Mobil 1 how to identify the original. A quick way to check engine oil. How to distinguish genuine Shell oil products from fakes

Mobil engine oil can now be checked for authenticity using a smartphone (well, or a laptop, tablet or PC). Manufacturer ExxonMobil has developed a new protection technology. Mobil 1, Mobil Super, Mobil Ultra and Mobil Delvac 1 and 4 liter oil containers have tactile, visual and digital protection on the front labels. They include a unique 12-digit code, a QR code and three-dimensional metal dots with colored stripes.

How to check the oil for authenticity?

The first thing you can do with your smartphone is to scan the QR code. This will open the official mobil link. ru/original with the image of multi-colored stripes, which must be compared with those applied to the metal dots of the label.

This is a simple and at the same time very reliable method of verification. And for those who want to check the authenticity of Mobil oil through the entire stationary PC, tablet or laptop, you need to go to the same page and enter a unique 12-digit code from the sticker on the front of the can. After that, it will be necessary to compare the colors shown on the site and those printed on the label with raised dots. Match - authenticity confirmed!

If the colors do not match, the dots are not embossed, or the QR code is not scanned, inform the manufacturer. To do this, there is a feedback form on the same site. Now car owners can check the originality of Mobil oils, as they say, "on the spot"!

Good day! I hasten to inform you that Mobil has introduced a new degree of protection of its products from fakes! Now you can distinguish fake Mobil oil with a simple ultraviolet lamp! This news is likely to upset companies that sell counterfeit products. However, it is worth noting that Mobil itself has not announced this information anywhere. Until recently, I myself did not know about this and did not immediately notice.

For example, let's take two conventional cans of MOBIL SUPER 3000 5W-40 oil, which is currently one of the most popular oils in our region. On the left, released on 07/24/15, on the right - 07/04/16. Both canisters are original products, not counterfeit. We'll need an ultraviolet flashlight. I used what was at hand, namely a banknote detector with a 4W ultraviolet lamp. Turn off the light and see this picture:

Since the second half of 2016, all official distributors of the Mobil brand in the regions of Russia began to receive canisters with updated labels, some elements of which are coated with an invisible ultraviolet fluorescent pigment. In daylight or artificial light, this paint does not show up in any way, except for small thickenings around the letter “O” in the brand logo and around the viscosity of the engine oil. But as soon as you arm yourself with an ultraviolet flashlight, these elements begin to glow.

The innovation is available for products manufactured at the MOBIL plant in Naantali (Finland). The area code is indicated by the letter N at the beginning of the alphanumeric code on the canister.

However, do not immediately worry if you did not see the glowing symbols on the canister label. A full transition to a new degree of protection is scheduled for the second half of 2017. In the meantime, on the shelves of stores there will be both a regular label and with improved protection.

Of course, Mobile's new anti-counterfeit oil protection is well thought out. But will it be convenient to visit the store with a UV flashlight to identify a fake? What do you think? Write your answer in the comments to this article! That's all, thank you for your attention and see you on our website!

> How to identify Mobil

How to buy essential oils Mobil.

Recently, cases of fake oils have become more frequent. You read the web and understand that every second can of oil is “left”, and this makes you horrified. But in order not to purchase fake oil, you must be armed with knowledge. There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to carefully look at the jar and pay attention to subtle little things.

There is an opinion that oils in iron cans are not faked. I will debunk this myth. When we worked in Khimki, blockheads periodically came to us and asked about metal oil cans. Since we had enough of them, we were ready to sell them at a low price. But the quality of the cans did not suit them, there is a deep scratch, there is a big dent, this one is generally in a terrible state, in short, they were not satisfied with the appearance. And they left not salty slurping. But these banks were very suitable for the guys who took scrap metal from us. I hope there is no need to explain where the banks with a good appearance go, and why we did not have a presentation?

