Oil "Petro Canada": customer reviews. Benefits of Petro-Canada Lubricants Supreme Motor Oil Series

Petro-Canada's synthetic product line consists of a variety of oils for passenger cars and vans. According to their viscosity characteristics, they are divided into separate categories.

  1. Synthetic. Includes only synthetic lubricants.
  2. Synthetic Blend. This category includes semi-synthetic products.
  3. Petro-Canada Supreme. A combined class that combines purely synthetic and semi-synthetic samples of oil products.

For diesel engines operating under special conditions, a special Petro Canada oil is also produced. Its varieties are grouped under the Duron category.

  1. Duron Synthetic. High quality synthetic based lubricants manufactured to the latest manufacturing standards. They are used for diesel engines operating in a wide temperature range (viscosity - 0W30, 5W).
  2. Duron XL Synthetic Blend. Samples show efficiency in conditions of increased loads. Good for use at any time of the year in road situations of varying complexity (viscosity - 10W40, 15W).
  3. Duron-E. Synthetic and semi-synthetic petrocanada oils (Duron-E Synthetic). A feature of oils of this type, which distinguishes them from other similar products, lies in their ability to minimize the degree of toxicity of already exhaust gases, thereby extending the life of particulate filters (viscosity - 10W30, 15W40).

Despite the fact that the variety of Duron oils is mainly focused on diesel engines, these same brands show high performance when used in gasoline engines.

Petro-Canada Supreme Oil

The product "Supreme" is especially popular among car owners in many countries, as it meets modern quality requirements declared by car manufacturers (such as General Motors, Mazda, Kia, Ford, Hyundai, Honda). The oil guarantees uninterrupted operation of an automobile engine in a very wide temperature range, it is suitable both in extremely low temperature conditions (from -30 ° C) and when the engine is heated up to +300 ° C. This is achieved due to the viscosity of 165 units.

Lubricant Synthetic 5w 30

This special brand of oil applies exclusively to gasoline-powered engines. Supreme Synthetic 5w30 has a number of distinctive features.

  1. It is made from the purest raw materials with an admixture of branded high-performance additives. At the same time, individual production technology is observed.
  2. The flash point reaches very high values ​​​​(229 ° C), which indicates a good quality of the lubricant.
  3. Retains excellent fluidity in the operating temperature range from -30 °C to +250 °C. This is indicated by a good viscosity (140 units).
  4. It contains less than 1% sulphated ash, which guarantees good protection of diesel particulate filters. The minimum level of sulfur and phosphorus protects gasoline engines with catalytic converters.

This lubricant can be applied even to the newest generation of motors. This is evidenced by the assigned SN class. According to the American-Japanese ILSAC classification, Retro Canada Supreme Synthetic 5w 30 automotive oil fully complies with the criteria of the GF-5 group.

Features of the production process

These oils are manufactured using the patented HT Purity process at a refinery located in Mississauga, Ontario. An important stage of production is the multi-stage purification of crude oil.

  1. Solvent cleaning. Initially, the lightest fractions are separated, then purification is carried out from fractions characterized by high viscosity. Paraffins and more than 80% of aromatic compounds are separated. At the output, oil compositions belonging to group I (according to API classification) remain.
  2. Hard hydrocracking. Excess components (aromatic and unsaturated hydrocarbons) are filtered out. When heated to 400 °C and a pressure of 20,000 kPa, heavy polycycloparaffins decompose into lighter particles. Remains of polar and aromatic particles are removed, and the overall stability of the oil is increased.

After replacing the dewaxing process with a more innovative hydroisomerization method, manufacturers were able to produce base oil products of the second and third groups (according to the API rating). In terms of their main quality characteristics, such oils are in no way worse than 100% synthetics, but their production costs much less. The result of such a complex technical process is a motor lubricant of the highest purity. Today, any brand of Petro-Canada oil is over 99% pure.

Are you familiar with the Petro Canada brand? If not, then it's time to pay attention to it. The company was founded in 1975. The initiator of its creation was the Parliament of Canada, concerned about the active development of the country's economy, which now needed high-quality fuels and lubricants and fuel. Thanks to unique developments, engineers managed to create an oil of excellent quality that increases the life of engine installations and resists aggressive wear of mechanisms. Currently, the brand is known all over the world, and the manufacturing company itself ranks fourth in the ranking of the largest oil refineries in North America.

In order to understand what exactly such a lubricant has won great success with car owners, let's get acquainted with its assortment, and then learn how to distinguish counterfeit goods from the original.

