Where can I pay a traffic fine? Procedure for paying a fine issued for traveling without a ticket. What happens if you don't pay the fine on time?

It is difficult to find a person who has not at least once committed a minor offense, such as traveling without a ticket on public transport. The most common punishment for administrative offenses is a fine: its amount depends on the severity of the violation, and it can vary widely. Every citizen should know how and where to pay in order to avoid any problems in the future.

The fine must be paid within 60 days

Every citizen, after a decision on an administrative offense and the imposition of a fine, can appeal it. This can be done within 10 days after the verdict is passed: if you do not file a complaint, or if it is found to be unfounded, the decision will enter into force and the citizen will be obliged to pay in full.

The period for paying an administrative fine is 60 days, during which time the debtor must pay the state in full. Since January 1, 2016, traffic violators have the opportunity to pay fines at a discount: if a pedestrian or car owner has committed an offense for the first time, he can pay half of the fine within 20 days, after which the debt is considered fully repaid.

However, if he is late by at least one day, the right to a discount is lost and he will have to pay the entire fine. If the violator does not pay the fine on time, the case will be transferred, after which additional penalties will be applied to the violator.

Methods of paying administrative fines

You can pay an administrative fine online

Thanks to digital technologies and electronic payment services, the system of paying fines has been significantly simplified. The violator can settle accounts with the state in one of the following ways:

  • Payment by receipt through Sberbank is the simplest and most reliable, but also the most time-consuming method. When paying by receipt, Sberbank charges a commission, usually 40-50 rubles for each unpaid fine. After payment, the bank client receives a payment document; it is advisable to keep it as long as possible to avoid possible claims. There is no need to submit the receipt to the traffic police; it must be kept by the payer.
  • Payment through the Sberbank payment terminal. To search for a fine, you need to enter the number of the resolution or the payer, and in any case you will also have to pay a commission. If you forget about the commission and enter only the amount of the fine into the terminal, the payment will not be accepted and the fine will remain considered unpaid.
  • Payment through the Sberbank Online service. To do this, you need to log into your personal account and select the “traffic police fines” item. The system allows you to find all unpaid fines by number, it will show the amount due. After the transaction, the payer has the right to print a document that will serve as confirmation of payment.

Individuals can also pay administrative fines through Sberbank Online using the details. To do this, you need to log into your own account, select the “Payments and Transfers” section and fill in the payer’s information. They are indicated on the receipt received from the traffic police to pay the fine.

After this, the card from which funds are debited is selected and the purpose of the payment is indicated. The transaction is also carried out taking into account the commission, so you will lose a little more money than was indicated in the Decree.

Not all banks accept administrative fines, so it is still recommended to use the proven services of Sberbank. Payments through it usually go through without problems, but it is still recommended to pay at least a few days before the expiration of the statutory period.

If for some technical reason the payment does not arrive on time, the violator may be subject to additional penalties.

Consequences of unpaid fines

Payment of an administrative fine through the terminal

A forgotten administrative fine can lead to serious troubles for the payer. If payment under the order is not made on time, the violator will face the following penalties:

  • The fine is double, but it cannot be less than a thousand rubles.
  • For the debtor, this is the most favorable option - the amount of the additional fine for an individual does not exceed 5,000 rubles.
  • Compulsory work lasting no more than 50 hours. Compulsory work is performed in free time from the main activity; its duration per day cannot exceed 4 hours.
  • Administrative arrest for a period of 1 to 15 days. The length of the arrest depends on the amount of debt and other factors. The maximum period of arrest is assigned to persistent defaulters.

How to pay traffic fines? - a question that every motorist asks at least once. And even if you know the answer, we recommend that you still read this article - perhaps you will discover something new, because all possible methods will be described in detail here, including the innovations that 2016 brought with it.

So, let's begin.

Method No. 1 is the standard payment procedure at the bank.

Payment at the bank is carried out using receipt form No. PD-4.

