2 continuous fine or deprivation. Confiscation of a driver's license for crossing a solid line. Fine or deprivation of rights for overtaking on a continuous road

The issue of a fine for crossing a solid marking line has always been relevant among motorists, and 2019 was no exception. How much will a driver have to pay for crossing a solid line this year?

After all, crossing is different: sometimes different situations arise on the road, and this violation is not always punishable by a fine. However, do not forget that in some cases, a driver for crossing a solid line can be punished not only with a fine, but also with deprivation of his license, so the best option here would be to avoid such a violation at all.

The most common traffic violation on Russian roads is crossing a solid line when overtaking

A popular traffic violation on Russian roads is overtaking when crossing a solid marking line. Drivers who lose their temper in a situation where they have to drag for a long time behind a large vehicle moving at a snail's pace can be understood, but rules are rules and they should be followed.

Overtaking while crossing a solid line is accompanied by entering the lane of oncoming traffic, along which the car is also often moving. And in this regard, the traffic police have tightened the fine for this kind of violation: in 2019, violators will have to pay up to 5,000 rubles, and in some cases the driver may also be deprived of his driver’s license for six months.

In particular, a driver who decides to turn around through a solid road will have to pay a fine of 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles: in this case, he will get off with only a fine, since the legislation does not provide for a sanction in the form of deprivation of rights for this type of traffic violations. The punishment will be similar when carrying out such a maneuver as turning left through a “solid” road: this violation is not very dangerous for other road users, and therefore the punishment for it is appropriate.

Moreover, you may not be punished at all for crossing a solid line when going around an obstacle located at the bottom of the road, but there is one important point: in order to avoid punishment, you need to prove the impossibility of going around the obstacle on the right - otherwise you will have to pay 1-1.5 thousand rubles.

There is also a fine for crossing a solid line when exiting a lane or yard onto a two-way road, since such a maneuver is a direct violation of road marking requirements. But given that this violation is not accompanied by driving in the oncoming lane, you will have to pay 500 rubles for such a maneuver.

A driver's license may be revoked for crossing a solid line.

At the same time, there are several traffic violations, for which the driver in 2019 will be punished not only with a fine, but also with deprivation of his license. The main one of these violations is overtaking in oncoming traffic. Even when overtaking a vehicle that is a priori incapable of moving quickly, you risk losing your license. Therefore, we can draw a simple conclusion: if there is a solid line, such maneuvers should not be performed.

You will be able to avoid punishment only in one case: when the maximum speed of the vehicle you overtook is less than 30 kilometers per hour. In this case, we are talking about the technical characteristics of the vehicle, and not about its actual speed at the time of overtaking. Such vehicles are marked with a special sign, however, even without seeing such a sign, it is better not to take risks.

With such overtaking, you violate the requirement of the Code of Administrative Offenses, in particular the 4th part of Article 20.15, and the court in most cases decides to deprive the violator of his rights for 6 months. If you repeatedly violate your driver's license, you can lose your driver's license for up to a year. The fine here in 2019 is up to 5,000 rubles, depending on the situation, and if a violation is recorded by a video surveillance camera, the maximum fine is immediately set. You can also lose your license for 6 months if you make a left turn without reaching the broken marking line, since such a maneuver poses a threat to the safety of other road users.

Crossing a solid line when absolutely necessary

You should pay attention to one point - it’s no secret that in the conditions of dense traffic in megacities, emergency situations often arise, which is why drivers are simply forced to violate traffic rules. In particular, in a number of cases, there is simply no other way to avoid a collision with another car or pedestrian other than crossing a solid road, and drivers naturally choose the lesser of two disasters.

In fact, such a maneuver allows not only to avoid a collision, but also to save human life, for example, both a pedestrian on the roadway and the driver himself. The Code of Administrative Offenses spells out the circumstances under which crossing a solid line is considered an action committed when an emergency arises. According to Article 2.7, such actions of the driver can be considered lawful if they are committed in order to prevent a dangerous situation, both for the individual and for public and state interests, provided that it is impossible to eliminate this danger by any other method.

A driver stopped by a traffic police officer for crossing a solid line can give the following arguments in his favor:

  • a continuous line applied to the asphalt is difficult to distinguish, or even not visible at all - for example, at night or in difficult weather conditions;
  • the absence in some places of a significant part of the road markings.

