Here are all the cameras that are used on the roads of Russia. Overview of modern police radars How police radar works

The relationship between the traffic police and drivers sometimes resembles the catching up of cartoon Tom and Jerry - it is not yet clear who is chasing whom, but both periodically catch each other. And who is who in these relations, you don’t even have to guess.

The difference between the inspectors and the Disney cat is that they know for sure that they are right and use quite effective units to catch violators.

We bring to your attention a list of "weapons" in the arsenal of the traffic police and advice on how to defend yourself from it. We do not advise you to break the speed limit, but if you already have such a bad habit, then it would be useful to know the "enemy" in person.

Portable and stationary

As you know, video recording complexes are both "capital" and mobile. Portable "remove" from the hand, a tripod or from the trunk (less often - the hood or roof) of the traffic police patrol car. With stationary, everything is a little more complicated.


There are those that control one lane - they are installed on top of it. There are devices that cover up to six lanes and are mounted above the road, and they do not require any structure above the carriageway. Simply, the sensor is placed on the side of the road, 3-5 meters from the canvas and rises to a height of about 6 meters.

Andrey Lazarev,
Deputy General Director
manufacturer "Simikon"



According to the principle of operation, all these gadgets are divided into two types - radar and laser (they are also called optical). The former are slightly more popular with inspectors due to their attractive price, ease of operation and maintenance.

Let us make a reservation right away that it is more correct to call radar only those devices that work precisely on the principle of radar. Laser specialists are called "sensors" or "devices", although ordinary motorists do not make a distinction.

Radar radars operate in the radio frequency spectrum, that is, they measure the change in frequency of the signal reflected from the car. Physicists call this the Doppler effect. But such units have one disadvantage - the measurement accuracy begins to "limp" if there are other cars next to the intruder's car that fall into the field of view of the device. It is these imperfect devices that have created situations where drivers are fined for a violation they did not commit.

Laser radars operate in the infrared. Their important difference from radar counterparts is accuracy - they are able to highlight a specific car in a stream of cars, while it is more difficult for radars to do this. But at the same time, they suffer more from the vagaries of the weather.

Having figured out how it works, you can see the sensors themselves in more detail, so to speak, "personally".




Despite the fact that the "Strelka" can be made both in the form of a stationary complex and a mobile one, the latter are almost never found on the roads.

Strelka-ST belongs to the family of radar instruments. It is able to automatically determine various parameters of vehicle movement, record traffic violations in terms of speed limits and adherence to markings, record violations on video and independently send records to law enforcement officers.

In addition, the device itself issues a decision on the violation and generates it, including a photo from the place of violation, information about the date, time and place, and even the owner's data. The traffic police can only print out the resolutions and send out "happiness" in envelopes.


The maximum range of the device is 500 m, the measured speed is from 20 to 300 km/h. However, "Strelka" can recognize and photograph the number of the offender at a distance of only 48 to 56 m. However, at the same time, it covers four lanes at once.

It should be noted that this device perfectly tolerates any weather, the temperature "overboard" and even humidity of 98% is not terrible for him. In addition, the body of the Strelka is designed in such a way that it would not be so easy to break it using improvised means.

Radar detectors:

To date, detector manufacturers have already figured out the principles of operation of this "eye" and offer a fairly decent selection of radar detectors. Among them: Quintezz Spy (from 990 rubles), Street Storm (from 1.2 thousand rubles), Defender RDD 001 (from 1.4 thousand rubles), Fusion RDF-S920 (from 1.4 thousand rubles), ARENA RX-35 ST (from 1.7 thousand rubles), Neoline X-COP 3000 (from 2 thousand rubles) and others.



Price: kept secret.

Appearance on the roads: year 2012.

Where is found: all around Russia.


"Kordon" is another radar complex, but more modern. Having found a scorcher, he takes a photo of his car along with the number and sends the picture to the data center server. At the same time, the device takes two pictures at once - a general plan and a close-up, where the license plate is visible.

The sensor is installed on a support near the carriageway at a height of up to 10 m. It can be placed at the same height above the roadway. One of the advantages of the unit is its wide coverage - it simultaneously controls all cars in four lanes and is able to "catch" cars that are rearranged from row to row.

By the way, in addition to speed violations, he also monitors the passage of red and observance of markings. It is important that the measurement efficiency does not decrease at night.

