Shell helix hx8 5w40 to distinguish from a fake. How to distinguish fake Shell Helix Ultra oil? Should there be a protective membrane under the lid

One of the most popular petrochemical products on the world market is Shell products. Over the long years of its existence, it has won leading positions in the rankings of the most effective lubricants. The company's range is constantly growing, so even one engine oil marking can have several varieties. Consider what lubricants Shell produces with the 5W40 marking and what is their difference.

  • How 5W40 stands for

    Average oil performance ranges

    Before moving on to the varieties and properties of the products of the world oil giant, let's look at the 5W40 marking itself - what does it mean? The marking refers to the international SAE standard, which divides all lubricants into three groups - winter, summer and all-weather.

    Winter lubricants are indicated by a number and the letter W (for example, 0W, 5W, 10W). They characterize the degree of viscosity of the lubricant and the operating temperature range. Going beyond its limits, the oil will lose its properties. In our case, a liquid marked 5W is able to function properly from -35 to 0 degrees Celsius.

    Summer grease has only two-digit numbers in the marking - 20, 30, 40. They also inform you at what temperatures the grease will remain stable. The only difference is that the performance of summer oil is maintained only in conditions of "plus" temperatures. Index 40 indicates that fuel and lubricants can be used from 0 to +45 degrees Celsius.

    Universal lubricants combine indicators of winter and summer opportunities. They can be used at any time of the year. This makes life much easier for car owners, because you no longer need to monitor the weather.

    The Shell 5W40 engine oil we are considering functions properly in the temperature range from -35 to +45 degrees. Therefore, it can be used in almost all corners of Russia.

    Varieties of oils

    The company produces five varieties of motor oils marked 5W40 on the world market. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

    Shell Helix Ultra

    Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40

    This engine oil has a fully synthetic base. It is designed for passenger car engines running on gasoline or diesel fuel. In addition to its main task, the oil product provides effective cleaning of the engine compartment from pollutants. Even if you forget to change the oil on time, it will remain stable for a long time. However, this does not mean that you should intentionally increase the service interval. The recommended replacement frequency for this lubricant is every 10 thousand kilometers.


    Shell Helix Ultra 5W40 has the following benefits:

    • low evaporation. Because the oil contains only artificial ingredients that are highly resistant to temperature changes, the oil product will be used sparingly (provided that the system is sealed).
    • increase in power characteristics of the engine and decrease in fuel consumption. Auto oil creates a durable oil layer on the parts, the thickness of which eliminates gaps, but does not interfere with the free movement of mechanisms. As a result, maximum performance of the unit is achieved with minimum effort.
    • removing debris and cleaning the work surface. Shell engine oil of this variety fights years of deposits resulting from the use of the wrong lubricant. In a short period of time, the lubricant flushes third-party debris from the system and provides it with reliable protection against re-formations.


    The car oil meets the following requirements: API SN / CF, VW 502.00, 505.00, MB 229.5, 226.5, ACEA A3 / B3, A3 / B4, PORSCHE A40, BMW LL-01, PSA B712296.

    Shell Helix HX8 5W40

    Another type of motor oil with a synthetic composition. It is produced using PurePlus technology, which provides for the creation of high-performance lubricants from natural gas. The oil is absolutely harmless to the environment, because. it does not contain sulfur and phosphorus.

    The lubricant is oriented to modern power plants powered by gasoline, gas or diesel fuel.


    The benefits of Helix include:

    • stable viscosity. Artificial components of engine oil provide it with “immunity” against temperature extremes. The lubricant remains operational in all weather conditions, without losing its performance, and calmly tolerates sudden changes in temperature. In winter, the oil product provides instant filling of the system and the prevention of engine oil starvation.
    • noise reduction. After many years of operation of the engine installation, the gaps between the elements increase markedly, which leads to the formation of excessive noise under the hood. 5w40 of this variety makes the motor much quieter.
    • prevalence. You can find this oil in any automotive store. Therefore, there will be no difficulty in finding it. Such popularity of the oil product is due to its versatility - this oil can be poured into many modern engines.


