How male abstinence affects health. Harm and benefits of sexual abstinence. In Tibet, there are several opinions on this matter at once.

For a number of reasons, men and women are forced to be in a state of sexual rest. Sexual abstinence is tolerated by people in each case individually, and the degree of depression or irritation from the inability to satisfy sexual hunger depends on the temperament and psychotype of a person.

What does abstinence mean?

Sexual abstinence is, in scientific medical language, sexual abstinence or deprivation, characterized by a forced state of rest in. The reasons for abstinence can be different:

  • health status;
  • lack of a partner for sexual relations;
  • spiritual practices;
  • celibacy dinner (celibacy);
  • upcoming competitions for athletes;
  • asexuality;
  • individual personal reasons.

Abstinence types:

  1. Partial abstinence- the impossibility of real sexual intercourse is compensated by masturbation or nocturnal emissions in men (spontaneous ejaculation).
  2. total abstinence- sexual activity in all manifestations is completely absent.

What is abstinence for?

The justification for abstinence comes from the reasons that caused this state. A short break in sexual life helps to shake up the feelings of partners and enhances their attractiveness for each other. Long abstinence is necessary to restore strength during and after serious illnesses, when all energy is aimed at restoring balance in the body and wasting strength during sexual intercourse can aggravate a person's condition. Conscious sexual total abstinence or celibacy - which is an important condition in the practice of spirituality in some religions.

Abstinence in women

For women, harmonious sexual intimacy with a partner is the key to a stable happy relationship. In closeness, a woman blossoms and creates a positive energy background around her. Abstinence from sex is more common for women due to their physiological characteristics: menstrual period, pregnancy. The fair sex with a high level of sexual temperament (choleric, sanguine) hardly endure periods of abstinence, unlike phlegmatic and melancholic women.

The benefits of abstinence in women

Long-term abstinence from sex in women with a low level of sexual temperament does not have any negative effect and even stabilizes the activity of the nervous system. During the period of menstruation, a sexual pause allows you to avoid the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the uterine cavity, which is vulnerable these days. It is important to remember that short-term sexual abstinence for a number of reasons is not a reason to despair, but an opportunity to focus on positive aspects:

  1. Feeling renewal. With the next intimacy, the perception of relationships is aggravated, everything happens on a “new” wave, with a more intense range of feelings.
  2. Sublimation is the process of transforming unspent sexual energy into creation or creation. Creation of works of art, new projects, gushing of ideas.
  3. Abstinence, as a necessity during pregnancy - in the I and III trimesters with the threat of miscarriage. Motherhood is an important component of a woman's family happiness, and the benefits of abstinence are obvious here.

Abstinence in women - consequences

Sexual abstinence in girls and young women does not lead to any serious problems, but when a woman has been leading an active sexual life for a sufficient time, sexual abstinence without a good reason can cause a different heap of problems and ailments “prescribed” in the body on physical and mental levels. The consequences of abstinence can be as follows:

  • general hormonal imbalance;
  • obesity;
  • congestion in the pelvis contributing to the formation of varicose veins;
  • growth of tumors (myoma, fibromyoma, mastopathy);
  • thyroid disease;
  • decrease in the number of immune cells;
  • pronounced;
  • high emotional lability;
  • change of character for the worse: rigidity, criticality, callousness;
  • sexual coldness;
  • discord in relationships between partners due to lack of intimacy.

Abstinence in men

With men, everything is more complicated, by nature, representatives of the strong think more about sex, and physiology immediately makes itself felt with excitement. Most men can become aroused several times during the day. Abstinence is more difficult for men than for women. Forced sexual abstinence is very difficult to tolerate by hypersexual representatives. During the absence of a partner, men tend to resort to masturbation more often than women.

Benefits of abstinence for men

Useful or not sexual deprivation for men - there is no unequivocal opinion. A slight lack of sex does not cause significant harm, but it also has its advantages. The benefits of abstinence are obvious in the following cases:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases - in old age, frequent sexual intercourse puts a significant strain on the heart, there is often a case of death during sex from a heart attack or stroke.
  2. The risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases - momentary pleasure is fraught with consequences that threaten health and life. Sex without commitment at parties, more than once made men repent.
  3. Careful attitude to the resources of your body. Recent studies by foreign biologists have fundamentally dispelled the misconception that abstinence is dangerous. Studying the composition of sperm, scientists came to the conclusion that for the body it is a necessary substance containing lecithin, phosphorus, calcium and proteins. With frequent sexual intercourse, the body loses these vital resources, as a result, the central nervous system suffers and is depleted. To believe this fact or not, each man decides for himself.
  4. Improving spermatogenesis and sperm composition. A few days of abstinence before the planned conception contribute to an increase in sperm activity, increasing the chances of fertilization. There is also an opposite opinion.

