Clearance (ground clearance) for the Hyundai Creta. Ground clearance Hyundai Creta, real ground clearance Hyundai Creta Equipment Hyundai Creta

Specifications Hyundai Creta (Hyundai Сreta) 2017-2018. hyundai greta clearance

Ground clearance Hyundai Creta - Hyundai Creta ground clearance

The clearance of the Hyundai Kreta is a fairly popular topic among domestic owners of the Korean crossover. It would seem why so much attention is paid to not the most important aspect of the car. The fact is that Creta is an intermediate link between the two segments, and therefore the issue of ground clearance causes a lot of controversy. Official manufacturers position the Creta as a crossover, but the design features of the car are pushing to think that this is an SUV. In today's article, we will discuss the ground clearance of the Hyundai Creta and try to sort out this controversial point.

Crete clearance features

The ride height of the crossover depends on the type of wheels with which it is equipped. When using standard 16-17-inch wheels, the ground clearance is 190 mm. The main difference between the SUV and other representatives of the class is that the lowest point of the body is the crankcase.

Fortunately for motorists, Korean developers have paid special attention to the protection of components and elements that are at risk of coming into contact with the road surface. Manufacturers managed to achieve this clearance indicator due to the installation of an independent suspension and the complete absence of overhangs. Elements such as the gearbox, transmission and power plant are located in special compartments of the body.

It is worth noting that initially, the Korean company planned to produce exclusively all-wheel drive vehicles. But, due to certain circumstances, it was decided to start producing a front-wheel drive modification. There is no difference in ground clearance for both versions of the crossover.

We have already said above that the clearance of the Hyundai Creta is 190 mm. If we add here the dimensions of the overhangs of 840 mm, we get a chic car that can easily overcome even the most difficult sections of the road. As practice shows, for the conditions of Russian roads, this indicator of ground clearance is more than enough.

If we compare it with the competitors of the Korean crossover, then their clearance rate fluctuates in the range of 170-200 mm. From this we can conclude that Creta is among the leaders in this aspect. For comparison, the “Korean” is only 5 mm inferior to the Russian SUV X-Ray.

Ground clearance Hyundai Creta - Estimation

Judging by the test drives of the crossover and the reviews of the owners, the standard clearance is quite enough to overcome deep puddles, snowy areas or swamps. The car can be successfully operated on any type of road surface due to minimal overhangs and a short wheelbase.

When information appeared that Creta would receive a ground clearance of 190 mm, this pleased domestic motorists. There are no specific requirements for this aspect of the car, and usually, the success of the engineers' decision is determined during operation. But in this case, it was not so - it was immediately clear that Greta's clearance was the most optimal for Russian roads. Add here another 17-inch "shoe" and "Korean" will not stop even a meter of snow.

Given the identity of the ground clearance indicators, experts advise choosing an all-wheel drive version of the crossover, which is definitely not inferior to the average SUV in terms of performance.

In front of the body, special linings are installed that protect important elements of the car.

The developers claim that they do not affect the ground clearance in any way, but some motorists claim that after dismantling them, they managed to win 40 mm. But we do not recommend doing this, as such intervention may adversely affect the technical condition of the car.

Despite the high clearance, Greta is equipped with 16 and 17-inch tires. According to experts, manufacturers needed to equip the crossover with larger diameter wheels, but this is not for us to judge. If you do not take into account the size of the tires, then the maximum off-road clearance is 145 mm - a fairly good result.

Expert opinion

Given the resourcefulness of the Russians, it is not surprising that the domestic owners of Greta are trying in every possible way to improve the performance of the car. One such improvement is the increase in clearance. This is not so difficult to do - it is enough to replace the springs and shock absorbers, and in some cases the wheels.

Experts identify three main methods for changing the clearance of the Hyundai Greta:

  • The easiest way is to install larger tires.
  • Installation of special stands in the crossover suspension.
  • Installation of a new suspension with increased sizes of springs and shock absorbers.

As practice shows, any of these methods can increase the clearance by 50 mm. But even with this in mind, experts do not recommend interfering with the suspension design, as this may adversely affect the performance of the element. Therefore, domestic motorists install other tires with a larger diameter.

However, not everything is so smooth here. If the wheel size is very different from the factory parameters, then this can lead to inaccuracies in the speedometer. Some motorists claim that due to violations in the operation of devices, they received a ticket for speeding.

The specialists of the Korean company conducted a large number of tests, as well as tests, and found out that 190 mm is enough to operate the crossover in any conditions. In some cases, you can install wheels 215/65, which will increase the ground clearance by 5-10 mm, without major interventions in the design of the car. In addition, it is possible to partially modernize the crankcase protection.

As a result, we note that even with minimal changes, it is possible to achieve a clearance of 196 mm.

Opinion of car owners

So, Greta's standard clearance is 190 mm. With minimal effort, it can be increased by 6 mm, but rarely does anyone take such a step. The fact is that the base indicator is the most optimal in terms of aerodynamics, and there is no point in violating this “harmony”.

As domestic motorists note, a clearance of 190 mm is perfect for driving on our roads even in the most severe weather conditions. On Youtube you can find a lot of videos with tests of the SUV, which are carried out by ordinary car owners and rarely anyone is disappointed with the car's cross-country ability.

What do we get?

Hyundai Creta - is considered one of the most optimal crossover options for driving on Russian roads. The car can be equipped with a front and full drive system, but any of these modifications can boast of excellent cross-country ability.

The ground clearance of the Hyundai Crete of 190 mm allows you to easily overcome problematic sections of the road, which are abundant in Russian open spaces. In addition to optimal clearance, the car also has relatively large wheels and small overhangs, which together give the Korean crossover universalism. As practice shows, the Hyundai Creta clearance is ideal for all areas of civilian use. "Korean" can be operated off-road and in urban conditions - the car is perfectly prepared for such contrasts.

Due to the high clearance of the Hyundai Crete, the driver does not need to constantly calculate the depth of a puddle or ravine before overcoming it - the car will perfectly cope with the tasks assigned to it. In conclusion, we note that even a clearance of 190 mm does not guarantee Crete the status of an SUV - most experts agree that this is a crossover.

Recently, at one of the press conferences, representatives of the Korean company reported that in subsequent modifications, the clearance of the Hyundai Kreta could be increased. Most likely, this applies to the Russian version of the crossover.


