Is it necessary to take the Unified State Exam for correspondence studies? Find out about it right now. Where can I enroll without the Unified State Exam? Which institute can I enroll without the Unified State Exam?

Today, there are correspondence departments in almost all higher educational institutions in the country. A rare exception to the rule are private universities. These educational institutions have their own educational schedule, and they do not provide students with the opportunity to combine work with education. The rest of the universities are willing to meet the students and give them this opportunity.

We all know that there are certain specifics when applying for distance learning. This question worries many students, as evidenced by frequently asked questions on search engines. Students first of all try to find out exactly how the procedure for admission to the correspondence department goes, how much easier it is to enroll in the correspondence department than in the full-time department. Many people think that enrolling in a correspondence course is easier than entering a full-time course, and they are absolutely right. This is due to the fact that in the correspondence department it is significantly lower, for example, if about twenty-five people apply for a place in the full-time department, then the competition in the correspondence department will be about 17-18 people per place. This will significantly increase your chances of admission to the university of your choice.

It is also worth noting that during distance learning, many more opportunities will be open to the student. In addition, if a student studies on a paid basis, then the cost of part-time education will be significantly lower than full-time education, because a part-time student spends much less time directly studying.

There are cases when a school graduate decided on his future profession while still studying at school, and when he arrived at a higher educational institution, he discovered that there was no correspondence training for this specialty, and he had to choose his future specialty again. Of course, there are a number of specialties that are close to each other in their specificity, however, there are also those for which it is very difficult to find a similar one. It is recommended to pay attention to this aspect in advance.

The next thing to remember when applying is that the correspondence department also has a competitive system. Often students enrolling in a correspondence course think that they will be able to avoid a competitive program; this opinion is wrong. The competitive system exists in both full-time and part-time departments, just for part-time students; it is usually carried out in a more gentle manner. The requirements for applicants to the correspondence department will also not be lowered and the entrance tests will not be simple. Therefore, it is impossible to say that admission to the correspondence department is much easier than full-time admission.

Admission to the correspondence department.

Every graduate, when entering a higher educational institution, must remember that he needs to score a passing grade in order to get into his chosen specialty, and no one will spare him from passing the mandatory entrance exams. There are often cases when a student needs to obtain a higher education to move up the career ladder. In such situations, the admissions committee sometimes meets the applicant and admits him to the university without passing entrance tests. But such cases only occur if the student already has a first higher education and has positive characteristics from his job.

There is another useful nuance in the correspondence department. If a student enrolls in the correspondence department for the first time, then he can easily count on a budget place and will not have to pay for his studies. If a student wants to get a second higher education, then training will be possible only on a paid basis. When receiving a first higher education, a student can study either on a budget or on a paid basis, but in any case he will have to pay for a second higher education.

Admission to the correspondence department is similar to admission to the full-time department. However, in some educational institutions, enrollment for correspondence courses takes place twice a year. In addition to being convenient for students, it is also beneficial. Let’s say you are enrolling in a correspondence department and for some reason do not have time to submit documents and pass exams on time, you have the opportunity to enroll in the same university in the same year, but a student entering full-time study without having time to submit documents on time will be forced wait until next year to enroll.

Let's say a few words about the documents required for admission. The set of documents for admission to part-time study is not much different from the documents for full-time study. In other words, you will also need a certificate, a document certifying your successful completion of the unified state exam, medical certificates about your health and your photographs. After you are enrolled as a student at the university, you will be given a grade book and a student ID.

The system of passing the Unified State Exam, which is both graduation from a secondary educational institution and an assessment point upon admission to a university, was introduced gradually in the Russian Federation, being introduced and improved in several stages. Since 2001, the Unified State Exam was introduced in some regions of the country; the system became mandatory throughout Russia by 2009.

Nowadays it is no longer possible to imagine entering a university without passing the Unified State Exam. But in life there are exceptional cases when a person, for some reason, wants to receive further education without passing the Unified State Exam. And the question of where you can go without the Unified State Exam is asked every year by more than a dozen young people in our country.

Reasons why the Unified State Exam result may be missing.