    The product has the following approvals: API SN/CF, VW 502.00, 505.00, MB 229.3, Renault RN0700, 0710, ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4.

    Shell Helix HX7 5W40

    Shell Helix HX7 5W-40

    This oil product belongs to the category of semi-synthetics. Despite the presence of natural ingredients in it, it has increased stability and excellent technical characteristics.

    Unlike synthetics, which effectively remove perennial deposits, semi-synthetic material has a softer effect on the working surface of the load-bearing structure. As a result, the engine receives gentle protection against the subsequent accumulation of deposits.

    Shell Helix HX7 5W40 oil has been developed for gasoline, diesel and gas units of passenger cars. It can be used in engines powered by ethanol blends and biodiesel.


    Advantages of Shell Helix semi-synthetic lubricant:

    • excellent performance. It has a wide operating temperature range. This allows it to function properly both in winter and in summer.
    • elimination of unnecessary noise and vibration of the structure. A pleasant “rumbling” of the engine compartment is achieved.
    • reducing the consumption of the fuel mixture and preventing the formation of corrosion inside the power plant.


    The tolerances for this type of oils include: API SN / CF, GM LL-A / B-025, JASO SG +, ACEA A3 / B3, A3 / B4, VW 502.00, 505.00, MB 229.3.

    Shell Helix Ultra Diesel 5W40

    This type of lubricant is designed specifically for intercooled turbocharged diesel engines. It has a synthetic base, which ensures that the oil retains its original qualities throughout the entire interchange interval.


    The advantages of such diesel oil include:

    • increased endurance. The lubricant is designed specifically for those vehicles that operate in harsh conditions: at too low and excessively high temperatures, at long distances off-road, with prolonged operation at high speeds.
    • economical consumption. Despite the fact that the power plant is working at its limit, the oil is consumed moderately, does not burn and does not leave carbon deposits behind.
    • effective protection of mechanisms. Frequent overloads under normal conditions cause rapid wear of parts. But not in this case. The composition is instantly distributed over the working units, creating a strong protective layer on their surfaces. It persists throughout the life of the vehicle.


    The oil meets the following requirements: ACEA B3/B4, A3/B3, A3/B4, FIAT 9.55535 Z2, API CF, BMW LL-01, MB 229.5, VW 505 00.

    Shell Helix Ultra Professional AV 5W-40

    The features of this oil are its increased resistance to evaporation, low volatility and the ability to significantly save the fuel mixture. Finding oil products on store shelves can be difficult. Due to the high cost, it is not particularly popular. Nevertheless, the lubricant does an excellent job with the functions assigned to it and helps to increase the power characteristics of the power plant.

    The variety is based on high-quality synthetics produced using PurePlus technology. The oil is intended for cutting-edge power plants running on gasoline and diesel. Relevant for foreign-made cars such as Skoda, Volkswagen, Hyundai.


    Lubricant benefits include:

    • excellent performance. Shell provides lightweight crankshaft scrolling at low temperatures, instant distribution throughout the system and the formation of a reliable protective layer on the parts.
    • low content of harmful components in the composition of the oil. It does not contain sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine, which indicates the safety of fuels and lubricants for the atmosphere.
    • effective removal of contaminants from the working area of ​​the engine.


    Shell Helix Ultra Professional AV 5W40 complies with the following standards: API SN / CF, ACEA A3 / B3 / B4, MB 229.5, VW 502.00, 505.00, PORSCHE A40.


    Comparative characteristics of oils are presented in the table:

    Indicator / varietyHelix UltraHelix HX8Helix HX7Helix Ultra DieselHelix Ultra Professional AV
    Kinematic viscosity at 40℃, mm²/s76,3 87,5 87,4 79,1 87,4
    Kinematic viscosity at 100℃, mm²/s13,8 14,5 14,5 13,1 14,5
    Boiling point, ℃206 239 242 242 242
    Pour point, ℃-45 -45 -45 -45 -45
    Density, kg/m³851 843,3 843,3 840,2 840,0

    How to distinguish a fake?

