Bmw 7 series iii e38 740i. BMW e38 review description photo video equipment and characteristics. Differences between models before and after facelift

The E38 is a luxury car that was released in 1994, in June. It was this series that replaced the second generation of the seventh series. This model is interesting because the Munich manufacturers for the first time began to install diesel engines in cars. And, I must say, this is not the only feature of the BMW 750i E38.

Long awaited debut

This car was produced for seven years - from 1994 to 2001. Only then it was replaced by the currently known “seven” E66 / 65. For the entire period of production, the volume of sales of the 750th model amounted to about 327 thousand cars.

What can be said about the debut of this car? In fact, there are a lot of contradictions in the sense that different sources say different dates for the start of production. But the concern provided an official announcement in early April 1994. However, already at that time, the “seven” in the back of the E38 was published for more than six months. In general, there are unresolved issues in this topic. However, this is not of great importance, so you should not get hung up.

About changes

It is worth noting that in addition to the BMW 750i E38, there are other model options. They should be listed. These are the 728im 735i, 730i (these versions were not available in Canada and the US), 740iL, 740i, also the flagship 750i with a V12 engine and, of course, diesel options. There were three of them - 730d, 740d, 725tds.

The model, unlike its predecessors, has undergone major changes. They touched both its appearance and technical characteristics. The BMW 750i E38, whose photo shows us a car very similar to the E32 body, really has similarities with its predecessors. True, outwardly there are more similarities than in the cabin. By the way, this car, or rather the design of its interior, then became the prototype of the E39 body.

By the way, the Munich concern, in addition to the standard model, also released an extended version of the BMW 750i. Manufacturers increased the wheelbase by 140 millimeters. And then, in 1998, they carried out a minor restyling aimed at eliminating previously made mistakes.

Technical equipment

And one more topic regarding the BMW 750i E38. Characteristics is a very important issue. It is also worth discussing. In technical terms, the model has made a big step forward. This was especially true for electronic systems. For the first time, the Munich-based manufacturers have introduced an adaptive automatic transmission and an electronic engine management system into a car. And that's not it. Also, the developers decided to give the car a dynamic motion stabilization system, which could not but have a positive impact on the management. In addition, there was also a system for regulating the position of the body. But that's not all either! An automatic body stabilization system has also become available. It also made life much easier for motorists. And, finally, manufacturers also decided to build in the electronic control system for the stiffness of shock absorbers. As you can see, there are really a lot of innovations, and all of them only improved the already high-quality and reliable car.

Power and speed

No wonder this model of the seventh series has become so famous. It is worth remembering - in the 90s, this car was an indicator that a person has taste and big money. Like the "five hundredth", "six hundredth" Mercedes, the BMW 750i E38 was a car of respectable people. And, I must say, the indicators are really powerful. This luxurious car has retained all the family advantages - amazing dynamics, perfect handling. Thanks to the V12 engine, which develops 326 horsepower, this car can accelerate to “hundreds” in just over six seconds. The maximum of this car is an indicator of 250 km / h with a speed limiter installed. Yes, and consumption, I must say, economical - a little more than seven liters in the city. In general, the engineers really worked hard to create a high-quality and fast presentable BMW.

This is one of the best and, alas, the last successful model of the BMW 7-Series, its owner believes. A powerful German engine makes her take off. The body is made in such a way that all passengers feel comfortable and free. And the driver can only enjoy driving.

The agony of searching
It all started after the sale of another car (Renault Laguna second generation). Needed a car. The criteria are as follows: definitely a sedan (station wagons, hatchbacks, etc. have already got it). The color is either black (close to it) or white (white night), you see, interesting extremes. Decent condition of the car. Oh yes, since my work is related to business and very often I have to meet people with prosperity, I didn’t want to fall into the dirt on my face. The choice fell on the BMW family.

And so the search began, how many doubts there were, how many temptations there were to spit and buy some kind of small car, and how much advice there was from relatives and friends, they say, why do you need this BMW, not to mention the 7-Series. But, spitting on everything, I decided that I would buy the car that will make my soul sing in unison with its engine.