However, to do this, you need to prove this to an inspector on the spot or record the condition of the road markings in a photo or video in order to provide this evidence in court in order to challenge the fine issued by the traffic police officer. A recording made by a video recorder installed in your car can also serve as evidence. You should also carefully read the protocol drawn up by the traffic police officer, and if you disagree with one point or another, you must indicate this in the document.

Be that as it may, it should be remembered that in most cases, crossing a solid line is a rather dangerous maneuver, both for the driver performing it and for other road users, so it would be best not to commit this kind of traffic violation.

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Violation of traffic rules is not an isolated incident on Russian roads. Someone commits an offense intentionally, someone accidentally, but the result is the same - receiving a protocol on an administrative violation. Among the most common penalties is a fine for crossing a solid line. Compliance with the rules is monitored not only by traffic police officers at posts, but also remotely - using video cameras. This allows you to monitor the movement of vehicles within the markings.

What is considered an intersection?

Many drivers are interested in what modern Traffic Rules consider crossing a solid marking line. Let's figure out why a solid line is needed. It is used for two main purposes:

  • to separate directions of movement;
  • to mark the boundaries of the roadway.

Such lines can be single or double. They are no different in purpose. Double ones are applied in places where there are inverse directions, as well as where the number of lanes on the road is four or more. The rules do not even allow driving onto such lines, which is also considered crossing them. Exceptions include contours for dividing parking spaces for cars.

The intersection of a solid line is regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the Traffic Regulations. Any violation associated with such an action may result in the following penalties:

  • penalties;
  • deprivation of rights.

If you crossed one continuous line

Violations involving hitting or crossing a solid line are classified as high-risk maneuvers that apply to all road users. It does not matter whether this is one or a double - the punishment will be identical.

The amount of the fine for crossing a solid line is assigned depending on the severity and conditions of the maneuver performed. The amount of collection can vary from 500 to 5000 rubles.

The driver may receive the most severe punishment when the following situations occur:

  1. Overtaking a vehicle in the oncoming lane.
  2. Crossing the line while turning left.

The specifics of the punishment that can be received for traveling through two solid lines can be found in detail in the article “”.

What defines responsibility

Depending on the specific situation on the road in which the intersection occurred, the level of responsibility is determined. Controversial issues may arise in the following situations:

  • on the side of the road;
  • at a crossroads;
  • on the “oncoming”;
  • when leaving the yard;
  • when overtaking.
  • Let us consider in detail the features of each of the listed types.

    On the side of the road

    Many drivers are interested in what will happen for crossing a solid marking line on the right side of the roadside and whether there is a fine for this according to the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses in 2019. This question causes a lot of controversy on forums and in real life among car enthusiasts. In principle, the rules prohibit crossing this line, but there are exceptions to the rules, which include:

    • parking and stopping a car on the right side of the road, unless this is prohibited by appropriate signs and markings on a specific section of the road;
    • moving from the side of the road onto the roadway after parking.

    Thus, the ban for crossing the line in this case applies to cars in motion, but does not exclude stopping outside the markings.

    At the crossroads

    Crossing a solid line in front of an intersection is considered a serious violation; in 2019, liability may arise when turning left in the following situations:

    • when approaching an intersection, when the driver crosses a solid line before reaching a broken line;
    • when passing another vehicle that has stopped at a traffic light and is about to move straight without turning left.

    In both cases, the driver faces financial penalties, the amount of which will reach the maximum possible value - 5,000 rubles, or deprivation of rights: this is decided by a traffic police officer. If you commit the same offense again, you may lose your right to drive for a year.

    A similar penalty for driving into oncoming traffic is provided if a continuous line is crossed:

    • in circular motion;
    • at an intersection where two roadways intersect.

    It is not an offense to make a U-turn at an intersection where there is only one intersection of roadways. Punishments for this violation can be found in the article “”.

    On the oncoming

    Serious penalties are provided for when crossing a solid line and entering the oncoming lane when overtaking. Such situations include:

    • overtaking, which is carried out through a continuous line or ends with its intersection;
    • a left turn in which the driver enters the oncoming lane;
    • exit onto the tram tracks in the oncoming lane.