Ground clearance (Clearance) Hyundai Creta

The factory clearance of Crete is a fairly popular topic for discussion among motorists in the domestic space. After all, the overall parameters of the car are between two classes of cars, which raises a number of controversial questions about the off-road qualities of the novelty.

The manufacturer Hyundai officially introduced the car as a new crossover. However, due to the design features of the body, tire size and ground clearance, the model easily fits the class of light SUVs.

Features of factory clearance Hyundai Creta

The actual clearance of Crete may vary depending on the type of wheels installed. With factory settings of 16-17 inches, the total ground clearance is 190 mm. Due to the peculiarities of the body structure, the built-in crankcase protection is considered the lowest point, which is the control when measuring the clearance.

Specialists at the Hyundai plant have made every effort to protect all key components and assemblies from possible contact with the road surface. Crete's clearance parameters were achieved thanks to a completely independent suspension and the absence of large overhangs. Gearboxes, gearbox and engine are located in special cavities of the body.

Initially, Creta was designed to be launched in a series only in an all-wheel drive version. However, due to the cheaper model, the designers decided to produce front-wheel drive. Accordingly, all technological body cavities are almost completely identical to the 4WD version.

With a clearance of 190 mm, the overhang size is only 840 mm, which is enough to successfully overcome all types of obstacles on rough or urban terrain. For the normal operation of the car, the ground clearance parameters are quite enough.

On average, the clearance of the competitors of the new crossover is from 170 to 200 mm, which is not significantly different compared to Creta. If we compare the factory ground clearance of Hyundai with the domestic Lada X-Ray, then the difference is only 5 mm in favor of AvtoVAZ.

General assessment of ground clearance and vehicle capability

The standard ground clearance of the Creta allows the crossover to easily overcome deep puddles, snow-covered areas or light mud. Thanks to minimal overhangs, a short wheelbase and the absence of protruding nodes under the bottom, the car is perfectly suited for operation on any type of road surface.

Many motorists and experts in the domestic space are positive about the ground clearance of 190 mm. After all, there are no specific standards for these cars, and all technical capabilities are already determined during the operation of the car in real conditions. In combination with high ground clearance and R17 215/60 wheels, the car is easily selected from the track, which is important in winter or when traveling out of town.

The presence of all-wheel drive provides the crossover with additional features. Despite the lack of an auxiliary gearbox to reduce the gear ratio, the car can be compared to a small compact SUV. It is possible that it is not possible to operate on mud to the floor of the wheel, but the machine overcomes certain slippery and shallow areas without much difficulty.

In the front part of the body, under the bottom, there is a protection of mounted units, which does not affect the size of the clearance, but at the same time effectively protects the engine and chassis from damage. If you remove this protection, then it is theoretically possible to win another 40-50 mm of ground clearance. However, such interference can adversely affect the safety of operation and the durability of the units.

The manufacturer uses several tire sizes for installation on a crossover. In total there are 2 main types of sizes: R16 205/65 95H and R17 215/60 96H. The width of the rim in this case is 6.0 - 6.5J.

Each type of tire was officially tested in urban and suburban conditions. At the maximum load of the car in off-road conditions, the clearance under the bumper was 145 mm, and under the engine protection - 126 mm. During operation, it is important to consider the current weight of the machine, tire pressure and suspension condition.

Expert opinion on clearance for domestic roads

Many domestic motorists are trying in every possible way to equip their car with additional devices, as well as to increase the ground clearance. To change the clearance, other springs, shock absorbers, bumpers and wheels are installed. The main goal of increasing ground clearance is to improve the overall patency when operating the machine in the domestic space. On the Crete crossover, it is quite possible to change the standard clearance characteristics of 190 mm. We can identify the most effective ways:

  1. Installing large wheels or tires.
  2. Installation of spacers in the car suspension.
  3. Suspension installation with reinforced springs and shock absorbers.

Any of the listed interventions will increase the clearance by an average of 50 - 80 mm additionally. However, experts do not recommend making changes to the design of the car. After all, any intervention can lead to a failure in the suspension settings, mass distribution and chassis. Most often, domestic owners of Hyundai Crete install other tires or wheels.

Any discrepancy in the size of the wheels from the original factory parameters adversely affects the accuracy of the speedometer readings. Depending on the diameter, the electronics may show a higher or lower speed, which negatively affects the safety of movement and increases the likelihood of a fine.

According to a large number of tests and expert estimates, a clearance of 190 mm on Crete is quite enough for the normal operation of equipment in different conditions. Ground clearance can be increased by installing 215/65 tires. In this case, the owner will not affect the overall suspension settings and will be able to get an increase in ground clearance of up to 5 - 10 mm. It is also possible to install a modified engine crankcase protection.

In total, with minimal changes, you can get 196 mm from the roadway to the lowest point under the bottom.

Conclusions and overall assessment of the crossover

A novelty from Hyundai, the Creta car has all the necessary functions and characteristics for convenient and comfortable operation in the domestic space. Depending on the configuration, the machine may have full or only front-wheel drive. However, regardless of the type of drive, the model is distinguished by high cross-country ability on light off-road conditions.

Clearance of 190 mm allows you to overcome most types of obstacles that are found on domestic roads. Large wheels, good weight distribution and small overhangs are ideal for poor road surfaces. Together with a stable and soft suspension, the crossover is not afraid of deep pits or potholes. The car is suitable for almost any purpose in the field of civilian use.

The owner does not need to think before overcoming another puddle or entering a muddy country road. The Creta model is not a full-fledged SUV. However, due to its characteristics, the car can be called a good passable crossover.

Fast passage:

Characteristics of the Hyundai Creta: photos, prices in 2017

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Ground clearance Hyundai Creta, real ground clearance Hyundai Creta

Ground clearance Hyundai Creta or ground clearance, as for any other car, is an important factor on our roads. It is the condition of the road surface or its complete absence that makes Russian motorists interested in the Hyundai Creta clearance and the possibility of increasing the ground clearance with the help of spacers or reinforced springs. To begin with, it’s fair to say that the actual clearance of the Hyundai Creta can seriously differ from that declared by the manufacturer. The whole secret is in the method of measurement and the place of measurement of ground clearance. Therefore, you can find out the real state of affairs only by yourself armed with a tape measure or ruler. The official ground clearance of the Hyundai Crete is 190 mm. If we take into account that the front and rear overhangs are rather short, the angle of entry and exit is quite large, then we can talk about good geometric cross-country ability. What is interesting, the Chinese specification of this model has a clearance of only 183 mm.