The search was relatively long. Three weeks without a car! It was horror. During this time, I looked at seven BMW 3-Series (E46), five BMW 5-Series (E39) and I will not lie that there are about 20 variants of the BMW 7-Series (E38). It was torment, not a single car evoked emotions in me. I looked at engines and 3.0 TDI, and 4.4i, and many, many things.

Friday. Another raid on cars was completed with nothing. Gathered home, but still I decided to call the last marked number. We agreed to meet. We are standing with my brother in the Novinok district at a gas station. A car appears. It doesn't just ride - it flies, the sound - it was something, chic 18-inch wheels. She was just great!

V-shaped eight with four valves per cylinder
Believe me, I'm not one of those people who drool over tsatski, but I was just shocked at the feeling that I would buy it. We started to look - the engine rumbles, the box is super, the suspension does not rattle. The owner admitted that the car was hit on the right. He took his brother as an expert on technical parts. He gave the go-ahead (although even if he had not approved, I would have bought it anyway).

Ride, I realized that just buy. A little bargain, agreed that the owner removes it from the register tomorrow. It was the most sleepless night of my life. It's Saturday. Decor. That's it, I'm the owner of the BMW 7-Series!

So what did I get. BMW 7-Series (E38) 2000 Modification - 3.5iL, where L is Long (long base). Dark blue color, R18 wheels. Complete set - seats with electric adjustment, separate climate control, CD changer, seat memory, on-board computer and much more, you can’t remember everything.

Under the hood is a V-shaped eight with four valves per cylinder, 235 “horses”, 344 H m of torque and acceleration to hundreds in 8 seconds. Believe me, starting a car weighing 1885 kg at such a speed is super.

When I first got behind the wheel of this car, I could not believe that it was all mine. Because it's a legend. This is a BMW 7-Series - because the car is really cool!

On the way home, I tried not to drive, because I do not know the car. But the car just asks: well, a little more, we’ll overtake that one and that’s it. I know the attitude of the majority towards BMW drivers. But, dear friends, these cars are really pushing for something.

Service cases
Arriving home, went to the local service. I had to replace the rear brake hoses, steering tip on the left, stretch marks and the pendulum bushing. The owner also said to change the oil and filter.

Went a week later to the official service. They said the same thing, and also recommended replacing the radiator and cooling pipe. In general, I like the "officials"! They have a replacement pipe, because it tears and lets out liquid. I took a screwdriver, loosened the clamp and tightened it, but they could not do it. They looked through the entire radiator, where they got what flows from there, they did not understand. Anyway.

Maintenance cost (all spare parts are German, Belarusian ruble):
Brake hoses - 75,000 rubles;
Steering tip - 243,000 rubles;
Stretching at the back - 198,000 rubles;
Oil, 8 liters - 840,000 rubles;
Oil filter - 8 c.u. e.;
Air filter - 12 c.u. e.;
Rear brake discs - 400,000 rubles;
The cooling system was also purged and antifreeze added - 430,000 rubles.
Total: 2,356,000 rubles, or 270 c.u. e. Outboard also began to knock, replacement and work cost 490,000 rubles.
Consumption of this unit: city - 10-13 liters per 100 km, depending on the driving style. In congestion, the largest is 13.4 liters.
On the highway at a speed of 120-160 km / h - 8.8 - 10.3 liters, no more.

And now a little about relationships
You know, a strange feeling arises when you drive this car. Suddenly you notice that everyone is looking at you, yes, yes, that’s all, she catches the eye, they notice her. She looks like a fit athlete in an expensive suit. At the first command, the car is ready to take off: 235 “horses” are enough for any start and overtaking, and the dynamics are such that it’s just a plague. It picks up speed from both 30 km / h and 160 km / h easily and quickly, and kickdown is something incredible (when you press the pedal to the floor, release and press again, and then this - what a catch!).

As a rational decision, weighing strengths and weaknesses and focusing on typical breakdowns is a thankless task. All because this car is chosen not by the mind - by the heart.

The last "real" Bavarian flagship, a childhood dream, a James Bond car and a Boomer gang... Too many associations.