You just come to the bank, fill out the specified receipt according to the sample (in order to save time, it can be pre-generated on the traffic police website, here - http://www.gibdd.ru/gosuslugi/reg/iaz/ (select your branch, and then follow the instructions), and simply print it before going to the bank) and pay the required amount.

This payment option is the most popular (some simply don’t know others, so they act according to a familiar “scheme”), but not the most convenient, because no one has yet canceled queues at banks, the commission there for accepting a fine is rather large, and not every financial institution is ready provide such a service (today you can be absolutely sure only in Sberbank - it accepts any payments, including fines). The advantages of this method include only the possibility of payment of your fine by an outsider (for example, a friend or relative) and the fact that after payment you will have in your hands documentary evidence that the fine was actually paid, certified by the bank’s seal.

Method No. 2 - at Russian Post.

The essence of this option is similar to that described above, only you go to the post office to pay your fine not to the bank. And everything is identical: procedure, pros, cons.

Method No. 3 – through mobile or online banking.

It is the same as paying at a bank, but it does not require you to visit it. Payment is made through a special application/website on your phone, tablet/PC. You just need to register and link your personal account to your account, and then a couple of simple steps and the fine is paid. You will be immediately notified of this by an electronic receipt, which you can save to your e-mail or immediately print.

The only thing: before you pay traffic police fines through your personal account, make sure that your bank provides this service.

Method No. 4 – using electronic payment systems.

Today, when payments using electronic money are only gaining momentum every day, the possibility of paying a fine using these means of payment is quite logical. So, if none of the 3 methods above suits you and you have the required amount of funds in your e-wallet, you can pay the fine using Yandex.Money, WebMoney or Qiwi.

In this case, your actions will look like this (for example, let’s take the WebMoney service):

  1. go to the website of the service you need and authorize your wallet there;
  2. click on the “Payments” section, and then in it the subsection “Traffic Police Fines”;
  3. choose a convenient way for you to search for a fine (by the number of the driver's license and the certificate of state registration of the vehicle; by UIN; by number, date of the resolution imposing the fine);
  4. when the fine is displayed on the screen, click the “pay” button;
  5. double-check the payment details, check the box next to “I agree to the terms of the agreement” and click “forward”;
  6. After the service verifies your transaction, you will be issued an invoice by clicking on the word “pay” in which you will pay off the existing debt.

When choosing this method, pay close attention to the “commission” column, because... for many systems it can amount to a fairly significant amount.

Method No. 5 – pay debt online through the traffic police website.

The only disadvantages of this option are:

  • the impossibility of checking issued fines by VU number - the system only requires information about the vehicle registration certificate, which is not always at hand;
  • limited number of payment systems - WebMoney, for example, payment cannot be made here.

Method number 6 - through the Qiwi terminal.

In this option, payment is made in just a couple of steps:

As you can see, it’s a very convenient method: you don’t need any receipts, it’s enough to just have a resolution in your hands; there is no need to enter card/electronic wallet data anywhere, payment is made in cash and, most importantly, information about it instantly enters the Federal Treasury database. The only disadvantages include the need to carry a decree with you and the inability to check for other debts.

Method No. 7 – how to pay traffic police fines through the State Services website.

You can read how to implement this method on the named website by following the link https://www.gosuslugi.ru/pgu/news/view/927. At the same time, you must understand that all these actions are preceded by mandatory registration and activation on the site, the code for which can only be obtained by mail, at the Rostelecom office or by email (in this case, the mandatory requirement is the use of an electronic signature), which is quite long and not always comfortable. Otherwise, there are only advantages: the website contains information about all fines at once; You can search for fines by driving license, which makes life much easier for owners of several cars; In addition to fines, you can perform a number of useful operations here.

Method No. 8 – through third-party services.

For many, it may seem the simplest and most convenient, because, as a rule, they only require 1-2 actions, but we would not recommend that you resort to the services of private companies, since:

  • fraud on their part is possible;
  • the information they have is not always “fresh”;
  • the fees for their services are quite high.

