Amazing and beneficial properties of pineapple. The benefits of pineapple for weight loss and women's health

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

A unique, beloved fruit - pineapple - is actually the fruit of a large-tufted herbaceous plant native to Brazil. In the middle zone, pineapples are grown in greenhouses, but the main suppliers are still the countries of South America, the Philippines and Thailand. Pineapple is a large oval fruit, consisting of many ovaries, forming a cone-shaped fruit of brown-green color with yellow splashes. On top are dense dark green leaves that have the ability to accumulate moisture. Pineapple has a pronounced aroma, sweet and sour taste, the yellow flesh is juicy, elastic and quite dense.

Pineapple calories

The calorie content of pineapple is 49 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Pineapple pulp contains a lot of coarse dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, normalizing peristalsis and restoring intestinal motility. Substance bromelain, which is found in ripe pineapples, is a natural protein denaturant that helps break down animal proteins. Therefore, the advice to eat a few slices of pineapple after a heavy meat feast should not be neglected.

The fruit contains a sufficient amount, more precisely - 100 g of pineapple covers 80% of the daily requirement. It is a known fact that it is better absorbed together with vitamin C, therefore, if meat is excluded from the menu for some reason, then iron from plant foods can only be obtained in this way. Pineapple is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system and for strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Rooting of the plant occurs within 2-2.5 months, this will be indicated to us by the new leaves that appear on the plant.

The plant must be replanted annually, but the size of the pot should not be much larger than the previous one so that the pineapple roots do not grow. With proper care, pineapple trees can bloom by 3-4 years.

Pineapple in cooking

Pineapple is good fresh; the fruit can be simply cut into segments or served in an original way by choosing different types of cuts, placing cold appetizers in pineapple halves or quarters. Ripe pineapple goes well with poultry, legumes and - a classic recipe for a healthy holiday dish. Pineapple is used to make jams and jellies; pineapple slices are used to decorate ice cream and various desserts; the fruit is baked on the grill or in the oven as a side dish.

You can learn more about pineapple from the video clip of the TV show “Live Healthy.”

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Everyone knows what pineapple is and has probably heard that this fruit has a lot of beneficial properties. Many people are interested in the question: “Does pineapple contain calories?” - and this is no coincidence. After all, you must be aware that it is pineapples that help you burn excess fat and become slimmer... Well, as you can see, pineapple, the calorie content of which we have to find out, is not only tasty, but also a very healthy product for the body. So, let's find out how many calories are in pineapple, and also look at other fascinating information about the fruit.

First of all, let’s take a short excursion into the “history” of this fruit, namely, let’s figure out what this pineapple is? It is an annual herbaceous plant that contains a fruit in the middle of the stem, which has spines and leaves. It's no secret that this fruit has many beneficial properties. What exactly turns pineapple into an amazingly healthy, irreplaceable product on the holiday (and everyday, too) table? Pineapple has a large number of different organic substances. This includes items such as phosphorus, iron, as well as magnesium, potassium, and iodine. In addition, the composition includes manganese, zinc, Plus, here you can find vitamins PP, B1, as well as B2, B12, and, in addition, A.

Speaking about pineapple calories, we note that one hundred grams of the product contains about 52 kilocalories. At the same time, it is not big: pineapple contains virtually no fat, protein... however, it still contains carbohydrates! Whole 10 grams. In a word, pineapple, which is obviously low in calories, is excellent for losing weight.

What other beneficial properties are there in this fruit? Pineapples are great for thinning the blood. They also help lower blood pressure, which in itself is important. In addition, with their help it is even possible to prevent myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis, as well as stroke and thrombosis. The latter, as is known, is one of the most dangerous diseases of the cardiovascular system.

You can say that even now a sufficient number have already been named; however, this is not all! In addition to the fact that pineapple is very low in calories and allows you to get rid of excess fat, you can highlight many more benefits of this fruit.
Thanks to pineapple, the enzyme activity of gastric juice increases. This greatly stimulates digestion. And this is very important for maintaining health.

To achieve even more tangible results, it is worth remembering that during the holiday feast you should eat a piece of pineapple, preferably fresh, or, if possible, drink a glass of pineapple juice. This will help improve digestion and provide relief after a heavy meal!