Some manufacturers go for the trick and claim the amount of ground clearance in an “empty” car, but in real life we ​​have a trunk full of all kinds of things, passengers and a driver. That is, in a loaded car, the clearance will be completely different. Another factor that few people have in mind is the age of the car and the wear of the springs, their “sagging” from old age. The issue is solved by installing new springs or buying spacers for sagging Hyundai Crete springs. Spacers allow you to compensate for the drawdown of the springs and add a couple of centimeters of ground clearance. Sometimes even a centimeter in the parking lot at the curb plays an important role.

But don't get carried away with the Hyundai Creta's ground clearance lift, because spacers to increase ground clearance are focused only on springs. If you do not pay attention to the shock absorbers, the course of which is often very limited, then self-upgrading the suspension can lead to loss of control and damage to the shock absorbers. In terms of cross-country ability, high ground clearance in our harsh conditions is good, but at high speeds on the highway and in corners, there is a serious buildup and additional body roll.

The real ground clearance of the front-wheel drive version of Creta and the 4x4 modification is different. The reason is the design features of the all-wheel drive transmission and exhaust system, which on the all-wheel drive modification make the car more vulnerable to obstacles sticking out of the ground.

With the front-wheel drive Hyundai Creta, the low point is the steel guard under the engine. On rubber R17 215/60, the clearance can be up to 188 mm. And if you install regular wheels R16 205/65, then under protection you will find no more than 175-176 mm.

With the all-wheel drive version, everything is more complicated, because the lowest point here is the exhaust pipe with resonators, it is she who is the lowest point when measuring clearance. (see photo)

On the version of the Korean crossover with front-wheel drive, the exhaust pipe is removed into the tunnel and hangs much higher. On the 4x4 modification, there is a cardan shaft in the central tunnel, so the exhaust is moved to the side.

Any car manufacturer, when designing a suspension and choosing a clearance value, is looking for a golden mean between handling and cross-country ability. Perhaps the easiest, safest and most unpretentious way to increase the clearance is to install wheels with “high” rubber. Changing wheels makes it easy to increase ground clearance by another centimeter.

Disadvantages of Hyundai Greta / Creta 2017-2018

All the cons of Hyundai Greta 2017

➖ Build quality➖ Rust on chips➖ Frequent problems with the lock and tailgate➖ High gas mileage➖ Crickets in the cabin➖ Rut sensitivity➖ Small glove compartment


➕ Spacious interior➕ Suspension➕ Good brakes➕ Decent equipment even in the basic configuration

The pros and cons of the Hyundai Creta 2017-2018 are identified based on the feedback from the owners. More detailed advantages and disadvantages of Hyundai Creta with mechanics, automatic and 4x4 all-wheel drive can be found in the stories below:


The main thing is clearance! I stopped looking at every pebble on the road. Large diameter wheels add comfort when driving on bad roads. I don’t have to look out from behind the wheel onto the road (even with my rather big height). I was pleased when leaving for nature - even on the front-wheel drive you can drive where the road was previously closed.

A little more detail about the expense, as it excites many. We can say that he is happy. It all depends on the driving style of a particular driver, the time of year and where you have to drive. The first three winter thousand (although in our area last winter was warm) consumption was 9.4-9 liters per hundred city-highway approximately 50:50. It seemed a lot, but spring came, the run-in ended and the flow dropped to 8l.

It is worth forgetting about dynamic driving, and there are several reasons for this. Somewhat dissatisfied with the algorithm of the automatic transmission. During long climbs (or overtaking), you almost always have to use manual mode, since the machine shifts downshift early and then, apart from the roar of the engine, there is little sense.

In general, I like the car. Despite the simple interior and average appearance, the Hyundai Greta is one of those that are larger inside than outside (praise to the designers), so far it does not annoy even small jambs. And … This car is more for the city, for traffic jams, for a leisurely ride. Such a workhorse for every day.

Vladimir, a review about the Hyundai Greta 1.6 on a front-wheel drive machine.

I drove at night in normal conditions without rain, without meeting and spraying headlights - the light on Crete is very weak. This is the first problem. The second - the car (my opinion) is light, it holds the road in principle, but due to poor lighting it flew into a frozen roadside rut, it’s good that there was a low speed, it pulls and jumps. The feeling of an unbalanced car is present, maybe it's a matter of habit, I don't know.

At low speeds in the snow, this lightness is even a buzz, it rows normally and skids a little, if you add it, but the stabilization, in principle, keeps it without the intervention of the steering wheel. It works quite often. The engine is not particularly run-in, but gave heat when overtaking. Frankly, the engine is weak. Maybe for now.

The car heats up quickly and efficiently. I put 23 on the book, and forgot (climate). True, with frosts of minus 20-30, it tightens the windows when driving for a long distance, you turn it on to the normal mode, it passes. How the air conditioning and climate will work in the summer, we'll see. With the ergonomics of the cabin as a whole is normal. The doors do not close the first time, maybe from frost.

Owner's review of Hyundai Creta 2.0 with automatic and all-wheel drive

In the first week, there was a knock in the trunk, I did not find it until I got everything out of the trunk, including the shelves and the spare tire. I found a rattling in the trunk lock ... I turned to the dealer, pulled it up - corrected it.

The second week, the next day after visiting the dealer, the tire pressure sensor caught fire, checked, the pressure is normal. I drove for a couple more days - the trunk lock clanged again and gradually stopped closing from the first-second-fifth time. I visited the dealer, changed the lock, did something with the tire pressure sensors, the lamp stopped burning

On a run of 1,300 km, the consumption gradually decreased from the run-in 18-20 to 10.2 on the highway in the 100/120 mode and to 12-14 in the city. And yes, guys, this is a 95 G drive)) Mileage of 4,000 km, no more problems.

