Cars with a complex history. Review of Belarusian car confiscation: what was taken away from “drunks”, smugglers, pimps and scammers. Sale of confiscated cars: personal vehicles at a low price Confiscation buy trading house eastern

Gelä ndewagen, in which the Russian tried to transport 12 kg of marijuana across the border, a rare Cadillac, a “drunk” ATV and a Volkswagen Passat with fake documents. The site visited the Brest car confiscation facility and found out the past of cars “with a bad aura.”

Today there are 300 units of equipment in the sale of Brest auto confiscation. Most of the spaces at the storage base of the Vostochny trading house on Gorodskaya Street are occupied by passenger cars produced in 1990-2000. Prices vary: from 1.2 million rubles for a rusty 1991 Wartburg to 666 million for an exquisite Cadillac.

The number of digits in the “cost” column indicates not only the wealth of the former owner, but also the past of the car: cheap ones are often sent to the car confiscation for “drunkenness”, expensive ones - for smuggling.

One example is a 2008 Mercedes-Benz Geländewagen with Russian license plates. In the cozy interior of the German, customs officers found 19 packages with a substance of plant origin weighing 12.4 kg in niches for acoustics and under the upholstery of passenger seats. The driver did not answer and immediately said that he bought marijuana for personal use. By court decision, the goods were confiscated, and the car was sent for sale at auction. Now the starting price of the lot is 621 million Belarusian rubles (about $41 thousand)

Another common reason for confiscation is violation of temporary import rules. Such cars regularly appear in reports. This happened with the rare 1964 Cadillac Deville - it was put up for 666 million rubles (almost $44 thousand)

There are no people willing to buy a rare car at that price in Brest yet. If the situation does not change, the car will be sent for revaluation. If this does not help, the procedure will be repeated and the cost of the car will decrease again.

“Good cars don’t stay here,” a young man who came to choose a small car opened up at Cadillac. - Most who come here are looking for good cars at low prices. These are sorted out quickly. The history of the car confuses few people. Once upon a time, my father bought a car at auction that had been confiscated for smuggling. So he found a stash of cigarettes there, and he and I drove it for more than one year. The main thing here is either to fiddle with the technology yourself, or to hire someone who understands it. Otherwise you might get knocked up."

Fake documents, booze and maternity leave No. 6

The path to the Brest car confiscation and a 1997 Volkswagen Passat for 63 million rubles was thorny. The car was driven from Lithuania to the Customs Union by a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. After some time, the car was allegedly taken away. Volkswagen surfaced in Baranavichy. As it turned out, the Belarusian bought the car in Minsk, and the previous owner bought it in Moscow. All documents for the car turned out to be fake.

One might say that the story of the 2003 Ford F150 pickup truck is also unique: a private enterprise tried to drive the car under Decree No. 6, which provided for relaxations on customs clearance of vehicles for firms and entrepreneurs registered in rural areas. As it turned out, this vehicle was not eligible for benefits. The current starting price of the pickup truck is 162 million rubles (about $10.7 thousand).

Among the old-timers of the car confiscation are products of the Soviet automobile industry. Most of the cars arrived here from areas of the Brest region: because the drivers were “drunken”. Prices vary depending on condition: from 1.4 to 8 million rubles.

A 2009 TGB Blade 250 ATV huddles alone away from the motorcycles. It was also put up for auction for the “jambs” of the former owner - a resident of Baranovichi was caught drunk twice within a year. The starting price of the vehicle is 21 million rubles.

A good start

Despite prejudices about the “bad aura” of a confiscated car, there are plenty of participants at the auction. At the same time, there has been a slight buying rush since the end of last year. According to the Brest auto confiscation department, in the last ten days of 2014, an average of 50 pieces of equipment were sold at auction every month. In October, 58 vehicles were sold for a total amount of over 1.7 billion rubles, in November – 38 (over 1.4 billion rubles), in December – 45 (1.8 billion rubles). The beginning of the year is also optimistic: by January 21, 52 units of equipment had already been sold.

How to become a participant in the auction?

