New sizes of grz for motorcycle terms. New license plates will appear in Russia - true or not? Chip is a unique technology

The next 2019 will be a year of change for citizens of the Russian Federation: new pension legislation will come into force, the amounts of some social benefits will change and new taxes will appear. In addition, car owners will also have to deal with some changes.

This time we are not talking about changes in traffic rules, but about a new format of license plates that will be mandatory for all vehicles of a certain type. No radical changes are expected - the government has only decided to adjust the current GOST. So, starting from January 2019, state signs on cars and motorcycles will be installed in a new size and shape.

Why and when are there changes?

There are several reasons why Rosstandart is establishing a new number format. Firstly, the Russian Automobile Federation of the Russian Federation has long been talking about the need to introduce a special sign for classic vehicles. Its representatives have already begun developing special rules regulating the movement of these funds. And in order to put these rules into practice, we must first establish new principles for registering classic vehicles.

For imported motorcycles and cars, the signs are reduced due to the fact that the domestic number plate is larger in size than the area provided for its installation. But in 2019, drivers will not have to bend the number or resort to adapters, as the new format will fit perfectly into the standard overlay.

In addition, the range of registration numbers is narrowing more and more every year, and unique ones may soon run out. Therefore, it urgently needs to be expanded for some types of vehicles.

Is it necessary to change numbers?

The project to update GOST license plates began to be developed two years ago, but only on January 1, 2019 it will come into force. Installation of new types of state signs will be mandatory for all categories of vehicles affected by the changes, in particular vintage cars, sports and classic models, American and Japanese cars, as well as mopeds and motorcycles.

Latest news: what will change?

  • Signs of vintage cars, just like in the case of standard cars, will be marked with the letter “K” - classic. It will be separated from other symbols by a line. The innovation will affect both passenger and cargo vehicles.
  • Sports cars will have the letter “S” on their license plates - sport. It will also be located in front of the numbers and will be separated from them by a line.
  • According to the new standards for foreign vehicles (Japanese and American cars), the size of the sign will be reduced to 290x170 mm.
  • Owners of foreign motorcycles will install numbers measuring 190x145 mm, while 245x160 mm are currently used. The same signs will become mandatory for mopeds and maxi-scooters with an engine capacity exceeding 50 cc, as well as ATVs, but with a slightly different structure.
  • Also, after production, each sign will be assigned a special non-repeating code consisting of 12 characters. It will encrypt information about the manufacturer, date of release, sale, and so on.
  • According to the new GOST, vehicle owners will be able to drill additional holes on license plates. The main condition is that they do not go to the flag icon, numbers, letters and the RUS code.

At the beginning of September, news was published in print media and on Internet portals that new license plates would appear on cars in Russia in 2018. Since then, there has been ongoing debate about the need for number reform, as well as discussions of possible designs and changes.

The number of cars in the country is growing every year. This phenomenon has caused a serious problem - a lack of license plate combinations in some regions. To temporarily resolve this issue, several regional codes are used in individual republics and regions, which often leads to confusion. Moscow is a striking example.

Nowadays, car license plates are issued in accordance with GOST, which was approved back in 1993. Since the market trend has changed significantly over the past years, the Government decided to introduce new state license plates in Russia.

The corresponding bill will be able to solve another important problem. According to current legislation, drilling license plates is prohibited, but owners of American and Japanese cars are faced with the fact that the size of the license plates does not correspond to the frame. As a result, you have to use special adapters, which do not guarantee reliable fastening, especially at high speed. Signs of appropriate sizes will help avoid such problems.

What will the new numbers be?

Rumors about new license plates that will be used in Russia from 2018 have not yet received confirmation or refutation from official sources. Government officials have repeatedly mentioned the need for change. Information appeared in the media that the project with a new sign design was submitted to Rosstandart for approval. It should be reviewed by the end of the year, although car owners cannot familiarize themselves with it yet.

Information about what the new numbers will be varies greatly. There are rumors about the following possible options:

  1. Russian license plates will become similar to European ones. Regional codes will be completely abandoned. The number will consist of eight characters (letters and numbers), which will give a huge number of combinations.
  2. The previous format with the region code will remain, but different types will be added, which will temporarily solve the problem. For vintage cars, sports cars, motorcycles, American and Japanese cars, plates of a different size will be provided.
  3. The number will consist of three letters indicating the region, two numbers and four more letters. In addition, the coat of arms of the region or city and the inscription rus will be depicted. To avoid confusion, similar letters will not be used. New combinations will be made from 17 Latin letters.

Which of the proposed options will be adopted remains unknown. In any case, all measures will be developed to protect against counterfeiting. A special font and billions of unique combinations are the main methods of protection.

Timing for introduction of changes

Significant changes regarding new numbers will begin no earlier than 2018. The new standard will only be approved by the end of this year. Review of the innovations is scheduled for May next year. If the government passes the corresponding bill, it will still take several years for the transition.

Most likely, vehicle owners will be the first to receive license plates in the modified format in the following cases:

  • when registering a purchased car;
  • if you lose your old number;
  • when re-registering a car to another owner.

At first, the old numbers will also be valid. It will take more than one year to completely switch to the new standard. Although it is possible that old-style signs will not be completely banned.

Owners of vehicles with old license plates will be able to replace them at will. To do this, you will need to contact the relevant authorities with a written application.