Unified State Exam results may be missing in the following cases:

  1. For citizens who received secondary education in another state. So if a foreigner asks the question where he can enroll without the Unified State Exam in the Russian Federation, the answer will be positive from almost any university. A foreign national can only provide the selected institution with a document confirming his graduation from a secondary educational institution in the country from which he came. The Government of the Russian Federation provides quotas for the number of foreigners studying.
  2. For citizens with disabilities or limited physical and mental capabilities. Such citizens are admitted to universities (not all) without the Unified State Exam, or they can take entrance exams within the university. However, almost every establishment has a quota for this category of citizens.
  3. You graduated from a secondary educational institution before the introduction of the Unified State Exam, or a lot of time has passed since passing the Unified State Exam.
  4. Unfortunately, the human factor can also play a cruel joke - people who are late, overslept or too busy can also miss the opportunity to take the Unified State Exam.
  5. There are not enough points for admission based on the Unified State Examination results.

The lucky ones who don't have to take the Unified State Exam

These lucky ones include:

  1. Pupils of schools who successfully participated in all-Russian Olympiads and became winners. Such students will be admitted to any university without the Unified State Exam or other exams, but only on the basis of victory in such Olympiads.
  2. Students who took part and won in the Olympiad from the university. It is realistic to try to win such an Olympiad by thoroughly preparing for it in advance and knowing the conditions.
  3. Those wishing to have a second higher education are also exempt from the mandatory Unified State Examination. Such citizens must present a diploma from the first university and undergo testing or examination within the new one.
  4. Students admitted to a university on the basis of a transfer from another university or who have taken an academic leave and want to reinstate do not take the Unified State Exam.

Where can you go without the Unified State Exam? Foreign universities, for example, accept Russian citizens without the Unified State Exam. To do this, you need to clarify which exams are required to be passed on site at the selected university. Sometimes there is no need to take exams at all.

Come back next year, or even in two or three

There is, of course, the option of re-taking the exams in a year, if you don’t mind the time and are ready to carefully study textbooks and go to tutors during this year in order to pass the Unified State Exam. And in the breaks between the textbook and the repeater, you can start working and receive your first salary.

Another long-term option is to go to college or technical school, study there for two or three years and get a specialty, and then apply to a university. In order not to waste precious years, you can go to college and study in ninth grade.

Where you can go after college without the Unified State Exam is up to you. However, you should remember that the university will not require you to pass the Unified State Exam and will offer an accelerated program if you want to study in the same profile as in college.

Where can you apply with a certificate without the Unified State Exam?

What to do if the exams are passed, the certificate is received, but the passing grade for the university is not sufficient? There aren't many options here. Don’t forget the option of secondary vocational education. The doors of a technical school or college where you can enter without the Unified State Exam are always open for you. After graduating from these, you can enter a university.

If you still would like to get a “higher education” without wasting a year on secondary vocational education, it is worth considering universities where you can enroll without the Unified State Exam in absentia or remotely. True, this option often involves paid education.

You can also consider creative professions. Fortunately, in creative faculties they pay little attention to the number of points scored, and to enter them you need to pass creative exams, you just need to show talent.

Mathematics - the queen of sciences

Mathematics is an important subject when passing the Unified State Exam. Since 2015, it has also been divided into 2 levels - basic mathematics and specialized mathematics. That is, if a student plans to enter a faculty where mathematics is a compulsory subject, then he needs to choose specialized mathematics. Basic mathematics is a little easier to pass, but it is not taken into account when entering a university and is only required when receiving a graduation certificate.

If you have a humanitarian mindset and the exact sciences are not quite for you, then in this case it is better to choose the basic level of mathematics. There are plenty of liberal arts universities in our country where you can enroll without the Unified State Exam in specialized mathematics. However, it should be remembered that in some regions the university will take two exams, and upon admission you will need to pass an internal exam at the educational institution.

Universities where you can enter without the Unified State Exam

Of course, such institutions are primarily all theatrical, vocal, artistic and humanitarian institutions. We list those specializations for which admission is not required to pass exams, or there is no Unified State Examination for the specialized level of mathematics:

  • journalism;
  • all medical areas (dentistry, pediatrics, medical biochemistry, biophysics, etc.) - in this case, you should intensively prepare for biology, physics, chemistry;
  • veterinary medicine;
  • acting skills;
  • Musical direction;
  • art direction;
  • customs affairs;
  • philology;
  • psychology;
  • jurisprudence;
  • foreign languages;
  • Faculty of Physical Culture;
  • social work;
  • cultural studies;
  • international relationships;
  • tourism and much more.

You just need to familiarize yourself with the corresponding “List of directions and specialties” that each university has.

Study, study and study again

In conclusion, it is worth noting that in fact, a lot depends on your life goals and your own desire to receive this or that education.

