VAZ wiper motor connection diagram. Windshield wiper, washer, "wipers" - device, characteristics, scheme of work. Device and possible malfunctions

The cleanliness of the windshield is very important for the safety of the driver and passengers. Therefore, if the wipers do not work on a VAZ 2107 car, this can lead to an unpleasant situation on the road. The article provides a wiring diagram of the windshield wiper, discusses malfunctions and solutions.

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Wiper device

In order to repair broken VAZ 2107 wipers, you need to know (the author of the video is Auto Electrician VCh).

Schematic diagram of a glass cleaner

On the sevens, a windshield wiper of the SL-193 type is installed. It is located in the engine compartment in the heater air box. Its wiring diagram is similar to the wiring diagram for glass cleaners on the VAZ 2106.

  • fuse;
  • electric motor of the unit;
  • fuse block;
  • a switch that supplies water to the glass;
  • a switch that changes the speed of movement;
  • relay;
  • egnition lock.

The wiper consists of a lever mechanism, brushes, levers and an electric motor with a gearbox. The mechanism is turned on using the switch on the steering column, it also turns on. Thanks to the motor and gearbox, a rotational movement is created, which sets the trapezoid in motion.

The shafts are connected to the gearbox by rods and transmit oscillatory movements. As a result, the brushes move over the surface and clean it of dirt.

A washer is installed to remove dirt. The design of the VAZ washer includes: a motor, a pump, nozzles and a reservoir. The motor starts, which pumps up the fluid in the washer reservoir. Through nozzles, it is sprayed onto the glass.

Common Faults and Troubleshooting

The reasons why the wipers do not work on cars, regardless of whether it is a UAZ or a seven, are basically the same. Below are the malfunctions and methods for their elimination.

Wipers do not work in both modes.In this case, check the fuses. If they are burned out, they must be replaced with new ones. If only the contacts are oxidized, you need to pull the fuses several times and put them back in place. It may be necessary to replace the trapezium wipers Vaz.
Brushes do not work only in intermittent mode.In this case, you must first check the power supply. If there is voltage, then the cause of the breakdown is in the relay.
Faulty purifier switchChange three lever switch
The wipers work, but when turned off, they remain in an arbitrary position. The reason may be in the breakdown of the gearbox, as it contains a limit switch.It is necessary to strip the contacts or bend the switch plate. If necessary, replace the gearbox.
The electric motor is not working.In this case, you need to dismantle the electric motor, check the condition of the winding and brushes.
The brushes do not move when the gearbox is running.The gear teeth are broken and need to be replaced. The crank on the gear may be loose, you need to tighten the fastening nut.

Basically, the problem is mechanical - the trapezoid is broken. When repairing wipers, many change regular products to frameless ones. They have an attractive appearance, are better pressed against the glass, do not have articulated joints, so they are not affected by pollution and icing.

The design of the glass cleaner is a complex mechanism consisting of a large number of parts. Any of them can fail, which will either lead to a complete failure of the mechanism, or there will be poor-quality glass cleaning.

If you understand the electrical circuit of the windshield wiper mechanism, then you can do the maintenance yourself.

It is almost impossible to overcome rain or snow without wipers, as visibility is reduced to a minimum. That is why it is important to keep the windshield wipers (the official name of the windshield wipers) safe and sound. This material describes the scheme by which the wipers work in a VAZ 2110 car, the main malfunctions, as well as the repair of the wiper.

Important! The washer operation scheme is quite simple: an electric motor is installed under the hood, to which a trapezoid is attached, two wipers are put on it - this is one part of the assembly. The second part is a tank with technical fluid, which reaches the wiper with a pump. Electronics is displayed under the dashboard of the VAZ 2110.

Device and possible malfunctions

To understand the operation of the wipers, you will need an electrical circuit, which is present in the operation and maintenance manual for the VAZ 2110. You also need to know what the assembly consists of:

  • The trapezoid is the main part through which the motor transmits movement, the trapezoid most often wears out, as a result, repairs are needed.
  • Electric motor - due to this unit, the wipers move, the motor can burn out, which will cause the entire assembly to fail.
  • Pump - this element is needed to pump the cleaning fluid into the wipers. If the pump breaks, then you can forget about the cleanliness of the windshield, although the wipers will still walk on the window.
  • The tank - everything is obvious here, it stores window cleaning fluid.
  • Windshield wiper - mounted on a trapezoid, performs a cleaning function. First of all, you need to pay attention to the size of the windshield wiper.

