The fastest plane in the world. Water speed record will kill whoever breaks it Hydrogen-powered car

A jet aircraft is an aircraft that flies in the air by using air-breathing engines in its design. They can be turbojet, direct-flow, pulsating type, liquid. Jet aircraft can also be equipped with a rocket-type engine. In the modern world, aircraft with jet engines occupy the majority of all modern aircraft.

A Brief History of Jet Aircraft Development

The beginning of the history of jet aircraft in the world is considered to be 1910, when a Romanian designer and engineer named Henri Conada created an aircraft based on a piston engine. The difference from standard models was the use of a blade compressor, which drove the machine. The designer began to be especially active in the post-war period that his device was equipped with a jet engine, although initially he stated the categorically opposite.

By studying the design of A. Konad's first jet aircraft, several conclusions can be drawn. First, the design features of the car show that the engine located in front and its exhaust gases would kill the pilot. The second development option could only be a fire on the plane. This is exactly what the designer was talking about; during the first launch, the tail section was destroyed by fire.

As for the jet type aircraft that were manufactured in the 1940s, they had a completely different design where the engine and pilot seat were removed, and as a result this improved safety. In places where the engine flames came into contact with the fuselage, special heat-resistant steel was installed, which did not cause injury or destruction to the hull.

First prototypes and developments

Of course, aircraft with a turbojet power plant have significantly more advantages than aircraft with piston engines.

    The aircraft of German origin, designated He 178, was first flown on August 27, 1939.

    In 1941, a similar device from British designers called Gloster E.28/39 took to the skies.

Vehicles with rocket engines

    The He 176, created in Germany, made its first takeoff from the runway on July 20, 1939.

    The Soviet aircraft BI-2 took off in May 1942.

Airplanes with a multi-compressor engine (they are considered conditionally airworthy)

    The Campini N.1, an Italian-made aircraft, first flew in late August 1940. a flight speed of 375 km/h was achieved, and this is even less than its piston counterpart.

    The Japanese Oka, powered by the Tsu-11 engine, was intended for one-time use as it was a bomb plane with a kamikaze pilot on board. Due to defeat in the war, the combustion chamber was never completed.

    By borrowing technology from France, the Americans were also able to produce their own model of jet-powered aircraft, which became the Bell P-59. The car had two jet engines. The first separation from the runway was recorded in October 1942. It should be noted that this machine was quite successful, since its production was carried out in series. The device had some advantages over its piston counterparts, but still it did not take part in hostilities.

First successful jet prototypes


    The created Jumo-004 engine was used for several experimental and production aircraft. It should be noted that this is the first power plant in the world that had an axial compressor, like modern fighters. The USA and USSR received a similar type of engine much later.

    The Me.262 aircraft with a Jumo-004 engine installed first took to the air on July 18, 1942, and 43 months later it carried out its first combat mission. The advantages in the air of this fighter were significant. There was a delay in the launch of the series due to the incompetence of management.

    The Ar 234 type reconnaissance-bomber jet was manufactured in the summer of 1943 and was also equipped with a Jumo-004 engine. It was actively used in the last months of the war, since only it could work in a situation with a strong preponderance of enemy forces.

Great Britain:

  • The first jet fighter manufactured by the British was the Gloster Meteor, which was created in March 1943 and entered service on July 27, 1944. At the end of the war, the fighter's main task was to intercept German aircraft carrying V-1 cruise missiles.


    The first jet fighter in the United States was the Lockheed F-80. The first separation from the runway was recorded in January 1944. The aircraft was equipped with an Allison J33 engine, which is considered a modified version of the engine installed on the Gloster Meteor. It saw its baptism of fire in the Korean War, but was soon replaced by the F-86 Saber.

    The first carrier-based jet-powered fighter was ready in 1945, designated the FH-1 Phantom.

