English to the point of automatism 4. Alexander Bebris - English to the point of automatism. How to learn English with Alexander Bebris? Green playlist

Despite the abundance of bloggers teaching English, it is difficult for a beginner to find worthwhile material. No one can guarantee results after watching the entire series of lessons, right? However, at Tap to English we try to find in this abundance truly effective courses that can be included in. So, we are confident in the effectiveness of the lessons from Alexander Bebris!

Look on our website: full courses (2nd part of the course) and


Alexander Bebris is a certified teacher with his own methodology, confirmed by the Cambridge CELTA International Certificate.

The teacher’s project – English Galaxy – has recently become popular. However, Alexander Bebris has already received his circle of grateful students. In his lessons there is no place for boring rules that require hours of painstaking memorization. Already in the first lesson you will learn:

How to say hello in English
What do sentences consist of?
How to show the difference between “do”, “want”, “know” and “be able”
Basic skill in using different verb tenses
and much more!

Bebris’s full course “English to Automatism”: learning objectives

The teacher’s task is to provide a primary knowledge base and teach students to develop the skill of applying it in any situation. The full course “English to Automatism” has a different goal. Bebris ambitiously invites beginners to learn the language from scratch and reach the highest level of knowledge.

And this is quite realistic, because the course includes 200 lessons that last from 50 minutes to 1 hour. For convenience, viewing can be divided into shorter blocks in order to perceive information in doses:

How to learn English with Alexander Bebris? Green playlist

To ensure that you see the effect of your classes immediately, follow the simple recommendations from Tap2Eng:

1. Watch English lessons with Alexander Bebris every day (you can start with the green playlist at the top of this page).
2. Try to jot down important phrases and their translations on paper.
3. Additionally, get a dictionary notebook and regularly update it with new entries.
4. After watching the lesson for the first time, you can turn it back on in the background and listen to the teacher while doing other things.
5. The most convenient way to use the playlist of English classes with Alexander Bebris is on the Tap to English website.

If you doubt whether the technique will help you, get acquainted with the opinions of people who have already completed the entire course of lessons:

Feedback on the lessons of Alexander Bebris

There are already many users on the Internet who have shared reviews about Alexander Bebris and his method. Most of them are positive:

“Alexander Olegovich, what a blessing it was to find your course. I think many people have fulfilled their old dream of learning a foreign language. You explain everything very clearly, keep it up!” (O. Vinogradova)
“It’s a shame that you can only get 1 like on your videos - you’re a real savior, Alexander!” (V. Bagulina)
“If only they taught this in schools, and not just tortured us with endless translations...” (Daria S.)
“I’m happy and I like how your videos turn out!” (S. Hillis)
“It’s been about three months since I’ve been watching you, I can say that for the first time in my life I can explain myself normally in English, although before that there were a lot of attempts. And the result for the first time is only thanks to you!” (K. Khakimov)

Advice: When reading reviews, trust only reputable sources. For example, at Tap to English we don’t save effort and time in finding the most effective video lessons for you!

Why is English with Alexander Bebris suitable for beginners?

Firstly, in the course you won’t have to deal with complex rules and perform obviously difficult exercises. The teacher manages to support students from a distance with advice and repeated repetitions of difficult-to-understand moments.

Secondly, English for beginners does not imply immersion in all the intricacies of the language at once. Alexander Bebris shows which vocabulary tools you can use now, and then gradually adds new ones at more complex levels.

Thirdly, grammar is presented here in a special way:

Alexander Bebris: simple English grammar

Initially, Bebris students receive the maximum of useful words in conversation and correspondence. And then the teacher selects suitable examples for them, explaining the rules of grammar along the way:

The author composes all sentences in the course independently, showing how easy it is
Alexander Bebris explains the basic rules of English grammar step by step
All lessons are clearly divided by levels of mastery of the subject, so it is important to watch them sequentially in the playlist
The video course includes tests that consolidate knowledge at each stage of mastering grammar

Important: Test work should be carried out during playback, without delay. Then you won’t have to go back to the material you covered!

Where can I watch English lessons from scratch with Bebris?

Of course, it is important to find a resource with lessons that will not have problems with reproduction. At Tap to English, we regularly check the performance of all videos and try to ensure the most comfortable viewing of English lessons from scratch with Bebris.

Problems with playback? and we will correct the error immediately!

If you've been studying English for years and still haven't gotten any results, don't despair. Try to learn a new technique that has already proven its effectiveness and can give good results in the first days of preparation.

The course “English to Automatism in 15 Weeks” is a unique program developed by an experienced teacher, a person for whom English is the main language.

Anastasia Bozhok: English to the point of automatism

After studying the lessons, you will take a fresh look at the preparation process. Individual tasks developed by the author are focused on your acceptance of information. The prepared phrases are easily digestible, providing a basis for maintaining a conversation on any topic.

In the online school “Dragon English” you will learn English easily and simply, without boring memorization and constant repetitions. The ability to study material at a convenient time and from anywhere in the world. Knowledge control, homework and feedback will help in the reliability of mastering the material.

In just 15 weeks you will learn English without cramming and bring your spoken vocabulary to automaticity. What you have been striving for for years is contained in this small but capacious course. Start today and the results you will get will amaze you.

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For adults, this topic is also relevant, since it often happens that after working in a profession for years, you come to the understanding that this is not your thing and you want to learn something more suitable for yourself and at the same time profitable. Also among this category of people, there are often videos on the type of self-improvement, saving time and money, optimizing their lives, in which they find ways to live a much better and happier life. Even for adults, the topic of creating and developing your own business is very suitable.

Also among the educational videos there are videos with a general focus that are suitable for almost any age; in them you can learn about how life began, what theories of evolution exist, facts from history, etc. They perfectly broaden a person’s horizons, making him a much more erudite and pleasant intellectual interlocutor. Such educational videos are indeed useful for everyone to watch, without exception, since knowledge is power. We wish you a pleasant and useful viewing!

Nowadays, it is simply necessary to be what is called “on the wave”. This refers not only to news, but also to the development of one’s own mind. If you want to develop, explore the world, be in demand in society and be interesting, then this section is just for you.