Life circumstances may develop in such a way that any education (even three-month courses, not to mention higher education) can be very useful and subsequently become the main source of income. So you need to take your studies seriously and responsibly and never neglect it.

Where to go after 11th grade without the Unified State Exam?

Unified State Exam heard by all students graduating from high school. Every future student and his parents know that without passing the Unified State Exam it will not be possible to enter a higher institution. However, the exam itself seems to many to be a rather difficult, even insurmountable obstacle to further education. Necessity expensive private lessons and many hours of suffering over books is scary for most students, especially if the child not enough time to prepare.

All these difficulties force families to look for a simpler solution to continue their education. It is not surprising that many are beginning to think about whether it is possible to enter a higher education institution without passing the Unified State Exam? It turns out that such options exist.

Who can not take the Unified State Exam and still enroll in a university?

There are several options for enrolling in a university after 11th grade without the Unified State Exam:

  1. The first assistant during admission can be won the Olympics. This rule applies only to those children who have won prizes at national events. International documents confirming your victory will also be relevant. If such papers are available, the applicant can choose any university in Russia and submit documents there without USE results.
  2. Some large universities independently arrange events like the Olympics, only among its applicants. The winners of such “brain competitions” can enter without submitting results on a single exam.
  3. Students can try their luck at admission health who cannot allow them to take part in the state examination. For such applicants, the higher education institution specially conducts separate knowledge testing event. Based on the results obtained, a list of applicants will be compiled.
  4. There is no need to pass the exam even if the student does not enter a new university, but simply transferred from one to another. Such issues are usually resolved at management level. In this case, most likely, the student will need to pass an additional exam, the so-called academic difference, which should eliminate the discrepancy in the programs of different educational institutions.
  5. Foreign citizens may apply without USE results. However, they need to have in their hands all the documentation requested by the higher education institution about their studies in another country.
  6. It is also possible for those who have decided to enroll without USE results to second higher education. In this case, the university is often limited exclusively own exams, upon passing of which students are recruited.

What to do if there are not enough points in the Unified State Exam?

Even if the applicant couldn't pass the unified exam at a decent level or did not pass it at all, but at the same time he does not fit all of the above categories, then he has two worthy exits out of position.

The first one is college admission. In this case, you will have to study a couple of extra years to receive the appropriate diploma. However, on the basis of documents confirming graduation from a college or academy, it is quite easy to enter a university without passing the Unified State Exam.

The second option is only suitable creative people. Many famous institutions have faculties that teach artists, musicians, actors and other people whose talent extends not to knowledge, but to the opportunity to express themselves. If you prove yourself well to the admissions committee during a creative competition, its scores can significantly outweigh the Unified State Exam and help you enter a university.

Anyway don't despair and give up, enrolling in your dream higher education institution is quite possible, you just need to try! And we must not forget that Unified State Exam results they will still be there decisive factor for everyone who wants to get a higher education. Therefore, it is better to prepare properly for passing the Unified State Exam, for example, in our preparatory courses. Sign up with us at free lesson in any subject!

Every spring, eleventh graders think about how to enter a university. This question makes the guys literally go crazy and drive their parents and loved ones crazy. Therefore, let's talk about how admission to universities works, where to apply and how to make this process easier.

On the way to success

You need to think about where to go after school in advance. Of course, none of the children in the fifth or sixth grade are thinking about this yet. All the panic begins in the ninth or tenth grade. At this time it is time for final exams. If you are now in at least the eighth grade, we advise you to think about where to enroll - your entrance tests will directly depend on this. If you do well, you may be a contender for free (budget) places. Otherwise, you will have to pay for your training. With all this, the payment will directly depend on which university you entered and what specialty you majored in. As a rule, the average price of training per year varies from 75 to 90 thousand rubles. But how to enter a university if you have no idea about the process? Now we'll talk about it.

Admission process

The first thing you need to worry about is which university to enter and what specialty. Since the mandatory unified state exam was introduced, this problem has become more than relevant. The fact is that each specialty requires passing certain subjects and gaining specific points. It is compulsory for all majors to take Russian language and mathematics. One subject (and sometimes two) is specialized. And he, as a rule, needs to be given increased attention. In addition, decide which institution you want to go to; a list of universities in the city (or country) will help you with this.

From about the eighth grade, you should be able to do well in all subjects and, at the same time, focus on the disciplines required for admission. For example, you won’t be able to get into medical universities without exams in chemistry and biology. Passing the Unified State Exam in these subjects is quite difficult.

