Table of typical parameters of the vase. Typical operating parameters of VAZ injection engines. Bosch M7.9.7 - ECU specifications

For many novice diagnosticians and ordinary motorists who are interested in the topic of diagnostics, information about typical engine parameters will be useful. Since the most common and easy-to-repair engines of VAZ cars, we will start with them. What is the first thing you need to pay attention to when analyzing the parameters of the engine?
1. Engine stopped.
1.1 Coolant and air temperature sensors (if any). The temperature is checked to ensure that the readings correspond to the actual temperature of the engine and air. Checking is best done with a non-contact thermometer. By the way, one of the most reliable VAZ engines in the injection system is temperature sensors.

1.2 Throttle position (except systems with electronic gas pedal). The gas pedal is released - 0%, the accelerator is pressed - corresponding to the opening of the throttle. They played with the gas pedal, released it - it should also remain 0%, while the ADC with a dpdz of about 0.5V. If the opening angle jumps from 0 to 1-2%, then as a rule this is a sign of a worn out dpdz. Rarely, there is a malfunction in the wiring of the sensor. With the gas pedal fully depressed, some units will show 100% opening (such as Jan 5.1, Jan 7.2) while others like the Bosch MP 7.0 will only show 75%. This is fine.

1.3 ADC DMRV channel in rest mode: 0.996 / 1.016 V - normal, up to 1.035 V is still acceptable, everything above is a reason to think about replacing the mass air flow sensor. Injection systems equipped with oxygen sensor feedback are able to correct incorrect MAF readings to some extent, but there is a limit to everything, so you should not delay replacing this sensor if it is already worn out.

2. The engine is idling.

2.1 Idle speed. Usually it is 800 - 850 rpm with a fully warmed up engine. The value of the number of revolutions at idle depends on the temperature of the engine and is set in the engine management program.

2.2 Air mass flow. For 8 valve engines, the typical value is 8-10 kg / h, for 16 valve engines - 7 - 9.5 kg / h with a fully warmed-up engine at idle. For the M73 ECU, these values ​​\u200b\u200bare somewhat larger due to the design feature.

2.3 Length of injection time. For phased injection, a typical value is 3.3 - 4.1 ms. For simultaneous - 2.1 - 2.4 ms. Actually, the injection time itself is not so important as its correction.

2.4 Injection time correction factor. Depends on many factors. This is a topic for a separate article, here it is only worth mentioning that the closer to 1,000 the better. More than 1,000 means the mixture is further enriched, less than 1,000 means it is leaner.

2.5 Multiplicative and additive component of self-learning correction. A typical multiplicative value is 1 +/-0.2. The additive is measured as a percentage and should be no more than +/- 5% on a working system.

2.6 If there is a sign of engine operation in the adjustment zone on the signal of the oxygen sensor, the latter should draw a beautiful sinusoid from 0.1 to 0.8 V.

2.7 Cyclic filling and load factor. For "January" typical cycle air consumption: 8 valve engine 90 - 100 mg / stroke, 16 valve 75 - 90 mg / stroke. For Bosch 7.9.7 control units, a typical load factor is 18 - 24%.

Now let's take a closer look at how these parameters behave in practice. Since I use the SMS Diagnostics program for diagnostics (hi to Alexey Mikheenkov and Sergey Sapelin!), then all the screenshots will be from there. The parameters are taken from practically serviceable cars, except for separately specified cases.
All images are clickable.

VAZ 2110 8-valve engine, control unit January 5.1
Here, the CO correction factor has been slightly corrected due to the slight wear of the DMRV.

VAZ 2107, control unit January 5.1.3

VAZ 2115 8-valve engine, control unit January 7.2

Engine VAZ 21124, control unit January 7.2

VAZ 2114 8-valve engine, Bosch 7.9.7 control unit

Priora, engine VAZ 21126 1.6 l., control unit Bosch 7.9.7

Zhiguli VAZ 2107, M73 control unit

VAZ 21124 engine, M73 control unit

VAZ 2114 8-valve engine, M73 control unit

Kalina, 8-valve engine, M74 control unit

Niva engine VAZ-21214, control unit Bosch ME17.9.7

And in conclusion, let me remind you that the above screenshots were taken from real cars, but unfortunately the recorded parameters are not ideal. Although I tried to fix the parameters only from serviceable cars.

Greetings dear friends! I decided to devote today's post entirely to the ECU (Electronic Engine Control Unit) of the VAZ 2114 car. After reading the article to the end, you will find out the following: which ECU is on the VAZ 2114 and how to find out its firmware version. I will give step-by-step instructions for its pinout, talk about popular ECU models January 7.2 and Itelma, and also talk about common errors and malfunctions.

The ECU or the VAZ 2114 Electronic Engine Control Unit is a kind of device that can be described as the brain of a car. Through this unit, absolutely everything works in the car - from a small sensor to the engine. And if the device starts to act up, then the machine will simply stand up, because it has no one to command, distribute the work of departments, and so on.

Where is the ECU on the VAZ 2114

In a VAZ 2114 car, the control module is installed under the center console of the car, in particular, in the middle, behind the panel with the radio. To get to the controller, you need to unscrew the latches on the side frame of the console. As for the connection, in the Samar modifications with a one and a half liter engine, the mass of the computer is taken from the body of the power unit, from the fastening of the plugs located to the right of the cylinder head.

In vehicles equipped with 1.6- and 1.5-liter engines with a new type of ECU, the mass is taken from the welded stud. The pin itself is fixed on the metal case of the control panel at the floor tunnel, not far from the ashtray. During production, VAZ engineers, as a rule, fix this pin unreliably, so that over time it can become loose, respectively, this will lead to the inoperability of some devices.

How to find out which ECU is on the VAZ 2114 - January 7.2 January 4 Bosch M1.5.4

To date, there are 8 (eight) generations of the electronic control unit, which differ not only in characteristics, but also in manufacturers. Let's talk about them in a little more detail.

ECU January 7.2 - Specifications

And, so now let's move on to the technical characteristics of the most popular ECU January 7.2

January 7.2 - a functional analogue of the Bosch M7.9.7 block, "parallel" (or alternative, as you like) with M7.9.7, a domestic development of Itelma. January 7.2 looks similar to M7.9.7 - assembled in a similar case and with the same connector, it can be used without any modifications on Bosch M7.9.7 wiring using the same set of sensors and actuators.

The ECU uses the Siemens Infenion C-509 processor (same as the ECU January 5, VS). The block software is a further development of the January 5 software, with improvements and additions (although this is a moot point) - for example, the “anti-jerk” algorithm is implemented, literally “anti-shock” function, designed to ensure smooth starting and gear changes.

The ECU is manufactured by Itelma (хххх-1411020-82 (32), the firmware starts with the letter "I", for example, I203EK34) and Avtel (хххх-1411020-81 (31), the firmware starts with the letter "А", e.g. A203EK34). And the blocks and firmware of these blocks are completely interchangeable.

