Winter tires: ranking of the best. Rating of winter studded tires. Winter tires: what you need to know when choosing winter tires Distinctive features of car tires

Everyone knows how dangerous summer tires are (regardless of whether they are bald or new) when driving on a winter road. Driving a car with summer tires in winter is extremely undesirable and dangerous due to the hardness of the tire and insufficient tread depth. What about driving in the summer?

There is a common misconception among owners of winter tires with Velcro that there is no need to change them if the tire is not bald. Velcro will not stick to the road surface. Even a careful trip over a short distance has a number of negative consequences: a high risk of danger in an emergency, severe wear and tear, and difficulties with driving the car.

ATTENTION! A completely simple way to reduce fuel consumption has been found! Don't believe me? An auto mechanic with 15 years of experience also didn’t believe it until he tried it. And now he saves 35,000 rubles a year on gasoline!

Universal tires, also called “all-season” tires, are designed for use in the Central European climate. Despite the fact that they do not need to be changed, the cost of such kits is higher, and they wear out faster.

Studded tires are not suitable for summer use at all, there are no benefits or advantages - this is the unanimous opinion of automotive industry specialists.

Consequences of using winter tires in summer

The main differences between winter tires are in the properties of the rubber, tread pattern and groove depth. All this ensures reliable grip on the surface with minimal rolling resistance.

A more detailed examination of the dangers of driving on winter tires in the summer will allow us to draw conclusions and, if necessary, change seasonal vehicle maintenance activities. In summer operating conditions, a number of negative aspects arise due to the fact that winter tires are not designed for driving on asphalt in hot weather conditions.

Main negative consequences:

Studded tires add to the list of unpleasant consequences:

  • If you ride on studded tires, dangerous spikes may fly out.
  • Noise on dry asphalt will deprive the ride of any comfort.
  • Damage to the road surface. In summer, tire spikes practically cut out part of the asphalt, and a rut forms on the road.

In addition, rubber wear occurs unevenly. If a pebble hits a wear site, it results in the formation of a stress cross on the tread. Wear increases so much that a hundred kilometers can make the tire “square,” damaging the suspension and chassis.

And the question of why you can’t drive winter tires with studs or Velcro in summer becomes irrelevant. When a car owner belatedly changes winter tires to summer ones, the list of defects that the car acquired due to improper use will be impressive.

From a legal point of view

Driving on winter tires will not end with car problems alone. There are ongoing moves to introduce specific regulations and penalties for the use of winter tires in the summer. In 2014, the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union were signed, according to which, from 2015, a driver using a car with winter tires in the summer will be fined.

TR CU 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”, in addition to restrictions on the operation of bald tires, introduces prohibitions regarding the rules for operating tires on the roads:

The technical regulations of the Customs Union contain norms of international law that are equivalent to domestic legislation. It does not contain provisions regarding the rules and service life of other types of winter tires. Therefore, this ban will not yet affect owners of cars equipped with tires with Velcro.

The amount of the fine is established in accordance with Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - 500 rubles.

Is it worth driving with winter tires in summer?

Using winter tires for purposes other than their intended purpose leads to a number of detrimental consequences for the car and the driver: a high risk of accidents on the roads, difficulties with driving, rapid wear and failure of a number of vehicle systems, increased fuel consumption and, finally, a fine.

The question of why it is necessary to change winter tires to a summer set has a clear answer - such trips on asphalt in the hot season will not bring anything good. However, much depends on where the car is used and in what climatic conditions. On roads in northern latitudes, in the permafrost zone, it is worth adhering to common sense and the rules established for a specific region.

The question of when to change tires to summer ones is resolved in a similar way. There is a widespread opinion about the timing of replacing a seasonal tire: March 15 – switch to summer tires, November 15 – switch to winter tires. However, there is no precisely established single date in the law, and tires must be changed, taking into account the climate of a particular region and specific weather conditions.

If you are already thinking about what to wear for your car for the winter, we will tell you about the trends of this season, help you with your choice and guide you in understanding the issue. So, winter tires are a way to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Winter tires: what? Where? When?

Tires are one of the main and constant expenses for car maintenance, and if you still do not understand what winter tires are, we will try to get to the bottom of it.

Winter tires are car tires that are specially designed for use in the cold season at temperatures not exceeding +7°C. And what is the difference between winter tires and summer tires, and how fundamental is this difference?

Winter tires will help your car survive the winter without incident

It is generally accepted that the main difference between winter tires and summer tires is the tread pattern, but in fact this is not the most important difference. From childhood, you must remember what happened to an ordinary eraser in the cold - it literally broke and crumbled. In other words, rubber is a material that loses its properties (in this case, elasticity) at low temperatures. That is why modern car tire manufacturers use all their experience to invent rubber chemical compounds that would be “tailored” for a particular season or a particular temperature range.