    The US jet bomber was ready in 1947, it was the B-45 Tornado. Further development made it possible to create the B-47 Stratojet with an AllisonJ35 engine. This engine was independently developed without introducing technologies from other countries. As a result, a bomber was manufactured that is still in use today, namely the B-52.


    The first jet aircraft in the USSR was the MiG-9. First takeoff – 05/24/1946. A total of 602 such aircraft were delivered from the factories.

    The Yak-15 is a jet-powered fighter aircraft that was in service with the Air Force. This aircraft is considered a transitional model from piston to jet aircraft.

    The MiG-15 was manufactured in December 1947. It was actively used in the military conflict in Korea.

    The Il-22 jet bomber was manufactured in 1947 and was the first in the further development of bombers.

Supersonic jets

    The only carrier-based bomber in the history of aircraft manufacturing with supersonic propulsion capabilities is the A-5 Vigilent aircraft.

    Supersonic carrier-based fighters - F-35 and Yak-141.

In civil aviation, only two passenger aircraft with the ability to fly at supersonic speeds were created. The first one was manufactured on the territory of the USSR in 1968 and was designated as Tu-144. 16 of these aircraft were produced, but after a series of accidents the aircraft was taken out of service.

The second passenger vehicle of this type was manufactured by France and Great Britain in 1969. A total of 20 aircraft were built, and operation continued from 1976 to 2003.

Jet aircraft records

    The Airbus A380 can accommodate 853 people on board.

    The Boeing 747 has been the world's largest passenger aircraft for 35 years, with a passenger capacity of 524 people.


    The An-225 Mriya is the only aircraft in the world that has a payload capacity of 250 tons. It was originally manufactured to transport the Buran space system.

    The An-124 Ruslan is one of the largest aircraft in the world with a payload capacity of 150 tons.

    It was the largest cargo aircraft before the appearance of Ruslan, with a carrying capacity of 118 tons.

Maximum flight speed

    The Lockheed SR-71 aircraft reaches a speed of 3,529 km/h. 32 aircraft were manufactured, but cannot take off with full tanks.

    MiG-25 – normal flight speed is 3,000 km/h, acceleration to 3,400 km/h is possible.

Future prototypes and developments



  • High Speed ​​Civil.
  • Tu-244.

Business Class:

    SSBJ, Tu-444.

    SAI Quiet, Aerion SBJ.


  • Reaction Engines A2.

Managed Laboratories:

    Quiet Spike.

    Tu-144LL with engines from the Tu-160.


  • X-51
  • X-43.

Aircraft classification:


Sound travels in air at a speed of 1,224 km/h. Airplanes were able to overcome this speed indicator quite a long time ago. Another ambitious milestone for engineers at one time was overcoming a speed of Mach 2 or 2448 km/h. And this milestone was taken. To date, more than one aircraft has been able to overcome it. Most of them have a military purpose, but the absolute speed record holders are predominantly research vehicles.

1. Su-27

The Soviet Su-27 aircraft reaches a speed of Mach 2.3 or 2876.4 km/h. The aircraft has two engines and a fly-by-wire control system. At one time, the car was created as a counterweight to the American F-15 Eagle. By the way, despite being 35 years old, the Su-27 still remains a relevant aircraft and is in service.

2. General Dynamics F-111

A tactical bomber that reaches a speed of Mach 2.5 (3060 km/h). The machine was created in 1998. It is capable of lifting up to 14,300 kg into the air. Carries both conventional and nuclear bombs. In other words, this is a very serious device!

3. McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle

American-made all-weather fighter. Without any problems, it reaches a speed of 3065 km/h while in the air. According to the latest data, the Pentagon expects to keep this vehicle in service until 2025 and only after that expects to replace it with something more advanced.

4. Mig 31

A domestic aircraft, which, thanks to two incredibly powerful engines, reaches a speed of Mach 2.83, which is 3463.92 km/h. By the way, the device can reach supersonic speeds both at low and high altitudes.