When you decide on your specialty and exams, pass all the tests and receive the results, you can safely go to your desired university to apply for your chosen specialty. A couple of hours in a kilometer-long queue of the same students - and wait for the results. As a rule, they are published on university websites. Those who are above the red line on the list are admitted to the budget, and those below it will wait for the second wave or will not be accepted at all (if they have not also applied for contract training).

University or institute?

Quite often, applicants wonder where to go: to a university or to an institute. Some people have no idea what the difference is between these establishments. Let's figure it out.

Getting into a university, as a rule, is somewhat more difficult than entering an institute. The thing is that people believe that the first institution has greater prestige, which means the queue of applicants, as well as the quality of education there, is better. Institutes are usually bypassed a little and chosen as a second higher education. You can enter both there and there after 11th grade by passing the entrance exams.

Another small but quite important difference is the price of training. At the university, prices are usually a little high. Enrolling in college does not fully guarantee low tuition costs, but you will nonetheless feel the difference.

Now a little about the quality of education. As already stated, public institutions, namely universities, are supposed to provide the best education. This is nothing more than a stereotype. As shown in practice, everything depends on what desire to learn the student shows, and how the teachers conduct classes (especially this depends on their own knowledge and character). So you can choose what you like and calmly apply for admission.

Eternal question

Anyone who has ever thought about how to enter a university has recently been preoccupied with another problem: how to do this without the Unified State Exam? The fact is that already from the 8th grade, children begin to be prepared only for passing the unified state exam. What he really is? These are tests for applicants to universities, as well as questions that require detailed answers.

On the one hand, this approach is quite understandable - children need to be tested to check their knowledge. However, from the first years of the introduction of such a system, it became clear that it was ineffective. The Unified State Exam does not allow the applicant to fully demonstrate himself: answers can be given at random. With all this, it is not uncommon for excellent students to receive low scores, and poor students to receive high scores. As they say, it all depends on luck. Starting from high school, children stop gaining knowledge; they are simply “trained” to pass exams. That is why the question of how to enter a university without the Unified State Exam is more than important for the current generation.

The impossible is possible

Now it may seem that admission without the Unified State Exam is just a fairy tale. Russian legislation to some extent allowed children to enter higher educational institutions without exams. But who has the right to this?

Firstly, Olympiad athletes have such a chance. More precisely, their winners. If you are the winner of the All-Russian School Olympiad, you can count on being accepted without entrance exams. Everything would have been fine if a new decree had not been issued in 2015, according to which it is necessary to confirm your high knowledge by the Unified State Examination. The scores must be at least 65 in the subject in which you participated in the Olympiad.

Candidates for master of sports, master of sports and players of different national teams can also apply without the Unified State Exam. So if you want to get into a university without entrance exams, apply for sports, take leading positions there - and the doors of universities will be open to you. But there are several other options for how to enter a university without taking exams. We will talk about them now.

Foreign citizens and residents of Crimea

If you are a foreign citizen and decide to enroll in a Russian university, tests, exams and other tests will bypass you. It’s enough to just decide where to apply and write an application within the set deadlines, to which you can attach documents confirming your affiliation with another state. After this, you will be enrolled in a budget place. However, all this is possible only if you pass the selection within the quota established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the education of foreigners.

Those who live in Crimea also have every right not to take the Unified State Exam. For Crimeans, the exam is still optional. If you want, donate; if you don’t, don’t. Therefore, it is now somewhat easier for newly graduated Russians than for high school students from other regions of the country, who are racking their brains over how to enter a university without problems and nerves. In addition to the above, there are several more methods.

Act fraudulently?

Since we have begun to talk about all the methods of admission, we will also talk about this. Although resorting to it is extremely undesirable. Or rather, it is not necessary and impossible!

If you don’t know how to get into a university for free education, then... you can take advantage of human greed. We are talking about bribing the admissions committee or buying USE results. Until 2015, a lot of similar cases were noticed, most of them were suppressed, but some remained unsolved. Bribery is illegal. Since 2015, paper certificates of Unified State Examination results have been abolished - they have been completely replaced with electronic ones. This makes it even more difficult to falsify the results. Choose legal methods of admission!

