Real stories from the life of a Dnieper auto mechanic. Funny stories from the life of car enthusiasts An interesting story of motorists when repairing a car

№ 18993

October 6, 2009

September 10th was a rainy day for me. It started with the fact that I filled up with 80 instead of 92 - the car does not drive. Somehow I made it to the next gas station. I turned on the 96th and off I went. I went to a vegetable depot to buy 1000 nets - they cheated me out of 100 pieces. How could they? He stood nearby and counted. In the evening I sold potatoes for 11,500. We loaded up and left. I counted the money - 10,500. I noticed the nets, they were lying nearby, I counted - there was still 100. How could they? He stood nearby and counted. I'm not leaving the house today.

№ 19133

October 6, 2009

The story of how the girl parked.
I arrived at the parking lot. At a short distance there are two Mazda 6s. You can only stand between them. And I'm backwards, from the corner, at night, without rear lights, with a fogged rear window, on crooked ice, without spikes, squeezed in there the first time... Proud of all female drivers, she got out of the car, slammed the door... She turned on the ice between the cars and broke off the passenger mirror on the left Mazda...

№ 19216

October 6, 2009

We have such a wonderful person at work, Allochka - a blonde, who also happens to be a chief accountant. One day she goes with our boss to production. And in front of the workshop there is a gate, which, before entering, must be opened, first getting out of the car. And so the boss comes out and goes to open the gate (and Allochka is sitting in the car in the front seat). At this moment the car begins to roll backwards! Allochka is in a stupor! Shock and panic! The boss runs into the car while it is moving, presses the brake and asks:
- Allah! Well, you couldn’t press the brake, or what?!
Round eyes:
- I don’t have a brake!
Glory to blondes! Hysterics. A curtain.

№ 19223

October 6, 2009

A very beautiful long-legged girl is standing at an intersection and holding the hand of a boy of about 6 years old. A car drives up, a guy leans out of it and looks intently at the girl. Lights up green light, but the guy still doesn’t go. He looks at the girl. And then the boy loudly says to him: “Go, go! The girl is with me!

№ 19231

October 6, 2009

I drive my car to a traffic light. The intersection is T-shaped (that is, there is a dead end ahead and you can go either left or right). Three lanes: left - to the left, right - to the right, middle - whether you want to go there or to court. I stand in the middle one and turn right (it’s more convenient). There's a big one standing in front of me Ford Mondeo latest model. Completely pink. Well, the hedgehog understands that the driver is a woman. However, on rear window There is a “woman driving” badge attached (such a decent size). Well, I think why hang up a badge if everyone understands that a woman is driving a pink car. The solution turned out to be simple. The traffic light turns green. Ford's right turn signal turns on and... the car turns left.
Beware of pink cars!

№ 19233

October 6, 2009

Still, no matter what they say, driving instructors in driving schools are holy people. I was learning to drive, somewhere at the beginning of practical lessons (I already know how to start and stop!) I was driving around the city with an instructor (I’m driving, the instructor is next to me), something obviously doesn’t go well with leaving circular motion, the instructor asks what I don’t understand, I say that I don’t understand why the car is going so fast. Quite calmly, he replies that, in general, if you don’t press the brake, the car will go fast. When I realized later that I had asked, I was ashamed...

№ 19358

October 6, 2009

In Surgut, a girl, full of herself, starts her car and, after warming up, begins to reverse, driving out of the cramped yard. At that time, another car is warming up in the second row. The girl, not following any rules, backs up and hits this car. He gets out of the car and, remembering that the best defense is an offensive, begins to shout loudly throughout the yard, accusing the owner of the damaged car of all sins and of not knowing how to drive a car. At the same time, she runs around the damaged car and waits for someone to get out of there. But the answer is silence. The whole gusto was that there was no one in the cabin - the owner of the car started it and went home. From the outside it was very funny.

Every profession has something attractive. A lawyer, a flight attendant, a graphic designer, a taxi driver... They all have a baggage of various stories and interesting cases behind them. Today’s interlocutor of “Vіstey” is the owner of a small auto repair shop, an ordinary mechanic. However, in addition to routine everyday life, he also has something to remember.


