Instructions on how to properly remove the battery from the car. How to properly remove the battery from a car

The battery in a car provides the energy needed to start the engine and ensure uninterrupted operation of major electronic systems when the ignition is turned off. For normal operation of the battery, it must be periodically removed from the car to clean the terminals, if necessary, recharge with a special device or replace the battery with a new one. The battery must be removed according to the instructions in compliance with safety regulations.

1 How to remove the battery - basic safety rules

Removing a battery from a passenger car is a simple process that requires compliance with minimum requirements and a limited set of tools. To safely dismantle the battery, you must prepare:

  • latex gloves;
  • rags, rags or napkins;
  • set of wrenches.

It is recommended to carry out procedures for removing, replacing or cleaning the battery in a car using special rubber gloves. This is necessary to protect the skin of your hands from possible contact with acidic electrolyte (especially with removed banks, a broken or severely faulty battery). The electrolyte in the battery is a weak solution of sulfuric acid, so if it does get on the skin, urgently rinse the affected area and treat it with a 5-10 percent solution of baking soda.

In addition to the tools and materials needed to remove the battery, it is important to take into account the features of its transportation, storage and dismantling process, namely:

  • The battery must not be thrown, turned over or placed on its side. The removed battery should always be in one, strictly parallel to the ground, vertical position to prevent electrolyte from getting into the ventilation holes on the battery or onto your hands and clothing.
  • Used batteries should be stored correctly - with open cans and at the optimal temperature, in a specially designated place (garage, storage room, etc.). It is not recommended to keep the removed battery at home (especially in the kitchen or bedroom) for a long time due to the fact that the acid gradually evaporates and releases harmful substances.
  • Terminals are the main element of any car battery; they must always be in good condition, free from dirt, plaque, scratches and other mechanical damage. They need to be removed only with a suitable wrench or ratchet (spanner), depending on the type of fastening installed, being careful not to damage the factory protective rubber or plastic covers, if any.

Remember that a car battery, despite its simple appearance, is a complex and sensitive equipment, and any shocks, falls, shocks, temperature or voltage changes can damage its individual elements or the entire device.

An incorrect or careless approach to the procedure for removing the battery from a machine can lead not only to damage to it, but also to failure of other related equipment, especially electronic systems.

To avoid undesirable consequences, when removing, cleaning, adding fluid and electrolyte, as well as other manipulations with the car battery, the engine must be turned off.

When the engine is on, all systems, including the generator, operate as normal, and part of the energy is directed to maintaining the battery charge. In this case, removing it will provoke a sharp surge in voltage in the on-board network, which in almost 99% of cases leads to resetting the factory and other installed settings. Most often, the settings of the alarm, if installed, of the car radio, on-board computer, clock, etc., “fly off.”

In some cases, not only system settings will be affected, the multimedia system may also burn out, or the airbags will automatically deploy.

The procedure for removing terminals has its own characteristics; there is an opinion that the negative terminal is removed first, and then the positive terminal. In fact, this is not so important, but when removing the battery with the engine running, this sequence must be followed. The fact is that when removing the positive terminal, the on-board system may short out due to the risk of connecting to ground, and this will lead to unpleasant consequences. Removing the minus, even in contact with the mass, does not promise any problems.

In the absence of protective covers or color indicators, the terminals themselves must have a special “+/-” marking, by which you can understand what corresponds to what. In any case, to be on the safe side, even with the motor turned off, follow the accepted technological sequence and first remove the negative terminal.

3 Removing the battery - step-by-step instructions

Each car model has its own characteristics of mounting and installing the battery. On some brands the battery is located in the luggage compartment, especially in station wagons, but in most cases it is located on the right or left side of the engine in the engine compartment.

Almost all cars have additional protection against inadvertent movement of the battery while the car is moving. If for some reason your car does not have such a protective mechanism, then it is recommended to install it without fail. As mentioned above, any additional shaking or movement negatively affects the condition and life of the battery.

The technology for removing the battery is the same in almost all cases and involves the following actions:

  • turn off the engine and ignition, open the hood or trunk;
  • if there is an alarm, it can be deactivated using a key fob or button;
  • put on rubber gloves and take a wrench of the appropriate diameter;
  • unscrew the body protection and heat-insulating elements, if any;
  • remove the plastic or rubber caps on the terminal leads;
  • unscrew the nut from the terminal under the blue cap or with a minus symbol;
  • move the first terminal aside, unscrew the second from the positive side;
  • Carefully remove the battery and place it on a flat floor parallel to the ground.

