If you don't pass the test. What to do if you haven’t passed the test? How much will the practice test cost?

There is no such thing as “automatic 100 points”. This myth arose because the ranking score table starts at 100 points (the cut-off test score). If a graduate does not score at least 100 rating points, then the certificate will be marked “failed” and he will be able to retake the External Test only next year.

The fact is that each applicant receives a certain number of test points (conditionally, one point for one correct test). After this, the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education develops a rating scale according to which a certain number of test points is equal to a certain number of UPE points. Example: in the Ukrainian language in 2015, a student completed 47 tasks correctly. On the scale, this result gave 151.5 in the certificate.

How it will be this year will become known after the announcement of the threshold score for each subject: no later than 14-21 days after the EIT. That is, between May 26 and July 1, depending on the subject.

2. Passing score for each subject – 124

Several years ago, indeed, a passing score was set for all subjects - 124. If an applicant scored fewer points, he could not submit documents for admission. However, today there is a different system. For each subject, a threshold score is determined - the number of test points that a minimally prepared applicant must score. This score is calculated taking into account the specifics of a particular test and the overall result in Ukraine. For example, for the Ukrainian language test in 2015, the threshold score was 21 test points. Those who scored from 0 to 21 points received a “failed” mark on the certificate. Of all subjects, the threshold score is different every year.

3. To get 200, you need to solve everything correctly.

Even if you made one or two mistakes, you have a chance to get 200 points. It all depends on the score conversion table, which will be generated after passing the test by applicants from all over Ukraine. If the number of applicants who did not make a single mistake is insignificant, the range of test scores for the “200” mark increases. For example, in 2015 in Ukrainian it was possible to get 102, 103 and 104 test points for 200 in the certificate.

4. All UPE tests are equally important for admission

In the rules for accepting documents of each university you can find the coefficients of the UPE tests for all specialties. This means that the importance of the math test (coefficient) for “Applied Mathematics” at NaUKMA is different than for “Entrepreneurship Economics” at KNEU. Therefore, of course, the results of each of the UPE tests are not equally important for admission to different universities and different specialties.

5. Those who have not passed the tests in the Ukrainian language are not allowed to take the External Examination in other subjects.

All graduates must take the Ukrainian language test, and the threshold score is determined by the commission until the end of May. But until the threshold score in the Ukrainian language has been determined, students (on the graduate’s page) will receive invitations to the External Examination in mathematics and history of Ukraine. Thus, schoolchildren who signed up for tests in these subjects (even if they feel that they failed the test in Ukrainian language and literature) will be able to pass, and these results will be the GIA assessment, which will be included in the certificate.

But in case of failure to pass the External Examination in Ukrainian language and literature, the graduate will not be allowed to take the tests that will be held in June (profile ones).

6. If a graduate has lost his certificate, he will not be allowed to take the External Examination this year.

Of course, if you discovered the certificate was missing on the eve of taking the UPE test, then there is nothing you can do to help. But if you noticed the loss or damage of the certificate earlier, you can restore it at the regional center for assessing the quality of education where you registered to take the External Examination. As a rule, a duplicate is not made for more than two days. In the Kiev branch of UTSKO this is done within an hour, the cost of the service is 4.52 UAH if you pick up the document yourself, and 11.00 UAH if you ordered it to be sent by mail.

Our experts: Onatiy Anastasia, head of the teaching department of the ZNOUA center; Tatyana Leskova, head of the department of information and communication with the public, UTSOKO

The main thing is don’t panic!

This global issue worries more than 23 thousand future graduates who are afraid that they will not score the coveted points, fail the test and will have to wait a whole year for the next opportunity to test their knowledge.

Where to go without the results of the external examination and what to do as a result of failure, where can children study, their parents also think.

It is no longer possible to enroll in a state or even a private university in Ukraine; even to enroll in a college you now need to take the ZNO. Accordingly, it will not be possible to enter top-ranked universities in Ukraine in 2017.

Where to go if you haven’t passed the test?

Since 2008, external independent assessment (VNO or ZNO - external independent assessment) has been carried out on the territory of Ukraine; this is an introduced form of testing and monitoring the knowledge of school graduates and university applicants. The paradox is that this system is still introduced in test form and is structurally changed every year, but the secondary school education system is still based on old Soviet principles, which greatly complicates the task of high-quality preparation for passing tests. That is, the result is assessed not by the intelligence of the future student itself, but by how he learned the school material and, which is extremely unfair, this can be greatly influenced by the teacher himself or the school, and even the region in which the future applicant graduated from school, because Strangely enough, there is no single program in Ukraine - it is approved in each school individually and can be changed.

Such an imperfect system causes many complaints, appeals and negatively affects the future of young people who failed the task and, as a result, did not pass the External Examination.

Thus, the questions of what to do and where to go if the results turned out to be much worse than expected become even more relevant for almost half of future students.