Prolonged abstinence of men - consequences

Whether abstinence is harmful for men, there is no definite answer, everything is individual, but if we consider the average statistics that paint a portrait of an active man in his prime and potency, and this is the vast majority of young men, then forced abstinence gives disappointing forecasts for health. Possible consequences of sexual withdrawal:

  • a persistent decrease in sexual desire, as such, after a long abstinence;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • development of neuroses and inferiority complex;
  • fear of new acquaintances;
  • nervousness and aggression;
  • suppression of the formation of prostate secretion;
  • varicose veins of the scrotum;
  • tumors (prostate adenoma, testicular cancer);
  • impotence.

Abstinence in sports

Sexual deprivation in sports dates back to ancient times, when military commanders noticed that warriors who were not in a relationship performed better in competitions and on the battlefield. So there was a strong opinion that an athlete before training should focus on the result as much as possible. It is known that boxer Mohammed Ali observed abstinence for up to a month and a half before fights.

Abstinence in bodybuilding plays a significant role, although there are conflicting opinions on this matter. Abstinence and muscle growth are linked by the fact that with excessive sexual activity, the level of testosterone, which affects the increase in muscle mass, drops dramatically, and prolactin, the female hormone, is produced instead. Experienced athletes know that sex is useful only after a workout or competition, but not before them.

How to learn abstinence?

If for some reason a person has decided on a temporary sexual respite (fasting, spiritual practices, parting with a loved one for the duration of a business trip), how can you go through this period less painfully and learn to reduce the intensity of passions? It is important to remember that moderate abstinence from sexual activity is sometimes beneficial for the body.

What can help abstinence practitioners:

  • focus on spiritual growth and self-improvement;
  • develop during this period creative abilities and creativity;
  • practice various meditation techniques (contemplation, dynamic meditations according to Osho);
  • engage in an active sport.

Abstinence myths

Sexual abstinence is shrouded in various conjectures and stereotypes. There are the following myths about abstinence:

  1. Lack of sex can cause schizophrenia, forms a tendency to pedophilia and bestiality. This is not true, since these manifestations are often based on endogenous congenital abnormalities.
  2. Long abstinence in men and women can cause premature menopause. Yes, there is such a thing as male menopause. It is believed that this myth was created by pharmaceutical companies to better sell condoms.
  3. Transformation of sexual energy into creative energy during abstinence. This is partly true, if a person is inherently creative and obsessed with ideas, a period of slight abstinence for him passes painlessly, for everyone else, sexual pauses cause at least discomfort.

Sex is an integral part of all people in puberty, it is so inherent in nature that the instinct of procreation prevails in every man exactly as much as in a woman. But due to a number of reasons, such as the absence of a sexual partner, circumstances and personal prejudices, long-term abstinence from sexual intercourse can occur. Today, there are many conflicting opinions about whether long-term abstinence is good or bad for a man's body.

Because of the total sexual propaganda for many men, life without sex seems impossible. In fact, you can understand the expediency of abstinence or an active sexual life if you know for sure how the lack of discharge and sexual intercourse affects the body of a man. And it is necessary to consider such issues only from the point of view of medicine, and not stereotypes and unofficial ideologies imposed by society.

What is abstinence?

The concept of sexual abstinence should be understood as a voluntary refusal for a certain period of time or in general for the whole life of a man from sexual intercourse with representatives of the opposite sex.
It is impossible to accurately determine the period of sexual abstinence, since this is a purely subjective time frame. In fact, the needs for sexual intimacy with a woman in a man are a consequence of the worldview and individual type of temperament.

For reference! It will be practically impossible to accurately determine the permissible limits of sexual abstinence for a particular man, since one man will not be able to hold out for more than a week, while another can abstinence for more than one month.

According to medical theory, it has been established that, on average, men with low sexual activity can abstain from sex for no longer than 1-2 months, which will be a fairly easy test for them. For men with high testosterone levels and physical activity, the frequency of sexual intercourse will be much shorter, counted as weeks. Therefore, doctors divide men into two groups:

  • the first group - those who lead an active sex life;
  • the second group - less active men due to the individual characteristics of the organism, whether it be temperament, upbringing, environmental living conditions, climatic zone, health and emotional background, etc.

For representatives of the first group, sexual abstinence is a great threat to health; for them, the absence of relaxation will be accompanied by adverse manifestations. The second group, on the contrary, can live calmly and without consequences, without intimate life for a long time.

Is abstinence harmful for men and what does a long absence of sex lead to?

For many years, the benefits and harms of sexual abstinence have been actively investigated by medical specialists, as well as scientists and scientific institutions. In addition to the term "sexual abstinence", doctors simultaneously consider such a concept as abstinence or a state of "breaking" against the background of the absence of sex and the discharge of the body. And the first harm from this lies precisely in the mental negative impact on a person.