    Differences between original and fake Shell engine oil

    Unfortunately, counterfeit products are present in large volumes on the domestic market. You can protect your car from it - you just need to follow some rules.

    Stop buying technical lubricants at dubious points of sale. This applies not only to engine oil. Before going to the store, do not be too lazy to look at the official website of the manufacturer and get acquainted with its branded outlets. Only there you can buy real motor oil.

    Ask for quality certificates. The presence of documents confirming the quality indicates the authenticity of petroleum products. Those stores that refuse to provide them or refer to the large amount of work and “the inability to find the necessary documents now” sell counterfeit goods in 90 percent of cases. Ready to take a chance and fill in an incomprehensible goo under the hood? Forward, but then the repair will come out in a round sum. Better spend more time and effort, but find a retail outlet that is ready to confirm the quality of engine oil.

    Please inspect the item carefully before purchasing. Even if everything is in order with the documents, it will not be superfluous to make a visual inspection of the canister. Pay attention to the presence of chips, cracks, manufacturing defects. They all talk about the manipulation of scammers. The global oil giant, which has earned a reputation as the best manufacturer of lubricants, will not allow improperly executed products to be released.

    Also pay attention to the locking ring. If it is damaged, you should refuse to purchase. Under the lid, when you open it, you should find a special seal with the manufacturer's logo.

    Check the expiration date. Even if the packaging is in perfect condition, and the seller has documented the quality of the oil product, you should check the expiration date of the oil. It is indicated on the back of the container. Liquids with an unspecified expiration date should not be purchased.

    And finally

    Shell products prove their high quality every day. It is used by millions of car owners, thanks to which the company strives to satisfy the needs of even more power plants. All of the considered types of Shell oils marked 5W40 have excellent performance. They are able to increase the resource of the motor, increase its power, provide easy starting in severe frost, and also protect the system from pollutants. However, if the lubricant is chosen incorrectly by the car owner, then it will be impossible to feel all the advantages of the oil product. On the contrary, it will negatively affect the engine installation. To protect your car from costly repairs, you should carefully study the requirements of the automaker before purchasing certain engine oils.

Good afternoon, dear car owners. This article will be useful to those who are now pouring into the engine of their car, or to those who are just planning to use such oil!

Unfortunately, today the market for motor oils is so large that there are a lot of fakes and it is quite difficult to find real oil. The "black" market did not bypass the well-known manufacturer of Shell motor oils. Fake Shell oil is quite common. The wide demand for this oil played a key role here. There is a demand - there is a supply. The only pity is that fake Shell oil is far from uncommon among the products offered. After reading this article, you can easily distinguish fake Shell oil from the real one and in time to refuse to buy a fake. By the way, while I was writing the article, a man came and together they began to look for distinguishing features.

The manufacturer Shell is trying to protect the consumer from buying fake oil, but the "pirates" also do not stand still and keep up with the times. Now we will tell you what key points to pay attention to when buying Shell engine oil so as not to fall for a fake.

1. The first thing to pay attention to is canister shape. The new Shell canister has some differences from the previous one. Namely, the new canister now has two handles. One handle on a real Shell canister is located on top, and the other is on the side. This is done so that the buyer can conveniently transport the canister and further facilitate the filling of real Shell oil into the car engine.

2. The next important difference is canister neck. Now it has become much shorter and narrower than in the previous canister. The neck diameter must be strictly 43 mm. The lid itself has also undergone some changes, namely, its size has decreased. Note the lack of a valve on the lid. Now it is not and should not be. The lid fits snugly against the retaining ring, which, when opened, must remain on the neck of the canister.

protective film under the lid of a real canister, Shell may not be. This is due to the process of switching to a new canister, so the absence or presence of a protective film under the canister cap does not in any way determine whether Shell oil is fake or real. Pay attention to this.