Auto mechanic Sergey has been working in Dnepr car service centers for more than 20 years. He has thousands of repaired cars and grateful clients. A few years ago, a man opened his own small auto repair shop. He is an extremely modest person, and agreed to talk to the press only on condition of anonymity.

“One day a guy of about twenty came to the service station,” said Sergei. — The Audi driver had doubts about the reliability of the brakes, and since a trip to Kyiv was coming, he intended to change the discs. The situation would not be different from many others if the manner of communication young man She was not, to put it mildly, rude. In an orderly tone, he ordered to quickly install new disks, and was not immediately able to understand that there was no store at the service station, and the necessary parts must be provided. The father, a respectable man of about fifty, who arrived half an hour later, helped figure it out. He and his son brought brake discs. However, when I started work, I realized that there was no point in installing new ones - I just needed to clean and tighten the ones that were there. When he returned their packaged discs to the customers, the father, without hiding his surprise, said: “But you could take them for yourself and say that you changed them.”

“Over the years, people have developed a stereotype,” the interlocutor notes, “that car service employees deceive and steal. A restful sleep is more valuable to me. Moreover, I am satisfied with my life; I have enough money for everything I need. Some people may sometimes earn more by deception, but I have no end to regular and new clients, and I also receive generous bonuses for conscientious and fast work.”


Interestingly, Sergei’s integrity and customer trust not only influence his earnings, but also once contributed to the creation of his own family. Ten years ago, late at night, his phone rang mobile phone. In the receiver is the alarmed voice of a girl who once came to do scheduled maintenance of her Volkswagen. She was returning from a business trip, and had a blast in the center of Pavlograd Tie Rod. Oksana was not happy with the option of entrusting the car to a local car service center. She was offered to leave the car and return to Dnepr by taxi or check into a hotel. The amount for repairs was said to be unaffordable...

“I won’t lie,” admitted Sergei, “I went to save the girl only because I felt sympathy for her. On a guy in a dirty robe, with smeared motor oil with her hands, of course, special attention didn't pay attention. I was hoping that suddenly he would notice me now... I was in Pavlograd already at one o’clock in the morning. Oksana was waiting in the nearest 24-hour cafe. Having secured her car on a trailed carriage, we drove to the Dnieper at low speed. We talked on the road, and it turned out that we had many common interests. She, for a girl, is well versed in cars, she also likes the work of the Beatles, she loves to have picnics in nature. Then a sympathy arose between us, which over time grew into something more.”


Another story from our interlocutor is about the ingratitude of one of the clients.

“My wife Oksana has a best friend Svetlana. Since school, they have been “inseparable”. Sveta raised her son herself. Dima had difficulty saving up for a Subaru before graduating from high school; he took on the costs of maintaining the car. Once a friend asked Dmitry to do scheduled maintenance at an unrealistic discount, since his son could not find a job. I didn’t want to agree, but my wife insisted. I gave a 70% discount and did everything to the highest standard.

And what a surprise it was,” Sergei said with bitterness in his voice, “when this “son” at every corner began to tell me that I overpriced him, worked for a long time and with poor quality, and was also rude. Unfortunately, Svetlana did not understand the situation and believed her child’s inventions. Their friendship with my wife deteriorated. And only after a while, when Dima gave the car for service to another service, the truth was revealed to Svetlana. She apologized to my Oksana, and her son found the strength to ask for forgiveness from me.”


There are a lot of oddities in Sergei’s work, many of which are associated with the fair sex. One day a girl approached him with a request to repair her headlights. She said that she planned to arrive early for the exam. I got into the car before dawn, but I couldn’t turn on the headlights. She didn’t risk driving in the dark, but while she was waiting for sunrise, she fell asleep right at the wheel. The exam was missed, and there was nothing left to do but go to the car service center...

