How much does a train locomotive weigh? Railway. Calculation of straightening of a given track profile

The estimated tangential power (in kW) of the locomotive, implemented on the rim of its wheels under the condition of steady motion, is found from the expression

where - tangential traction force in the design mode, equal to the resistance of the train of a given mass, kN;

Estimated speed, km/h.

Studies to establish the masses of freight and passenger trains show that the economically feasible mass of a train corresponds to the full use of the length of the station tracks and their bearing capacity. With modern standards for these track indicators and taking into account the technical equipment and carrying capacity of railways, the largest mass of a passenger train is no more than 1200 tons, a freight train is 6000 tons (table 4.1). With a train mass = 8000 tons, the most favorable design speed for diesel locomotives is 27 km/h, gas turbine locomotives 30-40 and electric locomotives 40-60 km/h.

The greatest tangential power of a shunting diesel locomotive, realized when accelerating a freight train with a mass up to speed , is found from the equation


where - resistivity, = 30 N/t; - average accelerating force, = (50-80) N/t; - specific resistance from lifting, = (0-20) N/t; - average speed during acceleration, = (7-8.5) km / h

Type of thrust Train weight, t (no more) Speed, km/h
estimated Maximum
on single-track sections with low cargo turnover 23-30 85-100
in areas with the highest turnover 28-30
in passenger traffic 800-1200 70-100 140-200
Gas turbine locomotive in freight traffic 30-40
on direct current in freight traffic
on alternating current in freight traffic 110-120
on alternating current in passenger traffic 800-1000 80-100 160-200

Effective power (in kW) - the main energy parameter of an autonomous locomotive (diesel locomotive, gas turbine locomotive, steam locomotive), equal to the power of its power plant, is determined by the expression

where - transmission efficiency, = 0.77 for hydraulic transmissions, = 0.8 for electric transmissions; - free power factor.

The coefficient takes into account on locomotives the energy consumption for driving the refrigeration unit fan, auxiliary machines (compressor, auxiliary generator, etc.) and devices. For diesel locomotives, the coefficient = 0.90 ÷ 0.92. Gas turbine locomotives do not have a powerful refrigeration unit, so the value = 0 97. for gas turbine locomotives equipped with a diesel engine for auxiliary needs, = 1.

The power of electric locomotives is defined as the total power on the shafts of traction motors during their operation in hourly and long-term modes of motion. Power, along with other parameters, is used to select the power plant of the designed locomotive. In the event that the effective power is set by the terms of reference or is adopted according to the power of the power plant, it is necessary to determine the mass of the train at which the locomotive can move at speeds recommended by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Coupling weight is the total load on the driving wheel sets of the locomotive and characterizes its ability to develop the necessary traction force without wheels slipping along the rails.

Coupling weight (in kN) for a freight locomotive is calculated under the condition of its movement along the calculated rise at a steady speed without boxing from the ratio

, (4)

where - coefficient of adhesion at speed , - coefficient of use of the adhesion weight; for locomotives with group drive = 1, with individual drive = 0.85÷0.92.

To obtain coefficient values ​​close to one, it is recommended to use drive axle boxes, in-line arrangement of traction motors, low kingpin placement, inclined traction device drives, monomotor drive, additional loaders - devices that eliminate the unloading of bogie wheel pairs.

The grip weight of a passenger locomotive from the condition of providing a given acceleration during train acceleration is determined by the formula

, (5)

where is the total specific resistance to the movement of the train at the moment of starting at a conditional speed of 5-8 km/h on a slope i (‰), N/t;

Resistivity from accelerating force, N/t; ( - acceleration of the train after starting off, depending on the category, of the train, equal to 1200-1800 km / h 2);

Train acceleration, km/m 2 , under the action of a specific accelerating force of 1 N/t.

For calculation it is possible to accept = 80 N/t. The values ​​for freight and passenger trains are 12.2 km/h 2 , for electric trains 12 km/h 2 , for diesel trains 11.8 km/h 2 .

Having chosen the value , check the possibility of realizing the given acceleration acceleration according to equation (5) at = 0 with higher speeds. If the accepted value is not maintained in a section equal to half the acceleration path, then the weight is increased.

The grip weight of a shunting locomotive (diesel locomotive) depends on the nature and conditions of its operation: marshalling maneuvers on a hill, export operations on main roads, etc. During hump operation, the required grip weight is determined when the train starts off after stopping at the hump hump from the ratio

, (6)

Where - specific resistance to movement, equal to 70 N / t for freight trains; - average resistance when climbing the sliding part of the hill, N/t.

Resistance, for all types of rolling stock numerically
is equal to 10 times the lift, which is found from the expression

, (7)

Where - rises of sections of the sliding part of the slide, ‰;

The length of the sections of the sliding part of the slide, m;

Train length, m

Under the conditions of export work, the required coupling weight of the locomotive is found from equation (4) at the design speed = 10÷16 km/h.

Service weight is determined by the amount of materials invested in the design of the machine. For bogie locomotives, where all wheel pairs are driven, the service weight (in tons) is 0.1. For shunting locomotives, the service weight is usually insufficient to obtain the calculated coupling weight. In this case, an additional mass (ballast) is provided in the undercarriage. Mainline passenger locomotives, especially high-speed locomotives, have a service mass that provides an actual coupling weight that exceeds the calculated one. For such locomotives, it is possible to reduce the service weight by reducing the consumption of materials in their manufacture. Service mass for built locomotives is determined on special scales for weighing locomotives. At the initial design stage, the service mass can be calculated by the formula

, (8)

where is the service weight specific indicator recommended for promising locomotives, kg/kW.

For electric locomotives, the power of the hourly Mode, kW, is entered into the indicator. Table 4.2 shows the specific service weight values ​​for modern locomotives.

Table 4.2

Specific indicators of service mass

The number of wheel sets depends on the mass of the locomotive and the load from the wheelset on the rails. If the service weight is used in the calculation, then the total number of wheel sets will be determined, if the adhesion weight is the number of driving wheel sets. For one section of the locomotive, the number can be equal to 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8. If more, then the locomotive is formed from two sections.

Having outlined the number of wheel pairs for the designed locomotive, it is necessary to check the static load on the rails by the expression

, (9)

where is the permissible static load from the wheelset on the rails, kN.
The permissible load depends on the design and condition of the superstructure of the track and is established by the technical requirements of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On roads with R50 and R65 rails laid on wooden sleepers and crushed stone ballast, the following values ​​\u200b\u200bare allowed = 226 kN for freight locomotives, = 206 kN - for passenger ones. In the reconstructed sections, the permissible load from the wheelset on the rail is 246 kN.

The diameter of the driving wheels of locomotives depends on many factors, of which reliability and minimum unsprung mass are the main ones.

At present, three wheel sizes are used on the traction rolling stock of the CIS railways: 1050 and 1220 mm for diesel locomotives, 950 mm for diesel trains and part of electric trains, and 1220 and 1250 mm for electric locomotives. To unify the chassis of the crews of diesel locomotives and electric locomotives, it is recommended to use wheels with a diameter of 1220 and 1250 mm, which will reduce operating and repair costs, increase the mileage between turning tires, reduce contact stresses in the rails, etc. However, when using wheels with a large diameter, the mass of the wheel couples and increases the eccentricity of the main frame relative to the coupler. The required wheel diameter (mm) is calculated by the formula

where is the permissible load per 1 mm of wheel diameter, equal to 0.2-0.22 to 0.27 kN / mm.

When choosing the diameter of the wheels, one should be guided by the standard sizes of tires for wide gauge rolling stock on wheel sets for diesel locomotives and electric locomotives. Tires 75 mm thick are installed on wheels with an axial load of up to 206 kN, 90 mm thick - on wheels with an axial load of more than 206 kN.

The length of the locomotive along the axes of the automatic couplers is set in the process of assembling the equipment. At the initial design stage, length, mm,

for locomotives with a capacity of 1470-2300 kW;

for locomotives with power over 2900 kW;

In general, approximately

The maximum length of the locomotive is limited by the technical requirements for the repair stalls of the depot, the minimum - by the strength of the track structures. To check, use the equation

, (14)

where is the permissible load per unit of track length, equal to 73.5 kN / m for operated and 88.5 kN / m for designed locomotives.

The base of the locomotive is the distance between the kingpins or geometric centers of the bogies of one section. It is determined by the conditions for the layout of the undercarriage "on the bottom" and the reliability of the adhesion of the automatic coupler of the locomotive and the car. pre base locomotive

where e is a numerical coefficient equal to 0.5-0.54 for the undercarriage with a length of up to 20 m and 0.55-0.6 with a length of over 20 m.