1. Pay a deposit - 10% of the cost of the car you like (details are on the company’s website).
2. Based on the receipt for payment of the deposit, an application for participation in the auction is submitted and an agreement is drawn up on the rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties in the process of preparing and conducting the auction in the car sales section of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Trading House "Vostochny".
3. On the day of the auction, register in the car sales section or in the auction hall and receive a sign with the participant’s number. The number on the plate corresponds to the number of the submitted application for participation in the auction.

Buying a repossessed car is a pretty attractive proposition. Pledged cars are property that was taken from the owner by the bank due to non-payment of loan debt. Such cars are sold only with the consent of the debtor himself, however, in this case there are many types of fraud.

The sale of such property can be carried out by both the bank and the debtor himself. In any case, the money from the sale goes to pay off debts, and such a car costs several times cheaper than even a used model. If the debtor himself finds a buyer for his car, then the transaction is completely supervised by the bank, since, in fact, he is the owner of this property. This fact is confirmed by a special act of seizure. In order to protect yourself and not stumble upon pitfalls at the time of buying - .

How does the purchase of a confiscated car work?

If you want to purchase a confiscated car, then the fact that the banking institution controls the entire transaction will indicate its safety. The bank will provide all the necessary data about the car, documents and allow you to test the car. The advantage is that when buying a mortgaged car through a bank, you can also take out a loan for the purchase, which will be close in type to a mortgage.

As a rule, the bank issues loans for confiscated property at 17-20% per annum.

Debtors sell confiscated property at prices close to market prices, since the remainder of the amount will be returned after paying off the debt and such a deal is much more profitable for them. Sales through a bank have a forced status and prices are correspondingly cheaper. The legal side of the issue will be fully formalized if the purchase goes through this institution.

Stages of conducting a transaction through a bank

The act of purchase and sale of a car confiscated by a bank must be carried out in full compliance with the law and involve the following stages of the transaction:

  • Before proceeding with the paperwork, you need to come in person to the bank whose offer interests you and carefully inspect the car. No organization can hide this information from you - you have the right to fully check the car, even at a service station, conduct a test drive and any other assessment operations;
  • As a rule, most banks in Russia hold special tenders for a confiscated car. In this case, you need to submit an application and make a certain deposit, which will be 100% returned to you if you lose in this auction. If you win, this deposit will be included as part of the payment for the car;
  • After the auction, the buyer urgently needs to pay for the car in full within the first 10 days or take out a loan for payment, since this operation is quite urgent, because the borrower urgently needs to repay the obligations to the bank.

Pros and cons of buying confiscated goods

Purchasing a car confiscated for non-payment of debts is quite a serious matter and has a lot of positive and negative aspects.

The advantages of purchasing such a car are:

  • Since such an operation is always supervised by banking institutions, purchasing a car through a bank would be the best option. In this case, you are provided with all the documentation and the transaction is carried out in full compliance with the law;
  • you can take out a loan from the bank itself to purchase confiscated goods;
  • you can repurchase the debt obligation from the borrower, which also has a lot of advantages;
  • confiscated cars, as a rule, are much lower in price, and their mileage may be minimal.

You can also highlight the following disadvantages of buying confiscated goods:

  • often, if the debtor himself carries out the execution of the transaction and offer, he does not set too low prices that can be expected from a confiscated car;
  • there is a risk of falling for scammers who transfer debt obligations and disappear, or the car ultimately turns out to be faulty - there are a lot of options for fraud in this market.

In any case, if you decide that you want to purchase a car from confiscation, it is recommended to conduct a full check of all participants in the process.

How to protect yourself when buying a confiscated car?

In order not to fall into the trap of scammers, you need to carefully prepare for the transaction:

  • You need to find out information from the debtor about which car dealership the car was purchased at;
  • after this, you need to make sure that the salon data is for the borrower without loans;
  • when purchasing, you need to check all the documents on the car for authenticity, since scammers often make very skillful duplicates with a small mark in the corner, which is quite difficult to notice;
  • you may well look at the seller’s credit history to make sure there are no additional charges on this car;
  • it is necessary to draw up a contract for the purchase and sale of a car, which will be certified by a notary, confirmed by the bank and have all the necessary clauses. One of these points is the absence of additional interest rates on the car and full repayment of the loan from the bank after its sale;
  • You should take copies of documents from the car seller so that if something happens you can contact law enforcement agencies.