ECU series 31 (32) and 81 (82) are hardware compatible from top to bottom, that is, firmware for 8-cl. will work in a 16-cl. ECU, but vice versa - no, because in the 8-cl block there are “not enough” ignition keys. By adding 2 keys and 2 resistors, you can "turn" 8-cl. block in 16 cells. Recommended transistors: BTS2140-1B Infineon / IRGS14C40L IRF / ISL9V3040S3S Fairchild Semiconductor / STGB10NB37LZ STM / NGB8202NT4 ON Semiconductor.

ECU January-4 - specifications

The second serial family of ECMs on domestic cars was the January-4 system, which was developed as a functional analogue of GM control units (with the ability to use the same composition of sensors and actuators in production) and was intended to replace them.

Therefore, during the development, the overall and connecting dimensions, as well as the pinout of the connectors, were preserved. Naturally, the ISFI-2S and January-4 blocks are interchangeable, but they completely differ in circuitry and operation algorithms. “January-4” is designed for Russian standards, the oxygen sensor, catalyst and adsorber were excluded from the composition, and a CO adjustment potentiometer was introduced. The family includes control units "January-4" (a very small batch was produced) and "January-4.1" for 8 (2111) and 16 (2112) valve engines.

Versions of “Kvant” are most likely a debug series with firmware J4V13N12 hardware and, accordingly, software are incompatible with subsequent serial controllers. That is, the J4V13N12 firmware will not work in “non-quantum” ECUs and vice versa. Photo of ECU QUANT boards and a conventional serial controller January 4

Features of the ECM: without a converter, an oxygen sensor (lambda probe), with a CO potentiometer (manual CO adjustment), R-83 toxicity standards.

Bosch M1.5.4 - specifications

The next step was the development, together with Bosch, of an ECM based on the Motronic M1.5.4 system, which could be produced in Russia. Other air flow sensors (FMRS) and resonant detonation (designed and manufactured by Bosch) were used. The software and calibrations for these ECMs were first fully developed at AvtoVAZ.

For Euro-2 toxicity standards, new modifications of the M1.5.4 block appear (has an unofficial index “N”, to create an artificial difference) 2111-1411020-60 and 2112-1411020-40, which meet these standards and incorporate an oxygen sensor, a catalytic neutralizer and adsorber.

Also, for the norms of Russia, an ECM was developed for 8-cl. engine (2111-1411020-70), which is a modification of the very first ECM 2111-1411020. All modifications, except for the very first, use a broadband knock sensor. This block began to be produced in a new design - a lightweight leaky stamped case with an embossed inscription "MOTRONIC" (popularly "tin"). Subsequently, EBU 2112-1411020-40 also began to be produced in this design.

The replacement of the construct, in my opinion, is completely unjustified - hermetic blocks were more reliable. New modifications, most likely, have differences in the circuit diagram in the direction of simplification, since the detonation channel in them works less correctly, “tins” “ring” more on the same software.

NPO Itelma has developed an ECU for use in VAZ vehicles, called VS 5.1. This is a fully functional analogue of the January 5.1 ECM, that is, it uses the same harness, sensors and actuators.

VS5.1 uses the same Siemens Infenion C509, 16MHz processor, but is made on a more modern element base. Modifications 2112-1411020-42 and 2111-1411020-62 are designed for Euro-2 standards, which include an oxygen sensor, a catalytic converter and an adsorber, this family does not provide R-83 standards for 2112 engines. For 2111 and Russia-83 standards only ECM version VS 5.1 1411020-72 with simultaneous injection is produced.

Since September 2003, a new HARDWARE modification VS5.1 has been installed on the VAZ, which is incompatible in software and hardware with the “old” one.

  • 2111-1411020-72 with firmware V5V13K03 (V5V13L05). This software is not compatible with software and ECU of earlier versions (V5V13I02, V5V13J02).
  • 2111-1411020-62 with firmware V5V03L25. This software is not compatible with software and ECU of earlier versions (V5V03K22).
  • 2112-1411020-42 with firmware V5V05M30. This software is not compatible with software and ECU of earlier versions (V5V05K17, V5V05L19).

By wiring, the blocks are interchangeable, but only with their own software corresponding to the block.

Bosch M7.9.7 - ECU specifications

The Bosch 30 series was also found on 1.6 liter engines, but due to the initial development for a one and a half liter car, the software was very buggy, sometimes completely refusing to work. Special equipment marked 31h, released a little later, worked much more adequately.

January seven had many models depending on the configuration and engine size, so on 1.5 liter eight-valve engines, AVTEL production models with a stamp were installed: 81 and 81 hours, the same brain from ITELMA had numbers 82 and 82 hours. Bosch M7.9.7 was installed on one and a half liter engines of export copies and was marked 80 and 80 hours on Euro 2 cars and 30 on Euro 3 cars.

1.6 liter engines of cars intended for the domestic market had on board devices from the same AVTEL and ITELMA. The first series from the first marked 31 “sick” with the same as Bosch 30 series, later all the shortcomings were taken into account and fixed at 31 h. In case of problems with competitors, ITELMA has grown noticeably in the eyes of motorists, releasing a successful series under the number 32. Additionally, it should be noted that only Bosch M7.9.7 with marker 10 complied with the Euro 3 standard. The cost of a new ECU of this generation is 8 thousand rubles, used You can find it for 4,000 in disassembly.

Video: ECU comparison January 7.2 and January 5.1

ECU pinout diagram January 7.2 VAZ 2114

In the VAZ 2114 controller, breakdowns very often occur. The system has a self-diagnosis function - the ECU polls all nodes and issues a conclusion on their suitability for work. If any element fails, the “Check Engine” lamp will light up on the dashboard.

You can find out which sensor or actuator is out of order only with the help of special diagnostic equipment. Even with the help of the famous OBD-Scan's ELM-327, loved by many for its ease of use, you can read all the parameters of the engine, find an error, fix it and delete it from the memory of the VAZ 2114 ECU .

ECU VAZ 2114 burned out - what to do?

One of the common malfunctions of the ECU (electronic control unit) at the fourteenth is its failure or, as the people say, combustion.

Obvious signs of this breakdown will be the following factors:

  • Lack of control signals for injectors, fuel pump, idle valve or mechanism, etc.
  • Lack of response to Lamba - regulation, crankshaft sensor, throttle, etc.
  • Lack of communication with the diagnostic tool
  • Physical damage.

How to remove and replace a faulty computer on a VAZ 2114

When carrying out work on the removal of the VAZ 2114 computer, do not touch the terminals with your hands. There is a possibility of damage to electronics by electrostatic discharge.

How to remove the VAZ 2114 ECU - video instruction

Where is the mass of the VAZ 2114 ECU

The first output to ground from the ECU on machines with a 1.5 engine is located under the instruments on the steering shaft mounting amplifier. The second outlet is located under the instrument panel, next to the heater motor, on the left side of the heater housing.

