Parking in Florence.


In recent years, independent tourist trips have become increasingly popular and in demand. A lot has been written about the experience of such travel. Social networks are filled with photographs and videos of satisfied tourists traveling independently around any corner of the world.

Looking at photographs and reading rave reviews or useful tips, many people begin to think that everything is easy and simple - you just need to fly into the country, rent a car at the airport and, in general, that’s all, you can set off on a journey that will be nothing overshadowed. Meanwhile, this idea is completely untrue in many respects. For example, the issue of parking is not a problem for Russians. Our compatriots are accustomed to simply leaving the car on the side of the road, where there is free space and no prohibiting sign. However, in many European cities it is impossible to do this, for example, in the “pearl of the Renaissance” - Florence.

How is parking organized in Florence?

  • Parking in Florence is organized according to a territorial principle:
  • within the historical part;
  • on the streets, in places with special signs;
  • on hotel premises;

in designated parking areas.

Understanding the intricacies of local requirements is quite difficult. For example, on the central city streets, where all the attractions visited by tourists are concentrated, it is allowed to leave the car only in hotel parking lots. You can park outside hotel parking lots in the center only if you have a special permit that allows you to occupy spaces marked in white in other areas of the city. Such permits are available to the police, government officials, local museum workers, ambulance workers and others.

Considering that parking in hotels requires quite a lot of money, if the tourist is not a guest, of course, it makes sense to very carefully study all the options for where you can leave the car until the need arises.

Do hotels have to pay for parking?

This question is one of the most pressing for tourists visiting Florence for the first time and doing it on their own. Most Russians are accustomed to the fact that the payment for a hotel room already includes the opportunity to use everything that is located within the hotel premises. But it is not always the case. Parking in Florence is expensive, even if the car is in the parking lot of the hotel where the tourist is staying.

You will have to pay to use a parking space. At the same time, the cost of using hotel parking decreases in proportion to their distance from the city center. On average, parking in Florence in a hotel parking lot in the center costs 20 euros per day, and outside of it, in other areas, 15 euros.

What is ZTL zone

All maps of the city center intended for motorists are replete with this designation. Accordingly, everyone who wants to use a car in this place needs to know exactly what it is.

The ZTL zone in Florence is an area where entry at certain times is prohibited to anyone who does not have a special permit. This is a very important point that the vast majority of tourists leave without due attention. Not only is parking on the streets prohibited, but also the very fact of driving a car into the designated time intervals. The full name of these territories is: “traffic limitato zone.” If you say it this way, Florentines will understand what you mean.

When is entry into the ZTL zone restricted?

Standard entry restrictions are:

  • weekdays - starting from 07:30 and ending at 20:00;
  • Saturday - from 07:30 to 16:00.

On Sunday you can enter the central part of the city at any time. However, you must pay attention to calendar dates and internal restrictions. Within this zone there are areas where you can never enter, even with a permit. On holidays, different rules apply.

In addition, there are additional restrictions that apply during the influx of tourists. They are quite flexible and depend on the flow of travelers. If there are a lot of guests in the city, then entry is prohibited from early Monday morning until three in the morning on Sunday, and during the permitted hours only cars with the appropriate documents, for example, food suppliers, are allowed through.

What to do if the hotel is in the historical center?

This problem is faced by all tourists without exception who travel around Italy on their own and book a hotel without taking into account the specifics of entry and parking in the center of Florence. You can do it in one of two ways:

  • require hotel employees to issue a pass;
  • leave the car outside the historical center.

The second option is in many ways more preferable than the first. Especially for those who do not plan to stay in the city for more than two or three days.

If a traveler chooses the option with a pass, it is extremely important not to enter the restricted area until the corresponding sticker appears on the window. That is, you need to either arrange by phone for the delivery of the permit, or go for it yourself. The entire central Florence is under video surveillance. Therefore, you will definitely have to pay for entering a prohibited territory, for example, when returning a car.

Is there free parking in the city?

This question is asked by all travelers who do not count on paying for parking spaces when planning a budget. There are no free parking as such in Florence, but, of course, there are streets where you can park your car on the side of the road. However, they are all incredibly far from tourist routes and hotels where visitors stay. It is unlikely that anyone will want to abandon a rented car in the middle of a disadvantaged area, to which they will have to travel from the hotel for more than an hour with transfers.

The closest place to the historical center where you can leave your car without fear of getting a parking fine is Piazzale Michelangelo. However, on holidays various concerts and festivities are held here. In December there is a Christmas market. Of course, cars cannot be left here during events.

