study guide [electronic edition]. M.: Gardariki, 2005.
  3. Levchenko E. A. Psychology of management. Text of lectures [electronic edition]. Educational institution "Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation". Gomel, 2011.
  4. Naumenko E.A. Psychology of management. Educational and methodological complex for distance learning [electronic edition]. - Tyumen: Tyumen State University Publishing House, 2002.
  5. Petrov V.V. Schools of management. Textbook for universities [electronic edition], M., 2005.
  6. Urbanovich A. A. Psychology of management: Textbook [electronic edition]. Series “Library of Practical Psychology”. Mn.: Harvest, 2003.
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Poet, prose writer
Baltic Federal University. I. Kant

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Until the beginning of the 20th century, management was not considered an independent field of scientific research. This was first discussed in connection with the appearance of F.W. Taylor's book “Principles of Scientific Management” in 1911, which outlined the basic principles of managerial work. A little later, in the 20s of the 20th century, the famous French engineer, manager of a giant mining and metallurgical company, A. Fayol, already described a consistent system of management principles. It was thanks to A. Fayol that management began to be considered a special specific activity.

By this time, psychology had already been formed as a science in its theoretical and applied directions. Thanks to the merging of management and psychology, as well as in response to the demands of developing production, an applied interdisciplinary science emerged - “management psychology”.

Management accepted consider the totality of a system of coordinated activities aimed at achieving significant goals of the organization. These events relate primarily to people working in a given organization, each of whom needs to find a special approach, for which it is necessary to know their needs and character traits, abilities and characteristics of their perception of the world around them.

The current tendency to identify management psychology with management as a system of methods for managing personnel is incorrect. To some extent, the subject of management psychology overlaps with management, but nevertheless it has its own specifics. If management teaches us what to do, then management psychology explains why we need to do it this way and not otherwise, and how it works.

Consequently, the subject of management psychology is the psychological foundations of a manager’s activity: psychophysiological characteristics of work activity, psychological characteristics of information processing, mechanisms of human perception by a person and mechanisms of people’s influence on each other, psychological characteristics of the formation of a work team and interpersonal relationships in it, psychological characteristics of management decision-making and psychological factors of management activity in general.

Management psychology as a science and practice is aimed at the formation and development of the psychological management culture of managers, the creation of the necessary foundations for the theoretical understanding and practical application in management of knowledge of employee personality traits, interpersonal relationships and patterns of functioning of the work team.

The manager must understand the nature of management processes, know ways to improve management efficiency, know the information technologies and means of communication necessary for personnel management, etc., for which he needs to know the psychological characteristics of the functioning of the work team, making management decisions in various conditions and circumstances, working with people.

Psychological factors in the functioning of a work team include psychophysical compatibility in groups, phenomena of interpersonal interaction, labor motivation, socio-psychological climate and other psychological phenomena included in joint labor activity in the production of certain products or provision of services. Psychological factors in management decision-making include goal setting as a result of activity and the decision-making process. A person’s personality as a microcosm, on the one hand, and the perception of this personality by another person, the desire to dominate and obey, status, social expectations, emotional response and many others constitute the essence of the psychological factors of working with people.

Management psychology as a specific branch of practical psychology arose almost simultaneously with the emergence of the profession of manager and professional managers. Like any applied branch of psychology, it appeared in response to a specific social order of an industrialized society, which management researchers formulate as follows:

  • How to make management effective?
  • How to make maximum use of human resources in production without coercion and pressure on people?
  • What is the best way to build and organize a team management system?

Management psychology arose at a certain stage in the development of society, in which it is important not only to obtain the maximum result of work, but also to take into account the peculiarities of human self-expression in the process of work, the realization of needs achieved as a result of work. In other words, the manager addressed the personality of a freely working person who strives to fully reveal his own capabilities with maximum benefit for himself and for the business. Hence, The subject of management psychology is the following problems of human relationships and interactions from the point of view of management situations:

  1. Personality, its self-improvement and self-development in the process of work.
  2. Managerial activity and its organization from the point of view of psychological effectiveness.
  3. Group processes in the workforce and their regulation.