On machines with a 1.6 engine, the first output (the mass of the VAZ 2114 ecu) is located inside the dashboard, on the left, above the relay / fuse box, under the noise insulation. The second outlet is located above the left screen of the central console of the dashboard on a welded stud (fastening - M6 nut).

Where is the relay located ECU fuse VAZ 2114

The main part of the fuses and relays is located in the engine compartment mounting block, but the relay and fuse responsible for the VAZ 2114 electronic control unit are located elsewhere.

The second "block" is located under the torpedo on the side of the front passenger legs. To access it, you just need to unscrew a few fasteners with a Phillips screwdriver. Why in quotation marks, because there is no such block, there is an ECU (brains) and 3 fuses + 3 relays.

What to do if the scanner does not see the VAZ 2114 ECU

Reader's question: Guys, why does it say during diagnostics that there is no connection with the ECU? What to do? What to do?

So, why does the scanner not see the VAZ 2114 ECU? What should I do so that the device can connect and see the block? Today on sale you can find many different adapters for testing a vehicle.

If you are buying ELM327 Bluetooth, most likely you are trying to connect low quality devices. Or rather, you could have purchased an adapter with an outdated version of the software.

So, for what reasons the device refuses to connect to the unit:

  1. The adapter itself is of poor quality. Problems can be both with the firmware of the device and with its hardware. If the main microcircuit is inoperative, it will be impossible to diagnose the operation of the engine, as well as connect to the computer.
  2. Bad connection cable. It is possible that the cable is broken or is itself inoperable.
  3. The wrong software version is installed on the device, as a result of which it will not be possible to achieve synchronization (the author of the video about testing the device is Rus Radarov).

In this case, if you own a device with the correct firmware version 1.5, where all six of the six protocols are present, but the adapter does not connect to the ECU, there is a way out. You can connect to the unit using initialization strings that allow the device to adapt to the commands of the machine's motor control unit. In particular, we are talking about initialization strings for HobDrive and Torque diagnostic utilities for vehicles that use non-standard connection protocols.

How to reset VAZ 2114 ECU errors - video

Loss of voltage on the VAZ 2114 ECU - what to do

Question from a reader: Hello everyone, please tell me with a problem. Symptoms are as follows: 1. Error 1206 appears - on-board network voltage-interruption. in cold weather, starting the engine is generally a problem - it seizes for a few seconds, the click seems to be triggered by a relay, the check speed jump lights up and the car stalls. This can go on for half an hour, the car may stall on the move. Once the engine warms up, the noise stops. Where to look for the cause, which sensor may have flown? Thanks in advance!

In principle, there are many solutions to this problem:

  1. If the voltage on the battery is less than 12.4 volts, then the computer starts saving energy, at 11 you can’t even start it on a cord))) The computer sometimes sees the voltage is less than real on the battery, this usually indicates that it’s time to clean the masses of the computer, look into the connector and wipe the contacts. In your case - cold problems, hot everything is fine. And if you look from the side of the battery? On a sat down problem, on a recharged gene, everything is fine. A good diagnostician will not damage the machine
  2. I also recommend paying attention to the malfunction: the ignition coil, the ignition module, the contactless ignition switch of the candle.

Well, that's all dear friends, our article about the VAZ 2114 ECU has come to an end. Do you have any questions? Be sure to ask them in the comments!

The optimal operation of an automobile engine depends on many parameters and devices. To ensure normal operation, VAZ engines are equipped with various sensors designed to perform different functions. What you need to know about the diagnosis and replacement of controllers and what are the parameters of the VAZ table is presented in this article.

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Typical operating parameters of VAZ injection engines

Checking VAZ sensors, as a rule, is carried out when certain problems are found in the operation of the controllers. For diagnostics, it is desirable to know what malfunctions of VAZ sensors can occur, this will allow you to quickly and correctly check the device and replace it in a timely manner. So, how to check the main VAZ sensors and how to replace them after that - read below.

Features, diagnostics and replacement of elements of injection systems on VAZ cars

Let's take a look at the main controllers below!


There are several options for how you can check the VAZ Hall sensor:

  1. Use a known working device for diagnostics and install it instead of the standard one. If after replacing the problems in the operation of the engine stopped, this indicates a malfunction of the regulator.
  2. Using a tester, diagnose the voltage of the controller at its outputs. During normal operation of the device, the voltage should be from 0.4 to 11 volts.

The replacement procedure is as follows (the process is described using the model 2107 as an example):

  1. First, the switchgear is dismantled, its cover is unscrewed.
  2. Then the slider is dismantled, for this it must be pulled up a little.
  3. Remove the cover and unscrew the bolt that secures the plug.
  4. You will also need to unscrew the bolts that secure the controller plate. After that, the screws that secure the vacuum corrector are unscrewed.
  5. Next, the retaining ring is dismantled, the thrust is removed along with the corrector itself.
  6. To disconnect the wires, it will be necessary to push the clamps apart.
  7. The base plate is pulled out, after which several bolts are unscrewed and the manufacturer dismantles the controller. A new controller is being installed, assembly is carried out in the reverse order (the author of the video is Andrey Gryaznov).


The following symptoms may indicate the failure of this regulator:

  • at idle, the speed of the power unit floats, if the driver does not press the gas, this can lead to an arbitrary shutdown of the engine;
  • the speedometer needle readings are floating, the device may not work as a whole;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • power unit power has decreased.

The controller itself is located on the gearbox. To replace it, you will only need to raise the wheel on the jack, disconnect the power wires and dismantle the regulator.

fuel level

The fuel level sensor VAZ or DUT is used to indicate the remaining volume of gasoline in the fuel tank. Moreover, the fuel level sensor itself is installed in the same housing as the fuel pump. If it malfunctions, the readings on the dashboard may be inaccurate.

Replacement is done like this (for example, model 2110):

  1. The battery is disconnected, the back seat of the car is removed. Using a Phillips screwdriver, the bolts that fix the fuel pump hatch are unscrewed, the cover is removed.
  2. After that, all wires leading to it are disconnected from the connector. It is also necessary to disconnect all the pipes that lead to the fuel pump.
  3. Then the nuts securing the clamping ring are unscrewed. If the nuts are rusty, treat them with WD-40 before loosening them.
  4. Having done this, unscrew the bolts that fix the fuel level sensor itself directly. Guides are pulled out of the pump casing, and the fasteners must be bent with a screwdriver.
  5. At the final stage, the cover is dismantled, after which you will be able to access the FLS. The controller changes, the assembly of the pump and other elements is carried out in the reverse order of removal.

Photo gallery "Changing the FLS with our own hands"

Idle move

If the idle speed sensor on the VAZ fails, this is fraught with such problems:

  • floating speed, in particular, when additional voltage consumers are turned on - optics, heater, audio system, etc .;
  • the engine will start to troit;
  • when the central gear is activated, the engine may stall;
  • in some cases, failure of the IAC can lead to body vibrations;
  • the appearance of the Check indicator on the dashboard, but it does not light up in all cases.

