Home orchid name. Types of orchids. Types of indoor orchids

Orchids are representatives of some of the largest monocots. In total they number 750 genera and 20,000-25,000 species. Although today these numbers have increased to 30,000 species, which is almost 10% of all plants in the world.

Can you tell by the leaves?

Until the orchid begins to bloom, it is quite problematic to understand its appearance. The leaves of several varieties may be the same or completely different. The only thing that all varieties of orchids have in common is the absence of pseudo-bulbs, a large root and several tongue-like leaves.

Important! If there are no such signs, and the type of plant was not specified during the sale, then you will have to wait for flowering, and then determine by color what variety the orchid belongs to.

What does it depend on?

It is no coincidence that all varieties of this amazing plant are divided into several types. The first thing the type of orchid depends on is its growing conditions. As you know, this flower can be grown at home and in the wild. In addition, each species has its own characteristics of care: some require abundant watering and regular fertilizing, while others are not particularly picky and bloom well with minimal care.

What are they?

The orchid itself is an unusual flower, but in nature there are its “fairytale” varieties. This includes the following varieties:

  • monkey orchid;
  • butterfly orchid;
  • Italian orchis;
  • hot lips;
  • flying duck;
  • happy alien;
  • angel orchid;
  • dove orchid.

The most unique and chic

  • calypso bulbous;
  • vanda blue;
  • Cymbidium eburneum;
  • odontoglossum cordate;
  • habenaria radiata;
  • beautiful.

Easy to care for

For a novice gardener, the following varieties of orchids, which are easy to care for, would be an excellent option:

  • Kalantp dressed;
  • and miltoniopsis;
  • macodes petola.


The orchid itself is an expensive flower, since it belongs to the exotic class. But such a variety as Kinabalu Gold is the most luxurious. Only a very wealthy person can afford to buy it, because its cost exceeds $5,000.

The most difficult to care for

The following varieties of orchids are considered the most fastidious:

  • aganizia;
  • celogina;
  • macodes;
  • epidendrum.


In nature, there are varieties of orchids that can only be found in special departments of botanical gardens or at exhibitions. These are rare species that are rarely found in the natural environment. This should include:

  • epidendrum;
  • masdevallia;
  • exchanging;
  • spathoglottis;
  • psychopsis;
  • macodes;
  • maxillaria.

Popular varieties of indoor flowers with descriptions and photos

This is an evergreen plant that has beautiful and long-lasting flowering. The flower is used to decorate interiors. Due to the long-term preservation of freshness after cutting, flowers have found active use in creating various compositions. This one is suitable for a beginner, since she is not picky in terms of care. All she needs is high-quality lighting and timely watering.

This is a popular type of orchid that is considered a hybrid. The flowers are large in size and vary in color. Most often their color is purple-pink. The plant is distinguished by its luxurious appearance and ease of care. You will find more information about the Philadelphia orchid.

The orchid looks absolutely incredible. Its flower stalks hang down. A curtain is created from large white flowers with a yellow center. These orchids have become widely known for decorating banquet halls and weddings. The flowers and leaves are large. The fox plate is narrowed and has a dark green color.

Central America is considered to be the birthplace of the plant., but it is grown in various countries around the world to obtain spices and a beautiful flower. When grown indoors it does not bear fruit. But it blooms beautifully. Her delicate flowers are colored yellow, snow-white or light green.

The flower lasts only 1 day, but flowering lasts 2-3 weeks. During this period, the plant emits a delicate aroma, which is a kind of reward to the grower for careful care.

This plant has a special charm. The original tiger color of the orchid has captivated all gardeners. In addition to the original shape of the inflorescence, it has a “predatory” striped camouflage.

This variety is characterized by the presence of 2 peduncles with blue buds and bright green leaves. The variety blooms 2 or 3 times a year. It all depends on how much nutrients the plant has accumulated and how it is cared for.

This plant is distinguished by short and thickened stems, but the leaves are elongated. The flowers are characterized by an attractive appearance and variegated colors of different shades. In addition, it smells amazing, and the aroma can be compared with the smell of daffodil. But the plant is quite capricious in terms of care, so you will have to pay due attention to it.

This type of orchid has purple-black flowers. At the same time, the petals are hard, dense and with a waxy coating. When growing a flower, it is better to place it on a sunny window.

This is a hybrid variety that was bred not so long ago. It was officially withdrawn in 1982. It is distinguished by light green leaves, sometimes they acquire a yellow tint. The flower stalks are impressive in size and hang down neatly.

This type of orchid has an unusual appearance. It has 3 flower stalks, the leaves are light yellow, dense and hard. But the main color of the petals is white, and cherry dots are scattered throughout them. We told you more about the Wild Cat orchid.