After 9th grade

If you want to enter a university without passing exams, as already mentioned, you need to take care of this in advance. There are many ways, one of them is to graduate from college, technical school or college after the ninth grade. Many universities and institutes cooperate with such educational institutions. If a student receives a specialized secondary education in a particular specialty, he will be able to enroll immediately in the 2nd or 3rd year without unnecessary hassle. This is a pretty good option for those who first want to get at least some kind of educational diploma. To be honest, education in colleges and technical schools is no worse than in schools. The significant difference is the opportunity to work and gain experience. But if after 11th grade a child does not enter a university on a budget, and does not even submit documents on a contract basis, then he remains abandoned to the mercy of fate - without a diploma, work experience and profession.

So, if you want to enter a university without the Unified State Exam and at the same time have a wealth of experience behind you and at least some diploma that will allow you to support yourself, ask the university you want to enter about which colleges, technical schools or He cooperates with schools. Because of stereotypes, this method often receives negative assessments, although in fact it is a practical and logical move.

Enroll "wherever you can"

There is another way to enroll in the specialty you need without the Unified State Exam. True, you will still have to take the Unified State Exam, but in those subjects in which you are best versed. All you need is to enroll in any specialty at your chosen university and study there for a year. Successfully pass the session and transfer to the direction you need.

However, in this case the student will have to “sweat a little.” The thing is that when transferring from one direction to another, only some subjects that he took during the sessions are re-credited. All the remaining ones that are missing will have to be handed in. And not during the next exams, but in advance, after the student submits an application for transfer to another direction.

It’s good if your “old” and “new” specialties are close to each other. In this case, the number of items needed for additional delivery will be reduced to a minimum. And if, say, after studying for a year as a linguist, you are going to re-enter a medical school, then this will be more than difficult to do. Unless, of course, you know chemistry and biology perfectly.

Honestly, this method sometimes saves children. True, many parents are not happy about him. Stereotypes again. If you don’t know how to enter a university and are not confident in your abilities, try to use this method. This way you will “win” a year to thoroughly prepare for admission to your field.

But there is also a completely non-standard way to get into a higher educational institution without entrance exams and receive a diploma of higher education. We'll talk about it further.

Innovation in learning

Internet technologies are now developing all over the world. They are being implemented wherever possible. Likewise, higher education was not deprived of attention - many universities created their own branches with so-called distance learning. Recently they have been accepting students there without the Unified State Examination. True, this trend is beginning to slowly fade away, as the flow of students increases every year.

To enroll in distance learning, find a university or institute that provides such services. See if there are branches in your city (you will have to defend your diploma in person). After that, submit your application and documents. This can be done using an online application and sending the necessary papers or in person. Wait for a response and get to work.

You can also enroll in distance learning by transferring from another university. To do this, you need to make sure that you do not have any “tails” at your current university. Find out what areas of distance learning are available and choose the one that suits your taste. After this, take the exam and write a statement to your university about expulsion due to the transfer. Here you will need to provide a certificate stating that you are indeed ready to be accepted into another educational institution. Wait until you receive an academic certificate, and you can safely submit all documents for distance learning. True, here, most likely, you will need to complete several subjects. Don’t be alarmed - all tests will be completed online, so you will have the opportunity to quickly find the information you need.

To be honest, people don’t have very complimentary things to say about e-learning. This is another stereotype. For example, parents who do not know about such opportunities imagine that in order to successfully study, the child must work hard at the university, sit there until late in the evening, and study at home until the night. This is not entirely correct. The success of learning depends on each person individually. For many, distance education is an indispensable way to obtain a diploma. This is especially true for people with disabilities (for example, those who find it difficult to move) and young mothers who simply need to raise their baby. Also, during distance learning there is no need to take time off from work. And the price of such education is more than reasonable.

Mini help

  • To enter without the Unified State Exam, you will need special awards for merits in science and sports.
  • Foreign citizens within the quota can be enrolled without USE results.
  • Residents of Crimea are now entering Russian universities without passing the unified state exam.
  • If you are not confident in your abilities, apply to any specialty, and then transfer.
  • Distance learning is also a way out. New and not yet known to everyone.
  • Use only legal methods of admission to higher education.

Hello dear readers!

Ivan Nekrasov is with you. The article will discuss how admission to the correspondence course without the Unified State Exam occurs and which universities accept applicants without a single state exam. This information will simply not be disclosed to you at school, and on specialized websites this information is simply sold

Assessing the prospects

Preparing for the unified state exam is a very labor-intensive and long-term process. Many future students begin preparing for the Unified State Exam several years before taking it. Often you have to resort to the services of tutors, take additional classes in specialized subjects and use literature that includes information from the school curriculum for several years. Do you think that without the Unified State Exam it is impossible to enter a university? Find out a few secrets that will help you open the doors of educational institutions without this time-consuming process.