5. XB-70 Valkyrie

Another child of the Cold War. With a mass of 240 tons, the XB-70 Valkyrie reaches a speed of Mach 3 or 3672 km/h. He does all this with the help of his six powerful engines. This speed was given to the aircraft in order to escape not only from Soviet interceptors, but also from the affected area of ​​a nuclear explosion. And all because it is a strategic bomber with a cruising range of 6900 km.

6. Bell X-2 Starbuster

Another American aircraft - this time not military, but experimental. Accelerates to 3911.9 km/h. The first flight of the machine took place back in 1954. The program was canceled after an incident during testing.

7. MiG-25

American reconnaissance interceptor. This is exactly how the MiG-25 was positioned at one time. The maximum speed of this machine is 3.2 times the speed of sound and is 3916.8 km/h. Ironically, the 25th never intercepted a single reconnaissance officer in its entire time, but it showed itself to be excellent in several armed conflicts.

8. Lockheed YF-12

This aircraft should not be confused with the Blackbird. This machine was developed exclusively as a prototype for taking on new speed limits in the air. The maximum speed is Mach 3.35 or 4100 km/h.

9. SR-71 Blackbird

The SR-71 Blackbird, which needs no introduction, was in service with the US Air Force and was later transferred to NASA for scientific research. A total of 32 of these were made. By the way, this was the first aircraft with stealth technology. Maximum speed – 4102.8 km/h.

10. North American X-15

The fastest manned aircraft in the world. The maximum speed in the sky reaches Mach 6.7 (8200 km/h). The machine was created for scientific experiments.

There are so many interesting things in the world. And terrible too, unfortunately. Here are at least some that will be interesting for every person to know about.

Nowadays, there is hardly a single person left who does not know about jet aircraft and has not flown on them. But few people know what a difficult path engineers from all over the world had to go through to achieve such results. There are even fewer who know exactly what modern jet aircraft are and how they work. Jet aircraft are advanced, powerful passenger or military vessels powered by an air-breathing engine. The main feature of a jet aircraft is its incredible speed, which makes the propulsion mechanism stand out from the outdated propeller-driven one.

In English, the word "reactive" sounds like "jet". Having heard it, thoughts immediately appear associated with some kind of reaction, and this is not fuel oxidation at all, because such a movement system is acceptable for cars with carburetors. As for airliners and military aircraft, the principle of their operation is somewhat reminiscent of a rocket taking off: the physical body reacts to the powerful jet of gas emitted, as a result of which it moves in the opposite direction. This is the basic operating principle of jet aircraft. Also, an important role in the performance of the mechanism that sets such a large machine in motion is played by the aerodynamic properties, wing profile, type of engine (pulsating, direct-flow, liquid, etc.), and design.

The first attempts to create a jet aircraft

The search for a more powerful and high-speed engine for the military, and in the future civilian aircraft began back in 1910. The basis was taken from rocket research of past centuries, which described in detail the use of powder accelerators that can significantly reduce the length of the afterburner and take-off run. The chief designer was the Romanian engineer Henri Coanda, who created an aircraft powered by a piston engine.

What made the first jet aircraft of 1910 different from the standard models of the time? The main difference was the presence of a bladed compressor, which is responsible for setting the aircraft in motion. The Coanda airplane was the first, but very unsuccessful attempt to create an aircraft with a jet engine. During further tests, the device burned out, which confirmed the inoperability of the design.

Subsequent studies revealed possible reasons for the failure:

  1. Poor engine placement. Due to the fact that it was located in the front part of the structure, the danger to the life of the pilot was very great, since the exhaust gases simply would not allow a person to breathe normally and would cause suffocation;
  2. The emitted flame fell directly on the tail of the airplane, which could lead to a fire in this area, a fire and the crash of the aircraft.