“I examined the car and immediately established the reason for the lack of light,” said the owner of the auto repair shop, “both headlights were roughly torn out of their sockets along with the wires. The girl was extremely surprised. She had no idea that this kind of theft existed. And when her friend brought new headlights, she told us an anecdote: “A blonde arrives in an expensive foreign car. He complains to the car mechanic that the car either jerks or stalls... I've already visited a dozen workshops, and for some reason they refused to even do diagnostics. After another refusal, the blonde herself looked under the hood and found a note: “She, stupid, doesn’t know how to drive. I won't pay. Husband".


Our interlocutor also spoke about a funny incident that happened to his colleague Semyon five years ago. “It all started when he had twins. Joy, of course, knew no bounds - they noisily celebrated the birth of Diana and Maksimka. When the routine and sleepless nights began, Semyon dozed during breaks right at work, on a chair. The employees and the boss treated this with understanding, but, of course, they could not encourage this. This did not stop Sema, and he continued to sleep during lunch, but in the back seats of the car, which were being repaired. One day one of the clients took his BMW before time. But no one knew that the new father was dozing there. But that is not all! At some point, Semyon woke up, and the driver suddenly saw him in the rearview mirror. The owner of the car, of course, was quite nervous from such a surprise, but did not complain - after all, he himself has three children...”


I was not an eyewitness to this story, but I consider it my duty to tell it. Briefly speaking. One day I saw a “teapot” approaching a traffic light. These can be immediately calculated. At the traffic light the “red” light comes on. “Kettle” frantically presses the brake, forgetting to press the clutch and the engine, of course, stalls. He turns the key, and the car, which was standing at speed because he forgot to turn on neutral, jumps forward and almost reaches the car in front of him. The one who was standing in front of the “teapot,” just in case, drives forward - you never know how many crazy people drive in the world!” The “teapot” starts up again and the car, which he forgot to put in “neutral,” jumps forward again. The one in front moves further away again. What is typical is that everything that is happening is observed by a traffic cop (or traffic police officer) standing by his car. The stunned teapot turns the key for the third time (he probably only knew how to do this), and the car makes a desperate leap and crashes into the back of the man who was standing in front. Well, in short, a dull thud, the grinding of metal, the clinking of glass. U ahead standing car The bumper is dented, the lights are broken, the "teapot" has the same thing only in the front. Participants in the incident yell at each other. A servant of the law approaches - in felt boots and a sheepskin coat (it was winter). He came up, scratched his turnip and said: “I got it…” He turned around and left.

Dialogue heard at the traffic police post. The action took place between one of the traffic police officers (hereinafter simply a cop) and the driver of a tented GAZelle that he stopped.
Cop: “We need to get those people to the city (80 kilometers)” and points to five foreheads in civilian clothes.
Driver: - “So my booth is not equipped for transporting people.”
Cop (with a very serious look): - “These are not people, these are traffic police officers”

This happened while I was studying at a driving school. The teacher, in theory, is a man, about 50 years old, not particularly burdened with culture, in fact, for the most part, neither is the audience. And so we go through the topic of when and under what conditions it is necessary to help the employees of the valiant and well-known inspection.
The teacher asks the group:
- If a traffic police officer stops you and says that he needs to take the victim to the hospital, what should you do?
- Help him and take him to the hospital.
- And if he slows you down and says: “I’m a bitch,” what should you answer him?
A slight second of confusion and then a voice from the back desk:
- I'm with you!!!
For the next 5 minutes, no one cared about theory anymore.

Now, I remember. It was 3-4 years ago in the glorious city of Gagarin, Smolensk region. We gathered there big company(we took a vacation for ourselves, we live in Moscow, but everyone still has relatives and friends there) and had a blast. One evening we had another drinking party right in the yard, placing “devices” (glasses and bottles) on our cars.
In the morning I got up with the usual headache (local vodka is a strong thing) and took my mother-in-law to the market, then went about my business. I’m driving and wondering why everyone is looking at me?! The cops came towards me and stared at me with their mouths open, the people on the sidewalk all turned their heads. Well, I feel bad, damn it!! But is it really noticeable from afar?
Only when I reached the final point of the route, the joyful cackling of my drinking companions opened my eyes. It turns out that a bottle and two glasses were frozen tightly to the roof of the car!!
I rode around with these beacons all day (the poor cops probably had a stupor from such impudence).