3. canister label. In comparison with the old version of the Shell canister, the label has also changed both on the front of the canister and on the back. The label visually increased by 40% and takes up almost all the free space of a real Shell canister.

4. Real Canister Shell Color. All Shell products are supplied in canisters in four colors: yellow, blue, gray and red. There are no other colors of genuine Shell products. Therefore, if you see, for example, a green Shell canister, you can safely leave, as it is a fake. And do not even try to listen to the arguments of the seller, who says that this is another rebranding of a real Shell canister.

5. Well, the last thing you need to pay attention to is the code, which is imprinted on the back of the Shell canister. The code should be legible, but since the technology for applying the code to a real Shell canister is very simple and primitive, it can often simply be lubricated during the packaging of engine oil. Still, this very code is applied with an inkjet printer. But once the paint dries, it's almost impossible to wash it off. Check this out too. The code consists of the batch number, time and date of product packaging. The standard shelf life of engine oil is 5 years. If you looked at the code and took away a fairly old date, then it is better to refuse to buy such oil.

It's all. Now you know, how to distinguish real shell oil from fake. But do not forget that the best protection against counterfeiting is to buy Shell oil in already verified places. We always monitor the quality of our products and offer our customers only

Shell automotive oil occupies a leading position in sales, and at the same time one of the most counterfeited oils. In this regard, in 2016 and in September 2017, the manufacturer improved the methods of protecting the original oil from fake. Next, we gave a photo of a comparison of genuine oil with counterfeit oil and sorted out the old methods of differences and new ones.

The main differences between fake oil and the original

Gross fakes can be identified by the canister, cork and labels:

Left is counterfeit. On the right is the original.

Changes since 2016, oil check by code on the website

The changes affected oil produced in Russia. First, they protected the barrels, tested the method and launched the protection into mass production - for 4-liter canisters and “liters”. All Shel oil canisters are marked with a special protective sticker that is glued to the canister lid.
The sticker consists of two parts - the main and hidden (located under the top). To access the hidden one, you need to peel off the top one. Once peeled off, it cannot be glued back. On the second part of the sticker, a verification code is printed, which must be entered on the Shel website (opens in a new window). When you enter the correct code, a message will be displayed that you bought the original oil.

The main sticker has several degrees of protection:

  • The upper part shimmers in the light. Depending on the angle of the lid, on the original canister, the image of the Shell oil logo changes to the image of the canister. In fakes, there is more often just an iridescent image, without changing images.
  • The drawing under the numbers, on the bottom of the sticker, on the original changes color from green to gray when the canister is tilted.
  • 4 digits, in a black field, in the original match the last digits in the barcode, on the back label of the canister.
  • When wetting the numbers with water, they change color from white to pink. And back from pink to white when dry. There are fakes with color-changing numbers. Watch the video on how to distinguish a fake from the original using this (unreliable) method.

There are currently two types of stickers. Some have an inscription printed on them - a code under the label. On newer stickers, instead of an inscription, it is applied - images of a QR code on one side and an image of a phone on the other.

Both labels are real.

Changes in 2017

Since September 2017, there are canisters with a seal made of aluminum. What alarmed buyers. We found out - the original canisters.

The oil, produced since autumn 2017, comes with an aluminum seal. Glue is applied between the lid and the seal.

On the left is the original 2017 (under the cover, glue is visible on the aluminum security seal). On the right is fake.

The tear-off ring has changed. The tear-off line was moved exactly in the middle and the distance between the lid and the tear-off ring slightly increased. Below are the lids of original Shell oil canisters. One is produced until 2017, the second is produced since 2017 (the tear-off ring has become narrower, the tear boundary has become more visible and runs exactly in the middle of the bottom skirt of the lid).

Both photos show the original oil. On top of the new sample (2017). The bottom photo is before 2017.

Distinctive features in terms of sagging, roughness of lids, on new canisters (since 2017) are not relevant.


