Homeopathic preparations for weight loss. Homeopathy - a universal method of losing weight Homeopathy to lose weight

The main methods of dealing with excess weight are those that are aimed at eliminating the consequences that caused it. The reason is often left unattended, although therein lies the problem. Homeopathy will help fight the problem of obesity, which will additionally improve the body, give it the resources to get rid of extra pounds.

What is homeopathy for weight loss

Under the homeopathic method of weight loss is understood a highly systematic method of stimulating the body's vitality for self-healing. This technique is based on the use of active substances of plant, mineral or animal origin. Homeopathy is the only science that normalizes the state of the body so that it begins to heal itself, relieving a person of excess weight.

The use of homeopathic remedies has no restrictions, except for the increased sensitivity of the body to their components, it is safe and is used when other methods are powerless or prohibited. Losing weight with the help of homeopathy is to eliminate the cause that led to fullness. For some, this is overeating, for others it is a craving for sweets, for others it is a hormonal imbalance. An integrated approach to weight loss makes the fight against obesity more effective.


The success of solving problems with the help of homeopathy is determined by the constitutional type of a person. It is the science that determines how an organism reacts to drugs. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of the individual, treatment is prescribed. All people are conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Oxygen type - these people have a slim figure, good appetite. A person may not limit himself in nutrition, but at the same time suffer from thinness and not get better. The reason for this behavior is an accelerated metabolism caused by high blood oxygen saturation. To normalize body weight, it is necessary to slow down the metabolism.
  2. Liver type - people of this type have a moderate appetite, slow metabolism and a tendency to be overweight. Their weight gain is due to increased cravings for sweets, which are caused by the natural weakness of the liver. To lose weight, such people need to give up foods that are heavy on the liver (fatty, smoked, spicy) in order to increase activity and avoid the accumulation of large amounts of toxins that slow down the metabolism. In addition to homeopathy, a person of the "liver type" should carry out cleansing procedures and play sports.
  3. Carbon type - people of this direction suffer from a too slow metabolism, therefore they are prone to weight gain from a young age. They have a great appetite, so obesity is manifested to the maximum. Slow metabolism also leads to the accumulation of toxins, which leads to the growth of adipose tissue. Carbon type people should not lose weight with diets and fasting, because this is associated with the rapid breakdown of fat and the entry of toxins into the body. Homeopathy is aimed at speeding up the metabolism. After normalization, you can reduce weight with proper nutrition and sports.


Homeopathy has opponents and supporters. The former say that the methods do not bring an effect, and if a positive result is achieved, that this is a placebo (belief in action). The advantages of the method for losing weight speak in favor of the latter:

  1. Absolute safety - products based on plants, minerals are suitable for pregnant and lactating women. Medicines in the right dosages do not have side effects and do not harm the body.
  2. High efficiency - compliance with the rules for taking funds causes the normalization of the processes occurring in the body. As a result, organs and systems are restored, body weight decreases.
  3. Full drug compatibility - the use of homeopathy does not give negative reactions in combination with other medicines, herbal remedies or folk remedies.

Homeopathic remedies for weight loss

The essence of homeopathy is to eliminate the problem with a substance that caused its symptoms, but in a minimal concentration. This can be compared with vaccination - it also involves the introduction of neutralized microbes to form immunity. Homeopathy for weight loss includes remedies to speed up metabolism and improve digestion. They include components:

  1. Antimonium crudum is antimony trisulfur. Its action is to reduce the calorie content of the diet, eliminate irritability in case of malnutrition, to help rebuild the body to a new mode of eating without side effects.
  2. Fucus vesiculosus - brown algae fucus removes toxins, normalizes metabolic processes. It is used for getting rid of excess weight gained due to diabetes or thyroid disease.
  3. Cimicifuga racemosa is an extract of black cohosh. It has a good effect on the female body, eliminates irritability, regulates the production of female sex hormones. Taking the drug helps to reduce the fullness that has arisen against the background of hormonal disorders.
  4. Ignatia is an extract of the Philippine ignatia shrub, which is designed to correct the psychological component of weight loss. The tool is designed to stabilize emotions, the work of the central nervous system, relieve hyperexcitability, eliminate anxiety. The drug is prescribed for bad habits of “chewing” stress with food or eating at night.
  5. Curdlipid homoeopathicae - natural mutton tail fat is designed to regulate lipid metabolism. The remedy is prescribed for addiction to fatty meat food. The component regulates the functioning of the liver, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  6. Lycopodium clavatum is a club moss that has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Its use eliminates bloating, constipation, flatulence. The extract is prescribed in the presence of signs of premature aging.
  7. Calcarea carbonica is calcium carbonate. The mineral remedy affects the areas of the brain responsible for the feeling of hunger. It reduces appetite, can be used for liver pathologies.
  8. Graphites (graphites) - carbon. It is designed to eliminate increased gas formation, cope with chronic constipation, get rid of a large belly and a wide waist. The component is used for problems with the thyroid gland, hormonal disorders.
  9. Ammonium carbonicum - ammonium carbonate. Designed to normalize blood glucose levels and reduce cravings for sweets, improve well-being. It is prescribed in adulthood.
  10. Nux vomica - vomit chilibuha. Removes toxins, fatty acids, has an antispasmodic effect, eliminates digestive disorders.
  11. Argentum nitricum (argentum nitricum) - silver nitrate (moon, devil's stone) - stabilizes the emotional component of weight loss. Helps with exhaustion, normalizes metabolism.

For weight loss in homeopathy, over 200 components and remedies are used. One of the drugs is Zlata gel. It is used topically for weight loss and cellulite removal. The composition of the drug includes oil extracts, essential oils, vitamins and plant extracts. The gel should be rubbed into problem areas of the skin twice a day for a course of three months. The first results will be noticeable in 2-3 weeks. Useful properties of the gel:

  • breaks down body fat;
  • reduces problem volumes;
  • accelerates metabolism, removes excess fluid;
  • makes the skin smooth, elastic, elastic, relieves flabbiness;
  • strengthens capillaries;
  • restores self-regulation;
  • tones, improves blood circulation;
  • activates cell renewal.

Appetex is a unique homeopathic preparation, which consists of structured melt water of ancient glaciers and extracts of alpine herbs (saxifrage bluish and alpine cloves). The use of drops helps to normalize metabolism, saturate the body with microelements, phosphates. Weight loss with the help of the drug is achieved by inhibiting the production of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger. Drops are taken orally twice a day 15 minutes before meals. The dose depends on the goal of losing weight - from 10 to 20 drops.


The homeopathic remedy Cefamadar has an effect on the hunger and satiety centers located in the intermediate part of the brain. This leads to a decrease in appetite. The indication for taking the drug is the treatment of alimentary obesity. Tablets are chewed or swallowed, washed down with water. The dose for adults is 1 pc. 1-3 times / day, children 6-12 years old - 1 pc. 1-2 times, 3-6 years - 1 pc. in a day.

The drug is not addictive, it is recommended to take it 10 minutes before meals. When skipping, do not take a double dose. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. At the beginning of therapy, an increase in appetite is possible. The agent does not cause side effects, it is contraindicated in the presence of sensitivity to the components (as part of lactose and Madara trituration 250 mg).


Homeopathic granules Kurdlipid are designed to regulate lipid metabolism. The active substance of their composition is mutton fat tail fat, which eliminates fatty degeneration of the liver, the consequences of a violation of fat metabolism. It is recommended to combine the intake of granules with a low-calorie diet. Dosage: 5-7 granules 1-2 times/day, which dissolve in the mouth. After half an hour you can drink and eat.

The drug should not be taken at night, because it can cause sleep disturbances, sometimes increase appetite. Kurdlipid is recommended for women in the postpartum period. According to studies, brunettes with the help of the drug lose weight faster than blondes. Already after 3-4 weeks of taking granules, stable results are observed. The minimum course of application of Kurdlipid is three months.

The group of complex preparations of homeopathy for weight loss includes Fucus Plus. It is an anorectic that reduces body weight with obesity of 1-3 degrees, caused by a sedentary lifestyle and overeating. It contains brown algae fucus, which removes toxins from the body, normalizes metabolism, and lowers cholesterol levels. Reception of granules reduces appetite, improves intestinal motility and digestion processes.

The drug eliminates puffiness, increases efficiency. The granules are taken half an hour before a meal or one hour after a meal. They dissolve under the tongue. Dosage: 8 granules 3-5 times / day for a course of one and a half months. Taking the medication is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, an overdose is accompanied by diarrhea. It should be remembered that the drug does not block calories, does not have a diuretic, fat-burning or laxative effect.