Today a traffic cop wanted to stop me at Kashirka for 110-120 km/h. But he swung the stick too quickly - as he swung upward, it tore out of his hand and flew behind his back.
I didn’t stop because the position “traffic cop throwing a stick behind his back” is not described in the traffic rules.

This is what will happen if two non-duplicative people meet: 7 am, Sunday, it’s even written on my face that I slept for 2 hours, and slept in vain.
I sit on an empty trolleybus, I see the conductor: an unshaven man in a cap, he looks even worse than me... I give him money, he gives me a ticket, everything happens with the slow movements of disabled Estonians. After two stops he comes up to me again. I give him the ticket, he gives me the money and leaves... I counted for two minutes, wondering what the catch was.

At a gas station I witnessed a sketch about blondes. At the same time, at two cash registers, the guy and Blondinko demand to fill their cars with gasoline, and in unison they call column No. 3. The cashiers, apparently already experienced, politely ask:
- Girl, how did you determine the column number?
- how, how... very simple - I counted from the entrance....
- And you are a young man, what do you think?
-......I did not count! I looked at the number written above the fuel dispensing hose!

End of the working day. Stuffy gazelle with one free space. Tired silent people. A black man is in the middle of the cabin. A young mother comes in with a child of 4-5 years old and plops down on an empty seat.
The boy looks at the black man very carefully and in complete silence begins to recite loudly and clearly:
- It is necessary, it is necessary to wash your face in the mornings and evenings..... And shame on unclean chimney sweeps...
Result: A stopped gazelle and passengers rolling around with laughter. The mood was completely lifted.

My friend works as a traffic police inspector. Once he and his partner stopped a normal car like this for speeding.
They invited the driver into the car. We started drawing up a protocol.
Well, the driver says that he is in a hurry, they say, there is no need for a protocol, and hands over 50 bucks.
And what? 50 bucks isn't too much! Have taken.
And then a heavily tinted 99 stops behind, two guys in civilian clothes get out of it and quickly walk towards the car. Our friends immediately close the doors and windows in the car and begin to burn this dirty American piece of paper with a lighter. But it doesn’t burn, or rather it burns, but not as quickly as they would like. They start to get nervous and turn up the flame on the lighter. And the boys are already knocking on the window. Finally, the fire did its job, leaving only ash and smoke in the cabin from the 50-buck piece of paper. The traffic cops open the car window with trembling hands... and hear the question:
- Comrade Sergeant, tell me how to get to Naro-Fominsk?

Snowfalls, frosts, traffic jams...
I remembered last year’s story at a paid parking lot. I’m standing in this parking lot this morning, trying to peel off the crust of snow from my windshield. Nearby, a well-dressed motorist does the same with his beautiful A8. It is obvious that he is in a hurry and trying. There is no one else.
True, the watchman, God's dandelion, is also watching from his warm booth. Apparently he thought that the owner of the A8 would break it off for him and took out the plastic electric kettle. He says why are you suffering, I made some boiling water and pour it on the glass and it will come off.
In a fever, a man pours a kettle on his windshield and the snow actually melts, but they didn’t take into account the laws of physics - a huge crack went right down the middle of the glass...
In general, my grandfather ran a hundred meters faster than in best years.

Evening. Opposite the scandalous cafe there is a foreign car with tinted windows. IMPORTANT: the road is inclined. A squad of 3 police officers walks by. One found the car strange. I went to check. He walked around it and began examining it from the trunk. Suddenly, unexpectedly, the car began to roll slowly - the road was inclined. The cop grabbed the bumper. Still, the car continues to roll. One person, apparently, cannot hold her. The patrolman is calling two of his colleagues! Already three selfless policemen are trying to keep the car from spontaneously descending!
Then the door of the foreign car opens, the driver comes out and says:
Guys, I actually need to go!!!