This plant grows to a height of 90 cm. The peduncle is branched, the diameter of the flowers is 12-13 cm. Flowering lasts from October to January. The color of the flower is pink-violet, very bright.

This variety includes 3 subspecies of orchids, which differ in size, shape and color of the buds. Their pseudobulbs are oval or round. The leaves are light green in color and have a narrow shape.. You will find more information about the Cambria orchid.

These plants are in great demand among gardeners due to their long flowering period - 2-4 months. In addition, the variety is replete with a wide range of petal colors. Can be used to decorate apartments, shop windows, wedding bouquets. The plant has 4-6 long bright green leaves. They have an oval shape, size 35 cm.

Flowers are small in size, diameter 3-6 cm. Flowers in the form of inflorescences of 15-20 pieces are located in opposite rows on peduncles. The peduncles themselves are hybrid, slightly curly, their length is 50-60 cm.

This type of orchid is one of the most popular for home cultivation. Its peculiarity is that it is unpretentious in its progress. Besides, characterized by exotic flowering and unique aroma, which will delight you for 10 weeks. The leaves are long, small in size, the color of the petals can be brown or yellow.

This original variety of orchid received its name due to the unusual shape of the flower, which resembles a slipper. The plant has no pseudobulbs, has a rosette of evergreen leaves and a single waxy flower. The leaves are green, oblong in shape with an original bright pattern. The inner surface is covered with purple dots. The roots of the shoes are brown and drooping.

We talked more about the Paphiopedilum orchid in.

This variety is one of the largest representatives of orchids. The flower is beautiful with petals that are covered with a waxy coating and have a corrugated “lip.” Flowering duration is 3 weeks. The color of the petals is multifaceted - from soft pink and beige tones to deep purple.

The variety has a delicate aroma and patterned leaves. The color of the petals can be pink, white, cream. The size is medium, flowering lasts 3 months. Care is standard, but it is only important to take care of adequate lighting, otherwise the pattern on the leaves will disappear.

This variety is the most beautiful of all representatives of the orchid family. The flower gained popularity due to its unique color – bright purple. It is enough to take one look at Wanda and she will captivate you with her grace and mystery. It will be a worthy decoration for any room, but in terms of care you will have to try.

South America is considered the birthplace of this plant, but this does not prevent it from growing in Russia. The orchid is a perennial, has flowers of unusual shapes and colors. The flowers and buds look like the striped legs of a spider. You can grow the plant in a pot or flowerpot. There are 34 species in total, but the most famous are Brassia spotted and Brassia warty. The culture has gained wide popularity among flower growers due to its not being picky in terms of cultivation.

This genus includes about 20 species of orchids. All the flowers are delicate and touching, but their shape resembles butterflies. The pattern on the petals looks as if drops of dew are flowing from them to the ground. The shades are simply amazing in their variety- from white to deep purple. In addition, there may be a combination of two or more tones with sharp contrasting transitions.


This variety is called precious. Its homeland is the forests of China, Vietnam, and Malaysia. The peculiarity is in its leaves, as they are quite unusual. They have an amazing purple or olive color with light streaks. Their surface is velvety, which sparkles under the sun's rays like a precious stone. The plant itself is low-growing, its height is no more than 15 cm.

This family has about 120 species. is a rare plant that grows on trees in the forests of Mexico, Colombia and Ecuador. The height of the crop is 3 m. This name is no coincidence, since the buds resemble the mouth of a dragon. In addition, the flower is pollinated not only by insects, but also by bats.

You can recognize the Dracula flower among other varieties of orchids by its color – black. Its shades are unique to the entire flower world. When growing Dracula, you need to install it in a dark place where the temperature is moderate and humidity is high. In summer it is better to take the plant outside.

This variety is one of the most beautiful and original. Its homeland is China, Asia and the Philippines. It grows mainly in mountainous areas, although it can also be seen on the plains. There are a large number of species, but the most common are Dendrobium Noble and Dendrobium Nobile. They are perfect for home growing.

Mostly the plants are lithophytes. This suggests that they grow on rocks and stones. Their flowers are so unusual that they can be confused with wax products. But Dendrobium Phalaenopsis is an interesting purple orchid that is large in size. Dendrobium bouquetous is the rarest type of orchid, which grows at an altitude of 2 thousand m. The mountain orchid is distinguished by its lush flowering and amazing aroma.

More information about the diversity of the Dendrobium orchid, as well as the features of its cultivation, can be found in.

This plant is characterized by magnificent flowers of large size and interesting patterns. It is rarely grown in a pot., since the dimensions do not allow. It is most often grown in greenhouses and winter gardens. Mexico is considered the birthplace of Lycasta.