To solve the problem of the inoperability of the device, the VAZ idle speed sensor can either be cleaned or replaced. The device itself is located opposite the cable that goes to the gas pedal, in particular, on the throttle.

The idle speed sensor VAZ is fixed with several bolts:

  1. To replace, first turn off the ignition, as well as the battery.
  2. Then you need to remove the connector, for this, the wires connected to it are disconnected.
  3. Next, using a screwdriver, the bolts are unscrewed and the IAC is removed. If the controller is glued, then you will need to dismantle the throttle assembly and turn off the device, while acting carefully (the author of the video is the Ovsiuk channel).


  1. To perform the first method, you will need an ohmmeter, in this case, the resistance on the winding should vary in the region of 550-750 ohms. If the indicators obtained during the test are slightly different, it is not scary, you need to change the DPKV if the deviations are significant.
  2. To perform the second diagnostic method, you will need a voltmeter, a transformer device, and an inductance meter. The resistance measurement procedure in this case should be carried out at room temperature. When measuring inductance, the optimal parameters should be from 200 to 4000 millihenries. Using a megohmmeter, the resistance of the supply winding of the device to 500 volts is measured. If the DPKV is serviceable, then the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be no more than 20 MΩ.

To replace the DPKV, do the following:

  1. First, turn off the ignition and remove the device connector.
  2. Next, using a 10 wrench, it will be necessary to unscrew the analyzer clamps and dismantle the regulator itself.
  3. After that, a working device is installed.
  4. If the regulator changes, then you will need to repeat its original position (the author of the video about replacing the DPKV is Sandro's channel in the garage).

The Lambda probe

The VAZ lambda probe is a device whose purpose is to determine the amount of oxygen present in the exhaust gases. This data allows the control unit to correctly compile the proportions of air and fuel to form a combustible mixture. The device itself is located on the exhaust pipe of the muffler, from below.

The replacement of the regulator is carried out as follows:

  1. Disconnect the battery first.
  2. After that, find the harness contact with the wiring, this circuit comes from the lambda probe and connects to the block. The plug must be disconnected.
  3. When the second contact is disconnected, go to the first, located in the downpipe. Using a wrench of the correct size, unscrew the nut securing the regulator.
  4. Dismantle the lambda probe and replace it with a new one.


VAZ engine diagnostics

In this section you can find information about factory firmware and the most common problems with them. Troubleshooting methods in a number of emerging cases. Fault codes and their most common causes.

Tables of typical parameters and tightening torques for threaded connections

January 4

Table of typical parameters, for engine 2111

Parameter Name Unit or state Ignition on Idling
COEFFF Fuel correction factor 0,9-1 1-1,1
EFREQ Frequency mismatch for idling rpm ±30
FAZ Fuel injection phase deg.r.h. 162 312
FREQ Speed rpm 0 840-880(800±50)**
FREQX Idle speed rpm 0 840-880(800±50)**
FSM Idle control position step 120 25-35
INJ Injection pulse duration ms 0 2,0-2,8(1,0-1,4)**
INPLAM* Sign of oxygen sensor operation Yes/No RICH RICH
JADET Voltage in the detonation signal processing channel mV 0 0
JAIR Air consumption kg/hour 0 7-8
JALAM* Input-referred filtered oxygen sensor signal mV 1230,5 1230,5
JARCO Voltage from CO potentiometer mV by toxicity by toxicity
JATAIR* Voltage from air temperature sensor mV - -
JATHR Throttle position sensor voltage mV 400-600 400-600
JATWAT Voltage from coolant temperature sensor mV 1600-1900 1600-1900
JAUACC Voltage in the car's on-board network AT 12,0-13,0 13,0-14,0
JDKGTC Dynamic correction factor for cyclic filling with fuel 0,118 0,118
JGBC Filtered cyclic filling with air mg/tact 0 60-70
JGBCD Unfiltered cyclic filling with air according to the DMRV signal mg/tact 0 65-80
JGBCG Expected cyclic air filling with incorrect readings of the mass air flow sensor mg/tact 10922 10922
JGBCIN Cyclic filling with air after dynamic correction mg/tact 0 65-75
JGTC Cyclic fueling mg/tact 0 3,9-5
JGTCA Asynchronous cyclic fuel supply mg 0 0
JKGBC* Barometric correction factor 0 1-1,2
JQT Fuel consumption mg/tact 0 0,5-0,6
JSPEED Current vehicle speed km/h 0 0
JURFXX Tabular frequency setting at idle. Resolution 10 rpm rpm 850(800)** 850(800)**
NUACC Quantized voltage of the onboard network AT 11,5-12,8 12,5-14,6
RCO Fuel supply correction factor from CO-potentiometer 0,1-2 0,1-2
RXX Sign of idling Yes/No NO EAT
SSM Setting the idle speed controller step 120 25-35
TAIR* Air temperature in the intake manifold deg.С - -
THR Current Throttle Position % 0 0
TWAT deg.С 95-105 95-105
UGB Setting the air flow for the idle air control kg/hour 0 9,8
UOZ Ignition advance angle deg.r.h. 10 13-17
UOZOC Ignition timing for octane corrector deg.r.h. 0 0
UOZXX Ignition timing for idling deg.r.h. 0 16
VALF The composition of the mixture that determines the fuel supply in the engine 0,9 1-1,1

* These parameters are not used for diagnostics of this engine management system.

** For multiport sequential fuel injection system.

(for engines 2111, 2112, 21045)

Table of typical parameters, for the VAZ-2111 engine (1.5 l 8 cells)

Parameter Name Unit or state Ignition on Idling
IDLING Not really Not Yes
ZONE REGULATOR O2 Not really Not Not really
O2 LEARNING Not really Not Not really
PAST O2 poor/rich Poor poor/rich
CURRENT O2 poor/rich Bedn poor/rich
T.COOL.L. Coolant temperature deg.С (1) 94-104
AIR/FUEL Air/fuel ratio (1) 14,0-15,0
POL.D.Z. % 0 0
OB.DV rpm 0 760-840
OB.DV.XX rpm 0 760-840
DESIRED POL.I.X. step 120 30-50
CURRENT P.I.X. step 120 30-50
COR.VR.VP. 1 0,76-1,24
W.O.Z. Ignition advance angle deg.r.h. 0 10-20
SK.AVT. Current vehicle speed km/h 0 0
BOARD NAP. On-board network voltage AT 12,8-14,6 12,8-14,6
J.OB.XX rpm 0 800(3)
NAP.D.O2 AT (2) 0,05-0,9
SENS O2 READY Not really Not Yes
RATE.O.D.O2 Not really NO YES
VR.VLOOKUP ms 0 2,0-3,0
MA.R.V. Mass air flow kg/hour 0 7,5-9,5
CEC.RV. Cycle air flow mg/tact 0 82-87
CH.RAS.T. Hourly fuel consumption l/hour 0 0,7-1,0