How much does street paid parking cost?

Street parking in Florence up to the ZTL zone costs an average of 2 euros for the first hour. Subsequent payments vary depending on the distance from the center. On most parking lines, the paid period lasts from 08:00 to 20:00.

Information about which time slot requires payment is posted directly on the parking lines. There are also signs indicating the street cleaning schedule in the truest sense of the word. While watering machines are moving, the parking line must be empty; violators will have to pay a fine.

What kind of parking space can I get?

Street paid parking lots in Florence are color coded. Three colors are used for it:

  • white - only for cars with special permission;
  • blue - for everyone;
  • yellow - for disabled people and people entitled to benefits.

That is, you can only park your car in blue or blue areas. The same marking principles are used in underground parking lots and other parking lots.

Which parking is the most convenient and cheapest?

Parking at the San Lorenzo market is the best option for those looking for a place in the center for their car. The market is located on Piazza del Mercato Centrale, which can be translated into Russian as “market square”. San Lorenzo is not the only bazaar in the area, but it is the most visited. Entrance to the parking lot is from St. Antonio Street.

Parking cost on all days, except holidays and Sundays:

  • from 07:00 to 14:00 - 2 euros for 1 hour, 3 - for a couple, 8 - for parking over 120 minutes;
  • from 14:00 to 07:00 - 2 euros for each hour.

On holidays, the cost of the first hour is reduced by half a euro, the remaining tariff values ​​do not change. On Sundays, the price of a parking space is 2 euros per hour.

Are the fines high?

Parking in Florence is not particularly cheap, but the fines are much higher than the prices in the price list for parking lots.

For example, entry into the closed area of ​​the historical center costs about 110 euros, which means the amount of the fine. In this case, every moment of crossing the ZTL zone line is taken into account. This means that a person caught on camera a couple of times will pay 220 euros. That is, for entering this zone and for leaving it. And if the car winds its way through the streets, for example, in search of the desired address, and crosses the historical center several times, then the number of fines will be proportional. If he crosses 10 times, there will be 10 fines.

As for illegal parking, the amounts can reach up to 84 euros. It will not be possible to avoid payment, since when renting a car, a certain amount is taken from travelers as a deposit. Accordingly, when returning the car, amounts to pay for violations are deducted from the money left as deposit.

> Parking in Florence

Parking in the center of Florence is only allowed for hotel guests in the city, so you can park on the street outside the center (limited time during the day) or in the parking lot (there is some in the historical center). Keep in mind, parking in Florence is as expensive as hotels (and the tourist tax charged by hotels, by the way). You can immediately find a hotel with its own parking, so as not to have to worry about searching. But it will also be expensive (surcharge - from 20 euros per day for parking, outside the center - about 15 euros per day).

Parking lots in Florence on the city map:

The main rules for parking in Florence:

In the historical center, which is restricted traffic zone (ZTL), parking is allowed only in paid parking lots of the hotel.

Outside this zone, on-street parking is permitted on BLUE parking spaces(Only residents have the right to park in white spaces). Payment at machines.

Parking in Florence

There are several large parking lots in the city, including in the ZTL zone, where you can park without special permits. Among them - underground parking at the Santa Maria Novella station, the central market of San Lorenzo.

Parking map in Florence:

  • Santa Maria Novella- P.zza della Stazione - € 3.00/1 hour, then € 3.00/30 min
  • San Lorenzo / Mercato Centrale- Piazza del Mercato Centrale (see below)
  • Novoli Palazzo di Giustizia- Via Virgilio 8 - € 1.00/1 h, then € .00/30 min, € 20.00/24 ​​h.
  • S. Ambrogio- Piazza Lorenzo Ghiberti - 1€/1 hour, 2€/2hour, then 3€/30 min, 14:00 - 7:00 - 2€/30 min
  • Beccaria- Piazza Cesare Beccaria - € 1.70/h
  • Alberti- Via Campofiore angolo P.zza Leon Battista Alberti - 8:00 - 20:00 - € 1.60/h, 20:00 - 8:00 - € 1.00, € 20.00/24h
  • Parterre- Via Madonna Della Tosse, 9 - €2.00/h, 10€/1st day, 15€/2nd day, 20€/3rd day.
  • Fortezza Fiera- Fortezza da Basso, Piazzale Caduti nei Lager
    € 1.60/hour, € 20.00/day.
  • Porta al Prato-Piazzale della Porta al Prato
  • Oltrarno- Piazzale della Porta al Prato
    € 1.00/1st hour, € 2.00/from 2 hours, € 20.00/day.
  • Pieraccini Meyer- Viale Gaetano Pieraccini, 22 - 22a
  • Giannotti- Parcheggio Bandino Giannotti
  • Europa- Parcheggio Europa - € 2.00 / h
  • Stazione Binario 16- Piazzale Montelungo - € 1.60 /h
  • Careggi- Viale Gaetano Pieraccini
    00:00 - 12:30 - 0.5€/30 min, 12:30 - 14:30 - 0.50€/h, 14:30 - 18:30 - 0.50€/30min, 18:30 - 20:30 - 0.50€/h, 20:30 - 00:00 - 0.50€/30min. 24h - € 4.00.