A sexually mature and active man, due to the lack of sexual activity, will suffer from discomfort and obsessive thoughts about sexual intimacy, which develops over time into a depressed depressive state. This will sooner or later affect other organs and systems, including potency. If a man belongs to the second group with low sexual activity, abstinence will be an surmountable task for him.

Urologists note the fact that the lack of discharge after sex threatens men with the development of prostatitis. Especially if, in addition to this, a man has circulatory problems, stressful conditions, infections and an unfavorable lifestyle. In addition, a complete and successful treatment of prostatitis is impossible without sexual activity, as this contributes to the destruction of stagnant processes.

For reference! Bacterial forms of prostatitis, on the contrary, for some time reject sexual contacts of a man with the aim of successful treatment.

Congestive prostatitis and defective prostate gland against the background of abstinence threatens a man:

  • dilated veins in the scrotum (varicose veins);
  • an increase in hemorrhoids;
  • pathological changes in the spermatic cord;
  • venous congestion in the area of ​​the rectum.

Besides long abstinence in men threatens him with irreversible processes in the hormonal system. Studies have also confirmed that the lack of sex leads to a deterioration in the quality of the semen and the reproductive function of a man.

To conceive a child, abstinence is considered to be no longer than 7 days.. Doctors also suggest that the body will simply get used to a passive sexual life, against which the erectile function will begin to disappear. Also sex from the point of view of medicine is physical activity as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Numerous studies have established that only in a state of erection does the penis receive the right amount of oxygen. Lack of sexual life will lead to clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol, which will adversely affect the entire vascular system and potency. Therefore, before choosing for yourself the path of sublimation and refusing to have sex, you should consult with your doctor about the possible consequences.

The benefits of abstinence

Studying the consequences of a man's refusal to have sex, doctors and scientists have also found positive aspects and benefits for the body of such a condition. There is an opinion that with an overly active sexual life and frequent ejaculations, a man loses a large amount of useful substances of the body - protein, phosphorus, cholesterol and lecithin, etc. In addition, due to the preservation of sex hormones, a man can cause the process of reabsorption, that is, their processing.

Also, the benefits of sexual abstinence are as follows:

  • orgasm is a kind of test for the whole organism, especially for the muscles and blood vessels in the brain;
  • orgasm causes the loss of a large amount of useful substances by the body, as well as the strength and energy of the body, lowering the energy potential and defenses of the body;
  • frequent orgasms can lead to exhaustion of the nervous system and neurasthenia;
  • frequent sexual intercourse can increase blood pressure and disrupt the functioning of internal organs.

For reference! Vivid representatives of sexual abstinence are Spinoza, Da Vinci, Aristotle, Nietzsche and Newton. These great men did not suffer any serious consequences of sexual abstinence. The same can be said about the great athletes of Ancient Greece, who, in the absence of sexual intercourse, maintained their health, strength and endurance.

Numerous studies by specialists have repeatedly proved that sexual abstinence is not only not dangerous, but even beneficial for the body of a man. The only exceptions are those men who have a fragile unstable psyche and dependence on sexual life. Ideologists even say that the seed is the best and most expensive thing that a man's body can give.

Male energy and an alternative view on the issue of abstinence

Today there are many alternative ideologies and opinions about the benefits of sexual abstinence. All of them today have many adherents from men, as well as specialists and doctors. Also, their teachings, practices and theories have weighty arguments and facts about the benefits of not having sex. For example:

  1. Ancient Teachings of the Taoists. In the teachings of the ancient Taoists, there are treatises that the refusal of sexual intimacy for a man promises great benefits. It consists in the preservation of vital and necessary useful resources by the body, as well as sex hormones. All this is necessary for a man to maintain physical strength and endurance. Taoists said that with his seed, a man loses vitality and strength. This energy not only heals the body, but is also responsible for creativity.

At the same time, the Taoists had sex many times more than other people, but subject to a clear distinction between orgasm and ejaculation. They practiced skills that allowed them to have an orgasm, but not ejaculate. At the same time, an orgasm without ejection of sperm was an additional recharge for the body. Multiple orgasms also allowed a man to control the duration of sexual intercourse and orgasm.

  1. Modern Taoist practices. Thanks to the experience of the ancient Taoists, today world-famous and novice athletes have become their adherents. Based on the beliefs of the ancient Taoists, today men prefer to abstain from sexual intercourse long before the upcoming sporting events in order to conserve energy and strength. Also, great creative people also use Taoist practices to improve creativity.

