Paraglider or hang glider – what to choose? Motorized hang gliders and hang gliders: types of features and how to make a hang glider with a motor with your own hands Maximum speed of a motorized hang glider

To the question What is a hang glider with a motor called? Like a paraglider, but with a rigid wing? given by the author Beiznik the best answer is Hang plane.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What is the name of a hang glider with a motor? Like a paraglider, but with a rigid wing?

Answer from Skydiver9[guru]

Answer from Kristina Egorova[master]
"Moto-hang glider": hang glider with a motor
It was conceived as a means of obtaining experimental data on the stability, controllability and other aerodynamic characteristics of such devices. The task was also set to bring flight safety to a high level, to obtain material for the development of technical requirements and airworthiness standards that the trike must comply with. Indeed, in many countries, such ultra-light devices are used not only for sports purposes, but also for chemical treatment of crops from the air, communications, monitoring the condition of forests and water areas, filming and photography.
This trike has excellent takeoff and landing characteristics and low flight speed, which in this case is an advantage that increases safety. In terms of piloting technique, it is accessible to moderately qualified hang glider pilots, so it can serve as a “flying desk” for future pilots, designers, and amateurs.
A “motor hang glider” is a hybrid of a conventional hang glider and a motorized trolley. Structural simplicity, low weight, foldability, balance control principle and the presence of an engine can significantly expand the scope of application of this ultra-light aircraft.
According to the scheme - a flying wing of a braced type with a three-wheeled motorized trolley and a pushing propeller. The choice of this arrangement is dictated by the following considerations.
Firstly, the line of action of the propeller thrust passes near the center of gravity of the apparatus or slightly below it, creating a pitching moment. This is desirable: if the engine fails, the trike automatically switches to the gliding mode, reducing the flight angle of attack. And the three-wheeled landing gear makes takeoff and landing, including forced landing, safe.
Secondly, the motorized trolley allows you to increase the take-off weight - increase the load capacity and useful efficiency.
Thirdly, by installing a soft seat, more comfortable conditions are provided for the pilot while maintaining the balanced control principle.
And finally, fourthly, the “Motor hang glider” is structurally simple and easy to use. It should be added that the motorized cart is also suitable for ground transportation.
The wing used was the serial training hang glider “Slavutich-UT”, which I talked about in the article “Hang glider - with your own hands”.
The main power elements of its design are reinforced with pipes made of D16T: side spars - with internal springs 40x2 and 36x2 in places with peak bending moments; keel and transverse beams - bougies, respectively 40x2 and 39x1.9. Moreover, the keel beam is reinforced at the installation site of the lower rear cables, shifted 500 mm forward to provide clearance between them and the propeller.
The diameter of the side lower cables has been increased to 3.5 mm (instead of 2.5 mm on the production model). The supporting channel of the central unit is extended for greater balancing capabilities.
A combined hang glider and engine control handle is mounted on the trapeze bar, which made it possible to increase the range of alignment changes. The cart is suspended under the wing at one point on a two-stage hinge. Otherwise, the wing of the Slavutich-UT hang glider has not undergone any changes.
The motorized trolley of truss-braced design is made of D16T pipes. The elements of the horizontal triangular frame are 40x1.5; vertical - 40x2. The axle of the main wheels of the chassis is also made of 40x2 and 45x1.5 pipes. The horizontal and vertical frames are closed by the power frame of the pilot's seat. The seat is made of aviation cent and reinforced with nylon tapes and foam rubber; it has seat belts with a quick-release lock. For greater rigidity and reliability, the vertical frame is connected to the horizontal with adjustable 2.5 mm braces.
All connections of the frame elements are hinged, allowing you to easily fold the cart.
A motor mount and a safety support are mounted on a vertical frame behind the chair. The main wheels of the chassis measure 280x85 mm - from the map. Die hubs

Hang gliding became especially popular in the seventies of the last century. Then lovers of extreme recreation from all over the world began to massively use light aircraft without an engine. Since a person always wants something more, some time later the first hang glider with a motor appeared. Photos of this device are presented below.