Features of keeping at home


Properly organized lighting is a fundamental factor in caring for this plant. The orchid requires 12-15 hours of daylight. On winter days you will have to illuminate it with lamps. In other seasons, place the flower pot on the windowsill, the window of which faces the west or east. But the southern windows will have to be shaded. On the north side you will need to use fluorescent lighting.


Temperature parameters for an orchid are determined taking into account the type of flower. Grow phalaenopsis and other tropical species of orchids at a temperature of 32 degrees Celsius in the summer. In winter, temperatures at night should not be below 15 degrees Celsius.

Reference! Dendrobiums, miltonias and other species native to the subtropics love a gentle atmosphere: +22 in the summer during the day and + 12-15 degrees in winter.

As for humidity, for an orchid it should be 60-70%. Spraying has a temporary effect, and it also contributes to decay and the development of infectious diseases. It is best to use humidifiers, install open containers with water and moisten the gravel in the pan. Keep spraying to a minimum so that liquid does not get on the petals.


Stagnation of water is unacceptable for an orchid, as it leads to yellowing of the leaves and rotting of the root system. For irrigation, you should use only soft water: rain, boiled or melted water. In summer, watering should be done after the soil dries out - 2-3 times a week. But in winter, moisturizing is rare, as soon as the pseudobulb begins to shrink.

Top dressing

If you replant orchids in a timely manner (2-3 times a year), then you don’t need to fertilize at all, since the flower will be able to receive all the nutritional components directly from the substrate. Excess nutrients will inhibit the plant and lead to development. infections. A high concentration of mineral salts will cause the death of the orchid.

If fertilizing is required, you should use the following formulations:

  • Bona forte.
  • Crystal.
  • Pokon.
  • Compo.
  • Greenworld.

When using any of the presented formulations, it is worth reducing the dosage by 2 times. Fertilizing is carried out only in spring and summer, when active plant growth is observed.

Advice! To stimulate flowering, it is worth treating with preparations such as Ovary, Bud and Pollen.

Diseases and pests

  • centipedes;
  • woodlice;
  • ants;
  • earthworms;
  • scale insects;
  • nematodes;
  • whiteflies.

To combat them, it is necessary to normalize care, wipe the leaves 5 times a day with water, and also use insecticides.

Among the diseases, the most dangerous remain:

  1. Bacterial leaf spot. It can be detected by the presence of pronounced spots on the leaf plate. Over time, they turn yellow, darken, and the leaves themselves soften. For treatment, cut off the affected areas, and treat the cut areas with activated carbon powder.
  2. Powdery mildew. The leaves and buds are covered with a white coating. It looks as if the plant has been sprinkled with flour. For treatment, spray with a solution of colloidal sulfur.

The orchid is an amazing flower that is grown today at home and in open flower beds. It is presented in a wide variety of varieties, each of which requires special care, and also differs in the duration of flowering, the color of the buds and their shape.

The tropical beauty orchid, despite the difficulties of care, has firmly settled in modern apartments. The Orchid family unites completely different genera and species of orchids: today there are about 750 varieties and about 30 thousand hybrid forms!

The bulk of these plants are epiphytes, which grow on the bark of large trees. There are also representatives who are not averse to settling on rocky surfaces. But they rarely talk about land plants. They mainly live in countries with temperate climates.

Houseplants amaze with their diversity, interesting names, lush flowering and extraordinary beauty of flowers.

Let's get acquainted with the bright representatives of the Orchid family, which can be grown at home.

Video “A convenient way to water an orchid”

From this video you will learn how to properly water an orchid and not harm the plant.

Species suitable for home cultivation


This flower looks very original thanks to its thread-like petals and sepals. The inflorescences are delicate and exquisite. The flower size is up to 10 cm. Pale green, pretty flowers have a sweetish smell. These spectacular beauties bloom in the spring.


Experts have now studied many types of these orchids. They differ in color, flower shape, and have different sizes, but all of them can bloom at any time of the year. For this, some need to create conditions under which the thermometer is at +10 °C, others require a temperature of +16 °C.

These plants are classified as evergreen, but there are times when they “go bare” immediately after the first flowering.

The peculiarity of the plant is its long stem, which has four large oblong leaf plates of dark green color, arranged in two rows. The name translated means moths. In fact, the plant resembles beautiful velvety butterflies. There are two types of phalaenopsis:

  • simple (up to 1 m long);
  • (very small – up to 30 cm).

The plant has a perpendicular stem, the leaf blades are leathery and shiny. Those species that branch heavily have many leaves. If the plant grows in comfortable conditions, the flowers appear on thin stems for up to 4 months (depending on the type of orchid) and bloom 2-3 times a year.

Delightful flowers are compared to fluttering butterflies, dancing people, and a small charming hummingbird. Some types have a distinct, pleasant odor.

Vanda Orchid

This orchid is considered one of the most beautiful in the family. She is very popular. All this thanks to the long flowers with unique colors. Today, experts count about 53 varieties of this species, not counting the many hybrid forms.