An important fact is that this fruit can help even in case of diseases of the nervous system, as well as provide support for infectious diseases.

In a word, it is obvious that pineapple is an endless storehouse of beneficial properties for the human body. If you feel unwell in one area or another, consult your doctor and maybe he will advise you to resort to eating pineapple more often than once a year on holidays... And if you are losing weight, pineapple will also provide you with significant help , as a result of which you will feel much more light and cheerful. Excess fat will go away, as well as unnecessary toxins - the skin will look more beautiful and fresh, and your mood will noticeably improve.

Of course, pineapple is much more expensive than regular ones - but there is no need to skimp on your own precious health!

A pineapple- a tropical fruit that came to Europe from South America thanks to Columbus at the end of the 15th century. Today, the pineapple industry is developing in many countries (Thailand, Brazil, Hawaii, India, etc.). This product is rich in nutrients, which makes it beneficial to the body and popular among consumers.

Useful and healing properties

This fruit is a “tropical” pharmacy for various diseases.

  • It thins the blood, which helps lower blood pressure in hypertension.
  • Thanks to the large amount of ascorbic acid and bromelain, pineapple is useful to take during a cold.
  • Eating pineapple can provide relief from muscle and joint pain.
  • This is a good antidepressant. It helps lift your mood and fights stress.
  • It is recommended to consume the fruit daily for kidney and vascular diseases. The fruit is able to relieve swelling and has a diuretic effect.
  • With the help of pineapple, you can normalize the functioning of the digestive organs and establish metabolic processes in the body.

How cosmetic product this fruit has a disinfectant effect. It normalizes the function of fatty glands and eliminates sebaceous shine from the skin. To do this, you need to rub your face with pineapple pulp every day.

The benefits and harms of canned pineapples for the health of the body

If you need to limit your sugar intake, canned pineapple is a better choice. They can replace cookies or other sweets. Its calorie content 57 kcal per 100 g. It is better to choose pineapples canned in their own juice rather than in sugar syrup.

People prone to allergies should take the product with caution. Pregnant women and children should not eat canned pineapple.

Chemical composition, nutritional value and calorie content of pineapple

The pulp of this fruit contains many mineral components. On 85% the fruit is made of water.

How much protein, fat, carbohydrates (BJU) and other significant components are in pineapple per 100 g:

Vitamins in pineapple:

Macro- and microelements:

There is a lot of enzyme in pineapple such as bromelain. It breaks down complex proteins and improves digestion processes. Calorie content fresh fruit – 48 kcal per 100 g.

How is pineapple used for weight loss?

According to experts, bromelain, which is contained in the fruit, promotes the digestive process. so, he speeds up metabolism. This substance can break down some food compounds (proteins into amino acids). But it cannot be said that it helps burn fat. And he does not directly participate in weight loss.

You can include pineapple as a component of a weight loss diet. For example, consuming 2 kg of this fruit per day, as well as rye bread and 1 liter of juice. But the duration of such a diet should be no more than 2 days.

It is better to include pineapple in a balanced diet program for weight loss, then the benefits will be greater. The pulp of fresh fruit has a diuretic effect due to the large amount of water in it. Cellulose improves digestion. Thanks to a diet that includes pineapple, you can cleanse the body of harmful substances that have accumulated as a result of poor nutrition.

Use in healthy and therapeutic nutrition

The most useful is fresh fruit. It contains bromelain, which is destroyed by heat treatment. For greater health benefits, fresh fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach along with the core. It must be ripe, without damage.

What can you eat pineapple with:

  • When baked, it can be combined with chicken breast.
  • Mix pineapple with boiled, a small amount of grated and season.
  • A healthy combination with nuts and herbs. Can be used as a side dish for chicken.
  • As a dessert, you can fry pineapple pieces in maple syrup until brown.

How to choose the right ripe pineapple

To decide on a choice of quality fruit, you need to take into account some nuances. You need to pay attention to smell, tops, crust, and even the price. The fresher the pineapple, the greener and thicker its tops. If you try to pull out one of the leaves of a ripe fruit, it should come out easily, but not too much. Otherwise, the fruit may already be overripe. If the leaf is not pulled out, the pineapple is still green. The peel should be intact, without dents or stains.