The bogie base depends on the dimensions of the traction drive, traction motors and other elements placed on the bogies. The distance between adjacent wheel pairs for modern locomotive bogies is 1.85-2.3 m. Smaller values ​​refer to bogies with group drives, larger ones - with individual drives. Based on this, it is possible to choose the base of the bogie before the development of the crew design: within 3.7-4.6 m for three-axle bogies and 5.5-7 m for four-axle bogies with an individual drive. To eliminate large errors in the assessment of linear dimensions , and they should be compared with similar indicators of modern locomotives (table 4.3).

177-167 11,0 10,5

Task number 4.

Determine the main characteristics of the designed locomotive according to the option:

1. Determine the coupling weight and service weight of the locomotive

2. Determine the number of axles and the diameter of the wheels of the locomotive

3. Determine the geometric dimensions of the locomotive

4. Build the traction characteristic of the locomotive

Table 4.6. Initial data for calculation

The most important characteristics of locomotives are: axle formula, axle load, service weight, coupling weight, size and efficiency.
Axial formula characterizes the number, location and purpose of driving wheelsets. For bogie-type locomotives, the axle formula is a combination of numbers, the number of digits corresponds to the number of bogies, each digit indicates the number of axles in the bogie. Next, a “+” sign is put if the traction force is transmitted through the articulation of the bogies, or a “-” sign if the bogies are not interconnected (not articulated) and the traction force is transmitted through the body frame. The subscript "0" near the numbers indicates that each axle has an individual (separate) drive. For example, the VL60 electric bogie locomotive has an axial formula 3 0 - 3 0, which shows that the electric locomotive has two three-axle bogies, the bogies are not connected to each other and each axle has a separate (individual) drive (traction motor). The diesel locomotive TEP-70 has the same axial formula: 3 0 - 3 0 .
For an eight-axle two-section electric locomotive with non-articulated bogies, in which each section cannot work independently (electric locomotives VL10, VL10 U, VL80 T, VL80 R), the axial formula is 2 0 -2 0 - 2 0 -2 0, and for a locomotive with articulated bogies - 2 0 +2 0 + 2 0 +2 0 (VL8 electric locomotive).
The axial characteristics of electric locomotives, in which each section works independently, will be 2 (2 0 -2 0) - electric locomotives VL11 and VL80s, 2 (3 0 -3 0) - diesel locomotive 2TE116. The numbers 2 or 3 before the parenthesis indicate the number of sections of the locomotive.
For non-bogie type locomotives, the number of runner, leading (coupling) and supporting axles is sequentially listed in the axial formula. For example, the diesel locomotive TGM1 has an axial formula -0-3-0, which means: there are no runner axles, there are three driving axles with a group drive, there are no supporting axles. Diesel locomotive E EL has an axial formula 2-5 0 -1, i.e. two running axles, five individually driven, one supporting.
Abroad, in the axial formulas of locomotives, the number of driving wheelsets is shown not in numbers, but in Latin letters. The letter A is one axis, B is two, C is three, etc. For example, the axial characteristic of the diesel locomotive TEP-70 for Russian railways: 3 0 -3 0, and for foreign roads is written as C 0 -C 0 .(load from axles on rails) characterizes the static impact of the locomotive on the railway track. For mainline locomotives operated on the railways of our country, the maximum allowable load on the rails is 225kN. For locomotives VL15, VL85, 2TE121 - 245 kN.
service weight of the locomotive its full weight is called - with a locomotive crew and outfitting materials, (for a diesel locomotive with a full supply of water and oil and two-thirds of the fuel and sand).
Coupling weight - the weight transmitted to the driving wheelsets. Since in almost all locomotives all axles are driving, for them the coupling weight is equal to the service one.
Dimension called the limiting transverse outline (perpendicular to the axis of the track), beyond which no part of the locomotive should protrude. For locomotives, the standard dimensions are T and 1-T. Dimension 1-T has the maximum maximum width of 3400 mm and a height of 5300 mm.
Efficiency , although it is the main parameter of the locomotive, is the calculated value of the efficiency of a certain type of locomotive: steam locomotives, electric locomotives, diesel locomotives, etc.
Diesel locomotives have a high efficiency of 26-30%. The runs of diesel locomotives without replenishment of water and fuel are 800-1000 km. Diesel locomotives are autonomous, i.e. do not depend on the contact network, like electric locomotives, and therefore the operation of diesel locomotives does not require power supply devices, and railways with diesel traction are cheaper than electrified railways. Diesel locomotives are advantageous to operate in shunting and export work. Average operating efficiency locomotive increases with the use of its power by 80-100%, and when using power by 30% efficiency. reduced to 20%.
Electric traction has a number of advantages over diesel traction. Modern thermal power plants with powerful and economical units operate with efficiency. up to 40% and efficiency electric traction when receiving energy from such power plants is 25-30%. In addition, diesel locomotives run on expensive high-calorie fuel. Thermal power plants can operate on lower grades of fuel. When the line is powered by hydroelectric power plants, the efficiency electric locomotives and electric trains is 60-62%. The efficiency of electric traction also increases when the sections are powered by nuclear power plants. Weighted average operating efficiency of electric traction when powered by power plants of all types, taking into account fuel losses during its extraction, transportation and storage:
efficiency power stations;
efficiency power lines, taking into account efficiency. transport substations (0.95-0.96);
efficiency traction substation (0.94-0.97);
efficiency contact network (=0.94-0.96);
efficiency electric locomotive (0.85-0.88);
coefficient taking into account fuel losses (=0.94-0.96).
Electric locomotives are more reliable in operation, require lower costs for inspections and repairs. Electric traction can convert the stored mechanical energy into electrical energy and transfer it during regenerative braking to the contact network for use by other electric locomotives or motor cars operating at that time in traction mode.

The content of the article

RAILWAY, a permanent transport route, characterized by the presence of a track (or tracks) of fixed rails, along which trains carry passengers, luggage, mail and various goods. The concept of "railway" includes not only rolling stock (locomotives, passenger and freight cars, etc.), but also the right of way of land with all structures, buildings, property and the right to transport goods and passengers along it.


A railway locomotive is a self-propelled vehicle designed to move a train of passenger or freight cars along a rail track. The energy required for movement can be generated within the locomotive itself (as in a steam locomotive and diesel locomotive) or consumed by it from an external source (as in a contact-type electric locomotive). For many years, only steam locomotives were operated on the railways, but locomotives with new types of engines appeared, gradually their number increased, and now only diesel locomotives and electric locomotives are used on the railways. In the 1930s, the accelerated development of all railway technology began. The speed of passenger and freight trains increased, and locomotive design principles began to be determined by the requirements for maximum traction power per unit weight with maximum operating efficiency.

Ways to operate locomotives.

Locomotives are produced in four types according to their purpose - for passenger trains, for freight trains, for shunting operations (at freight stations and depots), for industrial enterprises. Typically, the traction locomotive is located at the head of the train. Sometimes (in mountainous terrain and generally where there are heavy lifts) a second locomotive is connected to help him; in such cases, it is usually picked up at the head or tail of the composition.

Electric locomotives.

Locomotives with electric traction are mainly used to move passenger and freight trains on heavy-duty mainline railways. Such locomotives vary greatly in power: some are only capable of moving a couple of two or three cars from place to place at a speed of several km / h, while others are able to drag a train of 15–20 passenger (or even more than 100 freight) cars ; while the speed of a passenger train can reach 300 km/h. Low-speed low-power electric locomotives are also used in mines, transporting coal and ore, and in factory areas, where raw materials and products are transported.

Power modes.

Power supply of railway lines on alternating or direct current. In accordance with the regime, various types of electrical equipment are used. DC electric locomotives use DC electric motors with series or mixed excitation. In electric locomotives on alternating current, collector, asynchronous or synchronous traction electric motors of single-phase alternating current are used.


electric locomotives have many modifications. The simplest of them (which shunting and low-speed mainline electric locomotives usually have) consists of a body frame mounted on two swivel bogies (with a pincer-shaped swivel mechanism between the axles of the bogie) and an individual motor drive to any axle of each bogie, like in a tram. The articulated chassis is made according to a similar scheme, but differs in that the traction force is transmitted to the bogies not by the locomotive body frame, but through an internal swivel joint.


Since it is enough to flip the polarity switch from one position to another to change the direction of movement of an electric locomotive, electric locomotives are designed so that their control cabins look in both directions of the railway track (forward and backward). The same controls are located at both ends of the locomotive - to the right of the driver's seat (along the locomotive).

Diesel locomotives.

The diesel-electric locomotive is an autonomous locomotive, as it has its own power plant. The crankshaft of the prime mover (diesel) is directly connected to the armature of the DC electric generator, which is fed to the traction motors of the locomotive wheels. There is no direct mechanical connection between the diesel engine and the wheels in this type of locomotive. The transmission of energy from the diesel engine and its distribution to the propellers is carried out through intermediate and switching devices. The diesel engine operates at a constant shaft speed - depending on the throttle position, which is set by the driver. Since the speed of a diesel engine is not related to the speed of the train, wheel traction motors must meet the specific requirements for speed and power that are placed on them in operating modes - when accelerating a train, climbing steep slopes and transporting heavy trains.