For added safety, allow the engine to cool slightly before removing the battery from the vehicle (if the battery is located under the hood) to avoid getting burned by the heated block during removal. It is important to remember that the weight of a standard 55-65 ampere/hour battery is 7.5-10 kilograms, so if necessary, pull it out with both hands so as not to drop or damage the device itself and everything located next to it.

Cleaning the terminals or additionally charging the battery (using a special device) should only be done after dismantling it.

Installation is carried out according to the instructions in reverse order, that is, the order of connecting the terminals changes. Tighten the positive terminal first, then the negative terminal to avoid short circuit. The terminals must fit tightly to the battery outlets, so you need to tighten them as tightly as possible, this will prevent slipping or breaking while the car is moving and shaking.

The reliability and stability of operation of modern cars is determined by many factors, including the life of the battery. It can fail unexpectedly and right on the highway, so the battery should be maintained in working condition using special devices. If the charge is minimal or the device needs repair, then, as a rule, there is a need to remove it. It would seem that the task is elementary - a few simple manipulations, and the battery is removed. In practice, inexperienced motorists are faced with a lot of questions, the wrong solution of which leads to problems with new batteries. Others even doubt whether it is possible to remove the battery without the help of a specialist? The answer is simple - it is possible, but only with knowledge of the intricacies of this delicate operation.

When is the battery removed?

There are two main reasons for dismantling. Firstly, when the malfunction of the unit is obvious - it needs repair or its final replacement is planned. Secondly, if heating, inspection or other operations that do not involve replacing the battery are planned. There are no fundamental differences in approaches to removal for the reasons mentioned, but in the first case it is worth carefully examining the contacts, brand, parameters and features of the battery. Understanding how to remove a battery from a car is not enough if you need to install a new one in its place. In such cases, information about the old model will help with purchasing a replacement device.

In most cases, the battery is simply discharged, and to make charging easier, the car owner dismantles the unit. It is also worth considering that a seemingly unrepairable battery may in fact be serviceable. A critical sign, upon detection of which the battery can be removed for disposal, is non-functional recharging - in such situations, a process of sulfation of the plates takes place, which no auto chemical product can stop or correct.

The main thing to consider in this operation is the risk of depressurization of potent and even dangerous chemicals. Therefore, it is advisable to organize the work outside the garage or other cramped space. In open areas the process is carried out more freely and safely.

Knowing how to remove a battery from a car, backed by safety measures, will save you from unnecessary trouble. For example, to minimize the danger from electrolyte leakage, it is necessary to provide appropriate substances and solutions. For example, soda alcohol or ammonia. If an alkaline battery is used, a weak acid solution will be required. These compositions will help to promptly remove traces of electrolyte both on the surface of the machine and on the skin, which, by the way, should also have individual protection.

Disconnecting terminals - which one to start with?

You can start when the ignition is turned off. Then the minus is turned off. This battery terminal is connected to the structural elements of the machine, the engine and almost all metal parts. This is important to consider in order to understand how to properly remove the battery without the risk of accidental contact between the key, terminal and body metal. This will cause a spark, which should be avoided. And vice versa, when working with a minus, such situations are excluded by definition. When the negative contact is disconnected, you can safely proceed to the second terminal.

Battery removal procedure

The list of necessary tools is minimal: two keys are enough - 10 and 13 mm. Using a suitable model, the nut is unscrewed, which secures the battery. Then the fixing bolts are unscrewed, and the clamp must be removed from the front side. Now you can remove the battery, but in such a way that tilting and sudden manipulations are minimized. In addition, it is undesirable for the battery to come into contact with clothing and, especially, skin.

When the battery is removed, it is recommended to perform an initial inspection and basic cleaning - this will be required for safety reasons and regardless of what you plan to do with the battery in the future. First, it is necessary to assess the condition of the unit regarding tightness - cracks and traces of electrolyte leakage must be strictly recorded. By the way, the sequence of how to remove the battery allows you to detect possible defects in the case even during the dismantling process.

Next, the terminals, housing, clamps, as well as other surfaces and elements are cleaned. If areas of corrosion from spilled electrolyte are found, then it is necessary to use the same prepared solutions. In some cases, such areas are also painted. To facilitate the described preventive measures, before removing the battery from the car, it is worth providing a set of chemicals, oils and wipes.

Caring for a removed battery

In general terms, the primary measures for servicing the seized battery are noted. However, if you plan to use it further, serious care of the device may be required. And yet, before removing the battery, it is necessary to keep in mind the possibility of its further use.