Here is a sample of oil in an iron can. To open the jar, you need to unscrew the lid, pull out the check, and access the contents. The lid was turned away, the pin was pulled, but something went wrong, and the jar opened in another place. In addition, there was a slight coating of oil on the can, which indicates that the can was not completely sealed.

Buying engine oil from an authorized car dealer - I'll add a fly in the ointment to this barrel of honey. A Japanese with Denso came to visit us quite a long time ago, he was interested in spark plugs. After a 1.5 hour conversation, when he figured out everything for himself, I asked him a question: why, when turning to an official dealer in Russia, do I risk getting "left" spark plugs? He answered me: Russian dealers cannot be controlled. I just got confirmation of my thoughts. This is not to the fact that all dealers are chasing left deliveries, but to the fact that buying oil from an “official car dealer” selling cars is not always a guarantee of quality.

Also, during the crisis, which we have with enviable frequency, people begin to save. He comes and asks: how much do you have Mobil 5W40? He finds out the prices and says that over there, it is 300-400 rubles cheaper! Yes please! If the difference of 300r is critical for you, buy oil in that khachmarket and pour it into your engine. For 11 years of cooperation with our supplier , we have never had to bring the left oil. Yes, our sales volumes are small, we do not buy cars, so the discount is also not very large. But we sleep peacefully, from the fact that we fill the engines with high-quality oil.

For oil in iron barrels, see the story about iron cans. In Planet of the Piece of Iron, an empty barrel costs 400 rubles, clean, not badly scratched. But this is already a different level, few people buy 208 liters of oil for their car for a couple of changes.

But this is so, a prelude, so that it would not be boring, we will begin to describe the main nuances now.

First of all, we pick up a 4-liter jar of oil and carefully look at its bottom. We are interested in imprints of the date of manufacture of the container. The first moment is the date of manufacture of the container, the second moment is the quality of the print. Everything is perfectly visible in the photo, so I will not chew it.

As for the date, the year and month of manufacture of the container are indicated in the imprint. On the surface of the jar there are numbers and letters indicating the date of bottling. We compare the data obtained, if we can find the inscriptions. The date of bottling should approximately correspond to the time of manufacture of the container. There may be gaps for 2-3 months, in Europe there is also overproduction, but the container cannot be made later than bottling, or half a year earlier.

Here is an example. We look at the date of manufacture of the container - the 6th month (June), the date of bottling - 10. 03 2015 (March). The only question remains, in what year was the jar released? The number 5, printed just below, may only indicate the number of the conveyor, or the position of the stars in the sky, but not the year of manufacture. Due to the fact that on another can, released in 2014, the number 2 was in this place. It is unprofitable to store ready-made cans with a volume of 4-5 liters for 9 months, it is much cheaper to store plastic granules, and blow containers out of them as needed.

We look at the lid that closes the jar. It should be the same color as the jar itself. And it cannot be black, red, purple ... .. The exceptions are - Green cover, and MOBIL 1 0W-40 - Golden. At the time of writing. Oil can be supplied to the markets of other countries in other canisters, and with lids of various colors, but the article discusses the differences from oils officially supplied to the Russian market.

On the lid there is a brief instruction on how to open the jar.

We carry out an external inspection of the container itself. It should be smooth and even.

Next, let's look at typography. It is pointless to distinguish 30 shades of yellow, you must have a label from the original oil with you and compare it with it. We are interested in the QR code. In the picture, it should look like clear squares without rounded corners. The numbers of the QR code should be next to the square, and not next to the barcode or anywhere else on the label. There should be no dispersion on paint transitions.

There is additional information on the back of the label. It indicates in which languages ​​you can read the annotation and find out where the oil was produced. If there are no our letters, then the product was not imported by an official distributor, or it is a fake.

It is also worth paying attention to what font and way the date of manufacture and batch number are applied. Usually this information is indicated on the back of the container.

I hope these little things will help you not to make a mistake in choosing an oil.