When tapping on the fruit, the sound must not be empty. This indicates that the product is spoiled. The aroma should be gentle, but not harsh. You also need to pay attention to the cost. Expensive fruits are cut ripe and delivered by air. For longer delivery by sea, the fruits are picked while still green.

How to use

Pineapple is an effective remedy for various health problems. To enhance the activity of gastric juice enzymes to improve digestion, you can drink 200 ml fresh juice or eat a piece of pulp along with the core.

A glass of fresh juice 2 times a day useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis. By eating ½ ripe pineapple daily, you can eliminate swelling and thrombosis.

It is worth increasing the intake of pineapple during a cold. An adult should drink 1 liter of fresh juice during the day, or eat 1 fruit with the core, divided into 5-6 receptions.

How to store pineapple at home

Ripe pineapple cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than 10-12 days. Optimum temperature for storage – 7-8 o C. It is advisable to wrap the fruit in paper so that the smell does not spread throughout the refrigerator. To prevent the fruit from rotting, you need to turn it over periodically. The appearance of brown spots on the peel indicates that the pineapple has begun to deteriorate.

Unripe fruit is stored at room temperature for 2-3 days until it ripens. Humidity should not be very high to prevent contamination of the product with fungal spores.

Harm and contraindications

In addition to its beneficial effects, pineapple can cause harm in some cases if used incorrectly. Fresh fruit contains a large amount of acids, so its use should be limited or eliminated in the following cases:

  • For high stomach acidity, ulcers and gastritis.
  • Children under 6 years old should dilute pineapple juice with water.
  • To prevent acid from destroying tooth enamel, you need to rinse your mouth after eating pineapple.
  • You should be wary of pineapple juice during pregnancy unless you are sure of its quality. Unripe or spoiled fruits can cause miscarriage.

This tropical fruit strong allergen. Therefore, people prone to allergies should use it with caution.

Thus, the benefits of pineapple are obvious. Like most fruits, it is a source of beneficial vitamins and minerals. The main thing is to use it correctly, taking into account all contraindications, and know when to stop. Have you ever used pineapple as part of your diet? What result did you get?

Pineapple is a tropical fruit grown in vast plantations, similar to cabbage. Not on palm trees, as we used to think (in our minds, almost all tropical fruits grow on palm trees), but in garden beds. So pineapple is just another berry, and you have to come to terms with it. However, let's not violate our native traditions, and in this article we will leave pineapple as a fruit. Let professional biologists and people for whom it is important to call absolutely everything by their proper names, regardless of whether they understand them or not, call it a berry.

So what do we know about pineapple?

It is big, rough, it has a big funny crest, the pineapple smells good, has a great taste and is fraught with great benefits for the human body... it seems... At least, this is what modern scientists say, who seem to be based on some kind of research. Or not scientists, but illiterate doctors, nutritionists and charlatans...

In general, no matter who or what they claim, we are only interested in the truth. Therefore, now we will sequentially consider the following aspects of the “pineapple life”:

Chemical composition of pineapple

Useful properties of pineapple

Let's start with the obvious... Ripe pineapple (and only those worth eating) has an incredibly attractive aroma, which is a direct result of the huge amount of essential oils contained in this fruit. And essential oils are, as you know, a powerful engine of all human biochemistry. And in this case, we only get benefits from inhaling the pineapple aroma (at least no one has been able to refute this so far). After all, a pleasant smell, at a minimum, improves our mood, and at a maximum, it triggers a hundred or two chemical processes in the body, which actually create our mood, increasing the body’s defenses.