  • Product range

    Petro Canada's product portfolio includes hundreds of high quality lubricants that are world renowned for their high performance. Let's take a closer look at the company's motor oils. They have five lines:


    This line of motor oils belongs to the premium class. It is designed for four-stroke engines of passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, SUVs and minibuses.

    Among the advantages of the series, it should be noted the low content of harmful impurities in the composition of the protective lubricant, it does not burn, does not evaporate, does not release dangerous vapors into the atmosphere. All its functioning takes place in the usual mode: a strong layer of oil is created on the parts, which protects the parts from aggressive interaction. The composition protects the filter elements and keeps contaminants in suspension during the entire service life.

    This series has an extended service interval, so that the driver can no longer remember the need for car maintenance.

    The unique additive package ensures round-the-clock cleanliness of the working area: it effectively breaks down perennial precipitation and prevents the formation of coking.

    Tolerances and specifications:

    10W-30 - API SN, RC, ILSAC GF-5, GM 6094M, Chrysler MS-6395,

    10W-40 - API SN Plus, ILSAC GF-5,

    20W-50 - API SN Plus, ILSAC GF-5,

    5W-20 - API SN, RC, ILSAC GF-5, Ford WSS-M2C945-A/B1, GM 6094M, Chrysler MS-6395,

    5W-30 - API SN Plus, SN RC, ILSAC GF-5, Ford WSS-M2C946-A / B1, GM 6094M, Chrysler MS-6395.

    Lubricants with a viscosity of 10W-30, 5W-20, 5W-30 are suitable for all Kia, Honda, Hyundai and Mazda vehicles.


    Like the previous series, SUPREME SYNTHETIC is designed for almost all types of vehicles. It has excellent performance properties that allow you to protect power plants from rapid wear. Petro Canada engine oil handles heavy loads effectively by maintaining a stable and durable lubricating film even during long-term operation at high speeds. Thanks to a fully synthetic composition, the oil does not undergo changes in unstable climate conditions: the optimal viscosity is maintained both in severe frost and in extreme heat.

    Because a line of petroleum products artificially created by Petro-Canada Lubricants Inc. and has no recycled compounds, it is completely safe for vehicles and the environment. The total absence of sulfur, sulphated ash and phosphorus among the ingredients of Petro Canada oil allows it to carefully protect the system throughout the entire interchange period.

    Tolerances and specifications:

    0W-20 - API SN, ILSAC GF-5, Ford WSS-M2C947-A/B1, Ford WSS-M2C953-A, GM Dexos 1 Gen 2, Chrysler MS-6395,

    0W-30 - API SN, ILSAC GF-5, Chrysler MS-6395,

    10W-30 - API SN, ILSAC GF-5, Chrysler MS-6395,

    5W-20 - API SN, ILSAC GF-5, Ford WSS-M2C945-A/B1, Chrysler MS-6395,

    5W-30 - API SN, ILSAC GF-5, Ford WSS-M2C946-A/B1, GM Dexos 1 Gen 2, Chrysler MS-6395.

    Oils 0W-20, 0W-30, 5W-20, 5W-30 can be used in all Honda, Hyundai, Kia and Mazda vehicles.


    This range has been developed by the company exclusively for high-performance gasoline and low-power diesel engines installed in modern cars, SUVs, vans and small commercial vehicles.

    Thanks to a set of special additives, the oil reliably protects particulate filters and catalytic converters of vehicles. It also contributes to the moderate consumption of the fuel mixture, which leads to savings for the car owner's personal funds. Like previous petroleum products, SUPREME C3 SYNTHETIC has an increased resistance to temperature extremes. The oil can be used anywhere in the world. Due to its stable composition, the grease does not lose its viscosity during thermal exposure: in cold climates it provides fast and uniform filling of the system with easy crankshaft scrolling, and in the hot season it helps to remove excess heat from the working area of ​​​​the installation. It is noteworthy that fuel and lubricants do not leave behind soot and soot and contribute to the exfoliation of perennial deposits.

    By creating the required level of pressure inside the system, the oil removes metal chips from the channels, which in large quantities can cause the engine to stop completely.

    Tolerances and specifications:

    5W-30 - ACEA C3 / C2, API SN, MB 229.31.


    This series includes only two products with a viscosity of 5W-20 and 5W-30 and a semi-synthetic chemical base. Their production technology - HT Purity Process - involves the purification of the base oil by 99.9%, which, in combination with cutting-edge additives, provides a number of attractive qualities: high resistance to thermal damage, maintaining optimal fluidity in conditions of sharp climatic changes, reliable protection of mechanisms subjected to daily overloads .