Personality, its self-improvement and self-development play a vital role in the management process. At least two circumstances are important here. Firstly, among the many qualities, traits, and personality characteristics, management psychology identifies those that help to successfully carry out management activities. Secondly, when considering personality in the management process, psychology is not limited only to description, comparative analysis and statement of facts. In this branch of knowledge there is a fairly large amount of practical advice, recommendations and “recipes” that allow a manager of any rank and with any initial level of management abilities to develop the qualities of a leader.

Management activities are built according to certain rules, following which one can achieve success and, on the contrary, ignoring them will inevitably lead the organization to collapse even under the most favorable other conditions. Experts in the field of psychology are developing rules and technical methods of communication that make it not just a form, but also a control factor.

Any team is, first of all, people pursuing their goals, solving their problems, striving to maintain or change their formal and informal status. Members of the work collective are connected to each other by a system of sometimes very complex relationships. Like any organism, a collective can experience both favorable and unfavorable periods in development. A crisis can occur at any time under the influence of a complex of external and internal causes and circumstances. Its consequences can be both positive (a further rise in the development of the team) and negative (the team, which until recently worked like a “clock,” becomes uncontrollable and disintegrates). The level of a leader and the degree of his professionalism are determined not only by how he manages the development of his team during relatively favorable periods of its existence and development, but also by how he acts in difficult moments, in times of crisis. A leader must manage in any, even the most seemingly uncontrollable situation. And this requires both knowledge and specific leadership skills in conditions of conflict and crisis. The art of conflict management is what distinguishes a professional leader from an amateur leader. Where the second one just throws up his hands, the first one gets down to business and acts with maximum benefit and minimal losses.

Psychology of management- a branch of psychology that studies the psychological patterns of management activities. The main task of management psychology is to analyze the psychological conditions and characteristics of management activities in order to increase the efficiency and quality of work in the management system.

Psychology of management– a complex system of knowledge relating to the following aspects of management activities:
psychological factors ensuring the successful and effective activity of a manager;
psychology of people's motivation in the process of their activities;
features of group behavior and interpersonal relationships;
psychological aspects of leadership, features of decision-making;
psychology of power and organization;
issues of psychological climate in the team;
psychological conflictology.

Object of management psychology- a system of activities of officials and departments to implement set goals, considered in the context of the relationship of management - coordination - subordination.

Subject management psychology are the following problems of human relationships and interactions from the point of view of management situations:

1. Personality, its self-improvement and self-development in the process of work.
2. Managerial activity and its organization from the point of view of psychological effectiveness.
3. Group processes in the workforce, and their regulation.

Currently, it is believed that a manager at any level is called upon to solve two interrelated tasks:
- master the theoretical foundations of rational management, i.e. management science;
- be able to creatively apply the provisions of this science, that is, master the art of management. The first task is solved in the learning process, the second - in the process of practical activity.

The activities of leaders (managers), implemented in the performance of basic management functions, is the subject of management psychology.

The main task of the manager is the general management of the process of functioning and development of the management system.

Thus, management psychology strives to make the work of managers easier and more effective with the help of knowledge about the psychological characteristics of a person, about the various manifestations of the psyche, its functional, changeable nature.

Objectives of management psychology:
psychological analysis of the activities of specialist managers;
studying the mechanisms of mental regulation of work activity in normal and extreme conditions;
research into the mental characteristics of leadership;
development of psychological recommendations for the use of psychological knowledge in the management process, in resolving conflicts, changing the psychological climate in organizations;
studying the processes of group interaction;
study of human motivation mechanisms.

Management psychology is an interdisciplinary science that is successfully applied in modern realities in the field of human resources. The article discusses the main features of this science, the object and subject of management psychology, its goals and objectives, the methods used, and the structure of management psychology. Familiarity with this science will allow you to improve labor and management processes so as to increase overall labor efficiency.

From this article you will learn:

Management psychology: subject of study

Speaking about the subject of management psychology, it is worth remembering that management is not so much a science as an art. Management psychology, which appeared at the intersection of two fundamental sciences, on the one hand studies human psychology, on the other, it is aimed at improving the quality of work, that is, it pursues completely utilitarian goals. The object of management psychology can be called, first of all, a staff or team and interactions within it, aimed at increasing productivity.

Management psychology is considered a separate branch of psychology that studies the patterns that arise in management activities. The basis of science is a comprehensive analysis of the conditions existing in a particular company, and determination of the characteristics of work, increasing the effectiveness of the team.