And finally, some addition, which recently came to us from a well-known NOT car shop. It is difficult to say what was poured into the jar, the oil was not taken for examination, but it was returned. But the container was slightly different from the official one. Green marks what you need to pay attention to on the officially sold Mobile. Red is what is on the fake.

You should always remember that oil manufacturers are constantly working on new packaging designs, as well as ways to protect against counterfeit products. The conversion did not go past Shell Helix Ultra 5W40 engine oil. 2 years ago, the design of the canister has changed. The photo below shows the new canister on the right, the previous version on the left.

Of course, you can still find the old version of the canister on the shelves, since the shelf life of the oil is 5 years. At the same time, only 2 years have passed since the rebranding. On the other hand, if you see oil in an old canister, but with a new production date indicated, then this is 100% fake. It's not worth the risk!

When buying, pay special attention to the cover. Its production is based on high quality plastic. The color scheme of the lid must match completely with the tone of the canister. The fixing ring should visually be a continuation of the cover. When opening, the locking ring should be free to come off the cover. In addition, special attention should be paid to the fact that the ring must be intact (without visible damage) and should not be separated from the cover.

It is important to note that the protective film is not a 100% indicator of a fake. The film may or may not be. Basically, everything here depends on the manufacturer, the batch number and the country in which the oil products were produced. Therefore, do not panic ahead of time.

The quality of printing on the canister should be at the level. Images, text should be well printed and readable. Attention should be paid to the PurePlus Technology logo.

The logo is equipped with a special coating that provides a mirror effect. Under normal conditions, this effect is impossible to obtain. As a result, counterfeit products are distinguished by the lack of reflection in the logo.

Canister casting is a special characteristic feature. The plastic of the canister is smooth, without chips or damage. The seams are even, without the lack of poor-quality soldering.

The back label is double layered. The top layer should peel off freely from the canister without leaving print marks on the bottom layer.

Before you were presented only external signs by which you can distinguish between the original Shell Helix Ultra products and its fake. 100% determination can only be made through laboratory examination.

How to distinguish original Shell oil products from a fake?

Top 5 Methods for Identifying Shell Genuine Products

The new Shell canister is equipped with two handles. One is on the top and the other is on the side. This arrangement of the handles was made for convenient transportation and filling of oil into the engine.

The manufacturers made it shorter and narrower than the previous version. The diameter of the neck is strictly 43 mm. The canister lid has been reduced in size. In addition, the valve on the lid is now missing. It is not and will not be. Also, the cover must fit snugly against the retaining ring.

It is important to note that there may be no protective film under the lid of a modern canister. Therefore, this is not an indicator of original products or fakes.

Unlike the previous version of the canister, the label of the new version has changed both on the front and on the back. Label sizes have been increased by 40%.

Shell products on the shelves are presented in canisters of four color tones:

Canisters are not presented in other colors (a sign of a fake).

  1. Code printed on the back of the canister.

The code must be legible. Unfortunately, the technology for applying the code is quite simple, therefore, in the process of packaging engine oil, it can simply be lubricated. The code is applied using an inkjet printer. After the paint has dried, it is impossible to wash off the code. The code includes the batch number, time and date of packaging. Shelf life - 5 years.

Differences between original Shell HX7 10w-40 engine oil products and fakes

Engine oil plays a big role in engine performance. It provides durability, smooth operation and low noise, so every car owner is looking for a worthy product of a well-known brand for their car. Unscrupulous sellers take advantage of the good reputation of many companies and counterfeit their products. How to distinguish fakes of well-known companies, such as Shell, Zik, Castrol, Motul or Mobile, as well as other manufacturers, is described below.

What is the danger of using fake engine oil

Quality motor oil can't be cheap

To deal with this issue, you need to understand the technological process for the production of liquid. At the enterprises of large brands, various additives are added to the initially high-quality engine oil to improve its initial characteristics. Of course, they increase the cost of the process, because of this, a really good oil will not be cheap.