You need to understand that a man's seed contains a large amount of useful substances, hormones and body resources. Frequent orgasms lead to exhaustion of the body, many men are advised to refrain from orgasms by doctors before conceiving a child. In the event that a man experiences pain during abstinence, it is important to consult a doctor and not delay a passive sexual life.

And yet, is it good or bad?

From the above opinions and teachings, a literate man should take out general information for himself. First of all, these can be the following rules:

  • Frequent and indiscriminate sexual intercourse leads to health problems and exhaustion of the body.. And if relationships are not accompanied by the use of contraceptives, this can cause serious diseases.
  • The frequency of sexual activity must fully comply with the temperament and sexual constitution of a man in a particular case. Reducing or, on the contrary, forcing the frequency of sexual intercourse can adversely affect the state of health. Conventionally, the rhythm of sexual life involves 2-3 acts per week.
  • In order to improve creativity and physical abilities, you can withhold sexual energy for a while.

In addition, abstinence can be useful for planning and conceiving a child, which will allow a man to increase the concentration of sperm and its volume. Sexual abstinence cannot be harmful, even useful for a man, only if it is adequate in terms of timing, and also does not cause psychological and physiological discomfort.

For any inhabitant of our planet, sex is an integral part of life. Mankind is engaged in it for procreation and for pleasure. But sometimes a situation arises when, due to circumstances, it is necessary to refrain from intimacy for some time. And then the question arises: what are the consequences of abstinence for men? Its benefits and harms, myths and truth are revealed in the article.

The concept of abstinence

This is a temporary forced or from intimacy. The period when the absence of sex can be called abstinence cannot be defined.

The need for sex is determined by the temperament and worldview of a person. For some, abstinence means not having sex for several months, for others it is difficult to last even a week. Men who have a reduced level of sexual activity need intimacy 1-2 times a month, it is easy for them to endure the time of forced abstinence. But representatives of the strong half of humanity, who have an increased level of testosterone, need discharge much more often.

It follows that all men can be divided into two groups: those who are active and those for whom abstinence from sex is not a problem. Both the first and second cases are the norm, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, heredity, emotional state, physical health, age, climatic zone, environmental conditions, and upbringing.

Scientific basis

Scientists have long been discussing the pros and cons of physical abstinence, but there is still no definite answer. The opinions of experts on this issue were divided into two groups. Some sexologists say that abstinence from sex is an incentive for the formation of mental and physical disorders. Others claim that temporary cessation of sexual life is good for the body. But which one is right? Disputes about the pros or cons of giving up a sexual life, about what abstinence is fraught with for men (the benefits and harms are also discussed) have been going on for a long time.

Sex and health

For the stronger sex, intimate life is a physiological need that ensures the normal functioning of the body. This is an opportunity for emotional discharge. Intimacy has a positive effect on the immune system, the cardiovascular system, prevents heart attacks, rejuvenates the body, and prevents obesity. Regular sex minimizes the risk of prostate cancer, in addition, the likelihood of developing diabetes is reduced.

It can be concluded that abstinence for men, the benefits and harms of which are of interest to many, is not conducive to health.

Prolonged refusal of sex and the ability to conceive

There is an opinion that frequent sexual intercourse reduces the possibility of conception. In such cases, a man is recommended to give up sex for some time. The goal is to increase the concentration and quantity of sperm, which in turn increases the possibility of conception. But this method rarely gives the expected result. Most scientists have come to the conclusion that sexual leads to a deterioration in the quality of sperm and a decrease in sperm activity.

Scientists from Israel conducted an experiment for which they took more than 7,000 sperm samples. During the study, they observed a decrease in sperm activity in men who temporarily gave up sex.

Effects of abstinence on health by age

Most sexologists are convinced that long-term abstinence of men is not only unhealthy, but also harmful. The consequences of refusing intimacy in the form of a deterioration in health may appear years later. The older the man, the more pronounced will be the results of the rejection of a regular sexual life.

Abstinence for men: benefits and harms

Refusal of sexual life entails a number of side effects. It can cause the development of prostatitis, that is, inflammation of the prostate gland. Doctors say that the prevention of prostate disease is regular ejaculation.

Also, the result of the refusal of sex may be the acceleration of ejaculation, as a result of which the time of sexual intercourse is reduced. But in healthy men, with the restoration of sexual life, everything returns to normal. Regularly abstaining from intimacy for several months can be bad for the health of the unborn child.

It has been proven that men who deprive themselves of this type of pleasure cause damage to their psyche. The result is a loss of confidence, depression or aggressiveness. To eliminate all these symptoms that have arisen as a result of abstinence, you need to restore regular sexual relations, which will heal a man faster than any magic pills and psychologists.

When Abstinence Is Good

Sexologists are positive about abstinence if a man is undergoing treatment for a sexual infection or is afraid of getting infected from a sexual partner. There are cases when doctors prescribe for health reasons (heart attack, complex surgery).