When to change and buy winter tires

There is no statutory time limit for changing summer tires to winter tires in our country. In principle, in Russia no one forbids driving in severe frosts on summer tires, so if you don’t care about your own life from a high bell tower, you can close this page, forget about the existence of winter tires and continue your suicidal race.

The majority of car owners know that they should “change their shoes” when the thermometer sleepily creeps up to +5°C, and the temperature continues to fall every day, like the ruble exchange rate against the backdrop of news from the Persian Gulf countries. If we talk about this from the point of view of calendar standards, then this is October-November.

As for buying winter tires, it is important to remember that you need to prepare the sled in the summer. Summer prices will pleasantly surprise you. And then you will need no more than half an hour to change the summer wheels to a prepared winter set.

Types of winter tires and their characteristics

The design of winter tires is quite complex. Their main element is the protector, which is made of wear-resistant rubber. The base connects the tread to the inner layers of the tire and is responsible for reducing rolling resistance and reducing shock from bumps.

The steel cord works to increase the stability of the tire's shape, increase driving stability and increase mileage.

Under the steel cord there is a gasket made of textile cord that resists internal excess pressure.

The tire beads are protected by a frame made of special strips, which, in turn, are made of rubber.

Smooth damping, as well as stable handling, is ensured using a wing tape that is soldered into the edge of the tire, closer to the wheel.

However, all these are just general characteristics that are inherent in all winter tires. We need to understand their main types in order to understand what our car will be wearing this winter.

Studded winter tires

This type of tire is designed for driving on icy roads. If you try to conquer asphalt on spikes, you should know that your attempt is doomed to complete failure. On asphalt road surfaces, the grip of studded tires leaves much to be desired.

Studded tires designed for icy roads

Studded tires have an extremely negative effect on the road surface, increasing the degree of wear and tear by 5-8 times in just one winter. Despite this, about 70% of Russian car owners prefer this type of tire.

You can only drive on this surface with studded tires.

For those who decide to purchase “studs,” it will be useful to know that such tires must be run in before heavy loads, which will allow the studs to be ground in and secured in the tread. For the first 500 or 1 thousand kilometers, try not to reach a speed of more than 80 km/h and exclude emergency braking from your car’s “diet”.

Advantages and disadvantages of studded tires

pros Minuses

The studs work great on snowy and icy roads

A wet road negates all the positive qualities of studded tires. On wet and dry asphalt, studs significantly lengthen the braking distance and reduce skid resistance. In loose snow, as well as on marshy dirt roads, studded tires will “dig” the car faster and can even land it on its belly.

The braking distance on ice for a studded tire is much shorter than for a “smooth” one.

Ride comfort is reduced due to the noise of tires equipped with studs.

Spikes destroy asphalt road surfaces (in some countries, studded tires are illegal for this reason)

Such tires, albeit slightly, still increase fuel consumption

Studless winter tires

Studless tires are divided into European and Scandinavian classes. The first was designed to provide the best traction on wet or sleet-covered roads. The main feature of such tires is a network of drainage channels on the tread and powerful lugs on it.

Non-studded winter tires cope excellently with wet snow

The Scandinavian class of winter tires was developed for roads that winter hides under snow. They are ideal for Russia. The thin tread pattern, consisting of rectangles and diamonds, provides ideal traction on icy or snowy roads.

Colored markings on tires

Each tire manufacturer puts markings on their products that are intended to guide you when installing tires. After installation, the mark should be located next to the nipple. By the way, this is a great way to check the qualifications of the workers at the tire shop where you are served. Every professional should know the nuance about color marks.

Tire and ABS connection: a problem that doesn't exist

The bulk of modern cars are equipped with an anti-lock braking system, which is often called an “electronic collar”. That is why you should not be surprised that many foreign tire manufacturers focus their products specifically on cars with electronic systems. For example, if a vehicle is equipped with a directional stability system, then when cornering, the best result will be achieved if the tire tread is cut with longitudinal sipes. The same situation applies to ABS. If the tire slip coefficient is less than 10%, tires with longitudinal grooves will have a significantly higher coefficient with the road surface than tires with transverse grooves, which can be called classic. If there is no anti-lock braking system, then the situation is exactly the opposite - it is the transverse sipes that work best when blocking the wheels.

Thus, designers of modern tires are wondering how to find a compromise between the properties of tires with or without electronic systems. The trend of the last decade is that preference is most often given to qualities that appear only if ABS and exchange rate stability systems are present.