High availability

diesel-electric locomotive is determined by the simplicity of its refueling, which is no more difficult than refueling a car with gasoline. Therefore, a diesel-electric locomotive can make long trips without long downtime, and it is refueled when changing the train crew.

Shunting diesel-electric locomotives

the most convenient in operation of all locomotives designed for shunting; one refueling is enough for them for several days of work. Until 1946, shunting diesel-electric locomotives were the most produced, but subsequently the production of mainline diesel locomotives with electric transmission increased rapidly.

Locomotive engine.

Diesel locomotives use heavy liquid fuel internal combustion engines operating on a two- or four-stroke cycle. Some of them have cylinders arranged vertically in a row; others have a V-shaped with two rows of cylinders spaced at an angle of 45 °; still others (already rarely installed on locomotives) have cylinders located on both sides of the crankshaft, like submarine diesel engines.

Traction motors

diesel-electric locomotives are suspended on bearings, planted by internal clips on the wheel axles of locomotive bogies. On the shank of the armature of the electric motor, a gear is fixed, which engages with the ring gear on the inside of the bogie wheel.


Railway cars are divided into three main categories: passenger, freight and working. Passenger cars are sedentary (with hard or soft seats), sleeping cars, restaurant cars, saloon cars with bars, mail and luggage cars.

sleeping cars

appeared in 1837, and in 1856 compartment cars with three tiers of berths began to run along the Illinois Central Railroad. In 1859, J. Pullman converted two carriages with seats into sleeping cars, and in 1865 he put into operation the first real sleeping Pullman, which received the name Pioneer. In modern sleeping cars of improved types there are different types of separate rooms: ordinary and double compartments, bedrooms, compartments with an individual entrance, living rooms, etc.

Freight wagons,

which transport a wide variety of materials and industrial products, are very diverse in design, which meets their purpose and the specific requirements of transportation and supplies, but they were all created on the basis of a body car, originally made from boards and beams. Among them are refrigerators, multi-tier cars for transporting cars, covered wagons, hoppers, gondolas, platforms, tanks, etc. Thanks to the use of high-strength steel alloys and the lightening of minor components, a modern freight car is much lighter in weight and has a much larger cargo volume than its predecessors. Rail freight equipment uses ball bearings instead of the plain bearings previously used, and improved air brakes allow for safe cruising at high speeds. The use of aluminum made it possible to further reduce the weight of the wagons and significantly increase the weight of the payload. Carriage wagons and flatcars with a lower center of gravity are used for the transportation of heavy oversized cargo. Various liquid products are transported by tank wagons specially designed for this purpose. In covered hoppers with bunkers or compartments, grain, flour, cement and other bulk products are transported. The transport of loaded trailers and containers on specially adapted platforms successfully combines the flexibility of road transport over short distances and reliable rail transport over long distances. Container transportation on platforms is carried out by block freight trains with great economic effect, since they are not inferior to motor transport in speed, and the cost of the fuel consumed by them is three times less than that of trucks transporting the same cargo over the same distance.

Work cars

are railway vehicles intended for construction, repair and maintenance work on the track, tracks and in the right of way of the railway. These include locomotive cranes, excavators, snow plows, ditchers, ballast spreaders, brush cutters, spike cutters, sleepers, wagons for railway crews, wagons with materials and tools, dump cars (dumpcars). There are cars from which it is possible to install welded rails 0.4 km long, and track measuring cars, according to the readings of electronic equipment and computers of which distortions of the given geometry of the rail track are determined.


Of all types of transport routes, only railways and pipelines are located on land strips alienated into private possession or use, and the land is usually transferred to the railways immediately and forever. It is private ownership of land along its route that fundamentally distinguishes US railroads from other transport arteries that do not run through their own property (for example, transportation by road and water transport is carried out, respectively, along highways and waterways that are state or public property).

On the strip of land allotted to the railway, there are rail tracks - one or two (or even more - three, etc.). More than two tracks are laid where heavy traffic is expected - for example, near large cities. However, most of the total length of the world's railways is single-track, which runs trains in both directions; such roads are equipped with signaling systems and sidings to ensure accident-free traffic.

The track itself is made all over the world according to a single model - steel rails are laid on transverse logs (wooden or reinforced concrete sleepers) buried in the ballast. Tracks in different places vary greatly in strength and design, depending on the intensity of the traffic flow, the speed and severity of the trains passing on them. So, the weight of 1 m of rail can be from 25 kg (in tracks for light, low-speed and rare trains) to 69 kg (where the intensity and traffic density are high). The dimensions of the sleepers, the gaps between them and the depth of backfilling of the ballast also depend on traffic conditions: on the main highways, the thickness of the ballast cushion is greater, the sleepers are larger and laid closer to each other than on secondary roads or branches.


Almost all rails in cross section have a T-shaped (T-shaped) profile with a flat base, a narrow vertical wall and a rectangular head slightly rounded at the upper edges. In developed countries, welded rails have replaced the previously used rails 12 m long, fastened at the joints with double-headed plates with bolts and nuts. Such rails provide safer movement of trains without vertical shaking at the joints; it was the joints that wore out the fastest, and their abolition significantly reduced the amount of repair work. Usually, a steel backing is inserted between the sleeper and the base of the rail, which provides a stronger fastening of the rail to the sleeper and reduces wear due to dynamic shock loads from the rolling stock.

Sleepers and ballast.

In Western Europe, Japan, and other places where timber is scarce and expensive, sleepers are usually made from reinforced concrete. In the United States, wooden sleepers with special impregnation are still widely used.

Ballast performs a dual role: it serves as a cushion for the track and a drainage layer for draining rainwater from the canvas. Usually the best ballast is crushed hard rock, crushed into pieces about 5 cm in size, but mining waste, pebbles, gravel and other similar materials can also be used as ballast.

As a result, some elasticity is given to the upper structure, due to which the rail track, when trains move along it, slightly shifts up and down, like a spring. However, in stations, tunnels and bridges, the track is laid on a rigid base of steel or concrete.

Rail track width.

The track width is not the same everywhere. The standard gauge of 1.435 m is adopted almost everywhere in North America and on major railway lines in Western Europe. It is also characteristic of China and many other parts of the world. Varieties of broad gauge (with a distance between the track rails from 1.52 to 1.68 m) are typical for the republics of the former USSR, Argentina, Chile, Finland, India, Ireland, Spain and Portugal. Tracks with a narrower gauge (from 0.6 to 1.07 m) are common in Asia, Africa, South America, as well as for secondary railways in Europe, especially in mountainous areas, and logging roads in Russia.

Curvature of the path and slopes.

It is impossible to build a railway without turns, descents and ascents at all, but all of them reduce the efficiency of transportation, because they lead to restrictions on the speed, length and weight of trains and to the need for auxiliary traction. In this regard, in the construction of railways, every opportunity is usually used to make the road straighter and smoother.

Slopes on most railway lines do not exceed 1% (i.e., a 1 m difference in the level of the roadbed over its length of 100 m) of the horizontal length. Grades exceeding 2% are rare on the main railways, although in the mountains there are more than 3%. A rise of 4% for a conventional locomotive is almost insurmountable, but it is easily handled by a locomotive equipped with a gear wheel with a track rack.

Bridges and tunnels.

Road bends and slopes can often be reduced by building bridges and tunneling, which is also necessary when railroads cross rivers, highways, and urban areas. The longest tunnels in the world are the Seikan (53.85 km, connecting the Japanese islands of Honshu and Hokkaido), the Channel Tunnel (52.5 km, laid between the cities of Folkestone (England) and Calais (France)) and Dai Shimizu ( 22.2 km) on the railway between Tokyo and Niigata (Japan).


Technical specifications.


The most important parameters influencing the movement of a train are the traction force of the locomotive and the resistivity of the rolling stock. The latter is expressed in terms of the weight of a typical (for example, freight or passenger) wagon. To move a conventional freight car weighing 30 tons at low speed along a horizontal straight profile, a thrust of 90 kg is required (i.e., a driving force of 3 kg must be applied to a ton of empty car weight). To move the same wagon with a load of 60 tons in the same place, a thrust of only 130 kg (i.e. 1.4 kg / t) will be required. When a passenger train with wagons weighing 60 tons moves at low speed on the same section of the track, it is required to overcome a specific resistance of 2.2 kg/t. Since passenger trains usually run faster than freight trains, air resistance should also be taken into account during their movement, to overcome which additional traction is required, which in the end may require from 3.6 to 5.4 kg / t in the speed range from 113 to 160 km / h . The specific resistance with heavy rails on crushed rock ballast is less than with light rails on soft ballast. In addition to the above factors, the amount of required thrust is affected by slopes (for example, on a track section with a rise of 1%, it is necessary to increase the thrust by 9 kg / t) and turns (each additional angular degree of curvature of the track requires from 0.2 to 0.7 kg / t thrust).