Until recently, the E38 seemed an unattainable car for the celestials, but today you can buy it for 4-6 thousand USD. at the rate. And it is often hard to refuse such a purchase, even if it is frankly “killed”. All because this is the only “seven” that is chosen for sincerity. And having chosen, they sit down on the E38 like on heroin, unable to part even with a shabby 20-year-old copy.

And they go in search of the E38 not because they need a “Bavarian premium” - for this, the “five” BMWs of those years are enough. They go in search of E38 when they need E38. No more, no less.

Why yes

The third generation of the "seven" appeared in 1994. Strict laconic and at the same time original and dynamic design was created by a team led by Chris Bangle. Until now, connoisseurs of the Bavarian brand call the E38 the most beautiful of the BMW “sevens”.

The BMW E38 was available in three body styles - a standard sedan, an elongated Long version (+140 mm wheelbase), and a stretched L7 limousine (+394 mm).

A wide range of engine options was relied on for the sedan: in-line sixes, several V8s and the flagship V12 - a total of six petrol and three diesel engines. In terms of boxes, the buyer chose from a 5 and 6-speed manual gearbox and a 5-speed automatic transmission. The place of the M-version was occupied by the exclusive Alpina B12, charged at 386-428 hp.

The flagship was also equipped with first-class innovative “minced meat”, for example, a dynamic stabilization system and an adaptive automatic transmission. Recall that the E38 was produced from 1994 to 2001 - for those times it was a technological revolution.

Why is the E38 still being considered for purchase?


Before the E38 was taken off the assembly line, its sales skyrocketed. This is a rare story that can be explained very simply: after seeing the new creation of Chris Bangle in 2002, connoisseurs of the Bavarian classics rushed to dealerships to buy the last real flagship with a bright cinematic career.

The new "seven" E65 drew a line "before" and "after" in the change of eras of BMW: after the departure of the E38, experiments with design, downsizing of engines and other sad innovations began. And the E38 has become a permanent symbol of the era of the 90s. And, I must say, the appearance and filling of the car perfectly reflected the values ​​and lifestyle of the characters for whom the movie was intended: adrenaline, non-conformism, the desire to take everything from life. And more.

Today, for those who want to get this F-class model for personal undivided use, the issues of operating costs, engine breakdowns and illnesses are not at all relevant. This BMW immortalized in films, even taking into account its venerable age, remains in demand among brand fans to this day, and the E38 is still an authority from the 90s in the stream. And this is not philistinism, this is a matter of the owner's image.

This is probably why in those ads for the sale, which indicate the maximum cost of a used E38 (12 thousand USD according to our data), there is a postscript “a car for a connoisseur” next to it.


Premium premium, which is soldered with traditional Bavarian values, dynamics and handling - this is the E38's recipe for success.

A two-ton "lighter" will not allow you to save money and comply with traffic rules: a pleasant steering weight, tenacious brakes, balanced steering and anti-slip systems plus a V8 engine compartment and even more so a V12 - and that's it, the owner is gone.

The foot presses on the accelerator against the will, the uterine roar from the engine compartment spurs excitement ... This huge, low and rear-wheel drive beast will not let you drive calmly and balanced. Only hardcore.

Now you can only find such a character in separate “charged” emks, but connoisseurs are categorical: it’s not that. They do not have what was in the E38. Its name is breed.

Luxury and comfort

The era of the appearance of the E38 is the time of the "cold war" between BMW and Daimler, and therefore the "seven" could not yield to the W140. I could not and did not have time: the richest options and a cozy interior are proof of this.

The suspension obediently swallows bumps in the road, the chair hugs the body and remembers individual settings, double-glazed windows are responsible for first-class sound insulation.

All kinds of heating and massage as an option for seats, navigation and separate climate control, webasto, separate rear seats, a cell phone and even a TV - the list of equipment is huge. For the first time on the E38, curtain airbags appeared that protect the heads of people in the cabin in a side impact.

A regular refrigerator and a subwoofer for non-standard music were placed in a 500-liter trunk.

The exterior equipment of the cabin also impresses. It makes no sense to take this "seven" in the minimum configuration. To feel this car - only luxurious classics, black genuine leather and walnut root trim.