Recently we were standing at the store, at night, we weren’t bothering anyone, we were drinking beer. We notice one guy who walked around parked cars for a long time and studied something in them, touched the doors, looked inside...
As a result, he comes up to us and asks in a wildly drunken voice
- Guys! Did you see what car I arrived in?

From life.
I'm walking home through the yard. I see a girl of about 10 running up - and with a full swing - bang! on the hood of a brand new car.
The alarm goes off.
An angry male face sticks out from a window on the 8th floor. The girl slides off the hood and screams:
- Dad, can I walk a little more?

Drivers are the best storytellers, excellent advisers and psychologists. On the road, people love to pour out their souls. It is always easy to entrust a secret to a random travel companion. During trips there are always incidents and funny moments. It turns out that by the end of the working day the taxi driver has accumulated a whole arsenal of funny, sad and instructive stories. Woman`s Day chose the most interesting stories drivers.


Taxi driver Alexey Mikhailov says:

I came to order, a pregnant girl sits down next to me: “To the maternity hospital on the left bank.” Okay, I'm taking her to the maternity hospital. All of a sudden:

Ooooh!!! It seems my water has broken.

And he flew! She's screaming:

That's it, I'm starting to give birth!

I'm shocked what to do. More gas! A traffic cop is standing there, waving his stick. Gas to the floor, he's behind me. On the Vogresovsky Bridge he starts shouting into the radio: “Slow down, or I’ll shoot!” I stop, open the door, and say:

Can you give birth?

He does not understand, back door opens - there is a passenger writhing and moaning. He instantly:

Come follow me!

He drove off with a flashing light and a siren in front, I followed him: woohoo! When we arrived, she was immediately taken away on a gurney. We sit down with him on the curb:

- Do you want to smoke?

The two of us took a breath simultaneously... We made it! About twenty minutes later the midwife comes out:

Which one of you is the dad?

He immediately looks at me, and I don’t look at me, I say, I’m married! He then:

Congratulations, you're having a boy.

Now the girl and the traffic police inspector live together. Everything is fine with them, I see them sometimes, we are friends with our families.


Taxi driver Alexander Ryabtsev says:

I picked up a girl from the clinic who weighed a little less than me, but they only put her in a cast at the emergency room, and there were no crutches. And that’s how I felt in my heart... I brought her to Birch Grove, where there are solid five-story buildings without elevators. She came out at such a house and stood there. Well, what can I do, I had to carry her on my shoulders to the fifth floor.


The head of the convoy, Pyotr Ivanovich, says:

This was the first time I went to " Yellow taxi" End of summer. I'm standing at Spartak. A guy comes up. Pale, lost. I immediately realized: there is no money. Freed. We get to his address, I don’t wait for payment and say first: “Well, bye.”

“And you took me, knowing that I wouldn’t pay you?”

Four months pass. I see a dandy in a long coat walking, with two large young ladies with him. I paid attention to him, and he himself moves towards me and gives the same address! Suddenly he looked at me intently like this:

Did you drive me?

Yes, you don’t have to explain the way, I know where I took you.

Ahh... (remembers)

"Five" puts:

I am solvent today.

We are already approaching his place, he will not calm down in any way:

Brother, wait...

We go to a gas station, he takes three thousand worth of vodka there (a lot in those days) and, on top of the “five ruble”, hands me a ringing bag. This is how I did something good once - and after a while it came back. Good always comes back!


Pyotr Ivanovich says:

I come to order in Shilovo, a man comes out to see the lady off:

Take her to Komarov,” and leaves me 500 rubles.

Before we had time to drive away, she changes the route:

Me to Begovaya.

Well, I see, there’s still enough money, it’s possible for Begovaya. As soon as I dropped off, dispatchers contacted me: “Can I give your phone number to the passenger? Not the one who was traveling with you, but the one who put you in the car.” I agree. After some time he calls:

Where did you take her??