Hang gliders with a motor: characteristics

They belong to the second group of ultra-light aircraft. Characterized by balancing control. There are separate varieties in which the wing is equipped with a control surface. However, this significantly reduces their reliability and leads to design complexity. Hang gliders have a wheeled or float-based landing gear and are even capable of carrying small loads. Compared to analogues that are not equipped with engines, these devices have a higher level of safety. Among other things, motorized hang gliders are very easy to take off and land.


Depending on the layout of the engines, there are several varieties of these. In particular, the power unit can be located behind the pilot, under the wing, on the mast, on a motorized trolley and on the fuselage. In addition, sometimes several engines are installed.

The oldest option is considered to be hang gliders with a motor on a mast. This arrangement began to be used from the very first days of the design of these aircraft. But the modification very quickly became obsolete due to the fact that the design became less stable, and controllability only worsened. A similar situation also arose with the installation of the engine on the fuselage.

The location of the engine under the wing is considered the safest for the pilot, because in this case the propellers are located quite far from him. Moreover, the installation itself is much faster compared to other structures. This ensures ease of control of the aircraft and increases comfort. Such motorized hang gliders are in greatest demand not only here, but also abroad. Sometimes two engines are mounted in this way. The advantage of the devices is that you can fly and balance even when one of the engines is not working. At the same time, one cannot help but note the fact that the devices did not live up to the hopes placed on them due to the significant complexity of the design.

When installing the engine on a motorized trolley, it also becomes possible to transport goods. In this case, in addition to the engine, the landing gear, pilot's seat and all other elements are attached to it. Among other things, the use of a trolley implies the use of a stronger structure, the assembly and disassembly of which does not take much time. In handling, this variety is somewhat reminiscent of a sports modification.

Answering the question of how much a hang glider with a motor costs, it should be noted that everything here depends on its type and intended purposes. The simplest version will cost about 400 thousand rubles, while sports models cost much more.

Anka and Tyoma told me about the hang glider. I understood that flying with a hang glider over Rio was something out of fantasy and if I didn’t do it, I would be very sorry, but I didn’t want to jump 500 meters from a cliff either. As a result, all the days before the flight I hoped that the weather would be bad and everything would be cancelled. For myself, on the last day, I decided that I was going to watch the guys and, if the desire awoke, I would jump, but I still prepared the required amount of cash. At the same time, the flight itself did not scare me, only the beginning was scary. In my opinion, after a jump, you first fly down under the weight of the hang glider and only then level off.

They were supposed to pick us up at 10 in the morning. Having experienced the scorching nightlife of Rio de Janeiro the day before, the rise was rough and breakfast silent. The abundance of a variety of fresh fruits did not help the situation. We waited in the hotel lobby, but no one came. Tyoma began to contact the company through which the reservation was made, it turned out that they called our room. As a result, a cheerful, life-affirming granny of about 65 years old came to pick us up and jumped about 5 times. She talked about this incredible feeling when you are picked up by currents of air and you take off, I perked up, but for now I was still going to watch.

We arrived at the beach where everyone lands and got out of the car. The next moment some kind of madhouse began. The instructors rushed to grab us. They are already leading me somewhere, I fill out something, sign. I get into the car with two dark-skinned guys, a huge hang glider is attached to the car, we rush into the mountains, overtaking other cars through a double solid road. I'm trying to start a conversation with my instructor - "How old are you?" (Russian: “How old are you?”) and I get the answer “Rita, my English is very bad, but i”m a good pilot” (“Rita, I speak English very poorly, but I’m a good pilot”). .

The next moment - I’m standing on the edge of a cliff with an incredible view of the mountains, Rio and the beach, looking at other people, thinking about the fact that my instructor speaks only Portuguese and laughing at all this nonsense in my heart - “there’s no time to explain, you in Rio, jump off a cliff."

Using gestures and a few words in English, I understood in general terms what to do and how to behave in the air. Confidence has increased.

And here we are standing on the platform, running and jumping. No falling down, not even for a second. We are instantly picked up by the air and carried even higher.