And what about those who drive a car without ABS? Constantly use the intermittent braking method? This is unlikely to be an effective solution, because tires designed for cars equipped with ABS will not brake better. The whole point is that ensuring a constant slip coefficient within 10-15 percent is simply impossible for a person. This is the same as if a person were able to provide the frequency of pressure on the brake pedal that the anti-lock braking system is capable of - up to 15 brake strokes per second. Therefore, the only way out is to select “shoes” for your car that would be ideal for cars without electronic systems.

At first glance, all this may seem insignificant and petty, but the difference in braking distance between tires that are designed for cars with ABS and tires that are capable of demonstrating good results with a high slip coefficient can reach 10 or even 15 percent. If we translate these figures into values ​​that are more familiar to us, it turns out that when braking to the floor at a speed of 50 km/h with ABS, the difference can be almost 10 meters. Do you still think these are small things?

We will try to sort out some tire models that are very popular among drivers. And we will do this based on a non-obvious sign - along the braking distance that a car passes without an anti-lock braking system.

The best winter tires 2011 - 2012

Drawing Brand
Tires come first Michelin X-Ice North, the soft composition of the rubber compound and the presence of a large number of transverse sipes make braking as effective as possible. Even if the wheels are completely locked, these tires provide an acceptable braking distance.
Second place went to tires Goodyear Ultra Grip, which demonstrate good braking qualities both when the wheels are completely locked and on the verge of locking. Among other things, the peculiarity of Goodyear winter tires is that the driver can quite easily feel the moment when the wheels begin to lock and apply intermittent braking. These tires are the best option for those drivers who are familiar with intermittent braking on vehicles without ABS.
Third place went to domestic tires Amtel Nordmaster. Apparently, the designers of these tires took into account the fact that the majority of cars in Russia are not equipped with an anti-lock braking system. That is why these tires allow you to feel the moment of wheel locking well.
Tires are in fourth place Nokian Hakkapeliitta, which brake well with skidding, but the moment the blocking begins is felt on them, to be honest, it doesn’t matter. This greatly complicates the application of the intermittent braking method. However, on a car equipped with ABS, these tires perform just fine.
TOP 5 is completed by tires Continental ContiWinterViking, which are ideally focused on “electronic assistants”.

Specific brands of tires were not specifically indicated, because the problem of the behavior of this or that rubber on cars without ABS can be called more ideological than technological. That is why all manufacturers choose their own strategy: Continental focuses on cars with “electronic assistants”, Michelin gives preference to a balance of characteristics, Nokian relies on... unpredictability.

Ways to save on winter tires

Illiterate saving

Using summer tires in winter.
By and large, there is nothing to talk about here. Driving in icy conditions on summer tires is an unjustified and fatal risk.

Use of used winter tires.
Winter tires that are 50% worn out, despite the fact that they look like new ones, do not have the qualities that are characteristic of high-quality tires for winter driving. If you consider that you can use such a “used” car for no longer than one season, then saving in this case is a phantom that gave rise to your desire to save.

The service life of winter tires, as a rule, is no more than 2-4 seasons. It all depends on the thousands of kilometers that your car’s odometer had to measure.

Using "all-season".
It’s worth immediately telling blind believers that all-season tires do not exist in nature. You should also realize the fact that there are only summer and winter tires, and “all-season” is just a way of compromise. In the West, this compromise is quite justified, because the mild winter of Europe is far from the harsh climate of Russia, where the annual temperature range is something like 60 degrees. Are you really going to walk in the snow with fins if there are skis in the corner?

Choose tires with the same tread to avoid skidding

Using an incomplete set.
If you don’t have enough money for four tires, and winter is already breathing down your neck, then buy... four tires. In this case, the difference between two and four winter tires could cost you your life. And this is without exaggeration and unnecessary intimidation.

Article number 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that a fine may be imposed on the car owner if the car is simultaneously equipped with studded and non-studded tires or if there are different tires on the same axle of the car.

Smart savings

You can save on buying tires if you “play” with the sizes. No one is telling you to radically deviate from the recommendations that the car manufacturer gives regarding the tires you use. But you shouldn't take everything literally either. The cost of tires depends on parameters such as bore diameter and profile.

In addition, pay attention to the tire speed index - the higher its value, the more “green American presidents” will migrate from your wallet to the pocket of the seller. If you never drive faster than 150 km/h, there is no point in buying tires with a speed index higher than P.