I immediately understand that she is being controlled. I’m starting to make excuses that I’ve already transported 5 passengers, who exactly does he mean? I took him where they said, I don’t remember... Confidentiality is paramount! So he called me for three more days, pouring out his soul about how she had been leading him by the nose for many years. It turned out to be a difficult case. I really wanted to support the guy. I sympathized as best I could, but at some point I gave up and sent him to a psychologist...


Once I slept in a car with a passenger. We called a taxi for a group of friends, the guys hung out in a restaurant, were cheerful, and went home. First, the girls were brought home, then one friend was delivered to the address. All the way they chirped loudly, “well, bye, Lyudochka, bye, Irochka,” then “Sashka, bye,” and, judging by the conversation, Igorek was the only one left in the car. I turn around:

-Where are you going?

Igorek snores. I start to wake up - zero emotions. I don’t understand why this is so, we were just talking cheerfully - and it’s just a corpse. His mobile phone is blowing up, everything is useless. What can I do, I threw back the chair and curled up next to him. In the morning it jumps:

Are we already in the city?

I'm so leisurely:

Thank you thank you thank you!


Driver Sergei Kostin says:

My first shift this year fell on January 1 at 10.00. In the morning I go to Lomonosov, there is no one on the streets, peace and quiet. The day did not promise anything. He especially did not foretell orders. People sleep until the evening. Suddenly, a “passenger” falls out of a snowdrift from the sidewalk onto the road.

Can you take me to Ostrogozhsk?

I ask:

Do you have money?

Eat! It turned out that he was traveling on December 31 from Ostrogozhsk to Rostov. Approaching Voronezh, I decided to drive through the city. For some reason he went out, met a friend, abandoned the car on the left bank - he doesn’t remember anything else. Go!

What about your car?

He couldn’t drive, but he wanted to go home. I called my relatives to pick them up, and we drove to Ostrogozhsk along empty roads. While we were driving, he warmed up, sobered up, and eventually gave me 3,500 rubles for the order. It was a good start to the year!


Pyotr Ivanovich says:

A sociable passenger was caught, restless.

Let's talk?

Well, tell me...

Can I have a drink?

Yes drink...

Will you have a drink with me?

What are you talking about, I’m at work, my shift has just started, I still have to deliver passengers!

Then let's be honest. I drink - and you get 50 rubles.

No need, drink like this.

No, let's be honest!

He takes out his flask of cognac, unscrews the lid of the glass, drinks it - and I get fifty dollars. Then he drinks again - and again I get fifty dollars. And so we sat in the car, “drinking.”

Star passengers

Driver Amiran Mariamidze says:

What about your pop stars, I drove Valery Abisalovich Gergiev from Voronezh to Lipetsk. And he has three concerts in a row, a tour throughout Russia. And, you see, he stands and conducts from morning to evening. His legs are swollen. Can I take off my shoes, he says? Yes of course, please! So I rode barefoot the whole way.

It fell to me to drive Marika. Cool girl, we laughed all the way. She was on tour and came as a DJ. She just sat down and said: “Club, show me where I’ll work in the evening!” There were no posters; it was planned to be someone's private birthday party. I showed her the Serebro club in the Northern residential area... She lamented for a long time: “Is this where I should perform? This is a residential building!” I say, there’s a club on the side! We had fun riding with her then. I didn’t take an autograph, why do I need it? Live communication is more interesting!

Driver Vitaly Vasiliev says:

They call me at 5 am to a cafe, and the dispatcher says: “Vital, Larisa Dolina will be there.” But they called three cars at once, and it so happened that she didn’t get in with me. All its directors and management came to me. And Dolina sat down with Kolya Baskov. Yes, we have one driver, Nikolai. His real name is Kolya, but his last name is different. He just looks a lot like Baskov, that’s what we call him. This is how Nikolai Baskov drove Larisa Dolina!

Now we will publish stories from drivers who did not indicate authorship. Very instructive stories!


I arrive at the address. Husband, wife, bag. He hears: “Yes, I’ll walk here to work, I’ll take a walk.”

And already in my direction, somewhere on top of the window:

Take your wife to the bus station!