The cost of parking in Florence depends on the distance from the center. The cheapest way is to leave your car at Florence airport and from there come to the city by bus.

By distance from the center on the map:

  • Garage del Bargello- via Ghibellina 170/r Florencia - 35 €/day
  • Garage Lungarno- via Borgo San Jacopo 10 Florencia - 30 €/day
  • Garage Inferno- via dell’Inferno 2 4 7 9r Florencia - 35 €/day
  • Garage Verdi- via Giovanni da Verrazano 9\11 Florencia - 24 €/day
  • QUICK - Garage Centrale- Via Dei Fossi, 50/r Florencia - 24 €/day
  • Garage Michelangelo- via Ricasoli 28/a Florencia - 35 €/day
  • Garage Gioberti- via Gioberti 8 Florencia - 25 €/day
  • Garage Florentia- via Ponte Alle Mosse n. 45/a Florencia - 25 €/day
  • Parking in- 8 €/day (ticket - 5 €).

Parking at the Florence train station (901 spaces, open 24 hours a day) costs 3 € for the 1st hour, then 3 € for every 30 minutes of parking.

Parking at the central market of Florence(San Lorenzo / Mercato Centrale, Piazza del Mercato Centrale - Ingresso da Via S. Antonino) costs

  • on weekdays and Saturday
  • from 7:00 to 14:00 - 2 € for 1 hour, 3 € for 2 hours, 8 € for subsequent hours.
  • on holidays (Mon - Sat):
  • from 7:00 to 14:00 - 1.5 € for 1 hour, 3 € for 2 hours, 8 € for subsequent hours.
  • from 14:00 to 7:00: 2 € per 1 hour.
  • on Sundays: 2 € per 1 hour.

Street parking in Florence

Parking on the streets of Florence is only permitted outside the ZTL zone in blue parking spaces.

The ZTL zone is marked with an orange line:

  • White parking lots are for residents only.
  • Blue parking lots are paid parking spaces. Non-residents can park. Payment is in parking meters.
  • Yellow parking areas are for disabled people only and are marked with a sign. The sign often includes a special number - in this case, this place is reserved for a specific person and is not available to other disabled people.

Blue parking lots in Florence:

Paid from 8:00 to 20:00.

Cost of street parking in Florence: 1st hour € 2.00, then every hour € .00,

Every week or month the streets are washed; at this time, parking on this street is prohibited, otherwise a fine will be issued.

The street parking lots closest to the historical center of Florence (10 - 15 minute walk to the city center):

Fortezza da Basso
-Porta al Prato
- Piazza Ghiberti (San Ambrogio)
- Piazza Beccaria
- Piazza della Libertà >

Most tourist-oriented cities and towns have large paid parking lots in close proximity to historical centers.

Parking spaces on the streets are indicated by appropriate signs and color markings on the road.

Paid parking - marked with blue lines

In most regions, blue lines indicate paid on-street parking. Next to this parking lot there is a machine or kiosk selling parking tickets.

This parking ticket will print how long you can stay in the parking lot. You need to place this ticket on the dashboard under the windshield.

This photo shows paid parking marked with blue lines in Pisa. Payment must be made at the parking machine.

Parking machine

One of the ways to pay for parking is to pay at a parking machine. If the parking lot is large enough, the machine will most likely be located in the middle of the parking lot.

The sign on the right states that parking is payable from 8:00 to 14:00 (except Sundays and public holidays). The rate for 1 hour is € 0.60. Payment is made at the parking machine.

This is what a parking meter might look like in Italy. Instructions for use are provided in 4 languages: Italian, French, German and English. Payment is made using coins.

The machine itself shows the hours during which parking is paid, the tariff and coins that are accepted for payment.