You get used to the good, and therefore it is so difficult for owners to part with their E38. You can often hear the opinion that this is the last "seven" BMW, where "show-offs were worth the money." And that after the E38, the rest of the 7-series could surpass it in looks, drive or equipment, but never in a combination of these three elements.


The E38 has no global problems with electrics, engines or suspension, when compared with other representatives of the business class of that era.

Another question is that the age of the car simply obliges it to have problems with the body - and on many copies that are sold on the secondary market of Belarus, doors have been changed, thresholds have been overcooked, elements have been repainted in order to hide corrosion.

Suspension maintenance - front MacPherson and rear multi-link - also does not cause any particular problems if the owner takes the E38 to the service at least once every six months, and does not reveal problems by extraneous knocks.

As for the chassis, instead of the steering rack in the E38, a simple steering gear with Servotronic electronic power amplifier.

In addition to the “servotronic”, the E38 also has enough other electronic assistants, including a full-fledged stabilization system, adaptive dampers and a body level adjustment system (optional). The question is how all this splendor works with runs of a 20-year-old car. Question on the conscience of the previous owners.

If the E38 is on the move and carefully maintained, there will be no global problems (except for the condition of the body). The motors that went to this "seven" are quite reliable, the electronics are not capricious.

A long simple “seven”, like any car, will not benefit. As well as collective farm "tuning", servicing with dubious spare parts from garage craftsmen and ignoring problems. But in general, the E38 is a reliable and resource unit.

Why not

It is worth looking through a couple of dozen ads for the sale of used E38, as the reasons why they do not buy it become obvious. More precisely, this is one reason that explains the essence of the problem.

You can't find a good E38, you can't restore a bad one

BMW E38 owners are conditionally divided into two categories.

The first is brand fans who understand the value of this car and invest crazy amounts in it every year.

Such people fix malfunctions and “collective farming” of previous owners, service and repair the E38 at the official dealer station exclusively with original spare parts, order detailing, choose the style of the wheels for a long and painful time, and if necessary, paint the element, clean it to metal and even order factory options.

And such an owner, of course, for 6-8 thousand USD. he will not give up his beloved "seven", in which so much has been invested. Rather, he will put up an ad, start looking for something similar (and there are no analogues) and, disappointed, put the E38 in the garage - ride on weekends.

But such ads are 5-10 percent.

And the rest fit under the soft “killed collective farm”. With the accompanying space costs of the new owner already.

Moreover, in this case, the search for problems will not do without checking the configuration with the VIN number, checking for traces of welding of the spars or dancing with a thickness gauge.

Forums and specialized resources are full of information about what can be "optimized" by craftsmen in E38. Including underestimation of clearance, chip tuning, installation of forward flow. This list of "collective farming" is worth studying - and many potential owners refuse to buy at this stage.

  • The low price of the E38, combined with the phrases “no time to deal with”, “a lot of things have changed” with a scrupulous enumeration and obvious “tuning”, “automatic transmission nuances” is the best reason to refuse a purchase.
  • In addition, the image of the "dashing guy" is not reflected in the best way on the E38. A lot of cars beaten on the front (heavily), turned over on the roof, restored after the fire.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the difficulties in finding qualified craftsmen. The machine is complex, specific, requires individual knowledge and skills. What kind of service could E38 have from regional centers and remote towns-villages?

In general, the E38 loves premium care, good roads and warm garages. Without this, this is not at all the “seven” that is about a dream. But just a “shabby” copy and a path to debt, if thousands of dollars for restoration were not included in the purchase budget from the very beginning.

Typical breakdowns

For those who still firmly decided to look for a worthy copy. Problems regarding the power plant, gearbox, suspension and electrics of the BMW E38.

Body and interior

For the “seven”, the manufacturer did not spare paint and steel, but taking into account the mileage, it is difficult to find a copy with “native” thresholds, doors, arches.

  • More often, rotting sills are hidden by a dense layer of putty, especially in pre-styling versions, without plastic sills.
  • The edges of the doors, the trunk lid under the emblem, the door arches and the places on the bottom where the factory anticorrosive has disappeared are the main problem areas that should be checked especially carefully.