Where to buy confiscated cars in Russia?

The Russian market for confiscated goods is quite wide. There are a lot of platforms for selling such cars and a large number of different offers.

So where can you buy confiscated goods at affordable prices in the Russian Federation?

  • on the Internet portals of the banks themselves, which offer pledged cars at cheap prices. There can be sold both those cars that are sold on behalf of the defaulter, and cars for forced sale. For example, the well-known bank Baltic Leasing provides elite, expensive luxury cars at prices ranging from 2.5 to 7 million rubles. Sberbank of Russia provides profitable loans for the purchase of confiscated goods, which in luxury cars varies from 1.5 to 3.8 million rubles. VTB Bank provides excellent cars of various types at prices from 1 to 5 million rubles - for low mileage and excellent condition of the car;
  • official confiscated websites, such as, for example,, where there is a convenient search system and you can select any model that is located in your region. This site provides all the information about cars and their owners, being the official portal for the sale and purchase of confiscated goods;
  • various advertisements on boards, in newspapers and other printed materials, which are also used for more efficient and quick sales;

There are also databases that contain all bank proposals for confiscation, which involve conducting a transaction between the borrower and the buyer without their support.

In this case, there is a need to hire a professional lawyer who will conduct the transaction itself in accordance with current legislation.

Buying a confiscated pawned car in Russia is not difficult - there are a lot of platforms, auctions and banks that provide favorable conditions for this. Having clearly studied all the pitfalls and prepared for the transaction, you can easily purchase a confiscated car for yourself at the best price!

First car confiscated for repeat drunk driving from auction at the Vostochny trading house. The 2002 diesel Fiat Stilo was put up for sale at a price of just over 28 million rubles, and cost the new owner 46 million rubles.

The place where confiscated cars are sold - the Vostochny trading house - is located on the outskirts of the city in Uruchya and resembles the industrial zone of some enterprise. A checkpoint with a turntable, warehouses, change houses. In the open-air area there is a variety of industrial equipment, protected from the weather with polyethylene.

Automobile auctions are held on Thursdays in a small hall in one of the warehouses. About fifty people, mostly young guys, took part in the auction today. The bidding went quite quickly - on average 1-2 minutes per car. It was clear that many came for a very specific car, since immediately after its sale they left the hall following the happy buyer.

New owner of a Fiat Stilo confiscated from a drunk driver

The parking lot of confiscated cars is surprising in its variety. An old UAZ “loaf”, a Porsche Panamera, a new Nissan in factory packaging film and a “tired” second generation Golf, new car transporters and a rusty excavator, several trucks. Registration numbers are also varied - all regions of Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, France.

You can’t take the car you like for a ride, you can only start the engine. If, of course, it works out. Many cars with diesel engines were confiscated in the summer, and they were filled with summer diesel fuel, which turned into paraffin gel in the twenty-degree frost. However, this circumstance did not stop today’s buyer of the Citroen minivan.

After the purchase, the new owner from Gomel was faced with the problem of where to warm up the car in order to drive it home. Unfortunately, there are no warm boxes at the Vostochny Trade House.

As representatives of the Vostochny trading house say, 99% of cars confiscated for drunkenness and coming for sale are old, rusty, often broken hardware. But it also finds its buyer - interest in auctions for the sale of confiscated vehicles is only growing.

You can see what the Belarusian courts have turned into state income at sites in Minsk (Uruchskaya St., 14a) and Brest, or on the website of the Vostochny Trade House - the organization that is responsible for storing and selling confiscated property - All cars can be viewed live; at the request of buyers, they will be opened, started, and, if possible, driven onto an overpass, shown with documents, but will not be allowed to drive through the site area (" There are a lot of vehicles located here, they might damage you or get caught."), and especially beyond its borders, explains the first deputy director of the Vostochny trading house. Dmitry Bortkevich.

Together with him, we walked around the site and looked at the cars, motorcycles, scooters, and mopeds put up for sale. The employees of the trading house know the sad stories of many vehicles - we also remembered them.