Repair and replacement is required when the motor is damaged, since it cannot be repaired. The trapezoid also breaks down very often, but sometimes it can be restored. The node diagram is quite simple, so the owner of the VAZ 2110 will quickly find out the cause of the malfunction of the node.


It is not difficult to understand how the pump and washer reservoir work, difficulties may arise with the circuit. The main elements on it are the washer and wiper motors - both units can fail. Under "K2" the node relay is indicated, under "Kb" - an additional washer relay.


To repair this node, you need a minimum of tools:

  • Set of keys and heads.
  • Screwdriver Set.
  • WD-40.
  • Rags.
  • Replacement parts.

Determining which parts are not working can be quite simple. For example, if the wipers do not move, then the motor is out of order. If the trapeze moves, but the glass remains dirty, then the pump or tank is damaged. The size will help to understand what state the part is in - if the size has decreased too much, then the element must be changed. In any case, you need to make sure of the speculation, for this you should analyze:

  1. The first step is to dismantle the dashboard of the car;
  2. Next, you need to find the relay related to this mechanism. It is bolted to the body of the VAZ 2110. If the electrical elements do not work, then the relay needs to be changed, repairs will not help here;
  3. Also in this compartment you need to check the wiper fuse;
  4. Having disassembled the steering mechanism, you can get to the switch. Replacement will be needed if the switch is severely damaged;
  5. The next step is to dismantle the motor and check it. If it fails, then it is recommended to change the motor along with the relay. New parts work better, while wear occurs evenly;
  6. If the pump and tank are damaged, then they must also be changed together;
  7. Now you need to check the condition and size of the washer - if it is very different from the norm (you can compare it according to the manual), then it needs to be changed. The size of the washer is important, as its surface must cover the entire area of ​​the windshield.

Scheme of switching on the cleaner and washer of the windshield

The wiper consists of a gearmotor, levers and brushes ("wipers"). The electric motor of the cleaner is two-brush, with excitation from permanent magnets, single-speed. To protect against overloads, a thermal bimetallic fuse is installed in it. (wiper malfunctions)

Wiper blades

The length of the brushes ("wipers") of the front wiper (both left and right) is 330 mm
The length of the rear wiper blade (tailgate glass) - 305 mm.

"Wipers" should be periodically washed with warm water and soap to ensure their quality work. If the glass cleaning quality deteriorates, replace the brushes.

To do this, lift the lever with the glass brush...

By pressing the latch, remove the brush from the lever leash.
Do the same for the rest of the brushes.

Technical characteristics of the wiper motor

The purifier has two modes of operation - continuous and intermittent; they are activated by the right steering column switch. Intermittent operation is provided by relay type RS-514 , attached with two nuts to the front left sidewall (wiper relay replacement). The relay should provide 9-17 motor starts per minute at a temperature of -20 to 50 ° C and a supply voltage of 10 V. (When the wiper is turned on in intermittent mode, the brushes can make up to four continuous double strokes.) The resistance of the relay solenoid winding is (66 ± 2) Ohm, breaker windings - (23 ± 1) Ohm.

The windshield washer consists of a polyethylene tank with an electric pump installed in the engine compartment, washer nozzles located on the hood, and flexible connecting hoses. (windshield washer malfunctions)

The washer is activated by pulling the right stalk switch towards you (non-fixed position). If the pump fails, replace it. Clogged nozzles can be blown in the opposite direction or cleaned with a fishing line or a thin needle.


V. Shevelev

In modern cars, windshield wipers can operate in two modes - continuous and pulsating, when a pause follows between successive strokes of the brushes. This second mode is very useful in light rain and drizzle. Is it possible to equip cars with such a device, in which the windshield wiper can operate only in one mode, and the brushes, even with light precipitation, moving continuously, irritate the driver and wear out the windshield of the car prematurely?