In order to pay for parking, you need to put in the required number of coins and press the green button. The machine will issue a ticket indicating the time until which parking has been paid for. Place this ticket on the dashboard under the windshield of your vehicle where it can be seen from the outside.

The minimum amount that can be paid is 1 hour.

Underground Parking

Large cities have underground parking lots or large open parking lots. When entering in front of the barrier, take a ticket from the machine or from the attendants, on which the time of entry is marked.

Before leaving, you must pay for parking at the appropriate machine or ticket office. In this case, the coupon will be returned to you.

When leaving, in front of the barrier, insert the ticket into another machine, and if the payment is made correctly, the barrier rises and you leave.

Free parking - marked with white lines

In large cities, white line markings indicate free on-street parking, but this may be limited in time. The parking sign will tell you how long you can stay in that parking lot and whether you need to install a parking disc.

Set the parking disc to the parking start time and place it on the dashboard under the windshield. You must return within the time limit indicated on the sign. Additional information in the section

Be careful when parking in large cities, such as Florence. White lines may indicate free parking for local residents only.

Free parking - no markings

Some car parks outside cities are simply designated parking spaces. They don't have any markup and can be free.

Parking disc

If the parking sign indicates that parking is time-limited, then you will need to use a parking disc to indicate the parking start time. A parking disc can be purchased at a tobacco kiosk ( Tobacco) or at a gas station. You need to ask disco orario.

In order to use the parking disc, you need to set the parking start time on it and place it under the windshield so that the parking police can see it.

The photo shows a typical parking disc that you can buy in Italy. It is made of cardboard measuring 10x15 cm. By rotating the wheel, set the arrow so that it shows the start time of parking. In the photo, the parking disc is set to 17:00.

This parking disc is called disco orario. The time you should set on it is the arrival time.

Parking signs

Please note that the crossed hammers on the sign indicate that these restrictions apply on weekdays only and do not apply on Sundays or public holidays.

This parking sign indicates that you can park your vehicle for free for 90 minutes from Monday to Saturday, but you must have a parking disc.

He also says that parking is prohibited on Saturdays from 7:00 to 15:00 (market day), otherwise the car will be towed to a parking lot.

This parking sign indicates that it applies to the entire area and you can park your car free of charge for 1 hour from Monday to Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00. A parking disc is required.

On Fridays from 6:00 to 14:00 (market day) parking is prohibited. In case of violation, the car will be towed to a parking lot.

Parking lots in different cities of Italy


There are limited parking spaces in the center of Verona. The cost of parking there ranges from €1 to €2 per hour. You can see the location of these parking lots on a map of the city center.

There are also free parking lots, but they are somewhat far from the center. The nearest one is next to the square Porta Palio.

Two more are located at the following addresses:

  • on the street Sergio Ramelli(Google Maps)
  • near the stadium Arena di Verona(Google Maps)


Immediately after entering the old town through the gate Porta Vittorio Emanuele There will be a parking lot on the right side (Google Maps).

The cost of parking in autumn 2011 was € 1.20 per hour.


Parking in Florence is quite expensive - from €20 to €30 per day. Free parking is available in Piazzale Michelangelo (Google Maps).

In Florence, parking locations can be found on the website in Italian.


The cheapest parking was on the street Via Atleti Azzurri Pisani next to the railway (Google Maps). The walk from there to the Leaning Tower of Pisa takes about 10-15 minutes.

The cost of parking in the fall of 2011 was € 0.60 per hour, and even then only from 8:00 to 14:00. And after 14:00 it became free. Photo of the parking lot itself.


The average cost of parking in Siena is € 2.00 per hour in specialized parking lots. Leaving the car for a day will cost € 35.

It’s only cheaper in the parking lot next to the station - Parcheggio Stazione (Piazzale Rosselli 1). The first hour will cost € 0.50, and the whole day will cost € 2.00. The only negative is that it is quite a long walk to the old town (about 20-25 minutes, about 2 km and uphill).

The cost of parking on the city streets is € 1.50 per hour. And only the period from 8 am to 8 pm is subject to payment. Parking is free at night.

There are also several free parking lots, but they are all quite far away - (map of paid and free parking lots).

In the fall of 2015, free parking was discovered next to the Medici fortress. Just keep in mind that during the day it is usually completely busy, and free places appear in the late afternoon, when most tourists have already left Siena.


In Orvieto itself the streets are very narrow and you shouldn’t drive there unless absolutely necessary. In addition, the number of places on them is very limited. The location of parking lots can be found on the city map.