If we speak in the “language” of scientific research, then pineapple can help:

  • Cleanse the human intestines of harmful food debris, toxins, waste and mucus
  • Saturate the symbiotic microflora of our intestines with nutritious food (it is this microflora that supplies us with at least half of the nutrients received “from the outside”)
  • Dissolve and remove cholesterol plaques
  • Cope with inflammatory processes in any tissues and organs of the human body (see details below)
  • Make the blood more liquid (reduce its viscosity) and thereby increase the nutrition of all cells of our body (both oxygen and vitamin-mineral, energy, etc.), and also reduce the risk of blockage of blood vessels, leading to heart attacks and strokes
  • To alleviate the condition of people with hypertension
  • Fight cancer cells that appear in our body every day in huge quantities (with traditional rich nutrition)
  • Reduce the intensity, and in some cases even completely eliminate muscle and joint pain (if any)
  • Relieve swelling caused by kidney and cardiovascular diseases

On top of that, pineapple contains bromelain, a substance that scientists classify as enzymes actively involved in the breakdown of protein compounds. Any protein compounds, including those that make up pathogenic microorganisms. This means that pineapple will be useful to everyone who suffers from tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis and other inflammatory diseases that plague the body of any person at least from time to time.

At the same time, there is an opinion that bromelain helps the body fight infection only on an empty stomach, so it is recommended to drink raw pineapple and pineapple juice on an empty stomach. Otherwise, bromelain will simply help break down proteins from food, which in turn can lead to a decrease in the level of your own hormones, and the benefit will be minimal. This seems to be true, but reducing the load on the body is in any case a plus, because in this case it has the strength to do more important things (for example, cleansing the internal organs of toxins and mucus).

By the way, bromelain is found only in raw pineapples and freshly squeezed raw pineapple juice. All other products (canned food, jam) are useless in this regard.

And yes, doctors recommend eating pineapples with a tree-like core, because it consists almost entirely of coarse fiber, which cleanses our gastrointestinal tract and blood. But we think like this: if you like it, eat it, if you don’t like it, don’t. Apple peel also copes well with this task...

Harm and contraindications of pineapple

First of all, it must be said that unripe pineapple “burns” the skin, and you should not eat such fruits. A ripe pineapple is much less vigorous, but it can also cause harm to the body.

The harmful properties of pineapple are that:

  • the high acidity of pineapple juice may well provoke an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis), because the mucous membranes of such people are greatly weakened
  • again, due to the high acidity of the juice, pineapple corrodes tooth enamel

In principle, these are all proven harmful properties of pineapples, but there are others... For example, a number of experts consider unripe pineapple to be an abortifacient, which automatically classifies it as prohibited for pregnant women. Believe it or not – it’s up to you, but we believe that pregnant women should eat only what they want (when it comes to natural raw foods).

By the way, if you think the abortifacient effect of an unripe pineapple is real, then keep in mind that in industrial conditions, juice can be squeezed out of any fruit, including frankly green fruits. So think about whether it is worth using industrial substitutes with the proud name “Natural pineapple juice”.

And the last thing in this section: Experts consider only 1 glass of pineapple juice per day (or 1 pineapple) safe; everything else is at your own peril and risk.

Pineapple for weight loss

For some time now, pineapple has become a fashionable product that burns fat from the human body almost like a hot iron (without pain, of course). More precisely, not the pineapple itself, but that same bromelain, which actually breaks down protein compounds, not fats. There are even drugs with bromelain that supposedly promote intensive and absolutely safe weight loss.

In fact, bromelain really helps to lose weight, but not at the rate that pharmacists and manufacturers of dietary supplements are talking about, and the mechanism of action on the body is completely different. In fact, bromelain, and the whole pineapple in general, helps to establish metabolism in the human body, which triggers a mechanism for cleaning out debris that has accumulated everywhere. And first of all, toxins come out of fatty tissues. Hence the effect.

It is important to understand that the calorie content of pineapple is low. 100 grams of fresh pineapple contain about 50 kcal. Which is great for those trying to lose weight. However, the glycemic index of this fruit exceeds 65 units. This means that sugars (even natural ones) are quickly absorbed into the blood, which can negatively affect the well-being of diabetics (if you eat a whole pineapple at once, for example).

If you don’t have problems with blood sugar levels, but have a need for an additional portion of coarse fiber that cleanses the intestines, turn your attention to pineapple. With pineapple for breakfast, excess weight will really go away little by little...

How to choose a ripe pineapple?

