What tire tread height should be according to traffic regulations? Correct tread depth and height parameters for new winter tires Minimum tire tread size

Your safety and the safety of those around you greatly depends on the condition of the tires that are installed on your vehicle. Therefore, it is very important to look after them and keep them in good condition.

If you comply rules for using car tires, then your tires will serve you long and reliably.

First, let's talk about tire care:

1 Monitor your tire pressure

This is very important for proper tire operation. The fact is that too low or high tire pressure leads to uneven wear and overheating of the tire itself, which usually leads to irreversible changes in the structure of the tire and, as a consequence, its destruction.

The control should be carried out on a “cold” tire, since as a result of heating during operation, the pressure in it increases. The inflation pressure measured when the tire is cold should match the vehicle or tire manufacturer's recommended pressure.

It is indicated in the car’s operating instructions, and is also often duplicated on the back of the car’s gas filler flap or on the pillar (usually near the lock lug mount) of the left (driver’s) door.


Do not adjust the pressure on a “hot” tire! Pressure adjustment should only be done on a “cold” tire, since when driving the tire heats up and the pressure in it increases.

2 It is necessary to monitor the external condition of the tire

The valve must have a cap to protect the nipple from dirt and dust. Make sure that there are no deep cuts, cracks (indicating the old age of the tire), bubbles (hernias), protruding threads and metal wires of the cord structure on the tread and on the sidewall of the tire. You also need to ensure that there are no foreign objects, nails, sharp metal fragments, etc. on the tread surface, the release of which can lead to a sharp drop in tire pressure and, as a result, a sharp deterioration in the car’s handling.


A tire with protruding parts of the tire structure, threads or wires, deep cuts and cracks, bubbles NOT SUITABLE for use! The use of such tires often leads to an emergency situation caused by the destruction of the tire while driving (sharp loss of pressure). This is especially dangerous at high speed!

3 Monitor tire wear

Tires with excessive wear are prone to punctures. The risk of aquaplaning (loss of control of the car when falling into a puddle) greatly increases, because The water drainage grooves become shallower as the tire wears out.

According to the traffic rules of the Russian Federation (traffic regulations clause 5.1.)
It is prohibited to operate vehicles if:

If the tires of passenger cars have a residual tread depth of less than 1.6 mm, trucks - 1 mm, buses - 2 mm, motorcycles and mopeds - 0.8 mm.

4 A few words about the operation of car tires

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Installing a hyperlink to site materials is not considered a violation of rights and does not require approval. Legal support of the site - law firm "Internet and Law". Summer tires are more rigid than winter tires. The material of the products has a high density, which provides the necessary coefficient of adhesion to the surface. Surface requirements:

resistance to wear due to their rigidity, ensuring good vehicle handling, high-quality road grip, and combating aquaplaning.

An important indicator is (height). There is a standard for each type of vehicle, or more precisely, restrictions on the degree of wear of rubber. If it is more than permitted, you can no longer drive. Number of treads on a new summer tire

depends on the type of vehicle: for a passenger car the figure is 7.5-8.5 mm; for trucks and SUVs, tires with an indicator of 12-18 mm are required; for dump trucks it can be up to 23 mm. It makes sense to change the tires

, when the depth of the car tire depression decreases to 2 mm. And in some countries, the permissible tread for summer tires is 3 mm. Requirements for tread height or depth are contained in Chapter 5 of the Russian Traffic Regulations. And the degree of wear of the part is reflected in the “List of faults and conditions under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.” According to the documents, for different types of cars: motorcycles – 0.8 mm; passenger cars and trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons, trailers for them - 1.6 mm; trucks over 3.5 tons – 1 mm; buses – 2 mm.

Tread wear indicator

Thickness The actual tread depends on the type of tire. It may vary due to the type of pattern.

Types of summer tire treads have advantages and disadvantages:

  • Symmetrical. The side parts of the picture are the same. The rubber has average wear resistance and should be used primarily at moderate speeds. Hydroplaning is quite good, but on a dirt road the car can stall. The advantage of classic tires is their low price.
  • Asymmetrical. One section of the tire is designed for speed, the other for drainage. On such tires you can drive fast and not be afraid of wet roads, puddles, or mud. The only drawback is the high price. Since the patterns of the right and left wheels are different, it is not clear which “spare” to purchase and carry with you.
  • With directional pattern. More suitable for riding on wet surfaces with puddles or in heavy rain. But these tires are not intended for high speeds; they are also quite noisy.