A close analogue of "Kordon" is a very popular complex "KRIS". They are united by one manufacturer - the Simicon company.

: Canada, Poland, Croatia, Belarus, Kazakhstan.

Radar detectors

For "Cordon" - Stinger S425 ST (from 2.6 thousand rubles). For KRIS - Prology iScan (from 2.8 thousand rubles).



Price: 240 thousand rubles.

Appearance on Russian roads: year 2009.

Where is found: Moscow, Voronezh, Perm, Sverdlovsk regions, Republic of Tatarstan, Primorsky and Krasnoyarsk territories, Khanty-Mansiysk district. In addition, the device is used to control the movement of vehicles on industrial sites of the oil and gas and metallurgical industries in Siberia and the Far East and on the test benches of AvtoVAZ.


Mobile laser speed and range meter. It works in two modes - measuring (distance and speed of vehicles) and patrolling (fixing an image or video without measuring speed and range). "Amata" is able to see the violation and fix it on a photo or video.

The developers of the device designed it in such a way that it itself recognizes the license plate number of the violator's car from the photograph taken by him. At the same time, the manufacturer promises the inspectors that, using the device, they will receive such evidence of the driver’s guilt that he simply cannot challenge in court. These are the features of laser fixation - a false alarm on a neighboring car is excluded.

Compared to conventional radar instruments, because the laser beam has a much narrower width, the laser speed meter is much more difficult to "spot" in advance, before the measurement.

Dmitry Tikhomirov, leading specialist of the manufacturing company CJSC NPP Technoimport


The device is capable of detecting speeds from 1.5 to 350 km/h. At the same time, he will be able to see the offender for 700 m. The minimum range required for measurement is 15 m.

Where can you meet abroad: Poland, South Africa, Serbia, USA and Kazakhstan.


Radar detectors

There are not so many devices that can warn the driver about laser control sensors. Of the existing on the market, we can recall KS-is Raxer (from 3.5 thousand rubles) and a number of AVS Security models (2-7 thousand rubles).



Integrated intelligent transport system. It consists of several interconnected cameras located along long sections of the road. It calculates the time it takes the car to cover the distance between the system recorders and monitors its average speed.

This system differs from others in that it determines the speed of an object over an impressive area - from 500 meters to 10 km. Thus, it will no longer be possible to sneak through the radar at a legal speed and rush further.

Avtodoria works with the help of a GLONASS/GPS receiver and optical technologies that help it recognize violators' license plates along the entire tracking path. At the same time, as the manufacturer claims, the registrar does not use any emitters, therefore, radar detectors do not see it.

In addition to measuring the speed of transport, Avtodoria also monitors the observance of lanes. The system detects not only moving vehicles, but also parked vehicles in public transport lanes. In addition, she is able to help the police find the car. The number of the wanted car is entered into the system database and, having found it, it notifies law enforcement officers of its location, and also calculates its approximate route.

Radar detectors:

Manufacturers promise that it is impossible to protect yourself from highway traffic, but experienced drivers claim that there are three radar detectors that can do this job: Street Storm STR-9540EX (from 10 thousand rubles), Whistler Pro-99ST Ru GPS (from 12 thousand rubles ) and Sho-Me G-800 STR (from 5 thousand rubles).


A compact stationary multi-purpose complex with the determination of spatial coordinates and the function of photo and video recording. At the same time, four lanes of multidirectional traffic can be in his field of vision at once, he monitors a section of the road up to 100 meters.

Odyssey is able to recognize speeding, crossing a traffic light, as well as take a photo and video recording of the moment of violation. At the same time, the radar allows you to enlarge the picture so that it is possible to see the driver's face. In addition, he draws attention to the unfastened seat belt and the absence of a child seat.

Among other things, it is known about the radar that it starts to fix the speed, starting at 72 km per hour. In addition, Odysseus is not afraid of motorcyclists - the radar does not see them due to the lack of license plates in front.

What radar manufacturers are preparing

Next in line for implementation is a device that will be installed at the intersection and control traffic on it in all directions. From his ubiquitous "look" will not escape either the passage to the red or under the prohibition sign, or the turn from the right lane to the left or from the left lane to the right.

amp;amp;lt;a href=""amp;amp;gt;Have you ever received a chain letter and have you been less violating since then?amp; amp;lt;/aamp;amp;gt;

Varieties of cameras and radar traffic police

To date, there are various photo-video fixation complexes that allow you to register various traffic violations. So, the main types of traffic police radars and cameras are listed below.