Despite the complete fiasco, Henri Coanda claimed that it was he who had the first successful ideas regarding a jet engine for aircraft. In fact, the first successful models were created immediately before the start of the Second World War, in the 30-40s of the 20th century. Having worked on the mistakes, engineers from Germany, the USA, England, and the USSR created aircraft that did not threaten the life of the pilot, and the structure itself was made of heat-resistant steel, thanks to which the body was reliably protected from any damage.

Additional informative information. An engineer from England can rightfully be called the discoverer of the jet engine.Frank Whittle, who proposed the first ideas and received his patent on them in the end XIX century.

The beginning of the creation of aircraft in the USSR

People first started talking about the development of a jet engine in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The theory of creating powerful airplanes capable of reaching supersonic speed was put forward by the famous Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky. The talented designer A.M. Lyulka managed to bring this idea to life. It was he who designed the first Soviet jet aircraft powered by a turbojet engine.

The engineer said that this design could reach a speed unprecedented for those times, up to 900 km/h. Despite the fantastic nature of the proposal and the inexperience of the young designer, USSR engineers took on the project. The first airplane was almost ready, but in 1941 hostilities began, the entire team of designers, including Arkhip Mikhailovich, were forced to begin work on tank engines. The bureau itself, with all its aviation developments, was taken deep into the USSR.

Fortunately, A.M. Lyulka was not the only engineer who dreamed of creating an aircraft with a jet aircraft engine. New ideas about creating a fighter-interceptor, the flight of which would be ensured by a liquid engine, were proposed by designers A.Ya. Bereznyak and A.M. Isaev, working in the Bolkhovitinov engineering bureau. The project was approved, so the developers soon began working on the creation of the BI-1 fighter, which, despite the war, was built. The first tests of the rocket fighter began on May 15, 1942, with the brave and courageous test pilot E.Ya. Bakhchivandzhi at its helm. The tests were a success, but continued throughout the next year. Having demonstrated a maximum speed of 800 km/h, the aircraft became uncontrollable and crashed. This happened at the end of 1943. The pilot did not survive, and the tests were stopped. At this time, the countries of the Third Reich were actively engaged in developments and launched more than one air-breathing aircraft into the air, so the USSR was losing greatly on the air front and was completely unprepared.

Germany – the country of the first jet vehicles

The first jet aircraft were developed by German engineers. The creation of designs and production were carried out secretly in disguised factories located deep in the forest, so this discovery came as something of a surprise to the world. Hitler dreamed of becoming a world ruler, so he recruited the best designers in Germany to create powerful weapons, including high-speed jet aircraft. There were, of course, both failures and successful projects.

The most successful of them was the first German jet aircraft, the Messer-schmitt Me-262 (Messerschmitt-262), which was also called the Sturmvogel.

This aircraft became the first in the world to successfully pass all tests, take off freely and then begin mass production. The great “destroyer of the enemies of the Third Reich” "had the following features:

  • The device had two turbojet engines;
  • There was a radar located in the nose of the airliner;
  • The maximum speed of the aircraft reached 900 km/h, while the instructions indicated that it was extremely undesirable to bring ships to such speeds, as control over the controls was lost and the aircraft began to make steep dives in the air.

Thanks to all these indicators and design features, the first jet aircraft, the Messerschmitt-262, was an effective means of fighting against Allied aircraft, the high-altitude B-17s, nicknamed “flying fortresses.” The Sturmofogels were faster, so they conducted a “free hunt” for USSR aircraft that were equipped with piston engines.

Interesting fact. Adolf Hitler was so fanatical in his desire for world domination that he reduced the efficiency of the Messer-schmitt Me-262 aircraft with his own hands. The fact is that the design was originally designed as a fighter, but on the instructions of the ruler of Germany, it was converted into a bomber, because of this the engine power was not fully exploited.