Maximum tire speed indices

index max speed km/h
F 80
G 90
J 100
K 110
L 120
M 130
N 140
P 150
Q 160
R 170
S 180
T 190
H 210
V 240
W 270
Y 300

How to choose the right winter tires

If you keep quality in mind, then immediately abandon domestic tires, the quality of which is, to put it mildly, unstable. You should pay attention to the products of such famous brands as Nokian, Bridgestone, Pirelli, Gislaved or Michelin. If, first of all, budget is important to you, then be prepared for the fact that the wear rate of such tires will be rapid. Domestic tires cost between 2-2.5 thousand rubles, while an overseas product will cost approximately 3.5-4.5 thousand rubles per wheel.

Tread pattern.
The choice of this parameter depends entirely on the conditions in which the vehicle is operated. If you are lucky enough to drive on a good road in winter that is regularly maintained, opt for small checkers. But if you constantly have to conquer the Chomolungma snowdrifts, choose a more aggressive pattern.

Model age.
New models are definitely more expensive than old ones, but you don’t have to give up what was relevant a year ago. The only downside to older models is that, if necessary, you may have difficulty finding one tire to replace the one that fails.

Planned mileage.
If you know for sure that the car’s mileage over the season will be impressive, do not skimp on good tires, because cheap ones will wear out quickly enough, and your savings will be lost before you realize it.

The best manufacturers and brands of winter tires

Many publications conduct independent tests of winter tires, and if you compile their results, you will get a good guide to choosing tires.

Drawing Brand
1 Nokian(minimum price 2.5 thousand rubles): excellent braking performance on icy roads, as well as unsurpassed vehicle control in all conditions.
2 Michelin(minimum price 3.2 thousand rubles): products of the highest quality, the company built a plant in the Russian Federation, which allowed to significantly reduce prices.
3 Gislaved(minimum price 2.8 thousand rubles): winter tires of the “nord frost” series from this Swedish manufacturer are especially popular.
4 Pirelli(minimum price 2.55 thousand rubles): huge selection of standard sizes, low noise and high speed characteristics.
5 Goodyear(minimum price 2.65 thousand rubles): a variety of technical characteristics and a wide range, allowing you to choose tires for any car.
6 Dunlop(minimum price 2.65 thousand rubles): the British company Dunlop is the oldest tire manufacturer in the world.
7 Vredestein(minimum price 1.5 thousand rubles): maximum reliable grip on the road surface and comfort while driving.
8 Cordiant(minimum price 2.1 thousand rubles): excellent tires designed specifically for use on Russian roads.
9 Bridgestone(minimum price 2.8 thousand rubles): strong side cords make it possible to use tires on poor-quality road surfaces, and modern technologies guarantee confident control over the car.
10 Hankook(minimum price 1.4 thousand rubles): tires from a Korean manufacturer provide fairly high quality at a relatively low price.
11 Kama(minimum price 1.5 thousand rubles): maximally adapted to the harsh conditions of the Russian winter and domestic roads.

  1. Nokian
  2. Bridgestone
  3. Michelin
  4. Continental
  5. Goodyear
  6. Vredestein

In the next article on winter tires, we will present an overview of the best tire models this season. Don't switch!

But when choosing tires for the winter for your car, it is difficult to understand the many details that fall on the owner’s head.

Let’s say right away that there is no universal tire that is suitable for all cars and drivers. When choosing winter tires, you need to consider many factors.

Using examples of typical situations, we will try to describe which winter tires should be chosen in which variants.

Spikes or not?

Sooner or later, every car owner is faced with the question of whether to buy studded tires or choose Velcro. If you look at various automotive forums and websites, you can see ongoing wars between supporters of both one and the second option. The answer to this question is simple and complex at the same time. Simple, because studded tires with a rough tread pattern are well suited for those regions where winter weather is usually dry and the road surface is densely packed ice. But at the same time, such tires make more noise when driving.

If there is slushy snow on the roads in winter, the studs do not provide sufficient traction between the car and the road. Also, studded tires are not the best choice when driving on clean asphalt in winter. Spikes are not recommended for those who like to drive their cars.

An alternative to studded tires is studless tires.

Winter studless tires are available in two types:

European tires;

Scandinavian tires.

The difference between these types of tires lies in the characteristics of the weather conditions that the driver encounters on the road in winter.

In the first case, tires are designed for traction on the road surface in bad weather conditions (rain, sleet). The European type of winter tires allows you to drive at high speeds. There are four speed indexes for it - W (270 km/h), V (240 km/h), H (210 km/h) and T (190 km/h).

But such tires show poor results when driving on ice or compacted snow. Fans of dynamic driving need to remember that on slippery surfaces you need to be especially careful when driving on these tires. It is not recommended to use this tire when driving in warm weather, as high temperatures impair the braking performance of these tires.