Violation of the “Road Rules” entails a preventive or real measure of restraint, which can be expressed in the form of one of the following sanctions: warning, fine, restriction (deprivation of rights for a certain period of time), correctional labor, arrest. When an offense and a crime are combined, criminal liability may arise. Monetary sanctions are chosen on the basis of violations enshrined in the Code of the Russian Federation “On Administrative Offences”. A complete list of offenses and sanctions imposed on the basis of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation can be found on the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. On this site you can also deposit money after first finding out the amount of your existing debt. In addition, today there are a large number of payment options available:

  • In the material world: a banking organization (Sberbank, VTB24, Alfa Bank, etc.), Russian Post, using a payment terminal (ATM, QIWI, etc.).
  • In the virtual world: Internet banking, electronic payment systems (Yandex, Webmoney, QIWI, etc.), mobile applications for making payments, the State Services website, the FSSP website (if the case is transferred to enforcement proceedings due to failure to pay on time).

Where to pay a traffic police fine at a discount

From 01/01/2016, on the basis of federal law number 437, dated December 22, 2014, changes were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in order to increase the rate of payment of fines. The changes affected minor offenses and resulted in a reduction in the amount of the fine by 50%, subject to the following conditions:

  • It is necessary to pay no later than the 20th day from the date of issuance of the Resolution, regardless of the date of receipt of this Decree by the car owner.
  • The offense is minor, that is, it does not apply to the following standards of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: articles - 12.1 (part 11), 12.8, 12.9 (part 7), 12.12 (part 3), 12.16 (part 31), 12.24, 12.27 (part 3).

The driver can pay at a discount in any of the above places with the exception of the FSSP website. The resolution contains two amounts: with a discount (if a discount is provided for this act) and without it. You need to inform the operator at the bank/post office or choose yourself when paying at the terminal. The most convenient places on the Internet to resolve this issue are the official sites:

  • Traffic police
  • Government services.

Where to pay traffic fines without commission

Today, many banks and virtual services offer the possibility of repayment without commission. As practice shows, this is just a publicity stunt that has nothing to do with reality. Even such official websites as “Gosuslugi” and “State Traffic Safety Inspectorate”, which advertise the absence of commissions, do not provide an opportunity to avoid overpayments. This is due to the presence of a transaction fee charged by a third-party payment intermediary organization (and there may be several intermediaries for one transaction - for example, when paying from a mobile phone account). However, there is still an opportunity to avoid commission. Some banks, as an indicator of loyalty to their clients, periodically temporarily cancel the receipt of commissions. However, the probability of being at the right time and in the right place is approximately the same as the commission: from 0.8% to 7%.

Paying traffic police fines online by card

In order to avoid long lines at banking institutions, for which Sberbank is most famous, many motorists prefer to find alternative methods, that is, pay online using a plastic card. The payment technology is identical on all virtual resources. Minor differences may be observed only in the degree of control over payment security. The general method of making a payment using a plastic card is as follows:

  • Determining whether there is a debt based on available data (vehicle registration number, Resolution number, etc.). Not all virtual portals allow you to find out the presence and amount of debt.
  • Proceeding to making a payment – ​​automatically or manually, depending on the features of the service.
  • Entering the details of the plastic card (number, expiration date, first and last name, if the card is registered or “NoName”, if not personal, secret code - 3 digits on the back).
  • Confirmation of payment by entering a code on the page that opens and an SMS received to the phone number assigned to the payer’s card.

Important! The receipt of payment in electronic or paper form must be retained for at least three years.

The State Public Institution "Transportation Organizer" reminds you of the need to timely pay the fine for an administrative offense (within 60 days from the date the Resolution in the case of an administrative offense enters into legal force).

Failure to pay a fine within 60 days from the date of entry into force of the Resolution in the case of an administrative offense, in accordance with Art. 20.25. The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of twice the amount of the unpaid administrative fine, but not less than one thousand rubles.

In accordance with Article 10.1 of Moscow Law No. 45 dated November 21, 2007 (as amended on June 18, 2014) “Moscow City Code on Administrative Offenses” a fine for ticketless travel of a passenger is 1000 (One thousand) rubles, for illegal use of a preferential personalized card – 2500 (Two thousand five hundred) rubles.