    When leaving the yard

    Quite often, drivers are faced with a situation when it becomes necessary to leave a yard or a secondary road onto a two-way road. In such a situation, the rules only allow a right turn, which means that a solid line will be crossed when leaving the yard.

    This maneuver is not associated with driving into oncoming traffic, so the fine will be only 500 rubles.

    When overtaking

    One of the most common violations is overtaking while crossing a solid line. No matter how tired the driver is, and no matter how in a hurry, you can never rule out the possibility that a car will drive into the oncoming lane. Therefore, even if there is a vehicle ahead at a speed of 40 km/h, you should under no circumstances overtake it if there is a solid line. Sanctions for such behavior have been repeatedly revised at the legislative level, constantly becoming more stringent.

    In the most severe situations, the punishment for overtaking in the oncoming lane through a solid lane involves deprivation of your license.

    Of particular danger is overtaking, which begins with a broken line turning into a solid line: a penalty may follow for crossing a solid line at the end of overtaking, if the maneuver is not completed before it begins.

    Any carelessness can provoke an accident: to prevent this from happening, it is enough to follow the rules of overtaking.

    Other situations

    One of the interesting situations on the road is crossing the yellow solid marking line on the right with one wheel. The purpose of such roadside markings is to prohibit parking and stopping. And if a white solid line only prohibits driving on the side of the road, but allows parking, then in this case both actions are a violation.

    Crossing a continuous passing direction while changing lanes is subject to a warning or a fine, the amount of which is 500 rubles. This is not considered a serious traffic violation, since it does not involve driving into the oncoming lane.

    It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid a fine for crossing a solid line in a tunnel - in most cases, video recording of traffic is carried out there.

    Punishment for hitting

    Often, when entering a turn or a slight loss of vigilance while driving, it is possible to hit a line, and here the question arises whether hitting a solid line is considered a violation. The answer is yes: any departure outside one’s lane is regarded as driving into oncoming traffic and entails punishment.

    To summarize, we can say that both crossing and hitting a solid line is considered a serious violation, which will be followed by a penalty in the amount of 500 to 5,000 rubles or deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of 4-6 months. Therefore, before performing any maneuver near this type of marking, it is necessary to evaluate and weigh the possible consequences.

    Crossing a solid marking line: Video

With the help of markings on the roads, traffic directions are separated so that oncoming traffic does not collide with passing ones.

According to the conditions for driving a vehicle on highways, it is prohibited to cross a continuous marking line - a fine awaits everyone who was driving, with the exception of vehicles belonging to special services.

Article navigation

Types of special lines

Regardless of the size of the collision, if a solid marking line is crossed, the 2017 fine will be imposed in any case - the entire body ended up in the oncoming lane or only one wheel of the car.

Solid stripes can be applied to areas of the automobile:

  • in the form of permanent markings in white or yellow
  • a time line drawn during the period of renewal and repair of the roadway

Roads in 2017 are marked with two types of solid lines, but with the same liability for collisions with them.

In this case, one strip divides:

  • vehicle direction
  • road borders, travel in this place is prohibited
  • parking places
  • edges of the highway

For driving on a road with several lanes, a double line separates oncoming traffic. Such areas can be located either within the boundaries of a populated area or far from it. In such places it is prohibited to drive over lines or overtake vehicles.

The legislation regulates violations, providing, depending on the severity of the offense, not only a fine, but also depriving violators of the right to drive a car for a period specified by law.

Possible violations

In each region, authorities have a different approach to road repairs.

In addition, there is thoughtlessness in the organization of traffic, which results in a forced violation of the rules.

Some citizens will need knowledge, if an unexpected crossing of a solid marking line occurs (fine 2017), how to avoid punishment altogether, pay money or part with the right to drive a car.

It is no secret that there are holes, manholes, and potholes on the road that, by all accounts, will need to be avoided and the rules broken. Controversial issues arise when the “continuous” road stretches for kilometers; it often interferes with turns and overtaking of slow-moving vehicles.

The consequence of these situations was mitigating punishments when drivers committed violations of an administrative nature. The court considers each specific case, with clear regulation of the consequences, for which they will be deprived of their driver's license or punished with monetary compensation.