Management psychology deals with the problems of compliance of the working team of a particular company; aimed at studying the psyche of workers. Having knowledge in management psychology, an HR manager can give a mental description of the work of a manager and the management process, analyze and name the skills and qualities that are necessary for successful management activities.

Like any modern science, management psychology deals with the accumulation of data. In this case, we are talking about the nature of the influence of one person on another, a group or society as a whole. The purpose of this collection of information is to understand and explain the mechanisms underlying such effects, as well as to find ways to improve them.

Subject of management psychology- this is a whole complex of psychological relationships that exist in a company between a manager and a subordinate or the team as a whole. The subject of science includes the mechanisms of interpersonal interaction, problems and conflicts, social and professional connections and interactions existing in the company.

Management psychology, its object and subject require consideration from the point of view of several aspects, which include:

  • psychology leader's personality;
  • psychology of managerial activity of a leader;
  • psychological issues of search and selection of specialists;
  • socio-psychological characteristics of teams of workers;
  • psychological and adaptive aspects of personnel training.

In education, management, personnel processes - in all these industries, methods of management psychology are used. Accordingly, the subject of this field of knowledge is a combination of many phenomena and mental relationships in a company. Conventionally, it can be described as a complex consisting of the following elements:

  • analysis of the functions and structure of the manager’s work;
  • psychological aspects of the relationship between management and staff;
  • studying sociological and psychological issues of team leadership and interactions within it.

So, the subject of management psychology consists of three key elements: the employee (manager), considered in dynamic development in the process of activity, the managerial work itself and the relationships (interactions) of the team.

Understanding management psychology is possible only through the prism of its main aspects:

  • the influence of psychological factors on the effectiveness of managers;
  • features of making both individual and group decisions;
  • leadership issues;
  • questions motivation, behavioral acts of management subjects.

Object of management psychology

The object of management psychology is a complex system of activities of officials and departments of the company, focused on the overall useful goal of the organization. The set goals in this case are considered in the context of managerial relations of coordination and subordination.

It must be remembered that an object is, first of all, the activity of a manager. IN subject of management psychology Several components can be distinguished:

  • the personality of the manager and the process of its development as a result of his management activities, namely the psychology of the subject of management;
  • the activities of the company's managing person and the scheme for its implementation from the point of view of achieving efficiency and effectiveness;
  • processes in labor and social teams.

Isolating an object and subject in the structure of science allows us to identify differences between several related sciences: general theory of management, social management, public administration.

Management, first of all, has to do with people, namely with the search for an individual approach in terms of the needs and character traits of each individual employee, and the peculiarities of perception of the world around them.

Despite the fact that there is a tendency to identify management psychology and management, the object and subject of management psychology and management overlap only partially. The specificity of this science is to understand why it is necessary to conduct management processes in one way or another.

The structure of management psychology: goals, methods and objectives

Management psychology, its object and subject make it possible to present the management process in the form of a diagram of the interaction of several elements:

Subject of management. The subject is a manager with the authority to carry out management activities.

Control object. People or groups of people who are the object of organized, systematic, systematic influence of the subject.

Management influences (or methods). A set of measures that the subject uses to influence the control object.

The purpose of management. The desired state of the control object or the result of the object’s activity. The goal is formulated by the subject of management or set externally, by a higher level of management.

The purpose of management psychology and its practical application primarily consists of solving the following problems existing in the organization:

  • increasing the professional competence of managers: improving management styles, communication skills, decision making, strategic planning skills, overcoming stress;
  • analysis and improvement of methods for training the company’s management staff;
  • search and activation of human resources;
  • assessment and selection of managers in accordance with the needs of the company;
  • assessment and improvement of the socio-psychological climate, increasing the level of employee loyalty, team unity.

Thus, the main task of management psychology is the formation of leadership methods, which are based on the patterns identified in the process of studying between the tactics of the boss and the reaction of subordinates.

Generally, tasks of management psychology can be divided into several large groups depending on the object of study:

  1. Psychological analysis of management activities. The manager needs to carry out management activities consciously, analyzing his actions, which is necessary for making the right management decisions.
  2. Study of the mechanisms of mental regulation. Essential for making the right decisions in both normal and extreme conditions
  3. Leadership Research. Development of leadership qualities necessary for a manager to manage the work process
  4. Practical application of psychological knowledge in management processes. This task includes resolving conflicts, regulating the microclimate, increasing the level of job satisfaction, achieving a high level of employee loyalty
  5. Group interaction research. Necessary to achieve a stable social microclimate in the team
  6. Studying the methods and mechanisms of motivation. Motivation is necessary in management processes to encourage employees to achieve more significant goals.