- Almost all motorized vehicles were confiscated under Art. 317 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus - for drunkenness. It’s the same with tractors - if a tractor arrives, you can be sure that some organization has lost it for repeated drunk driving of its employee.

But on this Bombardier snowmobile in the Gomel region. Elk meat and a Browning gun were found on the violators' transport; the poachers also managed to shoot a wild boar. In addition, during the arrest, the men did not comply with the state inspectors’ requirement to remain in place, and since the hunters’ snowmobile was damaged, they tried to steal the inspectors’ official vehicle and escape.

By decision of the court, the snowmobile was turned into state income; they were ready to sell it for 93 million rubles, but they sent it for revaluation.

With each revaluation, explains Dmitry Bortkevich, the vehicle only becomes cheaper: if no one is interested in the equipment within a month, it means that it is too expensive for a potential buyer. The cost is reduced by a maximum of 15%. And again they put it up for auction. If again there are no takers - again for re-evaluation. And so on until the price suits someone.

As the site already wrote, vehicles are assessed by territorial commissions for working with property converted into state income.

Experts have special calculation methods that take into account the year of manufacture, condition, equipment - and, of course, the market value of a similar model. But, apparently, not all buyers are ready to take a car “with history” for the market value - therefore, often the price of confiscated cars after several revaluations differs significantly from the market.

Although, as the Vostochny Trade House assures, purchasing a confiscated car through an auction is a more “transparent” and non-risky event than purchasing a “pig in a poke” on the market or via the Internet.

- All cars here have a clean, albeit complex history. They are not prepared for sale in any way: if it’s broken, then the buyer sees where and how it’s broken, if there are “errors” on the panel, then no one disguises them, if it’s rusty, well, whatever it is, that’s why the price is appropriate.

There are enough on the site, without the right of alienation for three years - the price for them is initially lower than the market price. Simply put, these are cars for driving around Belarus: they are “legalized” here and “cleared” of any criminal trace, but even though the Belarusian side does not formally prohibit traveling abroad in such a car, the traffic police will definitely warn: don’t go - the first one The foreign policeman who stops you will see in the database that the car is listed as stolen or connected with some other criminal history.

Read completely:
- At the first request of buyers, we provide them with the entire history available to us: court decision, documents from customs, tax authorities and traffic police, - says Dmitry Bortkevich.

If you come across expensive SUVs on the site, don’t go to a fortune teller, they will be confiscated by customs: " Drunkards don't fall for those", employees of the trading house laugh.

By the way, for those cars that were confiscated by customs, and later turned into state revenue by the court, you do not need to pay customs duties - this is the law. The auction organizer will give the buyer a package of documents necessary for registration: invoice, court order, registration certificate.

In accordance with Art. 278 of the Customs Code of the Republic of Belarus, goods imported into the customs territory are considered to be under customs control from the moment they cross the customs border when they are imported into the customs territory until they are removed from customs control in connection with confiscation or conversion into state property in accordance with the law.

There are also vehicles confiscated by the court from organizations for tax evasion or smuggling - these are mainly buses, heavy-duty or construction equipment.

- If the license plates are Russian, then the car, in the vast majority of cases, was confiscated either for broken license plates or for pimping, - they say in Vostochny.

Court decisions on its confiscation from a disabled Pinsk man for drunken driving by his wife caused a lot of controversy among our users.

Apparently, there are disabled people among its members."

How to become a participant in the auction?

2. Based on the receipt for payment of the deposit, an application for participation in the auction is submitted and an agreement is drawn up on the rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties in the process of preparing and conducting the auction in the car sales section of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Trading House "Vostochny" (both in person, by arriving at the address : Minsk, Uruchskaya str., 14a, or in absentia - by sending a copy of the receipt by fax or e-mail).

3. On the day of the auction, register in the car sales section or in the auction hall and receive a sign with the participant’s number. The number on the plate corresponds to the number of the submitted application for participation in the auction.