He let me steer, but it was scary. I imagined how people involved in this sport had fun, how they dived and soared. This is crazy cool.

The landing was also absolutely painless, we were already close to the ground, we felt high speed, but at the last moment he turned the hang glider and braked on the air. Before landing, the instructor removed my legs with his foot and I put them on the ground only when we had already landed. It feels like jumping from a very low height.

I highly recommend anyone who is afraid or doubtful to try it. It’s not scary at all, but the impressions will last a lifetime.

Here is general information about active recreation options in Abkhazia, We do not organize holidays.

Hang gliding and trike organized by almost every 2 travel agencies in the city of Gagra. The organization of the flight is as follows - in a passenger transport you are taken to the top of Mount Mamdzyshkha. During the trip, stops are provided at 2 observation platforms to admire the view of the surrounding area. The height of the first is 400 meters and the second is 1300 meters. The journey will continue to 1500 meters. Here you will see a beautiful view of the city of Gagra, as well as Mount Arabica and Cape Pitsunda.

This is the starting point for the flight. The flight is carried out in tandem with an instructor, and landing can be carried out at any point on the seashore. The flight itself lasts from 20 to 30 minutes. An equally interesting flight would be a flight on an ultralight aircraft - trike. Flight to trike performed in tandem with an experienced pilot over Gagra and Pitsunda.

About trikes

Trike- motorized ultra-light aircraft. Arose trike based on a hang glider and inherited many design elements and manufacturing technologies from its predecessors. The wing of a hang glider is used to create lift, and the propeller unit is used to create thrust. Trike equipped with landing gear for takeoff and landing. The patent for the invention of a motor hang glider belongs to the Frenchman Gerard Tavenot (1974).

Trike found its niche in the hierarchy of motorized aircraft. Below are motorized paragliders, and above are light and, partly, ultra-light aircraft. In terms of cost, a trike also occupies a middle position: on average, it is twice as expensive as a paraglider and half as expensive (at least) as an ultralight aircraft. At the same time, it allows you to fly like an airplane, but requires significantly lower operating costs than an airplane.

Trike can use roads and fields for takeoff and landing. In this it is close to a motor paraglider, but unlike it, it is less critical to weather conditions and flies at high speeds (60-100 km/h instead of 30-45 km/h for a motor paraglider), allowing you to carry additional cargo or one more person up to 120 kg. For takeoff and landing, in addition to wheels, you can also use snow skis or water floats, which expands the possibilities of use compared to a paraglider.

Flight safety. Since a motorized hang glider evolved from a hang glider, which is essentially a glider, it glides with a descent. The pilot training program requires landing with the engine off. Therefore, if the engine fails, the pilot must land the device, as long as a suitable site is found.

Weather. A lot depends on the skill of the pilot and the design features of the trike. In general, flights are permissible in winds up to 12 m/s. It is undesirable to fly over the ground on a summer day, since thermal activity is high, and therefore turbulence increases - it is unsafe to fly in strong bumps, especially if negative g-forces occur. In winter, at temperatures close to zero and/or at high air humidity, icing of the wing may occur - this is also unsafe.

From the history trikes

Hang gliding, which was experiencing a period of rapid development in the 70s of the 20th century, quickly became a popular sport. The secret of success is explained primarily in the simple design and unique flight characteristics of the aircraft.

But hang gliders require a certain elevation to launch and updrafts to gain height. The desire of athletes to expand the capabilities of a hang glider by starting from flat terrain led to the appearance of hang gliders equipped with engines - motorized hang gliders.

Motorized hang gliders of that period were distinguished by a wide variety of designs and layouts, and the search for optimal technical solutions. In the period 1980 - 1984, such solutions were mainly found, and a boom in the development of these types of aircraft followed.

Line-up of trikes

At all stages of the development of motorized hang gliders, various designs and layouts were encountered. They can be roughly divided into two groups.