Creative people argue that sexual abstinence for men, the benefits and harms of which are being studied, gives impetus to the development of creativity, opens the way to inspiration.

Religion calls to give up sex to cleanse karma, clarify consciousness and spiritual growth.

If you briefly study articles on the topic of abstinence, scattered in abundance on the Internet, you can find out that for a man, abstinence can turn into: harm and benefit, a nervous breakdown and creative upsurge, the birth of healthy offspring and the complete loss of erectile function, good health and terrible diseases . No wonder the medical fraternity is still breaking spears in disputes about this piquant phenomenon! Too ambiguously, it affects the body of the stronger sex.
Abstinence, abstinence, deprivation are all names for the same phenomenon.

Continence, great and terrible

Whether we like it or not, we all fall under the influence of stereotypes accepted in society. Moreover, sometimes we hit so hard that we lose the ability to hear our own needs and replace them with installations received from outside.

Take, for example, sex, which in our days intrusively climbs literally from every iron. The lion's share of advertising is built on it, not a single more or less promoted film can do without it, articles are written about it, TV shows are filmed, discussed on forums ... you can feel desire more often and just as often satisfy this desire. As a result, the very word “abstinence” for a man begins to sound like a synonym for something either pathetic or clearly deviant from the norm, and a “simple” duration of several days (or, what good, weeks!) Seems to be a serious problem. At the same time, the fact that all people have different temperaments that determine their sexual appetites, as well as many other indicators, is simply discounted.

In a word, before figuring out whether abstinence is harmful for men, it does not hurt to find out additional details: what caused it, how long does it last, how does it proceed?

Nowadays, sex has become the driving force behind everything that can be tied to it.

Types of withdrawal

What is abstinence?

1. Forced or voluntary. In the first case, a person is forced to do without sexual contact by health problems, stress, lack of a sexual partner, or other problems of a personal nature. In the second, a man consciously refuses to have an intimate life - for example, due to religious views or in preparation for a serious competition. (Immediately after sexual intercourse, the level of testosterone in the blood drops, which can negatively affect the performance of the athlete.)

2. Total or partial. Total abstinence means that a man completely lacks not only sexual activity, but also interest in it. The partial is expressed in nocturnal emissions and onanism against the background of the absence of real sexual contacts.

3. Temporary and long-term. Temporary abstinence does not pose a threat to men's health. Rather, it is useful! For example, this is how an organism that has just suffered a serious illness protects itself: it simply sees no reason to spend energy on something that is not a priority at the moment and “turns off” libido. But the consequences of prolonged abstinence for men can become much more serious.

Prolonged abstinence before a difficult fight was practiced by Muhammad Ali

What threatens the lack of intimate life?

Most specialists - sexologists, psychotherapists, urologists - are sure that a long absence of sexual contacts has an extremely negative effect on the health of their patients.

1. What is dangerous for a man for a long time is his negative impact on the psyche. Usually, the representatives of the stronger sex experience sexual hunger much more often than the ladies, and therefore it is more difficult to put up with the inability to satisfy it. If abstinence is forced and overtakes a person with an ardent temperament, it is always followed by outbreaks of irritability, depression and neurosis. And the more time passes, the more heated the situation.

2. Sexual intercourse is not only an excellent prevention of prostatitis, but also an auxiliary means of its treatment. True, we are talking only about stagnant forms of the disease: it is useless to fight with the help of sex with bacteria that have settled in the prostate gland.

3. Long-term abstinence of a man can have irreversible consequences for his erectile function. A couple of months and even a couple of years of "calm" will not cause serious trouble; entering the usual rhythm, the body will gradually restore its functions. But if the waiting period stretches for 5-6 years, a man can expect the complete disappearance of an erection or a significant reduction in the duration of sexual intercourse.

Abstinence for too long deprives sperm of motility

4. It has been scientifically proven that one of the consequences of prolonged abstinence in men is a sharp increase in the amount of sperm. It would seem that this is great news for those who are planning to acquire a couple of cute little ones? It wasn't there! Because simultaneously with the increase in the volume of the ejaculate, its quality decreases, that is, the mobility of spermatozoa. Scientists give such calculations: if a couple living an active sex life spends 5-7 days without sex, the likelihood of conception will increase. If partners do the same, and without that they rarely indulge each other with intimate caresses, it will decrease. Well, the milestone of 8 days or more is not recommended to any of the potential parents.

5. Regular intimate meetings are especially needed for men over 40, for whom it is important to give moderate loads to their cardiovascular system and fight congestion in the body. Of course, sports will also cope with this task, but, you see, sex is much more pleasant. You hardly have to grit your teeth and force yourself to do the necessary “exercises”.

