Why do you dream about a pier? Dream book for a bitch. If you dream of a pier, an embankment, what is it for?

  • If you dreamed of a pier, you will soon go on a long journey. And if you saw ships at the pier, then ahead of you is the fulfillment of all your plans and desires.

New family dream book

  • If you dreamed of a pier- soon you will go on a long journey.
  • And if you saw ships at the pier- the realization of all your plans and desires lies ahead of you.

Dream book of lovers

  • Berth- this dream foreshadows a romantic journey in which you will meet your destiny.

Dream book of lovers

  • This dream foreshadows a romantic journey in which you will meet your destiny.

Women's dream book

  • Sea pier in a dream- portends a long journey in reality.
  • If you dream of ships docked at the pier- all your plans and desires will come true.

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

  • Shore or pier. It means a goal where difficulties will be resolved and ideas put into practice. Sadomasochism. Childhood and the fear of learning to swim for the first time.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Pier in a dream- this is the beginning and end of some big thing.
  • See a ship docking- portends the successful completion of one or another undertaking.
  • Accompany a ship departing from the pier- a sign that you have to wait some time until your plans can lead you to success.

Collection of dream books

  • See destroyed pier- to harm.

Dream book for a bitch

  • Berth- there will be a desire to go to distant countries or at least to visit relatives in another city.
  • See ships docked at the pier- fulfillment of plans, luck and success.

Psychoanalytic dream book

  • Berth- means the goal where difficulties will be resolved, ideas put into practice. Sadomasochism. Childhood and the fear of learning to swim for the first time.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Seeing a pier in a dream- means that in the near future you intend to go on a long journey.
  • Seeing ships at the pier in a dream- means the fulfillment of your plans and desires.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Seeing a pier in a dream means that in the near future you intend to go on a long journey. Seeing ships docked at the pier in a dream means the fulfillment of your plans and desires.


If you saw a pier in a dream, then interpreters generally view this symbol positively. According to the dream book, a pier in night vision promises a pleasant trip, success in business, receiving important and long-awaited news, as well as solving complex issues.

Ambiguous symbol

Like any other sign, the pier can also have a negative interpretation, depending on what you dreamed about at night. After all, such a sign can promise a cooling of feelings, changes for the worse, and obstacles along the way.

I dreamed about a pier

Changes and trips

Why do you dream about a pier? The dream book believes that soon a sleeping person will have a real opportunity to make a long journey, which will bring a lot of positive emotions.
If a man sees a young woman standing on the pier in a dream, then he will go on a romantic trip with his chosen one. A lonely man dreams of such a vision - it is quite possible that the dreamer will one of these days meet his fate.

Quite unexpectedly for yourself, did you go ashore and find yourself on the pier? You urgently need to take action to change your life, because this cannot continue.

Did you dream of a pier to which you walk along the shore? Receiving important news that will radically change the plans created earlier.

Expect trouble

Looking at parked ships in a dream

In a dream, are you walking along the shore, looking at ships moored at the pier? In reality, you spend too much time on empty conversations with friends and acquaintances. The dream book advises using this time profitably and getting down to business.

In your dream, do you fall off a pier into the water? You will have to be careful of your friends. They decided to set you up.

Why do you dream of a pier covered with snow? A sleeping person, due to external or internal changes, will completely lose interest in his original goals and will live without a dream.

What will the interpreters say?

A pier in a dream is a positive sign rather than a negative one. This is confirmed by most interpreters.

Dreaming of a pier

Interpreter of the Wanderer

A pier seen in a dream represents your hopes. Also, such a vision promises quick marriage for women and marriage for men who see a similar sign.

Interpreter of Adaskina

Try to remember what exactly you saw in your night vision:

Maly Velesov interpreter

A dream about a pier can promise a lot. The dreamer will receive good news that he has long expected.

He will also find joy, unexpected help and a pleasant journey.

Some details

If you are standing on the pier on a fine sunny day, then the dream interpreter believes that you will be able to find your place in life.

To be waiting for another person, to meet someone? You are waiting for pleasant changes, but the dream book promises to be prepared for anything just in case.

Seeing a destroyed pier means your plans will collapse, the collapse of all your hopes awaits you.

According to Gustav Miller, if you met someone you knew on the pier, then your plans will come true because you put effort into it.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about the Pier in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I was at the pier and was waiting for either a ferry or a motor ship. I was running along the pier with my friend, then she stayed to wait for me, and I ran across the bridge. a friend was already waiting at the end of the bridge

    I just recently dreamed that it was as if I was lying on a beach at sea in the summer, and then suddenly, out of nowhere, 3 huge colored ships docked, and in the dream they were sailing towards me, but they stopped and dropped anchor. The sea is quiet, calm. and the weather is warm., I remember in a dream that I have a sailor friend, most likely he sailed on one of the ships, and I quickly get up and start running to meet him at the pier, he saw me and I did him too., we hugged and kissed and walked together somewhere towards the house. Please interpret this dream for me, it seems fateful to me, especially since I very often have prophetic dreams)) this is a man who dreamed and actually exists, he really is a sailor, I really like him, and I would like him to become my husband in the future, could this be an iconic dream??

    I swam on a rubber boat in dirty water. then she moored to the bridge, which was rotten. I was afraid of falling into the water. and my aunt stood next to me in white, white shorts. my dad was in another boat and capsized.