    Petro Canada engine oils of this series are designed to restore the power characteristics of engines and increase their service life. Thanks to detergent components, cleanliness always reigns inside the propulsion system with BLEND XL poured into it: the oil flushes metal chips from the channels, dissolves coking and carbon deposits, and eliminates other contaminants. This ability of the lubricant composition makes it possible to extend the service life of the cylinder-piston group, significantly reduce the wear of oil scraper rings and neutralize corrosion processes inside the unit.

    Tolerances and specifications:

    5W-20 - API SN, SM, RC, ILSAC GF-4, GF-5, GB1E0528024, FORD WSS-M2C945-A,

    5W-30 - API SN, SM, RC, ILSAC GF-4, GF-5, GB1E0527024, FORD WSS-M2C946-A.


    The EUROPE SYNTHETIC product line includes the only synthetic engine oil with a viscosity of 5W-40. It is designed for gasoline and diesel powertrains in passenger cars, light trucks, vans and SUVs. Unlike similar products in the range, EUROPE SYNTHETIC takes care of the engine, which is operated in short trips. Those. if you often stand in traffic jams or move from place to place several times a day, then this oil will provide ideal protection for the power plant from overheating and rapid wear. It is also worth noting that lubrication has a positive effect on the condition of the cylinder-piston group during towing trailers, high-speed trips, and vehicle operation in extreme climatic conditions. The line meets all modern requirements of automakers.

    Tolerances and specifications:

    5W-40 - ACEA A3 / B4 / C3, API SN / CF, MB 229.51, VW 502.00 / 505.00 / 505.01, BMW LL-04, FORD M2C917-A, Porsche.

    Are there fakes?

    Like any car oil that is popular with motorists, Petro Canada engine oil has been tried to fake more than once. However, the attackers failed to achieve success: unofficial “shops” were quickly covered up, so low-quality lubricant did not have time to spread throughout the world market. According to the manufacturer, today this engine oil has no fakes: all products found at points of sale were manufactured at a real factory. But is it?

    Studying the reviews of experienced motorists, you come to the opposite conclusion: there is a fake. And it occurs quite often. And if in European countries the manufacturer carefully monitors all products, then in Russia things are much simpler: it is sometimes difficult for the parent company to track the “garage masters” and the distribution channels for their false oil. However, the presence of counterfeit products should not scare away car owners at all, because even a beginner can distinguish any fake product from the original if desired. There are three ways to recognize a fake:

    Petro-Canada Synthetic 5W-40

    • low price. The first thing we look at when choosing a product is its cost. For some, information from the price tag is decisive in choosing a motor lubricant. Following the desire to save is dangerous, because it can lead to costly repairs. How to react to the price? First of all, you should calculate what kind of discount the seller offers. If it is within 10-15 percent, then you can buy oil without fear. If its value exceeds 15 percent, then the acquisition should already be abandoned. The fact is that the production of really high-quality motor oil is very expensive for the company, therefore only those whose production of allegedly real motor lubricant cost a penny can extremely underestimate the price tag.
    • dubious points of sale. If you buy Petro Canada engine oil from dubious outlets, then you do not need to rely on its authenticity. Original Petro Canada can only be sold in branded stores. At the very least, they must have a prominent logo of this fuel and lubricants on the walls, shop windows or signs of the retail space. As for the products themselves, the sellers must have certificates confirming their quality. Before making a purchase, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the text of the documents. If there are none, then you no longer need to visit this store. By the way, you can also check the legality of selling branded products at a particular outlet by calling the official representatives of the manufacturer on the hotline. Their phone numbers can be found on the company's website.
    • low quality packaging. We decided on the price, found a company store, now you should pay attention to the product itself. Its appearance will tell you a lot. For example, if you immediately noted a large number of manufacturing defects, then you came across a fake lubricant. The original always has clear contours, neat, barely noticeable adhesive seams; plastic does not exude unpleasant odors and has no cracks and structural distortions. The oil label is bright, clear and easy to read. On the back of the container, manufacturers place a two-layer sticker that contains all the necessary information about the type of motor lubricant you have chosen. If there is only one layer of the label, you do not need to purchase the product. Please note: each product must have a batch code.

    The above symptoms of counterfeit evidence of the ease of its recognition, because each of us can evaluate the quality of an oil canister or compare the cost of branded goods from different suppliers. The main thing is to always remain vigilant and trust your intuition!