The main restrictions on the speed of movement on the railway are dictated by the properties of its bed, the superstructure of the track and the design features of the railway wheel. The standard gauge is a rather narrow base, which must withstand all the loads from the train. The upper speed limits are also due to the fact that each wheel has a flange (flange) on only one side, and therefore, practically only gravity keeps the cars and locomotives on the rails. The sources of perturbations of the dynamic stability of moving trains are the intersections of the tracks and their conjugation with the transfer switches. Obstacles of this kind limit the speed of movement to 210 km/h in the ideal state of the means and equipment of the railway. However, this ideal state is practically unattainable due to many reasons. Therefore, on mainline railways, the maximum allowable speed of freight trains is 80–90 km/h. It is difficult to ensure the movement at higher speeds even of passenger trains, for which there are also economically justified speed limits associated with wear and tear and structural strength limits of rolling stock units.

Road turns also limit speed. The effect of centrifugal force can be compensated to some extent by raising the outer rail relative to the inner rail on turns, but the difference between their levels cannot be more than 15 cm. when turning by 2 °, the speed must be reduced to 80 km / h; at 3° - up to 65 km/h; at 5° (radius of curvature 349 m) - up to 50 km/h. Turns larger than 2° should be avoided on highways. However, railroad track turns of more than 3° occur even on the plains; in mountainous terrain, it is not uncommon to make turns of 8° and even 10°. Limits the speed of movement and much more - driving conditions on bridges and in tunnels, at intersections, on arrows, on descents (where it is especially important to control the speed, given the capabilities of the braking system).

The friction between the rail and the railway wheel is one of the most important factors in the functioning of the railway. When the rails are covered with moisture or ice, they are sprinkled with sand so that the wheels do not slip. The maximum value of the frictional force between the wheel and the rail, necessary for braking the train or its acceleration, is equal to a quarter of the weight attributable to this wheel. Since a relative traction force of 45 kg/t is required for emergency acceleration or deceleration of a train, braking by changing the wheel load is limited to a maximum corresponding deceleration of 8 km/h in 1 second.

Rolling stock unit dimensions.

An important characteristic is the dimensions of the wagons and the goods they carry, which are acceptable when moving past roadside buildings, in tunnels and under bridge structures. On American railroads, it is recommended to leave a standard headroom of 4.9 m to a height of 4.9 m above the rail heads. Thus, the permissible width of the vehicle does not exceed 3 m in its widest part, and its maximum height above the rails is limited to 4.4–4.6 m. The distance between the center lines of the main tracks is 4 m, and, since the transport the vehicle skids, the length of the non-articulated rolling stock unit is limited to 26 m. Of course, the old sections of roads and side branches do not meet the standard requirements. Because of this, rail transport sometimes has to make detours on detours and often move at low speeds. All these dimensional limitations have an impact on the design solutions and power of locomotives.


per axle of a rolling stock unit is another important operational characteristic of railway transport. It depends on various parameters: the size of the rails, the location of the sleepers, the state of the railway track, the strength of the bridge structures, etc. The axle load can be up to 29,000 kg. As a result, standard boxcars are produced with a carrying capacity of 50–60 tons, hoppers - from 70 to 100 tons, covered hoppers - 100 tons. The weight of a locomotive can reach 200 tons. Typically, the power of a diesel locomotive is from 2200 to 2650 kW. Depending on the terrain and the total weight of the train, sometimes up to 6 diesel locomotives are attached to it. At the start of movement, the locomotive can develop a traction force equal to 30% of its total weight, and on slopes - up to 240 tons. Locomotives of the same power intended for passenger trains can develop the same traction during acceleration, and on slopes - up to 18 tons per rolling stock unit.


To stop the train, it is necessary to dissipate its kinetic energy, and on the descent, it is also necessary to overcome the rolling effect of the gravity component. This is done with the help of brakes installed on each unit of rolling stock and actuated by an automatic drive, which is controlled by the locomotive. Pneumatic brakes are widely used. Each car has its own reservoir of compressed air, which enters the brake cylinders during braking, so that any car can be stopped even if it unhooks from the train. Usually, braking is carried out by reducing the air pressure in a system consisting of a line running along the entire train and pipes to the brake cylinders. In the event of an unforeseen uncoupling of the car from the train, its brake is activated automatically. The disadvantage of such a braking system is that the brakes of all cars do not work simultaneously, since the speed of propagation of a change in air pressure along the line cannot be greater than the speed of sound in air (in technical devices, it usually does not exceed 120 m/s). Consequently, the last car in a train of 150 cars begins to slow down only 15 s after the braking of the first car, which leads to a dangerous braking delay and a long braking distance.

On passenger trains, it is economically justified to use more advanced brakes. In the braking systems of high-speed trains, electro-pneumatic brakes are used, i.e. air brakes on each car with their centralized electric control. If a train traveling at a speed of 160 km/h, after applying purely pneumatic brakes, travels another 2100 m before coming to a complete stop, then when the electro-pneumatic brakes are applied, this distance is reduced to 1200 m.

Train weight.

Taking into account the technical capabilities of railway transport, the weight of freight trains is 6,000–10,000 tons, and the number of wagons is 80–100; the weight of a passenger train is limited to 1500 tons. At the same time, the consumption of energy and working man-hours per ton-kilometer of transportation is minimal.

Train movement.

Timetable and order of passage of trains.

Before the advent of the telegraph, the control of train traffic on the railways was carried out on the basis of the timetable and rules prescribed by the line administration. These rules established the order of preferential passage of trains of various classes and a minimum interval of 5 to 10 minutes between trains traveling in the same direction. In addition, special signalmen on duty were responsible for the safety of the train, which, in the event of a stop, was sent only after they raised the flags allowing the start of movement. With the introduction of the telegraph, a dispatching service was created to control the movement of trains, which made it possible to make changes to the schedule and rules of the linear administration.

Block runs.

The specified interval between passing trains is provided by dividing the hauls between stations into smaller sections, called block hauls, at the ends of which checkpoints are installed with means of signaling busyness and freedom of the section. At first, the signals were given manually by station and line workers of the railways. At the same time, the signalman, allowing the train to enter the block section, was set only when he was already notified by the signalman of the next block section about the passage of the train in front. In addition, with single-track traffic, it was necessary to check the absence of an oncoming train. Later, an electrical signaling system was developed in which current was passed along both rails, due to which not only the absence of a train on the block was determined, but also rail breaks on it. The same system is still in use today. A short-circuited circuit is formed by a pair of rails and a bridge of train wheels and an axle between them.

Due to the large braking distance of a high-speed train, it is necessary to control its approach to the block-run at a considerable distance from it. Therefore, even in the days of manual signaling, early warnings were introduced about the permission or prohibition of entry to the block haul. It turned out to be quite easy to implement this in the electrical signaling system, and in the simplest case, similar signals at successive checkpoints took on the same form. Approaching a busy block haul, the driver sees a yellow light or a semaphore wing turned at an angle of 45 °, installed at a distance slightly greater than the braking distance from the border of a busy block haul, where a red light is on at this time or the semaphore wing is located horizontally. The first signal indication means “Prepare to stop at the next checkpoint”, and the second one means “Stop”.

To increase the throughput of the track, intermediate signaling means are installed, the readings of which allow you to again increase the speed along the length of the braking distance, when the previously occupied block section is suddenly freed. In this case, the first signal reading will be a green light over amber, which means “Slow down until the next signal post”, and the reading in the next post will be a yellow light over red, meaning “Quiet. Prepare to stop at the next post. At the same time, a train traveling at low speed must immediately reduce it to a minimum and stop at the post with a red light over red, which means “Stop”. Later improvements in electrical signaling made it possible to continuously display the indications of road signaling devices directly on the scoreboard in the cab of the locomotive, and weather conditions no longer affect the driver's ability to correctly perceive the signal ahead and immediately respond to it. On some roads, signaling devices in the cabs of locomotives are supplemented by automatic train control systems that activate the train's brakes if the driver does not have time to respond to a signal to slow down. Such means of automation operate in all areas of heavy traffic of trains.

Centralized management of railway traffic.

The work of the system of centralized control of railway traffic (CCR) has been established, thanks to which the efficiency and safety of railway transportation have increased, the speed of trains and the total weight of the goods delivered by them have increased, and the capacity of the tracks has increased. In the Central Railroad system, the movement of trains is organized by the timely formation of the necessary signals and the switching of the switch points of the tracks using electrical devices controlled remotely from the control center, which can be located hundreds of kilometers from the controlled section of the railway, which is depicted in miniature on the display of the computer system of the center. The operator, by manipulating the appropriate toggle switches and buttons on the control panel, directs the trains along the desired tracks at the recommended speed. Thanks to the Central Railroad, oncoming trains can converge quite closely, and fast trains can quickly overtake slow-moving ones. The system is equipped with such an interlock that it is impossible for trains to move that contradict one another.