Duration of treatment

Like the dosage, the duration of treatment with homeopathy depends on the individual patient. The indicators are influenced by the number of extra pounds, habits, age, gender, lifestyle of a person. The average time of therapy for the normalization of body weight in severe obesity is 18 months. To accelerate the effect, you need to monitor nutrition and exercise. Without this, the use of homeopathy will only help to awaken the internal potential of the body and increase its defenses.


You can buy homeopathic remedies for weight loss in pharmacies or specialty stores. Approximate prices for drugs in Moscow will be:


When your weight stubbornly refuses to go away under the onslaught of your efforts (a variety of diets and exercise), it is very upsetting. It is not worth being surprised that those extra pounds do not want to disappear, because the fight against excess weight is a rather difficult task. And if you are completely disillusioned with traditional methods of losing weight, maybe it's time to try something unusual, like homeopathy for weight loss?

The essence of homeopathy

In Europe and America, homeopathy is quite widespread and involves the use of dilute substances of mineral, animal and plant origin for the treatment of various diseases.

The principle of this alternative system of medicine is very simple: all the symptoms caused by the exposure of the body to a certain substance can be removed with the help of the same substance in a diluted form.

So, arsenic is a poisonous element that causes vomiting and stomach cramps. Homeopathy claims that if a person experiences spasms and vomiting for any reason, then they can be cured by the use of a special medicine based on arsenic - arsenicum album.

The benefits of homeopathy for weight loss

In our time, homeopathic preparations for weight loss are becoming more common and are widely popular. This is due to three reasons:

  • According to reviews, homeopathy for weight loss is a very effective tool, and many people note positive effects;
  • Homeopathy for weight loss is absolutely safe, and even pregnant women and young children can use it. But some traditional weight loss drugs have a number of unwanted side effects in the form of weakness, vomiting and nausea;
  • Homeopathic granules can be used in combination with other supplements and preparations, and there is no need to worry about drug interactions.

The principle of action of homeopathy for weight loss

The principle of action of homeopathic preparations for weight loss is simple and aimed at accelerating the metabolism, as well as eliminating unpleasant problems associated with improper digestion. As you know, these two factors are important in the fight against excess weight.

The homeopathic doctor carefully studies the patient's symptoms, after which he prescribes the most optimal homeopathic remedy for weight loss. Unlike traditional weight loss drugs, there is no single remedy in homeopathy for all people who are overweight. There are many homeopathic remedies for weight loss, from which it is not difficult to choose the most optimal for a particular patient.

The choice of a homeopathic remedy for weight loss depends on the causes of excess weight. So, the overweight of a person who is not able to control his own appetite cannot be treated with the same remedy that treats irrepressible cravings for sweets.

Homeopathic preparations for weight loss

Homeopathic medicines can be purchased from specialized homeopathic pharmacies or websites that offer homeopathic products. In order to avoid unwanted side effects when taking drugs, it is recommended to strictly follow the instructions included in the package.

In total, there are about 190 homeopathic remedies for problems with obesity and overweight, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • Antimonium crudum - helps relieve irritation from the fact that you cannot eat food in the quantities that you used to eat;
  • Argentum nitricum - eliminates the craving for sweets;
  • Calcarea carbonica - helps keep appetite under control;
  • Graphites - relieves the feeling of constant bloating;
  • Ignatia - relieves symptoms of increased anxiety and emotional stress.

According to reviews, homeopathy for weight loss gives a positive effect only if the drugs are used for at least two months.

However, do not use homeopathy for weight loss as a panacea. An active lifestyle and a balanced diet combined with homeopathic remedies will give faster and more positive results.

Since homeopathy for weight loss is inseparable from dietology, often homeopathic doctors, in addition to certain homeopathic medicines, recommend that their patients adhere to a specific nutrition program, and also select the optimal set of physical exercises. Do not neglect these recommendations.

In addition, homeopathy does not exclude certain changes in your lifestyle, such as increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, large amounts of fluid.

Diets and exercise are aimed at weight loss. Thanks to these methods of losing weight, the process of splitting body fat is activated, and body volumes are reduced. With the abolition of dietary restrictions, unwanted kilograms often return again. This is due to the fact that the main cause of weight gain remained unresolved.