In the second case, optimal wheel grip is ensured on icy roads and road surfaces with snow crust. Due to the soft rubber, tires of this type perform well at very low temperatures.

But when using such tires, it is necessary to abandon an aggressive driving style: sharp braking and changing lanes or sharp cornering.

The importance of tread pattern

One manufacturer's store offers several models of winter tires, and in addition to the presence of studs, they are distinguished by different tread patterns. This is due to the fact that tires perform different functions on different roads, which is reflected in the nature of the tread pattern:

If the car is moving on a road on which there is a good layer of compacted snow, then it is necessary that the wheels provide good braking and no slipping when driving. To do this, the tires must “bite into” the snow as much as possible. In this case, you need winter tires whose tread consists of individual diamonds, cubes, snowflakes, which are separated from each other by fairly large gaps.

When driving on a road covered with slush, the removal of water and snow from under the wheels and resistance to skidding come to the fore.

If we drive on dry asphalt in cold weather, the tires require maximum grip.

Correctly reading the markings on tires

The tire manufacturer puts on it all the properties that are important to the consumer; you just need to know how to read them. With this knowledge, the process of choosing winter tires to suit your needs can be minimized.

When inspecting the surface of a winter tire before purchasing, you can obtain the following information:

Date of manufacture. Indicated in the form of four digits on the sidewall of the tire (the first two digits indicate the week number of the year, the second two indicate the year of manufacture);

Wear resistance. The surface of the tire is indicated by the inscription “Treadwear” and is measured in units. Standard wear resistance is 100 units, which is enough for 48,000 km. mileage (average mileage for the season);

Speed ​​index. Encrypted in letters of the English alphabet - from N (140 km/h) to ZR (above 240 km/h). For those who are interested in driving speed and low wear, it is best to take tires marked “S”

Load indicator. At its core, it means how much weight is placed on each wheel. According to experts, this index should be within 30 - 35 percent of the curb weight of the car;

Tire type. For winter tires, it must indicate “M+S” (Mud + Snow) and/or “Winter”, which means “mud and snow” and/or “winter”. You should be very careful when choosing tires labeled “All season” or “All weather”. A number of manufacturers produce tires with similar markings for countries with warm climates, where in winter the temperature only drops to zero;

Certification. Compliance of rubber quality with the requirements of the European Union is indicated by the letter “E”, and with the requirements of the USA - “DOT”. Both of these markings can be found on some tires.

Additionally, characteristics such as wet grip (from A to G), fuel efficiency (from A to G), and acoustic comfort (1 bar - optimal level, 3 bars - weak) are marked. It is also worth remembering that professional off-road and racing tires are not marked, as are welded, studded and some other types. This is worth considering when purchasing.

Regardless of which winter tires the car owner chooses, you need to remember simple rules:

1. Summer tires must be changed on all wheels at once, installing the same type of winter tires.

2. You can’t delay replacing tires. As soon as the air temperature drops to plus 5 degrees, you can safely go and change your car to a winter set of tires.

3. In winter, you should be more careful on the roads and, if possible, avoid aggressive driving.

4. If the car is wearing studded tires, you should be especially careful when driving on bare asphalt, and it is recommended to reduce your speed limit.

And, perhaps, the most important criterion when choosing winter tires is quality. It is necessary that the seller guarantees that the tires he has correspond to the declared properties.

The online store sells only high-quality winter tires from well-known manufacturers. Buyers are provided with a wide selection of winter tire sets, both domestic and imported, at competitive prices. You can get acquainted with the range and choose winter tires for your car at. We hasten to inform you that we are currently running a promotion on our website, taking advantage of which you can buy a set of winter tires at even more favorable prices.

Let us list the advantages of the model that allowed it to take a worthy third place in our rating of winter studded tires.

Let's start with the tread pattern. Compared to the NH 7, it has deeper drainage and open shoulder areas, which increases the tire's resistance to aquatic and splashplaning. The blocks located in the central area of ​​the tire are firmly connected to each other - this is done to increase the rigidity of the rubber and the ability to confidently overcome dry sections of winter roads.

A large number of self-locking three-dimensional sipes located on the shoulder areas of the tread help improve cornering control and increase the off-road characteristics of the tires.

The serrated shape of the rear part of the tread blocks provides excellent traction with the road surface during active braking, reducing the braking distance. In addition, this form of braking boosters contributes to more efficient removal of snow and slush from under the wheels of the car.