This course of action did not suit the Soviet authorities at all, so they began to work on creating new aircraft models that could compete with German aircraft. The most talented engineers A.I. Mikoyan and P.O. Sukhoi got to work. The main idea was to add an additional piston engine by K.V. Kholshchevnikov, which would give the fighter acceleration at the right time. The engine was not too powerful, so it worked for no more than 5 minutes, because of this, its function was acceleration, and not constant operation throughout the flight.

New creations of Russian aircraft manufacturing could not help resolve the war. Despite this, the super-powerful German Me-262 aircraft did not help Hitler turn the course of military events in his favor. Soviet pilots demonstrated their skill and victory over the enemy even with conventional piston ships. In the post-war period, Russian designers created the following USSR jet aircraft , which later became the prototypes of modern airliners:

  • The I-250, better known as the legendary MiG-13, is a fighter aircraft that A.I. Mikoyan worked on. The first flight was made in March 1945, at that time the car showed a record speed of 820 km/h;

  • A little later, namely in April 1945, for the first time a jet aircraft took to the skies, rising and maintaining flight due to an air-breathing motor-compressor and piston engine, which was located in the rear part of the structure, P.O. Sukhoi “Su-5”. The speed indicators were no lower than those of its predecessor and exceeded 800 km/h;
  • An innovation in engineering and aircraft construction in 1945 was the RD-1 liquid-jet engine. It was first used in the Su-7 aircraft model designed by P.O. Sukhoi, which was also equipped with a piston engine that performed the main pushing and driving function. G. Komarov became the tester of the new aircraft. During the first test, it was noted that the additional motor increased the average speed by 115 km/h - this was a great achievement. Despite the good result, the RD-1 engine became a real problem for Soviet aircraft manufacturers. Similar aircraft equipped with this model of liquid-jet engine - "Yak-3" and "La-7R", on which engineers S.A. Lavochkin and A.S. Yakovlev worked, crashed during testing due to constant leakage. motor failure;
  • After the end of the war and the defeat of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union received German aircraft with jet engines “JUMO-004” and “BMW-003” as trophies. Then the designers realized that they were indeed several steps behind. Among engineers, the engines were called “RD-10” and “RD-20”; on their basis, the first aviation jet engines were created, on which A.M. Lyulka, A.A. Mikulin, V.Ya. Klimov worked. At the same time, P.O. Sukhoi was developing a powerful twin-engine aircraft, equipped with two RD-10 type engines located directly under the wings of the aircraft. The jet fighter-interceptor was named "SU-9". The disadvantage of this arrangement of motors can be considered strong drag during flight. The advantages are excellent access to the engines, thanks to which one could easily get to the mechanism and repair the breakdown. The design feature of this aircraft model was the presence of starting powder accelerators for takeoff, braking parachutes for landing, guided air-to-air missiles and a booster amplifier, which facilitates the control process and increases the maneuverability of the device. The first flight of the Su-9 was carried out in November 1946, but the matter never reached serial production;

  • In April 1946, an air parade took place in the city of Tushino. It presented new aircraft from the aviation design bureaus of Mikoyan and Yakovlev. The MiG-9 and Yak-15 jet aircraft were immediately put into production.

In fact, Sukhoi “lost” to his competitors. Although, it’s hard to call it a loss, because his fighter model was recognized, and during this time he was able to practically complete work on a new, more modern project - the SU-11, which became a real legend in the history of aircraft construction and the prototype of powerful airliners of our time.

Interesting f Act. In fact, the SU-9 jet plane was hard call it a simple fighter. TO The designers nicknamed it “heavy” among themselves, because the aircraft’s cannon and bomb armament was at a fairly high level. It is generally accepted that the SU-9 was the prototype of modern fighter-bombers. Over the entire period, approximately 1,100 units of equipment were manufactured, but they were not exported. More than once the legendary Sukhoi Ninth was used to intercept reconnaissance aircraft in the air ny aircraft. IN the first time this happened was in 1960, when airplanes burst into the airspace of the USSR " LockheedU -2".