In the evening, after 20:00, all free space in squares and streets is filled with cars of local residents. He had to be released no later than 8:00.


Parking is located under the bridge leading to Bagnoregio. It is paid from 8:00 to 20:00. The cost is €2 for the first hour and €1 for each subsequent hour.

There is also free parking in Bagnoregio. It is located in the square next to the street Via Don S. Nello Ponziani. Its coordinates - Google Maps


Free parking in Montefiascone is on the street Via del Castagno.

Lido de Jesolo

Lido de Jesolo will be of interest primarily to those who want to visit Venice, but do not want to stay in Venice itself.

Unlike Venice, where you have to leave your car in the city parking lot and get to the hotel on your own, in Lido de Jesolo it is much easier to find a hotel (like this one) with free parking.

From Lido de Jesolo you can get to Venice by water bus (30-40 minutes). Near the pier on the street Via Fausta There is a parking lot where you can leave your car for the whole day. The cost of parking in autumn 2013 was € 7 for the whole day.


Paid parking is located on the outskirts of the city on the opposite side from the entrance on the street Via Roma near the Church of Madonna del Soccorso. The cost of parking in autumn 2016 was € 1.50 per hour.

Considering that the town is very small and it won’t take much time to explore it, as well as buy the famous Brunello di Montalcino wines (if desired), the cost of parking looks quite reasonable.

There is another paid parking lot in Montalcino with the same tariff. It is located next to the city fortress. But it is much smaller in area and it is more difficult to find free space.

Free parking can be found opposite the fortress at the bottom of the ravine (map). It's not that far to walk to the center from there, but you need to climb a small hill.

Another free parking area near the walls of the old city on Via di Gozzano was discovered when we made a wrong turn and drove through the center (ZTL zone), which is highly not recommended to do in a rented car. You can't drive onto it from the road, because... the traffic there is one-way.

Paid parking is located near the squares Piazza Grande on the south side of town and Piazza Minzoni G. on the north. The tariff is € 1.50 per hour.


Amalfi is located on the very shore of the coast of the same name. Until recently, he had great difficulty parking. But a few years ago, a 4-story parking lot was dug inside the hill Luna Rossa with a capacity of more than 200 cars.

Parking is located at the entrance to the city. Parking cost in Luna Rossa is € 3.00 per hour or € 13.00 per day. You can also try to find a place at the port, but almost always all the places are occupied.

In addition to parking, a pedestrian tunnel was built inside this hill, connecting the road to Piazza Municipio in the city itself.

The Amalfi Coast is very picturesque and well worth a visit. And the road that runs along it is known as Nastro Azzurro and is considered one of the most beautiful in the world.

Fine for illegal parking

The fine for illegal parking in Italy starts from € 40. If, in order to remove your car, you had to call a tow truck, the amount of the fine will increase several times.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the restricted traffic zones ( zona traffic limitato). Behind every Entering such a zone can result in a fine of up to €100.


It is not possible to cover all the cities of Italy, but a little advice from personal experience of traveling in Italy:

  • You should not look for parking as close to the city center as possible - driving through narrow streets may end up being longer than walking this distance.
  • The parking lot may be busy - everyone wants to drive closer to the historical center, and during peak season it may turn out that you have to circle around the parking lot waiting for a free space.
  • The closer to the center, the more expensive - by staying a little further you can save a little.

Thus, stopping a little earlier can save nerves, money, and sometimes even time.

Parking in Florence is free on Sunday

Parking in Florence is not an easy task as there is not enough space in the city. The Russian translator visited Florence for the first time in 1997, and even then he was struck by this: in the evening, cars were parked on one side of the street, on the other side of the street, and in the middle!

The entire historical center is a ZTL zone (in Russian: limited traffic zone) and it is better to stay away from it to avoid unpleasant surprises! Read more about ZTL in Florence.

But, since most Russian tourists come to Florence by car anyway, I have translated the following useful information from one resident of Florence.

The following parking options are available:

Visit Florence for one day

If you decide to tour Florence for one day, the translator recommends leaving the car in one of the many parking lots near the historical center, without entering the ZTL zone (translation from Italian: limited traffic zone). If you need to leave your car for two days or more, then it is better to ask your hotel where it is best to park it. They will definitely help. In addition, Italian hotels offer their clients discounted parking spaces in nearby private garages. This will cost you less than paying the standard rate directly.