“Success is the ability to move from failure to failure,

without losing enthusiasm"

Winston Churchill

Definitely, this is not the end and is far from a reason to despair. Perhaps you or your child is smart and talented, but he was unlucky with the school or teacher (the human factor in the modern education system in Ukraine has a great influence on the learning process), perhaps our education system is simply not for him. It is likely that this, as it seems at first glance, not a joyful event will become the key on the path to success.

Let's look at the options:

Education abroad— in all EU countries, education in the state language is free for both citizens and foreign students, but it is not possible to enroll in the UK for free: study is paid even for citizens, but there is a flexible system of grants and discounts on education. At the same time, such Baltic countries as Latvia and Lithuania offer our fellow citizens the opportunity to pass a competitive selection and study completely free of charge.

Canada, the USA and Australia are also opening their doors to Ukrainian students. Education in these countries is very prestigious, promising, and gives the prospect of getting a good, stable job after graduation and immigrating under one of the programs for young specialists.

The most popular countries chosen by Ukrainian students to study abroad are the UK, Canada, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Depending on the specialty in which you plan to study, the difficulty of admission will depend. The most difficult thing is to become a doctor or engineer; for this, you will most likely have to take special preparatory courses.

Currently, it is impossible for Ukrainian applicants wishing to enroll in a higher educational institution without a ZNO. ZNO is now the only criterion for admission to higher education institutions. But it’s possible to become a student at the chosen university without passing the exam. How? Below we will reveal all the secrets.

So, we outline several ways to bypass cancer:

1. After 9th grade, go to a technical school or college. ZNO certificates for admission to universities after technical school (college) are not required if the applicant is entering a related specialty. For competitive selection for admission to senior courses, an entrance test (interview) is used. The competitive score is calculated by adding the test scores and the Associate's Diploma Supplement average. if the applicant enters a related specialty.

2. Choose a distance learning form. Not all educational institutions in Ukraine have the basis for distance learning, which has its own specifics. In the educational services market, it is positioned as having a positive influence on the student, mobilizing his creative and intellectual potential through self-organization and independent coordination of the educational process.

3. Citizens of Ukraine who in the year of admission received complete general secondary education abroad.

4. Admission to an educational institution in another country. Admission is carried out in accordance with the admission rules of the educational institution and the legislation of the country.

5. In some cases, without ZNO certificates, they have the right to enter universities in Ukraine citizens of other countries.

6. If you are granted such a right according to the legislation of Ukraine (separate laws):

  • persons with limited physical capabilities (disabled people of groups I and II, disabled children);
  • military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or other military formations created in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, as well as special-purpose law enforcement agencies and the State Special Transport Service undergoing military service - upon admission to full-time education at higher military educational institutions and military educational units of higher education establishments;
  • citizens of Ukraine who were discharged from military service in the year of entering the university;
  • private, sergeant and senior military personnel who perform military service under a contract - when enrolling in correspondence courses;
  • persons with diseases defined in the list of diseases that may be an obstacle to citizens passing an external independent assessment, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, for whom the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education cannot provide independent external assessment of knowledge.
  • Based on the results of the interview, applicants who are granted this right by the Law of Ukraine “On the status and social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster” are admitted to the university.

ZNO is the only honest method of admission without bribery, connections and other violations. If you want to gain knowledge and develop, you will achieve this. And different admission systems will only be a greater or lesser obstacle for you on the way to your goal.

Today the ZNO starts in Ukraine: future students take the first exam - the Ukrainian language. This means that a time of anxiety, excitement, and with them misunderstandings begins, when everything falls out of hand.

The morning before an exam is especially stressful - you need to wake up on time (preferably not with a sore throat or unexpectedly high temperature), not forget documents at home, not get stuck in traffic, keep all the necessary information in your head and not fill it with unnecessary worries. Therefore, you need to prepare in advance for emergency situations and know how to react to them.

YOU'RE LATE. The Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education, which conducts the ZNO, strongly advises you to calculate your time and arrive for the exam on time. It’s better to collect everything you need in the evening and look on the map where exactly the delivery point is and how best to get there. Wake up early and leave early, taking into account possible traffic jams.

But there are still circumstances beyond our control that cannot be taken into account: for example, an unexpected deterioration in health, a car involved in an accident, natural disasters. In this case, you can submit documents to enroll you in the second session within 5 working days, but only if you have confirmation that the reason was valid (for example, a certificate from a doctor or, in the event of an accident, from the police) . Reasons like overslept, couldn’t find the way, the car got stuck in a traffic jam, or finishing my morning coffee are not considered valid. In this case, you will have to take the exam next year.

IT BECAME BAD DURING THE TEST. If you may need to take pills or use an inhaler during the test, be sure to tell your proctor before the test. Only pens, a notebook and an answer sheet should be on the table in front of the test subject, but they will be required to make an exception for you and you will be able to keep the medications on hand.