Electronics play an important role in the modern railway. Radio provides instant communication between driver and conductor, between trains, between any train and any station. In addition, there are intercom radios in the microwave range. With the help of two-way radio communications, an operator from the center can talk to any train crew or station.

Work in the station park.

The station fleet is a group of tracks on which the formation and disbandment of trains are carried out, as well as the recoupling of cars from one train to another for further movement to their destinations. The number and length of tracks in such a park depend on the intensity of traffic and the estimated number of wagons to be unhooked, driven and hooked up at the allotted time intervals. The specific scheme of the station park is determined not only by these considerations, but also by the topographic features of its location. Operating conditions depend on all the factors mentioned above.

Station fleets are conditionally divided into cargo terminals and marshalling yards, although both often carry out the same work. As a rule, sorting is also carried out at the terminals, and the marshalling yard usually also serves as a terminal for the area in which it is located. In parks of both these types, cars are checked, washed, repaired; there are also sedimentation tanks for wagons.

The terminal accepts wagons loaded at industrial enterprises or warehouses, and forms them into trains sent on flights to other terminals or marshalling yards. From it, the unloaded wagons - in the absence of urgent delivery goods - are sent to the railways to which they belong, or to where there are goods ready for dispatch.

The marshalling yard accepts trains arriving from various terminals, disbands and forms new trains for scheduled transportation.

Most modern station fleets, especially marshalling yards, are equipped with automated equipment. The arriving train is first driven into the receiving park. His wagons then pass through the marshalling yard, where they are uncoupled and rolled onto the appropriate marshalling tracks depending on their destination. From these tracks, they are already transferred as a train to the departure park, where a locomotive and a service car are hooked up to them, after which the train is ready for the flight.

Monorail road.

A peculiar variant of the railway transport system is monorail transport. Developed in the early 19th century as an urban and suburban mode of transport in areas with large and regular passenger flows (Wuppertal, New York, Paris), by the end of the 20th century. monorail transport entered the intercity routes (Tokyo - Osaka).

Distinguish between mounted and suspended monorails. In hinged systems, the cars rest on a running bogie located above the track beam, and in suspended cars, they are suspended from the bogie and move under the monorail. Due to the ability to develop high speeds (up to 500 km/h when using an air cushion), the ability to communicate over the shortest distance and high energy efficiency, monorail transport is a promising type of urban, suburban and industrial transport. However, the possibilities of its application are limited, as in the case of subways, by the capital intensity of construction and maintenance.

Shunting diesel locomotive TEM33

(ZAO Transmashholding)

Shunting diesel locomotive TEM33 with a two-diesel power plant with AC electric transmission is designed to perform shunting, shunting-export and economic work in the depot, at the stations of Russian Railways OJSC and industrial enterprises. The use of a two-diesel power plant provides:

Economy of fuels and lubricants;

Improved environmental performance.

Rated diesel power, kW (hp)

Service weight of a diesel locomotive (with a supply of fuel and sand 2/3 of the full load), t

Axial formula

The traction force of the design mode on the rim of the running wheels (with new tires) from the diesel generator kN (tf)

Design speed, m/s (km/h)

Equipping fuel reserves, kg, not less than:

Diesel locomotive service life, at least, years

Dimensions according to GOST 9328

Locomotive overall dimensions:

along the axes of automatic couplers, mm

width (on handrails)

height from the level of the rail heads

Emission of harmful substances with exhaust gases and smoke of a diesel locomotive

according to GOST R 50953


individual for each axle

body type

bonneted with carrier frame, with one control cabin

Shunting diesel locomotive TEM18DM

Diesel locomotive TEM18DM is designed to perform shunting work at stations and easy export work between stations.
The main differences between the TEM18DM locomotive and the TEM18D locomotive are the use of a generator exciter instead of a two-machine unit; in addition, air conditioning of the driver's cab was used, which made it possible to improve the working conditions of locomotive crews; installed the USTA system.
Compared to diesel locomotives of the TEM2 series, a diesel engine with a fuel consumption reduced by 7-10% was used; a unified driver's cab, providing comfortable working conditions for the driver, with the installation of a unified control panel; microprocessor control system of the traction generator.
Produced by CJSC "UK" BMZ "since 2004.



Diesel power, kW (hp)

Service weight, t

Long-term traction force, kN (tf)

Traction force when starting off, kN (tf)

Design speed, km/h

Fuel reserves, kg

Hybrid shunting diesel locomotive TEM35

Shunting 6-axle diesel locomotive TEM35 has a combined (hybrid) power plant, AC/AC electric transmission, asynchronous traction drive. The locomotive is designed to perform shunting, shunting-export, hump and household work, moving goods along the tracks of stations and industrial enterprises, where the gauge is 1520 mm.
On a diesel locomotive, electrochemical capacitors are used as energy storage devices. The principle of a vector control system has been applied, which ensures the transfer of energy from the diesel generator to the accumulator and to the engines, as well as the return of recuperation energy to the accumulator. The advantages of such a system are an increase in the service life of the undercarriage by at least one and a half times, a decrease in the unit cost of traction by 20-30%
(Bryansk Machine-Building Plant)

Axial formula

Locomotive weight, t

power, kWt

Traction force when starting off, kN

Specific fuel consumption, g/kWh

Oil consumption for waste, g/kWh

Diesel locomotive TEM-TMH

The TEM-TMH shunting diesel locomotive is designed for heavy hauling, shunting and light mainline work on tracks with a gauge of 1520 mm and at speeds up to 100 km/h.
The TEM TMH diesel locomotive was designed on the basis of the TEM18 diesel locomotive using its main frame and jawless bogies.
The TEM-TMH locomotive uses a modular design, which made it possible to install a tower driver's cab and a low hood. The locomotive TEM-TMH is equipped with a Caterpillar 3512B DITA (or 3508 B DITA) internal combustion engine with a power of 1455 kW or 970 kW, an electrodynamic brake, an autonomous driver's cab heater and air conditioning.

Diesel power, kW (hp)

1455 (1951)

Axial characteristic

3 0 -3 0

Service weight, t

Type of transmission


Electrodynamic brake power, kW


Speed ​​in continuous mode, km/h


Traction force in continuous mode, kN

Traction force when starting, kN

Minimum radius of passable curves, m

Stocks, kg:





Shunting diesel locomotive TEM31

The TEM31 shunting diesel locomotive was built at JSC Yaroslavl Electric Locomotive Repair Plant according to the project of JSC VNIKTI and is designed for shunting and field work on railways with a gauge of 1520 mm and serves to replace the outdated fleet of shunting diesel locomotives of the TGM, ChME3, TEM2 types.
The TEM31 diesel locomotive uses the following innovative solutions:
- modular diesel generator set with a capacity of 600 hp;
- microprocessor control and diagnostics system;
- control of DC traction motors with the help of regulators made on IGBT-transistors;
- automatic universal system for measuring the fuel level in the tank;
- modular screw compressor with soft start system;
- fan for cooling traction motors with the possibility of linear regulation of the cooling air flow;
- new all-round control cabin;
- intelligent control panels (main and additional) with their own microprocessor devices.

Purpose of the locomotive


Diesel type (number of cylinders)

YaMZ-850 (12)

Track, mm


Axial formula

0-2 0 -0

Service weight, t

Load from wheelset on rails, kN


Length, mm


Design speed, km/h

Diesel power, kW

Traction force (when starting off /

continuous), kN


Transmission type

electrical variable

direct current

Dual-diesel shunting diesel locomotive based on ChME3

It is intended for shunting, export and economic works.

A two-diesel power plant based on two modular diesel generators consists of a YaMZ-E8502.10-08 diesel engine and a GS530AMU2 traction generator with a capacity of 478 kW each.

Compared to a serial diesel locomotive, ChME3 provides, depending on the operating conditions:

Fuel economy from 4 to 15%;

Reducing life cycle costs from 3.9 to 16.2 million rubles.

The payback period for investment costs is no more than 7.1 years.

Transmission type

electrical, AC/DC

Axial formula

3 0 -3 0

Track width, mm

No more

Design speed, km/h

Traction force when starting off with a friction coefficient of 0.25, kN (tf), not less than

Continuous mode speed, km/h

Speed ​​allowed for 30 minutes, km/h

Long-term traction force, kN (tf), not less than

Traction force at a speed of 9.3 km/h, kN (kgf)

Minimum radius of passable curve, m

Fuel, l

Sand, kg

Three diesel locomotive ChME3

The three-diesel diesel locomotive is made on the basis of the underframe and body of the ChME3 diesel locomotive during a major overhaul and is designed for shunting and shunting-export work on railway tracks with a gauge of 1520 mm. The locomotive is equipped with two block power units with a YaMZ-8502.10-08 engine and GS530 AMU2 traction generators. Auxiliary diesel generator set Cummins c33D5 with a capacity of 24 kW.