They are usually mounted on a rigid support above the roadway and are located on the road in a specially selected place. Such types of traffic police cameras can record the movement of cars simultaneously in several lanes, including oncoming lanes. The stationary equipment includes the following models: Strelka, Kordon, Avtohuragan, Arena-S, Rapira, etc.

ARROW dummyARROW cameraARROW radar+camera
FakeCamera 300m

300m camera + 24.15 GHz radar (K)

camera + radararrow videoCHRIS-S
Camera 400m + radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Camera 400m
Vydelenka. Solid. Roadside.

Excess. Vydelenka. Solid. Roadside.

Camera 200m
Vydelenka. Solid. Roadside.
Camera 200m + radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Excess. Vydelenka. Solid. Roadside.
Camera 200m + radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Excess. Vydelenka. Solid. Roadside.

Camera 200m + radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Excess. Vydelenka. Solid. Roadside.
Camera 200m + radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Excess. Vydelenka. Solid. Roadside.
Camera 200m + radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Excess. Vydelenka. Solid. roadside

Camera 200m + Radar 24.16GHz (K)
Excess. Vydelenka. Solid. roadside
Camera + Radar 24.125 GHz (K)
Excess. Vydelenka. Solid. roadside
400m camera + 24.16 GHz radar (K)
Excess. Vydelenka. Solid. roadside


Such devices are installed next to the roadway using a tripod. They can be easily moved to any other place. This type of traffic police radar and cameras includes Arena-S and Chris-P equipment.


They are small devices. This type of traffic police cameras and radars can be used manually or mounted on brackets on the windshield. These devices include video recording complexes "Iskra-1", "Amata", "Vizir", "Binar", "Berkut", etc.


Just a radar Out of production since 2009

X-band radar
Speed ​​meter, video camera
Pulse radar, video camera

pulse radar
Pulse radar and video camera
Pulse radar and video camera

handheld radar
laser speed meter
laser speed meter

Other control systems

This category includes the following devices: a parking enforcement camera "Parkon", an alcohol laser spectrometer "Buton", which allows you to remotely detect alcohol vapors, as well as a complex of two and three cameras for calculating the average speed "Avtodoriya".

In this article, we have described the most common types of fixing equipment. Our DATAKAM Design Bureau offers modern DVRs that, thanks to up-to-date databases and competent firmware, warn in advance about most cameras and radars.

Parking Enforcement Camera
A complex of two and three cameras for calculating the average speed
Alcolaser spectrometer, remote detection of alcohol vapors

Obsolete, do not apply

There are more than a dozen sites on the Internet devoted to a topic close to every motorist: “What radars does the traffic police use and how to deceive them?”

We offer a short (as far as possible) summary of the 10 most common devices for determining speed and try to formulate recommendations for "fighting" with them.


Range up to 1.5 km

Operating frequency 24.15±0.1GHz

ARENA can be both stationary and mobile - installation takes a little time. The difference between ARENA and other complexes is the ability to photograph the vehicle at the moment of speeding. The distance of the radio channel is up to 1.5 km. Naturally, in the presence of interference, it is reduced.

As a rule, radar detectors can operate in several ranges at once. For example, the Highscreen Black Box Radar-HD (DVR with built-in radar detector) has the following ranges:
X-band 10.525 GHz ±25 MHz
K-band 24.150 GHz ±100 MHz
Ku-band 13.450 GHz ±100 MHz
Ka-narrow Band 33.890~34.11GHz
Ka-low band 34.190~34.410GHz
Ka-wide band 34.700 GHz ±1300 MHz

Accordingly, the Highscreen radar detector will warn of approaching ARENA, BERKUT, BINAR, VIZIR, ISKRA and some other less common models.


Range up to 700 m,
The license plate is determined from 15 - 250 m.
Range of measured speeds 1.5-280 km/h

Amata is a laser radar. To use it, inspectors do not even need to get out of the car. The use of laser technology makes it possible to obtain good quality images in poor visibility conditions. Low temperature also does not affect Amata - in winter it works no worse. Amata fixes not only speeding, but also other offenses: crossing a continuous lane, running a red light and overtaking in the wrong place.