The first group included motorized hang gliders, launched by the pilot's take-off run. The advantages of devices of this group include the low weight of the structure, the ability to install low-power engines on them, and the use of uneven platforms for launching. However, they are not suitable for

Transporting payload, since when performing a launch the pilot is subject to great physical exertion. In addition, flight safety is also reduced, since the pilot of such a device is not rigidly fixed relative to the structure, but is in a soft suspension system that allows pendulum movement relative to the wing.

An analysis of aviation accidents involving hang gliders (motorized hang gliders of the first group) shows that the vast majority of serious injuries occur when the head or chest hits the ground. During stalls, which are possible during flights at low altitudes and low speeds, the trike collides with the ground when its trajectory is steeply inclined; in such a situation, the pilot's body is tilted forward, which increases the likelihood of unpleasant consequences.

The most widespread are the second group of motorized hang gliders, which have a chassis that largely replicates the fuselage of a micro-aircraft and includes a power frame, a pilot’s seat, etc. (colloquially - “trolley”). The power unit (engine with propeller, fuel tank, etc.) is mounted on the chassis. The motor vehicle (suspension system) is attached to the wing through a hinge that has at least two degrees of freedom in angular movement. The power plant, pilot's seat, chassis, equipment and other elements are mounted on a motorized trolley.

Motorized hang gliders with a trolley are easy to operate and do not have any special design difficulties, which allows you to quickly disassemble and reassemble them and replace the wing. Such motorized hang gliders are more comfortable and handle in the same way as sports hang gliders. A motorized cart is adapted for transporting goods and passengers. With the wing removed, such a trike can serve as a ground vehicle.

Classification of trikes

Based on their intended purpose, the trike can be classified into the following groups:
sports and amateur flights for your own pleasure. They are characterized by a variety of designs and may have significant limitations;
for aerial photography and aerial work for agriculture, etc. This is the most massive group. A feature of this group is unification and mass production; tourist excursion ones, as a rule, have an attractive appearance (fiberglass fairings are widely used, but are overweight and expensive).

How to transport a trike?

It all depends on the size. Some trikes fit in the trunk of a car, but more often a trailer is required. The wing is folded into a package 2...4 meters long.
How long is the runway for a trike?
Of course, the more the better, but 100-150 m should be enough for takeoff and landing. The most important thing is that after takeoff while climbing and before landing there are no obstacles during gliding.

Duration of a trike flight?
The duration of the flight is largely determined by the capacity of the fuel tanks and the cargo transported by the trike. On average, 10 liters of fuel per flight hour is considered, but this depends on the type of engine. The gas tank capacity is 20-50 liters. You can fly as a couple, or alone with an extra fuel tank. That is, the design features of the trike and the cargo being transported, as well as the speed, i.e. Engine operating mode (fuel consumption) will determine the duration of your flight.

How far can you fly on a trike?
Due to the fact that horizontal flight depends on engine thrust, the range is determined by the amount of fuel on board. Headwind/tailwind also has a significant impact on flight range. If you have 30 liters in the tank, then on average the flight will be 3 hours, and at an average speed of 70 km/h in calm weather, the flight range will reach 210 km. From the calculations we remove the influence of take-off weight and wind direction.

At what altitudes does a trike fly?

As a rule, the flight altitude in a circle is 100 m, the altitude of flights in the zone (for making steeper turns, climbs and slides) reaches 200-300 m. If you want to set “altitude” records, then you need a trike with a good /powerful engine. There is information that someone climbed with a passenger to 4500 meters on a ROTAX-582 engine with a power of 64 hp, but it is cold and uninteresting there.

At what speeds does a trike fly?
It depends on the flight performance. Usually the minimum speed is 45-55 km/h, the maximum speed is 90-110 km/h. Balancing speed - this flight is performed with a thrown trapeze - on average 55-70 km/h.

What fuel is used for a trike engine?
Two-stroke engines require gasoline (76, 92, 95) and oil (special for two-stroke engines), and in winter also alcohol. For four-cylinder engines - gasoline (92, 95). See engine specifications.

A trike is a motorized ultra-light aircraft. A trike appeared
based on a hang glider and inherited many design elements and technologies from its predecessors
manufacturing. The wing of a hang glider is used to create lift, and the propeller unit is used to create lift.
to create traction. The trike is equipped with a landing gear for takeoff and landing. Patent for invention
The hang glider belongs to the Frenchman Gerard Tavenot (1974).