In the case of fake oil, the situation is reversed. The cheapest basis is taken as the basis, mixed with the industrial one and sent to canisters. The cost of production is several times lower, and the selling price is only 10-15 percent.

Mitasu specialist says:

If the price of engine oil is much lower than the market, then this is a reason to think. The fact is that only large retail outlets can afford to purchase goods at a discount. For example, a 2% discount may be provided when buying 3 tons of oil per month or more. Small shops cannot afford this. Therefore, if in a small stall the cost of engine oil is significantly lower than the average for the market, then you should not make a purchase.

Thus, the use of "dangerous" engine oil can lead to the following consequences:

  • Pressure drop in the oil system. Because of this, engine parts receive less fluid than they need;
  • Corrosion of engine parts due to low-quality components and the use of an industrial base not intended for car engines;
  • The temperature range of operation decreases - in the cold season, the car may simply not start.

Synthetics and semi-synthetics are more often faked, because "mineral water" is not highly valued in terms of cost.

Authentication: how to distinguish a fake from the original

Any fake can be distinguished by the following features:

  • Packing and label. Handicraft manufacturers use cheap glue and do not spend money on decent printing - the label on their products quickly peels off and does not look very presentable. Also on the original oil, the sticker cannot be placed crooked. Pay attention to the lid and the shape of the canister;
  • The look and smell of the liquid. Before pouring oil into the engine, carefully inspect it. In fake oil, you can find sediment, traces of delamination, and its color can be very different from transparent amber. If the oil is pitch black, it is fake;
  • Special symbols. Many manufacturers add watermarks, holograms, engravings to their products. Examine the canister for a similar one;
  • Unique codes. If the canister on the counter has a code, look at the goods adjacent to it. If the code on all adjacent packages is the same, these are fake products.

These were common signs. Individual manufacturers may have their own.

Signs of fake Shell oil:

  • Package. The manufacturer changes the design of the label quite often, so if the old version has a recent production date, it is most likely a fake. Check the current version of the label on the Internet;
  • Lid. Must be made of good plastic, not differ in color from the canister;
  • Quality printing. If letters, numbers or drawings of low quality are visible on the label or canister, it is most likely a fake;
  • Canister. Should be made of the same quality plastic as the lid. Should not have defects, casting flaws;
  • Shell cans come in only four colors: yellow, blue, gray and red. In all other cases, it is a fake.

The original products of this brand must have:

  • Castrol logo engraved on the canister lid;
  • Manufacturer's emblem on the ring fixing the lid;
  • There should be a protective film under the cover;
  • Watermark on the back of the container;
  • Unique product code;
  • Current label design.

Signs of the original "Motul":

  • Special shape of the canister;
  • The canister must have a special opening control system - the ring under the lid must stand straight and not move away;
  • Marking Made in Italy or Made in France;
  • Some oils have decals on their caps. For example, Bubble Tag is a small transparent square with bubbles inside.

Mobil: Recognizing a Low-Quality Purchase (with Video Guide)

Signs of the original products of this manufacturer are as follows:

  • The same color of the front sticker and canister cap;
  • The protective ring under the cover is not damaged and is present;
  • The canister is silver or graphite;
  • The assembly is even, there are no casting flaws;
  • Clear label printing
  • At the bottom of the canister there is a code indicating the batch (starts with the letter N or G).

The original product has the following characteristics:

  • Cover - there should be no traces of glue or soldering;
  • High-quality label printing, rich colors;
  • There is an expiration date, certificates, the designation "non-food product" at the bottom;
  • Special watermark at the bottom of the front of the canister.

How to determine the quality of the oil using the oil stain method

To check the oil in this way, you need:

  1. Drop oil on a piece of clean paper;
  2. Gently put a leaf with a drop in a warm place;
  3. Wait for two hours until the oil dries;
  4. Check the drop according to the picture below: one-three points - the oil is good, three-four - normal, five-seven - unsatisfactory, seven-nine or nine-ten - bad.