Don't buy into claims of "original frontal" production, such as Pilkington. This does not mean that the car was not in an accident. Smart outbids have not put a crystal-clear Chinese counterpart for a long time, but they do not buy new glass with the necessary markings at car disassembly.

Optics become cloudy over time from scratches, and headlight glasses will cost a lot.

In terms of electrical equipment, a dirty trick should be expected from various control units, including the main one, the climate control unit, the on-board control system unit, the ABS system, and the Servotronic electronic steering system.

  • Engine sensors fail, which leads to problems with the operation of the motor.
  • The problem of dead pixels on the dashboard will be solved only by replacing the on-board computer display.


In general, the engines on the E38 are reliable. The most successful are gasoline V8s with a volume of 3 to 4.4 liters, as well as engines of the M60, M62, M52 series.

Petrol engines on this "seven" they go 400-700 thousand km before overhaul, their main enemy is overheating. And also a water hammer, and the motor can “sip” water even when driving through a deep puddle due to the low-lying air intake.

On the M52 and M60 series, they scold the nikasil coating of the cylinders and the expensive VANOS to replace. Plus, a small resource of sensors, including a lambda probe, and ignition modules. Plus fuel appetite, growing with the number of cylinders.

  • The base gasoline “six” M52 is scolded for a lack of power: 192 hp. not enough for two tons of metal, you have to twist. These were installed on the 728i.
  • V-shaped three-liter gasoline M60, which were installed on the pre-styling 730i, are considered dynamic and reliable.
  • The 3.5-liter M62, which replaced the M60 in 1996 and was installed on the 735i, and the 4.0-and after restyling and 4.4-liter M64 (for the 740i) are also quite reliable, but the complex VANOS phase shift system is already starting to cause problems the first hundred thousand kilometers, and its replacement hits the wallet.
  • Flagship V12 with 326 hp and the 5.4-liter volume that was put on the 750i, this is the M engine. Never an economical “beast” will forgive negligence, only experts should service it.

Diesel versions meet infrequently, and the E38 is the first "seven" BMW, which generally began to install a diesel engine. Buying diesel versions is always a guarantee of high mileage and high fuel system maintenance costs. The only exception is the M57, which is popular on the secondary market.

  • The base 143-horsepower unit for the 725td, the M51 family, is too weak for a heavy machine, and also suffers from a structurally weak injection pump.
  • The most acceptable choice is the 2.9-liter M57. The best in its class, it is quite simply arranged and has 193 hp. These were put on the 730d. Expensive breakdowns - replacement of nozzles and a flow meter, and even if exhaust gases break into the engine crankcase. Plus a worn turbo.
  • The top diesel V8 of the M67 family, which relied under the hood of the 740d and produced 245 hp. power, it is better not to buy. This 3.9-liter diesel engine was distinguished by extremely sensitive control electronics and injectors that are incompatible with domestic fuel. And the torque of 590 Nm is poorly digested by the automatic transmission, especially in terms of the dual-mass flywheel. The differential suffers too.

The timing chain for all engines that went to the E38 is considered maintenance-free. But in fact, it has to be changed every about 300 thousand km.

Basically, caring for engines according to the BMW standard: the best oil and fuel available, a sensitive reaction to noise from under the hood, prevention of overheating. So, no clogged radiators and idle for hours. In general, it depends entirely on the owner whether you will get into possession of a live half-millionaire or a 200-thousander completely killed in terms of the CPG.


On the E38, both manual transmissions (for gasoline 2.8 and diesel 2.5) and automatic transmissions were installed. If the "mechanics" is considered reliable, there are questions about the "machines".

  • Automatic transmissions manufactured by ZF of the 5HP24 and 5HP19 series are the best choice, but despite the manufacturer's statements, they still require maintenance: ATF fluid changes every 100-120 thousand km.
  • "Automatic machines" of American origin, GM, cannot stand high speeds (overheat) and dirty oil, their maintenance requires increased attention. And if you abruptly turn on R after D, the retaining ring will break. The good news is that only certain versions of the in-line sixes were equipped with GM automatic transmissions.