Wanda simply fascinates with her mystery and mystery. This beauty with a chic appearance will decorate any interior with her presence. However, to enjoy its delights, you will have to work hard.


Plants will give everyone a head start with their effectiveness. They very much resemble air butterflies in their appearance. To observe these beautiful flowers and enjoy their appearance, you need to create comfortable conditions. First of all, this concerns the humidity of the room. They will repay you with gratitude if you assign them a place of residence in a shaded place. The magnificent flowers resemble a cinquefoil and range in color from dark burgundy to light green.

The flower attracts the attention of others, captivating with its transparent flowers, as if covered with a waxy coating, and wavy lips. Of all domestic species, they are the largest. This type has a variety of colors and varieties. The most suitable for use at home are hybrid forms. They bloom magnificently for 3 months from spring to autumn.


This orchid is very similar to cattleya. A layman is unlikely to recognize her. In stores, indoor lilies are presented with specimens that are capable of producing one flower. Orchids have 23 varieties and come in a wide range of colors. Added to all the benefits is a spicy aroma, which becomes more intense in the evening.


The amazingly beautiful orchid looks unusual in comparison with its “relatives”. Its small flowers are collected in inflorescences and resemble lilac clusters. The plant has an excellent aroma. The flowers form hanging “tassels” of pale pink or noble white. They are either plain or with pronounced spotting.


This genus cannot be called numerous. It includes only 4 species. The plant is low-growing and has a creeping stem. You can grow two types of this flower at home: blue aganisia and beautiful aganisia. The first has small flowers the color of the sky, and the second has small butterfly-sized flowers of creamy cream color. The peduncle contains from two to five of these delightful flowers.


The flower grows in the tropical forests of Malaysia, Sumatra. All the beauty of this indoor plant is not in the flowers, as we are used to, but in the leaves. They look unusual. Everything is amazing: the color and the shape. The leaf blades are olive and purple in color with cream veins and have a velvety surface that shimmers beautifully, emitting a glow. The plant has a small height and seems to spread, covering the surface with its luxurious leaves.


This type of orchid has short stems that become slightly thicker towards the base. They have folded, elongated leaves. The flower is notable not only for its spectacular shape, but also for its creative, unusual colors.

Some are afraid to purchase this exotic beauty, thinking that caring for her will be too difficult. But these are completely unnecessary fears, since caring for a flower is not difficult, but it is still necessary to pay attention.

By following basic rules of care, you can enjoy the incredibly beautiful flowering of this plant and its pleasant, persistent aroma, reminiscent of the smell of narcissus.


This genus is the most numerous, as it includes more than 1,100 species. All of them have short ground creeping shoots, called rhizomes, and thick, hard leaves, which can be located at the top in pairs or alternately on erect stems. They have a distinct lanceolate shape with a pointed tip.

Some species have wide-brimmed, concave-shaped leaves. The peduncles located at the top have dense inflorescences in the form of a ball or brush. Richly colored flowers can be either large or not very large. It all depends on the species.

For centuries, orchid flowers have been admired and worshiped. They were even used to prepare love potions. The orchid still serves as a symbol of luxury and elegance today.

Most of the orchid flowers belong to the plant family of perennial grasses, and their sizes can range from several centimeters to a meter for individual members of the family.

Orchid flowers, which belong to epiphytes, can grow on stones and rocks, as well as on other plants, where they do not need soil and receive a lot of light.

This was made possible because of their roots. They can be of varying lengths, creeping and erect. Depending on its habitat, with their help the plant is attached to the ground, maintaining a vertical position; participates in photosynthesis; absorbs essential vital substances from the bark. Also found in nature are rare species of terrestrial orchids that prefer a temperate climate.

It is worth noting that orchids also differ in colors. Despite the fact that their shape is unusual and original, there are two types of inflorescences: with a single arrangement or several flowers on stalks that grow along the stem. It is interesting that among orchids there are specimens that surprise with the shape of the foliage and its brightness, for example, makodes or ludizia variegated, although their flowers are inconspicuous. Also, orchid plants have different odors depending on the variety and you can recognize the aroma of lemon, cinnamon and gourmet coffee in them.

You should study the types of orchids in pictures with names, as well as a brief description to understand how to determine the type of orchid . This will allow not only to grow the plant, but also to select optimal conditions for its growth and flowering.

All types of orchids

Orchids are divided into 5 families, which in turn are divided into genera and numerous species:

Apostasis. This group includes nevidia and apostasia, and 16 species of perennial plants.

Cypripediaceae. The genus “Venus’s slipper” brought particular fame.

Vanilla. Includes the vanilla genus.

Epidendral. The most famous: the genus Cattleya, Dactylostalyx.