Two-seater trike

Tourist and excursion trike
The trike has found its niche in the hierarchy of motorized aircraft. Below are located
motorized paragliders, and above that - light and, partly, ultralight aircraft. The cost of the trike is also
occupies a middle position: on average it is twice as expensive as a paraglider and half as cheap (at least)
ultralight aircraft. At the same time, it allows you to fly like an airplane, but requires significantly less
operating costs than an airplane.

Trike on takeoff

Trike on floats
The trike can use roads and fields for takeoff and landing. In this it is close to a motor paraglider, but
in contrast, it is less critical to weather conditions and flies at high speeds (60-100 km/h instead of
30-45 km/h for a motor paraglider), allowing you to transport additional cargo or one more person up to 120 kg.
For takeoff and landing, in addition to wheels, you can also use snow skis or water floats, which
expands the application possibilities compared to a paraglider.

Flight safety.
Since a motorized hang glider evolved from a hang glider, which is essentially a glider, it glides with a descent. IN
The pilot training program requires landing with the engine off. That's why,
if the engine fails, the pilot must land the device, only if a suitable site is found.

View from a trike in flight

Controlling a trike while turning
A lot depends on the skill of the pilot and the design features of the trike. Generally
flights are permissible in winds up to 12 m/s. It is not advisable to fly over the ground on a summer day, since thermal
activity is high, and therefore turbulence increases - it is unsafe to fly in strong turbulence,
especially if negative overloads occur. In winter, at temperatures close to zero and/or at
high air humidity can cause icing of the wing - this is also unsafe.

A trike during an air show in Switzerland, accompanied by a bird escort

Two-seat trike in flight without a passenger
From the history of trikes
Hang gliding, which was experiencing a period of rapid development in the 70s of the 20th century, in a short period of time became
the most popular sport. The secret of success is explained primarily in the simple design and
unique flight characteristics of aircraft.

But hang gliders require a certain elevation and ascending
flows to gain altitude. The desire of athletes to expand the capabilities of a hang glider by starting from a flat
terrain led to the appearance of hang gliders equipped with engines - motorized hang gliders.

Air ride on a motor hang glider

Trike mileage after landing
Motorized hang gliders of that period were distinguished by a wide variety of schemes and layouts, the search for optimal
technical solutions. In the period 1980 - 1984, such solutions were mainly found, and a boom followed
in the development of these types of aircraft.
Line-up of trikes
At all stages of the development of motorized hang gliders, various designs and layouts were encountered. They can be conditionally
divide into two groups.

The first group included motorized hang gliders, launched by the pilot's take-off run. The advantages of the devices of this
group follows the light weight of the structure, the ability to install low-power engines on them and
use of uneven platforms for starting. However, they are unsuitable for transporting payloads,
since when performing a launch, the pilot is subject to great physical exertion. In addition, it decreases
and flight safety, since the pilot of such a device is not rigidly fixed relative to the structure,
and is located in a soft suspension system that allows pendulum movement relative to the wing.

Trike on skis

On a motorized hang glider without a wing in the snow
Analysis of aviation accidents involving hang gliders (motorized hang gliders of the first group) shows that the overwhelming majority
most severe injuries occur when the head or chest hits the ground. In case of possible stalls
During flights at low altitudes and low speeds, the trike collides with the ground when it
the trajectory is steeply inclined; in such a situation, the pilot's body is tilted forward, which increases the likelihood
unpleasant consequences.

The most widespread are the second group of motorized hang gliders, which have a chassis that largely replicates
the fuselage of a microplane and including a power frame, pilots’ seat, etc. (colloquially - “trolley”).
The power unit (engine with propeller, fuel tank, etc.) is mounted on the chassis. Motorized trolley
(suspension system) is attached to the wing through a hinge having at least two degrees of freedom in the angular
movement. The power plant, pilot's seat, chassis, equipment and other elements are mounted on a motorized trolley.