    I was in the hospital. She was at the river pier. I saw many sailboats gathered in a row. Their sails were all the colors of the rainbow. In that hospital I was looking for my son. I was in the staff room, sitting at a common table. Everyone drank tea, and I drank water. I sat in a tense position, covered with a blanket. They told me where to look for my son, but I don’t remember what exactly was said. After those words, I went into another room and sat down at the computer. My father was sitting next to me. He watched some movie of ours and said that he would watch it later. In the same dream I saw a boy. I don't remember what he looked like. He was not in the hospital, but near it. He was engaged in the construction of a facade. He learned to lay tiles, and he also built a staircase. I added new crossbars to it. All the people who were on that pier were engaged in construction and general cleaning.
    They worked hard to get it in order. That's all I remember. P.S. I don't have any son.

    I see the sea, calm, blue, on the left side there are study desks, behind me are my friends, they are saying something, I touch the water, it’s warm, I like it, and in front there is a destroyed ship, the sky there is gray and I’m sad...

    The dream began with the picture that my mother and I went to a cafe to eat, looked at the menu, and ordered. And she took the initiative to open a restaurant for the poor in the Moscow Tekstilshchiki district (the boundaries of the district were different), since in this area there were no restaurants within walking distance of their houses. By chance, a high official of the city turned out to be in this cafe, who approved my opinion with applause. Together with him, I went to explore the area with a view to adding a restaurant to the existing houses (all the houses turned out to be three or four-story buildings). In the process of research, I vaguely selected a few houses, and reached the end of the street, where the chimneys of some enterprise were visible, from which smoke came and spread along the ground, from which the ground was hot. I walked across a corner of this land and felt my feet burn. I decided to move to a safer area, ending up on another street in the area, leading me towards my own house. I did all this on foot. Here I somehow end up on a bicycle and ride towards the house. On the way there is a Kuzminsky forest park, into which I make a turn to shorten the road to the house. Here, after entering it, I find myself in the animal world. A few seconds later I am sucked into the whirlpool of the pool, after which I emerge under the vigilant supervision of my aunts over my body rhythm. As a result, the path leads me not to the house, but to the pier where the ships are moored, I decide to move on, towards the house. And then the dream was interrupted.

    was sailing on a ship, went down to the snow-covered shore, a child was swimming nearby on the shore and crying a lot. She tried to get the child. She walked through deep snow, then a ship sailed up, breaking the pier. The captain gave his hand and lifted her onto the ship. She made her way further along the ship herself, it was scary the wind was blowing

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I walked around several port cities, but I clearly remember how I went to the pier, where I had never been before, but in the dream, as soon as I stepped on the pier, I already knew where I was. And it was all so beautiful, romantic and pleasant that such a state rarely happens in a dream. I was not alone, I was among friends. Thanks in advance.

    I dreamed of a sea or ocean. Pure blue surface. I'm walking along this surface. A man is standing on the pier and looking in my direction. I'm smiling. There is a boat on the sea. I push the boat for him. But he doesn't enter the boat. He takes off his jacket and takes a running start and jumps into the sea. flounders and, emerging from the water, comes towards me. The water is up to his knees. I can even see the sand under his feet. I rejoice. He comes up to me and we walk along the sea. It’s like I’m floating on the surface of the water.

1 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Pier - You see a pier in a dream - you have to go on a long journey; You will need a large travel bag, which has been collecting dust in the closet for a long time. You see ships standing at the pier - soon your plans will come true.

2 Family dream book

Seeing a pier in a dream means:

If you dreamed of a pier, you will soon go on a long journey.
And if you saw ships at the pier, the fulfillment of all your plans and desires lies ahead of you.

3 Dream book for a bitch

Pier - there will be a desire to go to distant countries or at least to visit relatives in another city.
Seeing ships standing at the pier means the fulfillment of plans, good luck and success.

4 Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dreaming about a pier means:

A sea pier in a dream portends a long journey in reality.
If you dream of ships standing at the pier, all your plans and desires will come true.

5 Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Meaning of sleep pier:

Berth - a long absence or a long journey. There are many ships at the pier - learn about grandiose plans. Standing on the pier on a nice sunny day means you have found your place in life. Moving from the pier to a large ship will give you access to the highest spheres.

6 Women's dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a pier:

To dream about a pier, a pier - a pier in a dream foreshadows a long journey in reality. If you dream of ships standing at the pier, all your plans and desires will come true.

7 Christian dream book

What a pier might mean in a dream:

Pier - You will soon go on a long journey. Imagine that a large white sailboat approaches the pier, on which you set sail.

8 Icelandic dream book

Pier in a dream means:

Seeing a destroyed pier is detrimental.

9 Icelandic dream book

If a girl dreams of a pier, it means:

The berth means the goal where difficulties will be resolved and ideas put into practice. Sadomasochism. Childhood and the fear of learning to swim for the first time.

10 Miller's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about a pier:

Long journey;
ships standing at the pier - your plans will be successfully realized.
Also see Ship, Embankment.

11 Dream book of lovers

Why does a woman dream about a pier:

Pier - this dream foreshadows a romantic journey in which you will meet your destiny.

12 Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a pier in a dream means:

Pier, embankment - Seeing a pier in a dream means that in the near future you intend to go on a long journey. Seeing ships docked at the pier in a dream means the fulfillment of your plans and desires - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

13 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

A dream with a pier in the dream book is interpreted as:

I dreamed of a pier - you saw a pier in a dream - you have to go on a long journey; You will need a large travel bag, which has been collecting dust in the closet for a long time. You see ships standing at the pier - soon your plans will come true.