Orchidaceae. Anacamptis and phalaenopsis are popular.

Among this variety can be noted:

Cattleya lipped. A large flower with petals covered with a layer of wax and a lip-shaped center.

Lycasta fragrant. The spectacular buds are painted in a bright lemon color and are more than 17 cm in diameter. The shoots are up to 25 cm in height.

Darwin's orchid. It has buds of an unusual blue-violet color, which grow up to 3 cm in diameter and are collected in a racemose inflorescence. The leaves are leathery, dark green in color.

Potinara “Burana Beauty”. Blooms throughout the warm season. It has a variegated bud color: yellow-red wavy petals.

Orchid Denddrodium nobile. The plant grows up to 60 cm with flowers with a diameter of up to 7 cm. It It has beautiful flowering and is easy to care for.

Types of indoor orchids

Having dealt with the types of orchids, it is worth noting that not all varieties can be propagated at home. Hybrid species bred as a result of crossing will feel great.

Indoor orchids are divided into two groups:

Monopodial. These include, for example, phalaenopsis. This group is characterized by the presence of an apical bud. Leaves grow from it in opposite rows, so the shoots have an unlimited length. The distance between the rows of leaves varies, as it depends on the type of plant. The peculiarity of the leaves is that they retain water reserves. Their flower stalks are long. It should be noted that after flowering there is no need to remove, and if you prune, new ones appear.

Sympodial. The peculiarity lies in the inflorescences, which can be of two types: apical and lateral. In the first variant, the apical bud dies after reaching a certain size or degenerates into a peduncle, and a new one is formed at its base. In another case, lateral buds appear from the buds located at the base of the shoot.

The stems are characterized by strong thickening and later turn into tubers of various shapes. This is where water and nutrients are found. The most famous species are dendrobium and cymbidium.

Cymbidium orchid species

The peculiarity of cymbidiums is that they have long, leathery, belt-shaped leaves. The peduncles are hanging, usually up to 13 flowers grow on them. Blooms profusely for 10 weeks.

The most famous among them:

Cymbidium Lowe(Cymbidium lowianum) . It belongs to the epiphytes; at the base it has bulbs with a diameter of up to 10 cm. It blooms for only a few months, starting from the end of winter. The peduncle is curved, can reach a meter in length, and bears an inflorescence consisting of greenish-yellow flowers. Their middle is shaped like a lip, with a red spot.

Eburnaeum, Cymbidium ivory(Cymbidium eburneum). The peduncle reaches only 30 cm, erect. It bears large white flowers. They emit a slight aroma similar to the smell of lilac.

Cymbidium aloefolia ( Cymbidium aloifolium, Cymbidium pendulum). An epiphytic orchid of small size up to 30 cm. It is distinguished by inflorescences that form hanging clusters of flowers with a diameter of up to 4.5 cm. The color of the petals is light yellow with cream or dark red.

Cymbidium giant(Cymbidium giganteum) . The inflorescence produces many buds up to 12 cm in size; flowering is not abundant. A rare species growing in the tropics, it is distinguished by the color of its petals - light orange with a yellow lip and a red spot at the base.

Types of Dendrobium orchids

The name is dendrobium or “tree-dwelling.” The plant belongs to a variety of orchids, of which there are more than 1000 species, which differ in the color of the petals, the shape of the buds and inflorescences. They have loose elongated leaves, and the roots are covered with a waxy coating. Shoots can be either erect or drooping. It all depends on the size.

Phalaenopsis orchid species

The homeland of phalaenopsis is the tropics, where the climate is humid and warm, so they are whimsical in maintenance. If you purchase hybrid phalaenopsis, you will have to care for them like an ordinary indoor flower. At the same time, they will delight with their bright colors, similar to colorful butterflies.

The following plants belong to this variety of orchids:

Phalaenopsis Amabilis. It is a long-liver whose flowers in the inflorescence open sequentially. There can be even 100 buds on a peduncle, measuring up to 10 cm. It thins out a pleasant light aroma. Since it belongs to epiphytes, its stem is not clearly defined. The leaves are oblong, close in shape to a dark green cylinder up to 50 cm. They are fleshy, and roots form from them. It is this species that is taken to develop new hybrids.

Phalaenopsis pink. This orchid is miniature, as the leaves are only up to 8 cm long and have an unusual color: the top is dark green, the bottom is reddish. Flowers can be of different colors: from white to pink. In the inflorescence there are only 15 flowers with a diameter of no more than 3 cm. They are located on a curved peduncle, which is distinguished by a purple color.

Schiller's phallenopsis. This species is distinguished by the ability to bloom more than once, so in this case flowering can last only a couple of months. If the plant is well developed on the peduncle, there is usually abundant flowering without interruption, up to 200 flowers.