    How to choose oil?

    It is very difficult to study the huge range of Canadian-made oils. Having disassembled, say, five types of lubricant compositions, you will no longer understand the difference between the rest of the products. Therefore, choosing the right lubricant can be a real torment for a car enthusiast. In order not to waste personal time studying all the advantages and disadvantages of oils, you can choose fuels and lubricants by car brand. It is very simple to do this: just use the special service posted on the official website.

    Here you need to enter basic information on your vehicle, namely: its make, model, modification. The system will then select all suitable lubricants to facilitate their search for maintenance. The convenience of the service also lies in the fact that it informs the car owner about the required amount of lubricant of a particular type and the frequency of its replacement.

    Important! After using the oil selection service, you should not run to the store and buy some goods, first you need to carefully compare the search results with the requirements of the automaker.

    You can find out about them from the manual for the vehicle. Any deviation from the recommended parameters can play a cruel joke on you and disable the motor system for a long time.

    So, for example, high viscosity can lead to difficult starting, squeezing excess oil out of the power plant, increased fuel consumption and constant engine overheating. Excessive fluidity can leave the car completely unprotected from the destructive force of friction. In both cases, the consequences will hit the pocket hard. In order to prevent failures in the operation of the engine installation, it is necessary to carefully compare the recommendations of the automaker with the recommendations of Internet resources.

    And finally

    Canadian engine oil Petro Canada has been proving its effectiveness for many years in various operating conditions. It perfectly resists temperature extremes, withstands prolonged loads, and allows mechanisms to restore performance. But to get the most out of this technical fluid, you need to choose it correctly. The selection of oil is a complicated matter, but no one promised that vehicle maintenance would be easy. Therefore, before buying any oil product, you need to carefully study the car manual, get acquainted with acceptable lubricants, and after choosing the brand that suits you, you should get information about the locations of company stores. Only a lubricant that has documented evidence of its quality can extend the life of a motor unit.

Lubricants from PETRO-CANADA

Petro-Canada Lubricants manufactures over 350 high quality lubricants, specialty fluids and greases. Petro-Canada Lubricants serves the needs of many of the world's leading companies in virtually every industry in more than 80 countries around the world. Products begin with 99.9% pure base oils, resulting in performance that outstrips global standards for purity, durability and performance. Petro-Canada is always developing the latest innovative products to meet the needs of its customers for quality and high performance lubricants that provide:

  • Equipment protection
  • Downtime reduction
  • Productivity increase
  • Saving money

Petro-Canada Lubricants owns one of the largest oil refineries in the world and is one of five plants in North America that are part of Suncor Energy, the fifth largest global energy company on the continent.

Petro-Canada is also the world's largest manufacturer of pharmaceutical white oils.

HT Purity Process Technology

To produce 99.9% pure, crystal clear base oils, Petro-Canada Lubricants uses the HT purity process to make these oils some of the purest in the world. As a result, the oils and lubricants offered by Petro-Canada Lubricants are characterized by superior performance.

Unique HT cleaning technologyPurity process

The HT Purity Process technology is fundamentally different from the traditional selective solvent cleaning method used by most of the world's manufacturers in the production of Group I base oils. Here's what it looks like:

In conventional technology, the oil distillate fractions are separated and then treated separately in a solvent purification extraction column to remove 70 to 90% of impurities and aromatics. Subsequently, cooling dewaxing is carried out to improve the low-temperature properties of the product. The result is an amber-colored base component. In some cases, this base stock is subjected to an additional mild hydroprocessing step to improve color, odor, stability and demulsibility. This hydroprocessing step should not be confused with the severe hydrocracking technology or hydrotreatment process used by Petro-Canada. Hydroprocessing is performed at significantly lower pressures (typically 800 psi) and temperatures.

Hard two-stage hydrocracking technologyPetro- Canada

In the first step of the hydrotreating process using Petro-Canada's severe hydrocracking technology, aromatics and impurities are removed by chemically reacting the feedstock with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst at high temperature (400°C) and high pressure (3000 psi). inch). Within the framework of this hydrocracking process, several different reactions take place, the main principles of which are:

  • Removal of polar compounds containing sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen
  • Conversion of aromatic hydrocarbons to saturated cyclic hydrocarbons
  • Decomposition of heavy molecules into lighter saturated hydrocarbons

The oils are separated by distillation or cold dewaxing to improve low temperature fluidity and then passed through a secondary severe hydrotreater (at 290°C and 3000 psi) for further saturation. This final step ensures maximum base oil stability by removing the last trace amounts of aromatic and polar molecules, resulting in a clear base stock with a purity of 99.9%. The hydrocarbon molecules formed in this process are saturated and highly stable, making them ideal for process specific applications as high performance lubricants.