In addition, the locomotive is equipped with:

AC/DC traction power transmission equipment;

Microprocessor control and diagnostic system;

Modular compressor unit based on a screw compressor;

System for measuring and controlling the level of fuel in the tank;

Electric drives of traction equipment cooling fans;

The control cabin has been modernized in accordance with the current Sanitary Rules with the installation of ergonomic driver's workplaces (control panels and seats), electrically heated windshields and side windows, new sheathing and thermal and sound insulation made of modern materials.

Fuel economy is ensured due to the fact that a low-power diesel generator operates in the locomotive standby mode, which provides pre-start heating of the main diesel engines, battery charging, operation of the compressor unit, heating of the control cabin and operation of the microprocessor control system. At low traction loads, one of the 478 kW diesel engines operates, and only when the load increases (from the 4th position of the controller), the third one is connected.

Type of service


Locomotive gross power, kW (hp)

Type of traction power transmission


Load from wheelset on rails, kN (tf)

201.1 (20.5)±3%

Locomotive weight, t


Traction force:

Efficiency ratio of diesel power for traction when realizing full power

The amount of equipment stocks:

Fuel, l

Sand, kg

Reduced fuel consumption in operation compared to a standard ChME3 diesel locomotive, %

Diesel locomotive TEM9N

Diesel locomotive TEM9N with an intelligent hybrid asynchronous drive is designed for shunting and shunting-removal work
The locomotive has a number of innovative solutions:
- an intelligent microprocessor system and a software product for controlling a hybrid asynchronous drive;
- Li-Io batteries and ultra-high energy capacitors;
- GLONASS system, video surveillance systems, docking control system (similar to the Parktronic system), diesel engine preheating system, engine start using supercapacitor energy
The use of an intelligent microprocessor control system for a hybrid asynchronous drive will provide:

Diesel locomotive TEM18V with W6L20L diesel engine manufactured by Vartsila

Shunting diesel locomotive TEM18V with W6L20LA diesel engine of Vartsila corporation with direct current electric transmission is designed for shunting, hauling, hump work on railways. stations and light mainline work on 1520 gauge railways. Made on the basis of a serial shunting diesel locomotive TEM18DM and has the following design differences between a diesel locomotive and the latter:
- diesel generator with diesel engine W6L20LA of the company "Vyartsilya" with a nominal frequency of rotation of the crankshaft of the diesel engine 1000 rpm;
- the main frame of the diesel locomotive TEM18DM with modifications for the installation of a W6L20LA diesel engine and a new ballast installation;
- diesel cooling unit with 24 cooling sections;
- reducer of the fan drive of the cooling device with a fluid coupling of variable filling;
- brake compressor KT-6 with a nominal speed of 1000 rpm. with a capacity of 6 cubic meters. /min;
- a unified complex of brake equipment for the UKTOL locomotive;
- the pipeline of brake system from stainless steel;
- Autonomous system for heating coolants of the diesel engine "Gulfstream";
- autonomous heater of the control cabin "Webasto".

Type of service


Locomotive gross power, kW (hp)

Type of traction power transmission


Load from wheelset on rails, kN (tf)

Locomotive weight, t


Design speed, m/s (km/h)

Long mode, m/s (km/h)

Traction force:

When starting off with a friction coefficient of 0.25, kN (tf), not less than

Continuous mode, kN (tf), not less than

Dimensions according to GOST 9238-83

The amount of equipment stocks:

Fuel, l

Sand, kg

Minimum radius of passable curves, m

Rated voltage of control circuits, V

Initial data:

1. Type of locomotive service - passenger

2. Type of locomotive transmission - electric

3. Annual passenger traffic, million people - 2

4. Number of pairs of trains per day (number of pairs per day) - 8

5. Length of the locomotive circulation section, km - 550

6. Estimated rise (), ‰ - 9

7. Estimated speed - 50


1. Selection of the main parameters of the power plant and auxiliary equipment of the locomotive

1.1 Determine the weight of the locomotive

1.2 Determine the mass of the passenger train

1.3 Determine the weight of the passenger train

1.4 Determine the tangential traction force

1.5 Determine the tangential power of the locomotive

1.6 Determine the effective power of the power plants of the locomotive

2. Description of the design of the locomotive

2.1 General information

2.2 Technical characteristics of the locomotive

2.3 Traction characteristics

2.4 Equipment layout on a diesel locomotive

2.5 Diesel 11D45A

2.5.1 Diesel technical data

2.5.2 Brief description of the diesel device

2.5.3 Diesel air supply system

2.5.4 Fuel system

2.5.5 Oil system

2.5.6 Water system

2.6 Wheel sets and axle boxes



We specify the weight of the composition:

1.11 Determine the specific traction force and the specific mass of the locomotive

1.12 Determine the traction coefficient of the locomotive:

2. Description of the design of the locomotive.

2.1 General information

2.2 Technical characteristics of the locomotive

2.3 Traction characteristics

2.4 Equipment layout on a diesel locomotive

2.5 Diesel 11D45A

2.5 1 Diesel technical data

2.5 2 Brief description of the diesel device

2.5.3. Diesel air supply system

2.5.4. Fuel system

2.5 5 Oil system

2.5.6. water system

2.6 Wheel sets and axle boxes

4. Conclusion.

5. List of used literature:


In Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, the power of the best steam locomotives (Sch, E series) reached 600-1000 kW (against 30-40 kW for the first Stephenson and Cherepanov steam locomotives). However, the technical imperfection of steam locomotives even then made experts think about creating more economical locomotives.

On November 7, 1924, the world's first mainline diesel locomotive with electric transmission entered the Oktyabrskaya railway line and made a flight to Obukhov and back. The locomotive received the name, was equipped with a 736 kW diesel engine, two generators and tubular refrigerators. With a parallel connection of traction motors, the electrical circuit made it possible to carry out serial and parallel connection of generators.

The widespread introduction of diesel traction began after the end of the Great Patriotic War. In the history of domestic diesel locomotive building, an outstanding role was played by the team of the Kharkov Diesel Locomotive Plant named after Malyshev and the Kharkov Plant "ELEKTROTYAZHMASH", which, during the years of restoration and reconstruction of railways, created and quickly put into mass production diesel locomotives TE1, TE2, TE3 and TE10. They also mastered the production of more powerful and economical for that time two-stroke diesel engines 2D100 and 10D100, generators, traction motors, electrical and auxiliary equipment.

The large-scale electrification of the railways of the USSR, which began in the mid-1950s, during which entire directions were transferred to electric traction, led to an increase in weight norms and train speeds. In order not to restrain this growth, it was necessary to use more advanced types of traction in non-electrified areas. The country began to need in large quantities powerful, economical and adapted for mass production locomotives with autonomous energy sources. Such locomotives, first of all, included mainline diesel locomotives with electric transmission. Until 1956, the domestic industry had already mastered the production of diesel locomotives of the TE1 and TE2 series, and several more powerful TEZ diesel locomotives were also manufactured. Mass production of diesel locomotives of this series began in 1956 and continued until 1973.

The passenger diesel locomotive TEP60, created in 1960 by the Kolomna Diesel Locomotive Plant, embodies many achievements of domestic and foreign diesel locomotive construction.

The diesel engine and the undercarriage were designed by the Kolomna plant, and the electrical equipment by the Kharkov plant Electrotyazhmash. Both enterprises, using the experience of operating diesel locomotives, continuously improve their design, work to improve the quality and reliability of the most important components and parts, improving their manufacturing technology, and thereby contribute to an increase in the overhaul runs of diesel locomotives and a reduction in operating costs.

It is characteristic that all changes in the design of units and parts of the diesel engine, on which the largest number of such measures were carried out, were carried out without violating the basic principle of interchangeability. They can also be carried out on all previously manufactured diesel engines, following the relevant factory instructions.

It should be noted that the work on improving the TEP60 diesel locomotive was carried out by the plants in collaboration with employees of locomotive depots, the Main Directorate of the Locomotive Economy, the All-Union Research Institute of Railway Transport (TsNII) and the All-Union Research Diesel Locomotive Institute (VNITI).

1. Selection of the main parameters of the power plant and auxiliary equipment of the locomotive

1.1 Determine the weight of the locomotive

The mass of the locomotive (accepted in advance, based on the proposal to use, for example, a single-section locomotive),

Acceleration of gravity

1.2 Determine the mass of the passenger train

Annual passenger traffic;

Mass of a passenger car;

Number of pairs of passenger trains per day;

- the number of passengers in the car.