Shel oils in the original have good lubricating and protective functions for car engines, and one can only guess what is poured into fake canisters. Therefore, bookmark the instructions and make the right choice. The manufacturer took care of the protection of his product at the highest level, the main thing is to use all the methods correctly, how to identify a fake shell oil.
In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video on how to check the oil for originality using the code on the canister lid and phone. In the example, the original canister and the fake one are checked.

Modern cars need oils that can ensure the stable operation of the power unit during operation in any conditions. That's why Shell has developed the innovative Shell PurePlus motor oil process, which synthesizes crystal-clear motor oil from natural gas. The synthesis results in Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40, which retains a stable viscosity longer, has a lower volatility and improved energy efficiency compared to conventional lubricants.

Shell PurePlus Technology, combined with Active Cleansing Technology, helps extend engine life, reduce maintenance costs and provide excellent cleaning performance.

Canister 4 liters of a new sample (release from 10/03/16)

Oil Description

Shell Helix Ultra 5W40 is a fully synthetic engine oil technology designed to provide reliable protection and cleanliness even during the longest oil change periods. Keeps the cleanliness of the piston group at the level of factory production.

Specification for API and ACEA
This parameter helps the driver with the choice of the required engine oil. The performance of the engine, the level of carbon deposits and fuel consumption depend on the correct choice of motor oil.

Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 has the following specification:

  • API SN/CF approval - are energy efficient, meet the requirements of leading automotive companies. I add additives to the composition of motor oils that prevent the formation of deposits, extend the life of oil seals and engine gaskets. Suitable for diesel units equipped with a direct injection system.
  • ACEA A3 / B3 / B4 approval - suitable for filling in any naturally aspirated, injection, turbocharged and highly accelerated engines of cars and light trucks running on gasoline, diesel or biofuel. Suitable for vehicles powered by high sulfur fuels.


Shell Helix Ultra 5W40 oil has the following specifications:

IndexTest method (ASTM)Value/Unit
1 Viscosity characteristics
- Kinematic viscosity at 100°CASTM D44513.1 mm²/s
- Kinematic viscosity at 40°CASTM D44579.1 mm²/s
- Dynamic Viscosity at (MRV) -35°CASTM D468419300 cP
- Viscosity indexASTM D2270168
- Density at 15°CASTM D40520.840 kg/l
2 Temperature characteristics
- Flash pointASTM D92242°C
- pour pointASTM D97-45°C

Canister 1 and 4 liters of the old sample (release before 10/03/16)

Approvals and specifications

Shell Helix Ultra 5W40 has the following approvals and specifications:


  • API SN/CF;
  • ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4;
  • BMW LL-01;
  • MB 229.5, 226.5;
  • VW 502.00/505.00;
  • Porsche A40;
  • Renault RN0700, RN0710;
  • PSA B71 2296, Ferrari.

Complies with Fiat 9.55535-Z2, Fiat 9.55535.Z2 and Chrysler MS-10725, Chrysler MS-12991 standards.

Deciphering the designations on the canister.
Motor oil labeling is a great opportunity to choose a product for your car engine, without the help of a sales consultant. A competent assessment of the product can be given after an independent study of the product label, which will help the driver not to make a mistake when choosing.

The following parameters are indicated on the packaging of Shell Helix Ultra 5v40 by the manufacturer:

  • SAE - product viscosity;
  • ACEA or API;
  • Manufacturer tolerance standards;
  • Barcode;
  • Date of manufacture and expiration date of the product;

Now let's take a closer look at all the designations that are indicated on the label.
Shell Helix Product Barcode

The Shell Ultra 5W40 barcode encodes information about the country of origin, manufacturer or branch where fuel and lubricants are produced. You can get the above information by comparing the code numbers with a special table, which is freely available on the Internet.