Most of the levers in the E38 change assembly, some are made of aluminum.

After a complete overhaul, the front suspension travels 100+ thousand km. The rear multi-link will have to be repaired more often, approximately every 40-60 thousand km: a heavy car. Moreover, the rear suspension is complex, there are a lot of parts, the design of many does not allow the installation of analogues from other BMW models.

The air suspension for the 750i is impeccable in terms of comfort and even lasts longer than the standard one, but if it fails, the owner will lay out more than a thousand cu. for the repair.

  • Original front shock absorbers go up to 300 thousand km.
  • Silent blocks are changed separately from the levers on average every 40-60 thousand km.
  • The levers live about 60 thousand km, they change along with the ball bearings.
  • Tie rods and tips serve 80 thousand km each, steering linkage - 40 thousand km.
  • The weak point of the structurally complex rear suspension is the silent blocks of the H-shaped lever. They require replacement every 40-60 thousand km, and after 60-90 thousand the upper levers join them.
  • The lower swing arms last the longest, but their turn comes - on a run of 200 - 250 thousand km.

In October 1993, at the Frankfurt Motor Show, BMW introduced the flagship third-generation 7-Series sedan in the back of the E38. Despite the fact that the public liked the model, it only appeared on the conveyor in June 1994. The car was produced until 2001 and gained popularity among motorists around the world, including in Russia. In total, the Bavarian manufacturer produced 340,242 copies of the BMW E38.

Many believe that the "seven" in the back of the E38 is the last "correct" model of this series, because the next generation (E65 / E66) received a radically new design.

Just looking at the BMW 7-series sedan in the E38 body, it becomes clear that this is a real flagship. For all its solidity and solidity, the car looks sporty and smart. An underestimated hood, slightly “frowned” headlights, as well as branded “nostrils” of the radiator grille add aggressiveness to the look.

The profile of the third-generation BMW 7-Series is distinguished by a large glass area, an elongated hood and a long stern, as well as an almost flat roof that turns into a powerful C-pillar. The stern of the sedan is massive, and it is crowned with small and neat lanterns.

Now for the specific numbers. The length of the "seven" is 4985 mm (for the long-wheelbase version - 5125 mm), and the distance between the axles is 2930 mm (3070 mm). The width and height in both cases are unchanged - 1862 mm and 1425 mm, respectively. Depending on the modification, the curb weight of the car varies from 1905 to 2235 kg.

The interior of the BMW 7 Series in the body of the E38 is fully consistent with the status of the car - an attractive design, ergonomics thought out to the smallest detail, high-quality finishing materials. The dashboard is simple, but at the same time informative and functional. The center console houses the control units for the entertainment system and the dual-zone climate control unit.

The sedan has a spacious interior. The wide front seats have a fairly developed profile, a wide cushion and dense padding, and there is enough space for riders of almost any build.

The rear sofa of the "seven" with a standard wheelbase with its layout hints that it is designed for two people - two headrests and a high transmission tunnel testify to this. The long-wheelbase car provides truly royal accommodation for rear passengers - here you can easily cross your legs.

Regardless of the modification, the BMW E38 flaunts a 500-liter luggage compartment. Its shape is not very convenient, but the loading height is small, which makes it easier to load heavy luggage.

Specifications. The third generation BMW 7-Series had four petrol and one diesel engines.
The petrol part includes units with 6, 8 and 12 cylinders. With a working volume of 2.8 to 5.4 liters, they produce from 193 to 326 horsepower and 280 to 490 Nm of peak torque. Each of the diesel engines is equipped with a turbocharging system, and with a volume of 2.5 to 3.9 liters, they generate 143-245 "horses" and 280-560 Nm of thrust. Power units are combined with "mechanics" for five or six gears, or a 5-speed "automatic", as well as a rear-wheel drive transmission.
Even with the lowest-powered engine, the executive sedan accelerates to hundreds in 12.2 seconds, and with the top-end one in just 6.8 seconds. The maximum speed in this case varies from 202 to 250 km / h.
But the “seven” cannot be called the standard of fuel efficiency - a 143-horsepower diesel engine needs 9.5 liters of diesel fuel per 100 kilometers, while a 326-horsepower gasoline unit needs 13.6 liters of fuel (passport data).