The leaves are of unusual color: the top is silver-gray interspersed with dark green spots, the bottom has a red tint. The color of the buds is soft pink or purple, with pronounced purple veins.

Phalaenopsis Sandera. The flower is not found often; it got its name in honor of the botanist Sander. On a long peduncle, up to 50 buds grow, arranged in opposite rows. The hard leaves have a dark green color with variegated light spots, like tiger. Long flowering is observed.

Phalaenopsis Stewart. The leaf size is up to 35 cm. This species has a branching peduncle on which up to 60 flowers can grow. The buds are distinguished by original patterns consisting of yellow and red spots. Flowering occurs for several months, followed by a period of dormancy.

Phalaenopsis gigantica. It has characteristic leaves: wide, leathery, hanging down. Their sizes can exceed 60 cm, and in some specimens they reach meter sizes. The buds are round in shape and located on a curved, hanging peduncle, thinning the citrus aroma. The color range of the petals ranges from cream to yellow, with reddish-brown streaks on them. This specimen crosses well with other species and hybrids, and is therefore valued by breeders.

Lüdemann. It has characteristic features - the color of the flower is unusual with chestnut and purple interrupted stripes on a white background, with a bright center, while the petals are not large, characterized by a dense structure. The leaves are light green in the shape of an ellipse. The buds open one by one, and the flowering period occurs in spring and early summer.

Kira Stoletova

Orchids are people's favorite indoor plants. But not every person has the opportunity to provide these flowers with proper care. There are less whimsical flowers, similar to orchids.

Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between different types of flowers externally. Some of them resemble an orchid. They can decorate a room or area just as well. This:

  • alstroemeria;
  • schisanthus;
  • evening;
  • iris.

They are used both as indoor crops and for decorating flower beds. To make them bloom faster, it is important to plant them in suitable soil and provide them with proper care.


Alstroemeria also has another name - “alstroemeria”. She appears to be a cross between a lily and an orchid.

The plant is popular as a garden decoration. It attracts gardeners for several reasons:

  • the bush of the desired color can be easily grown from seeds or prepared as seedlings;
  • an adult flower is successfully propagated by division;
  • The flower is planted in the warm period of spring, at the same time as tomato seedlings.

The optimal temperature in summer for the crop is not lower than 23°C. You should follow the watering and fertilizing regime, then flowering will occur faster and will be of better quality.

Alstroemeria loves loose nitrogenous soil, so it is fed with mineral fertilizers. The soil is loosened before planting. The flower is planted in an open, bright area without the scorching rays of the sun.

To make flowers cut from a flowerbed last longer, unopened buds and small leaves are cut off. They will open up in the vase and the bouquet will last longer.


This species was called the "poor man's orchid." Schizanthus (another name is schizanthus) resembles varieties from the Orchid family, but itself belongs to the nightshade family. It is not often cultivated in home gardens, although it produces a large number of beautiful flowers.

It is also easy to grow from seeds if you prepare the seedlings in advance. Already at the end of May, small sprouts are planted in open ground.

Schizanthus is also suitable for growing as a houseplant:

  • In summer it is placed on a ventilated balcony without scorching rays.
  • In winter, they are brought into the apartment and left at rest for this period.

Schizanthus does not like overly moist soil. It reacts to excess moisture with accelerated stem growth and lack of flowering. Excessive moisture is also harmful to the root system: it can rot.

Lilac, white or carmine with spots, pinnate schizanthus resembles an orchid more than other species. This is an annual flower, so it will have to be planted annually. In favorable conditions, schizanthus grows so that its flowers cover the leaves.

Vechernitsa (night violet)

The nocturnal violet received the name “night violet” for its similarity with violets and because it smells strongly at night. This is a semi-wild crop that grows in self-gardens or is planted by humans. It is grown in flower beds - it is not a houseplant.

An adult flower has small inflorescences with 4 leaves, a large, well-defined stem, and drooping leaves.

Positive qualities of night violet:

  • blooms for a long time - from May to August;
  • unpretentious in care, survives drought and short cold snaps well;
  • its seeds take root well in open ground and germinate well.

The crop does not require special care: it is enough to water it occasionally, if the drought persists, and weed it. She doesn't need feeding.

The noctule plant has one drawback: it is a two-year crop; it blooms only in the second year.


Iris combines a large number of varieties of different shapes and colors. The flowers are similar to an orchid, only tightly curled and with fringe at the edges. Irises are often chosen for growing in the garden, but they can also be grown indoors. One of these subspecies is Neomarica.

To achieve spectacular flowering in March, suitable conditions are created for it:

  • In summer, keep it on the balcony, in a bright place, and be sure to ventilate it.
  • In winter, set the temperature at 8°C-10°C, place the flower in a dark place for 2 weeks, do not water or fertilize.