Overtaking with intersection

Statisticians considered the most common cases of violations to be when motorists cross medians when overtaking quietly moving vehicles on the road. Such an offense, regardless of the reason, is punishable by exemption from driving for up to six months. Even if the driver of a crawling tractor was obliged to let a high-speed vehicle pass by pulling onto the side of the road, the overtaker will have to answer if he climbed onto a solid line.

The law prohibits maneuvers on continuous markings, because the driver will have to drive into oncoming traffic.

The existence of cases where a violation occurred through no fault of the driver is no secret; this can happen in order to:

  • escape from an emergency situation
  • save your life or pedestrians

Consideration of the case leads the inspectorate to conclusions about the illegality of the traffic participants on the other side. Traffic police officers with legal authority arrive at the incident to investigate all the circumstances that led to the accident, and interview participants and witnesses. The testimony of these persons will serve as the basis for exoneration of guilt.

It is possible for inspectors to recognize illegal crossings of marking lines as commissions, if necessary. Actions are considered lawful if they were carried out to eliminate danger to any person or to protect public or state interests.

The extent of damage caused due to violation of the rules depends on certain signs. According to the law, the driver is acquitted in full, the driver turned around in the car, he does not have time to wait for help, he needs to take the victims to the hospital.

There are still moments when it is possible to prove to law enforcement services that crossing the line was forced. The driver begins to overtake on intermittent markings, but ends the route on continuous ones. According to the rules, the driver is obliged to return to his side of travel; the return does not include designated markings, and he is obliged to move only in the designated lane.

No need to rush around corners

Rushing on the road often lands motorists in trouble.

An example of such cases are left turns.

The intersection may begin before the appearance of the broken line, and when leaving a one-way street onto a two-way road, the driver often captures a good portion of the solid line.

In such places, posts are constantly on duty, and unlucky people who want to shorten their trip time fall directly into their hands. All parties have technical means, inspectors provide filmed material with evidence. And this threatens in court, depending on the court decision, with a significant fine or for 6 months to stop driving a car.

However, it is allowed to go around vehicles blocking the path through solid lines when it is not possible to go around it on the right side. The driver needs to act with caution and let oncoming cars pass; such a detour is not considered a violation of the rules.

Many years of practice, during conflicts arising from traffic accidents, have made it possible to group useful tips for drivers that can help them in resolving the problem of crossing in the wrong places on the road.

Not all roads have brightly marked marking stripes.

This fact can serve as an exculpatory argument if it is not unfoundedly voiced at a court hearing, but photographic materials are provided. There are GOST standards for all road signs; road markings must also comply with them. In case of potholes, with difficulty distinguishing from dirty stains, the absence of entire fragments of the line, they prove to the judge non-compliance with the requirements.

Even when there are no photographs or video materials of the road route, you need to take seriously the review of the protocol recording of the incident.

In the paper, in a special section, it is necessary to describe in detail not only the incident that led to the violation of traffic rules, but also the condition of the road surface with the applied stripes. Only after a detailed explanation of your vision of the violation can you put your signature on the document.

Since nowadays, almost all citizens have phones with a camera, it is better if the incident is filmed in detail, along with an inspector’s video, and tied not only to the marking strip, but also to objects located on the sides of the road.

Every car owner knows that his favorite vehicle in some cases becomes dangerous for everyone. Strict adherence to all rules will help preserve life and health, both the driver and those around him.

More details about crossing a solid line are presented in the video:

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More on this topic:

Each road marking line on highways and in cities obliges drivers to comply with specific requirements to ensure that all road users are safe. Administrative liability cannot be avoided if you decide to ignore traffic rules and cross a solid road. What fine does a driver face for crossing a solid road, depending on the type of violation, and can it be avoided?

There are several types of solid lines on road markings.

  1. Single is designed to divide the roadway into two parts, where movement occurs in opposite directions. Apply using yellow or white paint.
  2. The double serves the same purpose, but there will be multiple lanes in each direction on the right and left sides. White or yellow paint is also used to apply it.
  3. Temporary solid paint is applied in orange while the road surface is being repaired.
  4. Permanent is applied in yellow or white.

