How to cook shrimp risotto: classic recipe and its variations. Tomato risotto with vegetables and shrimp - step-by-step recipe with photos on how to cook it at home How to cook shrimp risotto at home

How to cook shrimp risotto? The best advice is to be in the mood. Risotto is the cornerstone of Italian cuisine, one of the most interesting and popular dishes. Risotto is usually offered as an alternative to pasta. I don't even know if there is a restaurant in Italy that doesn't have risotto on the menu. Usually there is a choice of pasta or risotto.

It is unlikely that risotto is a type of soup or porridge. Considering that the technology for preparing risotto is not similar to the technology for first courses or porridges, this is probably a completely special, separate dish in cooking. I would even venture to suggest that risotto is closer to paella and pilaf.

What I like about risotto is that, using acquired cooking skills, rice that has the right properties, and turning on your imagination, you can prepare risotto that is completely different from each other.

Preparing shrimp risotto is not the longest process. Rice cooks for 20-25 minutes. Well, a little more preparation. So, as a rule, no more than an hour. Especially in the fall, when vegetables, herbs and root vegetables are in abundance, it is worth preparing a special risotto with shrimp and various vegetables.

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Rice (arborio) 1 cup
  • Shrimp 150 g
  • Green peas 50 g
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Parsnip 1 piece
  • Basil 1-2 sprigs
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Olive oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • Butter to taste
  • Black pepper, salt, nutmeg, sugar Spices

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Risotto with shrimps. Step by step recipe

  1. For shrimp risotto for breakfast, it is best to use smaller shrimp. For example, size 70/90 is the number of shrimp in one kilogram. I remember when I was a child, shrimp were sold in the Ocean store and by the glass on the beach near the Black Sea. And now they are sold in any, even the smallest store, because... Shrimp have gone from being exotic to becoming a common attribute for “drinking beer.” If you want to tinker with unpeeled shrimp, no one is stopping you. But you can buy already peeled shrimp.

    Shrimp for risotto

  2. Pour boiling water over shrimp meat or whole shrimp to thaw. After 5 minutes, drain the water. Remove shells from unpeeled shrimp. Place the shrimp meat on a plate.

    Vegetables for risotto

  3. Heat olive oil in a saucepan or saucepan and fry the peeled and crushed garlic in it. Garlic's job is to flavor olive oil. Fry the garlic until darkened, then discard.

    Flavor olive oil with garlic

  4. Peel the carrots and parsnips and cut into cubes. Fry carrots and parsnips in flavored oil. The vegetables should become soft and begin to brown a little.

    Fry carrots and parsnips in flavored oil

  5. Add fresh or frozen green peas to the fried vegetables. Salt and pepper the vegetables, add nutmeg on the tip of a knife and 0.5 tsp. sugar - this will preserve the green color of the peas.

    Add green peas to fried vegetables

  6. Add rice and fry it with vegetables for a few minutes.

    Add rice and fry it with vegetables for a few minutes

  7. Pour in broth or regular hot water in small portions. Add each subsequent portion only after the rice has absorbed the previous one. One cup of arborio rice can easily absorb 4 or more cups of liquid. Usually arborio is cooked for 20-25 minutes.

    Pour in broth or regular hot water in small portions.

  8. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add boiled and peeled shrimp to the risotto and stir. Continue to simmer until the rice has completely absorbed the moisture. The rice should be completely cooked, although there should be a subtle firmness inside each grain.

    5 minutes before the end of cooking, add shrimp to the risotto.

  9. To improve the taste, I recommend adding 1-2 tsp to shrimp risotto. butter.

Northern Italian dish - shrimp risotto

We will look in detail at the method of preparing this dish. If you pay attention, you will definitely succeed. Its preparation is quick in time, but requires close attention! We will present a traditional cooking recipe that includes round rice, water, dry wine, shrimp, butter and onions. Of course, various variations of this dish are possible using other types of rice, broth instead of water, adding cheese (Italians do not add cheese to risotto with seafood or fish), replacing butter with vegetable oil, and so on. To prepare shrimp risotto for 6 medium servings we will need:

  • round grain rice of a suitable variety - 400 g;
  • hot water - 2 l;
  • dry wine - 100 ml;
  • frozen shrimp -1 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • butter - only 300 g;
  • salt.

Preparatory work. Buying the right rice

This shrimp risotto recipe requires using the correct rice for the dish. The cereal that suits us should be one of three varieties: carnaroli, arborio or vialone nano. It is these types of grains that are very rich in starch, which is important for this dish.

Preparing the onion

The onion should be finely chopped. Vegetables shredded on a grater or chopped in a food processor will not work. It needs to be chopped very finely with a knife. The onion pieces should be the size of grains of rice!

Choosing wine

According to Italian traditions, dry white wine is used for risotto. It is not recommended to use a stale drink if its smell or taste has already changed.

Preparing the water

From the very moment you start cooking, that is, frying the onions, you should already have hot boiled water stored. Because if you pour cool water into the dish you are preparing or start heating it late, nothing will work.


We will need ordinary frozen sea creatures. For risotto, we defrost them and peel them. It is better, of course, to purchase an already purified version for this dish.

For shrimp risotto we use not animal fat, not vegetable fat, but butter. It should be with a high percentage of fat content and of high quality.

Dishes for ready meals

The risotto plates need to be warmed up! If you put food on cold plates, the rice will immediately harden, which will be unaesthetic and not very tasty.

Let's start preparing shrimp risotto. Fry the onion

We need a large deep frying pan. We heat it up and melt the butter there (about 100 g). Add very finely chopped onion. Fry it over medium heat, stirring with a wooden spatula until it becomes soft and transparent. The onions should not turn brown! In this case, its taste will change, and it will become unsuitable for this dish.

Cooking rice

Place rice in prepared onion. For shrimp risotto, do not pre-rinse the rice. A large amount of starch will come out of it along with water, which will not allow you to obtain the desired consistency of the finished cereal. Stir the contents of the pan constantly to achieve light frying of the rice. But it should absorb a lot of oil and onion flavor. And after 30-60 seconds the cereal will become translucent and darkened.

Add wine

Pour in the alcoholic drink and season with a little salt. Cook in the same way until the liquid is absorbed into the rice.

Filling with water

When the alcohol has evaporated, pour hot water. To do this, we use a ladle or mug. Scoop out the liquid and pour it into the pan in a circle or in several small portions. The liquid should be approximately ¼ of the volume of rice. From this point on, stir periodically at intervals of 20-40 seconds. When the liquid disappears from the pan, add more. Place shrimp in half-cooked rice. At this time there should be about half of the water.

Prawn risotto is ready

After 15-20 minutes from the time we put the rice in the pan, the dish is cooked. Season it with finely chopped butter. Mix carefully to injure the grain as little as possible.

We're setting the table

Place on warm plates, making sure the shrimp are on top. This will give the shrimp risotto a finished look. This dish must be served immediately, because... after some time it will naturally harden and stick together into a lump! This recipe is used to make risotto with squid and other seafood. Only instead of shrimp, for example, peeled squid carcasses, cut into thin strips, are used.

It is impossible to imagine Italian cuisine without risotto. - this is a whole science, the perfection of which was achieved in Italy. Special varieties of rice, various seafood, herbs and many other ingredients are used here, and there should be no difficulties in how to prepare risotto with shrimp.

Risotto with shrimp - recipe


  • olive oil – 40ml;
  • – 100 ml;
  • dry white wine – 250 ml;
  • king prawns – 15 pcs;
  • onions – 1 piece;
  • rice - 300 g;
  • garlic cloves – 2 pcs;
  • ground white pepper – 0.25 tsp;
  • parmesan – 70 g;
  • salt.


At the first stage, cut and lightly fry the onion in olive oil and put the prepared vegetable broth on the fire to maintain its temperature - the broth should be hot all the time. Next, rinse the rice well with cold water and add to the onion, thus cooking until the rice becomes transparent. Then add wine and leave on low heat. After the wine is completely absorbed, you need to add the broth a little at a time, while stirring the rice all the time. Add the broth until the rice is completely cooked. The rice grains should remain intact, but at the same time be soft. Then add garlic - finely chopped or passed through a garlic press. Salt and pepper. Add the shrimp, wait a little for them to warm up, if they are raw, cook them until they turn pink. Well, the last step is to add the grated cheese, mix everything well and serve hot. If risotto is prepared with shrimp, the cheese is sometimes replaced with butter. If you wish, you can make risottone with only shrimp, but also add cream for a more refined taste.

This shrimp risotto recipe is simple and economical. It can be prepared for dinner or lunch and it will be unusual and very tasty. We offer another recipe for this dish, but it’s a little more complicated.

How to cook shrimp risotto in another way?


  • large shrimps – 450g;
  • clove of garlic – 1 piece;
  • fresh bay leaf – 1 piece;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. l;
  • butter – 25 g;
  • onions – 3 pcs;
  • rice – 350 g;
  • dry white wine – 125 g;
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp. l;
  • chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. l.


Bring one liter of water to a boil, add salt and add shrimp, bay leaf and bring to a boil again and cook for about 4 minutes. Cool and clean. Then put it back into the broth and cook for another 20 minutes. Next, put a large saucepan on low heat and pour in olive and butter, add chopped onions and fry for about 5 minutes (if necessary, you can add a few tablespoons of broth so that the onions don’t burn). Add the rice and stir until it absorbs all the oil, then add the wine and stir again until it is absorbed too. Then you need to strain the broth and return all the contents back to the vessel over high heat. Where rice is being cooked, make the fire stronger too. Stir it and periodically add broth when it evaporates. Cook this way for 10 minutes. Add tomato paste and shrimp. Season with salt, pepper, herbs and spices. Remove from heat and add the remaining butter. Stir and let steep for 10 minutes. Add greens and serve.

It takes about an hour to prepare, sometimes a little more.

Girls who watch their figure are always worried about the calorie content of the dish they eat or prepare. The calorie content of shrimp risotto per 100 grams is 623 kcal, but the advice of nutritionists is to count calories less and eat more of the right foods in the right mode.

Shrimp risotto is the perfect combination of rice and seafood. To verify this, it is enough to cook the dish at least once.

This is the simplest option. note that Arborio rice is best used for this dish.

An original dish that lovers of Italian cuisine and seafood will definitely appreciate.

Required Products:

  • two cloves of garlic;
  • carrots and onions;
  • a spoonful of olive oil and the same amount of butter;
  • 100 grams of peeled shrimp;
  • a glass of rice;
  • seasonings to your taste;
  • 20 grams of cheese.

Cooking process:

  1. Shrimp are usually sold already boiled, so just pour boiling water over them or hold them in hot water for two minutes.
  2. Pour the specified amount of oil into a heated frying pan, lay out the chopped garlic, keep it for a couple of minutes and remove. Add chopped onion there, fry it, then grated carrots and wait until they become soft.
  3. Add the selected spices, rice and a little water to the vegetables. When it evaporates, add more and do this several times until the rice is almost ready.
  4. Add shrimp, oil, a little more water to the dish and cook under the lid for four minutes. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.

In creamy sauce

Risotto with shrimp in creamy sauce turns out incredibly tasty and tender precisely because of the filling.

Required Products:

  • about 200 grams of rice;
  • spices to your taste;
  • 50 grams of cheese;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 250 grams of shrimp;
  • bulb;
  • 100 milliliters of cream.

Cooking process:

  1. Lightly fry the chopped onion in a hot frying pan, add rice and a little water, season with spices and oil.
  2. When the water boils, you need to pour more and do this several times until the rice is ready.
  3. Then pour in the cream and immediately add the peeled shrimp, keep covered for about 4 minutes with a small amount of water. Before serving, sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs.

In a slow cooker

You can make this tasty and healthy dish in a slow cooker, and it will take a minimum of time.

Shrimp risotto is a simple and economical dish.

Required Products:

  • two glasses of rice;
  • about 400 grams of shrimp;
  • seasonings to taste;
  • three tablespoons of butter;
  • two cloves of garlic.

Cooking process:

  1. Prawn risotto in a slow cooker is very easy to prepare. First, pour the specified amount of rice into the bowl and fill it with water so that it is at the level of two glasses. Set the device to “Rice” mode for 20 minutes.
  2. At this time, fry the garlic and shrimp in a frying pan with butter, just a couple of minutes and season with spices.
  3. Add what you get to the rice and cook in the “Warming” mode for four minutes.

Restaurant-quality dish with white wine

You can make the dish something similar to what is served in a restaurant if you add wine to the ingredients during cooking.

Required Products:

  • a third of a glass of dry white wine;
  • five tablespoons of butter;
  • five glasses of chicken broth;
  • one and a half glasses of rice;
  • 250 grams of shrimp;
  • seasonings to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour some of the wine and broth into the pan, wait until everything boils and maintain this process.
  2. In a frying pan with oil, fry the shrimp with spices and wine for several minutes until they change color.
  3. In another frying pan, fry the garlic in a small amount of oil, add chopped onion to it. When it turns golden brown, add rice, two glasses of broth with wine and when the liquid has boiled away, add it again.
  4. Keep the rice for about 20 minutes until fully cooked, then combine with shrimp.

Cooking option with shrimp, corn and green peas

Very often, risotto is prepared with vegetables, so why not combine all these ingredients into one dish? Be sure to try this recipe.

Shrimp risotto is a wonderful dish, perfect for spending time with family or friends.

Required Products:

  • three cloves of garlic;
  • 300 grams of shrimp;
  • 100 grams of peas and the same amount of corn;
  • seasonings to your taste;
  • 50 grams of cheese and the same amount of butter;
  • a glass of rice.

Cooking process:

  1. Melt butter in a hot frying pan, add garlic and fry well, then add peas, corn, shrimp. Allow to stand for about two minutes. The garlic component will saturate the composition with a light piquant note.
  2. Next, add rice and spices to the vegetables, fill it with water or broth, and cook until cooked. Serve the dish on plates, sprinkled with grated cheese on top.

With mushrooms and shrimp

Another option for preparing risotto. As a result, mushrooms make the dish even more satisfying.

Required Products:

  • 150 grams of mushrooms;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • bulb;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • 200 grams of shrimp;
  • seasonings to your taste;
  • a glass of rice;
  • two tablespoons of butter.

Cooking process:

  1. Chop the garlic and onion into small squares and fry for a few minutes. Then add rice and keep on fire for another 7 minutes.
  2. Pour broth or water over the rice and stirring constantly until cooked for 15 minutes.
  3. We also put peeled shrimp and chopped mushrooms there. Keep on the stove under the lid for no more than 8 minutes, after which add butter and grated cheese. The dish is ready to serve.
  4. Required Products:
  • onion and carrot;
  • one sweet pepper;
  • a glass of rice;
  • 300 grams of shrimp;
  • 100 grams of canned peas and corn;
  • seasonings as desired.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the rice well, fill it with water and set to cook for about 20 minutes, setting the heat to medium.
  2. At this time, chop all the vegetables into small pieces, first fry the onion in a frying pan, then combine it with the carrots. After a few minutes, add pepper, corn and peas.
  3. After another 2-3 minutes, add peeled shrimp to the vegetables, sprinkle everything with seasonings and fry for about five minutes.
  4. Pour the already boiled rice into the frying pan, mix well with the rest of the ingredients, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for about seven minutes. Serve the dish with butter and herbs.

Shrimp risotto in creamy sauce is a delicious version of risotto that can easily be prepared at home. All you have to do is take risotto rice, fish broth and shrimp, add a little cream and... a very tasty dish is ready!

Let's prepare all the ingredients for making risotto.

Cut the onion into small cubes. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until transparent, 3-4 minutes.

Place the rice in the pan with the onions.

Fry it until translucent, stirring, 2 minutes.

After this, pour dry white wine into the pan. Let the alcohol evaporate for 2-3 minutes.

Pour one ladle of fish broth into the pan. Cook the risotto until the broth has completely evaporated. Then add the broth again and continue cooking the risotto.

Let's taste the rice. When the rice becomes soft inside, but still remains firm, add shrimp, which should first be cleared of heads and shells, and the intestinal wreaths on the tail should also be removed. Cook the dish for 5-6 minutes.

At the very end of cooking the risotto, add cream. Warm the dish for another 2-3 minutes.

Sprinkle the risotto with grated Parmesan cheese and remove the pan from the heat.