Table note:

Table of typical parameters, for the VAZ-2112 engine (1.5 l 16 cells)

Parameter Name Unit or state Ignition on Idling
IDLING Sign of engine idling Not really Not Yes
O2 LEARNING Sign of learning fuel supply by oxygen sensor signal Not really Not Not really
PAST O2 The state of the oxygen sensor signal in the last calculation cycle poor/rich Poor poor/rich
CURRENT O2 The current state of the oxygen sensor signal poor/rich Bedn poor/rich
T.COOL.L. Coolant temperature deg.С 94-101 94-101
AIR/FUEL Air/fuel ratio (1) 14,0-15,0
POL.D.Z. Throttle position % 0 0
OB.DV Motor rotation speed (resolution 40 rpm) rpm 0 760-840
OB.DV.XX Engine speed at idle (resolution 10 rpm) rpm 0 760-840
DESIRED POL.I.X. Desired idle speed control position step 120 30-50
CURRENT P.I.X. The current position of the idle speed control step 120 30-50
COR.VR.VP. Injection pulse width correction factor based on DC signal 1 0,76-1,24
W.O.Z. Ignition advance angle deg.r.h. 0 10-15
SK.AVT. Current vehicle speed km/h 0 0
BOARD NAP. On-board network voltage AT 12,8-14,6 12,8-14,6
J.OB.XX Desired idle speed rpm 0 800
NAP.D.O2 Oxygen sensor signal voltage AT (2) 0,05-0,9
SENS O2 READY Oxygen sensor readiness for operation Not really Not Yes
RATE.O.D.O2 The presence of a controller command to turn on the DC heater Not really NO YES
VR.VLOOKUP Fuel injection pulse duration ms 0 2,5-4,5
MA.R.V. Mass air flow kg/hour 0 7,5-9,5
CEC.RV. Cycle air flow mg/tact 0 82-87
CH.RAS.T. Hourly fuel consumption l/hour 0 0,7-1,0

Table note:

(1) - Parameter value is not used for ECM diagnostics.

(2) - When the oxygen sensor is not ready for operation (not warmed up), the sensor output voltage is 0.45V. After the sensor warms up, the signal voltage with the engine off will be less than 0.1V.

Table of typical parameters, for the VAZ-2104 engine (1.45 l 8 cells)

Parameter Name Unit or state Ignition on Idling
IDLING Sign of engine idling Not really Not Yes
ZONE REGULATOR O2 Sign of work in the adjustment zone by the oxygen sensor Not really Not Not really
O2 LEARNING Sign of learning fuel supply by oxygen sensor signal Not really Not Not really
PAST O2 The state of the oxygen sensor signal in the last calculation cycle poor/rich poor/rich poor/rich
CURRENT O2 The current state of the oxygen sensor signal poor/rich poor/rich poor/rich
T.COOL.L. Coolant temperature deg.С (1) 93-101
AIR/FUEL Air/fuel ratio (1) 14,0-15,0
POL.D.Z. Throttle position % 0 0
OB.DV Motor rotation speed (resolution 40 rpm) rpm 0 800-880
OB.DV.XX Engine speed at idle (resolution 10 rpm) rpm 0 800-880
DESIRED POL.I.X. Desired idle speed control position step 35 22-32
CURRENT P.I.X. The current position of the idle speed control step 35 22-32
COR.VR.VP. Injection pulse width correction factor based on DC signal 1 0,8-1,2
W.O.Z. Ignition advance angle deg.r.h. 0 10-20
SK.AVT. Current vehicle speed km/h 0 0
BOARD NAP. On-board network voltage AT 12,0-14,0 12,8-14,6
J.OB.XX Desired idle speed rpm 0 840(3)
NAP.D.O2 Oxygen sensor signal voltage AT (2) 0,05-0,9
SENS O2 READY Oxygen sensor readiness for operation Not really Not Yes
RATE.O.D.O2 The presence of a controller command to turn on the DC heater Not really NO YES
VR.VLOOKUP Fuel injection pulse duration ms 0 1,8-2,3
MA.R.V. Mass air flow kg/hour 0 7,5-9,5
CEC.RV. Cycle air flow mg/tact 0 75-90
CH.RAS.T. Hourly fuel consumption l/hour 0 0,5-0,8

Table note:

(1) - Parameter value is not used for ECM diagnostics.

(2) - When the oxygen sensor is not ready for operation (not warmed up), the sensor output voltage is 0.45V. After the sensor warms up, the signal voltage with the engine off will be less than 0.1V.

(3) - For controllers with later software versions, the desired idle speed is 850 rpm. Accordingly, the tabular values ​​of the OB.DV parameters also change. and OB.DV.XX.

(for engines 2111, 2112, 21214)

Table of typical parameters, for engine 2111

Parameter Name Unit or state Ignition on Idling (800 rpm) Idling (3000 rpm)
TL Load parameter msec (1) 1,4-2,1 1,2-1,6
UB On-board network voltage AT 11,8-12,5 13,2-14,6 13,2-14,6
TMOT deg.С (1) 90-105 90-105
ZWOUT Ignition advance angle deg.r.h. (1) 12±3 35-40
DKPOT Throttle position % 0 0 4,5-6,5
N40 rpm (1) 800±40 3000
TE1 Fuel injection pulse duration msec (1) 2,5-3,8 2,3-2,95
MOMPOS The current position of the idle speed control step (1) 40±15 70-85
N10 rpm (1) 800±30 3000
QADP kg/hour ±3 ±4* ±1
ML Mass air flow kg/hour (1) 7-12 25±2
USVK AT 0,45 0,1-0,9 0,1-0,9
FR (1) 1±0.2 1±0.2
TRA msec ±0.4 ±0.4* (1)
FRA 1±0.2 1±0.2* 1±0.2
TATE % (1) 0-15 30-80
USHK AT 0,45 0,5-0,7 0,6-0,8
TANS deg.С (1) -20...+60 -20...+60
BSMW g (1) -0,048 -0,048
FDKHA Altitude adaptation factor (1) 0,7-1,03* 0,7-1,03
RHSV Ohm (1) 9-13 9-13
RHSH Ohm (1) 9-13 9-13
FZABGS (1) 0-15 0-15
QREG kg/hour (1) ±4* (1)
LUT_AP (1) 0-6 0-6
LUR_AP (1) 6-6,5(6-7,5)*** 6,5(15-40)***
ASA Adaptation parameter (1) 0,9965-1,0025** 0,996-1,0025
DTV msec ±0.4 ±0.4* ±0.4
ATV sec (1) 0-0,5* 0-0,5
TPLRVK sec (1) 0,6-2,5 0,6-1,5
B_LL Sign of engine idling Not really NO YES NO
B_KR Knock control active Not really (1) YES YES
B_KS Not really (1) NO NO
B_SWE Not really (1) NO NO
B_LR Not really (1) YES YES
M_LUERKT Misfire Yes/No (1) NO NO
B_ZADRE1 Not really (1) YES* (1)
B_ZADRE3 Not really (1) (1) YES