Management psychology, being an interdisciplinary science, successfully uses management techniques in combination with psychological ones. The structure of management psychology identifies two main study methods: observation and experiment.

Observation– an analytical method based on perception processes. This method is the most complex objective method, since observation is carried out in a natural setting, and accordingly, the role and place of the observer influences and influences the object of observation. The study and search for effective principles of interaction between the leader and the team occurs in a passive form. During the study, reactions, opinions and results are recorded. This method is used both when obtaining preliminary material before starting other studies, and in conditions where other methods of obtaining information are not available.

Passivity is the main disadvantage of this technique. Waiting for a long time for the reaction of the object of observation is not always justified, since there is a high risk of missing the moment of reaction and misinterpreting the result.

The experiment, on the contrary, refers to active methods. With the help of an experiment, a search for effective interaction schemes is carried out by creating certain conditions for the use of various management tactics.

Purpose of the experiment– test hypotheses that influence the practice of making management decisions. Using an experimental technique, you can obtain quite extensive information of a unique nature if you meet the necessary conditions for a successful experiment:

  • correct choice of control characteristics,
  • using factor characteristics (introduced by the researcher) to change them,
  • protecting the experiment from the maximum number of external influences that are not related to the situation.

The use of these techniques allows us to comprehensively study management processes and move on to solving the problems of management psychology outlined above.

To summarize, it should be noted that management activities in an organization are based on certain rules. Compliance with them can lead a company to success, and ignoring them can lead to failure, even under favorable conditions. Management psychology, its object and subject, enable specialists to develop such rules and technical methods of communication that it becomes not only a form, but also a factor of management. This is the main task of management psychology as an applied interdisciplinary science.

The subject of management psychology and its object, the practical application of science in management processes, the psychology of the subject of management and the object at which management is directed are discussed in more detail in other articles related to the topic of personnel management:

Psychology of management- a branch of psychology that studies the psychological patterns of management activities. The main task of management psychology is to analyze the psychological conditions and characteristics of management activities in order to increase the efficiency and quality of work in the management system.

Psychology of management– a complex system of knowledge relating to the following aspects of management activities:
psychological factors ensuring the successful and effective activity of a manager;
psychology of people's motivation in the process of their activities;
features of group behavior and interpersonal relationships;
psychological aspects of leadership, features of decision-making;
psychology of power and organization;
issues of psychological climate in the team;
psychological conflictology.

Object of management psychology- a system of activities of officials and departments to implement set goals, considered in the context of the relationship of management - coordination - subordination.

Subject management psychology are the following problems of human relationships and interactions from the point of view of management situations:

1. Personality, its self-improvement and self-development in the process of work.
2. Managerial activity and its organization from the point of view of psychological effectiveness.
3. Group processes in the workforce, and their regulation.

Currently, it is believed that a manager at any level is called upon to solve two interrelated tasks:
- master the theoretical foundations of rational management, i.e. management science;
- be able to creatively apply the provisions of this science, that is, master the art of management. The first task is solved in the learning process, the second - in the process of practical activity.

The activities of leaders (managers), implemented in the performance of basic management functions, is the subject of management psychology.

The main task of the manager is the general management of the process of functioning and development of the management system.

Thus, management psychology strives to make the work of managers easier and more effective with the help of knowledge about the psychological characteristics of a person, about the various manifestations of the psyche, its functional, changeable nature.

Objectives of management psychology:
psychological analysis of the activities of specialist managers;
studying the mechanisms of mental regulation of work activity in normal and extreme conditions;
research into the mental characteristics of leadership;
development of psychological recommendations for the use of psychological knowledge in the management process, in resolving conflicts, changing the psychological climate in organizations;
studying the processes of group interaction;
study of human motivation mechanisms.

End of work -

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Psychophysical and psychophysiological

Problems in psychology.. a psychophysical problem in a broad sense is a question about the place.. of the psyche in nature in a narrow sense, the problem of the relationship between mental..

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