Read more in our article about the features of summer tire treads and the rules for choosing them.

Read in this article

Tread Features

Summer tires differ from winter tires in being more rigid, as they are designed for safe driving on hot or wet asphalt and roads free of ice and snow. The material from which they are made has a high density, which provides the necessary coefficient of adhesion to the surface. There are a number of requirements that summer tires must meet:

  • resistance to wear, which is possible due to their rigidity;
  • ensuring good vehicle control;
  • high-quality road grip;
  • combating hydroplaning, that is, the car should not “float” on a wet surface or arbitrarily change its trajectory due to moisture.


The relief of car tires is never smooth; there are always depressions and bulges on it. They must have certain parameters. Otherwise, the wheels are considered worn out and the car is considered faulty. An important indicator is the tread depth of summer tires (height). There is a standard for each type of vehicle, or rather, restrictions on the degree of wear of rubber. If it is more than permitted, you can no longer drive.

When buying a car, it is important to know what kind of tread the new summer tire has so that you don’t have to change it right away.

  • for a passenger car the figure is 7.5-8.5 mm;
  • for trucks and SUVs, tires with an indicator of 12-18 mm are required (the heavier and more powerful the car, the greater the tread height of summer tires should be);
  • if we are talking about dump trucks, it can be higher – up to 23 mm.

It is this depth that will ensure good grip on the road, including wet ones. The depressions will drain water and the machine will not lose stability.

Motorists need to understand: if the minimum tread of summer tires is 1.6 mm, this does not mean that it is worth bringing them to this condition. Because the shallower the depth, the lower the coefficient of adhesion. And this can become dangerous in difficult weather and road conditions.

A car with almost “bald” tires is less stable and slows down. If you stop suddenly, it may skid to the side. It makes sense to change the tires when the depth of the car tire depression decreases to 2 mm. And in some countries, the permissible tread of summer tires is not even a little more than 1.6 mm, but 3 mm.

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Smirnova

Automotive Law Expert

When deciding when to replace them, you need to look at what surfaces you drive on most often. After all, with worn tires you can not only get into an accident on off-road or wet asphalt, but also easily get stuck on a dirt road. Its quality and novelty also affect the vehicle’s cross-country ability.

What laws govern

Requirements for tread height or depth are contained in Chapter 5 of the Russian Traffic Regulations. And the degree of wear of a part that does not allow the use of the vehicle is reflected in the “List of faults and conditions under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.” Both documents indicate what the remaining tread of summer tires should be for different types of cars:

  • motorcycles – 0.8 mm;
  • passenger cars and trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons, trailers for them - 1.6 mm;
  • trucks over 3.5 t – 1 mm:
  • buses – 2 mm.

This indicator should normally be higher (accordingly, the degree of wear should be lower). For a violation, the driver will be punished under Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.


Such an indicator as the tread thickness of a summer tire, traffic rules or the “List of faults...” is not regulated in any way. But rubber used in warmer months usually has narrow grooves and wide ridges with sipes. The latter provide good grip on the road.

The actual tread thickness depends on the type of tire. It may vary due to the type of pattern. But there are no standards here; more precisely, they exist for parts manufacturers. The driver does not have to monitor the thickness, since it does not decrease during operation.

Types of summer tires

There are several types of tires designed for use in the warm season. They are divided depending on the pattern. It's not just about purely external differences. All types of summer tire treads have advantages and disadvantages:

  • Symmetrical. This is a classic option and therefore universal, although it behaves best on an asphalt road. On such tires, the side parts of the pattern are the same. The rubber has average wear resistance and should be used primarily at moderate speeds. The latter is especially important on turns and in rainy weather.

Hydroplaning is quite good, but on a dirt road the car can stall. The advantage of classic tires is their low price.

  • Asymmetrical. One section of the tire is designed to provide speed, the other to drain water, which is why they differ in appearance. On such tires you can drive fast and not be afraid of wet roads, puddles, or mud. With it the car becomes more stable. The only drawback is the high price.

And the tires for the right and left wheels are different, because the outside should not be on the inside. Therefore, it is not clear what kind of “spare spare” to purchase and carry with you. After all, you can’t guess in advance whether the right or left tire will be punctured.

When installing, it is important to determine the direction of the tread pattern of summer tires. For correct installation, you should look at the “Rotation” icon and the arrow indicating how the wheels should rotate. This is how tires with a directional pattern are marked. If it is asymmetrical, you need to look for the inscriptions Outsaid (“outside”) and Inside (“inside”).