Homeopathy for weight loss has a general strengthening effect on the body as a whole. Appropriate drugs help eliminate the cause of overweight.

Main benefits of homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic preparations for weight loss are made from natural ingredients and do not harm health. They have the following main advantages:

  • Appropriate means rarely cause side effects. Most homeopathic remedies are allowed to be used during breastfeeding.
  • The funds are highly effective. Homeopathic preparations for weight loss normalize metabolic processes in the body.
  • Means are well absorbed by the body. They go well with a variety of pharmacy medicines and decoctions of medicinal herbs prepared at home on their own.

What ingredients can be present in homeopathic medicines?

The composition of homeopathic remedies for weight loss may contain the following substances:

The use of homeopathic gel "Zlata" in the process of losing weight

The composition of the homeopathic preparation contains aromatic oils and extracts of medicinal plants that activate the process of fat breakdown. The gel helps to get rid of extra centimeters in problem areas.

Gels series Zlata

The natural ingredients present in the gel have many useful properties:

  • Promote the destruction of fat cells;
  • Helps to remove excess fluid from the body;
  • Increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • Help improve blood circulation in problem areas;
  • Helps to increase the strength of capillaries;
  • Help eliminate swelling;
  • Activate the process of cell renewal.

To achieve the desired result, rub the gel into problem areas twice a day. The duration of the drug is three months. When using the Zlata gel, there are no undesirable side effects: with the exception of an allergic reaction. The first positive changes can be seen after 2-4 weeks.

The drug "Kurdlipid"

The composition of the drug contains mutton fat, effective in violation of liver function. When using a homeopathic remedy for weight loss, a low-calorie diet should be followed.

The recommended daily dosage of the product is 5 granules. The drug should be thoroughly dissolved in the mouth, approximately 30 minutes before meals. The drug is not recommended to drink at night: it can cause deterioration of sleep.

Important! The drug helps the fair sex to quickly get in shape after the birth of a child.

"Fukus Plus" for weight loss

Fucus Plus

A homeopathic remedy is often taken for obesity, which was caused by low physical activity. The composition of the weight loss product contains brown fucus algae. The drug allows you to activate the metabolism, helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

The drug allows you to reduce appetite, normalizes intestinal motility. The tool helps to increase efficiency and physical endurance.

The granules are taken approximately 30 minutes before a meal. They must be placed under the tongue and held in the oral cavity until completely dissolved. The recommended daily dosage of the weight loss agent is set individually. The average duration of the treatment course is 30 days.

The use of homeopathic granules that activate the process of losing weight should be abandoned during the period of expectation of the child and lactation. In case of accidental use of a large dose of the drug, diarrhea may occur.

Features of the homeopathic preparation Appetex

The composition of the homeopathic remedy contains extracts of alpine herbs, melt water from glaciers. When using drops, the body is saturated with essential vitamins and useful trace elements.

Important! The effect of losing weight is achieved by slowing down the production of a special hormone that causes hunger. The drug should be taken 20 minutes before meals. Multiplicity of application - twice a day. The recommended single dosage of the product varies from 10 to 20 drops.

The duration of use depends on the severity of the problem. The drug for weight loss is not addictive. The drug should not be taken in case of hypersensitivity to its components.

Being overweight is a common problem, and many methods have been developed to combat it. In cases where treatment for excess weight is needed and diet combined with physical activity is not able to help, homeopathic remedies are successfully used. The secret of the effectiveness of losing weight with the help of them lies in the fact that they eliminate the causes of metabolic disorders, restoring and normalizing the functioning of the body.

Unlike traditional medicines, homeopathic medicines have almost no contraindications or side effects. But one should not be mistaken about the complete safety of drugs, their incorrect use can also be harmful to health.


  • Non-toxic, and as a result, do not have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys or other internal organs;
  • Virtually no side effects;
  • Eliminate the causes of violations of metabolic processes and allow you to save the achieved result and at the end of the course.


  • Long period of treatment (from 3 months or more);
  • Hypersensitivity to the individual characteristics of the body;
  • Complex treatment plans.

Slimming drugs

Homeopathy, as a direction in medicine, has firmly entered modern life, many practicing homeopathic doctors and even entire clinics have appeared that use only such drugs for treatment. Homeopathy treats various diseases, as well as obesity, helps to normalize metabolic processes and get rid of extra pounds. And depending on the essence of the problem, doctors prescribe various drugs: Fucus Plus, Cefamadar, Kurdlipid and others.