Of the disadvantages of the Hyundai Creta, I note that both the engine and the interior cool down quickly, not tightness - it seeps from the windows in the closed state, when the seats are reclined, the blowing in the trunk is very noticeable, a lot of crickets, the trunk lock clicks in the cold, traffic safety on the highway is low - from It throws out the ruts directly, there is no lumbar support - the back gets tired after 400 km of the track, the audio is very mediocre, it is treated at least by replacing the head.

Nikita, a review about the Hyundai Creta 2.0 with a front-wheel drive automatic.

123 forces is enough for driving around the city, it’s stupid to expect some unrealistic acceleration indicators from an urban crossover. In conditions of driving with smooth accelerations on the streets, this engine is enough for the eyes. The 6-speed manual turned out to be cool and comfortable - a short stroke, clear shifts and electronic assistants do their job.

It turns out that you seem to be on a manual transmission, but the car still does not give full control over itself, but to call it a minus is complete nonsense. You just sit down and go, getting used to everything in a matter of minutes. The only thing you need to get used to is the electronic gas pedal, the delay of which is felt for about a second.

Well, appearance, it is determined for each in its own way. I, for one, like her very much. A strong and swift silhouette in a small body. Although, by the way, there is a lot of space inside the car, both in front and behind - I still don’t understand how they were able to achieve such a result.

Feedback from the owner of the Hyundai Creta 1.6 on the mechanics

Video review of the Hyundai Creta

Hyundai Creta 2018: equipment and prices, photos

Suspension moderately hard. In my memory, of the crossovers with a similar wheelbase, the softest is the Qashqai, the hardest is the Suzuki Grand Vitara. Crete is somewhere in the middle. The suspension is not very elastic (like the Tiguan), but not flabby (like previous Hyundais). Small bumps go well, speed bumps are no longer very good if you drive at a speed of more than 30 km / h. Large holes depending on the speed. On a small - normal, medium.

Creta obeys the steering wheel well, does not roll - handling is at the average level of cars of the C-class such as Focus, which is very good. The steering wheel itself is light, it gets heavier at speed, but non-linearly, i.e. already at low speed becomes quite heavy. It is light only in the parking lot and when driving at speeds up to 10 km / h. Noise isolation is average, at low speeds it is very quiet, then mediocre.

The engine follows the gas pedal well somewhere up to 60-80 km / h. Then it starts to fade. Over 100-120 km / h is already beginning to howl. The box, again, up to these speeds works just fine. All this points to the urban nature of the car - it is good to drive on city roads of average scall and not too fast. For Moscow and the region - ideal.

Interior design, dashboard is simple but nice. Like all Hyundais, Creta has a very good appetite. The highway is 9 liters, the city with traffic jams and warm-ups is 13 liters. Well, this is a fee for an atmospheric engine, peppy starts from a traffic light and a classic automatic machine - you can’t get anywhere. The brakes are again average - not sharp, but informative, though somewhere in the middle of the brake pedal travel.

The build quality of the car is normal, but there is a disease with closing the fifth door - you have to clap hard. I really don’t recommend refueling with 92 and saving on engine oil (take Total Quartz) - because of this, two-liter engines may experience scuffing in the cylinders.

Owner review Hyundai Greta 1.6 automatic transmission with front-wheel drive

Competitors Chery Tiggo 2, Chevrolet Niva, Citroen C3 Aircross, Ford EcoSport, Hyundai Creta, Kia Soul, Lifan X50, MINI Countryman, Nissan Juke, Nissan Terrano, Peugeot 2008, Renault Duster, Renault Kaptur, SsangYong Tivoli, Suzuki Vitara

Specifications Hyundai Creta 2017-2018: ground clearance, price

The South Korean manufacturer introduced this model in 2014. During this period, the car has become popular and loved among users. Evidence of this is not only its constant improvement, but also the high demand that exists in the market. Consider the technical characteristics of the Hyundai Greta.

The car is compact, it was conceived by engineers as a continuation of the successful Tucson series. Despite its dimensions, the machine is not only able to withstand all existing loads, but also functions well even on a primer. With off-road qualities, it nevertheless consumes significantly less fuel and looks much more "urban".

The body of the Hyundai Greta is made of steel sheet, which first goes through several stages of processing. After that, he is not afraid of corrosion. In addition, this model is resistant to damage. It will not show dents after small bumps. Anti-gravel treatment favorably distinguishes such a machine from competitors. Distance from the ground is 190mm, which is a very good result, given the specifics of the model. He will easily overcome any small irregularities and will not even suffer.

There are two types of headlight devices: with reflectors and searchlights. The second variety assumes that lamps for side lighting are installed on it. Before entering the market, the model passed all the necessary tests, which testify not only to its quality, but, most importantly, to safety. South Korean products brilliantly passed these tests and received the highest safety rating. At the same time, the company understands the differences between countries, therefore, before entering each new market, a similar test is carried out in such a country. 6 airbags provide protection for the driver and passengers. They are evenly distributed throughout the cabin, so wherever a person is, he can feel calm.

The external design is not fundamentally different from other models of the company and looking at the model, the features of Tucson or Santa Fe are guessed in it. Nevertheless, the original body, combined with a discreet and respectable appearance, make it unique and unsurpassed. The user can choose the desired color himself, moreover, even two-color options have appeared, in which the upper and lower parts differ. Such a contrast stands out favorably against the background of monochromatic models.

Specifications Hyundai Creta

Engines differ not only in volume, but also in the type of fuel consumed. Based on this, its power and performance vary. The following options are presented:

  1. Gasoline engine with a volume of 1.6 and a horsepower of 124. The model is equipped with both manual and automatic transmissions. This is at the discretion of the client.
  2. Diesel engine 1.6. Gives out 128 hp and is equipped with gearboxes, as in the previous version.
  3. Gasoline 2.0. Engine power 150 hp, equipped with automatic transmission.
  4. Diesel 1.4. Its power is 90 hp, equipped with a manual transmission.

The initial configurations contain front-wheel drive, however, further models have been improved and they already offer all-wheel drive.

This is not the first time that a six-speed gearbox has been used in the cars of this company, so most experts were not surprised by a similar decision in this configuration. If initially the classic dashboard was used on the Hyundai Creta, then over time it has undergone significant changes. In improved models, she received Supervision. This is an almost full-fledged on-board computer that shows not only the standard data displayed on the dashboard (oil, mileage, etc.), but also extended information about the condition of the vehicle.