If the tires are installed incorrectly, the car becomes less obedient, which increases the risk of an accident. In addition, the rubber will deteriorate faster. The direction of the pattern may not be taken into account if the tires are symmetrical.

To learn how and which summer tires to choose, watch this video:

How to determine tread wear

If the tires have been used for a long time and are very worn, an experienced driver will be able to determine by eye the need for replacement. But still, summer tire tread wear requires a more reliable way to determine its degree. You can measure using a coin, placing it in the recess. It is then applied to a ruler or tape measure to determine the tread height. Measurements are taken at least at 6 different points, and preferably at 9-12.

Sometimes the surface wears off unevenly, which may indicate improper use of the car:

  • The tread height is less in the middle, which means the wheel has been overinflated for a long time;
  • the indicator is higher in the center - on the contrary, there is too little air in the tire, it needs to be pumped up;
  • one of the edges is less worn, therefore there is a problem with the suspension;
  • The depth is not the same over the entire surface - the wheels have experienced extreme driving and sudden braking many times.

No matter how high-quality and exemplary the tread of summer tires is, this does not negate law-abiding behavior on the road and accuracy. And of course, when driving you should always take into account the characteristics of the surface. And in winter the car definitely needs to be “changed”.

Useful video

To learn how to determine tire wear, watch this video:

Tread height (also called depth)(or tire tread) is the distance from the bottom of the drainage channel to its surface, which is in direct contact with the road. This value may vary even within one specific tire - the height in the center of the tread may not coincide with the height in the shoulder areas. Therefore, the tread height must be measured where it is established by the manufacturer.

The tread height also carries with it the functional imprint of the tire itself as a whole. If, by definition, tread is an element that protects the internal structure of the tire, then, working with the tread height, the manufacturer creates its pattern and forms a system of drainage channels, giving the tread the necessary characteristics.

It's no surprise that the tread heights of new tires currently on the market vary. But besides the manufacturer’s approach, there are other factors that influence the tire tread height:



It is also worth remembering that only one value is legally fixed for the tread of new tires - the minimum permissible tread height. This means that there is a tread height standard only for used tires. This standard is the minimum permissible limit below which tires cannot be used. On the territory of Russia, the minimum permissible (residual) tread height is 1.6 mm, and - 4 mm.

Tread height depends on manufacturer

The absence of a limit on the tread height of new tires allows manufacturers to actively work with other elements of the tire - rubber compounds and internal structure - to achieve optimal tire performance. Because the height of the treadmill can have a positive effect on some characteristics and, at the same time, a negative effect on others. So, for example, a tire with a high tread, and therefore with deep drainage channels, will effectively drain water, but at the same time it will handle worse. The opposite situation occurs with a tire that has almost no tread pattern - with a slick tire. In this case, the tire will demonstrate excellent handling, but will be completely helpless on the road even with minimal precipitation. Therefore, work with the tread height is carried out by tire engineers only in conjunction with other elements of the tire, which makes it possible to improve certain characteristics of the tire without reducing its other indicators.

A good example of such interaction is tire mileage. In the initial period of the existence of tires with a tread, it was its height that determined the potential mileage. And, the higher the tread, the greater the amount of rubber it contained, which means the more kilometers the tire could travel. At the present stage, among leading tire manufacturers, the mileage is determined by the composition of the rubber mixture and the recipe for its creation. Therefore, you should not rely on tread height as the only indicator that determines the potential mileage of a tire.

To summarize, it must be said that the tread height in the same size, but from different manufacturers, may differ, which is determined by the technical and technological level of each company, as well as its approach to creating a tire. The tread height of one model can also vary from size to size, and narrower sizes will generally have a higher figure.

Tread height depends on the season of tire use

In winter, drivers may encounter more surfaces than in summer. And to the dry and wet asphalt there will be added a road covered with ice and snow, slush or a chemical reagent. Most of these coatings require the tire to an extensive system of drainage channels and powerful tread blocks, which leads to an increase in the negative profile of the tire (this is the total size of all tread channels), as well as an increase in its volume, which is achieved by increasing the tread height. In addition, the need to attach studs also requires a tread with an increased height. And don’t forget that the minimum permissible tread height for winter tires is significantly higher than the summer limit (4 mm versus 1.6 mm). All this leads to the fact that The tread of winter tires is large(or depth) of the tread.