Hard two-stage hydrocracking with hydroisomeration technologyPetro- Canada

This method also uses a hydrotreatment process using the severe hydrocracking technology, with the only difference being that the cold dewaxing step is replaced by a hydroisomerization paraffin conversion step.

The hydroisomeration process uses a special catalyst that selectively isomerizes paraffin molecules to form isoparaffin lubricating oils. This process results in base stocks with a higher viscosity index and improved low temperature fluidity compared to base stocks made using the conventional dewaxing method. This process can also be used to produce certain types of base oils with a viscosity index approaching 130 and performance very close to those of polyalphaolefin (PAO) lubricants.

Comparison of base oils

There are significant differences in performance between conventional solvent-refined base oils and Petro-Canada base oils. The main difference is the virtual absence of aromatic molecules (less than 0.1%) in Petro-Canada base oils, which reduce the performance properties of the final product. For comparison, the content of aromatic compounds in oils obtained by selective purification is 10-35%.

Comparison of base oils

Most lubricant manufacturers use low-quality Group I base oils containing harmful impurities to reduce the cost of their products. Petro-Canada takes a different approach and manufactures all products with only Group II and III base oils, which is reflected in the quality and performance of the finished product. Petro-Canada lubricants based on the purest base oils outperform conventional selective refining oils and provide a number of benefits.

Petro Canada is one of the largest Canadian energy concerns, uniting several different companies specializing in oil and gas production and their subsequent processing. Sales of the company's products in 50 countries around the world. The range of lubricant consumables includes more than 300 items. Many world-class automakers leave positive reviews for Petro Canada 5w30 engine oil, using it for the first filling in cars that have left the conveyor belt. The corporation changed its name to Suncor Energy after a 1990 merger with another energy company, but the brand name remained the same.

Production technology

The manufacturing process is based on HT Purity technology, which is used to manufacture Petro Canada brand consumable lubricants. Crude oil for obtaining high-quality and pure Petro Canada 5w30 oil, according to experts, is refined in several stages:

  1. The first stage is solvent purification. The technology allows you to separate light fractions from oil, after which fractions with a specific viscosity are taken. Finished compositions are purified from aromatic compounds and paraffins by 80-85%, for which the technology of mild hydrocracking is used. As a result, basic oil compositions are distinguished, which received group I according to
  2. The second stage of processing is hard hydrocracking. Unsaturated cyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons are decomposed into light components under conditions with the addition of catalysts and hydrogen at a pressure of 20 thousand kPa and a temperature of 400 degrees. Processing of this type is the primary stage of the technological procedure, while the second involves the removal of polar and aromatic molecules from the base oil and increasing its stability.

For the past twenty years, the company has been using the hydroisomerization method, which has replaced dewaxing. Thanks to this, it was possible to obtain basic compositions belonging to groups 2 and 3 according to the API classification. Judging by the reviews, such compounds do not differ much from Petro Canada 5w30 synthetic oil, but their production is several times cheaper.

Petro Canada Synthetic Lubricants

Synthetic lubricants for minibuses and passenger cars are divided into several families:

  • Synthetic with viscosities 10w30, Arctic 0w;
  • Semi-synthetic engine oils Synthetic Blend grades 5w30, 10w and 10w30;
  • Family of oils Petro Canada Supreme with viscosity characteristics 20w50. Motor oils in this category consist of semi-synthetic and synthetic compounds.

The Duron lubricating fluid group is produced specifically for diesel engines operating under extreme conditions. Despite the fact that such oil is intended mainly for diesel engines, some brands from the series must also be applied to gasoline engines.

Supreme Motor Oil Series

According to the reviews left by car owners, the compositions of the Supreme family are considered the best Petro Canada 5w30 oils. Synthetic compounds have an increased viscosity - about 165 units, which is maintained in a wide temperature range: from -30 degrees to +300 degrees in the engine and piston group. This ensures the stability of the motor.

The flash point is 229 degrees, which indicates a small amount of volatile fractions and high quality engine oil. The level of sulfate ash content is 0.9%.

Supreme Synthetic oil belongs to the SN class, therefore, it can only be poured into modern gasoline engines. According to the US-Japanese ILSAC specification, the oil is rated GF-5.