The device, the scheme of which is shown in Fig. 1, allows you to make a pulsating mode of operation of the wiper, equipped with an electric drive.

Rice. 1. Schematic diagram of the wiper control device

It is an asymmetric multivibrator assembled on transistors T1 and T2, and a key stage on transistor T3. The load of the key stage is the electromagnetic relay P1. Contacts P1 / 1 of this relay control the operation of the wiper motor.

Simultaneously with the opening of the transistor T1, the transistor T3 also opens. In this case, relay P1 is activated, and the electric motor is turned on. After a short period of time, transistor T1, followed by transistor T3, will close and the relay will turn off. However, the motor will remain switched on through its auxiliary contacts (not shown in the diagram) until the brush movement cycle is completed. A new cycle will begin with the next opening of the transistor T1. The duration of the pause between strokes is smoothly regulated by a variable resistor R3. The duration of the pause can be changed within 5-40 s.

The device is mounted on the printed circuit board shown in fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Printed circuit board of the device

The board is placed under the dashboard, and the handle of the resistor R3 is displayed on the front panel of the shield.

The device uses a relay RES-10, passport RS4. 524.304. You can use any suitable relay with a trip current of 50-70 mA. Transistors T1-T3 can be replaced by any low-frequency low-power n-p-n transistors. Variable resistor R3 type SP or CTO.

A vehicle-mounted switch can be used as switch B1 by removing the jumper between terminals 2 and 3 (see diagram).

In position 2 of switch B1, the wiper operates in continuous mode, and in position 3 - in pulsating mode.

Windshield wiper upgrades. Windshield wiper-automatic.

V. Lomanovich, A. Kuzminsky

Windshield wipers installed on some modern cars operate continuously. However, it is rational to provide the wiper with an appropriate automatic device that ensures its periodic switching on and off according to a given program. On fig. 1 shows a diagram of an electronic device for automatically turning on the wiper at a specified interval.

Rice. 1. Schematic diagram of devices for automatically turning on the wiper

The multivibrator on transistors T1 and T2 generates rectangular pulses that are fed to the base of the transistor T3, in the collector circuit of which the electromagnetic relay P1 is connected. The duration of the pulses arriving at the input of the transistor T3 varies from 1 to 30 s depending on the position of the variable resistor R2 slider, while the period of operation of the relay P1 also changes accordingly. Normally closed contacts 1P1 and 2P1 of relay P1 are connected in parallel and serve to control the wiper motor.

When connecting an electronic machine to a typical windshield wiper, you need to disconnect clamp “3” from the chassis so that in the future contacts 1P1 and 2P1 of relay P1 (see Fig. 1) can be connected to point “3” and the chassis (common minus). At the same time, it is possible to operate the wiper in the normal (non-automatic) mode.

After applying voltage to the electronic device, relay P1 is activated and contacts 1P1 and 2P1 break the power supply circuit of the wiper motor 0.3-0.5 s after closing the toggle switch B1. The time during which the motor is turned off depends on the duration of the control pulses supplied to the base of the transistor T3 from the multivibrator (see Fig. 1).

After the end of the pause, the relay contacts P1 close and the wiper starts to work. With the help of a variable resistor R2, the duration of the pauses can be changed. Just like in continuous operation, the auto-stop switches off the electric motor only after the wiper blades return to their original position on the windshield.

Note that the electronic machine allows you to use the wiper in any of the modes of continuous operation (with a low or high speed of movement of the brushes). In the event of a failure of the electronic unit, the wiper remains operational in normal mode.

Instead of a variable resistor R2, you can install a small-sized switch for 2-5 operating positions (for example, a PKM cam switch), switching several fixed resistors. Their resistance is selected in such a way as to obtain the desired duration of the pause between switching on the wiper motor.

On fig. 2 shows a diagram of the installation of an electronic unit on a Moskvich car.