Tread height:

Winter studded tire 9-10 mm

Winter studless tire 7.5-9 mm

- summer road tire 7.2-7.8 mm

The tread height depends on the purpose (function) of the tire.

Tires have different purposes, as there are different cars, driving styles, different types of surfaces and the frequency of exposure to these surfaces. It's no surprise that tires for different uses also have different tread heights.

Summer tire tread height:

Road tire 7.2-7.8 mm

Sports tire 6.5-7.5 mm

- commercial vehicle tire 8-10 mm

Off-road tire 13.7-14.7 mm

Sports tires have a lower tread depth than regular road tires. for better handling performance.

Commercial tires have higher tread, allowing them to have more rubber to abrade, and therefore a higher resource. In addition, the deep tread pattern allows you to work more efficiently outside of asphalt.

Off-road tires are leaders in tread height, as the surfaces become more aggressive, and the higher tread depth will help protect the tire from damage to the treadmill. In addition, the tread volume obtained as a result of increasing the height will make work more efficient in mud, sand and other unstable surfaces.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the tire tread height will help tell a little about the purpose of the tire and its seasonality within the offer of one manufacturer. But you shouldn’t choose tires based solely on this indicator. Since a tire is a complex product, the many tasks assigned to a tire cannot be solved with just a tread.

The most important parameter for any driver is the depth of the tire pattern. Great importance is given to this parameter due to the peculiarities of using tires, because the level of adhesion to the road surface and, as a result, the safety of the car and driver on the road directly depends on the height of the pattern.

Tread height of new summer tires: types of tires

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Experts classify tires depending on the season. Highlight:

  • Summer tires.
  • Winter tires.

Depending on the characteristics of the new rubber and the pattern, the height of the tire at different times of the year provides the maximum level of grip on the road surface. The minimum tread depth on summer tires depends on the operating characteristics.

Rubber is also classified based on the type of transport for which it is intended. The following types of tires are distinguished for passenger cars:

In addition, the tread height and pattern characteristics depend on the purpose of the wheels. Which tire is suitable for use is determined depending on its type:

  • Off-road.
  • Sports.
  • Regional.
  • Road.

The height of these types of tires varies quite a lot. The height of off-road tires can reach up to 17 mm, and the height of sports tires can be up to 5 mm.

What should be the tread depth of summer tires: features of the pattern

Summer tires with a classic symmetrical tread pattern are considered a universal tire model. This pattern is characterized by moderate removal of fluids from the points of maximum contact with the road. Tires with this pattern ensure normal vehicle handling on any surface. Additionally they are characterized by:

  • Good wear resistance of rubber.
  • Minimum level of sound effects.
  • Affordable price.

For a quiet ride in the city, purchasing such new tires is ideal.

Speed ​​lovers should give preference to tires with an asymmetric tread pattern. Such products will provide reliable grip on the road surface when cornering and driving at high speed.

Tires with this pattern are characterized by the following indicators:

  • Low level rubber sound effects.
  • Good directional stability.
  • Improved water protection.

Course stability is achieved thanks to stiffer blocks located on the outside of the tire. And improved drainage is provided by expanded channels. However, such products have a significant drawback - significant cost.

For driving in difficult weather conditions, it is worth purchasing tires with a directional pattern. The peculiarity of the products is that the width and depth of the drainage channels significantly reduces the rigidity of the outer rim of the rubber, which reduces its directional stability. Features of the pattern cause a significant difference in the installation of wheels, which complicates the replacement process. Also, such products are characterized by a fairly high noise level.

What is the tread height on new summer tires?

Height and pattern have a direct impact on such indicators as the adhesion strength of the car to the road, as well as the level of water drainage. The tread height of new summer tires should be from 6 to 8 mm. A wear level of no more than 50% is allowed. When answering the question, what is the tread depth on summer tires, it is worth noting that its minimum level should be 1.6 mm. This is the maximum permissible amount of wear.

For such tires, the main condition for normal operation is the presence of a tread pattern. Reducing its depth level reduces the performance characteristics of the product and contributes to a decrease in the quality of liquid drainage. The answer to the question of what percentage tire wear can be is determined depending on the type of car.

The tread depth of new summer tires may vary depending on the purpose of the car. Therefore, answering the question of what is the permissible tread depth on summer tires, it is worth noting that in sports models this figure can reach 17 mm. Large depth indicators are also predetermined for SUVs.