Acceleration time to 100 km / h varies from 10.7 to 13.1 seconds, depending on the configuration. Fuel consumption is somewhat shaky, if on the first devices it was 9 liters per 100 km, then in more advanced models this figure reached 10.8 liters.

For more than three years, power steering was installed on all models of this line, but in the summer of 2017 it was decided to abandon this. Now the company offers its customers an electric booster that will help in driving and make the car more “obedient”. The 4x4 version has a multi-link suspension. Thanks to the keyless start, the car is easier to start and more convenient to operate.

The length exceeds 4 meters and, to be precise, is 4270 mm, height 1630 mm. The fuel tank holds up to 55 liters of fuel. Thanks to this, you can travel a long distance without the need for regular refueling.

Equipment Hyundai Creta

All models perform equally well using 92 grade gasoline, as well as higher octane. The advantages of this line are:

  • quality;
  • availability;
  • durability;
  • functionality;
  • performance;
  • adaptation to difficult conditions;
  • comfort.

The latter is especially important for both the driver and the passenger. Comfortable seats allow you to comfortably accommodate a company of 5 people at once and at the same time they will not feel constrained. Hyundai Creta, depending on the configuration, has a different type of interior. Seats can be upholstered in fabric or leather. The device has a number of systems that will make your stay in it comfortable, regardless of the weather outside the window, among them:

  • climate control;
  • heated seats;
  • air conditioner.

Thus, the driver can set the temperature he wants and not pay attention to the weather. Despite its external compactness, inside the car is very roomy. This is possible thanks to a spacious trunk, as well as an innovation developed by the manufacturers of this model - a drawer, which is located under the driver's feet. It can fit small items that either just get in the way or don't fit in other storage compartments.

The rear seats can be folded down, which significantly increases the volume of the trunk. This option is especially convenient when there are 1 or 2 passengers in the car, but you need to carry a capacious load. In addition, a spare wheel is located under the floor of this compartment. By removing it, you can further expand the space (deep).

Thanks to remote audio control, you can turn on your favorite song without even being inside. The Hyundai Greta is the perfect blend of classic features and extras. Revolutionary innovations developed and implemented by the manufacturer's engineers will help this vehicle stand out from its direct competitors.

Alloy wheels withstand heavy loads and do not deform even with regular damage. Original tires provide high-quality traction, making driving a real pleasure.

Features of Hyundai Creta

In addition to the 6 airbags mentioned above, the new model has heavy-duty belts that pass all the necessary tests. They are able to protect and save lives even in the most difficult situations. The automatic system will remind you to buckle up. At the same time, the belt perfectly adapts to the anatomical features of the body and does not squeeze the internal organs of the user.

The new model from the South Korean company has taken its rightful place in the line of cars of this brand. Hyundai Creta is not just a comfortable car, but a combination of fast travel and safety, elegant appearance and functions of an SUV. In such a car, each user will enjoy harmony with the road and confidently move to the intended point.

In addition to spaciousness, the car has good transport properties. It is capable of carrying a trailer weighing more than 1 ton. The exact value varies depending on the technical parameters. It is worth considering that in this case we are talking about a trailer that has brakes, but if there are none, then this figure is reduced by almost 2 times and is no more than 550 kg on all models.

The car accelerates quickly, and its maximum speed is 183 km / h - the company has set such restrictions taking into account security measures. Even when driving at minimum speed, a small amount of fuel will be consumed. This was achieved thanks to the technical developments implemented by Hyundai employees. Fuel consumption on major intercity highways will not exceed 6 liters per 100 km in the original configuration and 6.5 on the newest ones.

Thus, the new modification of Hyundai Creta is a model that meets all modern requirements. It perfectly combines the grace and power of an SUV. By purchasing this model, the user receives a high-quality car that is ready to function stably even under heavy loads. Its safety and technical parameters allow us to say that it stands out against the background of machines of this class. The existing 4 variations will allow the user to choose the one that best suits his requirements. It was not in vain that engineers called this line one of the most successful, the demand for it confirmed this fact, and even 3 years after the release of the original, new builds enjoy the same constant success among buyers.


Specifications Hyundai Creta - engines, fuel consumption, ground clearance, body dimensions

The compact SUV Hyundai Creta 2016-2017 model year, positioned as the main competitor of Renault Kaptur, is slightly inferior to it in size. The length of the car body is 4270 mm, width - 1780 mm, height - 1630 mm, wheelbase - 2590 mm. The trunk of the model holds a minimum of 402 liters, a maximum (with the rear seats folded down) - 1396 liters. The ground clearance of the Hyundai Greta is 190 mm, the overhangs are quite short - each 840 mm.

In the line of crossover engines without surprises - two gasoline "aspirated" from the Hyundai Motor Company clip. The initial unit is 1.6 MPI with a capacity of 123 hp. (151 Nm), which are equipped with the same Kia Rio and Kia Sid. Under the hood of the Hyundai Greta, the motor works in conjunction with a 6-speed manual or 6-band automatic. Both versions are front wheel drive.

The company of the 1.6-liter engine is the “four” 2.0 D-CVVT with a return of 149.6 hp. (192 Nm). The engine is compatible only with a 6-speed automatic transmission, but you can choose between front- or all-wheel drive configurations. The plug-in all-wheel drive version is equipped with a rear independent multi-link, while the rest of the modifications have a semi-independent torsion beam at the rear.

None of the variations of the 2016-2017 Hyundai Creta indulges in dynamics. The most promising triumvirate in this regard - the 2.0 engine + 6automatic transmission + front-wheel drive - accelerates the car to 100 km / h in 10.7 seconds. All other versions are slower than 11 seconds.

Fuel consumption Hyundai Greta varies in the range of 7-8 liters. The most economical modification is formed by a tandem of a 1.6-liter engine and 6MKPP.