But the appearance of mental illness or sexual perversions has nothing to do with abstinence. The maximum that can threaten a person in this area who, voluntarily or at the behest of circumstances, has taken on a “celibacy dinner” is a shattered nervous system.

You will not go crazy, but you will shake the nerves of yourself and those around you

Benefits of Abstinence

We would seriously err against the truth if we begin to assert that all experts without exception consider abstinence to be evil. There are enough smart and educated people among doctors who look at the situation in a completely different way.

1. Abstinence increases a man's blood. But every sexual intercourse, on the contrary, causes his fall.

2. Sperm contains a lot of useful substances that, during intercourse, irrevocably leave the body, while abstinence allows it to process and absorb vitamins and minerals almost in full.

3. Unspent sexual energy often results in burst of energy or inspiration. Remember how furiously chopping wood remained without love pleasures Celentano in "The Taming of the Shrew"! True, abstaining from sex in men less creative or more ardent can work exactly the opposite and deprive the poor fellow of the opportunity to think about anything other than his unsatisfied desires.

For example, Isaac Newton preferred to direct his energy towards scientific research.

4. Sex is a serious load on the body, and an orgasm is a kind of shock. First of all, the vessels of the brain and muscles receive a blow, and then the nervous system, immunity and some internal organs. Cases of sudden death due to overexertion during intercourse are not a myth at all, but rather a common phenomenon. Especially among older men.

5. The very idea of ​​the existence of diseases provoked by a lack of sex causes serious controversy in the medical community. Many frankly ridicule her, pointing out that masturbation and promiscuity cause much more serious damage to the body. This opinion is supported by the fact that believing men, refusing intimate relationships during Great Lent, experience neither physical nor psychological discomfort.

We also note that even doctors who preach the benefits of abstinence rarely insist on celibacy. It is quite enough from time to time to pause your personal life for a while, and at other times not to turn your existence into an eternal race for pleasure. By the way, this will reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

Who better than the Chinese to know everything about health and longevity?

How to take control of the body?

There are times when abstinence is necessary, whether or not you are convinced by the arguments above. You decided to follow the example of Muhammad Ali, preparing for a responsible match. You want to remain faithful to your beloved woman, who has rushed off on a long business trip on business. You simply do not have time to look for a partner because of a rush job at work. How to convince the body to accept the arguments of the mind and bother you less with reminders of your instincts?

1. Actively go in for sports in order to dump excess energy in time.

2. Learn a couple of breathing techniques and meditate to learn how to relax.

3. Try to find an activity that interests you. Inspiredly embodying some idea, men sometimes forget about physical hunger, not to mention sexual hunger.

Video: How abstinence unlocks a person's potential

What abstinence leads a man to, and how to turn it to your advantage, look at the video from Artyom Porublev:

Thus, long-term abstinence in men can equally benefit and harm health. It all depends on the duration of the "sexual hunger strike", the physiological and mental characteristics of the person, as well as the accompanying circumstances. Well, how to use this information, each man decides for himself.

What is abstinence for men? Benefit, harm, forced landing or necessity? Opponents and adherents of sublimation have accumulated a lot of evidence, but you can draw specific conclusions only after reading all the information and “trying it on” for yourself.

Is abstinence so terrible or, on the contrary, does it contribute to the accumulation of useful substances and strong energy? For an accurate answer, we will draw knowledge from traditional medicine and popular spiritual practices.

Official medicine - opinion against abstinence

By "abstinence" is meant the term for the complete absence of sexual activity.

It is very significant that in medicine the concept-synonym is also actively used - abstinence (sexual), which in any other case describes the state of "withdrawal" in a drug-addicted person.

Psychological factor

That is, the first obvious harm of abstinence lies in the mental factor. A person with a high sexual constitution will feel discomfort, constantly think about it, feel depressed, and even, as a result, be nervous and tense.

This will eventually affect his health. But for men who are more moderate in the sphere of intimate life, such deprivations will not seem like torture.

Physiological factor

Urologists warn about the danger of prostatitis. But besides abstinence itself, several other factors must be present: infections, poor lifestyle, circulatory disorders, etc.

Doctors insist that a full-fledged treatment of prostatitis is possible only if there is an active sex life. This applies to stagnant forms, bacterial problems are solved by other methods.

There is no unequivocal opinion on how abstinence affects a man’s life

The constant filling of the prostate gland with sperm contributes to the purification and preservation of the functions inherent in nature.

Congestive prostatitis is expressed:

  1. Expansion of the veins of the scrotum
  2. Changes in the spermatic cord
  3. Swelling of hemorrhoids
  4. Venous congestion in the rectum

Hormonal factor

It is believed that the long-term restriction of men leads to irreversible consequences.