Chip is a unique technology

Some sources claim that new car license plates from 2018 will be equipped with chips. This is a unique technology that has no analogues in the whole world. The chip will contain all the detailed information about the car, including its history. Data will be read both day and night, including from those signs that cannot be read.

Automotive expert Igor Mozharetto shared his opinion on this matter and said that this initiative is still quite difficult to implement. Installing the chip is not a difficult task. In addition, it is inexpensive, but equipment that can read information from it requires considerable investment. While this initiative will not be implemented in the coming years, although the future lies in technology and electronics.

Other experts and government officials have a similar opinion. The main arguments are the need for large financial investments in the development of equipment and the development of all details, as well as an insufficient technical base.


The amendments being developed by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation suggest reducing the size of registration plates for motorcycles, and owners of American and Japanese cars will also be able to obtain similar rear license plates. Another change could presumably include vintage and sports cars’ own state marks.

The Research Center for Road Safety Problems has initiated the development of a new edition of the state standard for license plates, Kommersant reports with reference to the head of the center Oleg Portashnikov. He noted that one of the problems is that the area for the rear number plate on foreign-made motorcycles is too small (245 mm x 160 mm). The frame adapters used do not have sufficient reliability: there are often cases when signs bend and tear off due to high-speed wind flow. The new edition assumes that the “motor numbers” will be closer to Western standards.

Revision of GOST is also possible for passenger cars of Japanese and American origin, since many of them have non-standard places for attaching license plates. It is proposed to allow car owners to make additional holes in the signs, and also for foreign cars they can make rectangular rear numbers for their standard mountings.

Special numbers may appear on cars participating in competitions and vintage cars. They will allow the former to drive on public roads during the rally, and the latter to operate under special conditions, for example, to travel only on weekends, to stay away from highways, within a certain distance from the place of residence of the owner and others.

Sketches of new license plates developed in the Russian Automobile Federation were sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The department noted that the revision of GOST-50577 is included in the standardization plan for 2017. The approval of the national standard is expected to take place in October 2018, and 3 to 18 months after that the document should come into force.

In the summer of this year, the portal reported that. According to the initiative, the agency should only assign a number, and each car owner will have it produced in specialized workshops at his own expense.

Rosstandart has approved a new standard for state registration plates of vehicles: the corresponding order is posted on the official website of the department. The new GOST R 50577-2018 changes a similar document with the number 50577-93 and comes into force on January 1, 2019.

Rumors about changes in GOST have been circulating for a long time and have become increasingly surrounded by new fantastic assumptions. However, in reality the changes are not so significant and will not affect the majority of motorists. They are important primarily for owners of cars imported from Japan and America through “gray” channels, owners of classic and racing cars, motorcyclists and owners of off-road motorcycles.

According to Kommersant, which managed to get acquainted with the new document, ten new types of registration plates are being introduced in the country. For cars with non-standard platforms for attaching license plates, two-line rear plates are legalized. They eliminate the need to use adapters, and now it will be possible to drill non-standard holes for fasteners in the rooms, as long as the symbols are not affected.

The new format is intended for classic cars: a large letter “K” will appear in a separate section on the left. And for sports cars allowed on public roads, the sign of the same format will be distinguished by the letter “C”. By the way, veteran cars with square plates for license plates can also be equipped with two-line signs.

A gift to motorcyclists - reduced size numbers: 190x145 mm instead of the current 245x160 mm. Such signs will be placed on most mounting platforms for imported motorcycles, which have occupied this market almost entirely. The same numbers will become mandatory for ATVs and scooters with a displacement of over 50cc. There are no plans to equip small-sized vehicles with state license plates yet. In addition, motor vehicles of foreign diplomatic missions will now have license plates with a red background, just like their cars.

However, there is no point in hoping that the new license plates will protect you from the ubiquitous traffic cameras: manufacturers of such equipment assure that by the time the new GOST comes into force, the cameras will be supplemented with a recognition function for such license plates.

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Starting next year, ten new types of registration plates will be introduced, including modernized motorcycle plates.

The latest legislative innovation is reported by Kommersant, which has read the text of the relevant document. It is expected that motorcyclists will begin to be issued much more compact plates - 190 by 145 mm instead of the current 245 by 160 mm. The fact is that motorcycles of foreign brands, of which the majority, have a small area for the number and the Russian state sign simply does not fit on it. The old GOST of 1993 did not take this into account, and motorcyclists had to use adapters.

The innovations for two-wheelers will not be limited to this. For the first time, state signs will appear for maxi-scooters, the same size as motorcycle ones, 190 by 145 mm, but with a different combination of letters and numbers: AA55AA77RUS, while for motorcycles it is 5511AA77RUS. The traffic police has no plans to register traditional mopeds and scooters (with small engines and a speed limit of 50 km/h). There will also be special motorcycle license plates on a red background for employees of foreign diplomatic missions and even plates for ATVs.

Reduced size registration plate for motorcycles

By the way, an interesting and long-awaited innovation is in store for owners of right-hand drive Japanese and American cars for the domestic market, whose rear license plate area is non-standard, “square” - it is finally planned to introduce a registration plate of the appropriate form.

Registration plates for cars, trucks and buses with a non-standard mounting location

Registration plates for off-road motor vehicles not intended for driving on public roads (left) and maxi-scooters (right)

Registration plates for classic (retro) cars and trucks (K) and registration plates for sports cars and trucks (C)