These exotic plants have been grown by “home greenhouse” lovers from different countries for quite some time. These indoor flowers are also grown in our country. Moreover, experts say that growing orchids at home is not too difficult. You just need to choose the right varieties for your apartment or office.

And those who are just planning to buy this exotic flowering perennial for the first time should first become familiar with the main popular varieties of orchids and their descriptions. Also, beginners should learn more about how best to care for these exotics so that the flowers do not die due to inept care.

Varieties of orchids with name, description and photo

Until recently, these delicate and original flowers could only be seen up close in a large greenhouse or hothouse, but now various varieties of orchids can be found on the windowsills of many indoor plant lovers’ apartments.

All the varieties of these lovely flowering perennials described below can be purchased at a supermarket or small flower shop, at a bazaar or in specialized stores.

Thanks to the work of breeders, you can now see on store shelves a large number of orchid hybrids that are quite unpretentious and feel great in a home environment. In addition, different varieties of these flowers will bloom for quite a long time (up to 2-3 months) at different times of the year. Therefore, you can choose the varieties of these flowers so that orchids bloom on the windowsill of your apartment all year round.

Before purchasing orchids, every gardener must decide why he is buying them. If this plant is in the apartment only until the end of the first flowering, and then it is simply thrown out, then you don’t have to work too hard caring for such orchids. But if the plants were purchased in order to create a corner in the apartment with constantly blooming orchids, in this case it will be necessary to create special conditions for them to grow and bloom.

Species suitable for home cultivation


The spider orchid or brassia warty looks very unusual thanks to its long thin petals and elongated sepals. They are what give the flower its resemblance to an exotic spider. The color of the petals is light green; the radius of Brassia flowers can reach 5 cm. The smell of this type of orchid (depending on the taste of the owner of the flower) may seem sweet or not very pleasant. Breeders have developed several hybrid varieties of spider orchids.

This perennial blooms in the second or third decade of May, and the “spider” flowers can remain on the orchid for up to 3 months.

After all the flowers have fallen, Brassia begins a dormant period. Therefore, the flower is transferred to a cool room (with air temperature from +10 to +15⸰С), where there is enough light for this orchid. However, it should not be placed in direct sunlight. The number of waterings is sharply reduced, and fertilizing should not be applied.

Perhaps this particular type of orchid is the most beautiful of all. Sometimes Vanda is called the queen of orchids, and this is quite fair. The main colors of the petals are blue, light blue, violet, red and orange. And the blooming buds exude a pleasant sweetish caramel aroma.

This variety of orchids does not require supports for peduncles and does not require special substrates for planting, however, there are some requirements that must be strictly followed. For good growth and flowering, you should regularly aerate the root zone of the plant, and also water the flower up to 5 times a week during the spring-summer season. In winter, the number of waterings is reduced to 1-2 every 7 days.

The genus Dendronium has a large number of varieties, differing in height, shape and color of buds. Different varieties can bloom at different times of the year, and also require different room temperatures in the winter - from 10⸰С to 15-16⸰С. These plants are usually classified as evergreen orchids, but there are also deciduous varieties that shed their foliage immediately after the last flowers fall.

These perennial houseplants need a bright, cool place, out of the hot rays of the sun.

When the dendronium fades, they practically stop watering it. But each species of this genus may require certain care. Among flower growers, varieties of Dendronium nobilis, whose flowers appear only in the spring, are in particular demand. The color of the petals is white or pink. For the winter, these orchids are placed in a cool, dry room.

The flowers of this type of orchid, when blooming, resemble the face of a monkey. This perennial blooms in almost all seasons. However, growing Dracula at home is a very difficult task, since this orchid needs to create special conditions. Therefore, it can be seen more often in greenhouses.

At home, the optimal place for this flower is a north window. The air temperature should be up to 25⸰С during flowering, and about 14⸰С during the dormant period. But if the high temperature lasts too long, the flowers begin to fall off.
Watering during active flowering should be regular.

This hybrid does not occur naturally. Cambria was bred from three different genera of orchids. Flowers take a long time to bloom and also take a long time to bloom. They can have different diameters and shapes. The flower stalks grow quite large, so they need support.

The best place for Cambria is a windowsill. If possible, the flower is placed on windows facing east or west. If you have to keep this orchid on a south-facing window, then you should protect the delicate plant from direct sunlight.

In winter, this perennial requires additional lighting at night.

In winter, the flower is kept in a room with an air temperature of at least 12⸰С. Watering does not stop even in the cold season - the nutrient soil mixture should always be moist.

This orchid has the largest and most beautiful flowers. Their main feature is the corrugated lip, which differs from the flower in its brighter color. However, not all species of this orchid can “boast” of large flowers - there are also dwarf species of cattleya, and the color of the flowers can be very diverse.