At each cancer delivery point there is a doctor on duty who will provide assistance if necessary. But no one will return your lost time. In this case, the doctor will testify that you really feel unwell and you will have the opportunity to submit documents for a second session.

THE DOCUMENTS WERE STAYED AT HOME. Before leaving, be sure to check whether you took your documents with you. Otherwise, you will have to take the External Assessment test only next year, since, according to the law, if the originals of the certificate and the document, the name and number of which are indicated in the certificate, are missing, the participant in the external assessment is not allowed to take the test.

HOW AND WHEN CAN I FILE AN APPEAL? You can file an appeal if you were denied registration, the procedure was violated, or you do not agree with the results. After your registration is rejected, you have 14 days to submit your application. If the procedure is violated, the application is submitted on the same day directly at the point of delivery of the assessment.

If you have any doubts that your scores were calculated incorrectly, you can submit an appeal to the Ukrainian Center regarding the results of the ZNO. To do this, you have 5 days after the results are announced. You can submit an appeal either by mail or electronically. If the application is accepted for consideration, be prepared that the test results in this case may be either improved or worsened.


SICK. Future students are so eager to get rid of cancer as quickly as possible that they are ready to take the exam even on crutches or with a high fever. There is no need to abuse the body like that. Just get confirmation from your doctor that you are indeed sick and will have the opportunity to take the test during an additional session. To do this, you must submit an application for participation in the second session no later than 5 days from the day of the exam that you missed.

NOTICED A VIOLATION OF PROCEDURE. What, in general, can be considered violations of the ZNO procedure? This is the incorrectly allotted time for completing tasks, interference from station workers during the exam or their unlawful assistance to other participants of the test, non-compliance with the regulations and test procedures.

In this case, the appeal must be submitted directly at the ZNO point before leaving it. If the commission recognizes that the events indicated in it interfered with passing the exam, the participant in the external assessment will have the opportunity to take it again during an additional session of the External Assessment. If the commission considers the above facts unconfirmed and does not satisfy the appeal, you can appeal to the appeal commission of the UCNJO.

BE IN ANOTHER CITY OR COUNTRY. Of course, if instead of the exam you decide to take a hot trip to the sea, then you will only have a chance to pass the External Test next year. But if you, for example, take part in an Olympiad, competition or competition that is included in the program of official events of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Culture or the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and you have documents confirming this, the road to an additional session is open for you .

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  • Most of the participants in the Ukrainian language test, who were unable to overcome the passing threshold of the Ukrainian language test, did not plan to enter universities. About this in my Facebook wrote the director of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment Vadim Karandiy.

    He, in particular, noted that after the announcement of the results of the ZNO, issues of the quality of general secondary education, primarily in the Ukrainian language, were actively discussed in society.

    According to him, in 2018, 323.3 thousand people passed external independent assessment in the Ukrainian language, of which 184.3 thousand (57.0%) are graduates of general secondary education institutions of the current year, 20.8 thousand (6.4%) ) graduates of previous years.

    In addition, in 2018, DPA in the Ukrainian language in the form of ZNO was mandatory for students of vocational education institutions (41.7 thousand, 12.9%) and colleges (76.5 thousand, 23.7%).

    “As you know, out of 323.3 thousand participants in the ZNO, 46.6 thousand were unable to overcome the “pass/fail” threshold, which is 14.5%. This indicator by category of participants:

    • UOSE graduates of the current year - 8.3%;
    • graduates of previous years - 7.7%;
    • pupils/college students - 12.9%;
    • UPTO students - 47.6%,” said Karandiy.

    He noted that in order to analyze the situation, in particular the level of motivation, it is necessary to take into account the number of ZNO subjects that were chosen by participants who did not pass the “pass/fail” threshold.

    “Of the 46.6 thousand least successful participants in the Ukrainian Language and Literature Examination in 2018, the following were chosen:

    • one subject - 59.4% (they did not plan to enter a higher education institution);
    • two subjects - 2.3% (planned to go to college);
    • three subjects - 29.4% (passed the DPA at the UOSO, planned to enter the UVO);
    • four subjects - 8.8% (planned to enter a higher education institution),” wrote the director of the UTSKO.

    He also noted that it is interesting to analyze the results of the academic assessment of participants who planned to enter a higher education institution (chose 3 - 4 subjects of academic assessment), but did not overcome the threshold in Ukrainian language and literature.

    There are 17.8 thousand such persons in total. In addition to the Ukrainian language and literature, they passed 39.8 thousand tests in 10 subjects.

    In 53.3% of cases, applicants failed the tests.

    In 37.5% of cases, the results they obtained do not exceed 119.5 points.

    In 7.9%, the result is in the range of 120 - 139.5 points, 0.9% in the range of 140 - 159.5 points, 0.1% in the range of 160 - 179.5 points.

    “We received 6 results of more than 180 points, of which 4 were in English (passed by foreign citizens), one each in mathematics and biology (received by graduates of educational institutions in areas densely populated by national minorities),” said the director of the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education.