We also note the use of proprietary Eco Stud 8 technology regarding the Hakkapeliitta 8 studs, as well as Cryo-Silane technology used in the preparation of the rubber compound (increasing the proportion of rapeseed oil and silicon dioxide). The tires have been produced since 2013, but are still considered one of the best in their category, competing on equal terms with younger competitors.

In the ranking of the best studded winter tires of 2019, there is another long-awaited new product, which replaced the first generation of Ice Zero winter tires. Compared to its predecessor, the second generation tire is characterized by:

  1. improved handling characteristics, accuracy of reactions to driver actions;
  2. more efficient winter braking;
  3. noise reduction (by 20%), despite the presence of a large number of spikes.

The unique tread pattern has V-shaped drainage grooves that become wider closer to the edges - this design ensures the most efficient removal of water and snow slush from the tire contact patch. To reduce the braking distance and enhance the traction characteristics of the tire, Italian engineers placed additional lamellas perpendicular to the main lamellas.

The central tread area received a series of double blocks to improve the vehicle's directional stability. To ensure safety when driving on dry roads, the tire's edge effect has been enhanced by using zigzag block edges. Finally, 3D sipes appearing in the shoulder areas of the tire provide the necessary rubber rigidity, making it easier to take high-speed corners.

It is worth noting the improved cross-country ability of the tires in relation to deep snow - this is facilitated by snow hooks located in the shoulder area of ​​the blocks; special containers are responsible for the rapid removal of ice chips and snow mass.

Pirelli Ice Zero 2 tires use double stud technology, which consists of placing them in pairs on multi-directional blocks. This helps reduce noise levels when driving on all types of roads. The core of the stud is made of tungsten carbide alloy, which increases its service life, and the high impact resistance of the studs is ensured by the increased dimensions of its surface.

The grip properties of the tire are also improved thanks to the addition of components such as certain types of resins to the rubber mixture, and at the point where the studs are attached, the rubber is made of a more rigid composition. Increasing the number of stud rows to 24 helps to avoid spikes falling into the same furrows.

If you are the owner of an off-road vehicle, you probably have to decide at some intervals the problem of which winter studded tires for crossovers/SUVs are the best. In 2019, we advise such car owners to pay attention to the second generation Grandtrek Ice02 tires from Dunlop.

The unique design of the tread pattern guarantees excellent consumer properties of this rubber. The proprietary Miura Ori technology, which consists in the use of three-dimensional zigzag lamellas of large length with hard edges, prevents the tread blocks from bending, increasing the area of ​​adhesion of the tire to the road surface.

Thanks to this pattern, rubber wear occurs as evenly as possible, and the handling of the tires at all stages of its operation remains stable, guaranteeing high sensitivity of the tires to steering turns.

But the main feature of the Grandtrek Ice02 should be considered the improved stud design. They are made of steel and have a grooved rectangular tungsten carbide core. This provides increased penetration of icy surfaces and compacted snow. The core has a length of 2.8 mm. with a width of 2.0 mm., at the base the spike thickens to 8 millimeters. An innovative technology has been used to form seats that reduce the likelihood of stud loss. In total, the model has 16 rows of studs with a density of 60 pieces per linear meter, which corresponds to the technical regulations CU-TR 018, adopted in 2011.

The rubber itself has a two-layer structure: the top layer consists of a soft mixture, providing the most intimate contact with the winter road, the inner layer is more rigid, facilitating better retention of studs and extending their life. The rounded, symmetrical tire profile helps reduce the deformation capacity of the rubber between the sidewall and shoulder area, improving handling and reducing fuel consumption.

Another representative of Finnish tire manufacturers in the top 10 best winter studded tires, the Nordman 7 model, has been produced since 2017. This tire can be considered one of the best representatives of universal tires in the mid-price category, intended for use on passenger vehicles in the winter season.

By and large, the “Nordic” model is a slightly improved copy of the famous “seven” Hakkapeliitta, providing an optimal balance of wear resistance and excellent grip on slippery surfaces.

A special feature of the model is the Air Claw technology, which consists in the use of studs with anchor fastening and the presence of teardrop-shaped recesses on the tread blocks. This is what gives rubber the softness necessary for confident movement on winter roads. The effect of these indentations is similar to the effect demonstrated by heel shock absorbers in modern running shoes: they reduce the level of vibration and make the anti-slip effect characteristic of studs softer. Of course, this reduces the wear of asphalt, as well as the noise effect characteristic of metal contact with a hard road surface. Thanks to the wide flange, such “claws” are securely held in the tread like an anchor - hence the name of the mount.

It is also worth mentioning the proprietary stud technology called Eco Stud System - it is actively used in all the latest models of Nokian winter tires.