  • Prize-winners and winners of the Olympics or what to do without the Unified State Exam

Applicants who have taken part in international and All-Russian Olympiads will be able to achieve admission to a university and enroll without the Unified State Exam, as well as without an entrance exam. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the Olympiad should bring a victory or award to the future student; nominal participation will be taken into account upon admission, but it will not be a green light. A number of higher educational institutions organize their own internal competitions and intellectual battles, where becoming a winner increases your chances of admission.

  • College graduates

Concerned in a timely manner with the question of future admission to the Institute, many students, after completing 9th grade, enter college at a higher educational institution. After college, the applicant has the opportunity to enroll in a university for an accelerated course of study, while avoiding the red tape of a state exam. But it’s worth remembering that the entrance competition exists here too, it’s just considered internal and set according to the requirements of the profile stream.

  • Applicants whose capabilities are limited

This category includes future students who, due to health reasons, are not able to take the Unified State Exam. For them, universities organize special classrooms in which internal certification is carried out. It is the results of such exams that become the ticket to study. To make sure that the university provides for the admission of certain categories of people, it is worth studying the data published by the admissions committee of the educational institution to which you plan to enroll.

  • Applicants with foreign citizenship

Foreign citizens have priority in admission without the results of a unified examination. They just need to decide on the institute and submit all the necessary documents on time. The only obstacle can be the quota that the government sets annually.

  • Applicants transferring from other universities

Students who, for any reason, decide to change institutes or universities during their studies are given the opportunity to enroll without the results of a single exam. There is an option when an educational institution establishes an internal exam format, but this situation is purely individual and often concerns highly specialized educational institutions.

  • Students applying for a second education

Applicants for a second higher education do not need to submit USE results. Successful completion of a previous educational institution, plus internal exams, will fully prepare him for enrollment.

We have described the standard schemes for admission without the Unified State Exam to the full-time department of most universities. But there are also exceptions. Since 2016, some institutes have been requiring a single exam certificate from college graduates. Applicants with disabilities should study the list to see which universities this year determine adequate quotas for admission. Transfer students from other universities should familiarize themselves with the list of internal exams. They often cover areas of knowledge that are far from their core specialization. Another quite interesting way of admission is described

Unconventional way

When preparing to study at the institute and asking ourselves the question of how to apply without the Unified State Exam, and studying the requirements of the admissions committee, we often lose sight of a very comfortable, but not traditional, method of admission. To do this, you need to choose the most unpresentable stream at the university where you plan to study in the future, with the minimum number of passing grades. Do you want to be a prosecutor, but are you worried that the Unified State Exam in history is too much work for you? Choose a psychology course that requires a test in social studies and the Russian language. In any case, you need these exams to obtain a certificate and it is unrealistic to avoid them. After studying for a year in an unattractive and uninteresting profession, you will be able to enter the stream you need, limiting yourself to passing an internal exam. Such a transfer is possible due to the fact that in the first years any institute teaches general disciplines, and narrow specialization is the lot of senior students.

Regarding the correspondence form of education, it is worth noting that only the categories of citizens indicated above, as well as graduates who graduated from school or college before 2009 and applicants who have received secondary specialized education, have the right to use it without Unified State Examination results. But for them there are always internal exams of institutes, which are determined when forming the admissions committee

Distance learning

When choosing a distance learning form, remember that the requirements here are as high as in full-time courses. Therefore, you should make your choice very carefully. Many students do not even imagine what they will have to face in the learning process, and learning disciplines in a team, with verbal and visual contact with the teacher, is always more fruitful. When choosing an institute, pay attention not only to the most popular specializations, but also to related topics. It is quite possible that our unconventional method of admission is more suitable for you, and it will be your key to knowledge.

The advice received today is addressed specifically to those who “woke up” two months before the exam. Applicants with a year of preparation to spare - just get to work and sign up for training at our training school from ZERO to results. In the meantime, read this article so as not to “eat the dog” upon admission

Dear friends, soberly assess your strengths and capabilities and look for convenient enrollment options, because education is an investment in the future that will definitely bring dividends! Subscribe to our new articles and publications and be sure to share them with your friends on social networks. We will soon publish a dozen more articles on the topic of admission in 2018. See you in the next posts

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