Conventional radar detectors do not respond to lasers. However, many modern models are equipped with special laser receivers. For example, the Inspector RD X2 Gamma and Escort RedLine radar detectors use a Quantum Limited receiver that captures radiation in a 360-degree range.


Range from 300 to 500 meters.
The range of measured speeds is from 20 to 199 km/h.
Operating frequency 10.525 GHz

To date, there are 2 types of radar in operation: "Barrier-2M" and "Barrier 2-2M". The first one works exclusively from the on-board network of traffic police cars, the second one has an offline mode. "Barrier" operates in the X-band, the error of the speed meter "Barrier" is ± 1 km / h. It is determined by almost all radar detectors.

5. Berkut

Range of at least 400 meters
Range of measured speeds from 20 to 250 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.01 GHz, K-band.

Berkut operates in the K-Pulse range. It cannot carry out photo and video recording, but it is equipped with fiscal memory - it allows you to record up to 700 offenses per day using radar.


Range of action not less than 300 m
Range of measured speeds from 20 to 300 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.10 GHz.

Binar is equipped with two video cameras. One captures the general picture of the offense - a car, a section of the road and other road users, the second - close-ups of license plates and other small details of the vehicle.

7. BUD

Range 25 m
Range of measured speeds up to 120 km/h

One of the novelties is the so-called “alcolaser” for detecting drunk drivers. Gives the inspector the opportunity to detect at a distance the content of ethyl alcohol vapors in the car interior. The laser beam emitted by the "Buton" penetrates through the windshield into the passenger compartment, determines the spectrum of ethyl alcohol vapors and, in case of their high concentration, transmits a signal to the remote control. The transmission is provided by a Wi-Fi channel.


Range up to 400 m
Range of measured speeds from 20 to 150 km/h
Operating frequency 24.150±0.1GHz

"Viziers" are one of the most common traffic police radars. They are characterized by accuracy of readings, resistance to low temperatures and any weather conditions. It can determine the speed of transport in only one direction - passing or oncoming.

9. SPARK, Iskra-1, Iskra-1V, Iskra-1D

Range not less than 400 m
Range of measured speeds 20-250 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.1 GHz, K-band

"Iskra-1" is the basic model. Can be used both with a bracket and hand-held on high traffic trails. The inspector, armed with Iskra-1, has the opportunity to choose the direction of movement of the objects under study.
Radar "Iskra-1V" is designed for stationary operation on roads with low traffic intensity. There is no function to select the direction of movement, so the use is limited to areas with a flow of one direction.
The system "Iskra-1D" and "Iskra-1D Lux" (lux) works both in stationary mode and in motion against passing and oncoming targets.

10. LISD, LISD 2M and 2F

Range 5-999 m
Range of measured speeds 0 to 250 km/h

A laser is used to measure speed. The meter is equipped with sensors with which the inspector can automatically detect the vehicle, measure the speed, distance and record the time of events. LISD measures all indicators regardless of traffic density and weather conditions.

11. PKS-4

Operating frequency 24.16± 0.1, GHz, K-band

The PKS-4 system is a post for controlling the speed of vehicles. Such a device consists of a complex of video cameras that are combined with a detector; it operates using a pulsed mode, at a K-band frequency of 24.16 gigahertz plus 100 megahertz.

PKS-4 measures the speed of vehicles in only one row. All information (photos, speed readings) is displayed on the computer screen and can be printed. As a rule, radar detectors do not have time to warn about approaching PKS-4 in advance.

12. ARROW ST 01

Range 50-1000m
Range of measured speeds from 5 to 180 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 GHz

STRELKA to this day remains one of the most "advanced" video radars in the arsenal of the traffic police. STRELKA is equipped with a unique video recording camera that monitors violations from a distance of up to 1 kilometer. Unlike most radars, STRELKA tracks not just one violating vehicle, but the entire traffic flow, processing the entire road section at once within 1 km in both directions.

At the same time, the Strelka-ST radar system detects not only speeding, but also other traffic violations, for example, a forced exit to the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic or for the movement of route vehicles.

By the end of 2014, the plans include the installation of at least 2,000 Strelka-ST complexes throughout Russia.