Old-style canister (left) and new (right)

New canister

10/03/2016 Shell launched the production of new oil cans. Old canisters are still found on sale and in stores. The main differences and changes in the new Shell canister:

  • a new form of packaging;
  • new corrugated handles, cork, a different shape of the neck;
  • new label;
  • new anti-counterfeiting system. Now there is a tear-off sticker on the cover, under it there is a 16-digit code or a QR code, by this code, by entering it on the official website, you can check whether you have a fake or an original in your hands.

Release form and article numbers

  1. 550040754 Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 1L
  2. 550046367 Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 1L
  3. 5011987209626 Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 1l
  4. 550046361 Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 4L
  5. 550040755 (600028772) Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 4L
  6. 5011987140561 Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 4L
  7. 600028772 Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 4L
  8. 550040752 Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40 55l

Graph of oil viscosity depending on ambient temperature

How 5W40 stands for

The most important parameter for all fuels and lubricants is the viscosity class. It is this value that determines the level of wear resistance of engine parts and its performance.

Shell Helix Ultra SAE 5W-40 Marking Explanation

  1. 5W-40 is a universal oil suitable for use in any type of car.
  2. The letter "W" is a designation indicating that the engine oil has been tested and is suitable for freezing temperatures.
  3. The number "5" is an indicator of frost resistance. The lower the number, the more severe conditions the oil can be used. 5W indicates the effective action of the lubricant at ambient temperatures down to -30 °C.
  4. The number without the "W" is heat resistance. This number indicates the viscosity index at 100° C. Increasing the number increases the heat resistance. Oil with an index of 30 or 40 is normally used.

The number before the hyphen ensures a normal cold start of the engine, and the number after the hyphen affects the operation of the warm engine.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • provides reliable protection of the unit in any operating conditions, including urban start-stop mode and operation at high speeds. Increases motor resource compared to other brands.
  • has successfully passed laboratory and operational tests at the Shell Research Center.
  • oil quality proven by world-class racing.
  • suitable for vehicles equipped with catalytic converters and turbocharging.
  • exceeds the requirements of modern industry standards.
  • low oil consumption. The use and careful selection of base oils with low volatility significantly reduce waste costs. Thanks to this, there is no need to top up the oil until the next MOT.
  • fuel economy and excellent starting performance. Low viscosity and low friction promote fast lubrication to critical equipment, resulting in reduced fuel consumption and excellent cold starts.
  • practically does not contain chlorine. Meets environmental safety standards, reduces the risk of disposal.

The disadvantages include the high price of the product and popularity among counterfeit manufacturers.

New anti-counterfeiting system. Now there is a tear-off sticker on the cover, under it there is a 16-digit code or a QR code, by this code, by entering it on the official website, you can check whether you have a fake or an original in your hands.

How to distinguish a fake

In order for the car to work flawlessly, the wear of its working elements was minimal, it is necessary to fill in only proven, high-quality oils. The high cost of original products forces drivers to look for cheaper analogues. The result of such a search may be counterfeit material. Therefore, drivers should know a few signs on how to distinguish fake Shell Helix Ultra 5W40 engine oil:

Cover design:

  • the color of the lid should not differ from the color of the canister.
  • cork density is several times higher than canisters;
  • the lid and the latch under it look like one piece;
  • when opening the plug, the latch should completely separate.


  • on the bottom of a genuine shell ultra 5w40 there is a special sign embossed that notifies that this container is not for food purposes;
  • for the manufacture of the canister, a special odorless plastic is used;
  • no traces of soldering;
  • the measuring scale from the mark is made evenly;
  • the canister is not illuminated.


  • the quality of the text and image must be at the highest level;
  • the image should be bright, all letters should be easy to read;
  • "PurePlus Technology" logo on the front label, mirrored;
  • the back label is two-layer. The top layer should open easily without a tex imprint, the printed instruction has a strict centering.

If at least one of the points is not fulfilled, then the product is fake.

  • branded filling stations "Shell";
  • large supermarkets (Kemp, AGA, Auchan, Perekrestok, Lenta, Okay, etc.).

Video tutorial on how to distinguish a fake Shell:

The first difference: Plastic sagging on the lid.