Penalty for crossing a solid line will follow regardless of its type. Such lines are drawn both within the city and outside its boundaries to prohibit crossing or overtaking other vehicles.

Types of violations and corresponding fines

So, what fine for crossing a solid line does the Code of Administrative Offenses provide, depending on the type of violation? Let's look at them.

  1. Turning or turning across a solid road is punishable by a fine of 1,500 rubles. The penalty for turning through a double solid line is issued more often than others (read also about).
  2. Driving into oncoming traffic will result in a fine of 5 thousand rubles. or deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 4 - 6 months. There can be several problematic situations, for example, the driver decided to drive onto oncoming tram tracks, the oncoming lane after a turn, or cross a continuous lane to overtake another vehicle.
  3. Avoiding an obstacle while turning around through a continuous road is punishable by a fine of 1 - 1.5 thousand rubles. An obstacle may be a stalled car ahead or a fallen tree.
  4. Leaving the yard by turning left and crossing solid markings will result in a fine of 500 rubles. Previously, for such a violation, the driver was deprived of his license. It is worth noting that according to traffic rules you should turn right.
  5. Making changes at an intersection with a solid intersection leads to a fine of up to 1,500 rubles (read also about). Administrative punishment in this case is provided not only for crossing a continuous road, but also for performing a maneuver at an intersection, which is prohibited.
  6. Crossing a solid line when overtaking, even if the maneuver began with a broken line, is punishable by deprivation of rights or a fine of 5 thousand rubles. (read also about punishment for).
  7. Changing to the second row while crossing a continuous line results in a fine of 1,500 rubles.
  8. Hitting a solid road, even if there was no crossing, is also regarded as a violation. The number of wheels driven over does not matter. Fine – 5 thousand rubles. or deprivation of rights for 4 - 6 months. The choice of punishment by traffic police officers depends on the seriousness of the violation. If you refer to Part 1 of Art. 12.15 of the Administrative Code, you can get by with a fine of 1,500 rubles, but the driver must have irrefutable evidence of the fact of a collision, and not an intersection.

You will find even more useful information regarding when it is prescribed in the material from our expert.

Read additionally a very interesting and useful article by our specialist, in which he talks about.

Automatic fixation of the intersection of solid

The intersection of a solid marking line is recorded automatically by photo and video cameras. The practice of using these means to monitor compliance with traffic rules on the road was introduced in 2008. We are talking about the following types of fixation.

  1. Traffic police inspectors use mobile systems.
  2. Radars with video recording function, for example, “Vizir”.
  3. Stationary cameras that transmit collected information to centers where the data is processed. Next, materials sent to drivers (notification letters about the need to pay a fine) are generated.

New models are developed and put into practice on an ongoing basis. The most modern models are designed to detect violations at night, and are also additionally capable of monitoring barriers and traffic lights remotely.

Among the key shortcomings of the technical devices currently used for recording violations, it is worth highlighting the inability to clearly record license plates in conditions of poor visibility or in the dark. False positives often occur.

How to avoid administrative punishment

A driver who has been issued a fine for crossing a solid marking line has every right to appeal the punishment in court or through the leadership of the local traffic police, based on the following circumstances.

  1. Fuzzy markings. The fact must be confirmed with photographs, preferably with a link between your car and the transport of traffic police officers.
  2. Incorrect markup. A continuous solid line does not begin immediately after a broken line; there should be a section of a broken line between them, but with shorter intervals and long strokes so that the driver has time to orient himself. If there is no such crossing, the road is not marked according to GOST, and the driver has the opportunity to challenge the punishment by providing a photo or video as confirmation.
  3. Forced crossing of a continuous road when absolutely necessary, for example, to prevent an accident.
  4. Another driver being behind the wheel. This fact will need to be documented (your absence from the city or country at the time of the offense, the presence of a power of attorney to drive a vehicle by another person). If you can prove that you were not driving at the time the offense was committed, the responsibility to pay the fine will fall on the driver who broke the law.
  5. Incorrect identification of the number is a common sin of automatic recording tools, and to confirm the error it is enough to simply provide your own numbers.