Warm farewells, the passenger gets into the taxi, off we go.

To move in the right direction, you need to turn around.

We slowly reach the turnaround and head back.

In the same place where I picked her up, just across the road, our guide is standing, voting.

When you ride with a passenger, you don’t pick up anyone else, you drive past. But here we stop, of course. Still a husband. Suddenly I forgot something important.

He hurriedly jumps on front seat and cheerfully blurts out:

So, my friend, mine has gone to the village, let me send you my address...

Turns his head - and back seat wife with rounded eyes.

I recognized my wife right away.

It was he who, to celebrate, caught the first taxi he came across without looking closely.


On the first day of autumn, traffic jams always increase sharply in the morning - crowds of children go to school. In the morning I receive an order to the address st. 20 years of the Komsomol. City center, I slowly get to the place. Passengers don't get off for a suspiciously long time. Communication with the dispatcher, a slight hitch, clarification on which side of the house I am standing on, what is nearby... It turns out that in the bustle the first-grader’s mother got confused in the numbers, and they are waiting for me on the street. 60 years of the Komsomol, Northern region. Free cars no more, everything is on orders. On another day I would have refused to go because of a passenger error. But not September 1st!.. My first teacher’s name was Nadezhda Petrovna. The hair on my head moved unpleasantly when I was late for her classes. Suddenly I realized - this time I can’t be late! At childish speed, I turned towards Severny. The passengers were clearly nervous as they stood outside. The dispatchers conveyed clear instructions to them like women: “They are standing in the yard, you will see them right away! There with the woman is a girl in a white blouse, with big bows and a bouquet of flowers!” Past crowds of white girls with bows and bouquets, I rushed to the right address. From the distant past, the stern eyes of Nadezhda Petrovna looked at me. They had everything... And they had Hope. I delivered my little passenger named Nadya to the first line in her life 3 minutes before the start. He didn’t leave right away, he stood and looked... Once upon a time they lived in the center on the street. 20 years of the Komsomol, and now we have moved to a new building in Severny on the street with similar name. The communist history of Voronezh is rich and there are many dates in it. Human memory failed, but the reliable yellow car did not fail.

  • Two neighboring houses at the crossroads - Victory Blvd., 46 and V. Nevsky, 30. We go deeper into the courtyards: from Nevsky, 32, adjacent to 60 let Komsomol, 29. Even further: in the courtyard of Nevsky, 34 - a two-story building at 60 let Komsomol, 29a. And then Nevsky Street through the Severnaya Korona residential complex creeps out, I don’t understand how, and next to it there are again two houses, but with the same number: V. Nevsky, 36 and 60 years old Komsomol, 36. Inexperienced drivers manage to look for houses in these neighborhoods by address b-r Pobeda, 29 and 29a. But these houses are located on the other, odd side of Pobeda, and there they have their own difficulties: the street is located nearby. V. Nevsky, 22 and st. 60 years of the Komsomol, 19.
  • I am a man of the old school, I am already fifty, and I accept all kinds of innovations with a strong creak. This applies to everything, and primarily to cars. Practically, my entire adult life I worked as a taxi driver, driving the Volga, and therefore I was endlessly devoted to it.

    It’s a good workhorse, reliable, I can change any spare part with my eyes closed, and they’re always in stock, what more do you need? The machine must work. That is, I didn’t think about any other one.

    Auto Stories September 30, 2015

    This real case from legal practice occurred several years ago in one of the domestic medium-sized cities.

    Gennady (conditional name) was a 40-year-old man quite happy with life with a well-established lifestyle - a decent job, a wife, a couple of kids and other attributes.

    Auto Stories June 24, 2014

    Yesterday my friend's Geely engine started boiling, and inexplicably the antifreeze ended up in the cabin, under the rug. They couldn’t open the hood for 3 hours, after which they spent the same amount of time running around the city in an active search for antifreeze.

    Just the other day, an unpleasant incident happened to me. Let's start with the fact that I don't like to ride as a passenger when someone else is driving, especially my girlfriend. It’s a contradictory feeling, it’s like the girl herself is a driver, but I can’t stand women driving. Here clear example split personality and double standards!