The BMW 7 Series with the E38 body uses a fully independent suspension, represented by a two-lever layout in front and a four-link rear. Each of the wheels is equipped with disc brakes with a ventilation system.

Complete set and prices."Seven" of the third generation is still in demand in the Russian market. Depending on the modification and level of equipment, prices for a BMW 7-series in a 38-body (according to data for 2014) start from 200,000 - 250,000 rubles, and for the most recent and "saturated" copies can reach 600,000 - 650,000 rubles . It is worth noting that even the basic equipment of the E38 includes power accessories, a dual-zone air conditioning system, a multifunctional “steering wheel” and regular “music”.

In 1993, BMW introduced the completely redesigned third generation of the 7 Series luxury sedans at the Frankfurt Motor Show. BMW E38, and since 1994 the car began to be produced at the plant in Dingolfing.

The car was produced from 1994 to 2001 and for all the time 327,560 cars were produced.



Harmonious forms and special quality materials in the interior of the E38 have formed their own inner world of mobility and cabin comfort.

The BMW E38 was equipped with an electric sunroof, an audio system with 14 speakers and four subwoofers, a 6-disc CD changer, on-board satellite navigation (on models from 1994-1996 on the basis of the VDO Dayton-Carin system, from 1997-2000 based on Phillips systems with separate Trimble Navigation receiver, 2001 models based on Phillips system with built-in Trimble Navigation receiver), automatic climate control system with separate controls for driver and passenger. As an option, it was possible to order air conditioning with automatic climate control in the rear, the controls and display were located on the center console.

Radio, cruise control and air conditioning recirculation buttons are integrated into the standard multifunction steering wheel, making it easy and safe to operate functions without taking your hands off the wheel.

Automatic climate control with automatic air recirculation, micro-filter and activated carbon filter ensures air purification and distribution. The filter cleans the air in the interior from harmful gases and even from many odors.

Standard automatic climate control keeps the air temperature slightly cooler than at the bottom of the car, thereby creating a comfortable atmosphere in the car.

Specifications BMW E38

Engines and range

The 740th model became the most popular for the entire production of the E38, it was produced in quantities of 129,356 and 740iL - 50,933 copies.

Four months into production, in September 1994, the top-of-the-line 750i and a particularly popular long wheelbase version with a 5.4-liter and 5-speed ZF automatic transmission were released.

In 1995, a basic version with . Thanks to the exceptional efficiency of the 728i, this model has become one of the most successful models in the series.

In 1996, the first diesel version of the 7 series was introduced - with two valves per cylinder. Due to the weight of the E38 (from 1905 to 2235 kg), the car was not very productive, but could provide low fuel consumption.

Also in 1996, a limited edition version was introduced, which is more luxurious than the 750iL, but with the same engine as in the 750th model - M73B54. The luxury model had a sliding partition between the front and rear seats, telephone, refrigerator.

In 1996, to replace the 730th version, BMW also released an extended version of the 735iL with a V8 engine - M62.

In 1998, the E38 lineup was joined, equipped with a diesel power unit with a power of -.

In 1999, the top diesel version was launched with a 3.9-liter TwinTurbo turbo diesel -.

Motors Volume, cc Power, hp Torque, Nm
728i M52B28
730i M60B30 2997 218 290
735i M62B35
740i M60B40
750i/il M73B54
725tds M51D25S 2498 143 280
730d M57D29
740d M67D39
L7 M73B54


The BMW E38 7 Series was offered with either a 5-speed automatic or manual transmission on the 730d, 740d, 740i/iL, and 750i/iL with a 5-speed ZF automatic.


Restyling BMW E38

In 1998, the E38 body was updated. The front of the car was tightened, the rear lights were updated, a sports suspension, new wheels and a hydro-transformer were installed.

In addition, a new sport package was introduced for the 7 Series (which was originally available for the 740i version), improved automatic climate control, front side airbags and a standard head protection system.

The E38 7 Series was discontinued in 2001, replaced by the 4th generation.

Video BMW E38