Sperm quality and fertility

Israeli scientists conducted a study using seminal samples from seven thousand men. They came to the conclusion that a long absence of sexual activity negatively affects the quality of sperm, although it increases its quantity.

Since it is quality that matters in the matter of conception, they do not recommend practicing sublimation for too long.

On the other hand, a short (up to 7 days) abstinence will have a beneficial effect on the prospect of pregnancy. Opponents of this theory believe that frequent sexual intercourse, on the contrary, contributes to the renewal of biologically valuable material and this is beneficial.

Matter of habit

Doctors say that the body adapts to our needs and over time can be rebuilt so that the erectile function will gradually come to naught. Morning erections and regular ones will disappear and even wet dreams will become a rarity.

Intimate contact is also seen as a way of physical activity and contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but by and large, in the same way as running or running would do.

Many believe that sport can replace intimate life.

oxygen starvation

Another proof that doctors operate on is the opinion that the male sexual organ constantly requires a certain amount of oxygen. It enters the body only during an erection.

If this does not happen for a long time, the vessels are clogged with cholesterol plaques and this negatively affects health.

Official medicine - opinion for abstinence

Considering the issue of abstinence for men, as well as its possible benefits and harms, doctors like to scare with terrible diseases, but this does not mean that they express the opinion of the majority.

Not everyone thinks so. Moreover, adherents of the theory believe that the constant ejection of sperm causes the loss of essential nutrients: phosphorus, lecithin, cholesterol, etc.

The preservation of sex hormones provokes their processing by the body. You do not lose useful substances, which in themselves are replenished very reluctantly.

An important question: how abstinence can turn out for a relationship in a couple

They also put forward the following facts in favor of abstinence:

  1. Orgasm itself is a test for life. At this time, the body is in a state of shock, a powerful spasm appears, which leads to negative processes in the vessels of the brain and muscles.
  2. Immediately after ejaculation, men always feel weak, loss of strength, because they lose the lion's share of hard-to-replace nutrients. Significantly reduced immunity and energy potential.
  3. The nervous system is oppressed so much that the appearance of neurasthenia is likely.
  4. During intercourse, damage to internal organs and an increase in blood pressure are possible.

Scientists often cite as an example the great geniuses and creators Da Vinci, Newton, Spinoza, Nietzsche, Aristotle, who successfully practiced abstinence and did not notice any negative consequences. On the contrary, they gave the world great discoveries.

The athletes of ancient Greece were faster, stronger and healthier than anyone in their time. They preferred to completely refrain from intimacy before the competition and thus strengthened themselves.

Abstinence was practiced by many great men, incl. Leonardo da Vinci

What famous scientists think about the benefits of abstinence:

  1. Richard von Kraft-Ebing, an Austrian-German researcher, considered all "diseases of abstinence" a fiction.
  2. Edouard Chassegnac, a French professor of anatomy and surgery, thought that the healthier a person, the more often he should practice such a restriction. This is the absolute norm. Only sick (especially mentally) people find it difficult.
  3. German professor and anatomist Max Fürbinger expressed the opinion that all the problems of bachelors arise precisely because of the unnatural satisfaction of lust, and not from abstinence.
  4. Endocrinologist Ef. Jay Leadson(Illinois, USA) speaks literally as follows: “Abstinence can never be harmful. Moreover, the preservation of the seed often has a positive effect on physical and mental performance.
  5. Physiologist and venereologist Jean Alfred Fournier ridicules the very idea of ​​the “danger of abstinence” and insists that in all his many years of practice he has not yet come across a case where intimacy would be physiologically necessary to resist the disease.
  6. Dr. F. McCann speaks of abstinence as a way to maintain youth and performance, because the lecithin contained in semen has long been used to treat neurological and sexual disorders.

Long-term observations of the copulation of rabbits led to the conclusion of a clear harm, because after the ejection of sperm, all males were in a state close to epilepsy.

There was a complete exhaustion of the central system, the limbs trembled.

Prolonged absence of intimate life negatively affects potency

When observing young stallions, deaths occurred, as this led to overstrain and a complete breakdown. Even young bulls would pass out for a while, further highlighting the veracity of the theory of the apparent harm of frequent copulation.

If we collect some general opinion, then doctors say that reproduction is the release of all the best that the human body is capable of. A man loses a huge amount of nutrients, vitamins and weakens. This is the price of reproduction.

Excessive sexual excesses for the male body are not desirable and will not lead to anything good. Many of the above arguments seem plausible.

Observing and practicing spiritually, men often not only do not feel a breakdown during sublimation, but, on the contrary, feel much more energetic than before.

Of course, this does not happen immediately, but after restructuring to a new way of life.

And although many of the arguments look plausible, you should not go to extremes.