If a violation on your part was recorded not by automatic recording means, but by a traffic police inspector, you have the right to demand filming of what happened. Pay attention to the sealing of the device, the date of inspection, calibration, and license. Any violations may save you from having to pay a fine or lose your driver's license. It has long been impossible to film with household video cameras; video recording devices must be specially prepared and approved for use. If you have doubts about this fact, then you have every chance to challenge the punishment.

Remember that success in court is only possible if the driver has evidence of his own innocence in the form of photos or videos.

Punishment for failure to pay a fine

The types of penalties that apply for refusal to pay a fine are listed on the official website of the traffic police.

It is worth preparing for several scenarios:

  • imprisonment for 15 days;
  • a twofold increase in the previously imposed fine;
  • 50 hours of correctional labor for the benefit of the state.

To summarize, it is worth paying attention to the possible size of the fine, which can vary between 500 - 5000 rubles. depending on the nature of the violation and the associated risks that road users were burdened with. It is also possible to be deprived of the right to drive a car for up to 6 months.

It is forbidden to cross a solid line of road markings, double or single, - every motorist is familiar with this axiom, because such a violation of traffic rules faces a fairly significant fine.

At the same time, the situation of crossing continuous markings on the road is not always resolved by administrative decree: the law provides for several cases when liability does not arise at all. Let's turn to the legislation regulating road traffic and try to figure out when a fine or even deprivation of rights is inevitable, and in what cases the driver crossed the line without violating the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Crossed a continuous line - lost my license

The Road Traffic Rules contain provisions defining the meaning of the term “double solid”. According to traffic regulations, this is a line that delimits four-lane (or, alternatively, six-lane) traffic, separating two opposite road directions from each other. From the interpretation it is clear that violating the demarcation, that is, essentially driving onto the oncoming road, most likely results in collisions between cars and, as a result, casualties. Therefore, crossing a continuous marking line is strictly prohibited.

Typically, violations of this kind occur when overtaking. One of the punishments that can be imposed on an overtaking violator is the deprivation of a driver's license.

  • So, if you entered the oncoming lane through a double line, then you may be given a fine (5 thousand rubles),
  • So is deprivation of rights (from 4 months to six months).

Let us remind you that a traffic police officer does not have the right to confiscate your license on the spot; the driver himself must surrender his license after the court decision enters into legal force.

What can influence the choice of punishment?

According to practice, in most cases, when an offense under paragraph 4 of Art. 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is committed for the first time, a monetary penalty is imposed. In those cases where the inspector has recorded repeated crossing of a double solid line, you can no longer get away with a fine: most likely, a decision will be made to deprive the driver of his license.

The law also directly provides for a situation where a driver, who has previously been punished for driving into oncoming traffic, again commits a similar violation. Then waiting for him:

  • withdrawal of rights for one year if the violation was noticed by a traffic police officer;
  • a fine of 5,000 rubles if the actions of a motorist became known through video recording.

By the way, when administrative liability arises based on information from external video surveillance cameras and photography, it should be remembered that the nuances of violations are not covered by the review. Thus, the camera may not recognize whether there was an obstacle or circumstances of extreme necessity, as a result of which the owner of the car receives notifications about the accrual of maximum fines. If you know for sure that you are not actually the violator (for example, you drove around the accident and only crossed a continuous road), then within 10 days you should appeal the “chain letter” by presenting your evidence.

Turning around and crossing lanes

  • If the driver turns the car around and at the same time crosses a double solid line, then he will face a fine of 1,000 to 1,500 rubles.
  • In practice, traffic police officers often initiate deprivation of driving license for any crossing of a double continuous line, even when the law only provides for a fine.

Thus, in practice, there are cases when, when making a U-turn (similarly, when turning left) through a double line, the driver drove several meters in the oncoming lane, which is grounds for deprivation of a driver’s license. At the same time, sometimes the driver actually made a U-turn through solid markings, but at the same time captured a little more of the road space - the situation is controversial; the court decides that it should be considered grounds for deprivation of a driver’s license or just a fine. The decisive factors in such controversial issues will be the video recording materials provided (both personal, on the flash storage of the DVR, and those taken by external cameras).

When turning, you must follow the signs that allow such maneuvers. Thus, the ability to turn a car around is provided by road signs both in a specific place and in a place indicating a certain distance to it. The markings are of secondary importance, so you cannot focus only on them when moving.