There are many of them around the historical center. One is located under the railway station Santa Maria Novella. Another parking lot near the station (western part of the center): underground next to Fortezza da Basso(Fortress below - approx. translator) and gates Porta al Prato(Gate to Prato).

East of the center you can park under the square Piazza Ghiberti(called "San Ambrogio") and in the square Piazza Beccaria; to the north - on the square Piazza Libertà(Parterre), and in the south at the gate Porta Romana, these are only those parking lots that are closer to the center.

From these parking lots you can walk through the city center in 10-15 minutes. You can get there by bus. Right inside the gate Porta Romana (Roman Gate - approx. Italian translator) number 36 stops, which goes straight to the center.

The cost varies from 1 to 3 euros per hour to 20 euros for the whole day (the price goes up to 8 euros per hour in the parking lot San Lorenzo, and many parking lots have removed the daily rate and left only hourly rates - so be careful!) Oddly enough, in some parking lots, the longer you stay, the higher the price per hour becomes, so properly translate the conditions into Russian before leaving your car there .



This is an expensive option, but it has its advantages. One of them is that many are in the center. Rate per day is approx. 25-30 Italian euros for parking inside the historical center, the price decreases as you move away from it. Since you must enter a ZTL to park, these garages typically report your vehicle's license plate number to the authorities in order to avoid paying a fine.

Here is an example of such a private garage Autorimessa[author e ssa] called Parkhous Ammirato on the outskirts of the historical center, on via Scipione Ammirato. The photo shows that parking costs 2 euros per hour or 20 euros per day. From the city center to this parking lot - 20 minutes, from the station Firenze Campo di Marte- 10 minutes.


In addition to indoor parking, the car can also be parked along the street, especially in residential areas outside the historical center. This is a cheaper option, according to the translator, but it will take longer to get to the center of Florence. But in any case, no more than 10-20 minutes. The only problem is that it is very difficult to find free spaces as local Italian residents also park along the road.

Park your car only on blue lanes. White ones are for residents, yellow ones are for disabled people. Find a parking meter nearby (marked with the letter P) and pay in advance for the time you are going to stand, then place the receipt in a visible place on the dashboard.

Prices: These parking lots are paid from 8 am to 8 pm (other hours are free), from Monday to Saturday. In areas near the historical center, rates are 2 euros for the first hour, 3 euros for subsequent hours. Partial hour possible.

If you plan to leave your car overnight, make sure that there is no STREET CLEANING on that day of the week (there are signs along the sidewalks), usually from midnight to 6 am. If you leave your car while the street is being cleaned, it will be taken away by a tow truck (in Italian - carro attrezzi, approx. translator). If you find an empty seat suspiciously easily, this is a sure sign that something is wrong!

Along the embankment of the Arno River - Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia- there are a lot of them here. You can park along the entire embankment, from here it’s a 10-minute walk to Santa Croce and galleries Uffizi. Attention, be careful when entering the ZTL zone: immediately turn left and turn around at the square!

Other parking areas are located along the ring of ramparts (around the historical center) between the square Piazza Beccaria and embankment Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia.

If there are no seats here, go further behind the tower and cross the bridge Ponte di San Niccolò- there will also be parking along the embankments Lungarno del Tempio, Lungarno Cellini And Lungarno Ferrucci on the other bank of the Arno - from everywhere it’s not far on foot to the center.

You can also park along the road under the square Piazzale Michelangelo, along the street Via dei Bastioni, this is a one-way road starting from the boulevard Viale Michelangelo.

FREE PARKING (information from the translator)

It is now almost impossible to find free parking in Florence. Parking at the observation deck Piazzale Michelangelo IS NO LONGER FREE! Since February 2016, almost the entire observation deck has become a pedestrian area. There are 78 parking spaces left here, but at a cost. Price: 1 euro for the first hour, 2 euros for subsequent hours, from 8:00 to 24:00.

It is difficult to find free seats here, but as people come to enjoy the panoramic view of the city, seats quickly become available.

From here the translator can easily reach the city center: the Ponte Vecchio bridge (in Russian “Old Bridge”, pronunciation [ponte vècchio]) is about 30 minutes on foot, and the Santa Maria Novella station is 20 minutes by bus (number 13). Bus number 12 goes to the stop Demidoff on the Arno embankment, you can get off at the next stop Ponte delle Grazie, behind the bridge . From here it is closest to the historical center, then the bus turns and goes around it.

Attention: In the summer, concerts are often organized at the Piazzale Michelangelo site, so part or all of the parking lot is closed. If there are suspiciously many empty spaces, this is a signal that you need to park somewhere else!