First world prototypes

Not only Germans and Soviet designers were involved in the development, testing of new airliners and their production. Engineers from the USA, Italy, Japan, and Great Britain also created many successful projects that cannot be ignored. The first developments with various types of engines include:

  • “He-178” is a German aircraft with a turbojet power plant, which took off in August 1939;
  • "GlosterE. 28/39” - an aircraft originally from Great Britain with a turbojet engine, which first took to the skies in 1941;
  • "He-176" - a fighter created in Germany using a rocket engine, made its first flight in July 1939;
  • "BI-2" is the first Soviet aircraft that was propelled by a rocket power plant;
  • “CampiniN.1” is a jet aircraft created in Italy, which became the first attempt by Italian designers to move away from the piston analogue. But something went wrong in the mechanism, so the plane could not boast of high speed (only 375 km/h). The launch took place in August 1940;
  • “Oka” with a Tsu-11 engine is a Japanese fighter-bomb, a so-called disposable aircraft with a kamikaze pilot on board;
  • BellP-59 is an American airliner with two rocket-type jet engines. Production went into series production after the first flight in 1942 and extensive testing;

  • GlosterMeteor is an air-jet fighter manufactured in Great Britain in 1943; played a significant role during the Second World War, and after its end it served as an interceptor of German V-1 cruise missiles;
  • "LockheedF-80" is a jet aircraft manufactured in the USA using an AllisonJ engine. These aircraft more than once participated in the Japanese-Korean War;
  • "B-45 Tornado" - a prototype of modern American B-52 bombers, created in 1947;
  • "MiG-15" - a successor to the recognized jet fighter "MiG-9", which actively participated in the military conflict in Korea, was produced in December 1947;
  • Tu-144 is the first Soviet supersonic air-jet passenger aircraft, which became famous for a series of accidents and was discontinued. A total of 16 copies were produced.

This list can be continued endlessly; airliners are improving every year, as designers from all over the world are working to create a new generation of aircraft capable of flying at the speed of sound.

Some interesting facts

Now there are liners that can accommodate a large number of passengers and cargo, have enormous dimensions and an unimaginable speed of over 3000 km/h, equipped with modern combat equipment. But there are some truly amazing designs; Record-breaking jet aircraft include:

  1. Airbus A380 is the most spacious aircraft, capable of accommodating 853 passengers, which is ensured by its double-deck design. It is also one of the most luxurious and expensive airliners of our time. Emirates Airline offers numerous amenities to its customers, including a Turkish bath, VIP apartments and cabins, bedrooms, bars and an elevator. But not all devices have such options; it all depends on the airline.

  1. "Boeing 747" - for more than 35 years it was considered the most passenger-capacity double-decker airliner and could accommodate 524 passengers;
  2. AN-225 Mriya is a cargo aircraft that boasts a payload capacity of 250 tons;
  3. "LockheedSR-71" is a jet aircraft that reaches a speed of 3529 km/h during flight.


Thanks to modern innovative developments, passengers can get from one point of the world to another in just a few hours, fragile cargo that requires prompt transportation is quickly delivered, and a reliable military base is provided. Aviation research does not stand still, because jet aircraft are the basis of rapidly developing modern aviation. Currently, several Western and Russian manned, passenger, and unmanned airliners with jet engines are being designed, the release of which is planned for the next few years. Russian innovative developments of the future include the 5th generation PAK FA “T-50” fighter, the first copies of which will presumably enter service at the end of 2017 or the beginning of 2018 after testing a new jet engine.