Its essence lies in the innovative technology for making holes for inserting studs: they are made at the stage of rubber vulcanization and are equipped with shock-absorbing pads that do not affect the reliability of their retention. For these purposes, another technology is used, Bear Claw, which means “bear claw”, which helps keep the studs in a plane perpendicular to the tread even during sudden acceleration/braking.

From the name of the model you can already understand that it is designed for use in the harshest conditions. In the 2018/2019 ranking of the best studded winter tires with a tire radius from R16 to R21, this model is the only one with triangular studs.

The use of MultiControl Ice technology has significantly increased the area of ​​contact between the tire and the road surface. Although the carbide tenon itself has a semicircular outline, it is enclosed in a triangular shell. This design in cross-section resembles the famous three-cornered hat. The operating principle of this technological solution is as follows: the outer insert, also made of carbide material, has sharp edges that significantly improve the acceleration and braking properties of the tire. In the presence of pronounced lateral accelerations, smooth transitions of the body itself begin to work, and when braking, the rear surface of the stud, which has an increased width, begins to work. When installing “spikes” in the factory, no glue is used - the reliability of the fastening is so high that it does not even allow the spike to rotate around its axis.

The second feature of the UltraGrip Ice Arctic concerns the patented tread pattern (3D-BIS). The V-shaped design, traditional for the winter series, is complemented by a large number of wavy lamellas, on which there are waffle grooves that accelerate the removal of snow slush and excess water from the contact patch through wide drainage channels.

To ensure better adhesion to all types of winter road surfaces, the compound includes an innovative silicon polymer filler. It is impossible not to note the low weight of UltraGrip Ice Arctic tires, which is achieved by using small radius shoulder areas, a special tread contour and a two-component rubber compound with a soft outer and harder inner layers.

A characteristic feature of the Nord*Frost 200 model with an asymmetric tread pattern is its excellent traction and traction properties and excellent lateral stability when driving on slippery surfaces - compacted snow and ice.

Although this model is considered a “veteran” in the 2019 ranking of the best winter studded tires (sales started in 2015), this does not detract from its advantages. One of them is the use of a unique tread pattern, which has proven its effectiveness on winter roads according to the results of numerous tests carried out on the roads of Russia and Scandinavia.

The central tread area includes three rows of blocks in the form of irregular polygons, which was done to increase the number of sharp cutting edges. They provide reliable grip on snowy/icy roads. The multi-directionality of these sharp edges helps to increase the stability of the tires in the transverse/longitudinal directions. The number of three-dimensional wavy sipes corresponds to the number of blocks, ensuring reliable contact of the tires with the road during braking and sudden starts, as well as when maneuvering at high speeds.

The width of the drainage grooves is sufficient for the prompt removal of any amount of excess water, snow mass and ice crumbs, so you can forget about the manifestation of the effect of aquaplaning and splashplaning here.

The special composition of the compound ensures an optimal balance between the elasticity of the tire and its rigidity, regardless of the thermometer readings.

It differs from its predecessor with the RS W419 index in improved traction and braking performance on ice and snow surfaces, loose and compacted. When modeling the tread pattern, computer optimization tools were used, so the new one has practically nothing in common with the old pattern, except for the symmetry and direction of the relief. Instead of a narrow mono-rib, enlarged blocks appeared, which made it possible to optimize the load on the tire surface in the contact patch area, improve directional stability on dry roads and ensure comfortable handling on slippery road surfaces. But the blocks in the shoulder area of ​​the tires have become smaller, but their number has increased, improving the lateral stability of the rubber and making it easier to get out of deep snowy ruts.

Most winter tires have a developed network of three-dimensional sipes. The i*Pike RS2W429 is an exception, and some of them are located at a small angle relative to the direction of travel, so that when maneuvering on a snowy or icy road, the tires behave more predictably, following steering turns. The second purpose of such lamellas is to improve the adhesion properties of rubber in the longitudinal direction, as well as to redirect excess water into wider drainage channels.

Compared to the first generation of Winter i*Pike, the number of rows of studs has increased from 10 to 12, and those responsible for anti-skid are distributed more evenly over the tread surface, having shifted to the center of the tire.

The top 10 of the best winter studded tires is completed by the new product of 2018, which replaced the IceCruiser 7000 model, produced since 2010. What’s interesting is that the tread pattern has remained virtually unchanged, but the use of innovative technologies in studs and compounds has significantly improved the tire’s grip on slippery surfaces. Users note the traditionally high quality of the Japanese tire, its reliability and durability, as well as the ability to keep the studs from falling out throughout its entire service life.