The conclusion of a contract for the sale and purchase of a vehicle and its payment are carried out by the winning bidder (the only bidder) within the following terms:

For individuals - no later than 3 banking days from the moment of signing the protocol on the results of the auction;

For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - no later than 5 banking days from the moment of signing the protocol on the results of the auction.

The purchase and sale agreement for a vehicle is concluded after the winner of the auction (the only participant in the auction) presents a copy of payment documents transferring the amount of costs for organizing and conducting the auction.

Vehicle registration

Vehicles converted into state revenue, after their sale, are registered by the registration division of the State Traffic Inspectorate with the sending of a corresponding notification to the place of previous registration.

Many compatriots are sure that a loan or mortgage is an easy burden that anyone can handle. But, as we know, life is unpredictable, and what yesterday did not raise unnecessary questions may turn out to be a major problem today. The statistics are sad: at least 30% of those who took out a loan are unable to repay it. As a result, the financial institution that issued the loan confiscates the property purchased with the money issued from the borrower.

In the future, apartments, household appliances, cars, clothes and much more end up on the secondary market. The main advantage of such lots is their cost, which is at least 25% lower than the market average. It would be stupid not to take advantage of such an offer and not buy, for example, a car.

Convenient service to buy a confiscated car

But how to find out where it is carried out? sale of confiscated cars? Our resource is a unique database that will help you find pledged cars from Russian banks in a matter of minutes. The advantages of the service are a convenient form for searching for an item of interest, which allows you to sort goods by region and cost. It also features an extensive database, which is regularly updated with new positions. Moreover, subscribing to the news will allow you to be the first to know what is happening sale of confiscated cars. Moreover, the resource offers detailed information on how sale of confiscated cars by banks so you can prepare for your purchase.

How are confiscated cars sold?

First you need to carefully study the information provided on the site. A detailed description will help you compare pledged cars from banks, defining the position of interest.

A car is a fairly serious purchase, so you should not rely entirely on the seller’s words; read the technical documentation in person. Make sure the machine is in good condition and meets your needs.

So, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the stages of completing a transaction for the sale and purchase of a confiscated car:

The first place to start is to contact a financial organization and see for yourself the implementation. Since it is extremely important for the latter that the sale of the property takes place, they make concessions to potential buyers and do not refuse the desire to study the subject of purchase.

If after inspection the desire to purchase a car does not leave you, then it’s time to apply for participation in the auction

To confirm your intention to own the car, you will be asked to pay a deposit. If you win the auction, the previously paid amount will become an advance payment for the car. If you lose, you will get every last penny back within three days. For this reason, there is a risk of losing your own finances in an attempt to purchase Sberbank pledged cars and other financial institutions are minimal.

Once the application has been submitted, the financial institution will notify you where and when the event will take place. auction of confiscated cars in Moscow. Please note that according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, if you win the auction, you must pay the bank the full purchase price within 10 days. If you don’t have the full amount on hand, you can apply for a loan from the same institution that sold the equipment. As a rule, the conditions in this case are much more favorable than market ones.

Sale of confiscated cars: preparation of documents and possible risks

Catalog service "Confiscator" has collected all the offers for sale of confiscated cars by bailiffs. If you have decided on a lot, then you need to prepare for the purchase in advance and collect the necessary package of documents. Today sale of collateral cars by Sberbank carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, within the framework of which an individual must have a passport, a receipt for payment of the duty and a bidder number to purchase.

Do not forget that the sale of confiscated property for legal entities requires an extended package of documents. Confirmation of both the legal and financial viability of the institution will be mandatory.

Like any other transaction, it is associated with certain risks. To avoid them being an unpleasant surprise, pay attention to the following:

1. In pursuit of money, financial institutions may remain silent about the unsatisfactory technical condition of the car. The buyer has the right to carry out a technical inspection of the vehicle within ten days after purchase in order to obtain an objective assessment.

2. More serious difficulties sale of confiscated cars in Moscow may result in legal problems that the new owner inherits. For example, incorrectly executed papers can cause problems with the operation of the machine in the future.

To avoid such troubles, read all the documents of the lot before entering the auction.

Despite all the difficulties, sale of pledged cars- this is a great way to purchase equipment without overpaying in showrooms.