1.3 Determine the weight of the passenger train

1.4 Determine the tangential traction force

The tangential traction force is determined from the condition of uniform movement of the train with the calculated speed on the calculated rise when there is an equality of the forces of the total resistance to the movement of the train and the tangential traction force of the locomotive:

I is the weight of the locomotive and wagons, .

For fundamental calculations in the course work, the value and is replaced by a certain value that is within for passenger trains.

1.5 Determine the tangential power of the locomotive

Estimated locomotive speed

1.6 Determine the effective power of the power plants of the locomotive

- efficiency of the traction generator;

Efficiency of the rectifier installation;

- efficiency of traction motors;

- gear transmission efficiency;

- coefficient of power take-off from the power plant for the auxiliary needs of the locomotive.

Based on the data obtained, we choose the diesel locomotive TEP60

We specify the number of sections of the locomotive:


(3000hp) - power of one section TEP60

We specify the weight of the composition:

H is the calculated traction force of one section of the TEP60 locomotive (at)

Adhesive weight of one section TEP60 (-coupling mass of a diesel locomotive)

And - the main specific resistance to the movement of the locomotive and cars, ;

The correct value of the composition,

We determine the coefficient that takes into account the power consumption for the drive of auxiliary units of the diesel locomotive:


Total power consumption for auxiliary equipment.

We determine the efficiency of the diesel power for traction:


Tangential power of the continuous mode of diesel locomotive TEP60.

We determine the efficiency at the nominal mode of operation of the diesel engine:

- specific fuel consumption;

Heat of combustion of fuel.

We determine the specific traction force and the specific mass of the locomotive:

Determine the traction coefficient of the locomotive:

2. Description of the design of the locomotive

2.1 General information

Single-section diesel locomotive TEP60 with electric transmission is designed to service passenger trains on railways. The power plant of the locomotive, consisting of a 11D45A diesel engine with a capacity of 3000 liters. With. and the main generator GP-311V, is located in the middle of the locomotive on a diesel frame.

The diesel locomotive is two-stroke, 16-cylinder with a V-shaped arrangement of cylinders, with a two-stage air supply and intermediate air cooling after the turbochargers.

Main DC generator GP-311V with independent excitation and cooling. The diesel frame is mounted on the frame of the diesel locomotive on rubber-metal shock absorbers, which perceive the mass of the power plant and some auxiliary devices. A number of auxiliary units are set in motion from the diesel shaft: on the generator side - a brake compressor, a two-machine unit consisting of an auxiliary generator and an exciter of the main generator, an VS-652 sub-exciter and a fan for cooling the generator and electric motors of the front bogie. All these units, with the exception of the brake compressor, are driven by a transfer gearbox.

From the side of the turbochargers, the diesel engine drives the cooling fan for the electric motors of the rear bogie and, through the multiplier, pumps for the hydraulic drive of the diesel refrigerator fans. The air for cooling electric machines is sucked in from the outside of the body and is supplied to the destination through air ducts.

The air required for diesel operation passes through oil-film filters located above the turbochargers. Under adverse meteorological conditions, air intake for diesel cooling is also possible from the body.

The diesel air-cooling device consists of a refrigerator that has two independent circulation circuits. The diesel water is cooled in the first circuit, the water cooling the diesel oil in the heat exchanger and the air in the diesel charge air cooler are cooled in the second circuit. The refrigerator fans are driven by hydraulic motors that work under oil pressure generated by hydraulic pumps. The operating mode of the hydraulic motors is regulated by thermostats that automatically maintain the specified range of water and oil temperatures.

On both sides of the cooler shaft there is a water-oil heat exchanger, brake reservoirs, coarse and fine oil filters, oil and fuel pumps.

On the side of the generator there is a high-voltage chamber, the wall of which, facing the driver's cab, has double doors glazed with organic glass. Access inside the chamber is possible only through doors and detachable sheets located on the other two sides of the chamber.

The power drives are enclosed in aluminum pipes that are laid under the floor. To the left of the high-voltage chamber, near the front cabin, a heater boiler is installed to heat the system before starting the diesel engine. A bathroom is located at the rear wall of the high-voltage chamber.

The locomotive uses a welded load-bearing body, consisting of the main frame, side walls, cover and two cabins. The body frame is made of welded bent lightweight profiles and sheathed with thin steel and aluminum sheets.

In the engine room, the floors are made of removable extruded ribbed aluminum plates, through which the units located under the floor are inspected and repaired. The side walls and the roof of the body are thermally sound-insulated and sheathed inside with thin sheet steel.

The driver's cabins are separated from the engine room by heat and noise insulated walls, in the middle of which there are airtight doors with double-glazed windows. The driver's console has an inclined display with instrumentation.

For the driver and his assistant, the seats can be adjusted in height and in the longitudinal direction. Under the table of the assistant driver, two water heaters with forced air supply are installed for heating. In winter, a special fan sucks in air from the cabin, drives it through the heaters and warmed up, returns it under the seats to blow the windows and heat the cabin.

The locomotive body is mounted on two three-axle balanced jawless bogies, on each of which it rests with the help of two main pendulum-type supports equipped with rubber cones and four lateral support springs located two on each side of the bogie. An elastic connection is provided between the body and the bogie by means of spring braces that hold the pendulum supports in a vertical position with certain initial restoring forces. When the carts deviate from the middle position, these forces increase and tend to return it to the middle position.

Spring suspension of bogies includes two stages. The lower stage includes coil springs with balancers and leaf springs, the upper stage includes coil springs and rubber shock absorbers on the main pendulum bearings. The static draft of the spring suspension, excluding rubber damping, is 94.3 mm.

Traction electric motors are made with support-frame suspension; their mass is not perceived by the axles, since they are mounted on the bogie frame and belong to the sprung structure of the diesel locomotive. The torque is transmitted from the electric motor through a hollow axle, which rests in the bearings of the electric motors, and then through elastic articulated drives - to each wheel pair.

The design of the axle box in combination with the support-frame suspension of the TED, soft spring suspension with a wide use of rubber shock absorption are the main qualities of a passenger locomotive bogie.

The locomotive uses six TEDs, permanently and in parallel connected to the generator. Such a connection of electric motors ensures optimal use of the coupling mass and, in the event of a malfunction of one of them, contributes to a smaller decrease in the traction force of the diesel locomotive.

The diesel locomotive uses a system for automatic control of the power of a diesel generator using an integrated speed controller (RFO). This system is reduced to connecting two executive units into a single design: one regulates the fuel supply to the diesel engine, the other changes the excitation of the generator.

The new control scheme reduced the dimensions and power consumed by the magnetic amplifier, improved its characteristics and ensured high stability of the operating parameters of the control system.

The diesel locomotive is equipped with an electro-pneumatic brake, a radio station, a fire-fighting installation with an automatic notification system and an automatic locomotive alarm system with hitchhiking.

2.2 Technical characteristics of the locomotive

Type of locomotive and passenger transmission with direct current electric transmission.

Axial characteristic 30-30.

The greatest tangential power, l. s2330 (3000).

Design speed, km/h160.

Long-term traction force at a speed of 50 km/h, kgf.12500.

The service weight of the diesel locomotive with 2/3 of the fuel and sand, t126±3%.

The load on the rail from the wheelset, t s. 21.0 ± 3%.

Locomotive control from any cab.

The type of the undercarriage is bogie.

Number of carts 2.

Wheel diameter in a rolling circle, mm1050.

Boxes are jawless, driving on rolling bearings.

Type of shock-traction devices automatic coupler SA-3.

Minimum radius of passable curves, m125.

Fuel reserve, kg:

settlement 5000,

the largest is 6400.

Water reserve, kg 1580,

Oil quantity, kg:

in diesel with systems 880,

in hydrostatic drive 80,

Stock of sand, kg 600,

Main dimensions, mm:

Maximum height from railhead 4780

Maximum width over protrusions 3316

Distance between axes of automatic couplers 19250

Locomotive base 15000

Distance between centers of bogie pins10200

The smallest distance from the rail head to the gear housing 140

Dimension IT (GOST 9238-73)

Symbol 11D45A.

Number of cylinders 16.

Rated power, e. l. s3000.

Rated frequency of rotation of the crankshaft, rpm750.

Lubrication system and its cooling.

Type circulating under pressure.

Oil pump gear.

Oil pump performance, not less than 90.

Refrigerator type oil-water heat exchanger.

Heat exchanger surface, :

oil 44.

by water35.5.

Coarse mesh oil filter

The same fine cleaning (on diesel) centrifugal

Paper fine oil filter

The diesel cooling system is water type, forced.

The water pump is centrifugal.

Maximum pump capacity 100

2.3 Traction characteristics

The traction characteristic (dependence of the tangential traction force on the speed of movement) of the TEP60 diesel locomotive when operating at the 15th position of the driver's controller is shown in Fig.1. The curves of resistance to the movement of a diesel locomotive with trains weighing 1000, 800 650 tons on the site (i = 0) and lifting I = 9% are also plotted there. The intersection points of these curves with the traction characteristic make it possible to determine the equilibrium speeds of passenger trains, which can be obtained using the TEP60 diesel locomotive.