The treatment of obesity is often associated with diets and dietary adjustments, which can cause stress in the patient, or so-called dietary depression. It is difficult for a person to refuse the usual food and it is psychologically difficult to reduce its quantity. Cefamadar tablets are aimed at reducing appetite and acquiring a feeling of satiety, they help to avoid difficulties with diets, therefore they are often prescribed in combination with other therapy.

Cefamadar tablets contain an extract of a plant called Calotropis gigantea, they are non-toxic, have no side effects and are not addictive.

The principle of action of Cefamadar is to act on the centers of the brain responsible for the feeling of satiety and appetite. In addition, the extract of the bark of this plant, which is also part of Cefamadar, helps to reduce the mass of body fat, tones and strengthens the body. Take Cefamadar tablets one at a time, three times a day 15 minutes before meals. The duration of the course is determined individually by the attending physician and can be adjusted during the course of treatment.

Indications for the use of Cemafadar - obesity due to regular overeating or unbalanced nutrition.


  • Age up to three years;
  • Allergy to the drug.

In Russia, Cefamadar is produced by the pharmacological company Megacom. Dosage form - tablets, you can buy the drug in pharmacies.


Kurdlipid contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. According to clinical studies, it effectively fights obesity in combination with diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Kurdlipid is used to treat:

  • overweight;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Diseases of the gallbladder.

Kurdlipid is available in granules that must be absorbed. The dosage and duration of use are prescribed by the doctor, depending on the problem and the individual characteristics of the patient's body. The main active ingredient of the homeopathic remedy Kurdlipid is very strongly diluted.

It is believed that small doses of fat tail fat help reduce lipid levels in the body and lead to a decrease in the thickness of the layer.

Kurdlipid is manufactured by OLLO, founded in 1991. She has her own laboratories, she conducts clinical research and is engaged in the production of a large number of homeopathic remedies (more than 100 items).

The occurrence of side effects when taking the drug Kurdlipid is unlikely, but in rare cases, if taken in the evening, insomnia develops. There are also cases of the opposite effect, when the patient does not lose weight, but vice versa.

Fucus Plus

Fucus Plus tablets have proven themselves well in the treatment of the initial stages of obesity. Positive results from taking the drug are already visible on the fourth day, and at the end of the Fucus Plus course, patients on average lose up to 5 kg of weight. Fucus Plus tablets contain 6 homeopathic remedies that complement each other well.

  • Graphites. It is used for various skin rashes, obesity due to thyroid disorders, constipation and stomach problems.
  • Hydrastis. It is used for enlarged thyroid gland and constipation.
  • Fucus. It is prescribed for thyroid problems, skin rashes, heart palpitations and shortness of breath.
  • Phytolacca. Helps with constipation, constant feeling of hunger, purulent formations on the skin and obesity.
  • Carbo vegetabilis. Used for obesity, bloating, cravings for sweets and increased appetite.
  • prunus spinosa. Good for swelling.

Fucus Plus tablets are used for:

  • Treatment of obesity caused by overeating or lack of exercise;
  • Tendency to be overweight during puberty;
  • Genetic predisposition to obesity;
  • Obesity due to disruption of the thyroid or sex glands.

Side effects of Fucus Plus:

  • An upset stomach is possible (if there is a predisposition to this);
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Temporary exacerbation of chronic diseases (gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland).

During the use of the drug Fucus Plus, you should limit the use of coffee and alcoholic beverages.


Your feedback on the article:

Most obese people first of all try to eliminate the consequences of this problem, while the cause remains unattended. This is the main mistake of many overweight people. Exhausting diets, physical activity give only a short-term result. An alternative to such methods can be homeopathy for weight loss. Modern pharmacology offers a whole line of effective, safe and natural drugs of this series.

Features and benefits of homeopathic remedies

The main purpose of such drugs is to eliminate the cause of obesity. For each patient, a different therapy is prescribed, depending on the characteristics of the organism. A person prone to overeating needs only homeopathic remedies for weight loss. If he is constantly drawn to sweets or he has a hormonal imbalance, doctors prescribe completely different means. Each case is individual.