The most convenient parking is along the tram tracks in Florence, which run from Scandicci to SMN station.

The largest parking lot is located at supermarket COOP on the boulevard Viale Nenni. The tram stop in front of this supermarket is called Nenni-Torregalli(about 10-15 minutes drive to Florence). This free parking.

Another free two-level parking lot is located next to the stop. Arcipressi on via Andrea da Pontedera.

Another free parking lot is located behind the COOP supermarket on the boulevard viale Talenti(behind the street via Galileo Chini), but it is smaller.

The closest parking to Florence is along the tram tracks on the street Sansavino, the tram stop of the same name is located in front of it. This is paid parking, but the rates are so cheap that the Russian translator equated it to free parking. Open 24 hours, costs 1 Italian euro for the first hour and 0.50 Italian euro cents for every next half hour. Maximum amount per day 12 euros (Via del Sansovino, 53).

District "GALLUZZO""

As soon as you exit the A1 toll motorway - or the free one Firenze-Siena-Firenze-Impruneta, and drive in the direction of Florence, you will pass through the area Galluzzo. There is free parking next to the main square. From here you can take bus 36 or 37 to Florence (about 10 minutes).

There is also inexpensive paid parking along the street. via del Gelsomino, on the road leading to the observation deck Piazzale Michelangelo. It is open 24 hours a day, the cost is 1 euro for the first hour, then 0.50 euros for every half hour. The maximum rate per day is 15 Italian euros, translated into Russian money 1000 rubles. (address: Via del Gelsomino, 11).


This free parking lot is located just past the exit. Firenze-Impruneta(which was previously called Firenze Certosa) from the A1 toll motorway and the regular motorway Firenze-Siena. From here to the historical center of Florence it takes 20 minutes by bus: No. 37, a ticket from an Italian driver costs 2 euros.


The following is a list of parking lots that are closest to the historical center of Florence - you can see their locations on the map above
. The map above also shows the rates. But the list, of course, is not complete.

All parking lots described by the Russian translator are open 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Parking under S. M. NOVELLA STATION

This is one of the largest parking lots in the city. She is under central station Florence. It is difficult to get here, since this zone borders on ZTL. It is also one of the most expensive, but it is convenient if you want to quickly get to the center.

Open 24 hours
Parking spaces: 607

€ 3.80 first hour
€ 1.90 for each subsequent 1/2 hour

Entrance to the parking lot under Santa Maria Novella station from the circle in front of the station


New parking behind the station. Ideal for those traveling from Pisa-Livorno.

€ 1.00 first hour
€ 1.00 for every next 1/2 hour
Rate per day: € 20.00

Parking FORTEZZA - FIERA (in Russian Fortress-Exhibition)

Large parking area directly under the fortress Fortezza da Basso. Ideal for those Russian translators who work at the exhibition (in Italian FIERA). From here it is also convenient to go to the station S.M.Novella, only 10 minutes on foot, but cheaper than parking under the station.

Open 24 hours
Parking spaces: 500

€ 1.60 each full or partial hour
Rate per day: € 20.00


Small parking between the Fortress and the railway tracks, right behind Santa Station Maria Novella. Tariffs are the same as for Fortezza - Fiera.

€ 1.60 each full or partial hour

Parking SAN LORENZO - Central Market (Mercato Centrale)

Parking under the Central Market ( in Italian Mercato Centrale) on San Lorenzo. In the very center, but... difficult to find, and not cheap for a Russian translator!

Open as a market, from 7am to 2pm, Monday to Saturday:
€ 2.00 first hour
€ 3.00 second hour
€ 8.00 every next hour
Sunday any time, other days from 2 pm: € 2.00 per hour


Parterre parking - very large - located in the square Piazza della Libertà, outside the ZTL, along the boulevards of Florence. The historical center is 20 minutes on foot or 10 minutes by bus. To the square Piazza San Marco 10 minutes walk.

Open 24 hours

€ 2.00 every full or partial hour
Rate per day: € 10 first day, €15 second day, € 20.00 third and subsequent days

Parking SANT "AMBROGIO (under Piazza Ghiberti)

It is located under the famous Florentine market Sant'Ambrogio, under the square Piazza Ghiberti/ boulevard Annigoni. Square Santa Croce is a 5 minute walk and Duomo, Piazza della Signoria and other attractions within a 10-15 minute walk.