How high is the tread on new summer tires compared to winter tires?

Tread depth for products intended for the winter period is an extremely important indicator. In summer, driving on dry roads allows for significant wear of the pattern, while in winter, safety directly depends on its depth.

Winter tires are divided into several types:

  • Scandinavian type.

This type of tire was developed for driving in severe frost and snowfall conditions. Answering the question, what should be the tread height of passenger tires in comparison with this one, it should be 8 mm, which is quite significant. This type of tire is characterized by an asymmetrical pattern. Rectangular cups are designed to act on snow and ice, which are removed from the contact surface using lamellas.

  • Studded.

Studs provide traction by breaking up snow and ice. Such tires can also be used for driving on asphalt, however, they make quite a lot of noise. Heavy braking may damage the studs.

  • Frictional.

This type of tire is suitable for driving in mud and slush, as well as in light snow conditions. The answer to the question of how much the tread height of summer tires should be in comparison with this type of rubber is that it can be 3 mm less. This rubber is characterized by thin sipes, as well as the presence of special lugs, which significantly increases the grip area on wet asphalt. The pattern on this type of rubber is symmetrical.

In addition, many car owners wonder how much tire pressure should be in the summer. The answer to this is extremely simple. Tire pressure should be at the same level in summer and winter.

The recommended level of pressure in a car's tires is indicated on a specific sticker that is attached by the manufacturer to the driver's door. This tire pressure is an average. The optimal tire pressure is determined depending on:

  • Car load.
  • Number of passengers.

The greater the load on the car, the higher the tire pressure should be. This is due to the fact that insufficient tire pressure in the summer can lead to rapid wear.

5.1. The remaining tire tread depth (in the absence of wear indicators) is less than:

  • For vehicles of category L (motorcycles and mopeds) - 0.8 mm;
  • For vehicles of categories N2, N3, O3, O4 (trucks) - 1 mm;
  • For vehicles of categories M1, N1, O1, O2 (passenger cars) - 1.6 mm;
  • For vehicles of categories M2, M3 (buses) - 2 mm.

The remaining tread depth of winter tires intended for use on icy or snowy road surfaces, marked with a sign in the form of a mountain peak with three peaks and a snowflake inside it, as well as marked with the signs “M+S”, “M&S”, “M S” (if absence of wear indicators), during operation on the specified coating is less than 4 mm.

Note. The designation of the vehicle category in this paragraph is established in accordance with Appendix No. 1 (Road Signs) to the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”, adopted by decision of the Customs Union Commission dated December 9, 2011 No. 877.

5.2. Tires have external damage (punctures, cuts, breaks), exposing the cord, as well as delamination of the carcass, peeling of the tread and sidewall.

5.3. The fastening bolt (nut) is missing or there are cracks in the disk and wheel rims, there are visible irregularities in the shape and size of the mounting holes.

5.4. The tires are not the correct size or load capacity for the vehicle model.

5.5. One axle of the vehicle is equipped with tires of various sizes, designs (radial, diagonal, tubed, tubeless), models, with different tread patterns, frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant, new and reconditioned, new and with an in-depth tread pattern.

The vehicle is equipped with studded and non-studded tires.

At what minimum residual tire tread depth (in the absence of wear indicators) is the operation of motor vehicles (category L) prohibited?

1. 0.8 mm.
2. 1.0 mm.
3. 1.6 mm.
4. 2.0 mm.

For motor vehicles belonging to vehicles of categories L (in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Technical Regulations on the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2009 No. 720), the residual depth of the tire tread pattern (in the absence of wear indicators), at which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited is at least 0.8 mm.

At what minimum residual tire tread depth (in the absence of wear indicators) is it prohibited to operate a passenger car (category M1)?

1. 0.8 mm.
2. 1.0 mm.
3. 1.6 mm.
4. 2.0 mm.

For a passenger car belonging to vehicle category M1 (in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Technical Regulations on the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2009 No. 720), the residual depth of the tire tread pattern (in the absence of wear indicators), at which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited is at least 1.6 mm.

It is prohibited to operate trucks of categories N2 and N3 if the remaining tire tread depth (in the absence of wear indicators) is no more than:

The remaining tread height of a bus tire must not be less than 2 mm.

In what cases are you allowed to operate a car?

Of all the listed cases, only installing retreaded tires on the rear axle of a car is not a reason to prohibit the operation of your car.