Full specifications Hyundai Greta 2016-2017

Parameter Hyundai Greta 1.6 123 hp Hyundai Greta 2.0 150 hp
Engine series Gamma Nu
engine's type petrol
Injection type distributed
Supercharging No
Number of cylinders 4
Cylinder arrangement row
Number of valves per cylinder 4
Volume, cu. cm. 1591 1999
Cylinder diameter / piston stroke, mm 77 x 85.4 81.0 x 97.0
Power, hp (at rpm) 123 (6400) 150 (6200)
Torque, N*m (at rpm) 151 (4850) 192 (4500)
Drive unit front front full
Transmission 6MKPP 6automatic transmission 6automatic transmission
Front suspension type MacPherson type independent
Rear suspension type semi-dependent independent, multi-link
Brake system
Front brakes disc ventilated
Rear brakes disk
Amplifier type hydraulic electric
Tires and wheels
Tire size 205/65R16
Disc size n/a
Fuel type AI-92
Environmental class Euro 5
Tank volume, l 55
Fuel consumption
City cycle, l/100 km 9.0 9.2 10.2 10.6
Country cycle, l/100 km 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.5
Combined cycle, l/100 km 7.0 7.1 7.5 8.0
Number of seats 5
Number of doors 5
Length, mm 4270
Width, mm 1780
Height, mm 1630
Wheel base, mm 2590
Front wheel track (16″/17″), mm 1557/1545
Rear wheel track (16″/17″), mm 1570/1558 1568/1556
Front overhang, mm 840
Rear overhang, mm 840
Trunk volume (min./max.), l 402/1396
Ground clearance (clearance), mm 190
Equipped, kg n/a
Full, kg n/a
Dynamic characteristics
Maximum speed, km/h 169 183 179
Acceleration time to 100 km/h, s 12.3 12.1 10.7 11.3

After a year of operation, including on some off-road, there was a clear opinion about the all-wheel drive and cross-country ability of Crete.

Your story about the patency of Crete. I will continue in more detail.

Anthers on the Hyundai Creta are plastic, so additional protection will not be superfluous. The choice fell on the RIVAL metal plate, which allows you to change the oil without removing it, although official dealers remove it anyway to increase the price tag of the work (probably). Installation proved to be a hassle, as it requires the removal of air ducts, but with steel protection, it feels more confident behind the wheel, especially off paved roads.

While tormented with protection, he studied the bottom. From the lowest places under the body of the Crete, the engine sump and its rear support, as well as the muffler. The fixing bolt on the pipe, hanging very low, stands out in particular. There is every chance to hook them on an obstacle. It will not be superfluous to additionally protect the tank and coupling.

When driving on virgin soil with the lock turned on, the car behaves very confidently, while the usual “urban” auto mode is distinguished by a noticeable preload, so it is advisable to turn on the lock in advance when leaving the asphalt.

It remains only to test the Creta's behavior when driving on sand, but this is in the future.

About clearance

The real ground clearance of Crete is 190 mm, not 170 mm as many people think. The last figure is obtained when installing additional protection, but it, in turn, will reliably cover parts from damage. Do not forget that more than half of all crossovers have plastic anthers, that is, with a clearance of 190 mm.

Why didn't they make more ground clearance? For example 203 mm like Vesta Cross? I think because of the handling. At high values ​​​​of ground clearance, controllability decreases, and on the track in Crete you have to drive more than on hard off-road. A similar situation with the suspension settings, which can not be called too soft.

Diagonal hanging for Crete is not a problem (photo not mine)

Why the choice in favor of the all-wheel drive Crete? The reason for this lies on the surface - patency. Called crossovers, front-wheel drive cars are not able to overcome any serious obstacles. For them, even a check-in on an icy hill is possible only with preliminary acceleration. It is enough to hang out one of the front wheels, and the car will not go anywhere.

Pushing into the sand on a monodrive is generally a disastrous thing, since the cruising range on such soil is no more than two meters, after which the car confidently buries its nose. With all-wheel drive, everything is much better and calmly gets out of a difficult area.

Not a front-wheel drive assistant when towing, unless it is being driven on asphalt. Pulling out a stuck comrade will not work. The front axle will slip helplessly, leaving the car in place.

Therefore, front-wheel drive is only for those who drive in urban conditions, and the exit from the asphalt is already recognized as an extraordinary event in itself.

Comparison with competitors

The presence of an electro-hydraulic clutch in conjunction with blocking simulation gives the model an advantage over Renault Duster, for example, since the latter often overheats the clutch (it is electromagnetic).

The approach angles and ramp angle of the Hyundai Creta are greater than those of many competitors in the class (due to the shorter wheelbase), such as the Mazda CX-5 or Renault Captur. Accordingly, the permeability indicators are higher.

Slightly inferior to him in size. The length of the car body is 4270 mm, width - 1780 mm, height - 1630 mm, wheelbase - 2590 mm. The trunk of the model holds a minimum of 402 liters, a maximum (with the rear seats folded down) - 1396 liters. The ground clearance of the Hyundai Greta is 190 mm, the overhangs are quite short - each 840 mm.

In the line of crossover engines without surprises - two gasoline "aspirated" from the Hyundai Motor Company clip. The initial unit is 1.6 MPI with a capacity of 123 hp. (151 Nm), which are equipped with the same and. Under the hood of the Hyundai Greta, the motor works in conjunction with a 6-speed manual or 6-band automatic. Both versions are front wheel drive.

The company of the 1.6-liter engine is the “four” 2.0 D-CVVT with a return of 149.6 hp. (192 Nm). The engine is compatible only with a 6-speed automatic transmission, but you can choose between front- or all-wheel drive configurations. The plug-in all-wheel drive version is equipped with a rear independent multi-link, while the rest of the modifications have a semi-independent torsion beam at the rear.

None of the variations of the 2016-2017 Hyundai Creta indulges in dynamics. The most promising triumvirate in this regard - the 2.0 engine + 6automatic transmission + front-wheel drive - accelerates the car to 100 km / h in 10.7 seconds. All other versions are slower than 11 seconds.

Fuel consumption Hyundai Greta varies in the range of 7-8 liters. The most economical modification is formed by a tandem of a 1.6-liter engine and 6MKPP.