    Auto Stories September 05, 2013

    Hello to all guests and users of this resource. It was thanks to the AvtoEd portal that I understood the technical intricacies of my future car and bought it.

    Recently I own Lexus SUV LX 570. I will not hide the fact that the purchased car is already used, but despite this it is in excellent condition. I've been driving my handsome car for six months now and have encountered certain problems. At first I got used to the dimensions of the car, but then suddenly other participants began to annoy me traffic. Small cars and, of course, their owners are especially annoying, but first things first.

    Auto Stories July 08, 2013

    This topic became “painful” for me at the moment when one day I was talking with my comrades in the yard. I will briefly describe the situation.

    Auto Stories July 04, 2013

    I have a friend, a master of motorsports, who once told me this story. His name is Alexander. One day he decided to take his category “A” license; by that time he already had all the other categories, but he didn’t have a license to drive a motorcycle.

    He went to the traffic police, they knew him well, and the person taking the exams, Ivanov, was completely on friendly terms with him. The inspector explained to him that they did not have motorcycles on the site.

    Auto Stories July 03, 2013

    How many times have I noticed that as soon as life becomes incredibly gray and monotonous, something like that always happens to me, causing it to start playing with all the colors of the rainbow again.

    The story I want to tell you about happened on a cold January night, just before the Old New Year. I was working in a taxi then, driving a Passat, and since I was focused on making good money, I went to work mainly on night shifts.

    Auto Stories June 27, 2013

    My story began with the fact that quite recently I received driver license. I rarely get behind the wheel, but sometimes I still have to. So that evening I found myself in the driver’s seat, as my husband decided to relax after work with a bottle of beer.

    We sat down and went to the Magnit hypermarket to buy groceries. Arriving at the place, I parked the car in the store parking lot. After the purchases were made, we remembered that we forgot to buy tea and I had to return to the store, and at that time my husband remained waiting in the car and in the driver’s seat.

    Auto Stories June 06, 2013

    Hello everyone! I want to tell you real story about fishing, which happened to me relatively recently. This story is very instructive and allows you to think about some important life moments.

    After a busy day at work, my colleague and I went fishing in a village not far from the city. Two elderly fishermen sat with me at the edge of the pond. They caught fish, talked about life, and the old men slowly got ready to go on the road. The grandfathers on the motorcycle began to climb the hill, going around standing car, they didn’t wait for it to be put aside.

    Auto Stories June 05, 2013

    Greetings to all visitors to this site. My name is Viktor Sergeevich, and I have been following this interesting resource for quite some time. During my stay here I read a lot of articles and now I decided to drop a few lines myself. I myself have been driving for more than twenty years and would like to discuss a couple of points with you.

    Something terrible is happening on our roads. The cars are all tinted. There are dark windows all around, behind which you cannot see the drivers. Don’t they understand that this tint is harmful? Such drivers say that they don’t like driving “like in an aquarium!” Generally strange wording. If you don't like being around other road users, then stay home. It’s good that this damn film has now been banned and the situation has begun to change for the better.

    Auto Stories May 20, 2013

    It was all my neighbor’s fault, who in the early morning of May 9 pressed the apartment bell button until she woke up my entire family. Sleepy, having difficulty finding my bearings in space, I opened the door and was almost swept away by a wave of activity and a thirst for activity.

    I followed my neighbor into the kitchen:

    Well? Why so early?
    She poured sugar on the table next to the cup of tea and said:
    - Let's buy a goat.

    Auto Stories May 20, 2013

    As you know, the President of Ukraine prefers to be surrounded by an entire army when traveling. His motorcade consists of more than a hundred cars and about a thousand police officers and the Security Service of Ukraine are on duty on the streets.

    According to the rules, the first to go are these kind of armored “tanks”, literally making their way and not paying attention to any foreign objects (including other people’s cars). The President's car follows them. The column is completed, in fact, by local security vehicles. My father was in the middle of the second group.