Not a single radar detector works on the STRELKA-ST radar with 100% probability. The easiest way to avoid becoming a "victim" of a stealth radar is to know for sure about its location. The Inspector RD X2 Gamma radar detector with a GPS module has a pre-installed coordinate base for all Strelok-ST. When the driver approaches the location of one of these radars, the Inspector RD X2 Gamma warns the driver of the threat. The Strelok database is regularly updated and is available for download at

However, the most reliable, one might say, trouble-free way not to be fined and not to receive a "letter of happiness" with a fine is still the same: do not violate the rules of the road.

There are more than a dozen sites on the Internet devoted to a topic close to every motorist: “What radars does the traffic police use and how to deceive them?”

We offer a short (as far as possible) summary of the 10 most common devices for determining speed and try to formulate recommendations for "fighting" with them.


Range up to 1.5 km

Operating frequency 24.15±0.1GHz

ARENA can be both stationary and mobile - installation takes a little time. The difference between ARENA and other complexes is the ability to photograph the vehicle at the moment of speeding. The distance of the radio channel is up to 1.5 km. Naturally, in the presence of interference, it is reduced.

As a rule, radar detectors can operate in several ranges at once. For example, the Highscreen Black Box Radar-HD (DVR with built-in radar detector) has the following ranges:
X-band 10.525 GHz ±25 MHz
K-band 24.150 GHz ±100 MHz
Ku-band 13.450 GHz ±100 MHz
Ka-narrow Band 33.890~34.11GHz
Ka-low band 34.190~34.410GHz
Ka-wide band 34.700 GHz ±1300 MHz

Accordingly, the Highscreen radar detector will warn of approaching ARENA, BERKUT, BINAR, VIZIR, ISKRA and some other less common models.


Range up to 700 m,
The license plate is determined from 15 - 250 m.
Range of measured speeds 1.5-280 km/h

Amata is a laser radar. To use it, inspectors do not even need to get out of the car. The use of laser technology makes it possible to obtain good quality images in poor visibility conditions. Low temperature also does not affect Amata - in winter it works no worse. Amata fixes not only speeding, but also other offenses: crossing a continuous lane, running a red light and overtaking in the wrong place.

Conventional radar detectors do not respond to lasers. However, many modern models are equipped with special laser receivers. For example, the Inspector RD X2 Gamma and Escort RedLine radar detectors use a Quantum Limited receiver that captures radiation in a 360-degree range.


Range from 300 to 500 meters.
The range of measured speeds is from 20 to 199 km/h.
Operating frequency 10.525 GHz

To date, there are 2 types of radar in operation: "Barrier-2M" and "Barrier 2-2M". The first one works exclusively from the on-board network of traffic police cars, the second one has an offline mode. "Barrier" operates in the X-band, the error of the speed meter "Barrier" is ± 1 km / h. It is determined by almost all radar detectors.

5. Berkut

Range of at least 400 meters
Range of measured speeds from 20 to 250 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.01 GHz, K-band.

Berkut operates in the K-Pulse range. It cannot carry out photo and video recording, but it is equipped with fiscal memory - it allows you to record up to 700 offenses per day using radar.


Range of action not less than 300 m
Range of measured speeds from 20 to 300 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.10 GHz.

Binar is equipped with two video cameras. One captures the general picture of the offense - a car, a section of the road and other road users, the second - close-ups of license plates and other small details of the vehicle.

7. BUD

Range 25 m
Range of measured speeds up to 120 km/h

One of the novelties is the so-called “alcolaser” for detecting drunk drivers. Gives the inspector the opportunity to detect at a distance the content of ethyl alcohol vapors in the car interior. The laser beam emitted by the "Buton" penetrates through the windshield into the passenger compartment, determines the spectrum of ethyl alcohol vapors and, in case of their high concentration, transmits a signal to the remote control. The transmission is provided by a Wi-Fi channel.


Range up to 400 m
Range of measured speeds from 20 to 150 km/h
Operating frequency 24.150±0.1GHz

"Viziers" are one of the most common traffic police radars. They are characterized by accuracy of readings, resistance to low temperatures and any weather conditions. It can determine the speed of transport in only one direction - passing or oncoming.

9. SPARK, Iskra-1, Iskra-1V, Iskra-1D

Range not less than 400 m
Range of measured speeds 20-250 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 ± 0.1 GHz, K-band

"Iskra-1" is the basic model. Can be used both with a bracket and hand-held on high traffic trails. The inspector, armed with Iskra-1, has the opportunity to choose the direction of movement of the objects under study.
Radar "Iskra-1V" is designed for stationary operation on roads with low traffic intensity. There is no function to select the direction of movement, so the use is limited to areas with a flow of one direction.
The system "Iskra-1D" and "Iskra-1D Lux" (lux) works both in stationary mode and in motion against passing and oncoming targets.