It's hard to see the solid

In addition, if a solid line on the road has practically disappeared and looks like a broken line that is difficult to see, then the law is on the side of the driver, who is recommended to record the condition of the dividing line with a photo camera and, if necessary, subsequently submit it to court. In most cases, poor visibility of a double solid line is a circumstance that mitigates liability, and sometimes is decisive when choosing alternative punishments (deprivation of rights and a fine).

Intersection when overtaking

The driver overtaking a car deserves attention when the end of the action falls on a double solid line, while the beginning of overtaking took place in the absence of a continuous line. The motorist can be recommended to provide his evidence excluding his guilt, that is, confirmation that overtaking was initially started on a section of the road where there is no solid line.

In such a situation, you can refer to clause. 11.4 Traffic Regulations, which clearly states the need to complete your maneuver. This article of the Traffic Rules can be cited not only in a complaint against the actions of traffic police officers, but also made a note in the protocol of an administrative offense: I do not agree with bringing to administrative responsibility, since according to subsection. 11.4 of the Law, I completed overtaking, which began on a road with intermittent markings.

Leaving the parking lot

Punishment in the form of a simple warning or a small (500 rubles) fine is provided for crossing a double continuous line when leaving a parking lot, gas station, etc.

Hitting a line with a wheel

A frequent violation that comes to the attention of traffic police officers is hitting a line with a wheel, which forms an offense called “violation of the location of a vehicle on a marked roadway.” The culprit may be fined 1,500 rubles.

Controversial situations on the road

Quite often on the road, disputes arise about whether the driver crossed a double line forcibly. If this is true, then he is not subject to punishment. So, it often happens that:

It is impossible to go around any obstacle on the right

It could be anything: a stone, an abandoned car, a load, a fallen tree, etc. If it is objectively impossible to pass on the right, the driver does not face any liability at all: the driver’s lawful actions imply waiting for oncoming traffic to pass and carefully driving around obstacle through continuous markings, return to your lane.

If it is determined that it was possible to drive through, the driver becomes obligated to pay a fine. In addition, traffic jams, traffic jams, stopped cars, the drivers of which did not violate the traffic rules by their actions, are not an obstacle, even if it was not possible to bypass on the right.

Eg, there is a huge traffic jam on the road, there is a car in front that is obediently moving a meter per minute. You believe that you are not obligated to wait for the broken down car, which is located 500 meters ahead of your car, to be towed away, and you boldly drive out through the double continuous lane, overtaking drivers who, from your point of view, are too slow - in this case, you are more likely to alternative punishments in the form of a fine* and deprivation of driver's license, the latter will be chosen.

You drove into the oncoming lane to prevent an accident

In this case, it is necessary to refer to Art. 2.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and prove that the driver’s actions fully fell under the concept of “extreme necessity.” This means that there was no other way to avoid the danger. If the given arguments and established circumstances really correspond to extreme necessity, liability is excluded.


Question: When leaving the hypermarket parking lot onto a six-lane road, we crossed a double solid road. We crossed this strip, immediately turning around. *What is the penalty for crossing a double solid line* in the situation I described?

If you turn around through a double lane and at the same time leave the adjacent area, then the traffic police officer can fine you and assign a fine from 1000 rubles to 1500 rubles (turn) or 500 rubles.

Question: I crossed the dividing line twice on a four-lane highway. Am I at risk of losing my driver's license?

Since you have committed a serious violation, the suspension of your driver's license is more likely to occur. The violation you described falls under the elements of an administrative offense under Part 4 of Art. 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, where punishment can be in the form of imprisonment for up to 6 months.

Question: My husband was forced to cross a solid road and did not see the markings due to bad weather. What threatens him if he moves straight along the oncoming road for several meters (50 meters)?

Of course, under such circumstances it will be difficult to achieve a fine. At the court hearing, it is necessary to explain about poor visibility, after which the court may decide to impose a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Question: For leaving a gas station and crossing a solid road, I was held administratively liable and was told that they had issued a fine. Where to pay for it?

At the court hearing to which you will be summoned, a decision will be made to impose a fine (probably in the amount of 500 rubles), after which it will need to be paid according to the details that can be found at the district FSSP.