  • No rot, mold, brown spots or strong odor.
  • Green does not mean immature.
  • The peel should be elastic (not hard, not soft, but elastic).
  • The tuft of a ripe pineapple is beautiful and green, but at the same time it is relatively easy to pull out a leaf from it, and the tuft itself easily rotates around its axis.
  • Some people determine the ripeness of pineapples by ear. To do this, you need to tap the fruit with your palm (like a watermelon) and determine whether the sound is dull or voiced. In the first case, you have a ripe, juicy pineapple in front of you, in the second, it’s better to pass by and look for a better option. This approach requires some experience, so practice constantly, and over time you will begin to distinguish the sound of the fruit as clearly as the sound of various musical instruments.
  • In addition, the juiciness of a pineapple can be determined by its weight. True, this method requires comparing your sensations with the hypothetical weight of a pineapple, determined by its dimensions. But this does not mean that this method does not work (despite the complexity of the formulation). Usually a juicy ripe pineapple weighs a little more than it seems at first glance. And that's all.
  • A ripe pineapple must have a pleasant smell. If there is no smell, pass by again.
  • The price for a ripe, high-quality pineapple cannot be low, because ripe pineapples are delivered by air. On the other hand, a high price is not at all a guarantee of quality, because everyone wants to make a profit.

After buying a pineapple, you shouldn’t relax, because you still have to cut the pineapple and decide whether it’s worth eating. This can be done by the color of the pulp. In a ripe pineapple it is yellow, and in unripe fruits it is pale. In the latter case, it is better to throw the pineapple in the trash.

The multifaceted beneficial properties of pineapple are widely studied by scientists and nutritionists from various countries, regardless of whether this beautiful fruit grows in the country. Despite the fact that the handsome ribbed fruit is grown in South America and other tropical countries, modern international trade allows you to buy this exotic fruit in any country, fresh or canned. Considering how tasty pineapple is healthy, it is worth rejoicing at the statistics stating that about 100 thousand hectares of plantations on the globe are allocated for pineapple cultivation. This is the third largest area, after citrus and banana plantations. The most extensive cultivation of the aromatic fruit is carried out in the Azores and Hawaiian Islands, Australia, Brazil, Guinea, Ghana, Mexico, India and the Philippines. Composition of pineapple The aroma of pineapple can be compared to the delicious smell of strawberries, but it is undoubtedly much juicier and larger. It would take a long time to list the elements that make up pineapple: these are acids, sugars, alkaloids, fats and proteins, vitamins and various microelements. Pineapple is useful as a tonic for people of any age with various diseases. An extraordinary surge of vivacity and good mood is due to the presence of important vitamins: A, E, PP, including many B vitamins. The calorie content of pineapple is 48 kcal per 100 g of product. It is worth noting that pineapple contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which puts its participation in stimulating the immune system on a par with lemons and kiwi. Nutritionists studying the medicinal properties of the tropical fruit identify such useful microelements as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, carotene and bromelain. The latter is widely known to fashionistas who care about the beauty and elasticity of their skin. Bromelain also has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates fibrin plugs in the veins of patients suffering from varicose veins, and cleanses the walls of all blood vessels in the body. Beneficial properties of pineapple The undoubted benefits of pineapple are felt by people who have crossed the age of 40. It is pineapple juice, taken between meals, that significantly improves digestion and promotes normal protein digestion. Due to its ability to cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful substances, pineapple is definitely recommended by nutritionists as an aid when choosing one of the diets. Fresh pineapple juice is prescribed to patients suffering from heart disease, for the prevention and treatment of kidney and liver diseases, as a means of combating anemia and as a vitamin stimulant. The undoubted benefits of pineapple have been known since ancient times; people used it to prepare healthy drinks, delicious wine, and used it as a diuretic and antiemetic. Chinese healers, who effectively use the gifts of nature, use pineapple to treat many diseases. Thus, with the help of it they improve patients’ appetite, treat inflammation of the digestive tract, suppress nausea and heartburn, and are also successfully used for viruses and diseases of the respiratory system. Contraindications for pineapple Despite the fact that the benefits of pineapple are truly enormous, there are times when you should not eat it. Self-medication is not the right way to restore physical and mental harmony. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth consulting with your doctor. For example, pineapple can cause an unpleasant reaction in people prone to allergies. Patients suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis should take into account that pineapple increases the acidity of the stomach and can cause a painful attack. Even pregnancy is a reason to refuse to eat the delicious fruit, since it actively stimulates muscle tissue, which can lead to premature birth.