Tip: During the transition to abstinence, yoga is advised to concentrate daily on ajna (between the eyebrows) and sahasrara (crown) at the same time.

Abstinence for men - benefits and harms after 50 years

On this issue, scientists are also divided into two camps. On the one hand, after 45 years, men have better studied their body and can give a woman maximum pleasure.

Doctors literally scream about the importance of periodic intimate life, about how much it affects sexual function and its recovery. According to them, erection and sexual intercourse should become an integral part of life.

It also affects the level, improvement of work and protection of the function of the prostate gland. They believe that abstinence for more than 5 years in a row can lead to impotence.

On the other hand, opponents are sure that with age the male body weakens, and such an overstrain is more likely to give way to hemorrhage or cardiac arrest.

Especially if they did not give preference to physical activity and led a passive lifestyle.

In adulthood, the issue of intimate relationships should be treated carefully.

Abstinence for men - benefits and harms according to tantra and the Vedas

Abstinence for men, according to the Vedic cults, is more beneficial than harmful. In Tibet, there are several opinions on this matter at once.

Vedic tantra is considered an ancient esoteric teaching, the meaning of which is often misunderstood. In fact, there is no explicit propaganda of intimacy here.

Both abstinence and intimate practice as such are used, but not for pleasure, but to comprehend the doctrine of the Superconscious. Each time is used for self-improvement and concentration on the spiritual side of the issue.

In fact, tantra considers both abstinence and active sex life to be equally beneficial.

On the other hand, the doctrine recognizes that such a great power is capable of being discharged for lofty activities: science, art, worship.

Abstinence also accumulates and prolongs a person's life. In general, moderation and control of one's actions are promoted, everything that modern doctors insist on.

The Vedas consider such energy to be the most powerful in the universe, because thanks to it, a man is able to create a new person! Before the age of 25, it is considered inappropriate to spend this precious resource, therefore complete abstinence is welcome.

The practice of sexual abstinence is widespread in Tibet

Thus, tapas energy is accumulated, it makes it possible to:

  1. Stand up under any circumstances
  2. Always get your way
  3. "Iron" male patience
  4. Be true to your goals
  5. Stay strong and happy throughout your life

Rami Blekt, writer, philosopher, mystic, deeply studied Vedic culture and believes that during ejaculation, the most valuable energy, ojas, is lost.

It is almost not replenished and affects the duration of life and the strength of the nervous system. makes up for the loss a little, but not 100%.

Alternatively, you can use techniques where ejaculation is not associated with orgasm. The man enjoys it.

But there can also be negative health consequences, and not everyone is able to fully master them. consider abstinence from the point of view of the caste to which this or that person belongs.

Sexual energy is the most powerful according to the Vedas

That is, whether abstinence is desirable depends on the purpose of life:

  1. Brahmins(clergy, teachers) recommended complete celibacy, because they dealt with spiritual aspects.
  2. kshatriyam(warriors) - frequent breeding is permissible, as these are strong personalities with good genetics and energy levels. Their purpose is to serve the people.
  3. Vaishyam(traders, farmers) could make love, but had to provide for all their wives and offspring, donate a lot of time and effort to spiritual practices and charity.
  4. Shudram(artists, ordinary workers) were not subject to strict prohibitions as a lower caste, but sexual life existed only within the framework of legal marriage.

Abstinence from ejaculation and the Tao of love

Tao believes that in order to extend the limits of its existence, it is necessary to be moderate in everything. Frequent depletion of the "vital elixir" leads to premature withering of the body, susceptibility to disease. It is necessary to clearly limit yourself in this regard.

The Chinese philosophy of Tao insists on moderation in everything.

Taoist physician Sun Xiu Mo calculated the optimal frequency of ejaculation:

  1. 20 years - every 4 days
  2. 30 years - 1 time in 8 days
  3. 40 years - 1 time in 10 days
  4. 50 years - every 20 days

At the same time, daily physical activity and occupied a special place. As a result, the Tao masters came to the conclusion that the best option would be sexual intercourse without ejaculation.

There are several methods:

  1. Braking method. It consists in diaphragmatic breathing and interruption of sexual intercourse for 20 seconds, followed by continuation. The man calms down and begins to feel the limits of the moment of ejaculation and learns to control himself.
  2. Extrusion method. It is necessary during the act to take a deep breath and within 3 seconds to press on the point between the scrotum and the anus.
  3. Kinsey-Simakin control. In anticipation of the approach of orgasm, the man must tighten the buttocks and hips to achieve contraction of all muscles. He can even continue to move, orgasm will come, but without ejaculation.

Tip: try practicing one of the suggested techniques for 2 months. With due diligence, you will get the expected result.

If you are interested in the topic of the benefits and harms of abstinence for men, we recommend watching this informative video: