Scandal with underfilling of gasoline: what turned into a secret check of gas stations. We pay for air: at which gas stations they don’t add fuel  They press the gun

If you buy gasoline at a gas station and fill your car with 30 liters of gasoline, and you are given a check for 35 liters, this means that you were deceived by underfilling. It is also not uncommon for situations when, in fact, they pour less gasoline than you would like to purchase. In these situations (and in general, if you just suspect that you are not being honest), it is always better to check the seller.

How to resolve doubts?

If you are not sure about the correct operation of the fuel dispenser, you can contact the operator of the gas station for clarification and with the requirement to conduct a control measurement of the supply of gasoline. Perhaps your dispute will end with contacting the seller and the money will be returned to you voluntarily.

And you may need to do a control measurement. To do this, you are required to provide an exemplary measure corresponding to GOST 8.400-80. The measuring stick must be dry and clean, as well as sealed by the Center for Standardization and Metrology (hereinafter referred to as CSM). In accordance with paragraph 20.3 of the Rules for the technical operation of gas stations (RD 153-39.2-080-01), approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of 08/01/2001 No. 229, measuring instruments in operation at gas stations are subject to state verification.

The nominal capacity of measuring tanks can be 10, 20, 50, 100 dm3. With the help of a measuring device, it is possible to check fuel dispensers, gasoline and diesel fuel dispensers for the correct delivery of fuel in the temperature range from -20 ° C to +30 ° C. According to the recommendations of the State Committee established by MI 1864-88, the fuel temperature should be +20 °C. However, the gas station itself, depending on the season, can adjust the temperature of gasoline, which is reflected in the relevant protocols (clauses 4.3, 4.4 of MI 2895-2004). These documents in case of deviation from the temperature norm can be requested from the administration of the gas station.

Keep in mind that the gasoline that will be used for the control metering is paid by you. After measuring, gasoline can be drained into the tank of your car.

Before measuring, the dipstick is spilled with fuel, otherwise the performance of the dipstick will be underestimated.

The measuring stick contains a temperature marking with a scale from +50 to -60 and a movable carriage. After the fuel is poured into the measuring tank, it is necessary that the movable carriage is fixed (clause 6.4.4 of MI 2895-2004). The error is from +1 to -1 nominal capacity. Anything more or less is a deviation from the norm. If the level of gasoline is below the established bar, then you have not topped up. It is possible that you may be denied the provision of a measuring device and the implementation of a control measurement. In this case, if there are reasonable suspicions of fraud, you can call Rospotrebnadzor and the police. It will not be superfluous if you enlist the support of eyewitnesses of what happened, and also make an entry in the Book of Complaints and Suggestions. If you do not have time to wait for law enforcement officers, you can file a written complaint with these authorities or the prosecutor's office. After your complaint, the gas station will check and, if violations are found, they will impose an administrative fine or suspend the operation of the fuel dispenser until the malfunction is eliminated.

Your rights

Underfilling gasoline violates the mandatory condition of the sales contract on the quantity of goods (Article 465 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). These actions, among other things, qualify as a miscalculation: charging a larger amount than is due to the price of the goods; or concealment (non-return) of the excess amount of money received from the consumer (transferring to him only a part of this amount).

Since you are a consumer, the relationship between the gas station and the buyer - an individual is subject to the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (hereinafter - Law No. 2300-1). As stated in Part 1 of Art. 1 of Law No. 2300-1, relations in the field of consumer protection are also regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the provisions of Art. Art. 454, 456, 465 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under a contract of sale, one party (seller) undertakes to transfer a thing (goods) into the ownership of the other party (buyer) in the amount stipulated by the contract in the relevant units of measurement or in monetary terms, and the buyer undertakes to accept this goods and pay a certain amount of money (price) for it. Article 14.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation says that measuring, weighing, calculating, misleading about consumer properties, quality of goods (work, services) or other deception of consumers in organizations that sell goods, perform work or provide services to the population, as well as citizens , registered as individual entrepreneurs in the field of trade (services), shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine.

So, if the fraud at the gas station was confirmed, on the basis of civil law and Law No. 2300-1, you have the right to:

  • demand topping up of gasoline;
  • get back the overpaid money.

You also have the right to go to court. After sending a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor regarding the gas station, an unscheduled inspection will be carried out, the results of which, most likely, will result in an administrative penalty.

Of course, we wish you not to face deception! But if this happened, do not hesitate to defend your rights.

Massive underfilling of fuel was revealed at Russian gas stations: 76% of gas stations in the country were convicted of this. The authors of the study note that due to underfilling, the consumer sometimes buys fuel at an inflated price, which, moreover, does not meet the standards. At the same time, gas stations that sell fuel from large oil companies are the least deceived. Experts cite the economic situation in the country as the reason for the massive underfilling, which forces small gas stations to deceive consumers.

The Russian Federation of Car Owners (FAR) conducted a study, the results of which showed what percentage of gas stations deceive consumers by not adding fuel. Underfill monitoring of AI-92 and AI-95 was carried out at 34 filling stations in 13 constituent entities of Russia. During the monitoring, five integrated oil companies (VIOCs), 25 federal and regional networks, and eight small-network and private filling stations were inspected. For the study, FAR developed a method for determining fuel underfilling at gas stations in the "mystery shopper" mode, which allows you to determine the actual amount of fuel lowered into the car tank, as well as to select fuel to check the quality for compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU).

“According to our method, a discrepancy of more than one percent between the paid and actually received fuel was taken as an underfill. As a result, underfilling was detected at 76% of the filling stations,” the FAR website says.

It is noted that underfilling among VINKs (these include Rosneft, Lukoil, Surgutneftegaz, Gazpromneft, Tatneft, Slavneft, Bashneft, RussNeft) amounted to 20%, one out of five ( underfilling of 1.63% - at the level of error), among federal and large regional networks it was detected in 81% of cases (average underfilling 4.97%, maximum 19.03%).

Underfilling among small chain and private filling stations was 100% (average underfilling 5.66%, maximum 8.03%). The average underfill for the sample was 5.05%, which means that it can actually be added to the price per liter.

As noted in the FAR, underfilling of fuel is not only a deception of the consumer, but also an element of unfair competition.

Using underfilling, unscrupulous market participants actually sell fuel at a higher market price, which does not yet meet the requirements of TR CU.

So, for example, a gas station in the Krasnodar Territory sold AI-95 at 44.70 rubles per liter, underfilling amounted to 19.03%, and in fact the consumer purchased fuel for 55.21 rubles per liter.

In the Moscow region, according to the same principle, the consumer overpaid more than four rubles per liter. Gas stations sold fuel at 39.90 rubles per liter, underfilling amounted to 12.8%, and in fact the consumer paid 44 rubles per liter.

The FAR notes that the reason for the underfill may be economic reasons.

“If the wholesale price for gasoline is higher than the retail price, then this inevitably leads to a decrease in the quality and quantity of fuel sold at filling stations, which means that we all have the risk of not only refueling fuel of dubious quality, but also paying “for air,” the statement says. message.

“Unfortunately, an ordinary consumer cannot influence this situation in any way,” the head of the FAR Sergey Kanaev told - To prove something on the spot, even if the fact of underfilling is obvious, it will not work, and the advice to fill in 10 or 20 liters at dubious gas stations, as Peter Shkumatov advised, in my opinion is unlikely to help. This will definitely not be a guarantee against underfilling.

The situation can be corrected by developing a methodology for determining the amount of fuel in the mystery shopper mode and further determining the exact quantitative indicators. The methodology should be developed by the state, but control over the work of gas stations should be state-public”

“This is really a complete disgrace. Since there are such precedents, you need to understand. Because, of course, these underfills happen only at the very bottom, at the level of the gas stations themselves. Our state corporations should be instructed to deal with this issue and involve the security service, ”Ananskikh said RT.

Oleg Ashikhmin, First Vice President of the Russian Fuel Union (RTS), President of the Oil Club of St. Petersburg, commented on the news about the massive underfilling of fuel at Russian gas stations.

“These are special cases, and not a trend of today's oil products retail market. Unfortunately, what the FAR has revealed is taking place. And this is a legacy that we inherited from the Soviet Union.
The owner of a gas station is not interested in the fact that the car owner is underfilled. This often happens at the level of the operator, master. I know the situation from the inside. I know how the owners of companies pay great attention to this, security services are involved in this. But where there is an opportunity to take something somewhere, “our” people do it.
If you arrive at this station with a canister of gasoline and pour it into it, you will see whether you are topped up or not. This is theft, which is difficult to punish. And that's what the police should be doing. But in this case, you must immediately make a claim to the station operator so that they check the fuel dispenser (TRK) for supply in order to indicate the moment that you see that you are not topped up. And do not be afraid to contact the company's management,” Ashikhmin noted.
“The incident is related to the fact that unscrupulous owners of gas stations and employees who are not looked after, obviously, use a wide variety of tricks and deceive motorists.
First of all, it is necessary to oblige the owners of gas stations to put things in order in this matter, for example, through test purchases. Identify such cases and bring to administrative and serious liability. In some cases, maybe even a criminal one, if we are talking about systematic deception of the consumer, ”Mayorov told RT.

Almost all motorists faced such a problem as underfilling gasoline at gas stations. This is a very relevant problem at the present time, since it is difficult to deal with it for a person who is not familiar with this. This is all due to the fact that when we pour 10 liters of gasoline into the tank, we don’t know for sure how much we actually poured into it: it is possible that instead of 10, no more than 9 are filled.

To determine that you are faced with underfilling of gasoline, you can use two main signs:

  • For example, while refueling a full car tank.

When your light bulb starts beeping, announcing the end of gasoline, and according to performance data, the capacity of your gas tank is exactly 50 liters, then when refueling at a gas station, it will be completely strange when 55 liters fit there. It just shouldn't happen, be aware that this station doesn't actually add gas.

  • The second way to check is to fill a canister of a certain volume.

Let me give you a special example from life. One familiar motorist decided to somehow fill two five-liter canisters at a gas station. As a result, in one of the canisters it turned out 4 liters, and in the other - 3.5. The conclusion from all this is obvious - at this station, gasoline is clearly not topped up.

In what ways can a gas station not top up with gasoline

Let's name 2 of them, although in fact there are many more. The first of these methods is based on checking the honesty of refueling by specialized services. They use ten-liter canisters to take fuel at gas stations. For this reason, the filling station equipment is set to top up the first 10 liters of fuel accurately. However, when refueling large volumes of fuel, underfilling is also likely. Eg, from 20 liters you will be filled with only 18 liters, and from 30 only 26.

The second way of underfilling gasoline at the station is more tricky. For this purpose, a special fuel filling management program is being developed, which includes the possibility of not adding fuel. If, during the control, an underfill of fuel was detected at a given gas station, then the employees have the right to ask for a re-examination, during which they will change the management program. It is most likely that the change in the program behind the fueling control occurs "on the fly".

How can you save yourself unnecessary expenses?

Here are some simple tips to help motorists:

  1. You need to choose a quality gas station that you can really trust. If you discover a new gas station that you have never visited before, pour no more than 5 or 10 liters into the tank to check it. You can also determine how high-quality fuel is being poured. You can also fill a canister of a certain volume at this station. After that, you can determine exactly how much fuel is not topped up at a given gas station.
  2. It will be better to refuel on your own, without resorting to the help of gas station employees for this. However, in the event that it is difficult for you to refuel yourself, try to observe the actions of the tanker.
  3. It is best to refuel in the morning when there is no heat (in summer). This paragraph applies to such gas stations where ground tanks. It is not recommended to refuel after the fuel pump has been drained at a gas station.
  4. Carefully look at the data on the plastic viewing window at the gas station. ? If this gas station is faulty, then air will flow with gasoline, which can be seen as bubbles. In this case, you should contact the administration of the gas station about a refund.
  5. If you have been deceived, you can contact the owner, the local metrology authority, the police, and so on.

The issue of "swindle" at gas stations has recently become more than relevant, underfilling of fuel has become a "classic of the genre" at gas stations, a great way to make money on deceived motorists. The problem also exists for the reason that it is quite difficult to deal with it, and not everyone wants to spoil their nerves for some pennies. However, quite often, under the concept of a penny, quite a tidy sum is hidden that goes out of your pockets into the pockets of dishonest refuellers or their management ...

Agree, it’s almost impossible to find out how much gasoline you filled in, you paid for 10 liters, and you were filled with only 9 liters, how do you know about it? You will not lower all the gasoline every time to find out whether they “cheated” you or is everything honest ?! The option with a canister is also not entirely successful, since constantly driving with a canister in the trunk is far from the best way out, even if it’s better to be deceived, and not everyone wants to overflow every time. What if it's a lady? In short, we discard the first two options at once, I offer you some more civilized ways to expose the deceivers.

So, here are a few tricks that will help you avoid "swindling" at gas stations.

It is possible to identify underfilling of fuel at gas stations by two main signs.

1. The first way. For example, refueling a full tank. When your light starts flashing, which signals the end of fuel, and in the technical documentation for the car, the manufacturer indicated that the capacity of your tank is max. 50 liters, then if 55 liters enter it in some strange way at the gas station - you need to start worrying or ask if the gas station is a close relative of Copperfield - I'm joking, of course. This is basically impossible, unless you once had to change or increase the fuel tank of your car. Such an anomaly is a clear sign that the gas station does not top up with gasoline, in this case, about 3-5 liters.

2. The second way to check. The next method is to fill the canister of a specific volume indicated above. I once had a chance to experience this kind of scam. In short, once I needed to fill two five-liter canisters (it was summer, I went fishing, and there are no gas stations in those parts, so I decided to take a reserve). What was my surprise when there were 4 liters in one five-liter canister, and 3.5 liters in the second. I will not describe how I sorted things out with the gas station, and what arguments they gave in their defense, it is clear that one gas station does not top up with gasoline.

Now I will give you two main ways in which gas stations “save” or steal your own fuel.

There are 2 main ways, although who knows, there may be many more.

The first method is based on checking the "honesty" of gas stations by special services. To do this, the inspectors at the gas station collect a 10-liter canister of fuel. As a rule, the filling station equipment is “informed” about this possibility of checking, so it is set to accurately dispense 10 liters of fuel. However, when people start filling up more, for example, 20 or 30 liters, then you will get 19 and 27 liters, respectively.

Method number two is trickier. This method involves the development of special software (software), with the help of which fuel refueling is controlled, as you understand, it can contain a special code that will determine who and how much to underfill fuel. In the event that the control service detects the fact of underfilling of fuel, the gas station, according to the law, has the right to conduct a re-examination, during which the program that controls “to whom, how much to underfill” simply ceases to operate for a while. As a result, “false justice” will prevail, and the control service will apologize for the mistake made in the calculations. And the gas station will again regain its good name and continue to “breed” gullible customers. There are also fuel "dosing" programs that can be controlled remotely, so to speak "on the fly".

We sort of figured out the deceptive principles of gas stations, as well as ways to identify them, now it's time to figure out how to prevent this and not become a member of the "scam".

1. So, the first thing you need in order not to be cheated is to choose a decent and honest gas station. Try to refuel only at those gas stations about which you have heard a lot of reliable reviews of people close and familiar to you. If you urgently need refueling, and your permanent and proven gas station is not nearby, you should not immediately fill a full tank, it is better to fill in only 5-10 liters to start, this will be enough to understand the quality of the fuel. If you are wondering how accurately the “new gas station” measures fuel, find a canister of a certain volume and pour a couple of liters into it. This will allow you to make sure that the point is normal and you can refuel here regularly without fear for the consequences, or vice versa - go around the tenth side.

Motorists are faced with the problem of underfilling gasoline. When we pour 10 liters of fuel into the tank of a car, we cannot measure how much was filled in: 10 liters or 9 and a half.


It is possible to determine the underfilling of gasoline at a gas station by two criteria. For example, when refueling a full tank of a car. If the light about the end of gasoline starts flashing, and according to the manufacturer, the capacity of the gas tank is 50 liters, then when refueling at a gas station, it will look strange if 55 liters of gasoline can fit there. This cannot be, know this gas station does not top up with gasoline.

The second way to check: this is filling a canister of a certain volume. I will give an example from life. One motorist decided to fill two five-liter canisters at one gas station. As a result, in one canister there were 4 liters of gasoline, and in the other - only three and a half. The conclusion is obvious - at this gas station they are deceiving.

According to experts, fuel is not topped up everywhere. On average, filling stations underfill about 300 ml for every 10 liters. If a gas station sells 4-5 tons of fuel every day, then the total underfilling reaches 140 liters, which is 5,000 rubles or 150,000 per month.

What are the ways at gas stations for underfilling gasoline? Let's name 2 main ones. The first is based on checking the honesty of refueling by special services (Rosstandart and the prosecutor's office). 10-liter canisters are used to take fuel at gas stations. Because of this, the filling station equipment is set to accurately top up the first 10 liters of fuel. When refueling large volumes of gasoline, underfilling is possible. For example, from 20 liters you will be filled with 19.5, and from 40 - only 38.

The second way of underfilling gasoline is more tricky. To do this, a special fueling management program is being developed, which includes the possibility of fuel underfilling. If the control comes and detects an underfilling of fuel at a given gas station, then the employees ask for a re-examination, during which they change the management program. Most likely, changing the refueling control program is possible on the fly.

HOW TO NOT LET YOURSELF BE robbed at a gas station?

  • Choose a quality and proven gas station. If you find a new gas station that you have not been to before, then fill the tank with 5 or 10 liters for verification. So you can determine the quality of the fuel being poured.
  • Refuel yourself without resorting to the help of gas station employees. If it is difficult to refuel yourself, then observe the actions of the tanker.
  • It is not recommended to refuel after draining the fuel with a fuel truck.
  • If you have been deceived, then contact the owner, the consumer protection committee, the local metrology and standardization body, and the prosecutor's office.

Each race at the gas station is still akin to Russian roulette. Our advice: fill up at trusted gas stations and don't be tempted by low fuel prices.

Any driver in our country, approaching the gas station, is not sure of two things. Firstly, is the quality of gasoline at the station, and, secondly, will they pour him as much fuel as he paid for. Moreover, the farther the gas station is from the city, the stronger this uncertainty becomes. You need to know that underfilling is also more attractive for the “scammers” themselves, that is, tankers, if you don’t dig too much, than diluting gasoline. Underfilling half a liter of gasoline by 20-30 liters is practically imperceptible, and at the end of the shift, a good amount accumulates at the tanker.

Ways of cheating when refueling a car (underfilling gasoline)

Our very smart people have come up with a lot of such methods. For example, when the cost of gasoline is a penny, a gas station employee claims that he does not have change and offers to top up the amount of gasoline equal to the cost of change. If it’s a couple of rubles, many simply give up and leave, but in another option, they pour as much as they ordered, and the overpaid money goes into the seller’s pocket. Half a liter underfilling on the counter is explained by the presence of this gasoline in the hose. If an assistant is used for refueling, and you do not get out of the car when refueling, and do not even look at the meter reading, be sure that fuel will enter the tank prematurely, and the remaining gasoline will be drained into a special container. There are many more ways to scam. The installation of electronic filling systems does not fundamentally solve the problem, but rather simplifies it. She takes her to another level. Into the software plane. In this case, it is impossible to see the deception. The meter will display the amount of fuel you ordered, but less fuel will enter the tank. The amount of underfilled fuel is regulated by the tanker. At the same time, when inspectors appear, you can give a signal to the system about the correct operation. And no matter how much fuel you pour into the control bucket, as much as it should be poured there. In general, as you understand, they didn’t top up, they don’t top up, and ....

What are the ways to deal with underfilling of gasoline at gas stations

At the gas station there should be a measuring bucket, where, at your request, they should pour gasoline and convince you of the correct filling. But already poured gasoline into the tank in this way you can not check. However, the measurement of poured gasoline using a measuring bucket is carried out as follows. On the measuring bucket, the slider is set to the amount of fuel that will be poured into the measuring bucket. This takes into account the air temperature. Then gasoline is poured strictly according to the meter. Deviations in any direction by 50 ml per 10 liters of gasoline are not considered a violation. Of great importance for the correct filling of fuel is the air temperature, and, accordingly, where the fuel tanks are located. At high temperatures, gasoline expands, or rather the air in it, but its mass does not increase. This means that when refueling warm fuel, it will merge less than it should. And after cooling in the tank of the car, it will take a natural amount.
If you suspect a fuel shortage, you need to contact the gas station operator and demand (!) to perform a control measurement of fuel selection from the dispenser to a special measuring tank. If underfilling is detected, an underfilling act is drawn up indicating its amount. All this is spelled out in the Consumer Rights Act. Of course, it will be quite difficult to implement this, but the mere fact that you demand that your rights be respected will show that your actions are legitimate and do not violate anyone's rights. You will rather be filled with gasoline and wish you a good journey than they will wait for the arrival of inspectors after your complaints. Alas, the main problem of underfilling is the detection of systematic deception of consumers. Then the sanctions will be different. And a single control purchase of fuel with the detection of underfilling will only lead to a small fine. Of course, having discovered underfilling, you can make a comprehensive check of this gas station. But this occupation is troublesome, and what to do is troublesome, our officials and employees of control services are not at hand.

How not to be deceived by underfilling at gas stations

First, use your experience and the experience of your comrades. They will definitely recommend you a station that they themselves use and are satisfied with. You can do the same. If you find a decent gas station, use it, well, and tell your comrades.
Secondly, you can check the gas station on your own. Buy a can of gasoline and measure the amount of fuel poured. Of course, you cannot take into account the temperature coefficient, but the shortage of half a glass speaks volumes about the honesty of the tankers.
Thirdly, in summer it is best to refuel in the morning before the tanks are warm.
Also, do not pour gasoline after the arrival of a fuel truck.
Fifth, when approaching the gas station, select the column where another car has just refueled or is refueling. All dispenser mechanisms will be lubricated with fuel, and the hose will already contain that part of gasoline that they will try to drain as efficiently as possible after the departure of all cars.
Sixth, pay attention to the viewing window. If air enters there along with gasoline, immediately contact the operator of the gas station.

We hope that our advice will help you avoid troubles with underfilling of gasoline at gas stations.