Table of typical parameters, for engine 2112

Parameter Name Unit or state Ignition on Idling (800 rpm) Idling (3000 rpm)
TL Load parameter msec (1) 1,4-2,0 1,2-1,5
UB On-board network voltage AT 11,8-12,5 13,2-14,6 13,2-14,6
TMOT coolant temperature deg.С (1) 90-105 90-105
ZWOUT Ignition advance angle deg.r.h. (1) 12±3 35-40
DKPOT Throttle position % 0 0 4,5-6,5
N40 Engine speed rpm (1) 800±40 3000
TE1 Fuel injection pulse duration msec (1) 2,5-3,5 2,3-2,65
MOMPOS The current position of the idle speed control step (1) 40±10 70-80
N10 Idle speed rpm (1) 800±30 3000
QADP Idle Air Flow Adaptation Variable kg/hour ±3 ±4* ±1
ML Mass air flow kg/hour (1) 7-10 23±2
USVK Control oxygen sensor signal AT 0,45 0,1-0,9 0,1-0,9
FR Correction coefficient for fuel injection time according to UDC signal (1) 1±0.2 1±0.2
TRA Additive component of self-learning correction msec ±0.4 ±0.4* (1)
FRA Multiplicative component of self-learning correction 1±0.2 1±0.2* 1±0.2
TATE Canister Purge Signal Duty Cycle % (1) 0-15 30-80
USHK Diagnostic oxygen sensor signal AT 0,45 0,5-0,7 0,6-0,8
TANS Intake air temperature deg.С (1) -20...+60 -20...+60
BSMW Filtered Rough Road Sensor Signal Value g (1) -0,048 -0,048
FDKHA Altitude adaptation factor (1) 0,7-1,03* 0,7-1,03
RHSV Shunt resistance in the heating circuit UDC Ohm (1) 9-13 9-13
RHSH Shunt resistance in the heating circuit of the FDC Ohm (1) 9-13 9-13
FZABGS Emission Misfire Counter (1) 0-15 0-15
QREG Idle air flow parameter kg/hour (1) ±4* (1)
LUT_AP Measured amount of uneven rotation (1) 0-6 0-6
LUR_AP Threshold value of uneven rotation (1) 6-6,5(6-7,5)*** 6,5(15-40)***
ASA Adaptation parameter (1) 0,9965-1,0025** 0,996-1,0025
DTV Injector influence factor on mixture adaptation msec ±0.4 ±0.4* ±0.4
ATV Integral part of the feedback delay on the second sensor sec (1) 0-0,5* 0-0,5
TPLRVK O2 sensor signal period before catalytic converter sec (1) 0,6-2,5 0,6-1,5
B_LL Sign of engine idling Not really NO YES NO
B_KR Knock control active Not really (1) YES YES
B_KS Anti-knock protection active Not really (1) NO NO
B_SWE Bad Road for Misfire Diagnosis Not really (1) NO NO
B_LR Sign of work in the control zone according to the control oxygen sensor Not really (1) YES YES
M_LUERKT Misfire Yes/No (1) NO NO
B_LUSTOP Not really (1) NO NO
B_ZADRE1 Gear adaptation made for speed range 1 Not really (1) YES* (1)
B_ZADRE3 Gear adaptation made for speed range 3 Not really (1) (1) YES

(1) - Parameter value for system diagnostics is not used.

* When the battery terminal is removed, these values ​​are reset to zero.

** Checking this parameter is relevant if B_ZADRE1="Yes".

*** In parentheses is the range of typical parameter values ​​for the case when the ASA parameter value is defined.

NOTE. The table shows the parameter values ​​for a positive ambient temperature.

Table of typical parameters, for engine 21214-36

Parameter Name Unit or state Ignition on Idling (800 rpm) Idling (3000 rpm)
TL Load parameter msec (1) 1,4-2,0 1,2-1,5
UB On-board network voltage AT 11,8-12,5 13,2-14,6 13,2-14,6
TMOT coolant temperature deg.С (1) 90-105 90-105
ZWOUT Ignition advance angle deg.r.h. (1) 12±3 35-40
DKPOT Throttle position % 0 0 4,5-6,5
N40 Engine speed rpm (1) 850±40 3000
TE1 Fuel injection pulse duration msec (1) 4,0-4,4 4,0-4,4
MOMPOS The current position of the idle speed control step (1) 30±10 70-80
N10 Idle speed rpm (1) 850±30 3000
QADP Idle Air Flow Adaptation Variable kg/hour ±3 ±4* ±1
ML Mass air flow kg/hour (1) 8-10 23±2
USVK Control oxygen sensor signal AT 0,45 0,1-0,9 0,1-0,9
FR Correction coefficient for fuel injection time according to UDC signal (1) 1±0.2 1±0.2
TRA Additive component of self-learning correction msec ±0.4 ±0.4* (1)
FRA Multiplicative component of self-learning correction 1±0.2 1±0.2* 1±0.2
TATE Canister Purge Signal Duty Cycle % (1) 30-40 50-80
USHK Diagnostic oxygen sensor signal AT 0,45 0,5-0,7 0,6-0,8
TANS Intake air temperature deg.С (1) +20±10 +20±10
BSMW Filtered Rough Road Sensor Signal Value g (1) -0,048 -0,048
FDKHA Altitude adaptation factor (1) 0,7-1,03* 0,7-1,03
RHSV Shunt resistance in the heating circuit UDC Ohm (1) 9-13 9-13
RHSH Shunt resistance in the heating circuit of the FDC Ohm (1) 9-13 9-13
FZABGS Emission Misfire Counter (1) 0-15 0-15
QREG Idle air flow parameter kg/hour (1) ±4* (1)
LUT_AP Measured amount of uneven rotation (1) 0-6 0-6
LUR_AP Threshold value of uneven rotation (1) 10,5*** 6,5(15-40)***
ASA Adaptation parameter (1) 0,9965-1,0025** 0,996-1,0025
DTV Injector influence factor on mixture adaptation msec ±0.4 ±0.4* ±0.4
ATV Integral part of the feedback delay on the second sensor sec (1) 0-0,5* 0-0,5
TPLRVK O2 sensor signal period before catalytic converter sec (1) 0,6-2,5 0,6-1,5
B_LL Sign of engine idling Not really NO YES NO
B_KR Knock control active Not really (1) YES YES
B_KS Anti-knock protection active Not really (1) NO NO
B_SWE Bad Road for Misfire Diagnosis Not really (1) NO NO
B_LR Sign of work in the control zone according to the control oxygen sensor Not really (1) YES YES
M_LUERKT Misfire Yes/No (1) NO NO
B_LUSTOP Misfire detection suspended Not really (1) NO NO
B_ZADRE1 Gear adaptation made for speed range 1 Not really (1) YES* (1)
B_ZADRE3 Gear adaptation made for speed range 3 Not really (1) (1) YES

(1) - Parameter value for system diagnostics is not used.