It is better to grow hybrid varieties indoors - they are easier to care for than the main varieties.

This plant can bloom from late May to early September. The lifespan of flowers is about 20 days (depending on the hybrid). After flowering ends, the plant needs rest. For 1.5-2 months, the cattleya is placed in a room where the temperature is around 14⸰C. The best place for it in the cold season is an east or west window. The perennial is watered infrequently during this period, but periodically the foliage should be wiped with a soft cloth dipped in warm water.

The flowers of this orchid are located one at a time on a peduncle. The color of their petals is bright yellow. At the same time, the plant can produce several flower stalks with buds. This orchid has a fairly strong pleasant aroma. This perennial grows and blooms during the summer season. During this period, it requires an air temperature of about 18-20⸰C and frequent watering. In winter, the perennial is placed in a cool room and the amount of watering is reduced. During active foliage growth, in addition to watering, it is necessary to regularly spray the foliage with a spray bottle. It is better to keep this orchid in light partial shade.

Among all the varieties of this orchid, the largest buds are those of Lycasta virgina - up to 7.5 cm in radius. It is very easy to grow virgin L., which is why it is most popular among novice gardeners. The main requirement for caring for this type of lycaste in winter is to completely stop watering during the dormant period. There are a large number of hybrid varieties of this orchid with large flowers of various colors.

This perennial least of all resembles an orchid in appearance. Lusidia is a small bush with small foliage and small flowers of light yellow color. The most important thing when caring for this flower is to ensure air humidity of about 74%.

This variety of orchids is one of the most capricious, so it is better not to grow miltonia at home. After all, this orchid requires a constant indoor temperature at any time of the year and high air humidity. Such conditions can be provided to the plant only in a greenhouse. However, thanks to the work of breeders, hybrids of this species have recently appeared that are not so demanding of external conditions.

Flowerpots with these flowers are placed on window sills facing west or east, and in winter the room temperature should not be lower than +13.5⸰С.

The blooming buds exude a pleasant, rather strong aroma, and the shape of miltonia flowers resembles the well-known pansy. The size of the blooming flowers of this perennial can be up to 4 cm in radius. The main colors of the buds are white, red, pink. Buds usually appear from the first ten days of May to the last ten days of July. Peduncles require supports during the flowering period, as they sag greatly under the weight of the blossoming buds.

Many varieties of oncidium are unusual and original due to their blooming flowers. In shape they are similar to various butterflies (for example, O. moth and O. tiger). But at home it is very difficult to create appropriate conditions for these orchids, so you can only see at home some oncidium hybrids, which are more unpretentious. They are placed in bright places where direct rays of the sun do not reach.

Also, these flowers need a constant flow of fresh air and high humidity. Therefore, the foliage should be sprayed several times a day, and trays with water should be placed around the pot. All these measures must be observed during the active growth of foliage and flowering of the orchid. When the oncidium fades, it is removed to a cooler place with an air temperature of about 10.5⸰C. The tall peduncles of hybrids usually contain a large number of small buds.

This type of orchid is most often grown indoors. Flat flowers bloom on long peduncles curved towards the top, which delight the eye of gardeners for 30 - 40 days. Phalaenopsis hybrids sold in specialized stores are unpretentious and do not require care and maintenance.

With minimal care they bloom almost all year round. Place these perennials in a bright place where the rays of the sun do not reach. In both winter and summer, the night temperature in the room should not be less than 17.5⸰С.

This perennial does not like coolness even at night. And for active growth of foliage and flowering, phalaenopsis requires a daytime temperature of about 27⸰C. And in the autumn (when the plant is dormant), this orchid is placed for 14-18 days in a cooler room than usual. The roots of phalaenopsis often extend beyond the flowerpot, but under no circumstances should they be cut off.

This type of orchid is quite large. However, recently dwarf cymbidiums have become more popular among gardeners, as they are much easier to care for. The colors of the petals of these small-sized perennials are varied.

Dwarf cymbidiums are usually grown by novice gardeners because they are less capricious and do not require special maintenance conditions.

Up to 18-22 buds (and sometimes more) appear on each erect, vertically growing peduncle. These flowers usually do not fade within 2-3 months. Cymbidium usually blooms from early autumn to mid-winter. After the last buds have faded, the plant should be watered less often.

In the summer, this orchid can be taken out to the balcony, shading it from the sun's rays. In winter, the room where this perennial is located must maintain a temperature of at least 11⸰C. The plant feels best in a bright room where there is sun either in the morning or in the evening.

Types of orchids: video

Currently, there are a large number of species and varieties of orchids, among which everyone will find a flower to suit their taste. But if a florist wants orchids to delight with their flowering for a long period, then he must adhere to the basic instructions for caring for the selected variety or hybrid.