Shell is one of the most counterfeited motor oils in Russia due to its popularity. In Magnitogorsk, you can also find counterfeit products from this manufacturer. We will talk about how you can distinguish real oil from counterfeit.

The most important way not to run into a fake is to buy in a trusted auto shop, with supplies from a dealer or distributor of a particular brand. Shell has a limited number of wholesalers in the region. You can find a dealer in your city or region on the official website of the company.

In 2016, the company introduced an authentication system based on a QR code and a 16-digit number printed on a label pasted on the lid.

On the top layer there is a hologram, under it are the treasured numbers. There is no foil under the lid. Conventional gasket, spill seal.

Pay attention to the lid itself. She is more or less divorced. Also in the photo you can see a smooth seam.

The seam under the handle is not the same as on the handle. It is thick at the junction of the halves and is located on a smooth strip in a small depression. The photo clearly shows the general original roughness of the canister and the smoothness of this area.

Other signs of real Shell oil on the example of photographs of perhaps the most popular position - Helix HX8 Synthetic synthetics

On the canister of 2016, on the back of its lower part, the number, date and time of bottling are stamped. The numbers are very clear and do not fade. Pay attention to the rib between the halves. This technological flash is quite thick, evenly cut, protrudes above the stiffening ribs. Of course, there is an inscription Msde in Russia. Since all the information on the back label is in Russian, it is also single-layer.

Another sign is an oval flash at the bottom (marked with an arrow). In the photo Shell Helix Ultra, but present on any oil: HX8 Synthetic, HX7.

As for Helix Ultra, at a higher price this oil is better protected. The face label has mirrored areas on the top and on the Pure Plus plunger.

Pay attention to the plastic itself. It is uniformly rough. Closer to smooth, with a mother-of-pearl effect.

It is possible that for oil produced in 2012 or 2014, the code and the bottom of the canister looked a little different, but in 2016, 2017, products made in Russia and purchased from a dealer look exactly like this. With no exceptions.

There is no foil glued to the canister under the lid. The same as on, for example, Mobil, a ring made of fairly thick paper.

06/16/2016 Recently, the number of fake goods on store shelves has been increasing. Despite the fact that there is an active fight against falsification of products, the counterfeit industry is only growing. The problem of counterfeiting and identification of goods also affected the segment of motor oils. Recently, four workshops were identified in the Moscow region that produced oils that imitate the products of popular brands Mobil, Shell, TOTAL, elf and others.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 90% of customer complaints about counterfeit motor oils are related to well-known imported brands Mobil, Castrol, Shell. They fake not only imported oils, but also domestic ones: complaints about Lukoil products amounted to 5%. The scale of counterfeiting has led to the fact that 79% of buyers are already seriously concerned about where to buy an original product and how to recognize a fake.

When choosing engine oil, you need to pay attention to the following properties of the product. First is the SAE viscosity. The indicator is written in this form: 5W30, 5W60, 10W4, etc. The first number indicates the low temperature viscosity of the oil, and the second indicates the viscosity at high temperature. The second important property is the basis of the product (in other words, the base oil). Oil bases vary in oxidation resistance, and this quality determines how long the oil will work in the engine without replacement.

It is also worth paying attention to whether the product complies with the classification of the American Petroleum Institute API and the Association of European Automobile Manufacturers ACEA.

Belonging to a particular class demonstrates the level of performance properties of the oil.

But no matter how carefully the buyer studies the composition of the product and pays attention to its certification, the likelihood of encountering counterfeit oil is high.

Common ways to protect a product, whether it be a special canister, marking, label or hologram, have become obsolete. Various holograms and holographic tapes are ineffective due to the lack of a standard of this holographic protection from the inspection bodies and end users in order to compare a potential fake with a sample. Moreover, unscrupulous manufacturers copy the very matrix of a hologram of any complexity in two weeks.