* When the battery terminal is removed, these values ​​are reset to zero.

** Checking this parameter is relevant if B_ZADRE1="Yes".

*** In parentheses is the range of typical parameter values ​​for the case when the ASA parameter value is defined.

NOTE. The table shows the parameter values ​​for a positive ambient temperature.

(for engines 2111, 21114, 21124, 21214)

Table of typical parameters, for engine diagnostics 2111

Parameter Name Unit or state Ignition on Idling (800 min-1) Idling (3000 min-1)
TMOT Coolant temperature OS (1) 90-105 90-105
TANS Intake air temperature OS (1) -20...+50 -20...+50
UB Voltage in the on-board network AT 11,8-12,5 13,2-14,6 13,2-14,6
WDKBA Throttle position % 0 0 2-6
NMOT Engine speed min-1 (1) 800±40 3000
ML Mass air flow kg/h (1) 7-12 24-30
ZWOUT Ignition advance angle Op.k.v. (1) 7-17 22-30
RL Load parameter % (1) 18-24 14-18
FHO Altitude adaptation factor (1) 0,7-1,03* 0,7-1,03*
TI Fuel injection pulse duration ms (1) 3,5-4,3 3,2-4,0
MOMPOS (1) 40±15 90±15
DMDVAD % (1) ±5 ±5
USVK Oxygen sensor signal AT 0,45 0,05-0,8 0,05-0,8
FR Correction coefficient for fuel injection time according to UDC signal (1) 1±0.2 1±0.2
LUMS rev/sec2 (1) 0...5 0...10
FZABG (1) 0 0
TATEOUT Canister Purge Signal Duty Cycle % (1) 0-15 90-100
VSKS Instant fuel consumption l/hour (1) (1) (1)
FRA 1±0.2 1±0.2* 1±0.2*
RKAT % (1) ±5 ±5
B_LL Sign of engine idling Not really NO YES NO

(1) - Parameter value for system diagnostics is not used.

NOTE. The table shows the parameter values ​​for a positive ambient temperature.

Table of typical parameters, for diagnosing engines 21114 and 21124

Parameter Name Unit or state Ignition on Idling (800 min-1) Idling (3000 min-1)
TMOT Coolant temperature OS (1) 90-98 90-98
UB Voltage in the on-board network AT 11,8-12,5 13,8-14,1 13,8-14,1
WDKBA Throttle position % 0 0-78 (82) 0-78 (82)
NMOT Engine speed min-1 (1) 840±50 3000±50
ML Mass air flow kg/h (1) 7.5-10.5 ZWOUT Ignition advance angle Op.k.v. (1) 12±3 30-35
WKR_X The amount of rebound of the ignition timing during detonation Op.k.v. (1) 0 -2.5...0
RL Load parameter % (1) 14-23 14-23
RLP % (1) 14-23 14-23
FHO Altitude adaptation factor (1) 0,94-1,02 0,94-1,02
TI Fuel injection pulse duration ms (1) 2,7-4,3 2,7-4,3
NSOL Desired engine speed min-1 (1) 840 (1)
MOMPOS The current position of the idle speed control step (1) 24±10 45-75
DMDVAD Idle adjustment adaptation parameter % (1) ±2 ±2
USVK Control oxygen sensor signal AT 0,45 0,06-0,8 0,06-0,8
FR Correction coefficient for fuel injection time according to UDC signal (1) 1±0.25 1±0.25
LUMS Irregular rotation of the crankshaft 1/s2 (1) ±5 ±5
FZABG Toxicity Misfire Counter (1) 0 0
FZAKTS Counter of misfires affecting the catalytic converter (1) 0 0
DMLLRI Desired torque change to maintain cold. stroke (integral part) % (1) ±3 0
DMLLR Desired torque change to maintain cold. stroke (prop. part) % (1) ±3 0
self-learning (1) 1±0.12 1±0.12
RKAT Additive component of self-learning correction % (1) ±3.5 ±3.5
USHK Diagnostic oxygen sensor signal AT 0,45 0,2-0,6 0,2-0,6
TPSVKMR Signal period of the control oxygen sensor With (1) ATV Integral part of the DDC feedback delay ms (1) ±0.5 ±0.5
AHKAT Converter aging factor (1) B_LL Sign of engine idling Not really NO YES NO
B_LR Sign of work in the adjustment zone by the UDC signal Not really (1) YES YES
B_SBBVK Sign of readiness UDC Not really (1) YES YES

(1) - Parameter value for system diagnostics is not used.

NOTE. The table shows the parameter values ​​for a positive ambient temperature.

Table of typical parameters, for engine diagnostics 21214-11

Parameter Name Unit or state Ignition on Idling (800 min-1) Idling (3000 min-1)
TMOT Coolant temperature OS (1) 85-105 85-105
TANS Intake air temperature OS (1) -20...+60 -20...+60
UB Voltage in the on-board network AT 11,8-12,5 13,2-14,6 13,2-14,6
WDKBA Throttle position % 0 0 3-5
NMOT Engine speed min-1 (1) 800±40 3000
ML Mass air flow kg/h (1) 16-20 30-40
ZWOUT Ignition advance angle Op.k.v. (1) -5±2 35±5
RL Load parameter % (1) 30-40 15-25
FHO Altitude adaptation factor (1) 0,6-1,2 0,6-1,2
TI Fuel injection pulse duration ms (1) 7-8 3,5-4,5
MOMPOS The current position of the idle speed control step (1) 50±10 55±5
DMDVAD Idle adjustment adaptation parameter % (1) 1±0.01 1±0.01
USVK Oxygen sensor signal AT 0,45 0,1-0,9 0,1-0,9
FR Fuel injection time correction factor by signal (1) 1±0.2 1±0.2
LUMS Irregular rotation of the crankshaft rev/sec2 (1) 2...6 10...13
FZABG Toxicity Misfire Counter (1) 0...15 0...15
TATEOUT Canister Purge Signal Duty Cycle % (1) 0-40 90-100
VSKS Instant fuel consumption l/hour (1) 1.7±0.2 3.0±0.2
FRA Multiplicative component of self-learning correction 1±0.2 1±0.2* 1±0.2*
RKAT Additive component of self-learning correction % (1) ±2 ±2
B_LL Sign of engine idling Not really NO YES NO

(1) - Parameter value for system diagnostics is not used.

NOTE. The table shows the parameter values ​​for a positive ambient temperature.