First, the block should be rid of sodium carbonate leaks. The battery grooves into which the plugs are screwed should also be inspected. The ventilation holes are also cleaned. The gas outlet channels are integrated into the set of colored plugs and should also be checked. Timely, simple battery care measures will ensure proper and long-term operation of the car, and will also minimize the need for regular battery removal and replacement.

How to install the battery?

Having figured out how to remove the battery, you can move on to a description of its installation. This procedure is seemingly simple, but also requires knowledge of the nuances. In this case, the role of preparation is great - that is, in what condition the battery is installed. Two indicators are important - the fullness of the block with electrolyte and its density. The second can be checked only 3 hours after pouring. If the density is insufficient, the device needs to be recharged.

Direct connection of the terminals is carried out in the opposite order to the dismantling procedure - you need to start with red. Next, bolts and other clamps with fasteners are fixed. Having mastered the procedure for removing the battery, you can easily complete this part of the activity of replacing the power source. In addition, if possible, it would be a good idea to use lithium grease, which will prevent oxidation processes in the contacts.

Optimal location

If the battery is located close to the exhaust manifold, then in the summer it is recommended to insulate it with a metal plate. In winter, it is desirable to ensure that radiator thermal energy is directed to the battery, which will prolong the operation of the latter.

How to properly remove the battery from a car?

Despite the simplicity of this action, we often receive letters from readers asking about removing the battery from a car. You may need to remove the battery for various reasons. For example, the battery has failed and needs to be replaced. It may be necessary to remove the battery from the machine to charge it. In some cases, the battery is removed when it interferes with repair or maintenance work. Basically, removing the battery becomes a problem for owners of foreign cars that have many electronic devices, an on-board computer, a security system, etc. If the power is disconnected from them, a malfunction may occur. In this short article we will talk about how to avoid this and correctly remove the battery from the car.

First you need to understand whether you need to remove the battery. It may turn out that there is no need for this. Let's look at a few situations that may require you to remove the battery from your car.

  • Replacing the old battery. Here you need to remove the battery without any options;
  • It is necessary to charge the battery from a network device. In this case, it is not necessary to remove it, although it is advisable. You can read;
  • To carry out repair work, it is necessary to de-energize the vehicle network. It is not necessary to remove the battery. You can simply remove the terminal;
  • The battery blocks access to other parts of the car. You can't do without removal.
As you can see, not all cases require removing the battery from the car. In some cases, you may not need to do this. You can recharge the battery on a car parked in the garage without removing it. If there is an outlet nearby, you can connect the charger and there is no need to remove it. When you need to turn off the power to the car, it is also not necessary to remove the battery. You just need to remove the terminal and that's it.

How to properly remove the battery from a car?

What tool will you need?

To remove the battery from the car you will need the following tools:

  • 10 open-end wrench. Use it to remove the terminals;
  • A 13 mm wrench with a ratchet for unscrewing the battery mount.

Additional tools may be required if the battery has any non-standard mountings.

Attention! Do not forget about safety precautions when carrying out work. To protect your hands, wear cotton gloves. If you work with electrolyte, use rubber gloves. It is advisable to have baking soda nearby to neutralize the acid if necessary.

Removing the battery

It is only worth noting that the battery of a passenger car weighs 14-18 kilograms. Therefore, if lifting weights is contraindicated for you, it is better to seek help in this matter. The removal process itself is quite simple and is described step by step below:

  • First, loosen the bolt at “10” securing the negative terminal with the appropriate key and remove the terminal;
  • Then the same operation is performed with the positive terminal;
  • After this, remove the battery mount and pull it out from under the hood.

Why should you remove the negative terminal of the battery first? If you do not do this and begin to unscrew the positive terminal, a short circuit may occur when you touch body parts.

It is worth noting another important point that concerns the operation of airbags on some cars.

On a number of vehicles, when the ignition is turned off, the airbag retention mechanism remains active. This continues for several minutes. So, if you just turned off the engine, wait a few minutes before removing the battery. In any case, it is worth clarifying this point in the manual for your car.

Let us note one more important point. Now on the market there are many foreign cars literally stuffed with electronics. And such a basic operation as removing the battery can lead to a malfunction of the on-board computer and other expensive systems. If simple charging is required, this is done by car. What to do if withdrawal is required.

In this case, it will come to the rescue. Using this device, you can start the engine when the battery is dead, and also supply power to the on-board network when the battery is disconnected.

Portable chargers come with alligator clips and also with a cigarette lighter connector. In the case of the first option, before removing the battery, you need to attach them to the terminals, observing the polarity, and then remove the battery, as described above. As a result, the on-board network will remain energized until you replace the battery.

In the case of portable batteries for the cigarette lighter, it’s even easier. Plug them into the cigarette lighter socket and you can remove the battery from the car. There will be no need to mess around with “crocodiles”.

A car battery is needed to start the engine and operate electronic systems when the engine is turned off. It should be maintained in working condition - properly cleaned of deposited sodium carbonate elements, check the electrolyte level and charge if necessary. To carry out maintenance work, sell or replace the battery, it must be removed from the car. There are certain rules that indicate how to remove the battery from a car, and what precautions must be taken when doing so.

Precautions when removing the battery from the vehicle

Before removing the battery from the car, you should be prepared - stock up on knowledge and the necessary tools. To remove the power source from the car, you will need to prepare:

  • Rubber gloves to prevent electrolyte from getting on your hands;
  • A wrench required to remove the terminals attached to the battery;
  • Rags or unnecessary rags.

It is recommended to wear rubber gloves when removing the battery from the car due to the risk of electrolyte coming into contact with the skin (in the event of a battery malfunction). The electrolyte is a solution of sulfuric acid, and its contact with the skin causes irritation. Over time, the electrolyte practically does not evaporate, and the longer it remains on the skin, the stronger the burn from its action.

If electrolyte leaks out of a car battery and ends up on the skin, it is necessary to immediately wash it off and treat the affected area with a 5-10% soda solution.

Also, before removing the battery from the car, you should remember the basic rules for storing, dismantling and carrying it:

  • The battery must not be thrown, hit, placed on its side or turned over - it must always be placed in a strictly vertical position so that the electrolyte does not get into the ventilation holes;
  • The used battery should not be stored in places with low temperatures;
  • The battery terminals must be in perfect condition and should only be removed using a wrench.

A battery is a complex device. It looks like a reliable, bulky piece of equipment, protected from various unpleasant situations, but in reality it is not. Excessive shocks, shocks and falls of the battery lead to its failure, which is why you should treat the process of dismantling it with the utmost care.

You can remove the battery from the car only with the engine turned off.

A careless approach to the process of removing the battery from a car can lead not only to a malfunction of the power source itself, but also to problems with other systems of the car. In particular, removing the battery may damage the electronics. To prevent this from happening, remove the battery only with the engine off.

When the engine is turned on, the car's generator runs. Its task is to generate electricity, part of which is used to charge the battery. When you remove the battery from a car that is running the engine (and generator), there is a sharp increase in voltage in the on-board network. Most often, this leads to resetting the car’s electronic systems, including the alarm system. In rare cases, electronics may fail - multimedia systems burn out, airbags are deployed, and the car's alarm system is completely disabled.

Which terminal should be removed from the battery first?

Among car enthusiasts, there is an opinion that when removing a battery from a car, you should first remove the “minus” terminal and then the “plus” terminal. Few car owners will be able to explain where such a rule came from. If we talk from the point of view of battery safety, then it makes no difference which terminal is removed from the battery first, but we strongly recommend that you adhere to the rule: “ First of all, remove the negative terminal».

The answer to the question why it is recommended to start dismantling the battery from the minus terminal is quite simple. If you first remove the terminal from the “plus” and take it to the side, and then take on the “minus” terminal, then there is a high risk of a short circuit. It will happen if by chance the terminal that was connected to the “plus” of the battery is connected to ground. If you initially disconnect the minus terminal, which is shorted to the car body, then nothing bad will happen even if it is accidentally connected to ground.

Instructions: How to remove the battery from a car

It is recommended to remove the battery from the car after the engine has cooled down. This will prevent your skin (or gloves) from accidentally being scalded by hot engine components. As we said above, the battery should only be removed with the engine turned off.

Sequence of actions when removing the battery from the car:

  1. Open the hood of the car and remove the “protection”, if any;
  2. Remove the thermal insulation elements from the battery, if any;
  3. Open the plastic protective caps under which the terminals are located;
  4. Unscrew the nut from the terminal, which is marked with a “-” sign, then remove the terminal from the battery and move it to the side;
  5. Unscrew the nut from the terminal, which is marked with a “+” sign, then remove the terminal from the battery and move it to the side;
  6. If the battery is secured with additional fixing devices (located under metal strips), you should unscrew them;
  7. Carefully remove the battery, being careful not to loosen it, and place it on a flat surface.