Rice. 2. Scheme of installation of the electronic unit on the car "Moskvich"

The choice of the wiper operation program is carried out using a multi-pole cam switch for five positions of the PKM9-1 (B1-B9) type, which is installed on the driver's shield. Initially, as shown in Fig. 2, all PKM9-1 contacts are open, its handle is in the first position and the wiper does not work. In the second position of the switch, switch B1 closes and the wiper begins to operate continuously with the blades moving slowly over the windshield. In the third position PKM9-1, in addition to B1, switches B2 and B3 are closed. In this case, the additional resistance Rd of the excitation winding circuit OB2 of the electric motor is short-circuited, and the wiper is switched to the second continuous mode with accelerated movement of the brushes. In the fourth position of the PKM9-1 switch, the switches B1, V2 and VZ open, and B4, V6, V8 close. At the same time, power is supplied to the electronic unit and the first automatic mode is set with pauses of 5 seconds between switching on the wiper motor. In the fifth position PKM9-1, the second automatic mode is set with pauses of 10 s between wiper turns on (B4, B6 and B8 are open, B5, B7 and B9 are closed).

All fixed resistors type MLT-0.5. The variable resistor R2 can be of the type SP3-6, SP3-13 or SPO-0.5. Electrolytic capacitors C1 and C2 type K50-6 or EM, C3 - type MBM or BM. As transistors T1 and T2, low-power low-frequency transistors of the type P13-P16, MP39-MP42 and others can be used, and as T3 - transistors of the MP25-MP26 type with any letter indices. Before installation, the PKM9-1 switch must be disassembled and the cams installed so that they ensure the closing and opening of switches B1-B9 in the above sequence. Electromagnetic relay P1 type RES-9, passport RS4.524.202 or RES-6, passport RFO.452.106.

Establishing a windshield wiper mainly comes down to selecting the resistance value of the resistor R3, i.e., the time during which contacts 1P1 and 2P1 of relay P1 remain closed when the device is operating in automatic mode. This time should not exceed the full stroke time of the wiper blades (back and forth) at high speed, which is 0.8-1 s.

Timing relay for windscreen wiper

G. Korotaev

Many older vehicles are not equipped with a time switch for intermittent wiper operation, which creates inconvenience during their operation. Modern cars already have such devices, but they are designed for only one pause time and the possibility of adjusting it depending on road conditions is not provided. Below is a simple time relay circuit, the assembly of which is available even to a novice radio amateur. Thanks to the use of a unijunction transistor, the device has an independence of the response time from changes in the supply voltage and ambient temperature. On fig. 1 shows a circuit for connecting the breaker U1 to the windshield wiper motor circuit U2 through a toggle switch with a neutral middle position B1.

Rice. 1, the scheme of switching on the circuit breaker in the motor circuit
Rice. 2. Schematic diagram of a time relay on a unijunction transistor.

Instead of toggle switch B1, two switches can be used separately for continuous and intermittent operation.

The breaker works as follows. When the toggle switch B1 is set to the "Prer" position, almost all the supply voltage is applied to the time relay. At this time, the wiper blades are in their original position, and the contacts of the limit switch B2, controlled by the electric motor M1, are open. Through resistors R2 and R3 (Fig. 2), capacitor C1 begins to charge.

The chain time constant R2 R3 C1 determines the pause time. When the voltage on the capacitor C1 reaches the value of the response voltage of the transistor T1 (after a pause), the pulse C of this transistor through the resistor R5 will go to the control electrode of the thyristor D2 and open it. The electric motor M1 starts to rotate and closes the contacts of the limit switch B2. During the engine stroke, until the brushes return to their original position, contacts B2 remain closed. During this period, the capacitor C1 is discharged through the resistor R1 and the diode D1. When the brushes return to their original position, the contacts B2 open, the motor M1 stops, and the whole cycle repeats again. Capacitor C2 serves to increase the noise immunity of the time relay.

With the ratings of the elements R2, R3 and C1 indicated on the diagram, the pause time can vary from 1-2 to 5-7 s. To increase the pause time to 10-15 s, it is necessary to increase the resistance of the resistor K2 to 100 kOhm.

On fig. 3 shows a diagram of a time relay on a transistor analog of a unijunction transistor.