Tightening torques for threaded connections (N.m)
Nuts of fastening of a throttle branch pipe 14,3-23,1
Nuts for fastening the fuel pump module 1-1,5
Screws of fastening of a regulator of idling 3-4
Screws of fastening of the gauge of the mass expense of air 3-5
Vehicle speed sensor 1,8-4,2
Nuts of fastening of fuel lines to the fuel filter 20-34
Injector rail fixing screws 9-13
Screws of fastening of a regulator of pressure of fuel 8-11
Nut of fastening of the inlet fuel line to the stage 10-20
Nut of fastening of a drain fuel line to a regulator of pressure 10-20
coolant temperature sensor 9,3-15
oxygen sensor 25-45
Screw of fastening of the sensor of position of a cranked shaft 8-12
Bolt,knock sensor mounting nut 10,4-24,2
Nut of fastening of the module of ignition 3,3-7,8
Spark plugs (engine VAZ-21114,21214,2107) 30,7-39
Spark plugs (engine VAZ-2112,21124) 20-30
Ignition coil mounting bolts (VAZ-21114 engine) 14,7-24,5
Ignition coil mounting bolt (VAZ-21124 engine) 3,5-8,2

Despite the attractiveness of automotive technologies of the mid-twentieth century, their rejection is natural. Finally, the requirements of Euro II became obligatory for Russia, they will inevitably be followed by Euro III, then Euro IV. In essence, every conscious motorist will have to radically change their own worldview, making it not based on “racing” ambitions that have been cultivated for a century, but on a careful attitude to civilization. The amount and composition of car engine emissions are now limited to extremely tight limits - albeit with some loss of dynamic performance.

We will be able to achieve these requirements only by raising the level of service. Of course, for motorists who have not lost their curiosity, “extra” knowledge will not hurt either. At least in an applied sense: a literate person is less likely to be deceived by unscrupulous craftsmen, and this is always true.

So, to business. Today, VAZ cars are produced with a Bosch M7.9.7 controller. In combination with an additional oxygen sensor in the exhaust gases and a rough road sensor, this ensures compliance with Euro III and Euro IV standards. Of course, now the number of controlled parameters has increased. Here we will tell about them, assuming that we, you or a diagnostician from the service are armed with a scanner - for example, DST-10 (DST-2).

Let's start with temperature sensors: there are two of them. The first one is on the outlet pipe of the cooling system (photo 1). According to its readings, the controller evaluates the temperature of the liquid before starting the engine - TMST (°C), its values ​​​​during warming up - TMOT (°C). The second sensor measures the temperature of the air entering the cylinders - TANS (°C). It is installed in the mass air flow sensor housing. (Hereinafter, the highlighted abbreviations are the same as in the official repair manuals.)

Is it necessary to explain the role of these sensors for a long time? Imagine that the controller is deceived by low TMOT readings, and the engine is actually already warmed up. Problems will start! The controller will increase the opening time of the injectors, trying to enrich the mixture - the result will immediately detect the oxygen sensor and "knock" the controller about the error. The controller will try to fix it, but then the wrong temperature intervenes again ...

The pre-start TMST value is, among other things, important for evaluating thermostat performance by engine warm-up time. By the way, if the car has not been used for a long time, that is, the engine temperature has caught up with the air temperature (taking into account storage conditions!), It is very useful to compare the readings of both sensors before starting. They must be the same (tolerance ±2°C).

What happens if both sensors are disabled? After start-up, the controller calculates the value of TMOT according to the algorithm embedded in the program. And the value of TANS is taken equal to 33°C for an 8-valve 1.6-liter engine and 20°C for a 16-valve one. Obviously, the serviceability of this sensor is very important during a cold start, especially in cold weather.

The next important parameter is the voltage in the on-board network UB. Depending on the type of generator, it can lie in the range of 13.0-15.8 V. The controller receives +12 V power in three ways: from the battery, the ignition switch and the main relay. From the latter, it calculates the voltage in the control system and, if necessary (in the event of a voltage drop in the network), increases the energy accumulation time in the ignition coils and the duration of the fuel injection pulses.

The value of the current vehicle speed is displayed on the scanner display as VFZG. It evaluates its speed sensor (on the gearbox - photo 2) by the rotational speed of the differential case (error no more than ± 2%) and informs the controller. Of course, this speed should practically coincide with the one shown by the speedometer - after all, its cable drive is a thing of the past.

If the minimum idle speed of a warm engine is higher than normal, check the WDKBA throttle opening degree, expressed as a percentage. In the closed position (photo 3) - zero, in a fully open position - from 70 to 86%. Keep in mind that this is a relative value associated with the damper position sensor, not an angle in degrees! (On outdated models, full throttle opening corresponded to 100%.) In practice, if the WDKBA indicator is not lower than 70%, adjust the drive mechanics, bend something, etc. not necessary.

When the throttle is closed, the controller remembers the voltage value coming from the TPS (0.3–0.7 V) and stores it in volatile memory. This is useful to know if you are changing the sensor yourself. In this case, you need to remove the terminal from the battery. (In the service, they use a diagnostic tool for initialization.) Otherwise, the changed signal from the new TPS may deceive the controller - and the idle speed will not correspond to the norm.

In general, the controller determines the crankshaft speed with some discreteness. Up to 2500 rpm, the measurement accuracy is 10 rpm - NMOTLL, and the entire range - from the minimum to the operation of the limiter - evaluates the NMOT parameter with a resolution of 40 rpm. Higher accuracy in this range is not required to assess the condition of the engine.

Almost all engine parameters are somehow related to the air flow in its cylinders, controlled by a mass air flow sensor (MAF - photo 4). This figure, expressed in kilograms per hour (kg/h), is referred to as ML. Example: A new 8-valve 1.6 liter engine that has not been run in when warm and idling consumes 9.5-13 kg of air per hour. As the run-in decreases with a decrease in friction losses, this indicator decreases significantly - by 1.3-2 kg/h. Proportionately less fuel consumption. Of course, the resistance to rotation of the water and oil pumps and the generator also affects, during operation, somewhat affecting the air flow. At the same time, the controller also calculates the theoretical MSNLLSS air flow rate for specific conditions - crankshaft speed, coolant temperature. This is the air flow that must enter the cylinders through the idle channel. In a serviceable engine, ML is slightly larger than MSNLLSS - by the amount of leakage through the throttle gaps. And for a faulty engine, of course, situations are possible when the calculated air consumption is greater than the actual one.

The ignition timing, its adjustments are also controlled by the controller. All characteristics are stored in its memory. For each engine operating conditions, the controller selects the optimal UOS, which can be checked - ZWOUT (in degrees). Upon detecting detonation, the controller will reduce the UOZ - the value of such a “rebound” is displayed on the scanner display as the WKR_X parameter (in degrees).

... Why does the injection system, primarily the controller, need to know such details? We hope to answer this question in the next conversation - after we consider other features of the operation of a modern injection engine.