Car enthusiasts use new methods of checking goods for counterfeit: they study stickers on packages, focusing on special criteria; compare the quality of printed labels.

Such methods of checking goods for originality can take a long time, and the effectiveness of some of them is even questionable.

Today, there is no point in resorting to such recommendations, because a convenient way to verify the authenticity of a product has been developed and implemented on the technology market - the Original! This is a unique service that helps to distinguish an original product from a fake in a minimum of actions. To check the product for authenticity, it is enough to send a unique product code to SMS number 2420 or tell it to the operator of the round-the-clock support service.

If the product has not been verified for authenticity, the consumer will receive an SMS with information about the falsification of products on his mobile phone. The buyer will also be provided with advice on further actions in the fight against counterfeiting. The unique code of each product is serviced for 7 years.

System Original! already used by KAMAZ PJSC, OAT, Obninskorgsintez, Daido Metal Rus and Rostar.

Many ways to check goods for counterfeit products and round-the-clock support service allow the Original! promptly inform car owners of the results of an examination of the authenticity of engine oil and interact with customers on all issues at any time convenient for them.

When pouring this popular lubricant into the engine, many people ask how to distinguish a fake Mobil 1 oil? It is one of the most attractive for forgers, and at the same time - very popular among motorists. Filling in a dubious liquid, at best, will prevent the engine from starting in the cold.

At worst, the fake will be less viscous than required; when heated, its pressure will drop sharply, the motor will not be sufficiently lubricated, which means that its resource will be exhausted much earlier than planned. Even more terrible is the situation in which the fake does not contain the required amount of additives.

Rinsing the systems of the car with such terrible mixtures will lead to internal corrosion and overhaul after 20, maximum - 30 thousand mileage.

How to distinguish a fake Mobil 1 oil, the manufacturer itself tried to enlighten. We will supplement their recommendations with general rules and correct approaches to buying, developed by those who have already burned themselves on counterfeit.

Signs related to any oil

A number of red flags can be applied to the evaluation of any manufacturer's product.

  • The manufacturer's address must be indicated on the label in full. If not, then you have a clear fake. But if it is, it still does not guarantee anything;
  • Transparent or translucent dishes also suggest that this is not an original: reputable companies have been pouring products into denser and non-translucent containers for 5-6 years;
  • All labels must be glued tightly over the entire area, without bubbles and folds. In general, it is better to choose an oil, the original of which is bottled in cans, in which all the information is applied directly to the plastic, without paper;
  • The date of manufacture of the contents of the bottle, marked on the label, must match the date stamped on the bottom of the canister;
  • Most manufacturers stick a hologram of their company on the label or melt the hologram of their company into the plastic of the canister. Her absence is highly suspect; its presence, but with bullying and probing the edge, is also in doubt;
  • It is obligatory to check the integrity of the packaging itself and the pouring opening. It must not have a damaged tear ring or control paper labels on the lid;
  • Inspection of the canister can also be beneficial: burrs and rough seams indicate that the container was concocted “on the knee” from low-quality plastic;
  • One of the very useful tips is to buy oil that was released quite recently (a month, at most 2 years ago): scammers do not print labels every month, most often counterfeit oil is dated six months ago.

What does Mobil pay attention to buyers?

  • Taking care of your customers is a guarantee that they will stay with you for a long time. So the mentioned manufacturer took care of a whole bunch of protections and familiarizing consumers with them.

    Even if you memorized by heart how to distinguish a fake Mobil 1 oil, and carry with you a canister in which the original was (for comparison), it is not a fact that you will not be slipped a counterfeit product. The best defense against crooks has been and remains the purchase of oil from official dealers, with a receipt, according to which, in which case, the oil will be exchanged for you - or you will have justified, proven claims against the seller in case of problems with the engine.