MiG-25 (according to NATO codification: Foxbat) - Soviet supersonic high-altitude twin-engine fighter-interceptor of the 3rd generation

The MiG-25 aircraft holds flight speed records with a load of 1 and 2 tons. The SR-71 aircraft holds records for unloaded flight speed on an external sling on closed 500 and 1000 km routes and on a short base. In these categories, the SR-71 broke the records of the Soviet interceptor. The cruising speed of the SR-71 when fully fueled is 3,200 km/h at an altitude of 24,400 m and increases to 3,300 as the fuel runs out and the horizontal flight altitude increases to 25 km. The official speed record is 3529.56 km/h based on 15 - 25 km. For the MiG-25, the maximum flight speed at high altitude is often specified as 3,000 km/h. This is a functional speed - that is, the one that is achieved by the interceptor with full missile armament (4 R-40 missile launchers weighing 2 tons). Without external suspensions, the mission is carried out by the MiG-25R reconnaissance aircraft. In connection with this, the maximum speed corresponding to the number M = 3 is sometimes indicated for it.

Meanwhile, the MiG-25 aircraft is capable of reaching a higher Mach value. For example, during test flights it was found that the cockpit glazing begins to melt when reaching Mach 3.12 (over 3300 km/h). During flight tests, it was also found that the aircraft's controllability deteriorated at speeds more than 3 times the speed of sound. But the most significant surprise for the pilots was the process of a sudden uncontrolled increase in speed when moving beyond the number M = 2.83. According to the pilots, psychologically it seemed that the plane would accelerate to the point of self-destruction. As a result, for the MiG-25 during operation, a limit was set on the Mach number corresponding to the value 2.83 (3,000 km/h). Flight time at this speed is limited to 8 minutes (initially - 3 minutes). And although in a number of cases the most experienced testers (Fedotov, Ostapenko) accelerated the aircraft to a speed of more than 3,000 km/h in record flights to maximum altitude, the Soviet MiGs still never “squeezed out” the maximum possible speed

However, during the Arab-Israeli war, in combat conditions that involved flying over territory controlled by enemy air defense systems and interceptor fighters, this and other operational restrictions were not always observed. According to Israeli air defense specialists, MiG-i flights over Israeli territory were carried out at speeds of up to 3,700 km/h. This enemy data was recognized as authoritative in the United States. The American reference book of Soviet weapons indicated the maximum speed of the MiG-25PDS as 3400 km/h.

In a film about the MiG-25 aircraft shot in the USA, one of the commentators was the traitor pilot Belenko, who flew a MiG-25 to Japan in 1972. When asked whether the MiG could have caught up with the Blackbird, he answered in the affirmative, emphasizing that the overtaking time should be about 10 minutes. Obviously, not only testers but also combat pilots were aware of the ability of the MiG-25 to accelerate with afterburner to significantly higher speeds than those limited by the instructions.

Further modernization of the MiG-25 - experimental aircraft E-155M, converted from the original version, was equipped with more powerful engines with a thrust of 13,500 kgf (versus 11,200 kgf for the original aircraft) and could develop a speed of M = 3 at an altitude of 24,200 m with full missile armament At the same time, the armament included not only 4 R-40 missiles, but also R-60 close-range missiles.

In the mid-1960s, work was carried out to modify the E-155PA interceptor with engines with a thrust of 15,000 kgf (four of the same engines were installed on the T-4 aircraft from the Sukhoi Design Bureau). This modification of the MiG-25 was supposed to reach a maximum speed of 3700 - 4000 km/h.

It should be noted that, unlike the creators of the American reconnaissance aircraft, the creators of the MiG-25 aircraft were by no means aimed solely at achieving the highest possible speed.

This aircraft also holds the world altitude record of 37,650 meters in 1977

An airplane is a fairly fast vehicle, but among airplanes the fastest ones also stand out.

1 MiG-25 3.2M is the fastest aircraft.

A sniper pilot I know said over a cigarette: “Yes, this plane has no speed limit, it’s only on paper.” This is of course an exaggeration, but this is the fastest plane in the world.