Methods of paying a fine

You can pay the issued fine for traffic violations in a bank, via the Internet and via SMS. Each method has its own disadvantages and advantages.

Paying traffic police fines online

This is perhaps the fastest way to pay traffic fines.

Payment can be made via:

Official website of the traffic police;

Government services portal;

Sberbank Online;

Yandex money;

QIWI wallet;

[email protected].

To pay the fine, you must fill out the appropriate form on the selected website and transfer funds. Of course, you must have an account on the selected resource, to the balance of which you should deposit money in advance.

When paying, you must indicate the number of the order (receipt) issued by the traffic police. The number guarantees the correct display of the payment in accounting systems.

Paying online will save you from standing in queues.

The commission for this payment method can be much higher than when paying at a bank cash desk. No site will provide information about receipt of payment. The only way to find out is to contact the traffic police department in person.

Payment of traffic fines via SMS

To pay a fine via SMS, you must register on the Unified Platform (USP) service. To do this, you need to send a message with the text “servicereg” to the short number 7377.

There are two ways to find out about a fine:

By (VU) by sending a message to number 7377 with the text “fine VU Series VU Number” (for example, “fine 55VA123456”);

According to the vehicle registration certificate (VRC), by sending a message to number 7377 with the text “fine Series Number STS” (for example, “fine 77bb123456”).

You can quickly pay a fine using this method, even if you do not have a virtual wallet or bank card.

To pay a fine via SMS, you will have to pay a significant commission to both the service itself and the mobile operator. It is, as a rule, from 5 to 10%. In addition, the final payment amount will be known only after payment. You can only find out about the completion of the payment at the traffic police department.

Payment of a traffic police fine through a bank

A fine for violating traffic rules cannot be paid at any commercial bank. The list of banks that are connected to the GIS GMP can be found on the website of the Federal Treasury. In addition, it will not be possible to pay a fine at a bank without a commission. Now for one fine it is about 30-40 rubles.

The bank will immediately give you a receipt for payment.

Typically, many banks have long queues, which can be a big waste of time.

You need to pay fines as quickly as possible to avoid problems later. But it often happens that the payment receipt is lost. And it seems impossible to pay the required amount. However, there are many ways to pay off a debt without a receipt.


Firstly, a fine without a receipt can be paid on the spot. This mainly concerns the traffic police. You can pay as soon as you are given a payment order. In order to accept money from you legally, inspectors are given cash registers.

To do this without a receipt, you can use the Internet. To get started, go to the website gosuslugi.ru, select the section you need "and state duties". Here you need to enter your data: last name, first name, patronymic and, depending on whether it was issued to you, document number. For example, if you have a traffic fine, then indicate your driver’s license number. And the system will give you all the information. In order to pay the fine, you just need to write off all the data. And then pay either via the Internet or through specialized payment terminals.

There are also special terminals for paying fines without a receipt, when working with which you only need to enter your driver’s license number in the appropriate fields. In response to the data received, he will give you all the information on your fines and offer to pay them.

Another option, however, for those who have been too late in paying the fine, is to pay it through the bailiffs. When you receive a summons that you need to pay a fine, you need to go to their department. Right there, on the spot and, most importantly, without any receipts, you can pay the debt. The advantage of this method is that there are no queues. Moreover, the bailiffs will check the database to see if you have other debts.

You can also use the help of mobile operators. If the receipt is lost, you can find out about the amount that needs to be paid via SMS message, and only then pay the debt through the terminal. In order to find out how much money you owe the state, you need to send an SMS request to number 9112 (the same for all mobile operators), where you must indicate the following data: traffic police, space, vehicle number, space, driver's license number. This service costs 40 rubles. But you will find out all the necessary information and will be able to pay the fine in any place convenient for you.

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Situations on the road are different and sometimes motorists go beyond the rules of the road. Valiant traffic police officers issue receipts for paying fines, but they are often lost, but you still need to fulfill your duty and pay for the violation.