Full specifications Hyundai Greta 2016-2017

Parameter Hyundai Greta 1.6 123 HP Hyundai Greta 2.0 150 hp
Engine series Gamma Nu
engine's type petrol
Injection type distributed
Supercharging No
Number of cylinders 4
Cylinder arrangement row
Number of valves per cylinder 4
Volume, cu. cm. 1591 1999
Cylinder diameter / piston stroke, mm 77 x 85.4 81.0 x 97.0
Power, hp (at rpm) 123 (6400) 150 (6200)
Torque, N*m (at rpm) 151 (4850) 192 (4500)
Drive unit front front full
Transmission 6MKPP 6automatic transmission 6automatic transmission
Front suspension type MacPherson type independent
Rear suspension type semi-dependent independent, multi-link
Brake system
Front brakes disc ventilated
Rear brakes disk
Amplifier type hydraulic electric
Tires and wheels
Tire size 205/65R16
Disc size n/a
Fuel type AI-92
Environmental class Euro 5
Tank volume, l 55
Fuel consumption
City cycle, l/100 km 9.0 9.2 10.2 10.6
Country cycle, l/100 km 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.5
Combined cycle, l/100 km 7.0 7.1 7.5 8.0
Number of seats 5
Number of doors 5
Length, mm 4270
Width, mm 1780
Height, mm 1630
Wheel base, mm 2590
Front wheel track (16″/17″), mm 1557/1545
Rear wheel track (16″/17″), mm 1570/1558 1568/1556
Front overhang, mm 840
Rear overhang, mm 840
Trunk volume (min./max.), l 402/1396
Ground clearance (clearance), mm 190
Equipped, kg n/a
Full, kg n/a
Dynamic characteristics
Maximum speed, km/h 169 183 179
Acceleration time to 100 km/h, s 12.3 12.1 10.7 11.3

New version of Hyundai Greta will appear in 2019. Fortunately, the restyled Hyundai Creta is already available in some markets. Therefore, you can compare from the photo how much the latest generation of the car differs from the current version. Naturally, restyling also affected the interior, but we'll talk about this later.

To date, the Korean budget crossover has taken a leading position in the Russian market. In the top of the best-selling cars, the Creta competes with cheaper and more affordable sedans. It was originally planned that the car would fight for the buyer with Renault Duster, but the Frenchman clearly lost this battle. Russian assembly and adequate quality prices attract more and more buyers to the model. Most likely the upcoming update will not change this trend.

The exterior of the new Hyundai Creta At first glance, it doesn't seem to have changed. As for the body, it remained the same, but the bumpers, grille and optics have become different. The first thing that catches your eye is an enlarged radiator grille with an abundance of chrome. The grille was expanded to the headlights, and lowered even lower from below. At the same time, the horizontal stripes changed shape and size. The front bumper has also changed, where other foglights have appeared. At the rear, the bumper has also become different, by raising the level of the unpainted part to the level of the tailgate. As for the taillights, the Russian modification will most likely just add colorful LEDs. We look at photos of the new Greta 2019 in our gallery.

Photo of the new Hyundai Greta 2019

Hyundai Greta 2019 Restyling Hyundai Greta 2019 Optics Hyundai Greta 2019 Hyundai Greta 2019
Hyundai Greta 2019 front Hyundai Greta 2019 rear Hyundai Greta 2019 photo Photo Hyundai Greta 2019

Inside the Creta not many changes. The same forms, but there were other options for plating. In addition to black, brown, a combination of leather and fabric, plus two-tone interiors will become available. The base still has a monochrome display, but in more expensive trim levels, the monitor will receive a higher screen resolution and a different multimedia control firmware. The shape of the seats and the rear sofa has not changed, as has the interior space, so it will not become more spacious. Interior photos are attached.

Photos of the salon Hyundai Greta 2019

New salon Hyundai Greta 2019 Salon Hyundai Greta 2019 Hyundai Greta 2019 automatic transmission
Hyundai Greta 2019 interior photo Hyundai Greta 2019 basic interior Hyundai Greta 2019 photo of the new interior

There are no changes in the trunk. A modest volume, a spare wheel under the floor and the ability to fold the back of the sofa partially, for a convenient transformation of the passenger-and-freight space.

Photo trunk Hyundai Creta

Characteristics of Hyundai Greta 2019

Compact dimensions, 16-inch large wheels, 19 centimeters of ground clearance and small overhangs give the Korean crossover excellent geometric cross-country ability. With a certain skill, even on the front-wheel drive, you can conquer simple off-road. For most Russian summer residents, the ideal car.

Initially, the Koreans offered 4x4 all-wheel drive only with a 2-liter top-end engine. But then the buyers were given a small gift. So there was a more affordable modification of the all-wheel drive Crete with a 1.6 liter atmospheric with a manual transmission. It is worth noting that in some markets the main engine for the crossover is a 1.6 liter turbodiesel. But in our country, diesel engines, especially in the budget segment, do not take root. Therefore, only 1.6 and 2-liter gasoline engines of a proven design are on the market. It is unlikely that the situation will change even after restyling.

As for the transmission, the manufacturer offers a modern 6-speed manual or 6-band automatic. In a mono drive version, the car is front-wheel drive. The power unit is located across the engine compartment. In the case of the 4x4 versions, a special angular gearbox is installed in the gearbox, which transmits torque to the rear wheels by means of a cardan drive. More precisely, the cardan rests against the rear gearbox with a built-in electromagnetic clutch, thanks to which the rear wheels rotate.

Due to the design features of the transmission, the single-wheel drive version has a semi-independent rear suspension, and the all-wheel drive version has an independent one. Disc brakes on all wheels. Rack and pinion steering, however, depending on the type of engine has a different amplifier. The electric amplifier is installed on machines with a 1.6 engine (123 hp), and the hydraulic booster is installed with a 2-liter developing 150 hp.

It is worth noting another feature of the crossover. The 1.6 engine in combination with a 4x2 transmission has a power of 123 hp. (150 Nm), with all-wheel drive it is 121 hp. and (148 Nm). Korean engineers had to reconfigure the motor to work with a greater load, as a result, the power decreased slightly.

Dimensions, volume, ground clearance Hyundai Creta 2019

  • Length - 4270 mm
  • Width - 1780 mm
  • Height - 1665 mm
  • Curb weight - 1345 kg
  • Gross weight - 1925 kg
  • Wheelbase - 2590 mm
  • Front overhang - 840 mm
  • Rear overhang - 840 mm
  • Trunk volume - 402 liters
  • Fuel tank volume - 55 liters
  • Tire size - 205/65 R16, 215/60 R17
  • Clearance - 190 mm

Video review Hyundai Creta

We have already mentioned that the updated Greta is already on sale in some countries. Therefore, the first video from Latin America in Portuguese.
Too bad our reviewers haven't gotten their hands on the 2019 Creta yet.