Soviet single-seat supersonic high-altitude interceptor, designed by the Mikoyan-Gurevich design bureau.
A legendary aircraft on which several world records were set, including a speed record, but as usual in the USSR, they kept silent about many things. According to General Designer R.A. Belyakov, exceeding M=3 speed by the MiG reduced the airframe's service life, but did not lead to damage to the aircraft or engine. According to familiar pilots, the plane repeatedly surpassed the 3.5M threshold, but such a record was not officially recorded.
On September 6, 1976, the Mig-25 aircraft was hijacked by USSR Air Force pilot Viktor Belenko to Japan. The plane was returned, but before that it was dismantled down to the screw. The new aircraft were modified and received the MiG-25PD index; all those in service were modernized and awarded the MiG-25PDS index.
Belenko at the Hakodate airport fired a pistol, preventing the “Japs” from approaching the MiG, and demanded that the plane be covered, but the commission that investigated the incident came to the conclusion that the flight was deliberate, although without obvious treasonous purposes.

2 Lockheed SR-71 3.2M

US Air Force strategic supersonic reconnaissance aircraft. Unofficially named "Blackbird". The plane became famous for its unreliability; in 34 years, 12 of the 32 existing aircraft were lost.
The main maneuver of the aircraft when avoiding missiles was climbing and acceleration. In 1976, the SR-71 “Blackbird” set an absolute speed record among manned aircraft with ramjet engines - 3529.56 km/h

3 MiG-31 2.82M

two-seat supersonic all-weather long-range fighter-interceptor. The first Soviet fourth generation combat aircraft. The MiG-31 is designed to intercept and destroy air targets at low, extremely low, medium and high altitudes, day and night, in simple and adverse weather conditions, when the enemy uses active and passive radar jamming, as well as heat traps. A group of four MiG-31 aircraft is capable of controlling airspace with a front length of 800-900 km.
Maximum permissible speed at altitude: 3000 km/h (2.82 M)

4 McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Eagle 2.5M

American all-weather tactical fighter of the fourth generation. Designed to gain air superiority. Adopted into service in 1976.
Maximum speed at high altitude: 2650 km/h (Mach 2.5+)

5 General Dynamics F-111 2.5M

two-seat long-range tactical bomber, tactical support aircraft with variable wing geometry.
Maximum speed: at altitude: 2655 km/h (Mach 2.5)

6 Su-24 2.4M

Soviet front-line bomber with a variable sweep wing, designed to carry out missile and bomb strikes in simple and adverse weather conditions, day and night, including at low altitudes with targeted destruction of ground and surface targets. According to familiar pilots, the plane is equipped with an autopilot system capable of controlling the plane at ultra-low altitudes, holding, for example, 120 meters above the ground, but not many pilots could mentally withstand the work of the autopilot; the plane was approaching the rise of the earth's surface, rocks, etc. at high speed. d. and exactly at a distance of 120 meters made a climb maneuver.

7 Grumman F-14 Tomcat 2.37M

Jet interceptor, fourth generation fighter-bomber, with variable wing geometry. Developed in the 1970s to replace Phantoms.

8 Su-27 2.35M

Soviet multi-role, highly maneuverable, all-weather fighter, developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau and designed to gain air superiority.
Thanks to thrust vector control, the aircraft is capable of performing miracles, “Cobra” and “Frolov’s Chakra”. Such aerobatics demonstrate the ability to keep the aircraft from stalling at angles of attack exceeding the critical one.

9 MiG-23 2.35M

Soviet multi-role fighter with variable sweep wing. MiG-23 fighters took part in many armed conflicts in the 1980s
Maximum permissible speed, km/h 2.35M

10 Grumman F-14D Tomcat 2.34M

The F-14D modification differed from the previous ones with a more powerful Hughes AN/APG-71 radar; the system allows you to track 24 targets and capture and launch missiles at 6 of them simultaneously, at various altitudes and ranges, with improved avionics and a refurbished cockpit. A total of 37 aircraft of this type were built, another 104 were converted from previously produced F-14As and were designated F-14D(R).

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