10. LISD, LISD 2M and 2F

Range 5-999 m
Range of measured speeds 0 to 250 km/h

A laser is used to measure speed. The meter is equipped with sensors with which the inspector can automatically detect the vehicle, measure the speed, distance and record the time of events. LISD measures all indicators regardless of traffic density and weather conditions.

11. PKS-4

Operating frequency 24.16± 0.1, GHz, K-band

The PKS-4 system is a post for controlling the speed of vehicles. Such a device consists of a complex of video cameras that are combined with a detector; it operates using a pulsed mode, at a K-band frequency of 24.16 gigahertz plus 100 megahertz.

PKS-4 measures the speed of vehicles in only one row. All information (photos, speed readings) is displayed on the computer screen and can be printed. As a rule, radar detectors do not have time to warn about approaching PKS-4 in advance.

12. ARROW ST 01

Range 50-1000m
Range of measured speeds from 5 to 180 km/h
Operating frequency 24.15 GHz

STRELKA to this day remains one of the most "advanced" video radars in the arsenal of the traffic police. STRELKA is equipped with a unique video recording camera that monitors violations from a distance of up to 1 kilometer. Unlike most radars, STRELKA tracks not just one violating vehicle, but the entire traffic flow, processing the entire road section at once within 1 km in both directions.

At the same time, the Strelka-ST radar system detects not only speeding, but also other traffic violations, for example, a forced exit to the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic or for the movement of route vehicles.

By the end of 2014, the plans include the installation of at least 2,000 Strelka-ST complexes throughout Russia.

Not a single radar detector works on the STRELKA-ST radar with 100% probability. The easiest way to avoid becoming a "victim" of a stealth radar is to know for sure about its location. The Inspector RD X2 Gamma radar detector with a GPS module has a pre-installed coordinate base for all Strelok-ST. When the driver approaches the location of one of these radars, the Inspector RD X2 Gamma warns the driver of the threat. The Strelok database is regularly updated and is available for download at

However, the most reliable, one might say, trouble-free way not to be fined and not to receive a "letter of happiness" with a fine is still the same: do not violate the rules of the road.

Russian highways are considered dangerous due to the large number of accidents that occurred on them in past years. Analyzing the situations that occurred, the highway service, together with the traffic police, decided to significantly expand the system for automatically fixing violations of traffic rules on highways. For this, radars are used today.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

What it is

Stationary and mobile radars are special technical means that allow you to record almost all types of traffic violations, except for driving while intoxicated.

The radar is used as a recorder and transmitter of information to the nearest traffic police post following the vehicle or to a special center of administrative offenses of the traffic police.


Radars are used based on the norms of the following regulatory legal acts:

  • This set of algorithms describes in detail all types of violations by drivers, including speeding (the main violation recorded by radars);
  • Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses;

    According to the norms, radars can be classified as special technical means of fixing violations of the rules. These devices measure the quantitative characteristics of violations that are recorded in the administrative protocols of traffic police officers. The traffic police has the right to use only means of fixation permitted according to regulatory documents.

  • Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
    The issue of radars is regulated in. It says that technical means on the roads can be used, but in order to fully legalize their presence, it is necessary to issue a decree from the head of the local traffic police. The norms provide for the possibility of using stationary and mobile radars to monitor the situation on the roads of our country.


Traffic police officers today use radars that have completely different characteristics of technical equipment and functionality.

Video: details

radar detector

Modern motorists know that on the roads they can be monitored and fined for the slightest violation of the rules of conduct on the road. As you know, driving at high speed (especially outside the city) is not uncommon, but now motorists are forced to be more careful.

The danger of detecting traffic violations with the help of technical means prompted engineers to create technical means, the work of which will always be in the hands of car drivers.

In response to the appearance of traffic police radars, detectors appeared in private hands. What do they look like? These devices are quite civilized (a small box with an antenna), they are electric.

The essence of the action of such radars is that they detect laser beams and radio frequency waves in their zone of action.

Such radars cannot jam the signal from the devices of traffic cops, but they will be able to warn the owner about the danger.