Fig.1. Curves of tangential traction force and movement resistance of the locomotive TEP6O: 1 - curve of resistance to movement on the rise (i=9‰ with a train mass Q=1000 t; 2 - i=9‰, Q= 800 t; 3 - i=9‰, Q =650 t; 4 - i=0‰ Q=1000 t; 5 - i=0‰, Q= 800 t; 6 - i=0%0, Q=650 t

The traction characteristics of the diesel locomotive TEP60 at various positions of the driver's controller are presented

In Fig.7. The presence of three sections in the traction characteristic is determined by the operation of the traction motors in the full field (FP), the first (OP1) and the second (OP2) stages of excitation attenuation. The maximum tangential traction force is limited by the maximum allowable current of the traction motors and traction generator.

The dependence of the efficiency of a diesel locomotive on the speed of movement, corresponding to the traction characteristic (see Fig. 2),

The power efficiency factor, equal to the ratio of the tangential power of a diesel locomotive to the full power of a diesel engine, is: in long-term operation - 0.737; maximum - 0.778; guaranteed by technical conditions - not less than

Fig.2. Traction characteristics of the diesel locomotive TEP60 when operating at different positions of the driver's controller

All the presented characteristics are built for the conditions under which the full power of the diesel engine is realized.

2.4 Equipment layout on a diesel locomotive

The diesel locomotive equipment is mainly located inside the body, which allows protecting it from harmful atmospheric influences and facilitating control over its operation along the route. The internal volume of the body is divided into driver's cabs, diesel (engine) compartment and vestibules.

The driver's cabins are separated from the diesel room and vestibules by heat and sound insulating walls. In each cabin on the right side (on the movement of the train) there is a control panel 41 with controls and measuring instruments necessary for the driver when driving the train. On the left side there is a table 39 of the assistant driver, under which there is a heating and ventilation unit with a fan driven by an electric motor. For heating, two heaters are used, into which heated water is supplied from the diesel cooling system. Above the table is a small panel with control devices used by the assistant driver. In addition, equipment is installed in the cab to create the required working conditions for the locomotive crew: a windshield wiper and sunshields, etc. Soft, height-adjustable seats are provided for the driver and assistant. Next to them are two hard folding seats.

On the outside of the cab there are two red and two white buffer lights, license plates, a typhon, a whistle, as well as end valves and connecting sleeves for an electro-pneumatic brake. A searchlight 17 is installed above the cabin windows, which is accessible from inside the cabin through a special hatch for changing the lamp and adjusting the lighting. On the outer side of cabin No. 2 (rear), two inter-locomotive connections are installed.

A diesel generator is installed in the central part of the diesel room. Diesel 8 and the traction generator 47 driven from it are attached to the diesel frame, which rests on the body frame through rubber-metal shock absorbers. A transfer gearbox 46 is installed on the generator housing, from which the shafts are driven: a two-machine unit 44 (exciter and auxiliary generator), a synchronous sub-exciter 45, a fan 11 of the traction generator and a fan 12 of the front bogie traction motors. All these units are also installed on the traction generator housing. At a nominal speed of the diesel crankshaft of 750 rpm, the speed of the diesel shaft from which the transfer gearbox is driven is 1500 rpm, the two-machine unit is 1820 rpm, the synchronous sub-exciter is 4080 rpm, the fan wheels are 2170 rpm.

The brake compressor 13 is driven from the shaft of the traction generator with a speed equal to the speed of the diesel crankshaft.

The main part of the electrical apparatus is located in the high-voltage chamber 42. On the left wall of the body near the high-voltage chamber there are installed: a fan 14 of a diesel room driven by an electric motor, a food refrigerator 15 with power supply and a gas fire extinguisher 16. Under the floor there are two fuel priming pumps 38 driven by electric motors.

In the opposite part of the body there is a cooling device with central passages, consisting of two shafts. In the roof part of the shafts there are 4 fans driven by 3 hydraulic motors. The hydraulic motors are connected by a pipeline with two 48 hydraulic pumps mounted in a gearbox, which is driven by the diesel crankshaft. The hydraulic drive oil is cleaned in the filter - tank 6 and the fine filter 32, located on the front wall of the first (closest to the diesel) shaft of the cooling device. The heated water entering the cooling device passes through the radiator sections 53 where it is cooled by air. The location of the radiator sections in the shafts of the cooling device is single-row, along both walls of the body.

On the cover of the body above the fan wheels and in the side walls of the body in front of the water radiators of the section, blinds 31 of the wing design are installed. Blinds drive electro-pneumatic with automatic control depending on the temperature of water and diesel oil. Remote (with control panel) manual control is provided. In case of remote control failure, there is a direct manual drive. A water tank 5 is installed in the roof part of the body between the shafts, and under it is a fine 29 and coarse 30 oil filter, an oil pump 52 driven by an electric motor, a water-oil heat exchanger 50 and four main air tanks 51.

At the front end of the diesel engine there is a fan 33 of the traction motors of the rear bogie, a fan wheel, which is driven from the output shaft of the diesel engine through an angular gearbox. Directly on the diesel engine are installed: a fine fuel filter 36, centrifugal oil filters 10 and a diesel regulator 9. A coarse fuel filter 35, a remote fuel gauge 37 are placed on the left wall of the body, a fuel heater 34 under the floor. The locomotive body rests on two three-axle bogies, between which a fuel tank 22 is located. A storage battery is placed in the niches of the fuel tank on both sides of the locomotive. The floors in the diesel room are made of ribbed aluminum plates that can be easily removed for inspection and repair of units installed under the floor.

Fig.3. The layout of the equipment of the diesel locomotive TEP60: 1 - a box for a hose and a generator of a fire-fighting installation; 2 - reservoir of a fire-fighting installation; 3 - hydraulic motor; 4 - fan; 5 - water tank; 6 - hydraulic drive filter tank; 7 - exhaust pipes; 8 - diesel; 9 - diesel regulator; 10 - centrifugal oil filter; 11 - traction generator fan; 12 - fan of traction motors of the front bogie; 13 - brake compressor; 14 - diesel room fan; 15 - refrigerator for food; 16 - gas fire extinguisher; 17 - searchlight; 18 - main body supports; 19 - mounting paws of the electric motor; 20 - traction motor; 21 - mounting bracket; 22 - fuel tank; 23 - box balancer; 24 - springs; 25 - spring balancers; 26 - side supports of the body; 27 - box; 28 - brake cylinder; 29 - diesel oil fine filters; 30 - diesel oil coarse filter; 31 - blinds; 32 - fine filter for hydraulic drive oil; 33 - fan of traction motors of the rear bogie; 34 - fuel heater; 35 - coarse fuel filter; 36 - fuel fine filter; 37 - fuel gauge; 38 - fuel priming pump; 39 - table of the assistant driver; 40 - hand brake; 41 - control panel; 42 - high voltage chamber; 43 - bathroom; 44 - two-machine unit; 45 - sub-exciter; 46 - transfer gearbox; 47 - traction generator; 48 - hydraulic pumps; 49 - manual fire extinguisher; 50 - water-oil heat exchanger; 51 - main air tanks; 52 - oil pump; 53 - radiator sections.

2.5 Diesel 11D45A

The diesel locomotive TEP60 is a modification of the family of medium-speed two-stroke diesel engines of the D40 type (dn23/30), which have been in serial production since 1959. During this time, they have found wide application in various sectors of the national economy and abroad. This was facilitated by such characteristic abilities of diesel engines of this type as light weight and small overall dimensions, ease of maintenance and repair, high wear resistance of the main diesel engines and assemblies,

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    Information about the design of the undercarriage of a diesel locomotive. Arrangement of devices, devices and lamps on the control panel and signal lamp panel. Assembly of axle boxes on the axle of the wheelset. Installation of spring suspension of traction motors and bogie frame.

    Familiarization with the device, location and fastening of the diesel power supply system. Fuel tanks. Fuel filters. Fuel pumps. Air cleaner. intake pipelines. Exhaust pipelines. High pressure fuel pumps.

    A characteristic of the electrical power transmission of a given locomotive. Calculation of the main parameters of power transmission of a diesel locomotive in a long-term mode, the traction characteristics of a diesel locomotive and its efficiency, the traction force of a locomotive, limited by the adhesion of the wheel to the rails.

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    List of control questions for the exam in the discipline "OPERATION OF SPP" Section No. 1 Characteristics and operating modes of a diesel engine Screw characteristic. Heavy and light screw.

    Appointment, devices of automatic system of regulation of temperature of a cooling liquid. Device, principle of operation and maintenance. Equipment, tools, fixtures, devices. Workplace safety and cleaning.

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