The fake just has a flat lid, there are no sagging. The original Shell has a plastic lid on top.

Here it is necessary to comment, in nature there are original Shell canisters without sagging, they come from Hamburg Germany, but this is still a rare occurrence - all other Shells go as described here.

The second difference: Grid on the sticker.

On the Original Shell, the grid on the sticker changes color from green to black. For a fake, the grid does not shimmer and always remains green.

Third difference: The gap between the cover and the tear-off ring.

The Shell fake has a gap between the lid and the tear-off ring. The original is fused - there is no gap.

Fourth difference: Shagreen on the plastic of the canister.

In the fake Shell, the plastic on the canister has an “orange peel” shagreen. The original also has pebbles, but the surface is smoother - different.

Fifth difference: Reflective mirror layer sticker.

For a fake, if it approaches the canister, only shadows are visible on the reflective layer. In the Original, if you get close to the canister, your fingers, face, eyes, etc. are visible in a mirror image.

It should be noted separately that the original Shell HX7 series have not mirror stickers, they are just gray.

Difference 6: Shiny piston

In a fake, the piston does not reflect well - only shadows, in the original Shell Helix Ultra 5W-40, the piston sparkles all over. Your eyes, face, fingers, etc. are visible in the reflection.

It should be noted separately that the original Shell HX7 series pistons are not mirrored, they are just gray.

Seventh difference: Back label (please ignore this difference, as it turned out, original canisters come across with stickers with a uniform background!)

For a fake, the background of the back label is monotonous and does not shimmer, it is slightly darker. The original Shell background of the sticker has color transitions.

Eighth difference: Matrix code.

For a fake, the matrix code has an unstable paint, while the fake comes from production to sale, the paint is partially erased.

The original Shell has a matrix code that has a durable paint and does not just rub off.

The ninth difference: The points of the matrix code and the distance between them.

For a fake, the points of the matrix code are blurred, the distance between the points is not pronounced, the space between the points is either there or not.

The original matrix code has clear dots, they are not blurry, and there is a distinct distance between the dots.

Tenth difference: The bottom of the canister

In the original canister, the bottom has a bordering strip, it is clear. The Glass and Fork icon is small.

The fake does not have a border strip, and the “glass and fork” badge is large.

The fake badge "glass and fork" 20mm.

The original badge "glass and fork" 11mm.

Eleventh difference: We drip water on the lid sticker.

Shell in the instructions writes "when moisture enters, the color of the code changes to red, and when it dries, the code changes color to the opposite."

The original code changes color to pink.

For a fake, unfortunately, the code also changes color, though not so pronounced. The degree of protection does not quite work.

FAKE SHELL! How to distinguish a fake Shell. Water test. Part 2

water test- the numbers on the sticker should turn pink, and when dry, return their color back. The new Shell protection with water does not work very well, the numbers also turn pink for a fake. Tin, how quickly counterfeiters are improving ...

FAKE SHELL!!! How to distinguish a fake Shell. QR code verification. Part 3

Checking the QR code on the Shell canister with a smartphone and the installed Barcode Scanner application. For the original, reading the QR code leads to the site, where the number from the scanned Shell canister is automatically entered and it says in plain text "This is a genuine Shell product." For a fake, the QR code leads to global English - to the main news page - where everything is in English!

I entered a number from a fake on the site and that's what it showed.

That is, this degree of protection works both when checking with a smartphone through a QR code scanner, and by manually entering it on the site.

FAKE SHELL - NEW VERSION!!! How to distinguish a fake Shell. Cold test. Part 4

Cold Test - Shell authentication at home with a freezer test. We pour the fake and the original into the same bottles. First, the color of the oil is immediately different. In the Shell fake, it is light, in the original it is a specific light brown with a red tint. We throw the bottles into the freezer of the home refrigerator and freeze for 5 hours or more. We take out the bottles and immediately see where the fake is. The fake has become very thick. She turned white and dimmed. Flows in comparison with the original Shell - slowly.