A feature of the tread pattern is the unique organization of large blocks located in the central area, aimed at increasing the deformation stability of the product. The blocks in the shoulder area are characterized by increased rigidity, which improves stability when maneuvering on ice, snow and wet roads. The presence of sharp serrated edges improved the lateral stability of the rubber, making it easier to move on loose snow.

We note the high efficiency of the IceCruiser 7000S drainage system. It consists of two wide annular channels and a network of inclined grooves oriented towards the center - they provide high resistance to aquaplaning and reliable removal of water and slush from the contact area with the road.

Although the spikes themselves are made using traditional aluminum technology, their ability to bite firmly into the ice is due to their advanced design. Reliable retention in the tire is ensured by the presence of a central insert with an adapted level of hardness and the use of a two-component compound.

Brief summary

Each of the tires presented deserves its high place in the ranking. Some have certain shortcomings that can hardly be called significant. Objectively, it is difficult to say which studded tires are the best. Although experts and ordinary consumers have made it clear that the main emphasis in winter in Russia is on the products of the Finnish company Nokian, this in no way diminishes the merits of the products of other manufacturers included in the top 10.

Safety or savings?

In recent years, more and more car owners, saving on buying a new set of summer tires, continue to drive on winter tires during the warm season, mistakenly believing that the car’s behavior remains virtually unchanged or even becomes more reliable compared to a snowy road.

Continental specialists decided to explain to drivers in an accessible way what troubles can arise while driving a car with shoes that are not suitable for the season.

1. Blurry reactions to the steering wheel
Soft elastic rubber, dotted with thin grooves, clings very well to ice and frozen asphalt. But at above-zero temperatures it acts as a cushion between cars and the road. Every movement of the steering wheel becomes a little blurred and inhibited due to this additional “shock absorber”. Do you think it's nothing? And Continental researchers have used instruments to prove that in warm weather, the accuracy of driving a car on winter tires decreases by 15% compared to summer models. The faster you move, the more difficult it will be to avoid the obstacle. You will feel the difference between winter and summer tires already at average city speed.

2. Increased braking distance
A soft protector can also cause other unpleasant sensations. The higher the temperature of the asphalt, the worse the winter tire clings to it, which means it becomes more difficult for you to brake in time. During tests, Continental specialists found that the braking distance from a speed of 100 km/h is approximately 6 meters longer than with summer tires - and this is significantly longer than the body of an average passenger car. We think there is no need to explain how this threatens drivers and other road users.

3. Increased noise
To provide good traction on ice and snow, winter tires are equipped with a huge number of protruding edges. To do this, the tread blocks are made of a complex shape with chopped edges; in addition, the tire is equipped with toothed sidewalls and many transverse grooves. All these edges alternately hit the road, creating a monotonous rumble. And on a studded tire, each stud also sounds like a small hammer. Of course, Continental engineers do everything possible to reduce noise levels, such as providing uneven block sizes and pitches to reduce resonance. But summer tires with solid longitudinal tread ribs and “rounded” patterns are far from winter models in terms of acoustic comfort.

4. Increased fuel consumption
The rubber of winter tires, softened in the summer, and even with a large number of gripping edges, rolls on the asphalt much worse than a dense summer rubber compound. It is also more difficult for the engine to spin such wheels, which means fuel consumption increases. Are you ready to visit gas stations more often and leave extra money there?

5. Attention from the traffic police
The technical regulations of the Customs Union, of which our country is a member, prohibit the operation of vehicles equipped with tires with anti-skid studs in the summer. Our legislators have not yet really decided on the punishment for this offense, but it is still not worth creating an extra reason for quibbles on the part of traffic police officers.

6. Rapid wear of rubber
Continental specialists have proven that increased wear of winter tires begins already at an average daily temperature of +7 degrees. And in the heat, such tires begin to wear out like a school eraser. So, if you decide to drive all year round on one set, you will not save on tires. Well, as for the fact that a “bald”, and even soft, protector is unsafe – we believe you yourself understand.

7. Unpleasant sensations when cornering
Do you like exciting driving, taking the wind on turns? You are unlikely to be able to do this with winter tires in the summer. During lateral acceleration in corners, the winter tread with its numerous blocks and grooves seems to break, and the rubber compound already clings precariously to the road. So be prepared that a sudden skid or drift may occur completely unexpectedly. Doesn't sound like fun driving, does it?

And by the way, Continental develops smart technologies to ensure the mobility of people and goods. As a trusted industry partner, international automotive supplier and tire manufacturer, the company offers solutions that are environmentally friendly, reliable, convenient, customized and affordable.

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Safety first!