When we talked about detectors, we specifically emphasized the behavioral passivity of these devices.

Radar detectors, unlike them, behave actively, so their functions allow:

  • create very strong interference for the operation of conventional traffic police radars (no information will be displayed on the device of traffic cops at all);
  • modulating a strong response signal, which can lead to malfunctions in the law enforcement system;
  • laser shifters can send encoded information. The bottom line is that the devices hide the real speed, and the information is displayed on the radar that the speed of the vehicle is much lower than the real one.

The main purpose of installing radar detectors is that the user of the system will be able to drive at a speed that significantly exceeds the maximum allowable rates, but at the same time, will not pay fines.

Those who wish to install radar detectors on their car should mean that it is strictly forbidden to use them (according to the norms of Russian legislation).

The consequences may be:

  • large fine;
  • institution of a criminal case;
  • vehicle confiscation.


If we talk about the radars that are currently used by traffic police on the roads, then they can be divided into two types:

  • mobile (portable radar);
  • stationary.

First we talked about radars that work with frequencies.

It must be emphasized that the traffic police uses several types of clamps with different functionality:

  • video recorder "Arena";

    The device is equipped with a miniature camera, with the help of which the speed of the vehicle is measured and a video recording of the movement of the vehicle is made in the field of view of this stationary device. Of course, such devices are also equipped with a photographing function, but it is not a profile one.

  • photofixators. For example, device "Chris";

    The main profile of the device is a clear photographic fixation of traffic violations by motorists.

  • mobile radars.

    The traffic police officers are equipped with small devices that operate on a portable principle and can be used on those routes where the installation of stationary tracking equipment is illogical.

The most famous world brands

As of the beginning of 2019, there are several world leaders in the production of technical equipment that record traffic violations:

  • Cobra
  • crunch;
  • star;
  • Whistler.

In addition to these, there are several more well-known brands of manufacturers whose equipment is considered reliable, but not so popular among users:

  • mountain;
  • uniform;
  • Rocky.

Russian law enforcement agencies most often use products 1 and 4 manufacturers from more popular brands, as well as a purely national product Spark - 1, which is practically in no way inferior to foreign analogues.

The principle of operation of the traffic police radar

Technical fixers of violations work according to some technical principles, which will be discussed below.


Today in the Russian Federation there are three main ranges in which all operating radars operate:

They are undergoing certification and will soon use more modern frequency ranges:


The radar complex KKDDAS STRELKA 01 ST is today considered the best technical device used by traffic police officers.

By the way, road patrols began its operation quite recently, and before that such devices were exclusively in service with the army.

The main advantages of the radar are:

  • small sizes;
  • the possibility of a comprehensive assessment of the situation on a large section of the road;

    The principle is that the device monitors all road traffic, and not for an individual violator.

  • ability to detect traffic violations at a distance up to 1 km.;
  • invisibility for drivers;
  • the ability to work in all climatic conditions.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows:

  • pulses from the radar propagate along the entire track;
  • the propagation range is 1 kilometer;
  • the radar catches the reflection of the signals that come from the vehicle;
  • a selection of vehicles is formed that are moving in excess of the maximum allowable speed;
  • video recording of the violation begins at a distance of 50 meters from the radar.


A little higher it was about the frequency ranges of radars. Now it is necessary to detail the particularity itself.

So, in the X range, the main operating frequency is 10.525 GHz, K is the frequency 24.15 GHz, and in the frequency range L fluctuates from 700 to 1000 nanometers.

Cons and pros

The use of radar on the roads is very controversial, so it is necessary to objectively assess the positive and negative aspects of this phenomenon.

Among the positive aspects, we highlight:

  • increase in the number of detected violators;
  • replenishment of the budget due to fines;
  • improving safety on Russian roads due to the fear of drivers being held accountable.

Among the negative aspects emphasize the following:

  • not all technical models are perfect, therefore errors and unfair punishments can occur;
  • the high cost of the device;
  • violation of the rights of persons who did not consent to hidden or open video and photography.

Rent from a private person

Leasing radars to private individuals is a growing phenomenon. Tenders for rent have already been announced in several regions.

The essence of the proposals is as follows:

  • anyone can take part in the competition;
  • responsibilities of the winner: maintenance, removal to the places of fixation, return to the traffic police;
  • the cost of the contract depends on the region and the operating time of the portable radar.