The composition and properties of the oil

Petro Canada 5w30 semi-synthetic grease is based on the company's proprietary, high quality, clean oil. The composition also includes a package of effective additives. The fluidity of the oil is maintained throughout the entire operating temperature range from -30 to +250 degrees, which is confirmed by a high viscosity index of 140.

Engine oil has good detergent properties, cleaning the parts of the internal combustion engine and the fuel system from soot and varnish deposits. In reviews of Petro Canada 5w30 semi-synthetic oil, car owners note the wear resistance of the lubricant and an increase in the life of exhaust gas purification systems with regular use of this composition.

You can fill Supreme 5w30 engine oil in both gasoline engines and engines running on liquefied natural gas. The composition was assigned the highest category SN according to the API standard, according to ILSAC category GF-5. Motor oil is used by world-famous automakers.

Characteristics and reviews of oil Petro Canada 5w30

Unlike its main competitors, Petro-Canada lubricant can truly be called a truly clean consumable. It is based on Purity oil, which today is considered the purest in the world. The composition also includes specialized additives that provide engine resistance to:

  • thickening of engine oil as a result of its long-term operation;
  • destruction of the original substance under the influence of high temperature.

The manufacturing company, in its reviews of Petro Canada 5w30 oil, claims that the characteristics of the composition allow it to protect the vehicle's engine from increased wear and deposits. In order to increase the service life of the vehicle emission control system, the company's specialists reduced the levels of phosphorus and sulfur in the composition of motor oils, which made it possible to reduce the phosphorus volatility.

Benefits of Petro Canada Motor Oils

Petro Canada claims that the use of this grade of oil can reduce fuel consumption and extend lubricant change intervals.

In addition, the manufacturer says that Petro Canada engine oil can be combined with most other types of synthetic and mineral motor fluids, provided that the compositions match the viscosity class. Petro Canada 5w30 oil reviews note the following advantages:

  • Protection of vehicle engine parts from corrosion, rust and premature wear.
  • The engine oil is compatible with seals, which reduces the possibility of consumable leakage.
  • Reduced wear on piston wheels, camshafts and vehicle liners.
  • Extended bearing life.
  • Reducing the likelihood of corrosion when starting the engine regularly in cold weather.
  • Engine oil protects emission control systems.
  • In reviews of Petro Canada 5w30 oil, car owners note the stable and clean operation of the car engine.
  • Regular use of Petro Canada engine oil reduces the amount of deposits and other deposits on internal combustion engine parts and components.
  • The chance of rings sticking to pistons is reduced by Petro Canada engine oil.
  • Improving fluid circulation in the fuel system by keeping the oil passages clean.
  • Preservation of fluidity at low ambient temperatures.
  • Reduction of engine wear during cold start and regular operation of the car in the winter season.
  • The minimum level of evaporation of engine oil and its carbon deposits, which reduces lubricant consumption.

In reviews with a photo on Petro Canada 5w30 oil, car owners note that the composition is sold in liter and four-liter packages.

Specifications for Petro Canada oils

  • At a temperature of +15 degrees it is equal to 0.845 kg / l.
  • The consumable may ignite if the engine temperature reaches 231 degrees Celsius or 448 Fahrenheit.
  • Engine oil freezes in the engine at temperatures below -39°C.
  • The kinematic viscosity of the lubricant at an engine temperature of 40 degrees is 58.7 cSt.
  • At an engine temperature of 100 degrees, the kinematic viscosity of the oil is 10.5 cSt.
  • A fairly high component of 171.
  • Sulfate ash content 1%.
  • Engine oil contains 0.27% sulfur.
  • The base number of engine oil is 7.7 mg KOH/g.

Engine oil compatibility with cars

Petro Canada 5w30 lubricants can be poured into the engines of almost all modern cars:

  • propane internal combustion engines;
  • gasoline with a high content of ethanol E85;
  • engines running on liquefied natural gas.

Petro Canada engine oils meet the requirements of Asian, American and European automotive concerns. Many car companies allow the use of lubricants of this brand. These include the following automakers:

  • General Motors.
  • Honda.
  • Chrysler.
  • Ford.


Russian car owners in their reviews of Petro Canada 5w30 oil note its advantages and positive effect on the engine and fuel system of the vehicle. A specially developed series of Duron motor oils is suitable for engines with a high load. Other lines of lubricants support both new and worn-out car engines, while differing in affordable cost. The manufacturer guarantees the high quality of motor oils and the smooth operation of the car engine with their regular use, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews from car owners.