Rice. 3. Schematic diagram of a time relay on a transistor analogue of a unijunction transistor

Resistors of any type can be used in the circuit, capacitors C1, C2 - electrolytic, type K50-6, K52-1, K52-2, K53-1, IT, etc., diode D1 - silicon, type D219, D220, D223, KD503, KD504, KD510, etc. Thyristor D2 - type KU201 or KU202 with any letter index. Unijunction transistor T1 (see Fig. 2) - type KT117 with any letter index. Transistor T1 (see Fig. 3) - type MP106 or MP116, transistor T2 - type MPI102. MP103, MP113, KT315, KT342, KT602 or KT603.

Structurally, the time relay is placed in a small box installed behind the dashboard of the car so that the driver has access to the handle of the variable resistor R2. A schematic drawing of the relay printed circuit board is shown in fig. four.

Rice. 4. PCB timing relay:
a - placement of parts of the relay circuit on a unijunction transistor; b - placement of parts of the relay circuit on a transistor analogue; in-printed wiring of the relay circuit on a unijunction transistor; d - printed wiring of the relay circuit on a transistor analog

Many have encountered such a slight inconvenience in the operation of a standard VAZ 2109 wiper: when the windshield washer is turned on for a short time, the brushes make 3 strokes, although the last stroke of the brush is already done on dry glass, and two strokes would be enough to remove all the water that was sprayed washer.

This inconvenience, as it turned out, is easily eliminated. To do this, we buy a new wiper relay (if something does not work out, it will be possible to insert the old one and thereby not be left without wipers) of type 526.3747, or another similar one - the markings may differ depending on the relay manufacturer. In the diagram of this relay, you need to replace resistor R4. The regular one has a rating of 130 kOhm, we need to put it smaller, within 40 kOhm - 70 kOhm. I have 56 kOhm. You can find one at the points of sale of radio components, it costs a penny, or you can solder it from old equipment.

The location of the relay in the "black box"

Wiper relay diagram VAZ 2109

The internal design of such a relay may be different:

Option 1

Option 2

In all cases, the resistor we need is connected to the 4th leg of the microchip. It is highlighted in the pictures above.

By the way, this refinement is also relevant for VAZ 2114-2115, VAZ 2110, Lada Kalina, Lada Granta - for all models where this type of relay is used.

New relays may have a fundamentally different design. For example, I came across such a relay marked 723.3777 from the Energomash factory:

Relay 723.3777 Energomash. We can't change it

We cannot remake such a relay, so we can leave it as a spare (original), and we will re-solder the native one, extracted from the mounting block:

The appearance of the native relay

We figured out the number of strokes of the brushes. Now one more moment.

When you first press the glass washer lever, it usually happens like this: the brushes have already started, but there is still no water on the glass. This is due to the fact that the pump needs time to drive water through the pipes from the reservoir to the washer nozzle. This situation can be corrected by installing a check valve in the tube to prevent water from flowing back into the tank from the tubes when the pump is not running. Personally, I don’t really care about this moment, since the brushes go dry only when they are first turned on, and installing a check valve increases the resistance to the flow of water in the tubes of the already weak washer pump, so I didn’t and don’t plan to do such a refinement on my car.

And for those who want to try, there is such information: you can set the details of the following ratings: R2 - 2.2 kOhm, C2 - 47 microfarads, R4 - 22 kOhm. The value of C2 affects all three parameters of the relay - the delay between strokes, the number of strokes when the washer is turned on and the brush start delay, so options are possible. If anyone succeeds - unsubscribe in the comments.

If there is no desire to redo anything, you can put a special programmable relay. In this case, the brushes will start with a delay of about 0.5 seconds, it is also possible to set a pause between the strokes of the brushes in intermittent mode by manipulating the wiper lever. It is marked 723.3777-01 (similar to 411.3777), for those who are interested - Google and Yandex to help. I would recommend doing the pause adjustment manually the way it is done in .

Together with soldering the resistor in the relay to reduce the number of brush strokes to two, this, in my opinion, is a necessary and sufficient amount of modifications to the VAZ 2109 wiper.