It is important that such treatment is absolutely safe. Any homeopathic remedy for weight loss does not have a negative impact on the functioning of internal systems and is allowed for use in any diseases and pathologies.

Homeopathy for weight loss has several advantages:

  1. It does not cause side effects, therefore, it is allowed to take such drugs during the period of bearing a child and during lactation.
  2. The high effectiveness of homeopathy for weight loss has been proven by practice, and positive feedback from consumers is a confirmation of this. With the correct intake of natural medicines, biochemical processes in the body are normalized, organs and systems are restored. Such processes contribute to weight loss.
  3. Absolute compatibility with other medications and folk recipes.

Plus, homeopathy is prescribed by a homeopath who develops a special scheme for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of the body, age, body weight of the patient, his gender and body structure.

This therapy does not guarantee a positive result, and this is its only drawback. As statistics show, in most cases the expected result is not justified. Here, the very belief that medicines will help is more effective.

What drugs should be used

To some extent, such drugs are somewhat similar to vaccinations, since any homeopathic weight loss remedy contains a substance that forms a person’s immunity from an existing disease. Almost all such drugs for an adult are designed to speed up metabolism and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Having resolved this problem, a person begins to lose extra pounds.

Oral preparations

We bring to your attention the names of the most effective homeopathic remedies that help to lose weight:

  1. Antimony trisulfur. This tool reduces appetite, respectively, a person receives fewer calories per day. At the same time, a person is malnourished, but he does not have aggression and irritability. His body calmly and smoothly switches to a new diet without side effects.
  2. Fucus. The main component of this drug for weight loss is brown algae. This substance helps to remove toxins and waste from the body. Fucus is used to get rid of extra pounds, which were formed as a result of disruption of the thyroid gland and diabetes.
  3. Black cohosh. Mostly this therapy is prescribed to women. This tool has a number of advantages: it reduces excitability and irritability, normalizes the production of female sex hormones and corrects weight, which was disturbed due to hormonal imbalance.
  4. Lamb fat. This remedy is prescribed to patients who prefer fatty foods. Lamb fat normalizes fat metabolism, liver function.
  5. calcium carbonate. It is used not only for weight loss, it is also used for pathological liver diseases. Under the influence of the main component, a person's appetite and hunger are reduced.
  6. Plaun Club-shaped. It is prescribed to patients who have problems in the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, flatulence and bloating. Plus, this tool prevents the aging process.
  7. Ignacy. The active substance of the drug is an extract of a Finnish shrub. Taking this remedy helps a losing weight person to normalize the emotional and psychological mood. Ignatia normalizes the work of the central nervous system, eliminates irritability, excitability, feelings of anxiety and excitement.
  8. Ammonium carbonate is advisable to take for patients with increased cravings for sweet foods. It normalizes blood glucose levels and is more suitable for people of mature age.
  9. Carbon is prescribed to patients whose obesity has occurred against the background of hormonal failure due to thyroid dysfunction.

The above homeopathic remedies for weight loss are prescribed for oral administration. How to take pills or drops, only the attending homeopathic doctor determines.

Products for external use

To date, there are more than 200 homeopathic preparations for weight loss that are used externally. Only a few showed the best effect:

  1. Gel Zlata. Helps to lose weight and eliminate cellulite. Under the influence of natural oils, plant extracts, the process of splitting fat cells and burning extra pounds in problem areas takes place.
  2. Kurdlipid. Normalizes metabolism and the digestive tract. It contains the fat of a fat-tailed ram, which eliminates two problems: a violation of fat metabolism and fatty degeneration of the liver. When taking this drug, a low-calorie diet is indicated.
  3. Fucus Plus. Comprehensive homeopathy, which is prescribed to patients diagnosed with stage 1-3 obesity, which is caused by a sedentary lifestyle and excessive food intake. Fucus algae is the main active component of a homeopathic remedy, it helps to remove harmful substances from the body, normalizes the digestive tract, and lowers cholesterol levels.

Duration of treatment

As you know, gaining weight is easy, but losing it is much more difficult. The duration of taking homeopathic remedies for each patient is individual. It all depends on his age, weight, lifestyle, etc. With severe obesity, at least 1.5 years of such therapy will be required. In this case, the patient is prescribed a special diet, diet and exercise. Do not forget that homeopathy for weight loss is inextricably linked with such a science as dietology.