Motorized hang gliders with a trolley are easy to operate and do not have any special design difficulties, which allows
quickly disassemble and reassemble them, replace the wing. Such trikes are more comfortable and controllable
just like sports hang gliders. A motorized cart is adapted for transporting goods and passengers. At
With the wing removed, such a trike can serve as a ground vehicle.

Classification of trikes
Based on their intended purpose, the trike can be classified into the following groups:

  • sports and amateur flights for your own pleasure. Characterized by diversity
    designs and may have significant limitations;
  • for aerial photography and aerial work for agriculture, etc. This is the most
    mass group. A feature of this group is unification and mass production;
  • tourist excursion ones, as a rule, have an attractive appearance (fiberglass
    fairings, but are overweight and expensive).

In the cockpit of a trike during flight

Controlling a trike in flight
How dangerous is it to fly a trike?
There is danger not only in flying, but also in swimming and driving a car/motorcycle. Exist
certain rules - flight safety rules and aircraft performance characteristics
apparatus. If you don’t break these rules and don’t fly at critical speeds, then the degree of risk is very low.

How to transport a trike?
It all depends on the size. Some trikes fit in the trunk of a car, but more often you need
trailer. The wing is folded into a package 2...4 meters long.

How long is the runway for a trike?
Of course, the more the better, but 100-150 m should be enough for takeoff and landing. The most important thing is that
after takeoff during climb and before landing there were no obstacles during gliding.

Duration of a trike flight?
The duration of the flight is largely determined by the capacity of the fuel tanks and the cargo transported by the trike.
On average, 10 liters of fuel per flight hour is considered, but this depends on the type of engine. Gas tank capacity
is 20-50 liters. You can fly as a couple, or alone with an extra fuel tank. Those are
design features of the trike and the cargo being transported, as well as speed, i.e. engine operating mode
(fuel consumption) will determine the length of your flight.

Trike on floats for operation from water

Splashdown on a trike
How far can you fly on a trike?
Due to the fact that horizontal flight depends on engine thrust, the range is determined by the fuel supply
on board. Headwind/tailwind also has a significant impact on flight range. If you have
tank is 30 liters, then the average flight will be 3 hours, and at an average speed of 70 km/h in calm conditions the flight range
will reach 210 km. From the calculations we remove the influence of take-off weight and wind direction.

At what altitudes does a trike fly?
As a rule, the circling altitude is 100 m, the altitude of flights in the zone (for steeper
turns, climbs and slides) reaches 200-300 m. If you want to install “high-altitude”
records, then you need a trike with a good/powerful engine. Information is leaking that
someone climbed with a passenger to 4500 meters on a ROTAX-582 engine with a power of 64 hp, but it was cold there
and uninteresting.

At what speeds does a trike fly?
It depends on the flight performance. Usually the minimum speed is 45-55 km/h,
maximum respectively 90-110 km/h. Balancing speed - this is a flight performed with a thrown trapeze
- on average 55-70 km/h.

What fuel is used for a trike engine?
Two-stroke engines require gasoline (76, 92, 95) and oil (special for two-stroke engines),
and in winter also alcohol. For four-cylinder engines - gasoline (92, 95). See engine specifications.

Trike without landing gear

The trike needs to be refueled
Is it possible to perform aerobatic maneuvers on a motorized hang glider?
This question can only be asked by beginners or those interested. To perform aerobatic maneuvers
a good knowledge of the aerodynamics and technical characteristics of the aircraft and flight experience are required.
Conventional motorized hang gliders can make a combat turn, a roll turn, as well as downward spirals and
ascending, figure eight, dive-slide. There must be a headroom for any elements!

How to learn to fly a motor hang glider?
Usually the training period lasts two months - it all depends on the intensity, and, partly, on the weather.
The training program includes theory, ground training and flights. The training program involves 15 hours
raid. It is better to study in clubs where there are traditions of flight safety. But it all depends on ability.

How much does a trike cost?
See characteristics, service life, operating time. How much can you buy or sell for?
trike - how much can you buy or sell a car for?