To install the battery on the car, you should do all the steps in reverse order. We recommend that you carry out battery removal work outside or in a well-ventilated garage - this will avoid serious problems when electrolyte leaks.

Many people laugh when they hear the question of how to remove the battery from a car. But even in this seemingly simple matter, there are some moments that can be filmed correctly, or that can be filmed at random.

If you remove the battery from the car incorrectly

If you disconnect and dismantle the car battery at random, problems may occur in the operation of the electronics system and the short circuit of the battery itself. If the battery is damaged in this case, then this is the best option, because if a short circuit (short circuit) of the on-board computer occurs, then repairing it will be much more expensive.

Proper removal of the battery from the car

The first thing you need to do is look at what keys you will need to remove the fastening. Typically, the fastening system is tightened with a 13 or 10 mm wrench nut.

Disabling procedure:

  1. Turn off the ignition, remove the key and put it in your pocket, because some cars lock the doors if you turn off the power.
  2. Turn off all electrical appliances: radio, headlights, air conditioning, etc.
  3. If the car has a ground switch installed, then after turning off the ignition key, turn off the ground.

Removing the terminals

Very important to know! The first to be removed is the (-) ground terminal.

This rule applies to all cars: injection, carburetor, diesel, with an immobilizer (IMMO), with an alarm, etc.

The negative voltage of the battery is connected to the car body. If you disconnect the terminal (minus), the car body turns off. This is important when, when removing the (plus) terminal, you accidentally touch the body with a metal object. When the ground is disconnected, a short circuit will not occur.

If the ground terminal is not removed and the positive contact is accidentally closed to any metal part of the body, a short circuit will occur, as a result of which only electrical appliances can burn out. Modern cars have electronic units that do not turn off and remain energized.

If the battery is left in the closed position for some time, it may catch fire or melt.

  1. Remove the (-) terminal and move the wire away. The wire has elastic deformation
  2. Remove the terminal (+).
  3. Remove the fastener and remove the battery.

It happens that the terminals are stuck, you can lightly tap them to make them come off. Oxidized deposits must be cleaned with a brush and, for example, VD-40.

How to properly remove the battery if the car has an on-board computer

After removing and installing the battery, the saved data from the on-board computer will be erased. Therefore, it is not recommended to simply not remove the battery again.

Possible problems with the alarm

Usually, removing the battery does not harm the system, but rarely the following problems may occur after disconnecting the power:

  • loss of keys and remote controls;
  • failure of additional alarm functions.

Possible problems with the radio

Before removing the battery from the car, you need to see if there is a security pin code on the radio. If there is a PIN code, make sure it is there. Or disable the PIN code request. As for the radio, the receiver frequencies will need to be tuned again.

What not to do with the battery:

  • break the tightness;
  • do not place on its side;
  • add acid;
  • close, for example, to find out what will happen if you close;
  • store in severe frost.

Safety precautions

Car batteries are heavy, so if the handle is weak, hold it by the bottom so as not to drop it.

If battery acid gets on your skin, immediately rinse with clean water, preferably a solution of baking soda.

Work with the battery, charge it, check the density with a hydrometer, add distilled water, etc. in a well-ventilated area. A working battery releases hydrogen gas through a special small hole in the battery housing.

How to connect the battery correctly

When installing, the main thing is not to confuse the plus and minus. After tightening, the terminals should be firmly seated; if you can still turn the terminal with your fingers, then replace the terminal; you cannot leave it like that.

Installation procedure:

  1. Replace the battery.
  2. Tighten the fastener.
  3. Place the positive (+) terminal and tighten.
  4. Place the negative (-) terminal on and tighten.
  5. It is advisable to lubricate the connections with a special lubricant, or lithol.


There are also rules for caring for your battery. If during inspection there is a coating of oxidation, then you can remove them and put them in a solution (water + soda) and hold there for 20 minutes, then clean, install and lubricate.

There are special ventilation holes in the stoppers of medium jars; they should be cleaned if they are clogged.


There are cars that are packed with electronics to the maximum, for example, the Volkswagen Faeton, which has 6 on-board computers, five of which have their own sections and components, one of which controls the operation of these five computers. Therefore, it may be more advisable to replace the battery at a service station.


How to remove the battery on a Citroen Berlingo, Peugeot Tepee.

How to remove the VW Polo Sedan battery.

How to properly remove the battery on a Mitsubishi ASX.