Open 24 hours


When is the Italian market open:

from 07:00 to 14:00:
  • € 1,00 first hour, full or partial;
  • € 2,00 for the second hour, can be divided into 1/2 hours;
  • € 3,00 the third and subsequent hours can be divided into 1/2 hours;
from 14:00 to 07:00, including Sunday and Italian public holidays:
  • € 2,00


This small parking lot is located under the Florence gate of the same name outside the ZTL zone. The Duomo Cathedral and the central Piazza della Signoria are a 10-15 minute walk away.

Open 24 hours

€ 1.70 each full or partial hour;


Small parking lot outside the historical center, but convenient for those Russian translators and tourists who find themselves in these places. From 8 pm to 8 am you only have to pay 1 euro (not per hour, but per NIGHT!!).

€ 1.60 each full or partial hour;
Rate per day: € 11.00


Near Porta Romana, inside the city wall. Palazzo Pitti and the Ponte Vecchio bridge - 10 minutes on foot.

Open 24 hours


€ 2.00 every full or partial hour;

Parking VIALE EUROPA (translator from Italian: "Boulevard Europe")

The center is 20-30 minutes by bus (#23, 33, 71, 81, 82, 85). Very cheap parking by Italian standards.

Open 24 hours

Tariff per day

  • from 07:00 to 19:00: € 2,00 during all this time
  • from 19:00 to 07:00: € 1,00 every hour, can be divided into 1/2 hour;

NOTE: Information translated here may change at any time. The translator is not responsible.

Throughout the historic center of Florence (the area between the ring roads) there is a control system for the entry of vehicles through the use of a camera system, where special rules apply that must be read before entering the center of Florence by car. This system is called ZTL, i.e. "restricted traffic area". If you have rented accommodation in the historical center of Florence and decided to come to the city with your own car, please read carefully these instructions, which will help you organize your arrival in the city without stress and avoid fines for breaking the rules.

Traffic and parking of vehicles non-residents completely prohibited during the following hours: Monday through Friday With 07:30 to 20:00 and in Saturday With 07:30 to 16:00(excluding weekends and holidays), with the exception of days when more specific regulations come into force (for example, summer night ZTL, ZTL for “white nights” - when shops and bars are open until late at night).

The ZTL zone is limited by “passages” marked with special signs, which are quite difficult to miss. Signs are controlled video cameras, which automatically read the license plates of all passing cars. Among the numerous “passages”, some of them (intended exclusively for public transport and ambulance) are permanently prohibited, 24 hours a day. You will understand all this thanks to traffic lights that allow passage “Accesso Libero” (Free access) by means of green color, or prohibiting passage "Accesso solo Autorizzati" (Access only for authorized persons) through the color red.

If you drive under a television camera (not taking into account the lanes allocated for public transport and pedestrians, prohibited 24 hours a day) with a red traffic light, you will grossly violate the traffic rules. If you need to enter the ZTL area to get to your apartment, you will have to contact the private garage in the vicinity of the apartment and reserve a space for your car. Thus, thanks to this reservation, you will be able to move in without problems on the day of your registration on site.

Garages in the city are paid, but they also provide the service of registering and transmitting your car's license plate number directly to the relevant authorities in electronic format. The permit is issued for a maximum of two hours for the transport of luggage, and therefore, as a rule, only on the day of arrival and departure.

For the purpose of loading and unloading luggage, you can get a temporary travel permit and parking the car in one of the private paid garages, also for only a few hours.

Here are some examples of private garages in Florence:

Persons with a “disabled person” sign on a car who need to travel with their own transport to the ZTL zone should contact the toll-free number 800 339891.

Alternatively, you can park your car outside the restricted traffic area and take buses, taxis or rent a car with driver to get to your apartment.

If you leave your car outside the ZTL, you will have to park it in one of the zones called ZCS (Controlled Parking Zone). Florence is divided into several zones called "ZCS" where for non-residents - parking is paid in blue line parking spaces (white line parking spaces are exclusively for residents) and also offers various paid covered parking lots.

In particular, the paid car parks “Parterre” (in Piazza Libertà), “Oltrarno” (Porta Romana area), “Beccarla” and “Fortezza Fiera” (Fortezza da Basso) offer particularly favorable day and night rates.

You can find all the necessary information about the above parking lots on the website Parking Florence .

For more information, please call our customer service department on +39 055 268510 or email us and we will respond as soon as possible, providing you with all the information you need to help you organize your arrival in Florence.

Office in Florence - address: Via dei Serragli 6/R - District Oltrarno - San Frediano