Options and prices Hyundai Greta 2019

In 2017, Creta sales amounted to 55,305 units, the crossover entered the top 5 most popular cars in the country. In 2018, an increase to the fifty-thousandth level of sales amounted to about 15 thousand more units. Russians vote for a car with their wallet. Naturally, in 2019, Creta will sell even more. Most likely, when updating, the manufacturer is unlikely to significantly change prices. For reference, you can look at the current price tags. So the cheapest front-wheel drive Hyundai Creta 1.6 with mechanics in the Start package costs 879 900 rubles. The most affordable crossover with all-wheel drive is estimated at 1 012 900 rubles. Top version 2.0 4x4, with a gun is offered for RUB 1,257,900 In this price range, you should expect an updated version of the Hyundai Creta 2019 model year.

Design." background = "/images/cars/creta/pics/2_design/design_title.jpg" background-mobile = "/images/cars/creta/m_pics/02_design/design_title.jpg" :slides="[ ( icon: " /images/cars/creta/svg/d1.svg", title: "Unique grille.", description: "Effective and powerful grille gives the car an impressive look.", background: "/images/cars/creta/pics/ 2_design/d1.jpg", zoom: 2.6, correct: ( x: 100, y: 0 ) ), ( icon: "/images/cars/creta/svg/d2.svg", title: "Fog lights.", description: "Fog lights not only improve visibility in bad weather, but also make your car look spectacular.", background: "/images/cars/creta/pics/2_design/d2.jpg", zoom: 4, correct: ( x : 0, y: 0 ) ), ( icon: "/images/cars/creta/svg/d3.svg", title: "Light-alloy wheels.", description: "The wheels emphasize the stability and sporty appearance of the Creta.", background : "/images/cars/creta/pics/2_design/d3.jpg", zoom: 4, correct: ( x: 0, y: 0 ) ), ( icon: "/images/cars/creta/svg/d4.svg", title: "LED taillights.", description: "Using LEDs instead of conventional bulbs improves safety with increased brightness and faster turn-on.", background: "/ images/cars/creta/pics/2_design/d4.jpg", zoom: 4, correct: ( x: 0, y: 0 ) ) ]" >


    Thanks to projection type headlights with the function of static cornering illumination, driving at night will become more comfortable.

    door sills underline the car's well-balanced style, increasing the comfort of passengers, as well as protecting the thresholds from wear.

    Protective pad on the rear bumper will not allow damage to the paintwork.

    Reliable steel frame from high-strength steel - for even greater safety of the driver and passengers.


    Max power

    Acceleration to 100 km/h

    9.3 l / 100 km

    Average fuel consumption

    Max power

    Acceleration to 100 km/h

    9.3 l / 100 km

    Average fuel consumption


6-speed automatic transmission and manual transmission.

The gearbox delivers excellent acceleration, economy and CO2 savings. The standard chrome surround goes well with the leather-trimmed steering wheel.

Comfort." background = "/images/cars/creta/pics/4_comfort/comfort_title.jpg" background-mobile = "/images/cars/creta/m_pics/04_comfort/comfort_title.jpg" :slides="[ ( icon: " /images/cars/creta/svg/c1.svg", title: "Climate control.", description: "Set the desired temperature and forget about the need for adjustments, the climate control will do everything for you automatically.", background: " /images/cars/creta/pics/4_comfort/comfort_1.jpg", zoom: 2.6, correct: ( x: 0, y: 0 ) ), ( icon: "/images/cars/creta/svg/c2.svg" , title: "Supervision Dashboard.", description: "Supervision Dashboard allows you to visually read information and stay up to date with the car.", background: "/images/cars/creta/pics/4_comfort/comfort_2.jpg", zoom: 2.6, correct: ( x: 0, y: 0 ) ), ( icon: "/images/cars/creta/svg/c3.svg", title: "Seat adjustments.", description: "A large range of adjustments will help quickly find the optimum seating position.", ba ckground: "/images/cars/creta/pics/4_comfort/comfort_3.jpg", zoom: 2.6, correct: ( x: 0, y: -80 ) ), ( icon: "/images/cars/creta/svg/ c4.svg", title: "Comfort Seats.", description: "Deluxe Seats in the Hyundai Creta allow every passenger to enjoy the ride.", background: "/images/cars/creta/pics/4_comfort/comfort_4.jpg", zoom: 1.7, correct: ( x: 0, y: -150 ) ) ]" >


    A true oasis of comfort. Roomy interior, convenience and comfort, modern technologies. Details matter.

    Storage box in the center armrest. The center armrest has a hidden storage compartment for small items.

    Case for glasses. Store your glasses in a special case so you don't have to waste time looking for them.

    Luggage rack can be useful for storing various small things, and luggage compartment light help you find what you need even in the dark.



    For maximum safety, the Hyundai Creta is equipped with 6 airbags- 2 front and 2 side for the driver and front passenger, as well as curtain airbags on each side.

    Electronic stability control system ESC. If the system detects that the vehicle is beginning to slip and the driver is at risk of losing control, it will automatically intervene by applying individual wheel braking to prevent loss of control.

    Hill Start Assist (HAC) detects when the vehicle is uphill and automatically applies the brakes to prevent dangerous rolling back.

    Parking assistance system. The image from the rear view camera is transmitted to the display of the multimedia system. Sensors in the rear bumper react to objects you can't see and alert you with an audible signal.

The payment is calculated under the Hyundai Start program based on the price of Hyundai Creta (1.6 6MT 2WD Start) 957,000 rubles. 2019 production under the terms of the Hyundai Finance Special loan product: loan term 36 months, interest rate 14.8% per annum, initial payment 451,800 rubles, loan amount 505,200 rubles. Residual payment (part of the cost of the car payable at the end term of the loan) - 50% of the price of the vehicle at the time of purchase. It is obligatory to issue a CASCO policy for the entire term of the loan in insurance companies that meet the requirements of the Bank. The tariff plan provides for financial protection of the loan. The loan is provided by PJSC Sovcombank General license of the Bank of Russia No. 963 dated December 05, 2014. The offer is valid from 09/01/2019 to 09/30/2019, is not an offer. The conditions may be changed by the Bank unilaterally. Detailed lending conditions on the website